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2016-02-09, 05:03 PM
The Bloody Crown - Continued

In that dread desert, beneath the moon’s pale gaze, dead men walk.

They haunt the shifting dunes of the breathless, windless night, brandishing weapons of bronze in mocking challenge and bitter resentment of the life they no longer possess.

And sometimes, in ghastly dry voices, like the rustling of sun-baked reeds, they whisper the one word they remember from life. The name of the one who cursed them to their existence of more than death but less than life.

They whisper the name, Nagash.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?435460-WFRP-The-Bloody-Crown-OOC-V)


"You watch your step. Or I'll make you fried Fish."

Walking away, Elsa tried to block out the odd, snorting sounds of Fischwillen trying not to laugh. It sounded like he was choking on a badger.

Elsa & Sieghard, Evening

That night, the forest around Painford was a constellation of campfires, glittering in the dark. The earth of the town square had been reduced to trodden mud, the black outlines of soldiers moving back and forth in front of Mayor Drago's peculiar statue. Lights blazed in the windows of the hostel, where Muzio Sforza dined.

The hostel-keeper and his wife had been unceremoniously evicted, the Captain's own cook taking up residence in the kitchen. Turning up at the door in his cleanest clothes, Sieghard saw he was not alone. The table had been laid for nine. Standing with their faces half in shadow in the warm candle-light, he saw Barbaro, Bianco, Carraciolo, Valdes and Al-Makir. Almost all of Sforza's senior officers were present - but as far as Sieghard could tell he was the only militia commander to have received an invitation.

"Sieghard!" he heard Irene delightedly exclaim. She billowed towards him with a dazzling smile. "So glad you could come," she said, as if there was anywhere else in the hamlet he could have gone, and took his arm. "You must sit by me."

OOC: Let's have another Charm test: [roll0]

At the back of the hall, the Captain looked up from a quiet conversation with Al-Makir, and nodded a silent acknowledgement. The look he gave Sieghard was half greeting, half warning.

Last to join the gathering was Elsa, who had received Sforza's last-minute summons with some surprise. Ducking under the low doorway of the hostel, she found herself seated at the opposite end of the long table from the Captain and his wife. She couldn't help but wonder if this was Irene's doing.

Clapping his hands once for silence, Sforza motioned for his guests to be seated. As the first of the food was brought out, he propped his elbows on the table and leaned forwards, addressing them all.

"Gentlemen," he said, speaking in grudging Reikspiel for Sieghard's benefit. He nodded to Elsa. "Ladies. You should know that I have this afternoon sent a messenger to Edouard Alvarr." He looked around the table. "The message I gave him is this. The lords of his coalition have three days to meet us, at a place of their choosing, and explain their actions. Otherwise I will be forced to consider their unprovoked attacks on Ravenskird and Painford as a declaration of war."

He paused, leaning back so the servants waiting on them could put a plate in front of him. "You should know I have no wish for war. Summer is over, and winter will be with us soon. If Alvarr retreats to his stronghold in Alvarran there will be no flushing him out." He formed one hand into a fist. "But if war is what he intends, we must be ready to strike the first blow. Your regiments must be ready to march when the order is given, with all the supplies you require for a long campaign."

"Those are your orders," he said. "Do you have any questions?"

2016-02-09, 05:59 PM
Sieghard & Elsa, that evening

Sieghard did not miss the significance of the look Sforza gave him. "You are too kind, my lady," he said. "but I've done nothing to deserve such an honor."

81 has to be a failure, even for her, thank goodness. Sieghard will sit next to either Al-Makir or Valdes depending on which has a seat available next to him and which is further from Irene's seat.

He'll wait a bit before voicing his question. He'd prefer to not be the first to speak.

"If Alvarr refuses, what of Savonne and the elf?" he asked.

2016-02-09, 06:12 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

Irene looked piqued, but said nothing - Sieghard had moved too quickly for her to gracefully argue the point.

After Carraciolo and Valdes had asked their questions about the provision supplies (fielded by Al-Makir), Sieghard asked his.

"The last we heard, Savonne still holds," said Sforza. "If Alvarr chooses war, then we give him no more time. We will break the siege."

2016-02-09, 07:57 PM

Adelbert stared after the retreating woman for a moment. Then he dropped the splint and fled for the door before the husband could return with his pitchfork. Adelbert doubted he could sway him from violence, and even if he could there was no hope of getting the horse now.

For a moment there he'd really felt the goddess might be listening, but no. Nothing. Whether he'd turned from her or she from him, their paths had diverged long before.

As he paused to catch his breath away from the homestead he seriously considered just slipping back to Painford. What kind of life was this? He missed his friends, he missed sleeping in his bed, he missed having a life.

But he'd sworn an oath to Alvarr and what else was left for him with all the other pillars in his life crumbled to dust. So he trudged back to camp to explain his failure. He rehearsed his story: All the locals have fled and I don't blame them. That smoke from the south must have been visible from Savonne itself...

2016-02-09, 09:13 PM

It was getting late when Adelbert returned to the camp - but as he approached, he saw a disturbance among the men. Heading down to the riverside, he saw Ehrman and Jager engaged in a heated exchange with a stranger, while some of Jager's men held onto the reins of an equally agitated horse.

Looking closer, he realised the newcomer wasn't a total stranger - not to him, anyway. Even in the evening light, he recognised him as Abdul's man, Rahim.

2016-02-09, 09:35 PM

Silently cursing his terrible luck Adelbert crept back away, praying he had not been seen. Unless they were simply going to kill the man - and that argument made it look unlikely - he had no choice but stay away until Rahim left. He had no doubt Abdul's man would recognise him and not only would that mean he could never set foot in Sforza's lands again it would put his friends - known associates all - in mortal peril.

Retreating as quietly as possible he set down to make a lonely camp some hundred feet from the main camp.

2016-02-09, 10:29 PM
Elsa and Sieghard

Elsa was seated too far away from Irene and Sieghard to eavesdrop on their conversation, but she could tell from Sieghard's polite but reserved expression that he was impervious to the lady's charms. That made her feel a bit better; her utter failure to intimidate Fischwillen earlier had put her in a gloomy mood.

Listening to Sforza's speech, she did not believe for a second that her employer hoped to avert war. He most likely wanted to make a show of moral high ground before a war that he knew to be inevitable. Although Elsa disliked politics, she recognized that Sforza was rather proficient at it, given how he had managed to paint himself as the savior of Manann's Keep rather than its conqueror. He was not naive; he would surely be prepared for the possibility of treachery at the negotiation table.

Elsa spoke up: "What if the Norscans acted alone? I trust we'll demand the head of the one who led the raid?"

That would put Alvarr in an uncomfortable position: having to choose between all-out war and the loss of a powerful ally.

2016-02-09, 10:58 PM
Elsa & Sieghard

"And all those who took part," said Sforza, with a nod. He looked to Sieghard. "The commander here can help us to identify them."

"I'm sure the villains will give themselves away," said Irene, with a musical laugh. "They will faint with fear when they see him again!"

Polite laughter rippled around the table. The last of the plates were set down, and Sforza gestured for his guests to eat. It was duck, no doubt fresh from the hostel-keeper's larder. Drizzled with strange sauces and garnished with herbs, it looked strange to Sieghard, who had seldom eaten anything other than poor soldier's fare - but it smelt better than anything he had ever tasted.

As the attendants went around filling pewter goblets of wine, Irene leaned forward, propping her chin on her hand and angling herself such that Sieghard had to make a conscious effort to keep his gaze at eye level. "So," she said, idly playing with her fork as if she weren't hungry at all, "commander... we've all heard Esteban's account of how the two of you killed that awful monster on the bridge. But you know he's terrible at telling stories." She flashed a dazzling smile at the Estalian, who gave a self-deprecating chuckle. "Would you grace us with your telling?"

OOC: Irene ain't giving up so easy!

[roll0] vs. 74


Again up to you with how you want to play Sieghard's reaction, but Irene's two main goals with this roll are to cloud Sieghard's memory of any warning looks he might have got from any important captains or doctors, and to make him really really want to impress/please her.

2016-02-09, 11:57 PM
Elsa and Sieghard

When Irene spoke to Sieghard, people quieted down enough for Elsa to hear her from across the table. The wizard almost bit her tongue when she heard Irene inquire about how "the two of you", meaning Valdes and Sieghard, had slain Magog.

I seem to remember there were three of us on the bridge, she refrained from saying. She shot a glance at Valdes to see how gracefully he was taking Irene's casual dismissal of his storytelling ability.

An attendant walked by and filled Elsa's cup with wine. As he was about to move on, Elsa caught him by the sleeve to stop him, downed the better part of her drink in a few gulps, then offered the cup for an immediate refill.


[24] vs. 74

Could've used this kind of roll a bit earlier. :smallsigh: :smalltongue:

Seriously tho, I'm happy that Irene is succeeding. Makes for a more interesting story.

@ TheSummoner: When you tell the tale, remember that Elsa is known as Beatrix Hildebrand.

2016-02-10, 02:00 AM
Sieghard & Elsa, that evening

Don't worry, I remember. I think Sieghard has always remembered to use Elsa's pseudonym in front of Sforza's circle except for very early on - and that was intentional for IC reasons.

"I'd be happy to," Sieghard said, "I'll try to do the story justice,"

He briefly recounted how the Brotherhood had relieved the bridge. Though he mentioned how Valdes had killed the leader of the group assaulting the main bridge, his retelling focused mainly on how he had slain the standard bearer - And why not? It wasn't as though he had been able to pay much attention to Esteban's duel in the heat of battle. Elsa couldn't help but notice Sieghard neglected to mention that the orcs had reclaimed their banner almost as soon as it had fallen, nor had he thought it worth mentioning that it had been her magic that had eventually broke them.

"Then, on the other side of the river, I saw the biggest, ugliest orc in the Reaches," he continued. "Easily as big as one of the ogres, maybe even bigger. And the rest of the greenskins were swarming around him, chanting. The great brute swung down off his boar and made for the bridge like it thought it owned the place. And standing right in that monster's path is Herr Valdes. Bravest thing I ever saw." He glanced over to Valdes. "Completely mad, but brave all the same," he added grinning.

"Without even realizing it, I ended up at his side. Guess that makes me a little mad as well, but I wasn't about to watch him try to fight that beast alone. It seemed like nothing we could do even hurt it. Like the orc didn't even feel it when we cut him. Even when Fraulein Hildebrand hit him with enough fire to cook a lesser creature through, it just seemed to make the orc mad," he said, finally mentioning Elsa. "And with his furs still burning, the brute lifted his axe like it was getting ready to cut her in half. Took its eyes off me though, and I buried my sword deep in his leg before he could. And then," he continued, grinning and trying not to laugh, "Then, the orc's bloody boar comes charging at us!"

"And even after all that, even after Herr Valdes nearly took the orc's arm off and he lost his axe, the monster still kept fighting. Would've torn us apart with his bare hands if he could've." He hesitated for a moment, having remembered something that made him a bit uncomfortable. The orc had spoke. It spoke Reikspiel and called Valdes a "double-crossin' 'umie." He tried to play off his hesitation as a dramatic pause. "And when he tried," he said, making a quick, upwards stabbing motion with his knife and then flicking his wrist to imitate the attack that had killed the warboss, "I cut his head off."

Sieghard's reaction to the charm test is primarily playing up just how deadly the warboss was, and thus how great a feat killing him was. He doesn't ignore Elsa's or Valdes's contributions, but the focus is certainly far more on his own. He's not consciously trying to impress Lady Sforza specifically, just trying to be impressive in general. Subconsciously, though...

2016-02-10, 01:16 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

Irene burst into spontaneous but dainty applause. Half the table - Barbaro chief among them - followed her lead.

"Bravo," she said, "bravo. You see, Esteban, I knew it was more exciting than you said." Valdes mumbled something modest and looked down at his plate.

Leaning further forward, Irene looked down the length of the table and called out to Elsa. "Signora Hildebrand! You must think yourself very lucky to have Muzio's men to save you from such dangers."

"A toast," exclaimed Barbaro, following her lead. "To our courageous soldiers."

The table echoed the toast. Turning her attention back to Sieghard, Irene cocked her head to one side, still only toying with her food.

"I've heard so much about you lately," she said, "and yet you know I still don't have the first idea where you come from." She laughed. "Will you tell us your family's name, at least?"

OOC: Another Charm test to get Sieghard to spill the beans about his family/backstory:
[roll0] vs. 74

[b]EDIT:[b] I reckon with that failure you can have Sieghard make an Int test to work out that Irene's trying to use him to needle Elsa if you like.

2016-02-10, 02:05 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

"Smile, Herr Valdes," Sieghard said, grinning, "It's your story too. No man could've fought that monster alone. Had you not disarmed the orc first, there's no way I could've gotten close enough to take his head."

"I've heard so much about you lately, and yet you know I still don't have the first idea where you come from. Will you tell us your family's name, at least?"

"There's really not all that much to tell," Sieghard muttered. "I was born in a small village to the west, but I haven't been there in many years." There wasn't much left. He wondered if the people had ever rebuilt. "I put that life behind me," he said, deciding that was vague and neutral enough an answer. "There's little a man can hope for living in a village his whole life, but strong sword arms will always be useful." The topic was making him uncomfortable. He couldn't help but realize just how much of an outsider he was among the group.

The result doesn't effect Sieghard's response to the previous question, but sure... Let's see if he's able to figure out that something is up.

[roll0] vs 36

Still clueless ^_^

2016-02-10, 03:23 PM
Elsa and Sieghard

"Signora Hildebrand! You must think yourself very lucky to have Muzio's men to save you from such dangers."
Elsa gave Irene a flat stare, that she only belatedly remembered to soften into an expression of polite acknowledgement. "Without these two fine men by my side," she agreed, "I'd probably have run from the beast." She joined Barbaro in the toast, even putting on a strained smile.

"Will you tell us your family's name, at least?" Irene asked Sieghard.

Elsa fervently hoped Sieghard would not play in Irene's hands by trying to lie about, or apologize for, his humble origins. She was glad that he did not, although he did appear slightly uncomfortable.

"If I learned one thing about these harsh lands," Elsa commented philosophically after Sieghard's answer, "it's that a person's deeds carry them farther than their name." She said it in a tone of calculated neutrality, but hoped it would remind Irene of their first conversation.

2016-02-10, 03:53 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

There was a beat in which Irene said nothing, just returning Elsa's comment with a flat stare of her own. The corners of her mouth twitched up in a perfunctory smile. "But signora," she said, "people can hardly tell stories of your deeds if they don't know your name."

Her attention snapped back to Sieghard, and the mask was back on. "Come," she said, "your parents must have been named something?" She gave a mischievous laugh. "Or will you make us guess?"

2016-02-10, 04:19 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

"Karsten and Anika," Sieghard replied, becoming more uncomfortable by the moment.

2016-02-10, 04:25 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

"No, their family name," laughed Irene. She gave Sieghard a bemused look. "Why so shy? Surely we aren't as frightening as that orc."

2016-02-10, 04:31 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

"It was a small village," Sieghard said, "Most people didn't need more than one name."

2016-02-10, 04:49 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

Irene raised her eyebrows. "How charming," she said.

OOC: If you can pass a difficult (-20) Perception check you can hear Muzio nudging her under the table.

She seemed content to leave it at that, at last making a start on her food - though she still seemed to eat lightly. Much to his relief, Sieghard ceased being the main topic of discussion. The conversation around the table moved on to the question of whether any of the greenskins might still be clinging on somewhere in the Thornwood - then to reminiscences of previous campaigns, and opinions on the fighting forces at the disposal of Alvarr and his allies. Though she still smiled every time she glanced Sieghard's way, Irene was looking increasingly bored with military matters.

As the servants cleaned away the plates - and refilled the diners' glasses once again - Irene seemed to have an idea. Clapping her hands together, she looked around the table with an excited air.

"It's so rarely we see you all together," she said. "We must have some entertainment before dessert." Leaning forwards to address Elsa again, she called down the table:

"Signora! Will you do a magic trick for us?"

OOC: It's free refills on the wine - you can both get as drunk as you please prior to this point.

2016-02-10, 04:53 PM
Elsa and Sieghard

Elsa flashed Sieghard a quick grin, though she was not sure if he saw it.

There, you said it, love. Keep your head high.

