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M Placeholder
2016-02-04, 12:03 PM

Proficiency Bonus

Gladiatorial Performances




Gladiatorial Performance, Unarmed Strike, Gladiatorial Style



Arena Guile



Gladiator Style feature



Ability Score Improvement



Extra Attack



Archetype Feature



Ready for Action



Ability Score Improvement



Arena Clamour






Improved Gladiatorial Performance



Ability Score Improvement



Style Feature



Extra Attack



Style Feature



Ability Score Improvement



Style Feature



Improved Parry



Ability Score Improvement



Arena Legend

Class Features

As a Gladiator, you gain the following class features

Hit Points
Hit Dice – 1d12 per Gladiator level
Hit Points at first level – 12 + Constitution Modifier
Hitpoints at higher levels - 1d12 (2d6) or 7 + Constitution modifier per Gladiator level after 1st

Armor – light armour.
Weapons – all simple and martial weapons
Tools – Carpenter, Mason or Potter tools.

Saving throws – Strength, Dexterity
Skills – Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Insight, Perception, and Survival.

Work the Crowd

At 1st level, you gain proficency in Performance

Arena Guile

Starting at 2nd level, you are able to add half your proficiency bonus rounded down to all Deception and Insight checks that relate to martial combat.

Gladiatorial Performance

As a gladiator, you have the ability to not only hold your own against some of the most dangerous beasts, but to entertain the crowd and to strike fear, confusion or inspiration into others. A number of times equal to your charisma bonus per long rest, you are able to make gladiatorial performance (Performance Check) as an action. At 11th level, you can make a gladiatorial performance as a bonus action.

You can only make one gladiatorial performance per round. The Gladiatorial Performances Known column shows how many performances you know.
The Save DC for your Gladiatorial Performance is 8 + your charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Combat Stance
You can assume a combat stance, showing off to spectators and displaying a warning to opponents. For 1 round, creatures have disadvantage on attacks made against you on a failed wisdom save.

Team Strike
You can distract an opponent and allow an ally to make a strike and inflict more damage. For 1 minute, an ally that attacks a designated opponent within 30ft of you can inflict an additional 1d4 of damage with the melee or ranged attack. The damage increases to 2d4 at 12th level and to 3d4 at 18th level

As an action, you are able to demoralize your enemies with verbal ridicule. Enemies within 30 feet of you that you can see must make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and attack rolls made against it, and to saving throws against magic and powers that inflict charm and fear effects. This lasts for 1 minute.
Creatures that successfully save against the taunt have advantage on saving throws against further taunts.

Shake – Off
You can shake off a mind effecting effect on play on yourself or an ally. You make the Performance check against the DC of the original effect, and on a successful check, the effect is ended. If you beat the effect by more than five, the creature that inflicted the mind effecting effect has disadvantage on the next melee, ranged or spell attack made against you or the ally that shook the effect off.

You can temporarily confuse an adversary through the use of deception. You must be able to see the creature, and the creature must be able to see or hear you, and be within 60ft of you. The creature is dazed for 1 round on a successful performance.
You can trick an additional creature at 12 level, and three creatures at 18th level

With a Performance Check, you start a chant that inspires one ally, and on subsequent rounds, you can make a performance check as a bonus action on your turn to keep the chant going for a maximum of 1 minute. On a successful check (DC13), the ally gains advantage on saving throws and skill checks for that round. The chant ends if you fail a performance check.

Augmented Unarmed Strikes

Also at 1st level, you gain proficiency with your unarmed strikes and improvised weapons.
You use a d4 for attacks with unarmed strikes or improvised weapons, and when you take the attack action on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action

Extra Attack

At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, when you use the attack action. At 14th level, you can attack three times when you use the attack action.

Ready for Action

At 7th level, you can add your Charisma modifier to your initiative.

Arena Clamour

At 9th level, when you hit a creature with a critical attack, all allies that have line of sight on you either gain advantage on their next melee, ranged or spell attack roll, or if a creature attacks them first, that creature has disadvantage on all attack rolls made against your ally.


At 10th level, once per round, if a creature misses on a melee attack and if that creature is one size larger than you or smaller, you can attempt to knock the creature prone. You can use either your Dexerity or Strength modifier for the check. This increases to twice per round at 18th level.

