View Full Version : The Proedros Staff: Interviews (Frank)

2016-02-05, 06:00 PM
This isn't the real game, this is just a diversion while recruiting progresses. It's also a more fun way (for me :smallbiggrin:) to ask questions about the character.

Feel free to roll wherever you feel appropriate. I don't expect you to have a character worked out yet, so just roll whatever plausible values you feel like for this part.
You don't remember exactly where you got the poster. They'd been stuck up all around the city; contractors wanted, and now you hold one in your hand. You followed the directions on the papyrus sheet to a warehouse at the edge of town, stark and a little dirty. The setting sun casts long shadows behind the building, and the shadows seem darker than they should be. The sign on the exterior door read simply "Applicants", and inside you find a waiting room. You're the only one there.

You wait patiently for several minutes, certain that eventually someone will come to greet you, but time passes and nobody comes. Exploring the immediate surroundings you find an adjacent office, empty, but messy, with papers piled on every surface. The office has a second door which stands closed.

The day is growing late, but it's still too early for the office workers to have gone home. Perhaps they're elsewhere on the premises?

2016-02-05, 06:58 PM
1. I love this whole concept idea of doing this. Bravo. 2. I forget what my second was.

Frank begins to get a little nervous... He wasn't the most litterate, could barely read at all. He was beginning to worry the man he had read it in its entirety had gotten something wrong.

He decides to go up to the door on the other side of the office and listen to see if he hears anything.

listen is wisdom right? Druids use wisdom so it's likely he would have a decent wisdom.

2016-02-05, 07:09 PM
Leeeets pretend that roll was higher xP

At first there's no sound at all, but after half a minute of quiet listening, Frank thinks he can hear a muffled voice, perhaps a cry or moan, coming from the warehouse beyond the office. The office has a lamp burning on the desk, but the warehouse proper is in pitch darkness.

2016-02-05, 07:19 PM

Frank opens the door. If it is lowlight, he will peer inside using his low light vision. Of not he will grab the lamp and then attempt to peer inside

2016-02-05, 07:55 PM
The dim light from the office partially extends into the warehouse, but beyond that is deep darkness, and Frank collects the lamp before he moves into it.

The faint, muffled sound draws him to one corner of the building, where a messy heap of bedrolls lie on the floor, there must be around six of them in the pile, which looks like it's just been dumped there. In the light of the lamp, Frank can see that the tables and shelves around him are stacked high with miscellaneous equipment; camping gear, tents, tools and even a few weapons.

There's no sign of what was making the noise, there certainly doesn't seem to be anyone else around, but every few seconds the muffled moan can be heard again, not seeming to come from any particular direction.

2016-02-05, 07:59 PM
George looks around. Hello, are you okay?

2016-02-05, 08:18 PM
The muffled sound comes again, though this time it seems to be coming from the heap of bedrolls itself.

2016-02-05, 08:24 PM
Frank gets closer to the bedrolls and repeats his question

2016-02-05, 08:33 PM
The voice sounds again, rising almost to a scream this time. It seems to be coming from under the heap of bedrolls.

2016-02-06, 12:16 AM
Frank moves the top bedroll. Of that doesn't change anything, he will move the next. And the next. And the next. Et cetera

2016-02-06, 09:09 AM
As the bedrolls shift one-by-one the muffled sound gradually grows louder, and finally shifting one of the bedrolls reveals the head of a dark-haired woman. Her skin is bright pink, and she's almost gasping for breath.

"Th-thank you!"

As Frank helps shift the rest of the bed rolls she stands to her feet, and composes herself.

"That was... quite embarassing. I was planning to spend the night in the office so I could get to work early, so I tried to pull down a bedroll, but they all came down! It was- I'm lucky you came along. My name is Ionnia Lerax. Who would you be? You're here about the expedition?"

2016-02-07, 07:39 PM
Frank nodds, getting slightly nervous. Yes ma'am. My name is Frank Gnome.

2016-02-07, 07:53 PM
"Hm, Frank Gnome?" the woman dusts herself off. "Your name is Gnome, and you are a gnome? There must be a story behind that!"

Ionnia beckons Frank to follow her as she returns to her office.

2016-02-07, 07:57 PM
Frank follows her to her office with a nervous smile but says nothing. A story behind that? Perhaps I suppose? It was more just they didn't know their last name and it's what everyone called them. So gnome it was.

The reason I as a player named him Gnome was kind of because of you. When I first suggested a gnome your response was something like "I'm going to need more information about Mr. Gnome. And in my head Mr. Gnome stuck.