Just a year ago, when she still lived in Altdorf, she would have reacted with confusion or pity to a person with only one name. The Border Princes had changed her attitudes in so many ways.

"Signora! Will you do a magic trick for us?"
"Cast a spell, you mean?" said Elsa, trying to hide her annoyance at Irene's wording. Do a magic trick. Really. Like bending the Aethyr is anything like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. "My lady. Using magic for show is like sparring with a sharpened blade. The Aethyr is a living force, a dangerous weapon. Where a swordsman can lose an eye, a wizard can lose their soul." She paused. Though her warning was truthful, she was not backing down from this. "I'll do it, just this once. Please understand, I will not be putting on regular shows." She threw a quick glance at Captain Sforza, making sure she had his assent for spellcasting.

Rising from her chair and taking a few steps back, she drew a gold crown from her purse and began flicking it between her fingers. "No worries, this isn't a coin trick," she said jokingly. She began to chant, and the Aethyr answered. Just as she was about to unleash the spell to crown her head in flames, she felt her control begin to slip.

OOC: Relevant rolls in the OOC thread.

2016-02-10, 05:35 PM
Elsa & Sieghard

Irene looked deliberately bored during Elsa's speech about the dangers of magic, but perked up when Elsa rose from her chair. The table watched attentively.

As Elsa spoke the words of her incantation, the air above her shimmered as in a heat haze - then, with a sudden whoosh, the crown of flames burst into being a few inches above her head. Those nearest her leaned back from the sudden wash of heat.

The table began to politely applaud - but something was wrong. Stepping back, Elsa touched a hand to her lip - she could feel something warm and sticky running down her face. Removing it, she saw her fingers were covered with blood. It was her own blood, pouring from her nose and dripping from her chin...

2016-02-10, 05:42 PM
Elsa and Sieghard

"Huh," said Elsa matter-of-factly as she looked at the blood all over her fingers. "Could be far worse."

She addressed Sforza, careful not to stain the tablecloth with her blood. "All apologies, Captain. These things happen; the Aethyr hates to be used for trivial purposes. May I be excused?"

2016-02-10, 05:45 PM
Elsa & Sieghard

Sforza seemed to take it better than some of the others, who reacted with alarm. Calmly, he said: "Of course."

As Elsa turned to leave, she heard the murmur of conversation resume behind her, through which Irene's voice seemed to cut like a knife:

"How embarrassing."

OOC: It's a Toughness test per round to stop the bleeding, but there's no risk of blood loss or anything so unless you want to stick around there's no need to roll dice - just assume it stops eventually.

2016-02-10, 05:54 PM
Elsa and Sieghard

"How embarassing."
Walking away, Elsa chuckled inwardly. Far worse things had been known to happen when spells went wrong. She had gotten off lightly, and impressed an audience in a way that Irene could never hope to match. Absent-mindedly extinguishing her crown of flames, she hurried to her quarters to clean up her face and make sure she had no blood on her clothes.

Elsa is just taking a short break. She'll return in ten minutes, or as soon as she possibly can.

2016-02-10, 06:11 PM
Elsa & Sieghard

Hurrying outside with her hand cupped over her bleeding nose, Elsa went in search of her tent. Thankfully someone had already pitched it for her - such were the benefits of being one of the officer corps.

While she was gone, the servants re-emerged from the kitchen with a huge apple and pear tart. The smell wafting from it was mouth-watering, but Irene didn't seem interested.

"Do you know," she said, looking at the few drops of blood Elsa had left on the floor, "I've quite lost my appetite. I think I'll go to bed." Kissing her husband on the cheek, she pushed back her chair and rose from the table. "I will see you all tomorrow, I'm sure. And Sieghard - you will let me know how that poor woman is doing, won't you? Balthus was talking about doing something ghastly with a saw."

OOC: One last Charm test to leave Sieghard with a good impression of her: [roll0]

I've nothing more to do with this scene. If there's anything you want to talk to the NPCs about, let me know; otherwise tell me when you're ready to wrap it up.

2016-02-10, 06:30 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

Sieghard paled slightly at "something ghastly with a saw," but nodded. "I will," he replied.

Sieghard (Alone)

"Herr Al-Makir, a moment please," he said, following the paymaster into the village.

"There's something I've needed to speak with you about... a delicate matter," he said, his tone similar to how Al-Makir's had been when they spoke during the Mitterfruhl celebration. "There was an... incident, a few nights ago. My men had discovered a pack of ghouls trying to dig up the grave of one of the village women. And when a light was shone on them, the ghouls were none other than Sergeant Fischwillen and his men."

2016-02-10, 07:02 PM
Elsa and Sieghard

Elsa returned a few minutes later, all cleaned up and acting every bit as casual as if she had merely answered a call of nature. She was delighted to see Irene gone, and appeared to be in a better mood for the rest of the evening. She even eased a bit on the wine, though she devoured an unreasonably large slice of pie. She returned to her quarters for the night with only minimal interaction with Sieghard, despite her wish to congratulate him on keeping his wits under Irene's influence. They were on thin ice, right now, with all the officers watching.

OOC: I think I'm done.

2016-02-10, 07:16 PM

Al-Makir looked surprised to be accosted - but listened all the same.

"That's a serious matter," he said. He paused. "Why come to me with this? I thought Makeda had the command here."

2016-02-10, 10:35 PM

Because you are the man most likely to listen to me, Sieghard thought. And also because despite his better judgement, he did like and even slightly trust the man.

"Makeda knows. She saw Fischwillen's men with the shovels they had stolen standing by the grave." He paused "And yet she does nothing."

"Now that Alvarr has attacked Ravenskird and Painford, the captain will have need of Fischwillen's halberdiers. Perhaps Makeda foresaw trouble with the duke. It is, as I said, a rather delicate matter. And yet..." Another pause. "And yet she saw fit to punish my men for stopping the grave robbers rather than the ghouls themselves."

2016-02-10, 11:34 PM

"Well," said Abdul, sounding uncertain, "...Makeda must have her reasons. She surely has no reason to play favourites... the man is a goblin in a smart uniform."

With a sigh, he reached into the little velvet bag at his belt and produced a clove, which he began to chew. He continued a voice meant only for the two of them.

"If you want help, there is not much I can do for you. I can bring it to the Captain, but after this evening I doubt he will be in a listening mood." He gave Sieghard a look reminiscent of the one Bianco had given him earlier. "If I were you I would keep my head down for a little while, my friend."

"If you want my advice... don't let him provoke you. The Captain doesn't care who starts what, he cares about discipline. Fischwillen won't need your help to get caught if he keeps up these tricks." He gave Sieghard a clove-scented grin. "And if he doesn't... maybe the Duke will solve your problem for you, hey?"

Giving Sieghard a friendly pat on the arm, the short Arabyan headed off into the dark.

2016-02-10, 11:55 PM

Sieghard wasn't sure he understood what Abdul had meant when he said the captain wasn't likely to be in a listening mood or why he should keep his head down, but he said nothing.

"Herr Al-Makir," he said, putting his hand on the man's shoulder to stop him leaving. "She has refused my men their pay. It was one thing for them to defend themselves against Rorik's men, but Alvarr is a different matter. I'll wait to see Fischwillen punished if I must, but I fear they will begin to abandon if nothing is done and they are ordered to march against the duke."

"The captain would not have this village if not for my men," he said, looking Al-Makir in the eye. "Nor would he have it if the villagers had discovered Fischwillen's ghouls digging up their dead."

2016-02-11, 12:11 AM

Abdul hesitated, looking away and then back to Sieghard.

"My friend, I am not the Captain. I am just the quartermaster. You were put under Makeda's command." He made a helpless gesture. "If she says to stop your pay, your pay must be stopped. I cannot countermand her because you ask."

He paused, a cunning glint creeping into his eyes. "I could, perhaps, advance you a loan out of my own... personal funds. To tide your men over until their pay resumes." He raised his eyebrows at Sieghard. "But you understand, I would expect to be repaid in full."

2016-02-11, 12:26 AM

It was Sieghard's turn to be hesitant. "I will keep your offer in mind," he said. Though he did like the man, Abdul Al-Makir was the last person Sieghard ever wanted to be indebted to.

"You have the captain's ear," he said after a pause. "You say now is not a good time, but if you could bring it to his attention when the time is better and Fischwillen pays for his crime, I would be grateful. After the ruins and the library, I have seen many things I wish I had not... I do not like to think about what reason Fischwillen may have had for digging up dead women." He knew exactly what the reason was, but it didn't hurt to put the suggestion of something more sinister in Al-Makir's mind.

2016-02-11, 12:31 AM

"You think he is ghul?" said Abdul, disbelievingly. He looked twice in the direction of the halberdiers' camp. "He is a lowly creature, for certain... but maybe not that low."

He gave Sieghard a reassuring nod. "I will see what I can do," he said, as silkily polite as always. "When the time is right. Good night, my friend."

Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

That night, the section of the camp around the Captain's tent listened awkwardly to the sounds of a furious but short-lived argument from inside the great pavilion. The sentries on guard stood ramrod-straight, doing their best to act as if they couldn't hear the barbed words flying between Sforza and his wife...

OOC: If you want to eavesdrop, you can do so with a Perception test at +20 and a Speak Language (Tilean) test at -10.

Konigstag, 13th Erntzeit


Early on Konigstag morning, Ludo was sitting at the far end of the ruins from the Dragon, watching the coils of mist curl over the water as he tried to devise new ways to get off the island. Cold, gnat-bitten and hungry, his mood was not improved one bit by the way Stoutheart kept fetching sodden sticks from the water's edge and dropping them expectantly in his lap.

As Stoutheart returned for the fifth time, tail wagging like a metronome, Ludo saw a shape emerging out of the mist. As he watched, the grey blur resolved itself into a flat-bottomed boat, of the kind he had seen bringing the supplies into Ravenskird - crewed by two dirty-looking villagers, it carried the boatman Rudi in its bows, wrapped in a blanket and squinting into the fog. When he saw Ludo, he stood up and waved, shouting and calling until the rest of the Dragon's crew came running. They welcomed him back with open arms, all seeming rather more relieved to see him than Ludo would have expected from their gruff, grizzled demeanour.

"Duke's men have cleared out," said the damp scout, when they had finished embracing him and shaking him by the hand. "The Tilean sent half his army up to Ravenskird, chased 'em off. They're gone too - had to hurry back east, something about a fire." He paused, catching his breath. "Alvarr's bulldog burned the Sow and some of the others, but most of the rest of 'em got away alright. I found Petre and Radu here just lounging around in the docks." He gestured to the two rowers. "Coast's clear, boss."

Sandu looked pensive. "Clear for now," he said. "Any word on whether any of them are comin' back?"

Rudi looked uncertain. "They didn't leave a note, boss, if that's what you mean."

"Alright, enough of that." Sandu hesitated for a moment more, thinking deeply. "Right. We're going back." That drew noises of approval from the rest of the crew. "But we're leaving the Dragon here." The approving noises turned into moans and protests of disbelief.

"Stow it!" he snapped, rounding on the lot of them. "Just because the soldiers have cleared out don't mean the river's clear, nor that they won't come back. You seen any sign of Bardolph and his men?" he asked, turning to the two ferrymen. They shook their heads in silence. "Right. So the Dragon stays here. 'Til we know it's safe."

"We won't all fit in their boat, boss," piped up one helpful boatman.

"You can take turns, then," said Sandu, curtly. "First lot to get to Ravenskird sends back more boats." Silencing the resultant chorus of whingeing with a look, he waited for a moment before continuing. "Right. Two of you go back with Rudi. Draw straws, I don't care. The rest of you, come help me get the Dragon under some proper cover." His voice dropped to a low mutter. "Azriller knows how long she's going to be stuck here."


Waking cold and stiff from a night spent pretty much sleeping out in the open, Adelbert stretched his aching limbs and stumbled down to the camp. In the dawn light, he could see no sign of Rahim or his horse.

"No luck with the horses, eh?" said Ehrman when he saw him. "Pity. We almost got hold of one for free." He poked the paltry campfire in front of him with a stick. "One of the Tilean's men, came ridin' through camp without a care in the world. Said he had a message for Alvarr."

As the flames stirred, he took a swig from the metal flask at his hip. "Had to let him go in the end. Gave him enough hassle that he didn't see the dig. Hope so, anyway." He looked across the river to where the clink, clink of pickaxes was rising into the still morning air - as far as Adelbert could tell, it never stopped. "We'll have to keep a weather eye out for him on the way back, that's for sure."

Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

The next morning started earlier than usual, with sounds of alarm from beyond the north palisade. Makeda and her ahosi, who had had the watch, returned through the open gates dragging a dishevelled-looking man between them. Bushy-bearded and wearing a slashed black jerkin, he had clearly been armed when they caught him - one of the Southlanders walking behind him was carrying a fine steel sword, dagger and buckler that looked to have been his.

<We caught this one spying,> said Makeda, throwing him down before the Captain. <There was another with him. That one got away.>

Listening carefully, Sforza nodded. He sized up the man, then spoke in Reikspiel:

"You know who I am?"

The man nodded.

"And who are you?"

"My name's - my name's Ulich."

"And where are you from?"

"Arrow Heap."

Sforza winced. "You know you are a poor liar, Ulich." He motioned to Makeda. <Take him away. Find out why he was here, and what he saw.>

As the poor man was dragged away, he looked across to Elsa. <He sounds like you,> he commented, idly. <What do you call this accent? Reikland?>

<One of Groz's men,> said Bianco, materialising like a ghost out of the shadows. He had Marko with him, and was carrying his surgeon's bag, full of gruesome-looking implements. <Undoubtedly.>

<We will see,> said Sforza, watching the ahosi drag their captive into the fire-scarred barn by the stream. <We will see.>

OOC: The army's mostly going to sit about today waiting for a reply to Sforza's message, but Sforza is keen to see the fortifications repaired and finished - if Sieghard wants to get to work while Makeda is otherwise occupied, he can count on Al-Makir to secure him some extra manpower.

2016-02-11, 12:58 AM

"I cannot say for certain what he is or what his reasons are. Only that it's nothing good." told Al-Makir before heading to his own tent.

Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo - 13th Erntzeit

Sieghard almost felt sorry for the man as he watched him being dragged away. "If he was smarter, he would've gotten himself killed trying to fight the ahosi," he muttered to Viggo.

Sieghard considers the damage to the wall his responsibility, so he and his men will get to work repairing it... By cutting down trees north of the village... as far away from the inevitable sounds of Sforza's captive being tortured as possible. He'll gladly take Al-Makir up on his offer to secure more manpower. With additional men and an expected three days before anything else happens, they should hopefully be able to repair the damage from the fire and maybe even make some further progress on the west wall.

If you want to eavesdrop, you can do so with a Perception test at +20 and a Speak Language (Tilean) test at -10.

Sentinel, please reroll these if you have to. It'd be the last roll of the night, so there's nothing lost by doing it. :smallbiggrin:

I really need to take Speak Language (Tilean) at some point. I've wanted to (and have the experience set aside for it), but I've been waiting for a good IC opportunity... Sieghard wants Elsa to teach him.

2016-02-11, 09:31 AM
Elsa and Sieghard

Elsa could not help but smirk at the sound of the shouting match between Sforza and his wife. This, right there, is why I'll never marry, she thought.


Sieghard wants Elsa to teach him.
Sure thing! :smallsmile: But Sieghard will have to ask.

Perception 55+20=75: [roll0]
SL (Tilean) 55-10=45: [roll1] - So glad these rolls weren't reversed.

Fortune: [roll2]

Elsa, Sieghard and Viggo - 13th Erntzeit

<"Yes, Captain, it does sound like a Reikland accent. Definitely not upper class."> Elsa winced at the sight of Bianco's instruments. She was usually comfortable with violence, but torture made her queasy. <"He must've been sent by the enemy before they got your request for negotiations, Captain,"> she said cautiously. <"We can tell him about the peace talks; let him know he doesn't have to die in vain if a truce is possible. Give him something to lose, in other words. If he spills without torture, we can hand him back to Groz as a gesture of goodwill.">

2016-02-11, 11:32 AM

Adelbert stretched aching limbs. He was not built for the outdoor life.

"I saw him last night but I couldn't afford to let him see me. I'm the Duke's spy in the south and they can't know I'm here. That is Rahim, Abdul's man. I don't know what the message was but I doubt it will does much good. We should be prepared to pull out if we have to and collapse the tunnel behind us."

