View Full Version : DM Help Fluffy; The Most Villanous Villain Of All Time

2016-02-03, 06:14 PM
Alright, I was browsing Oslecamo's Monster Classes, and I found this gem, the Al Mir'raj (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=6ubrbs8478oqdpq5ac0qf3t353&topic=7231.0). It's a pink bunny with a unicorn horn! And it has teleportation and Telekinesis! Instantly, I want to make him a supervillian.
I'm thinking Telflammar Shadowlord to take advantage of his teleportation ability, and Jade Phoenix Mage seems like it'd be good for an inititor/caster.

What classes/templates should I use to make this 2 HD bunny into a worthy challenge for a reasonably optimized party of 4-5 level 16 characters?

2016-02-03, 07:49 PM
Well, with 10 ranks in 2 skills, 4 feats and 2d6 sneak attack, you have a few different options. As the DM, it'd be your call as to whether shadow hand maneuvers qualify you for sneak attack dice. If so, Fighter 2/Swordsage 4 into TSM 4 and then JPM 2 is a good starting point. Monster of Legend is a wonderful template to add on to any critter-turned-villain, but off the top of my head, I don't remember it's LA (I want to say +2). I think that would give you 14 HD with 2 LA. Using Elite Array would up it +1 CR, which I think brings you into the ~17 CR range. Definitely take the Confound the Big Folk line of feats, as well as Shadow Blade. Something like this should be good:

Take Blind-Fight for your HD 1 feat from the Bunny, and then:

Fighter 1 - Dodge, Mobility
Fighter 2 - Weapon Finesse
Swordsage 1 - Spring Attack
Swordsage 2
Swordsage 3
Swordsage 4 - Shadow Blade
TSM 1 -
TSM 2 -
TSM 3 - Underfoot Combat
TSM 4 -
Jade Phoenix Mage 1 -
Jade Phoenix Mage 2 - Confound the Big Folk

2016-02-03, 08:16 PM
I've always thought that This (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-prestige-classes/body-snatcher) class was one of the most violating and evil things ever.

Villains aren't villainous unless they do villainous things, and making him a powerful Psion would be compounded if he takes over the bodies of one your characters and forces THEM to be the fluffy bunny.

2016-02-03, 11:40 PM
My favorite's always been the Tibbit Thrallherd. Makes for a great surprise BBEG reveal.