2016-02-07, 08:21 PM
I know it's fine, I just thought Ionnia would think it was noteworthy :smalltongue:
"Well Mr. Gnome, where do your skills lie, apart from saving overworked clerks from their own foolish accidents?"

She smiles at Frank and pulls a notebook from her desk.

2016-02-07, 08:30 PM
Frank laughs softly.

Um... I'm good at making maps... And some skills with magic and I am good at hunting and moving through the woods.

2016-02-08, 01:52 PM
"It sounds like you have quite a range of talents... Listen, Mr Gnome, I know you came here to apply for the colony construction expedition, but I'm being pressured by my superiors to send someone their way, someone who I think would be capable of operating on their own in the wilds for weeks at a time. I feel like your talents would be wasted working as the scout for a fixed camp, but you might just be the gnome they need."

Ionnia turns to look out through the window behind her.

"How would you feel about being sent on a special mission? You might have to rely more on your own abilities - you'd either be alone or working with one other, but the rewards would be much greater."

I'm sorry to say that I've filled the roster for the colony building game that you applied to, but if you're willing, I'm ready to take you into a parallel solo/duo game set in the same region, but on a different, more dangerous mission.

Let me know if you're interested - I'll send you the character creation guidelines, ask you for a character sheet, and move you straight into it.

2016-02-08, 01:58 PM
Frank seemed rather confused.

Anything that can help me provide for my family.

I'm fine with that. It might even be more fun. I appreciate the opportunity to participate despite the fact that I didn't make the initial cut. So I would love to.

2016-02-08, 04:47 PM
"Of course! Your family will be well provided for. Alright, I don't know how far you've ranged North, but two days journey from here there's a town called Rainbow Swallow, on the banks of lake Rainbow, just where the plains give way to the forest."

The woman unfolds a small parchment map (http://i.imgur.com/LXemNgU.png) showing the location of the town.

"Normally, we send them grain, tools and salt by boat, and they send us fish, lumber and taxes in return. The shipments arrive every week without fail. Except for the last two weeks, they have failed. We haven't had word from the town in over seventeen days, and the messenger we sent to investigate never returned. Now I have orders to send someone more seasoned to find out what's going on, and get the shipments started up again."

"We'll arrange for you to travel North from Diarkis by boat - with the grain and salt shipment, which they must be missing by now. This is Rainbow Landing," Ionnia taps the grey dot near where the river enters the forest.

"The boat and shipment will wait for you there as you travel West along the road and scout the town. I'm worried there's been some kind of minor disaster - a disease outbreak, or perhaps a fire. We'd like you to find out what happened, then report back to the boat's captain. He'll decide what to do from there, most likely it will involve shipping back to Diarkis and arranging a team of healers or builders to help the town."

"Do you have any questions? Is there anything you think you might need?"

2016-02-09, 10:08 AM
Frank spends a few moments thinking and then shakes his head. I don't think so. Just go and figure out what's wrong right? That seems simple enough. Will the captain mind Charlotte coming with me? She is well trained.

Rolls: HP, me [roll0] HP, Charlotte [roll1]
Sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=713061

2016-02-10, 07:28 PM
"No, I should hope he'd be glad for you to take a companion, the boat is a barge, it can certainly accommodate several additional travelers. The mission is to simply scout the village and report back to the captain, though he may have further orders for you."

"The boat will be at the docks West of here - across the road, and through the warehouse district, on this side of the river. If you head due west you'll run straight into it. The boat will be leaving tomorrow at noon, please be there to catch it. Any delay may worsen the situation in Rainbow Swallow."

Frank's sheet looks good, but you can choose your maximum possible HP at every level for you and Charlotte. I think this would give Frank 20hp.

2016-02-11, 10:50 AM
Oh thanks. I thought it was roll after 1st. This is even better. Also when I say home below, it's mainly a series of boxes or crates or barrels or whatever makes the most sense in an alley.

Frank nods. Thank you so much.

He then, unless given reason to do other wise, bows a little and leaves. Once he is outside, he is greeted by Charlotte, his riding dog. He gets on her back and they rush home to tell his sister, Julia the good news. His two other brothers are also expected to be there.

2016-02-14, 02:36 PM
Julia and Frank's brothers are excited by the news. The job is offering more money than any of them have ever seen, maybe even enough to lift them out of poverty altogether. Julia is worried that it seems too good to be true, that such a sum must either be a trick, or more dangerous than it seems, but she tries not to let her concern show through.

The next day, Frank reports at the dockside as ordered, and finds the boat waiting to take him aboard.

Trouble in Rainbow Swallow [IC] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?478499-Trouble-in-Rainbow-Swallow-IC)