He glanced up the road. "When he comes back could you find somewhere you and he can talk where I can overhear without being seen? I have good ears, and I want to hear what is going on."

Northern Lad
2016-02-11, 12:10 PM
13th Erntzeit

Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

"If he was smarter, he would've gotten himself killed trying to fight the ahosi,"

Viggo watched the prisoner being dragged away, his face stern, nodding in agreement with Sieghards' assessment. "It will not go well for that man, one thing I'm sure of, he's not from Arrow Heap. There were no folk talking like that, up there I'd remember hearing somebody who sounded like one of the country bumpkins who live out in the sticks back in the Motherland."

He turned to Sieghard his brows beetled somewhat, "By the way, your... problem... that you were telling me about yesterday evening? It occurs to me that this is exactly the same order and reason you gave me to stay away from Hannah? And all along you were disobeying exactly the same command?" Viggo's voice was pitched low so only his friend would here, he didn't sound angry but slightly confused and wary. "How does that work?!" His hands were placed on his hips as he awaited Sieghards' explanation.

2016-02-11, 01:30 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

Sieghard immediately opened his mouth to respond, but he had nothing.

"It's different because she doesn't take orders from me," he responded after a moment. "And because I wasn't working for Sforza when it started. Doesn't mean I won't do the same to you as Sforza would do to me if you try anything. Understand?"

2016-02-11, 04:47 PM
Elsa (night of the 12th)

Lingering just close enough to hear but just far enough away not to be conspicuous in her eavesdropping, Elsa did her best to listen in on the rapid-fire Tilean coming from the Captain's tent.

<...humiliate me in front of the men. You make a fool of me, and you make a fool out of yourself!>
<The only one making a fool of themselves is you, Muzio! Dragging that filthy witch girl around as if she was an officer!> There was the thump of something being knocked over. <I play the gracious hostess as you ask, and this is how you thank me?>
<You think I'm blind, Irene? You think I don't see you making eyes at that oaf with his crossbows?> There was a pause. <Of all the times you choose to bait me, why now? When we are so close?>
<Well maybe if you hadn't wasted so much time, I wouldn't be so BORED!> There was the crash of something breaking. <Bored of trailing after your stupid army! Bored of sitting in your dirty forts, ruling over some pigsty village in the middle of nowhere!>

There was a long, cutting silence.

<Or maybe I'm just bored of you.>

Elsa heard no reply - merely saw the dark shape of the Captain storm out of his tent, and stomp off towards the north wall.



Ehrman shrugged. "Don't see why not," he said. He gestured around them at Jager's camp. "Any one of these tents ought to do."

Elsa, Sieghard & Viggo

<Five of our people are dead, Signora Hildebrand,> said Sforza, coldly. <I don't want their good will. I want to see them grovel.>

Picking up his bag, Bianco walked off - not in the direction of the shed, but instead towards Marta's cottage. To Sieghard the sight was scarcely more reassuring - he remembered what Irene had said about "something ghastly with a saw."

With the whole of the army present, he found it easy to throw himself into the repair works on the walls. With Abdul taking an interest, a sizeable portion of the Iron Company were drafted into helping, along with Fischwillen's men and the ogres. Gorg and his monstrous troop made short work of taking down the burnt section of wall, dragging away the charred timbers and stacking them in an untidy heap at the forest's edge.

Meanwhile, inside the walls, a small crowd had gathered around Marta's door. Claiming he needed more light, Bianco had brought his patient out into the open air - there, as Marko strapped her lolling figure securely into a rickety chair, Bianco laid out his tools on a folding table. Seeing his mother in such a state, the boy Dierk began to snivel and weep.

"There there," said Irene, appearing beside Ottilda and taking charge of the child. Ottilda looked almost as surprised as Dierk. "Don't cry, little one. Don't you know, Balthus is the best physician in all Tobaro?" She patted him on the head. "If anyone can cure your mother, he will."

Still grizzling, the boy buried his mucus-streaked face in Irene's dress. Elsa enjoyed watching her expression of motherly care turn to one of barely-suppressed chagrin. <Giuseppe,> she called to one of her servants, gently prising the little boy loose. <Take this child and find him some food. This is not something for little children to see.>

That much was certainly true. Cutting away Marta's hair over the swollen welt on the side of her head, Bianco made an incision and peeled back. Then, picking up a brass trephine, he began to saw a little circular hole into the bone of her skull.

"Cor," said one of the villagers, leaning in for a closer look. "Are those her brains?"

"No," said Bianco, absent-mindedly. Setting down the bloody instrument, he leaned over his patient with a pair of tiny tweezers, fishing out the fragments of bone that were left. Stepping back, he reached for another tool. "Those are her brains."

The onlookers oooohed like the audience at a mystery play.

After some time, Bianco was finished. He had nailed a little metal patch over the hole he had made, and sewed the skin back over it. If he'd never been to the Lost Library, it would have been one of the strangest things Viggo had ever seen - as it was, it didn't even make the top ten.

As Marko was unstrapping her, Marta blinked, and slowly licked her lips. "Look!" shouted someone in the crowd. "She moved!"

"Give her space, please," said Bianco, in a commanding voice. "She needs rest and quiet." Between them, he and Marko gently lifted her out of her chair, and helped her back into the darkened cottage.

2016-02-11, 07:42 PM
Elsa, Sieghard and Viggo - Morning

"Watch your step around Sforza and his wife," Elsa quietly advised Sieghard that morning, near the wall that was being rebuilt. "I overheard them yelling last night. Part of it was about me... and part of it was about you. And part of it was about each other. Just do your job and don't get involved in those two's personal matters." She rolled her eyes. "Tileans."

She was among the crowd who watched the trepanation with some interest. She had no idea if it would save the poor woman, but was nonetheless impressed with Bianco's self-assurance, and the mere fact that he could drill a hole in a person's skull without killing them.

<"Could be I'm not the only wizard in this army, doctor,"> she commented, which was about the highest praise she could bestow upon someone.

2016-02-11, 07:50 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

Sieghard gave Elsa a quizzical look.

"I haven't gotten involved in anything personal," he told her.

"... What did they say?"

2016-02-11, 08:14 PM
Elsa, Sieghard and Viggo

Elsa hesitated, weighing her friendship with Sieghard against her duty to her employer. Sforza would not like her to gossip about him.

Well, lots of people heard him anyway, so...

"Lady Irene isn't happy that Sforza keeps me around. Sforza isn't happy about the way his wife looks at 'that oaf with his crossbows'. His words. He thinks she's humiliating him in front of his men; she's tired of her husband dragging her on campaigns in the middle of nowhere."

2016-02-11, 09:04 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

"Sforza isn't happy about the way his wife looks at 'that oaf with his crossbows'."

Sieghard had to restrain himself from laughing.

"She was just being polite," he said with a smirk, "Surely the captain isn't worried about that."

2016-02-11, 09:49 PM
Elsa, Sieghard and Viggo

"I think she's just playing games at her husband's expense," said Elsa, frowning at Sieghard's flippancy, "and he knows it. Still, you'd better tread lightly. No offense, but Sforza can replace you more easily than he can replace me."

2016-02-12, 08:09 AM
Ludo raised an eyebrow at the suggestion to draw straws. Catching Rudi's eye he gave the boat a significant look and tapped his coinpurse meaningfully.

Northern Lad
2016-02-12, 10:44 AM
Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

"It's different because she doesn't take orders from me," he responded after a moment. "And because I wasn't working for Sforza when it started. Doesn't mean I won't do the same to you as Sforza would do to me if you try anything. Understand?"

Viggo seemed to roll that response around in his head, obviously mulling it over before jabbing a finger at Sieghard, "Yes. I understand perfectly. Don't you worry about me Sieghard, I follow my orders." With that he turned to leave but he quickly spun around on his heel to face Sieghard once more, this time his finger waved as well as jabbed. "You... you... are a right old git. Has anybody ever told you that?" Even though Viggo was clearly irked, the ghost of a smile had played upon his lips as he left and Sieghard felt sure that he had caught a glimpse of a mischievous glint in the boys eyes, one that had been absent since Kirsten's demise.

As Sieghard, Elsa and Viggo watched the ogres go about their work, the young lad couldn't help but laugh out aloud as Elsa recounted the details of the Sforzas' argument, it didn't even sound forced this time. "Such a gallant oaf though eh R.. Sieghard?!" He chuckled, rolling one of his eyes and elbowing his commander in the arm. "What else did you speak about at this Lords' dinner of yours then? It can't all have been flirting with the Capitano's wife surely?!"

2016-02-12, 11:25 AM
Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

"War," Sieghard replied, doing his best to ignore Viggo's jokes. "Alvarr had two more days to explain himself for attacking Ravenskird and Painford. If he doesn't to the captain's liking, we march."

Northern Lad
2016-02-12, 12:44 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

That brought the young minstrel up short, his expression immediately turning somber. "To Savonne?" he asked. A few days ago the prospect might have excited him, Not now, I've seen what happens, innocent folk die.

Pushing back his red cap he scraped some stray blonde locks back from his face, "Did you manage to ask him about the militia? If we all march off to war, who will keep an eye on the walls?" Another thought occurred to him, "And now we're three men down too. If it's fine with you Sieghard, I'll try to see if I can find any more recruits out of the locals? I've not had much luck in Painford so far, but then, you don't get if you don't ask as my Uncle Rolf use to say."


In case you need a plan for the rest of the day from me, Viggo (if sieghard agrees) will try to find three new recruits or as many as he can from the locals. Here's hoping that now they've seen Sforza and his court in person and they've seen his men build and defend the walls they might feel a little more inclined to join up?!

Charm Test:
FEL 48 - [roll0]
Re-Roll - [roll1]

2016-02-12, 01:13 PM
Sieghard, Viggo & Elsa

Whether it was Viggo's natural charm, Irene's condescension of the previous day, the sight of the army, or a combination of all three, Viggo was quite successful in his recruiting efforts. Four young recruits, only one of them older than Florin, signed up to join the Thorns. It was only after they had signed on that they learned about the company's stopped pay – and by then, surrounded by hundreds of Sforza's soldiers, it was definitely too late for them to change their minds.


Rudi took a few moments to figure out what Ludo was implying, but seemed to catch on with some enthusiasm. “Actually, I'll stay and help, boss,” he said to Sandu. “We should send the passengers back first, you know?”

Sandu shrugged. “No skin off my nose,” he said. “You do as you please.”

With a discreet exchange of coin, Ludo made his way onto the waiting boat. Once he, the guide and one of the boatmen were aboard, they pushed off, leaving the ruins behind as they rowed their way out of the clinging mist.


It was mid-afternoon when they arrived back in Ravenskird. The swamp town looked surprisingly unchanged. Most of the buildings were untouched – the only radical alterations were the docks, slightly scorched and now empty of all but the smallest of boats, as opposed to the floating cobweb of craft that had been moored there before. The charred wreck of the Sow poked above the waterline, its blackened masts leaning like dead trees.

Asking around town, he heard no word of Adelbert, good or bad: most of the Ravenskirders were too focused on their own troubles to remember him, if they'd ever noticed him in the first place. Gathering up his things, Ludo said goodbye to Brother Cesar and headed east, towards Painford.

It was some time around midnight, when Ludo had made a small campfire a little way off the road, that he saw a horseman gallop past at some speed. Squinting into the shadows after the receding figure, he thought he recognised him – it was Abdul's man, Rahim. Wherever he was going, he looked to be in a hurry.


The day passed without much to remark on. Ehrman seemed to be growing concerned about how long the scouts they had sent to Painford were taking, but their absence was not yet long enough to be certain anything was wrong. In the meantime, the dwarfs continued their steady work. By now they had carved a considerable tunnel into the solid rock; Adelbert wondered how much further they had to go.

It was shortly after nightfall when Rahim came galloping back along the river road, his exhausted horse looking on the point of collapse. Ehrman's men stopped him at the edge of the camp, well away from where he might get a glimpse of the excavation. Creeping into a nearby tent, Adelbert did his best to listen in.

He learned little of value. Rahim had received the Duke's reply, and was riding back to his masters to convey it. He seemed aggrieved that Ehrman and his men didn't have a change of horse they could give him; Ehrman didn't seem too cut up about it. After a short exchange of words, they sent him on his way.

Angestag, 14th Erntzeit

Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo

Some time after midnight on Konigstag, Sforza's messenger came riding back into camp. It was Abdul's man Rahim they had sent; now he hurried for the Captain's tent, leaving behind a horse sticky with sweat and staggering with exhaustion.

Reading the message Rahim had carried in a circle of hastily woken officers, Sforza gave a measured nod. <Alvarr wants to talk,> he said. <He names Ravenskird as the meeting place.>

<That's a long way from his siege lines,> said Carraciolo, sounding curious about the choice.

<He wants to keep us at arm's length,> said Sforza. <If it's to be war, he doesn't want us already in position to attack.> Rolling up the parchment on which the message had been written, he tucked it away. <Let's keep him on his toes. Have the army ready to march in the morning.>

<He has men already waiting,> said Rahim, in strongly-accented Tilean. <Perhaps a hundred. I saw them camped north of the village, by the river.>

<Alvarr is with them?>

<Not that I saw.>

<They must be the men who burned the boats,> said Carraciolo, looking to Makeda. <Seems you didn't drive them off as far as you thought.>

<This changes nothing,> said Sforza, decisively. <You have your orders. Make ready.>

Ludo, Elsa, Sieghard & Viggo

Ludo had been enjoying the sunny autumn day on the road when, some time after noon, he heard the sound of marching feet coming towards him. Squinting at the road ahead, he saw a cloud of dust rising from the direction of the Thornwood. Locating the nearest tree, he climbed up for a better look.

As the cloud of dust came closer, he saw its source – Sforza's army was on the march. The massed pikes of the Iron Company led the way, Sforza's black-and-gold banner flying at the head of the column. Behind them came the other regiments and the rumbling wagon train; the huge forms of Gorg and his ogres loomed above the smaller soldiers like grown men among children, eating up the road with easy strides.

Waiting and watching the soldiers march past, Ludo caught sight of Elsa riding with Sforza and his officers – and in the back, Sieghard and Viggo, marching at the head of the Thorns. They were all headed for Ravenskird.


Late on Angestag afternoon, a band of horsemen were seen approaching from the north Walking up to the road to see who it was, Adelbert recognised the boar's-head banner of the Duke flying from the lead rider's lance.

Alvarr had come with a bodyguard of around a dozen men, mounted, armed and armoured as for war. Behind them rode a larger group, perhaps twenty, riding on shaggy hill ponies that seemed quite absurd next to the Duke's tall warhorse. Still, they seemed to have kept up. Among them, Adelbert recognised the distinctive faces of Hakon and Kelda – but could see no sign of the Jarl.

“Your Grace,” said Jager, approaching to greet his master with a stiff bow. “What's this about, sire? We've had men coming and going...”

“Sforza,” said Alvarr, swinging himself down from the saddle. For a moment that seemed as if it would be all the explanation he would give. “He's demanded a parley. We meet him at Ravenskird.”

“What for?”

“To explain why these fools set fire to his outpost at Painford.” snapped the Duke, with an angry glance back towards Hakon and the others. The big Norscan didn't look sorry. “Without orders and without leave.”

Shoving the reins of his horse into the hands of one of the waiting soldiers, Alvarr stalked into the camp. “We meet him tomorrow. Tonight we rest here. How are the dwarfs progressing with their digging?”

“You'd have to ask them, your Grace. They're a tight-lipped bunch of tunnel monkeys.”

“Then bring them to me.” Alvarr's tone brooked no argument. “I want the tunnel breached and I want it done now.”

Watching the two of them stride away, Adelbert heard Kelda's voice behind him. “Hey!” she said. “Empire man! I thought it was you.” She thumped him on the shoulder in greeting, and Adelbert tried to act like it didn't hurt. “You were right about the Tilean. He's building a fortress down there!” She gave a wolfish grin, and lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Rebuilding it now. It's a good thing you told us,” she said, looking from left to right to make sure they were not being overheard. “These spineless greybeards would have sat on their arses until he was knocking at our door.”

She whistled, and one of the hill-men with her rode up on his pony, leading another horse by the reins. Adelbert saw it was Bella.

