View Full Version : L5R Clan Switching!

2016-02-08, 05:43 AM
So a friend and I have come up with an interesting mental exercise/ possible campaign idea for Legend of the Five Rings: keep the modus operandi of a clan, but switch it's responsibilities with those of another clan, and then running with the implications/ justifying the change. For instance if the Crane took on the role of the Mantis, their strong diplomatic emphasis would likely be pointed more towards dealings with the minor clans, and their dueling emphasis could be used to fulfill the responsibility of patroling the unclaimed/ minor territory of Rokugan. Or if the Phoenix took on the role of the Spider, being reviled by most due to their reckless obsession with power, but begrudgingly accepted due to their usefulness (similar to the Tremere, for those that have played Vampire: the Masquerade).
Yes, this slaps the lore in the face, so pretty much any swap combination would likely need extensive handwaving/ justification. For instance, if the Crab took on the responsibilities of the Unicorn (protecting the Empire from foreign threats), one would be able to justify this change by declaring that Rokugan is under constant attack from outsiders, and thus has need for a alan so defensively oriented for protection.
Now as to why I'm posting this thread. I'm qutie curious as to what the forumites find to be interesting clan combinations, and possibly collectively creating an alternate Rokugan with effectively all-new clans and whatnot. I'm not too worried about keeping specific families or classes, save for the most iconic to the clan, so don't let that get in the way for what you think would be a neat swap!

2016-02-08, 11:14 AM
Scorpions guarding the wall could be interesting. This would change the nature of the threat from a savage horde of monsters to something devious and sneaky.
Or Scorpion takes over for Crane. Rokugan is now grimdark. :smallbiggrin:

2016-02-08, 03:00 PM
Scorpions guarding the wall could be interesting. This would change the nature of the threat from a savage horde of monsters to something devious and sneaky.
Or Scorpion takes over for Crane. Rokugan is now grimdark. :smallbiggrin:

That would be... frightening. The Taint can already be quite insidious. It'd be very interesting to see a Scorpion version of the witch-hunters. They'd also get to keep their whole spiel about doing things for the best of the Empire. Also, jade masks would be cool. Their masks literally would be protecting their inner selves from the Taint.

Scorpion as Crane would be interesting too. Anyone as Crane I think would quite dramatically change the culture of Rokugan (Crane being the cultural/ semi-political heart of the Empire). Dragon as Crane leading to a much more spiritual Empire. Lion as Crane leading something more like the Warring States period of Japan. Spider as Crane... maybe teach Shourido for those deemed fit to rule/ able to handle it, while many are still expected to follow Bushido?

2016-02-13, 02:38 AM
There are some fairly obvious ones that even have their place in the history of the world.
Both the Crab and Lion have taken fairly Spider-like roles in the past due to tainted (or Nothing) influence.

Unicorn as Crab (AKA Moto family to the Max) going out on grand raids against the shadowlands.

One of the Imperial Histories presented an alternate universe where Toturi becomes Emperor instead of Hantei, and so the Dragons are replaced with the Hantei Owl Clan. The Toturi Emperors lead to a more spiritually in-tune Rokugan, with the Owl clan focused on diplomacy with other races such as the Naga and Kenku.

Other interesting ideas that come to mind.

Mantis as Unicorn, focused on exploration and interaction with foreign cultures (even more than they normally do) opening up Rokugan to ganjiin influences far more effective than the Unicorn are able to due to their coastal network.

Dragon as Scorpion, less focus on the "play the villain" devious role, and more on maintaining balance between the clans. Still engimatic, but more willing to involve themselves in Rokugan politics in order to preserve the status quo, gaining a reputation as untrustworthy allies to underdogs.

Unicorn as Phoenix, the unicorns return with much greater magical secrets from outside the world, likely something that can entirely revolutionize the role of Shugenja in the world. The rest of the empire attempts to act dismissive of this "barbarian mysticism", but secretly looks towards the now incredible magical power the Unicorns are capable of mustering and worry what may happen if it is turned against them.