Arena Legend

At 20th level, your name is worshipped in the arenas. Your Charisma score increases by 4, and either your Dexterity or Strength score increases by 4. The maximum for those scores is now 24.

Gladiator Styles


Part acrobat, part fighter, all lethal, the Jazst specialises in slashing weapons and bringing bloodshed to the area.

When you choose this Style, you gain proficiency in Acrobatics, and you have advantage on dexterity saving throws in order to avoid being knocked prone.

Blade Dance

At 3rd level, you can perform the Dance of Whirling Blades. For 1 minute, the following effects apply –
- Creatures have disadvantage on opportunity attacks made against you
- you can use the dash action as a bonus action
- You can add twice your dexterity bonus to AC.

You must finish a long rest before you can make another blade dance and bring death to your enemies.

Sirocco Swiftness

At 6th level, your base speed increases by 10ft.

Dangerous Reaction.

At 13th level, when a creature attempts a grapple check against you (either initial or subsequent) and you win the opposed check, you are able to use your reaction to make either a melee attack against that creature or attempt to knock that creature prone.

Cut Off at the Knees.

At 15th level, when you hit a creature with a critical hit with a melee attack from a slashing weapon, as a bonus action, you can attempt to knock that creature prone, and you can use your dexterity modifier instead of strength. Even if the attempt fails, you still deal 1d10 of slashing damage.

Arena Honed Reactions.

At 17th level, you can add half your proficiency bonus rounded up to dexterity saving throws and acrobatics checks.


This style is usually reserved for those that go into the games for glory and for gold, for the chance to write themselves into the pages of history. Usually they are sponsored by a wealthy patron, and the gladiator is determined that the patron will get their money’s worth.

Extra Protection

When you choose this style, you gain proficiency in medium armour and shields

Arena Endurance

At 3rd level, you can use your full dexterity bonus when wearing medium armour.

Shield Sentinel

At 6th level, once per round if you are using a shield, when a creature attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you are able to use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll

Rotate Line

At 13th level, you gain the ability to swap positions with an ally within 10ft of you as a bonus action, and does not result in an attack of opportunity on your ally.

Battle Readied

At 15th level, creatures that flank you in combat no longer have advantage on attack rolls, and you are unable to be surprised in combat.

Assuring Presence

At 17th level, any ally within 30ft of you has advantage on saving throws against fear and to charm effects.

M Placeholder
2016-02-04, 12:08 PM
Hi, this is my take on the Gladiator for 5e, converted from DS3 (http://athas.org/products/ds3), and inspired by the kits in The Complete Gladiators Handbook for the Original Dark Sun setting. One style (archetype) is geared towards finesse and dexterity, while the other is more strength (at least that was the plan).

This is a work in progress, so please comment and critique so I can build on this, and its not just for the Dark Sun setting - pretty much every city has its own underground fighting pit :)

2016-02-05, 11:53 PM
I really like the idea, but this needs some heavy proofreading. Just as an overall comment, nothing in 5e is "per day" anymore- it's all per long rest. Other things that stick out:

1) You talk about making a check for the gladiatorial performance, but you never say what the check is explicitly. Is it a Perform check (if so, they should get Perform as an added prof so it's not just a skill tax)? A Cha check? Cha+ prof?

2) Arena clamor is super confusing as written. Does the ally choose the offensive or defensive biff when you make your crit? Or is it the first of those triggers that happens (they are attacked or attack)?

3) Same with parry. Who chooses what attribute to use? I'd just make this a free Shove that can only use the knock prone option. Also applies to cut off at the knees.

4) Is dangerous reaction just the initial check to start a grapple or all checks while grappling?

5) Is arena honed reflexes supposed to stack with proficiency? You need to state that explicitly; 5e default is no.

6) Battle ready- flanking is a house rule (and an unpopular one, from what I've seen). I'd change this to a feature that'll work at any table.

M Placeholder
2016-02-06, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the guidance, I'll have a good look over this tonight and make changes, and add the montare and the slave styles.

As for the check, its a performance check, and I agree they should have perform as an added prof. I'' add more lore to the class, and sort out improvements based on your suggesstions.