“Your friend Ducos sent this. Said maybe don't leave her standing around next time. Or she might end up in a stewpot, jah?”

2016-02-12, 03:55 PM
The Fab Four
Ludo had been doubtful about what to do as the column marched past - but seeing the Thorns made his mind up for him. No matter what else, he wanted to see his friends again. He waited until the Thorns were nearby, then scrambled down to the tree and jogged to join Sieghard and Viggo at the head.

2016-02-12, 04:18 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo - 13th

To Viggo's surprise, Sieghard didn't answer immediately.

"We can only afford to pay so many men, and there's only so many crossbows..." he muttered. It wasn't until later that day Viggo would learn why money was such a concern. "Fine," he said after a pause, "But no women this time unless you can be sure they haven't been sharing their beds with the soldiers."

"You'll get your pay," Sieghard assured the crossbowmen - both the new recruits and those who had already been under his command. "Is it the captain's southlander who pays you, or is it me?"

Everyone but Adelbert - 14th

Sieghard glared at Ludo as he approached. "Where have you been?" he demanded, scowling. It certainly wasn't the warm welcome Ludo may have expected.

2016-02-12, 04:59 PM

The news of the march to Ravenskird elated Elsa. She suspected that the planned negotiation was little more than a formality; a sham, even. War would inevitably come, even if Sforza had to make excuses for it. The pyromancer relished the opportunity to make up for her recent failures involving Fassbender and the book of necromancy.

Not Adelbert (ah, old times)

Elsa missed Ludo in his tree, but he did not miss her. The Captain's wizard rode on Bastard with more ease than before, as if slowly but surely winning the battle of wills that opposed her to the fierce stallion. She wore her thick leather coat and gloves, and had her wild red hair in a loose ponytail. She was chatting with Carraciolo and Valdes, obviously in high spirits despite the storm that loomed over the Broken Reaches.

She was on her way back to her natural element, after weeks of idleness.

2016-02-12, 05:04 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo - 13th

The response to Sieghard's question was less affirmative and more confused than he would have hoped, with a lot of confused mumbling from the men.

"I thought it was the Captain."

"I thought it was the paymaster."
"We're getting paid?"

2016-02-12, 05:27 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Viggo - 13th

Sieghard sighed. Perhaps he shouldn't have expected them to understand a rhetorical question.

"Just keep doing what I say and you'll get your pay," he said. "That's all you need to worry about."

2016-02-13, 10:31 AM

Adelbert looked alarmed at talk of a parley, and even more alarmed at news that the Jarl had gone rogue. Still it was hard not to respond to Kelda's grin with one of his own, especially as she brought Bella. Gods, how has it happened that seeing this barbarian is the highlight of my day. That I relieved to see she's safe?'

"Norsacan woman," he replied, trying to massage life back into his shoulder. "I am glad to see you. You really struck Painford? That must have taken guts." And no brains. I'd be angry if I were Alvarr. I hope Sieghard and Viggo had the sense to stay behind that wall.'

He looked thoughtful for a moment, Kelda's mention of the stewpot making him realise he hadn't eaten yet. "Kelda, I'm betting you're a pretty good hunter right? Let's try and find something to eat while our chiefs talk."

2016-02-13, 02:16 PM

"Norscan woman," he replied, trying to massage life back into his shoulder. "I am glad to see you. You really struck Painford? That must have taken guts."

"Yah," said Kelda. "Set fire to the walls. The Jarl didn't like it, but like you said, what else are we supposed to do?" She shot a glance after the departing duke. "We spend all our days sitting outside those walls, while this Tilean is getting ready to put a dagger in our backs."

He looked thoughtful for a moment, Kelda's mention of the stewpot making him realise he hadn't eaten yet. "Kelda, I'm betting you're a pretty good hunter right? Let's try and find something to eat while our chiefs talk."

"Sure," said Kelda, with a shrug. Looking over her shoulder towards the hill-men who had come with her, she called out: "Dragos! Costel! Let's go find some food!"

The two grubby-faced men looked to Hakon, who gave them a nod of approval. Breaking off from the main group, they followed Kelda and Adelbert away from the camp.

Looking back over his shoulder, Adelbert saw that Hakon was watching them go. The red-haired Norscan had clearly seen his share of the fighting - his face and hair still grubby with soot, his thigh was wrapped in a bloody bandage. He couldn't help but wonder how much of a price the Norscans had exacted on Painford's defenders in return.


Returning that afternoon with a deer and a brace of rabbits, Adelbert and Kelda rode back into camp to the cheers and calls of Jager's men, who had mostly been subsisting on salt beef, black bread and porridge. Though Adelbert had never been a hunter, according to Kelda the hunting had been remarkably easy - with many of the locals having abandoned their farms, the wilderness was slowly reclaiming the land.

As the hill-men began to skin and gut their catches, Adelbert saw Jager motion for him to follow. Following after the man's curt gesture, Adelbert ducked into a darkened tent, and found himself face-to-face with Jager, Ehrman and the Duke.

"Good," said Alvarr. "You're here."

"To business, then: tomorrow I will ride south to speak with Sforza. He may be looking for a pretext for war, but I have no intention to give him one."

"The dwarfs are almost through. From what we learned from the smuggler and his men, the only people inside the city who know of the tunnel are his criminal associates. They used it to move illicit goods before the siege, and will have had no great incentive to reveal it to the elf." He paused. "A small group of men could overpower the smugglers and open the city gates from the inside."

"I'll do it," said Jager, without prompting. Alvarr shook his head.

"Hakon and his band will do it," he said, holding up a hand to forestall Jager's objection. "They brought this crisis on us by burning Sforza's precious village; they can be the ones to risk their lives to make things right. As soon as the tunnel is breached, I want them down there. If the dwarfs object, force them. And if Sforza cannot be deterred, I need you to hold this position for as long as it takes for the Norscans to be on their way. Savonne falls now." He looked around their faces, making sure they understood. "No more waiting."

Jager and Ehrman nodded. Jager's eyes were alight with the prospect of finally breaching the city.

"Schreiber," said the Duke, turning to Adelbert. "I need eyes and ears in Sforza's camp. "Are you ready to resume your duties?"

OOC: If the answer is yes, then if you can give me a plan for how to sneak back in among Sforza's people when you get there I can advance things a fair way.

2016-02-13, 02:49 PM

Adelbert had secretly been a little disappointed Dragos and Costel were coming, but he enjoyed himself regardless. If nothing else the sheer sense of life in being out and about in the fresh air with others rather than watching a troop of sullen dwarfs hack at the ground was refreshing. He couldn't claim any of the kills taken but for the first time in many days he was happy.

Then, to business. He listened carefully to Alvarr, then nodded slowly.

"I will do it Your Grace. I am not popular with the Tilean but I have never given him a reason to suspect I was in league with another prince." He smiled sadly. "If anything he probably expects I'm too stubborn to serve anyone. Still, I won't give him a reason to suspect now. If I turn up unscathed in Ravenskird or Painford people will be suspicious... unless I can prove I'm not your ally your Grace. An injury might work, so long as it looks something other than self inflicted..."

He glanced out the tent for a moment, before turning back and lowering his voice. "The Norscans. They are reckless and violent and they have attacked Ravenskird and Painford. If I turn up with a fresh wound from one of their weapons and a story about how I only just escaped them when they raided south well I doubt anyone will think I'm loyal to you."

2016-02-13, 03:30 PM

Alvarr considered the idea.

"If you confirm to Sforza that the Norscans were responsible for the raid," he said at last, "he will demand the most severe punishment. If they were my own men I would happily give them up for what they have done, but the Red-Mane is still Rorik's most trusted man. I cannot hand them over."

"Tell Sforza what you like, but do not let him think we planned the attack on Painford." He looked across to Jager. "Sforza knows by now that my men were at Ravenskird. Perhaps Commander Jager is a better fit."

Jager cracked his knuckles. "It'd be my pleasure," he said, with rather more relish than Adelbert wanted to hear.

2016-02-13, 03:51 PM

Adelbert suppressed a shudder. "Your Grace, if any Norscans fell at Painford I've no doubt the Tilean knows who attacked him. He has experienced soldiers there. They'd know who they were fighting. Or did Hakon say all of his band made it back?"

2016-02-13, 03:51 PM
Ludo etc
Ludo nearly stopped in his tracks, surprised by Sieghard's abruptness. "I was in Ravenskird, and then... what's wrong?"

2016-02-13, 03:56 PM

"They took losses," said Alvarr, "but none of the Jarl's inner circle. Just Raven Hills men. If we're lucky, and none of them lived long enough to talk... we may be able to pass it off as a group of raiders trying their luck. Perhaps deserters from the siege." He paused, hardly looking like he believed it himself. "In any case, we deny all knowledge of the attack."

2016-02-13, 04:24 PM

"Yes Your Grace," he bowed then departed, having no wish to risk Jager's sword.

Seeking out Kelda he said to her. "I need your help, but I think we should do this discretely. Can we talk?"

Assuming she agreed he led her to his tent, closing the flap behind him. "That raid on Painsford did you... uh... take your other look?"

2016-02-13, 04:30 PM

Kelda looked confused, then amused as she realised what she was being asked.

"Not that they saw," she said, with a grin. "Made a bit of noise. Hakon's men did most of the fighting. We slipped round the side while they were distracted, started the fire."

2016-02-13, 04:38 PM


Adelbert felt relieved but oddly dissappointed.

Still, he smiled back, even if there was a touch of grim humour to it. "Well I guess in a way that's good news. The duke want's me to go back to Ravenskird as a spy and so they don't suspect I'm going in with an injury and claim I was attacked. I was going to ask you since we're friends and I'm pretty sure you won't kill me, unlike Jager. If no one saw you though I'll have to think of something else."

2016-02-13, 04:42 PM

"Hah!" Kelda had a queer, barking laugh. "Well, rather you than me. That Tilean's a sly one."

She paused, her memory seeming to stray.

"There were a couple of the villagers who saw us," she said, after a long pause. Her manner had become briefly sombre. "But they're not going to be telling any stories."

She didn't sound proud.

2016-02-13, 04:51 PM

Adelbert's stomach lurched at the sound of civilian casualties, but Kelda's expression and tone struck him more. This was a very different side to her than any he had seen before and he felt a sharp pang of sympathy. After a moment of hesitation he reached out and took her hand, hoping she wouldn't just punch him for the affront.

"Kelda Wave Born, you are a warrior. I'm not, but I've known a few and I know they sometimes have to make hard choices. I won't forget one choice you made: you saved my life. Come on daughter of the North, let's find something to drink and then go talk to one of the archers. I'll say an arrow clipped my shoulder."

2016-02-13, 05:15 PM

"You want to stand there while someone shoots you?" she asked. "You're brave than you look, Empire man."

Heading over to the fire where the deer was being roasted, Adelbert did his best to mingle with the Raven Hills men. One of them offered him a flask of something fermented from goat's milk; he drank and made appreciative noises while trying to keep it down.

OOC: Ready to move on when you are. How do you want to fake the injury?

2016-02-13, 05:27 PM

"Thanks Kelda... I think."

As he sat by the fire, trying to ignore the queassiness in his stomach he thought about what he would do.

Well I had been leaning strongly to the wolf bite but I'm not going to put Kelda through mental trauma, so that's out. Arrow it is. Despite what the Norscan girl thinks Adelbert isn't crazy enough to stand around under arrow fire. He'll take a couple of arrows and using the points he'll graze one of his cheeks ("any closer and I would have lost an eye.") The other arrow injury will have to look more severe without actually causing permanent injury so that will be in the side from the back ("hit me as I turned tail and rode off.")

He'll take Bella with him, deliberately riding her through any mud he can find to make it look like he's been living rough the last couple of days and is far more exhausted and injured than he really is.. When he's done he'll ride for Ravenskird.

2016-02-13, 05:36 PM
No Adelberts

"In Ravenskird," Sieghard repeated flatly. "Well it's good to know you were in Ravenskird while I was stuck cleaning up your mess!"

"Do you have any idea what your careless is costing me?" he said, more quietly. "You're lucky Alvarr's bastards didn't kill you when they marched on that miserable little village. Not very lucky though. You're going to help fix and I don't care what it takes."

2016-02-13, 05:48 PM
Sieghard, Elsa, Ludo & Viggo

The village of Ravenskird had been through a lot in recent months – so much so that its people could have been forgiven for becoming a little jaded towards the comings and goings of border princes. Nevertheless, the arrival of Muzio Sforza and his army seemed to catch them completely by surprise.

Watching his troops file through the swampy village from the back of his horse, Sforza surveyed the terrain. <Find some dry ground on the north side,> he commanded Makeda. <I'll not have us make camp in this mud-pit.>

In the rear of the column, there was already disorder, as one of the carts had strayed off the road and sunk axle-deep in the marshy ground. Ignoring it, Sforza spurred his horse up the line, riding through the village to gaze out at the green expanse of the Downlands to the north. Elsa could tell he had no interest in Ravenskird – this was just a port of call on the way to something much grander.

Meanwhile, the Thorns had stopped to stare boggle-eyed at the charred ruins of Ravenskird's river docks. While the piers and jetties had survived partially intact, the great sluggish stretch of the river that the village straddled was now dominated by the sunken wreck of a huge river ship, its blackened masts jutting jaggedly out of the water. From its size, Viggo assumed it could only be the Gilded Sow.

OOC: Not trying to cut short the Sieghard/Ludo conversation, but if you could resolve it in a time split that'd be grand.


That night, Sforza's army made camp on the high ground north of the village. Tents were laid out in orderly rows, and pickets set from among the ranks of Valdes' Estalians. There was surprisingly little traffic to and from the village itself. Perhaps it was because the soldiers had not been granted leave, or that with the bunkhouse and the Sow both gone up in flames, there was nowhere left in Ravenskird for a thirsty soldier to go and get drunk. Those who stayed latest were the officers, quizzing the locals again and again about the details of Alvarr's raid.

It was in the dead of night when one of the sentries gave a shout - a single horseman was approaching, riding hell for leather along the river road. Rising from the campfire where he had been warming his hands, Ludo hurried to the edge of the camp to see.

The rider was Adelbert. With bloodstained clothes and his horse splashed with mud, he reined in at the edge of the camp as two or three sentries ran to stop him. Shouting in Tilean and Reikspiel, they demanded his name and business in Ravenskird as he raised his hands to show he wasn't armed.

2016-02-13, 06:12 PM

The grusome business of faking injuries over with Adelbert bade farewell to Hakkon, the Raven Hill's men and Kelda. The last he clapped on the shoulder, hoping she remembered he was not in best of health. "Your gods go with you my friend, and watch over you in the battle. May we meet again in Savonne."


"Adelbert Schreiber, priest of Verena," Adelbert called out to the guards his voice weary and pained. "My business is shelter and healing in the shrine of Morr. I am wounded..."

2016-02-13, 06:28 PM
Elsa only learned of Ludo's return when the army set camp near Ravenskird. Her greeting was no warmer than Sieghard's. "What have you been doing, and where's Adelbert?" she demanded, as they stood by the campfire. "I thought you two were together."

She got an answer to the second question mere minutes later. She was rather shocked to see Adelbert introduce himself under his true identity, given his history with Sforza.

2016-02-13, 06:31 PM
Searching him and finding nothing more offensive than his sword, the sentries let Adelbert through.

"The village is under our command," one of them warned him. "Stay out of trouble, priest."

2016-02-13, 07:03 PM

Adelbert gave the soldier a dirty look, then very painfully dismounted and slowly led his horse into the camp. He looked set to continue through the camp to the village, but his eyes widened as saw first Ludo, then Elsa and the others.

"The shrine," he half whimpered. "I need to go there. Follow me there and we'll talk."

A full blown conversation in the very middle of Sforza's camp clearly did not appeal to the injured priest!

2016-02-13, 10:21 PM

"Morr's breath, Schreiber," Sieghard said once he had arrived in the shrine. "You look half dead."

He glanced over at Elsa. "Probably better if I don't bother Doctor Bianco again so soon after that business with the village woman, but he wouldn't refuse you." He turned to face Adelbert again. "What happened?"

