View Full Version : Can you attack a target you are grappling?

2016-02-04, 05:55 PM
If you succeed in grappling a target on subsequent turns can you still attack the creature? My group couldn't find the answer, nor I. I'm dm so we agreed you grapple with one hand so can still attack if you have a one handed weapon in the other hand but I said id look into it.

Anyone know?

2016-02-04, 06:05 PM
yes, if you have how to do that attack.

If you don't have a hand free, you can kick the target, unarmed strike.
If you're a minotaur, you can do 1d10 damage with your horns.

2016-02-04, 06:31 PM
I'm afraid I don't have my books with me at the moment but I believe the way you have planned it is in fact the rule.

2016-02-04, 06:36 PM
Cool, that'd be lucky. We couldn't find the answer mid session or through quick Googles. Don't know how we all missed it if it's in the book.

2016-02-04, 06:41 PM
I can't quote it verbatim, but the PHB grappling rules mention being able to grapple as long as you have one hand free. Meaning you can make an unarmed strike or attack with a one-ganded weapon.

Some DMs may rule you could only do that with a small weapon.
For instance, if someone is bear-huggubg you to grapple you, it doesn't make sense that you could attack with a Rapier. But if you have a dagger at your belt, you could draw that and stab their gut.
But by RAW you can make attacks with any one-handed weapon.

2016-02-04, 11:13 PM
PHB195: "if you're able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, this [grapple special attack] replaces one of them...." So yes, you can use unarmed or 1H weapons and attack your grappled target (or anyone else you can reach). It's not necessarily "a bear hug"; it could be that you've grabbed his shirt or cloak.

If you succeed, the target is subject to the Grappled condition--which simply says that the creature's speed is zero. It is not Restrained, it does not have disadvantage on attack rolls, and nobody else has advantage when attacking it.

2016-02-04, 11:44 PM
Grappling and shoving are battlefield control for non-spellcasters and they're really effective with proficiency and advantage and/or expertise. Read the Grapplers' Guide available through the link topics stickied at the top of this forum for a near-comprehensive rundown of what you can do with them.

2016-02-04, 11:50 PM
If you succeed in grappling a target on subsequent turns can you still attack the creature? My group couldn't find the answer, nor I. I'm dm so we agreed you grapple with one hand so can still attack if you have a one handed weapon in the other hand but I said id look into it.

Anyone know?

Yes, of course you can. It's better than rogues than for GWMs though, because of having only one free hand (so cannot wield a heavy weapon for GWM).

If you have an Extra Attack you can even attack a target on the same turn that you grapple it.

If you succeed, the target is subject to the Grappled condition--which simply says that the creature's speed is zero. It is not Restrained, it does not have disadvantage on attack rolls, and nobody else has advantage when attacking it.

For completeness, I want to add that having your speed dropped to zero has a couple of interesting effects:

1.) Flying creatures without Hover fall.
2.) You lose the benefits of Dodge, if you were dodging.
3.) You cannot stand up from being Prone.

The usual way to exploit grappling is to grapple somebody (and possibly knock them prone too with another attack) and then to either Dodge while everyone else kills them with missile fire, or beat them to death at advantage (for them being prone) while they fight back at disadvantage (for being prone). A less-common way is to exploit weird terrain effects like Wall of Fire, cliffs, or Spike Growth to cause damage to both the grappled creature and yourself (presumably relying on some kind of advantage that you have, e.g. if you're Fire Resistant then you drag your enemies through a Wall of Fire with you; if you're a flying Aarakocra then you pull them off the cliff with you).

2016-02-05, 10:02 AM
If you succeed in grappling a target on subsequent turns can you still attack the creature? My group couldn't find the answer, nor I. I'm dm so we agreed you grapple with one hand so can still attack if you have a one handed weapon in the other hand but I said id look into it.

Anyone know?

You only need one hand to grapple, so attacking with the other is allowed and possible.

2016-02-05, 04:30 PM
I once had a barbarian (with Tavern Brawler) strangle his opponent in a duel he was challenged to.

Mechanicaly, it was grapple + unarmed attacks with the "free" hand, narratively, it was two hands on the opponents throat strangling him. The opponent also tried to stab him with a dagger (cheater!) during all that.