View Full Version : Player Help druid build plan.

he-man diceroll
2016-02-08, 05:37 PM
okay, started a campaign with a dm that hasnt ran since... well, since 3.0 was the new stuff on the block, so i decided it was a good chance to run a verdant lord. hes running everything as 3.5, with the exception of speak/control plants so i can still hit max verdant lord without epic levels. heres what i got so far.
Race: anthrobat (not the good one, the one from *gag* dandwiki homebrew section)
Class: druid, lvl 2(right now) total druid 10, verdant lord 10
feats: natural bond, lvl3:plant defiance, lvl6: plant control
hes keeping it close to core, while he brushes the dust off. no flaws either. im wanting to be like a evil cleric the lkeads the undead, but with plants, so im looking for stuff to help my plant controlling. any ideas?

2016-02-08, 06:04 PM
I feel like you could pull off the whole verdant lord thing more cleanly without verdant lord. I mean, the thing about infusions seems kinda pointless to your concept, and the thing about controlling and being a plant seems trivially doable within the confines of druid. You just take gatekeeper initiate from player's guide to faerun, and that's all your plant rebuking out of the way right there. You just progress as a druid, and you can become a treant normally, along with a ton of more interesting plants, and make treants with spells like liveoak. All you're really missing is the plant type, and maybe that fast healing thing, but that all seems kinda secondary to me. And, in return, you get some serious wild shape and companion having powers, and if your DM allows it, you can even run plant companion from dragon magazine. I mean, you have frigging natural bond. You clearly want some advancement of that ability.

Beyond that, things get a bit more interesting, into what you are as opposed to what you aren't. First, you should almost certainly take natural spell at 6th. It lets you do awesome stuff, including some stuff that directly fits your theme, like near-permanent plant form. On the class side, you may want to consider a dip into talontar blightlord. Really gets across some of that evil necro-plant-druid flavor you seem to be aiming for. Beyond that, you should be doing some fancy plant zombie type shenanigans. Oddly, this usually comes from wild shape, with myconid sovereign (MM II, 154) and yellow musk creeper (FF, 190) as the main sources. There's also some more "standard" necromancy stuff, if you're interested, with blackwater tentacles from stormwrack allowing you to make wights through negative levels, and animate with the spirit from champions of valor making weird undead/outsider hybrid things. The latter requires that you be non-evil though, so it might not fit.

That covers most of the basics, I think. I suppose my plan would leave you with a feat slot open, in addition to the later ones you're already missing. To that end, you're probably going to want a form adding feat, usually one out of aberration (LoM, 178), dragon (Draconomicon, 105), exalted (BoED, 42), and frozen (Frost, 48), with exalted not quite fitting your apparent theme, a summoning feat, usually one of greenbound summoning (LEoF, 8) (which fits your theme ludicrously well, while likely being overpowered) or rashemi elemental summoning (UE, 45) (which fits less well, but may fail to break things quite so hard, emphasis on the may), and I guess initiate of nature fits well, as mentioned. Beyond that, you should consider checking out my handbook in my sig. It covers somewhere between most druid things and all druid things, depending on who you ask.

2016-02-08, 07:03 PM
Remember that control plants and command plants switched names in between 3.0 and 3.5. Putting you into Verdent lord at earliest at level 8.

Also, if your DM is helping you out, rely on the 3.5 update booklet to handle the plants spells and get your DM to allow use of any abilities that grant command/rebuke plants to replace those feat requirements.

2016-02-09, 02:46 AM
Eggy has already covered most of it (and the rest of it in his ridiculously thorough handbook).

Aside from Initiate of Nature (PGtF) you can also get Rebuke/Command plants from the plant domain, with either Contemplative or Holt Warden.
Do ask your DM about how he's calculating the rebuking level first though, because getting the rebuking as a level 1 cleric at level 10 isn't going to do much.

2016-02-09, 03:56 PM
A simple way to combine rebuking plants with necromancy is just be a cleric of obad hai. Boom! Concept viability all the way from level one....