2016-02-13, 11:02 PM
Elsabeth Holt

Elsa wore a deep frown on her face, unsure whether she should be annoyed at Adelbert for his long and unexplained absence or show some sympathy for his injury. "You might be wondering why the whole army's there," she said, following Adelbert to the shrine and offering him her bottle of brandy to help him disinfect his wounds. "Well, Alvarr's men have attacked Painford, burned part of the wall and killed several villagers. Including Viggo's girl. Sforza and Alvarr are about to hold talks, but I think war is all but inevitable."

"Sieghard said you were trying to get inside Savonne to talk to the priest about the grimoire. Is that true?" She sounded dubious.

2016-02-14, 04:40 AM
Ludo and Sieghard, Earlier, Also With Viggo Listening I Assume
"My carelessness?" Ludo asked, taken aback. He moved to follow the marchers, having to trot along to keep pace. "Sieghard, what happened?"

"I was here," Ludo said, still a little shocked after Sieghard's welcome, "and then..." he waved a hand expansively at the burnt dock. "I went into hiding."


"What happened to you, Adelbert?" Ludo asked, sitting next to the scribe. "Could you not get into the city?"

2016-02-14, 06:35 AM
Adelbert looked worn and tired but happy to see them all. "God's I hadn't realised how good it would be too see you again."

Painfully shifting his weight he looked at Ludo, then at Elsa and sighed. "Yes. I think we'd be safer if the book is in Heironymous' hands but it looks like that will have to wait until after the siege. I got nowhere near Savonne. I was on the road when I saw the smoke from the south and remembering the first time Ravenskird was sacked I didn't want to take the risk again. I've been living rough for two days but I was attacked by a group of men with bows to the north of here. They might have been deserters out for themselves but I wasn't going to chance it, so I rode here."

He looked sadly at Viggo. "I... I'm sorry about your girl my friend."

Finally he turned to Sieghard, his expression hesitant. "Thank you. Given my... ahem... popularity with the court do you think Bianco would agree to see me?"

2016-02-14, 11:00 AM
Sieghard + Ludo (and probably Viggo), earlier

He lowered his voice even further to the point Ludo could barely hear him. "Funny thing happens when you tell an entire village you're burying gold - some people get it in their head to dig it up."

Everyone Together

"If Elsa asked him to, he would," Sieghard said, though he looked doubtful.

"Someone needs to take a look at your injuries... She's no surgeon, but Ottilda seems to know a bit about treating the wounded," he suggested.

2016-02-14, 02:08 PM
"It's no matter if you couldn't get into Savonne," Elsa assured Adelbert. "I wager we'll lift the siege within a week."

"If Elsa asked him to, he would," Sieghard said, though he looked doubtful.
Elsa did not seem too keen on the prospect. "No offense to Adelbert, but I'd rather let Sforza's inner circle forget of our association. Maybe go to one of Bianco's apprentices?"

She addressed both Adelbert and Ludo: "How'd you two get separated, anyway?"

2016-02-14, 04:36 PM

Adelbert looked sceptical at Elsa's bold prediction about Savonne. He also looked less than thrilled at being pawned off an apprentice barber-surgeon, but grudgingly nodded at the wisdom of it. "I suppose so. Is the whole court here? Abdul, Barbaro, Irene too?"

At her second question he glanced ruefully at Ludo. "I was out of Ravenskird trying to find out more information about the siege from the locals. I didn't get much unless you count the arrows."

2016-02-14, 08:18 PM
OOC: I will delete this post if RossN backtracks.

"I suppose so. Is the whole court here? Abdul, Barbaro, Irene too?"

"The whole court," Elsa confirmed. "Irene included, unfortunately."

2016-02-14, 08:49 PM
OOC: see above edit -Sentinel-.


Adelbert smiled at Elsa's comment. "Actually I don't believe I've ever spoken with the woman, or even seen her from other than a great distance. Is she as glamorous as I hear?"

Partly this may have been playful needling of Elsa but there was also a definite spark of curiosity in his eyes.

2016-02-14, 09:01 PM
"Oooh, she's glamorous alright," said Elsa with a strained smile. "So glamorous, she has no place in these harsh lands. She should go back to Tilea. She and I can agree on that, at least."

2016-02-14, 09:07 PM

Adelbert looked at Elsa in surprise. "Well like I said I don't know the woman, but with Fassbender dead there are few enough people like us left in the Princes, those who value learning and intellect. I admit if I wasn't certain Sforza would happily have me flogged if I came within twenty feet of his court I'd have been happy to talk to her. The literature of Tilea has of course always been a favourite of mine."

2016-02-14, 09:19 PM
"I've no idea if Irene Sforza is a lover of literature," said Elsa; growing up among the lesser nobility, she had seen her fair share of regal-looking people with impressively little culture. "All I know is that she slandered me. After I told her I wouldn't put up with her snooty attitude, she ran off to her husband and accused me of threatening her." Her fists clenched at the memory.

2016-02-14, 09:26 PM

Adelbert looked shocked. "Slandered? How?"

He hesitated before adding: "Elsa I know I'm the last person who point fingers at anyone for being stubborn and all my grudges are engraved in granite but even if Irene thinks she's the Tzarina of Kislev it might not be wise to call her on her attitute... unless of course you are reconsidering your employment here?"

He tried not to sound too hopeful on that last question.

2016-02-14, 09:36 PM
"She called me a nobody," said Elsa defensively, still seething. "Me. The court wizard. I told her no one in the Border Princes cared about her name and titles, and she twisted it into: 'The mean wizard told me she'd kill me and no one would care'."

She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. "I'm not stupid. Since then, I've been pretending to respect her. But it doesn't mean I have to like it."

2016-02-14, 10:14 PM

Adelbert winced in sympathy. "Ah, yes I can see why that is not pleasant. Still there might be a way to rebuild bridges. Remember that Tilean book we have? Given as a gift it might soothe her dislike. If she's an intellectual she'll appreciate it. If she's secretly a bimbo she'll at least wish to appear clever so she'll appreciate it."

2016-02-14, 10:27 PM
Elsa snorted. "You seem to think I care about her opinion of me." She paused to consider Adelbert's suggestion. "If I give her a gift, it'll be for the sake of appearances, not to 'rebuild bridges' that never even existed. Poor lady is so bored by all those wars, perhaps a book of poetry is what she needs."

2016-02-15, 12:08 AM

"Oooh, she's glamorous alright. So glamorous, she has no place in these harsh lands. She should go back to Tilea. She and I can agree on that, at least."

"Oh, she's not that bad," Sieghard said, grinning. He immediately wished he had kept his mouth shut once Elsa began her rant.

"That might work," he said once he had heard Adelbert's suggestion. "If she doesn't rip the thing apart out of spite anyways." The thought bothered him. It was, afterall, likely the most valuable book they had taken out of the Lost Library with them and at the moment, money was a serious concern.

2016-02-15, 05:40 AM

Elsa snorted. "You seem to think I care about her opinion of me." She paused to consider Adelbert's suggestion. "If I give her a gift, it'll be for the sake of appearances, not to 'rebuild bridges' that never even existed. Poor lady is so bored by all those wars, perhaps a book of poetry is what she needs."

Adelbert looked rueful. "If I thought it would rebuild some of the bridges I'd burned I'd give it to her myself. As it is at least you can still keep up appearances."

After raising an eyebrow at Sieghard's defence of Irene he shrugged. Pain flashed across his face. "Well it can wait til after I see a surgeon."

2016-02-15, 08:10 AM
Sieghard Etc, Earlier
Several expressions flashed across Ludo's face - shock, guilt, horror. "They didn't - they wouldn't - their own Beatrix - or was it one of the thorns?"

"Did you stop them?"

"Is it really wise to give out a book from the Library?" Ludo asked. "I know we checked if there was anything wrong, but..."

2016-02-15, 08:44 AM

"It is not a tome on sorcery, just a volume that the librarians had along with other works of literature. I'll try reading it again tonight if it will set your mind at rest - after the surgeon."

2016-02-15, 09:30 AM
Sieghard + Ludo (+ Viggo?)

"It was Fischwillen," Sieghard said. "Of course I ****ing stopped him. And because I did, that Thorns lost two months pay."

Everyone Together

Sieghard nodded. "It'd take a lot more than a book if you wanted to make peace with the captain. You must've learned something about the siege since you've been out here... If you could tell him something useful..."

2016-02-15, 09:34 AM
"Book seemed safe enough to me," said Elsa, who knew the Captain might react poorly if his wife was struck blind upon reading the book. "I can look at it with my wizard senses to put your mind at peace." Truth to be told, she wished more books they brought back from the Library had been magical or otherwise dangerous.

"Now let's see about a surgeon. It doesn't look too bad... I'd go to one of Bianco's apprentices, or perhaps the local healer."

Northern Lad
2016-02-15, 11:00 AM
Sieghard, Ludo & Viggo

Viggo's initial greeting was much warmer than Sieghard's he bent low and clasped Ludo's hand, shaking it warmly. To Ludo's keen eye's though, Viggo seemed different, a hardness around the eyes and a firm set to his jaw somehow served to make the boy appear older, he even looked a little taller.

"Take no note of him Ludo, he's grumpy about having to fork out the men's pay out of his own pocket is all." Viggo's lips twisted sourly, "He's had me marching along with the men all day too, taken Magnus off me to drag Filomena about again he has." A dark pall seemed to descend over the boys features when the attack on Ravenskird was brought up. "Painford was hit too." He said sounding almost morose, expression tightening even more if possible as he straightened and fell back into step next to Sieghard.

Viggo would have been lying if he said he was happy to be back in Ravenskird, the bloody place has been nothing but a stinking load of trouble, but if truth were told he was just glad to be away from Painford. Under Sieghard's stern eye Viggo had been directing the setting up of their camp when the message came that Adelbert had arrived. When they arrived at the shrine Viggo gave Adelbert a sympathetic glance and a firm handshake.

"I... I'm sorry about your girl my friend."

Viggo's eyes hardened at that though he nodded at the Priest, "It was that wolf changing bitch you told us of last you were here." Viggo seemed not to care that they were in a shrine, "I've vowed to flay her and use her bloody pelt.... as I see fit" Viggo's voice seemed very unusual, harsh and strident.

With all the talk of getting a healer for Adelbert but nobody seemingly in a hurry to actually go and fetch one Viggo sighed heavily and left for the camp in search of Paulo or Marko.


And I'll take the day as a chance to try and train Magnus again if that's ok. Pulling a cannon cart and marching soldiers seems as good an opportunity as any?

Animal Training Test:
INT 31 -[roll0]
Re-Roll - [roll1]

EDIT: Dam you horse!!! :smallfurious:

2016-02-15, 11:20 AM

Viggo's eyes hardened at that though he nodded at the Priest, "It was that wolf changing bitch you told us of last you were here." Viggo seemed not to care that they were in a shrine, "I've vowed to flay her and use her bloody pelt.... as I see fit" Viggo's voice seemed very unusual, harsh and strident.

Adelbert looked troubled by that mark, even upset, but he did not comment on that. Instead he said symapthetically: "I shall say a prayer at the shrine for her and ask Brother Cesar to do likewise."

Northern Lad
2016-02-15, 11:40 AM
Viggo Hirtzel

That seemed to reassure Viggo somewhat and when he spoke his tone was much more mild mannered, "Thank you Adelbert. I would appreciate that."

2016-02-15, 11:50 AM
Viggo's angry vow made Elsa wince, not so much for the colorful threat as for the use of the word bitch. Still, the bard's anger was understandable. As for herself, part of her deeply regretted that fate had put her and Kelda on opposite sides of the war; though she had met the Norscan wolf-woman only once, she viewed her as a kindred spirit.

Except for the civilian-murdering thing.

If I'd taken her up on her offer to serve the Jarl, would I be burning villages and killing peasants as we speak?

"I shall say a prayer at the shrine for her and ask Brother Cesar to do likewise."
"Oooh, a prayer. That's... very considerate of you." Elsa's voice dripped with contempt. "Meanwhile, Savonne needs our help, not our prayers. As Sieghard is saying, maybe there's something you can tell us about the siege."

2016-02-15, 12:01 PM

Adelbert looked a bit shocked at Elsa's attitude and he took a moment to reply. "I have not gotten in the town so I can't tell you much and, honestly, why should I even I did know more? I don't work for the Tilean, in case you have forgotten."

He was starting to look angry now, though whether at Elsa's sheer rudeness or at the nature of her request wasn't clear.

2016-02-15, 02:31 PM
Seeking out one of the apprentice surgeons, Adelbert secured some bandages for his wounds. Binding them as best he could, he headed for the chapel, taking advantage of the hospitality of Brother Cesar until morning.

Festag, 15th Erntzeit

Dawn broke grey and diffuse on the morning of the fifteenth, slightly spoiling the effect of the army drawn up on the flood plain north of Ravenskird. Soldiers stood in tight formations, colourful banners hanging limply in the cool air as behind them the members of the baggage train made ready to break camp.

Elsa Only
Elsa found the Captain consulting with his officers, already mounted up and standing ahead of the line. They were debating continuing the march north, to intercept Alvarr before he reached Ravenskird. That must have been what Sforza meant by “keeping him on his toes”.

<Makeda got something out of Groz's spy,> Valdes told her to bring her up to speed. <Seems like they caught one of the boats that was running supplies into Savonne. Now Groz and Alvarr have a team of dwarfs digging up the riverbank north of here.> He looked to where Sforza was watching the assembling troops. <Captain thinks they're up to no good.>

Sieghard was standing with the assembled Thorns, waiting for the order to march, when the shout went up of riders on the road. Soon, he and Viggo could see them too – a small group, carrying a dark blue banner before them. Sieghard didn't have to see it clearly to guess what it showed – the boar's-head heraldry of Edouard Alvarr.

Seeing the banner approaching, Sforza looked almost disappointed. <He does it just to spite me, you know?> Elsa heard the Captain mutter to his wife, who had just then deigned to join them. <Him and his bloody pigs.>

Irene said nothing, merely arching an eyebrow and watching the horsemen come nearer. Having quite abandoned the compassionate show she'd put on in Painford, Irene had refused point-blank to set foot in Ravenskird, calling it a “disgusting place” - since their arrival, this was the first time Elsa had seen her outside the Captain's tent.


The two princes met about a hundred yards in front of the assembled army. Much to Elsa's surprise, Irene didn't stay put with the rest of the officers, but rode up to meet the Duke beside her husband. Sforza didn't look in the least bit surprised – somehow, Irene's presence appeared to be part of his plan. Horses flicking their ears at each other, the three nobles faced off under the pale grey sky.

Alvarr was the first to speak.

“Captain Sforza,” he said, with a grudging inclination of his head.

“Edouard,” said Sforza. “I was expecting more of you. Where are Rorik and the Count?”

“They have a siege to maintain,” said Alvarr. “I speak for all of us.”

“Good,” said Sforza. Reaching to his waist, he produced the roll of parchment Rahim had brought back. “We received your message. Very brief.” Looking back up at the Duke, he gave him a challenging look. “Now we are here, and we will hear your explanation.”

“There is nothing to explain,” replied Alvarr, rigidly. “Apart from why you see fit to march your sellswords onto my territory.”

“His territory?” asked Irene, butting in for the first time. She looked across to Sforza, as if Alvarr wasn't there. “Muzio, darling, I thought it was the elf's.”

“I thought so too,” said Sforza, with an insolent shrug. “Still, the question remains. Why did your men set fire to my village?”

“They are not my men.”

Sforza waved a hand, swatting irritating details like gnats. “Your ally's men.”

“They are not my allies' men either,” Alvarr persisted, as stubborn as a rock.

“You call me a liar.”

“I say nothing of the sort,” said the Duke. “You know full well our army has suffered losses to desertion, as well as on the walls. The country around Savonne is rife with bandits.” He paused, watching the Captain's face. “We cannot be held responsible for the actions of every band of ruffians in the Downlands.”

Sforza rode his horse a few paces closer. “Deserters?” he said, disbelievingly. “You expect me to believe this? My men will swear they saw Jarl Rorik's men leading the attack.”

“Perhaps they did. Rorik has lost men too,” said Alvarr.

“These men attacked a fortified village, defended by my own soldiers. You think bandits would take such risks?”

“To steal your weapons and supplies, perhaps,” said Alvarr, imperturbable. “I cannot speak for their motivations. All I can say is that I did not give any such order.” He looked Sforza straight in the eye. “I give you my word.”

