View Full Version : Oaths for an Oathbreaker of Myrkul

2016-02-04, 11:04 PM
So I've been toying around with a backup character idea that seems like it may bear fruit: a Priest of Myrkul.

An imposing figure who hangs back buffing allies and debuffing enemies in their skull-adorned armor, only going into melee if forced to but still very much capable of holding their own, bending their enemy's will to their own first, then bringing down the GreataxeScythe when they're showing proper respect, and eventually having a host of undead puppets working for them.

The character is somewhat craven at his core, putting up a facade of toughness and bluster to avoid confrontation if possible yet still a consummate professional where priestly duties are required or asked of, or if cornered.

Mechanically though they're an Oathbreaker 3/Necromancer 2, going to Necro 6 for better undead and general-purpose no save/hit spells and then 4 levels of Oathbreaker. not too sure where to go from there, probably just continue necromancer.

All in all he's a capable of healer, curse breaker, dispeller, etc... that you usually expect of a support character, just one that should he be required to use muscle, can 180 and start smitin' & fightin'.

Because Oathbreaker fits rather well and the character and death priest aspect in question is still very much faithful to their church, so I've been working on these oaths and hoping someone a bit more familiar with the realms can advise on what i found through some googling:

Respect : Death is natural, inevitable and not something to run from. Burying the dead and funeral related observances are to be conducted when requested & you should do all you can to make the dying comfortable assisting dying folk to draft decrees, wills, and whatnot to be conducted after they were dead and administering the wishes of the departed or carrying out tasks they were unable to complete before death.

Fear : The clergy of Myrkul is charged to make folk fear and respect death and the power of the almighty Myrkul so that no one stands against the church or tries to thwart its activities. You are expected to spread the word that merely touching a priest of Myrkul brings death.

Trust : Those in the service of Myrkul have perfect patience and can be trusted utterly - and then conduct themselves accordingly. You deal with finality and without trust your work cannot be done.

Mercilessness : As a priest to the God of the Dead & necromancers, Priests of Myrkul are expected to slay (or at least coerce into changing their ways) law keepers, courtiers, and rulers who harass, arrest, jail, or slay necromancers or anything purely for practicing necromancy. Those masquerading as Myrkulytes for personal gain are to be slain on sight as painfully as possible.

M Placeholder
2016-02-04, 11:38 PM
Sounds good. Also add something about Kelemvor and how it is not his, nor his followers, nor the Doomguides place to destroy the living dead, and that in your eyes, the throne of Death's Kingdom belongs not to the former Lyonsbane, but to the Lord of Bones.

2016-02-05, 11:12 PM
Good idea, i'll see about adjusting it when i get home from work.

Would getting Booming Blade as a cantrip be a good idea, seeing as how i'm multiclassed as a wizard and likely not getting my 2nd pally attack for a while?

and when it mentions level 5, is that character level 5 or wizard level 5?

2016-02-06, 12:10 PM
I'm playing a Blackguard / Antipaladin using the Oathbreaker rules, and here are the elements of my oath, some of which might be relevant to you:

Let no wilderness go untamed. Order is all that separates humanity from wild beasts. It is the yolk that turns the strength of the people to useful ends. It is the tower that raises the strong and clever above the weak and feeble-minded. Bar the people's minds and shackle their hearts, so that you might use their hands to pave your roads, plow your fields, and build your cities. Forge civilization from the wild places, and citizens from the wild mob, and let not the anarchy of free thought threaten what you've built.

Let no resource go unexploited. Allowing tools to rust from misuse or resources to lie fallow is to abandon strength in favor of weakness. It denies those resources - whether they be material or magic, tool or skill, living person or broken corpse - the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential. Dam the river, log the forest, mine the earth, and subjugate the enemy. Do not destroy what can instead be dominated and turned to useful purpose.

Let no challenge go unanswered. Pride and Power are one and the same, if you abandon the former, the latter will fall away with it. If an enemy gives you insult, make them eat their words. If they refuse, then cut out their tongue and and feed them that instead. Cultivate - and defend - a reputation that provokes fear and respect, so that you might inspire discipline and obedience.