Sforza hesitated, seemingly on the back foot. Before he could come up with a reply, Alvarr spoke again. “I could equally well ask you, Captain,” he said, “why food and supplies from Mirino are being smuggled into Savonne, despite our blockade.”

“Why your Grace,” said Irene, intervening on her husband's behalf. “We have no idea of what you speak. It's true, we have enough crops to sell some on, but - “ she put on a look of calculated innocence - “Muzio can hardly be held responsible for the actions of every band of smugglers in the Downlands.”

Now it was Alvarr's turn to be thrown off balance. He looked at Irene with a mixture of surprise and displeasure. “You bring your wife into battle with you now, Sforza?” he said to the Captain.

“Oh, is there going to be a battle?” asked Irene, brightly. She looked around. “You don't seem to have brought an army. Muzio has,” she added helpfully. “They're over there.”

Sforza played along with her pantomime and looked round as if noticing his men for the first time, enjoying his rival's discomfort. Alvarr held silence, still glowering at Irene. Her words seemed to have shaken his icy composure.

“I don't know much about battles,” she blithely continued. “I've only seen one or two, you know? But Muzio always wins, don't you Muzio.”

“I have no wish for war with you, Sforza,” Alvarr said, cutting her off. “Neither do my allies. Withdraw your troops, and we can discuss this further in private.”

“Or we could discuss it now,” interjected Irene again. She leaned back, twisting round in the saddle to point daintily back towards the army. “With the troops still here. In case we need them.” She flashed Alvarr a bright smile.

“Will you be quiet?” snapped the Duke, his voice rising to a sudden roar. “I will not be spoken to in this way by a woman!”

The silence that fell was deafening. Looking around to see who was watching, Sforza at last spoke.

“I am of a mind to agree with my wife,” he said, quietly. “We settle this here.” Alvarr glared at him, but it achieved nothing.

“Here are our terms,” said Irene, lifting her chin and looking down her nose at the duke. “You cede Ravenskird to us. You lift your blockade on the Azril and allow free trade to Putbad and Alvarran, by river and road. You pay us a bounty of fifty crowns for every one of Muzio's subjects who was killed or injured in the raid.”

“These terms are ridicul-”

“Not done,” said Irene, sweetly. She was counting the terms off on her fingers. “And, you personally will find the... deserters... who attacked Painford, and bring us their heads.”

Alvarr looked to Sforza, his face dark with suppressed anger.

“These are your terms?” he said.

Sforza nodded.

“Those are my terms.”

A tense silence followed.

“Twenty crowns a head,” said Alvarr. “To be repaid when the culprits are caught. And your troops return to Painford.”

“Forty,” said Sforza. “And we keep the money. There are grieving orphans and widows to support,” he added with a smile. "But we will return your spy, free of charge."

Looking back, he waved imperiously to Makeda. The ranks of the ahosi parted, and the man they had caught was dragged forwards. He was bruised and bloodied, but still seemed to be intact.

Adelbert Only
Adelbert immediately recognised the unfortunate man as one of the two Ehrman had sent to scout out Painford. Of the other, there was no sign.

Alvarr looked at the man with quiet contempt.

“Twenty-five crowns,” he said.


Another silence.

“Very well,” said Alvarr, through gritted teeth. “We have an agreement. You will have your blood money before the week is out.”

Sforza almost looked surprised – but reached out and shook the Duke's gloved hand. Without another word – but with an angry look at Irene – Alvarr turned his horse around and rode back to his men.

Irene laughed as she watched the horsemen help the liberated captive up into the saddle. <You were right,> Elsa heard her say to the Captain, as she and the other officers rode up beside them. <That was fun.>

Sforza said nothing, staring after the receding figures of the Duke and his men as they rode away. He looked almost puzzled.

<He agreed too easily,> he said, in a low voice. <He's up to something.>

2016-02-15, 03:12 PM
Ludo couldn't hear Sforza's mutterings, or understand them, but he had come to a similar conclusion on his own. "Didn't you say one of the attackers was the shape-changer?" he asked Sieghard in a low voice. "She didn't seem the sort to desert... and I doubt we'll be seeing her head."

2016-02-15, 03:54 PM

Sieghard nodded. "Kelda was there, I'm sure of it," he said with a scowl.

He approached Captain Sforza "Alvarr lies," he said, watching the Duke leave. "The woman I told you about, Kelda, is one of Rorik's inner circle. The man who led the attack on the north wall was likely Rorik's second-in-command. Neither would have deserted. He has no intention to hand them over... it would end his alliance with the hill tribes if he did."

2016-02-15, 05:26 PM

Trapped at the back with the camp followers Adelbert could do little but watch proceedings and only his excellent hearing (and knowledge of Tilean) kept him informed of events. His eyes widened at the peace terms and the unveiling of the 'spy'.

He did study Irene with a keen interest, this being the first chance he had to get much more than a glimpse of the famed beauty. He was still a distant observer but at least he had a chance to see her in action.

2016-02-15, 05:37 PM
Elsa stood in front of the ranks of the Iron Company, next to Commander Carraciolo. At first she was unsure why Sforza had brought his wife with him, but seeing her drive Alvarr angry, she began to understand: Irene was meant to annoy the Duke and hopefully make him less likely to accept the terms. When he accepted them anyway, outrageous as they were, Elsa reached the same conclusion as Sforza: something was up.

<"The Duke is stalling for time,"> she said quietly to Carraciolo, remembering what Valdes had told her this morning.

2016-02-15, 06:47 PM
He approached Captain Sforza "Alvarr lies," he said, watching the Duke leave. "The woman I told you about, Kelda, is one of Rorik's inner circle. The man who led the attack on the north wall was likely Rorik's second-in-command. Neither would have deserted. He has no intention to hand them over... it would end his alliance with the hill tribes if he did."

"Of course he doesn't," said Sforza, dismissively. "You think I believe for one second that Painford was attacked by bandits?"

He trailed off, still gazing contemplatively north. "He gave his word," he said, after a long wait. "To him, that means something. I believe him when he says he did not give the order."

<Trouble in the camp?> said Valdes.


Looking round to Sieghard, Sforza jerked his chin back towards the lines. "Fetch the Halflings. Tell them I want them to scout north of here along the river. Let's see what the old dog is up to."

Without another word, he turned and spurred his horse back towards the camp. Looking round in alarm, Barbaro called out in Tilean:

<My lord! We promised to withdraw our troops from this village!>

<I didn't say when!> was Sforza's parting reply.

OOC: The army is going to remain in Ravenskird for a few days, while the halflings do their scouting and Sforza waits for Alvarr's payment to arrive. If you give me a generalised plan for your characters I think we can go through them fairly quickly.

2016-02-15, 07:05 PM

Adelbert slipped away the moment Sforza had left, moving quickly in the direction of Ravenskird village, a troubled look on his face.

Eep... okay Adelbert has to warn the Duke about those Halflings, which means creeping out of Ravenskird as discretely as possible, moving out of sight of the Tilean camp and heading towards the Duke's camp. So much for a rest...

2016-02-15, 07:13 PM
Taking a moment when Sieghard was distracted, Ludo jogged hurriedly after Adelbert.

Ludo and Adelbert
"After all of that, I suspect that what little intelligence I have is going to be useless." he said, trotting along beside the scribe. "Where are you going? What really happened to you?"

2016-02-15, 07:40 PM
Ludo and Adelbert

Adelbert looked relieved to see Ludo.

"I was with the Duke. We were right about the smugglers; there is a tunnel on the river to the north. The opening is below the waterline and thus invisible on land and the crew of the Lily and, I can only assume the Dragon were resupplying Savonne through that tunnel. With Groz's boats we captured the Lily and discovered it is an old smuggler route, known only to them. Apparently even the prince does not know of it. Even as we speak the northern dwarves are about to breach the tunnel. When that happens the Norscans will go through and Savonne will fall. But we need time."

He sighed and rubbed his beard. "We'll have send a letter to the Duke warning him about Sforza's halflings. If they discover the dwarves are working on the tunnel then I have no doubt Sforza will attack. He mustn't know how close the town is to falling."

2016-02-15, 07:50 PM
Elsabeth Holt

Elsa strode back to Sieghard and Viggo, her brow furrowed. "Keep the Thorns ready. War's not averted. Duke Alvarr is clearly planning something, and came here to stall."

She lowered her voice.

Elsa, Sieghard and Viggo
"Valdes told me that dwarfs have been seen digging near the bank of the river, north of here. Doubtful they're looking for gold."

"Looks like we're to stay here until we know more," she went on, resuming a normal volume. "If the Duke keeps his word, I swear I'll eat my boots with horseradish sauce."

How about we start Sieghard's Tilean lessons? He won't learn a language in just a few days, so this doesn't force him to buy the Tilean language the next time he gets XP. We just need to start somewhere, and this is a good excuse for Elsa and Sieghard to spend time together.

Also, Viggo doesn't have Language (Tilean) on his sheet, so I take it he doesn't speak it either? How shameful, for a bard, to not even speak the language of the land where he plies his trade!

Apart from that, Elsa will stay on top of the news that circulate among the officer corps. She'll relay them to Sieghard, and only to Sieghard.

She'll also make sure Adelbert gets some rest and recovers well from his wound, which provides a nice IC excuse to keep an eye on him without acting on OOC knowledge of his true loyalties. :smalltongue:

2016-02-15, 08:18 PM
Ludo and Adelbert
"When the duke attacked Ravenskird I fled on the Dragon." Ludo said. "The crew are currently beached at Gilbertus's manse - the island where we fought the wicker man. I think they're planning to stay there in hiding for a while."

He paused. "Will the letter get there in time, though? I assume it's too late to catch up to the duke now."

2016-02-15, 08:28 PM
Ludo and Adelbert

"We have to try," Adelbert insisted, expression tense. He took a deep breath. "I'll go back to the shrine and write a quick letter, can you see if you can find a messenger will to try it? I'll cover the costs if need be."

He moved quickly on, obviously desperate to write and send the note as quickly as possible.

Adelbert's letter
Sforza suspects something. Halfling scouts will head North along river bank.
-Your Friend

2016-02-15, 11:01 PM

Sieghard gave Elsa a flat look "Really, Alvarr is planning something?" he deadpanned.

"Dwarves?" he asked keeping his voice low, "The Dwimmulsons then. If they dug their way into the Dwimmulhold, Alvarr could get half his army inside the city before anyone was any wiser. The captain needs to know. Help me round up the halflings and then we'll tell him."

As they walked, he shared his theories about what Alvarr planned to do about the raiders who attacked Painford.

OOC stuff. Intentionally in nested spoilers.

Perception for Elsa to notice Adelbert and Ludo slipping away. I'm giving myself a -20 penalty (which LCP can modify if he wants), because Elsa is at the front of the army and Adelbert is with the camp followers.

Ditto for Sieghard. Test vs 36 -20 = 16
[roll0] (lolnope)

How about we start Sieghard's Tilean lessons? He won't learn a language in just a few days, so this doesn't force him to buy the Tilean language the next time he gets XP. We just need to start somewhere, and this is a good excuse for Elsa and Sieghard to spend time together.

Sounds good to me. I'm not sure which test is most appropriate for this... Gossip? Search? Perception? But here's a roll to see if Sieghard can find a place he thinks that he and Elsa would be able to have some privacy for, among other things, Tilean lessons. I'll do an IC post with Sieghard asking about Elsa teaching him after we've rounded up the Gamecocks and told Sforza about the Dwimmulhold.
[roll2] - Reroll if needed. (Unless there's a negative modifier, that's a pass regardless of what test that is. The only stat Sieghard has below 34 is Fel and he has a +10 in gossip to compensate.)

Aside from that, Sieghard will focus on making sure his men (particularly the new recruits painford) are ready and learning what he can from the locals about Alvarr's recent actions.
Gossip roll vs 39 for that last bit.
[roll3] (alsonope)

2016-02-16, 12:04 AM
Elsa, Sieghard and Viggo

"Right." Elsa nodded and followed Sieghard. "Kind of wish we had messenger pigeons. We could get a message to Savonne as well."

Perhaps her familiar, whenever she acquired one, could serve such a purpose in the future. Of course, she would likely not have the opportunity to resume this particular project until the war was over.

As they walked, he shared his theories about what Alvarr planned to do about the raiders who attacked Painford.
"Might be what he'll do," Elsa agreed. "But you know that won't placate Sforza. And Alvarr knows it, too."

2016-02-16, 12:13 AM
Sieghard, Elsa, Viggo

"Alvarr doesn't care about placating the captain," Sieghard replied, "Bastard doesn't care that his savages killed my men either. But if he goes through the motions, he can pretend he wasn't the one who started it when it comes to open fighting."

2016-02-16, 04:10 AM
Ludo and Adelbert
Ludo nodded, and trotted back to the village in search of a messenger, preferably one with a horse.

OOC: Not sure how to do this so lets just do a Gossip test: [roll0]

Northern Lad
2016-02-16, 07:14 AM
Elsa, Sieghard & Viggo

Viggo trailed along behind his two officer friends, listening to the pair of them discuss their theories about Alvarrs' intentions. Although he'd been with the Thorns for a few months now, Viggo still couldn't get the hang of thinking tactically, he saw everything in terms of plain practicality instead. From the details he'd been able to discover so far it seemed that Sforza himself had arranged a practical solution to Viggo's own Kelda problem. I might miss out on the pelt, I suppose her head will just have to do.

"It doesn't matter if the Duke is lying or not really does it?" Viggo's eyebrows raised in query, "It's really about what he wants.... and he got that." He turned around and pointed to the army, "He wants to be able to finish his siege without our lot turning up to ruin his party. Our glorious Capitano has agreed to that... which most likely means we'll be gate crashing within the week." Viggo shrugged, "Sforza would have made an excellent bridge seller, just like Uncle Gofter." Looking northwards he continued, "As for the Dwarves, If they're digging by the riverbank isn't it more likely that they're working on some way of stopping boats and supplies getting into Savonne?"

As they set about rounding up the Gamecocks Viggo made sure to tell any of them who would listen that they should definitely find out what the Dwarves were up to and to keep a keen eye out for wolves.


Plan for the next couple of days is, Viggo will search amongst the army for the best swordsman.. he wants to start taking his lessons to the next level, he'll do the same with fisticuffs training, so he's looking for the best scrapper too (discounting ogres!) I'll make gossip rolls to find and charm rolls to see if they'll take on his tutelage? Any of his spare time away from the Thorns will be engaged in this training if possible.

Swordsman Training:
FEL 48
Gossip +10Mastery - [roll0]
Charm - [roll1]

Pugilism / Scrapping Training:
FEL 48
Gossip +10Mastery - [roll2]
Charm - [roll3]

EDIT: Re-rolled 74 & 84?!?!? Like the dice gods were determined for me to fail them then! :smallfrown:

2016-02-16, 09:09 AM
Roused out by Sieghard and Viggo, the Gamecocks were soon on their way, bows slung over their shoulders as they trooped off down the winding line of the river. Breaking formation, the rest of the army returned to the camp, there to wait on their Captain's orders. Here on the plain, the wind coming down off the Giant's Teeth carried a breath of frost; between the chill breeze and the grey sky, it was clear that autumn had arrived in earnest.

Helping get a campfire going with the Thorns - who were grumbling more than usual about the cold and their sore feet - Viggo watched as Sieghard and Elsa headed for the Captain's tent. His attention, however, was quickly diverted by a vision in green riding up beside him.

"Ah!" exclaimed Irene Sforza, setting eyes on Viggo. She extended a hand to let him help her down from the saddle. "Just the man I was looking for."

Elsa & Sieghard Speak with Sforza
In the command tent, Sforza listened to Elsa and Sieghard's suggestion with a skeptical expression.

"The dwarfs have been with Groz from the outset," said Sforza. "We know they already tried to undermine the wall, and they failed. Why would they try again so far from the city?" Unrolling a map on the camp table in the middle of the tent, he placed a finger on a bend in the river some way south of Savonne. "This is where Rahim says he saw them. That's where our guest said they were digging."

"Perhaps they are digging for buried treasure," suggested Barbaro, puzzling over the map. "To buy back the Storm Swords?"

<Perhaps they are digging for your brains,> replied Carraciolo, in jest. <You must have left them somewhere.>

Even Sforza had to struggle not to crack a smile. Shaking his head, he looked back to the map.

"We've gained much already. As long as we hold Ravenskird, we have access to the river. With the stores we have in Last Water, we could keep Savonne supplied well into winter. As long as the boatmen can still get it into the city." He looked to Valdes. "Where are they? Find them. I want to speak to the captains myself."

The Estalian saluted and exited the tent. Meanwhile, Carraciolo was scrutinising the map carefully himself.

"It could be a trap," he said. "Ravenskird is the only crossing between here and Savonne. We march north to stop Alvarr's diggings...” - he traced his finger up the line of the river - “...and Rorik and his savages come in behind to cut our line of retreat.” A pause. “We only have Alvarr's word that they're still at the city.”

Sforza furrowed his brow, clearly worried by his lieutenant's suspicions. "Rorik is too wounded to leave his tent." he said, by way of a counter-argument. "Our sources confirm this."

"Then he sends someone else." Carraciolo looked to Sieghard. "You said you saw Rorik's second in command at Painford?"

Viggo Speaks with the Other Sforza

"I thought I recognised you before," said Irene, daintily stepping down so as to keep her skirts out of the churned mud of the camp. "You're that minstrel, aren't you? The one who played such splendid tunes at the Mitterfruhl festival." She treated him to a blinding smile. "You know, I had no idea you and commander Sieghard were such friends."

"Tell me," she said, guiding him largely by force of personality to somewhere where they could sit down. Wrapped up in her charismatic aura, Viggo hardly noticed the two Iron Company men who were standing just a little way away, making sure no harm came to the Captain's wife. "What do you and your men think of that witch my husband hired?" She waved a hand dismissively. "I mean, wizard. Whatever it is she insists on calling herself." Her laughter was an invitation for Viggo to laugh too. "You know she's so particular about that? I mean, it's so silly, isn't it? It's just a word. Anyway," she said, looking at him with wide, dark eyes, "I'm sure you must have some stories..."

OOC: Irene tests Charm vs. Viggo's loyalty to his friends. Her base target is 74; you decide the difficulty modifier :smallwink:. I'll put it in a nested spoiler so you can decide before seeing the roll.


Ludo & Adelbert

Ludo didn't have much luck finding a messenger with a horse - but he could find one with a boat. Speaking to the owner of one of the small craft still remaining in the village, he got the letter on its way with the exchange of a few coins.

OOC: Base charge is 10s, but you might want to "tip" if you want to ensure the letter reaches its destination quickly and securely.

2016-02-16, 09:36 AM
Elsa and Sieghard

"We've gained much already. As long as we hold Ravenskird, we have access to the river. With the stores we have in Last Water, we could keep Savonne supplied well into winter. As long as the boatmen can still get it into the city."
"How do they even do it?" asked Elsa, frowning. "If you can smuggle goods into the city, you can smuggle people." The one thing that kept Savonne supplied might be the biggest weakness in its defenses.

On Carraciolo's suggestion of a trap, Elsa looked skeptical. "Alvarr's forces are spread out around a whole city. They're growing weaker each passing day. This is the worst possible time for them to start something stupid. Alvarr wants to buy time; he wants the walls of Savonne between us and him before war begins."

2016-02-16, 10:02 AM
Elsa & Sieghard

"How do they even do it?" asked Elsa, frowning. "If you can smuggle goods into the city, you can smuggle people."

"We'll find out soon enough," said Sforza. "As soon as Valdes finds those boatmen."

On Carraciolo's suggestion of a trap, Elsa looked skeptical. "Alvarr's forces are spread out around a whole city. They're growing weaker each passing day. This is the worst possible time for them to start something stupid. Alvarr wants to buy time; he wants the walls of Savonne between us and him before war begins."

"They still outnumber us," said Carraciolo, stubbornly. "Underestimating them now is a good way to get ourselves killed."

"If Alvarr gets inside the city there won't be a war," said Sforza, firmly. He gave Elsa a look. "When's the last time you saw a pike formation storm a castle wall, signora?

2016-02-16, 10:19 AM
Adelbert & Ludo

When Ludo came for the letter to pass to the messenger Adelbert slipped him a gold crown. "Tell him to keep the change. If he's back before tonight with proof he got there I'll add another crown."

For the first time in a long time Adelbert looked a little relaxed, though he winced as a sudden movement exacerbated his wounds. He smiled ruefully at Ludo. "My friend, I think it is time we had a drink. With the Sow gone I am not sure where we can find one but let's try, shall we?" He looked a little more somber. "I must speak with Viggo too about the girl who died, so I know what to tell Brother Cesar to say in his prayers." He glanced around the shrine to make sure the monk was not in the shrine before adding, softly.

"Bad business that. The Norscans raided Painford. Alvarr was furious and I don't blame him."

2016-02-16, 10:23 AM
Sieghard and Viggo

"When's the last time you saw a pike formation storm a castle wall, signora?"
"My point exactly. If Alvarr has a way in, we can't afford to wait."

Elsa paused. "Not so long ago, we were confident the northern lords would be at each other's throats within days of taking Savonne. No doubt less likely now, with our forces massed so close to the border."

2016-02-16, 10:46 AM
Ludo and Adelbert
"So is Alvarr agreeing to the deal because he thinks with your route in, he can take the city?" Ludo asked, quietly but bluntly. "But Sforza's right here... as soon as he attacks, Sforza will be free to ride into the rear, just like what happened at Manaan's Keep."

2016-02-16, 10:55 AM
Ludo and Adelbert

Adelbert looked thoughtful. "I think, or at least I hope, that Sforza is as cautious as he seems. Yes his troops are here and the man has no honourable bone in his body but he won't fight until he is certain he can win. If Alvarr can keep him thinking Savonne won't fall, until the moment it does, the Tilean will hesitate to attack."

He raised an eyebrow at Ludo. "Think back to what really happened at Mannan's Keep. I can't prove it but I know the Captain stuck a deal with the greenskins and I wouldn't put it past him to have sabotaged the late, lamented Commander's machine. Either than or he has Ranald's own luck. No, unless he is desperate or believes Savonne will fall immediately I don't think he'll strike. A man like that doesn't gamble, he plans."

Northern Lad
2016-02-16, 10:57 AM
Viggo Speaks with the Other Best Sforza

At first Viggo had to double check that it was he that Irene meant to be addressing, when he realised that it had to be, his cheeks flushed with pride at her appraisal of his talent. Remembering his manners Viggos' deep bow was as low and elaborate as he could make it, bright red cloak flaring out behind him as he flourished it extravagantly. I suppose it was just a matter of time, I did play astonishingly well at Mitterfruhl!

As Irene led him to be seated, he struggled to keep his thoughts focused, he certainly was not shy by nature, but her beauty was such that it made it a battle to even think of anything else. "My thanks for your praise my Lady, but alas, although I still play and perform I can hardly call myself a minstrel anymore." He swung his lute about to show her as proof. "And yes Commander Sieghard and I are close friends I suppose, it is he who is responsible for trying to turn me from a wordsmith into a warrior." He sounded a little miserable at that, but remembering whose presence he was in served to paint the broad smile back onto his face.

Taking a seat next to her Viggo grinned at Irene, "She is very touchy over that word isn't she?!" He agreed enthusiastically, "Temper as fiery as... well you catch my drift my Lady, promised to singe my eyebrows off if she heard me say it again! The Lady...." Viggo had to search his memory to recall what name Elsa went by, "Hildebrand.. is my friend too, although her tongue is often as heated as the spells she casts. Of course, if it pleases my Lady I can tell you many stories of her adventures, I've stood by her side on most of them!" Viggo adjusted his cap and fussed with the cuff of his coat self importantly.

When he spoke again, his voice had taken on the melodic tones he often used when regaling others with his tales, "I could tell you of the time she snatched a bandits arrow out of the sky mid-flight or how she once led an expedition into some deserted ruins only to discover and thwart an ancient evil," He lowered his tone a that one, surely the Capitano wouldn't mind me telling his wife the story?! "Or perhaps My Lady would like to hear of how she.. we, were set upon by a monstrous giant made of this very swamp itself?!" He pointed off in the direction of the mere, it was clear by the gleam in his eye that Viggo was eager to please Irene and the look he gave was one of earnest homage.


I counted it as a bare pass.... Either way the subtle nature of the question is lost on Viggo and he has taken Irene at her word. ie that she actually wants to hear his stories!

2016-02-16, 11:25 AM
Elsa, Sieghard & the Captain

"That plan still holds," said Sforza, slightly snappish. "And they haven't taken it yet." He stood looking down at the map, clenching and unclenching his fist. "Alvarr has been weakened, but not enough. The elf can still bleed him more."

He looked round at his officers. "You are dismissed. Inform me as soon as the halflings return."

Viggo & the Lady

"I'm sure those would all be... very interesting," said Irene, quietly stifling a yawn, "but that wasn't exactly what I was thinking of." She seemed to be getting at something, but Viggo wasn't entirely sure what. "You must have some stories about what she's like, you know? As a person." She bobbed her head from side to side. "Little habits, foibles, flaws... you know. Something amusing." She nudged Viggo with a mischievous smile. "I'm sure you could write a hilarious song about her."

OOC: Charm again, to convince Viggo that writing a witty ditty to wind up Elsa is a Good Idea.


Northern Lad
2016-02-16, 01:16 PM
Viggo & the Lady

Viggo found Irene's smile to be almost exhilarating, my heart doesn't even race this much when I'm training, get a grip man! still her found her eagerness infectious.

Tapping the side of his nose Viggo nodded along, "What she's like, what she's like eh?" Viggo began counting off on his fingers, "Well there's her temper for a start and then there's the way she cusses and curses like a bast.. erm like a sailor" Viggo snapped his fingers, hoping that Irene hadn't noticed his near slip of the tongue, "Oh and then there's the drinking! She drinks more than most men I know and hardly ever bathes either...."

Viggo leaned in, as close as he dare to the Lady, speaking in a hushed voice "When Beatrix and I first met I did have an idea to write a song about her actually, a humourous one at that!" Viggo pulled his lute around once more and strummed a few opening chords, "I was going to call it The Wizard and the Pie Shop Window."

Viggo played a tentative first verse, which saw poor Elsa being dangled by a number of motley fools out of the open window of a pie shop. He did his best to make it sound as funny and practiced as possible in the hope that he might be able to raise a laugh from the beauty.


Poor Viggo, he never stood a chance did he?! :smallredface:

Was his proto-song any good?
Musician Test:
FEL 48 - [roll0]

2016-02-16, 01:31 PM
Viggo & Irene

Irene clapped her hands together, practically doubling over with laughter. "Bravo," she said, "bravo! Oh, it is so funny! Is it really true?" Her eyes were alight to the possibility. "She got caught robbing a pie shop?"

"You simply must finish it," she said, when she had regained some of her composure. "These soldiers, you know, they don't get much entertainment. They are so lucky to have a man of culture among them now." She lowered her voice. "I think when it's finished, you should play it to the men. Don't you?" She gave a playful laugh. "I'm sure they will love it."

2016-02-16, 01:37 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

"I saw a man I believe was Rorik's second-in-command," Sieghard replied.
"I've never seen the man so I can't be certain. He was a large man with a shaggy mane of red hair... Does that sound like Hakon to you?"

"Him or not, I shot the man in the thigh before he ran away. I'm surprised. He was even able to walk after thar. His wound will be troubling him."

He thought for a moment.
"If the dig was a trap, it would've taken less than torturing the information out of one of Alvarr's men to learn about it,"" Sieghard said.
"They're digging because they found a way into the city... or at least Alvarr thinks they have anyways... We've no way of knowing how deep ir far the Dwimmulhold runs, but the dwarfs would. If they aren't stopped before they breach it, the city will fall."

2016-02-16, 01:46 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & the Captain

"They may have had horses," said Carraciolo. "Did you track them, after the battle?"

"I said you are dismissed," said Sforza, a little sharply. "We've done all we can for now. I will hear no more of it until the scouts return."

2016-02-16, 03:56 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

"We couldn't, " Sieghard told Carraciolo after they had left Sforza's tent. "By the time they had fled, we had fires to deal with. Even once they had been put out, with Makeda still gone, I would've either had to leave the village with no one in command or trusted untested men on their own. For what it's worth, we saw no tracks when we searched the forest for their bodies.

Northern Lad
2016-02-16, 03:58 PM
Viggo & Irene

"Bravo," she said, "bravo! Oh, it is so funny! Is it really true?" Her eyes were alight to the possibility. "She got caught robbing a pie shop?"

A brief moment of confusion forced Viggo's open expression to vanish, "Robbing? No, of course not. She was investigating the mysterious murder of an innocent priestess." His beetled frown disappeared just as quickly, replaced by a flashing smile and a waved hand, "But what place has truth in a witty parody really eh? Who would ever laugh at a miserable but honest clown?!" Viggo's eyebrows jumped up and down as he asked the question.

"I think when it's finished, you should play it to the men. Don't you?" She gave a playful laugh. "I'm sure they will love it."

Viggo gave a genuine hearty chuckle, his eyes as alight with mischief as Irene's "I'm sure they will M'Lady, I'm sure they will. But, if M'Lady will forgive me, you expect too much from the men, expecting them to go and recognise culture when they see it!" He slapped his knee in mirth and leaned forwards conspiratorially, "Oh they love the more... raucous and bawdy tunes well enough, but if I ever try to play something more cultured, a ballad say.... well, if I'm honest, I suspect that most of these men are nothig but oafs!" He pulled away a mock look of shock upon his face.

Viggo took on a resigned expression and continued plaintively, "It's a curse really M'Lady, I'm circus trained you see, not just any old wandering string plucker. I can sing all the best ballads, recitce the Epics of Sigmar and Magnus in High Meter and perform illusion tricks to fool the eye and mind, and all these sword swingers want to hear is Old Molly's Apron! To tell the truth, I've been in the Reaches this past year and M'lady and M'Lord are the only people I've met who could appreciate culture. The whole place seems a little dull to me, nought to entertain oneself with but... war, if M'Lady will forgive me my humble opnion?"


I think I see where you're going with this and whilst Ilove it ... Viggo IC can and has been persuaded to write and perform the witty ditty about Elsa but there's also no way IC he wouldn't tell Sieghard of this encounter in full as soon as humanely possible, even if just to rub it in his face... 'Nuh see she speaks to me in private too nur nur!

Viggo will try a little Charm himself, he's trying to present his CV as favourably as possible and trying to subtlety suggest that the Sforza's might like to see his act.

Charm Test:
FEL 48 - [roll0]
Re-Roll - [roll1]

2016-02-16, 04:42 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

"Hm," said Carraciolo. "Well. We'll see."

With nothing more to say, he headed off into the camp.

Viggo & Irene

"Well, there's nothing wrong with bawdy, is there?" asked Irene, seeming quite deaf to Viggo's hints. "Or raucous. That would be quite a good fit, wouldn't it, if she drinks as much as you say?"

She leant in, looking at Viggo as if sharing a confidence between friends. "I know what you mean, though. It's so dreadfully dull in these little border villages. Savonne's the only place with any real culture in these parts, and it's under the rule of that awful elf." She paused. "But don't be sad. Things are going to change very soon if Muzio has anything to do with it."

Rising from her seat, she headed back towards her horse and guards, stopping to give Viggo a cheery wave. "You will let me know when you've finished your song, won't you?" she called back. "I am so looking forward to hearing it."

OOC: Of course! Tell who you please. I'm about to advance a couple of days so you may have to squeeze it into a timesplit though.

Let me know how long Viggo takes to craft the song, and what exactly he puts in it. You don't have to write out a whole song if you don't want to, but something like the punchline for each verse would be good, just to get a feeling for it :smallbiggrin:

2016-02-16, 06:28 PM

"I'm beginning to tire of them speaking Tilean in front of me," Sieghard told Elsa once they had left and he was sure no one else was within earshot. "I killed his bloody orc and I lead his crossbowmen - I should be able to understand more than one word in ten he says."

2016-02-16, 06:36 PM
"Don't blame them," replied Elsa, "since you're the one refusing to learn the language. I picked it up on my own over time; I'm surprised you haven't."

She realized how rude that must have sounded. "...I can teach you, I guess?"

2016-02-16, 06:46 PM

"If you're willing," Sieghard replied with a shrug. "But you're wrong about one thing," he added with a smirk "I did manage to learn a few words and phrases when I was working at the Serpent." After confirming again that none of Sforza's soldiers were close enough to overhear, he gave Elsa a sample of a few Tilean requests and suggestions he had picked up. However, it became quite clear he had no idea what he was saying when he promised to make Elsa forget every other woman she had been with. The effect was further ruined when he threatened that if she didn't have the floor clean within the hour, he would throw her back out on the streets where he had found her.

I know you suggested avoiding the "other things" OOC... But Sieghard can't read the OOC thread and doesn't know that, so he's throwing in a charm test against a rather pitiful 15. :smalltongue:

Well with lines like that, no one should be surprised. :smallbiggrin:

2016-02-16, 07:14 PM
Wellentag, 16th Erntzeit

Most of the camp had spent Festag in a kind of tense idleness, waiting for any word from the Captain of their next move. The halflings hadn't yet returned, and in the meantime the grey weather continued, dampening everyone's spirits.

Sieghard spent the time beginning to pick up the rudiments of Tilean from Elsa, while Viggo split his time between pleading with Valdes to train him in swordsmanship and some new musical composition. The Estalian seemed rather too busy to indulge Viggo's requests, and most of his troops weren't conversant enough in Reikspiel to understand him - when Viggo drew and flourished his sword by way of a demonstration, they took it the wrong way and chased him out of their camp with rapiers draw.

Splitting his time between his friends and his lodgings at the chapel, Adelbert couldn't help but wonder at how well Ravenskird had survived its recent troubles. Brother Cesar seemed to take it all in stride. "This isn't the first time Ravenskird had changed hands," he said, with sanguine composure, "and it won't be the last."

Small boats were beginning to filter back into the docks, emerging from where they had been hiding in the marsh. It was on Wellentag afternoon, on his way back to the camp, that Ludo saw a familiar face - Captain Sandu of the Green Dragon, being frogmarched through the village by two of Valdes' Estalians. Following at a discreet distance, he saw the boat captain being marched through the army camp and straight to Sforza's tent.

Ten minutes later, Sforza emerged in a state of great agitation, shouting for Carraciolo and Al-Makir. Sieghard was sitting with Elsa, struggling to understand the strange words she was trying to teach him, when he heard the trumpets - the army was on the move again.

Tents vanished into overburdened wagons, men running this way and that as they raced to strike the camp in record time. A vanguard was forming up by the road, Makeda and Valdes assembling their troops as Gorg and his ogres lumbered up alongside them. Finding Carraciolo in the chaos, Elsa shouted after him to ask what was going on.

<Your peasant friend was right!> the commander of pikes shouted back, not stopping in his stride. <There's a bloody tunnel!>

In less than an hour, the vanguard was ready to depart. The drums had begun to beat when someone sighted small figures waving from the north approach - the Gamecocks, returning. Struggling up onto Bastard's back, Elsa rode eagerly up to hear the halflings' report.

"We found the camp," said Thistlewood, a little out of breath, "but there was no-one there. They've all packed up and left." He gestured to one of his archers, a halfling who looked decidedly damper than the rest. "Got Cobber here to swim the river, have a look at the diggings. Looks like they were definitely digging a shaft, right down into the rock - but it's collapsed."

<An accident?> asked Barbaro, leaning forward in the saddle. <They knew they would not have time to undo their mistake, so they abandoned their work.>

Sforza said nothing, but from his dark expression Elsa could tell he didn't give much credit to the priest's suggestion. Staring north for a good few seconds, he wrenched his horse around and gave the order for the vanguard to stand down.

<And bring me the doctor!> he shouted, riding back into the camp. As the frantic business of getting ready to march came to a halt around him, Irene watched her husband storm off with a confused expression on her face.

<Muzio?> she called, following hesitantly after him. <Muzio! What's going on?>

In an hour or two, as the sun set, the answer to her question became clear for the whole camp to see. It started as a faint, flickering light in the north, reflecting off the belly of the low clouds. Swiftly it grew, growing brighter as the last of the sunlight slipped away, until a great swathe of the northern horizon burned with a fierce orange glow. An immense curtain of smoke rose slanting to the east, rising so high it seemed to mingle with the clouds.


Watching from a hillock near the camp, some of the Thorns gazed awestruck at the distant fires. Goran gave a low whistle.

"Wouldn't like to inside those walls right now," he said.
"Duke'll put it out," said Ingwald, with a man-of-the-world air. "Wouldn't want his new city burning down."
"Looks like no-one told his men," was Gustaf's laconic reply. Lapsing into silence, the three of them resumed staring at the distant lights.

2016-02-16, 07:42 PM

Adelbert tried to make time with his friends. He was slightly hurt that Sieghard had not sought him out for Tilean lessons given his facility with the language, but consoled himself that a thug like Sforza would be too unsophisticated to understand the archaic and courtly Reman Tilean he had studied.

He was very eager to find out more about Irene Sforza, having seen her from a distance and badgered Viggo and Elsa for more gossip about the woman, though he was careful not to sound too fascinated to Elsa, knowing her grudge.

The one topic he was more concerned about was the tome they had recovered from the library. "But I have no more idea what to do with than you. I hate Sforza but I have to admit none of the other princes would be better with that power."

Wellentag, 16th Erntzeit

Adelbert was returning to the Shrine when he first heard the commotion and saw the glow to the North. For a moment he simply stood in the middle of the street as a whole range of expressions crossed his face: guilt, grief, horror... and relief.

Then he came to his senses and moved off towards the camp. He had to find his friends, any of them. All of them.

2016-02-16, 08:51 PM
Elsa just stared at Sieghard in confusion as he tried to seduce her in Tilean. "There's... a lot of work to do, my friend," she said dryly.

She spent the rest of the day teaching him basic sentences and common words in Tilean, steadfastly resisting his attempts to get her to unbuckle her belt. She was clearly preoccupied, and would often break off the lesson to go inquire about news from the scouts until both Sieghard and Sforza were thoroughly annoyed with her.

Wellentag, 16th Erntzeit

Elsa stood with the Iron Company and stared at the glowing horizon, her jaw clenched in quiet outrage. She felt she had been cheated of the glorious battle she had been anticipating. Any war they fought now would be one of attrition.

Well, she thought, I guess we're not marching tonight.

Her shoulders slumping dejectedly, she turned away. Time to put an end to her attempt at extended sobriety.

2016-02-16, 09:02 PM

<Your peasant friend was right! There's a bloody tunnel!>

"I understood <friend,>" Sieghard said, beaming. "What did he say?" It was a bit unsettling to see Sieghard so happy given the circumstances even if his grin did die the moment Elsa had translated.

Sieghard was watching the smoke rising from the north a small distance from where his men were standing. "Goran's right you know," he muttered to Viggo, clenching his fists. "What's going on in those walls right now is worse even than what the greenskins did in the Thornwood." His hands were shaking. "I told him," he said, "I told him the city would fall if he didn't hurry,"

2016-02-17, 04:20 AM
Ludo watched the fire and shivered. "But... Alvarr wants to be fair. He's all... chivalrous. He... he wouldn't set fire..."

His voice trailed off, and he shuddered.

2016-02-17, 04:56 AM

Adelbert turned to Ludo, his eyes huge and dazed. Seeming to snap out of it he dragged the halfling to the side so they couldn't speak properly... and he wouldn't have to look at that dreadful sight.

"You're right, he wouldn't... but it was the Norscans who went through the tunnel and maybe the dwarves too. Wild men and grudgeholders. The only hope for the poor devils in Savonne is that Alvarr steps in. He is a very hard man but he's not wild and he believes in order... oh but it has been a long and brutal siege and there is a lot of blood that has been spilled."

Adelbert felt his cheeks feel wet and realised he was weeping. "Alvarr offered me the the high priesthood of Savonne... but.... but I think I should turn it down..."

With an effort he tried to pull himself together. "The others, let's find the others."

Try as he might he couldn't seem to stop crying.

Northern Lad
2016-02-17, 08:22 AM
Festag, 15th Erntzeit

Sieghard & Viggo

When Sieghard returned from his meeting with the Capitano, he found Viggo waiting for him in the Thorns camp. The young lad was clearly impatient and was bouncing on his toes, desperate to talk to his grim faced friend. A broad grin split the lads face in half and a gleam in his eye made him seem almost like the Viggo who had been so full of enthusiasm prior to the attack on Painford and his loss.

"Irene Sforza came here... Looking for me Sieghard! For me! Said she remembered me from the Mitterfruhl festival she did, called me splendid and everything!" Viggo began pacing backwards and forwards, his words tripping over themselves to get out and gesticulating wildly, "She's so beautiful don't you think Sieghard and clever too? She wanted to hear me tell stories, mainly about Elsa, well only about Elsa... but she wanted to here me sing too, she asked me to make a song up about Elsa... and when I did." Viggo paused for dramatic effect, "She loved it Sieghard, loved it! She was roaring with laughter, you should have seen her, she asked me to finish the song as soon as I could so that she could hear the rest, she thinks I should play it to the men to cheer them up! If this goes well who knows what might happen, what if she wants me to be her court bard eh?!"

Not giving Sieghard much of chance to reply, Viggo swung his lute about and launched into song.


TheSummoner - The song is clearly about Elsa and is derogatory and poking fun at her, a witty ditty is what we've called it I believe. To help with your IC reaction although it is clear the song is taking the extreme p!ss out of Elsa, it is incredibly hilarious and probably one of the best things Sieghard has heard Viggo play ... (he rolled a natural 7)

Viggo unfortunately never stood a chance under Irene's manipulation! :smallredface:


Best I can come up with on a short notice and as much as I'd love to spend a few days and nights agonising over this I think that this will serve for what you need? Maybe works better if we call this the chorus? The verses will all be of a similar nature, poking fun at her tattoo's, putting her into impossible farce like situations and always ending with her spells going wrong! :smalleek:

I sort of envisage everybody joining in to sing the last line / song title together.... :smallcool:

It would take a couple of days of polish before Viggo was ready to perform it properly.

The Wizard in the Pie Shop Window

She shook her head and cursed aloud,
Her temper famous, her shoulders proud,
The baker cried and shrank from her glare,
As a fierce light shone from her flaming red hair.

Eyes unfocused, and speech slurred,
The Sorceress screeched, ‘This is absurd’.
‘I demand to be fed this very minute,
Or your shop will burn with everyone in it’.

Aghast, the shopkeeper did begin to shake,
And trembling, he began to bake.
Flour, yeast, water, now kneading,
The Witch was hungry and wanted feeding.

She was in her cups so quick to ire,
And prone to killing things with fire.
The Baker baked and other men fled,
Though one she stopped, to take to bed.

The pastry was ready, this terror over,
It’s smell was pleasant unlike her aroma.
The Baker learned to spare some dough,
For the Wizard in the Pie Shop Window.

Wellentag, 16th Erntzeit

Viggo Hirtzel

"What's going on in those walls right now is worse even than what the greenskins did in the Thornwood." His hands were shaking. "I told him," he said, "I told him the city would fall if he didn't hurry,"

Viggo's cheeks paled as he thought back to that dreadful evening at the Thornwood farmstead, it was odd to see his normally unshakable commander so ill at ease, he placed a hand on Sieghards' shoulder as he spoke. "What will happen now Sieghard? Will the Capitano still want to move on Savonne if it has already fallen?" Viggo wasn't entirely sure what this meant for them, all he knew was that the orange glow that lit up the night sky filled him with dread and not wonder. "We're not going to start a siege are we?" Viggo didn't like that idea one little bit.

2016-02-17, 09:22 AM
"We're not going to start a siege are we?"

"Don't be ridiculous," said Elsa grimly, heading their way. "They outnumber us. No way we can lay siege on them. We'll have to wait for the coalition to fray; they've lost their purpose now, and they'll be fighting over the spoils."

Sforza would no doubt help them along; he was a schemer, that one.

"Anyone seen Adelbert? I'd like to talk to him."

2016-02-17, 09:29 AM

Adelbert did not dare go into camp himself but he wasn't making himself hard to find, having sought a proper view of what was going on. He was standing around with Ludo, somewhat aimlessly, waiting for the rest of his friends.

Like I said Adelbert is not going to blithely stroll into Sforza's camp but Elsa should be able to find him quickly.

2016-02-17, 09:30 AM
Sieghard & Viggo - 15th Erntzeit

Despite his best efforts, Sieghard couldn't suppress a smirk... The song was hilarious.

"You'd be smart to never let Elsa hear you play that," he told Viggo once the song was over. "She might not find it as funny as everyone else does."

16th Erntzeit

"What will happen now Sieghard? Will the Capitano still want to move on Savonne if it has already fallen? We're not going to start a siege are we?"

"I don't know what the captain plans to do," Sieghard said.

"Anyone seen Adelbert? I'd like to talk to him."

"I think I saw him near the shrine earlier," he replied. "Where he is now, I don't know, but we can find him."

2016-02-17, 09:38 AM
Elsa walked over to Adelbert, her face stormy. The scribe had plenty of time to see her coming and to worry about what this was about.

"There you are. You said there was a priest in Savonne who might help us about the book. Well, this changes things." She stared grimly at the horizon to the north. "Savonne will reopen when things have settled down... but even if the priest survives this night, there is no way - no way - I'm bringing the book into Alvarr's territory."

2016-02-17, 09:45 AM

Adelbert all but flinched at the mention of the priest. He looked in a bad way, his cheeks still stained with tears.

"Yes... yes I agree. It's clear to me now it was a terrible mistake to go into that library. We'll have to do something else with the book." He seemed to gain more control of himself. "I know Sforza had Kheneb-Ptra-Urush sealed but if it is beyond us to destroy the thing, and we can't trust any living being with it, then perhaps Meskhenet...?"

2016-02-17, 09:49 AM

"Could tell us how to destroy it," Sieghard said, completing Adelbert's sentence for him. "I wouldn't trust the book in the undead's care any more than I would in the daemon's."

2016-02-17, 09:53 AM
"I know Sforza had Kheneb-Ptra-Urush sealed but if it is beyond us to destroy the thing, and we can't trust any living being with it, then perhaps Meskhenet...?"
Elsa pursed her lips. "That could only happen behind Sforza's back. He was opposed to it."

"At the very least, your priest in Savonne could provide knowledge. Or even come here in person, if someone can convince him. I certainly won't be the one going to Savonne in these times; Alvarr and his dog both know my face." She gave Adelbert a sidelong glance, as if implying that this kind of task fell to him.

There was another possibility she did not voice: entrusting the book to the Colleges of Magic. Which would, of course, involve making contact with them again. She hoped it would not come to this.

2016-02-17, 10:04 AM

Adelbert gave Sieghard a tired look. "It was in undead hands before we messed things up."

Turning back to Elsa he said: "I'd be very surprised if Father Heironymus yet lives, and if he does I doubt he'll want to see me." He lowered his voice. "At the time we were there I mentioned by sympathies were with the Duke over the Tilean in their rivalry. Obviously that was before the war and the siege, let alone the sack but I have no doubt he'll remember."

Northern Lad
2016-02-17, 10:06 AM
Viggo Hirtzel

"Don't be ridiculous," said Elsa grimly, heading their way. "They outnumber us. No way we can lay siege on them. We'll have to wait for the coalition to fray; they've lost their purpose now, and they'll be fighting over the spoils."

Elsa just about managed to catch the ghost of a smirk on Viggo's lips as she spoke and for some reason he seemed to be snickering under his breath to himself. Something had clearly amused him.

As the friends stood discussing the days events, Viggo couldn't help but wonder why they were all fretting about the Book so much, "Look, it's not even ours to worry about anymore, if it ever was. Why don't we just leave it with the Capitano for now? If folk start digging themselves out of their graves, then we should worry." Viggo pointed at the illuminated sky, "Until then, that's what we should be worrying about. Will Alvarr keep his word now that he holds Savonne and what will the Capitano do if doesn't?"

2016-02-17, 10:14 AM

Adelbert let out a long sigh. "Yes, I think he will keep his word. Alvarr is a Bretonnian and his honour means everything. He might be brutal... very brutal... towards his foes but breaking his word would be inconceivable."

2016-02-17, 10:20 AM
"At the time we were there I mentioned by sympathies were with the Duke over the Tilean in their rivalry. Obviously that was before the war and the siege, let alone the sack but I have no doubt he'll remember."
"The Duke?" said Elsa in disbelief. "You have every reason to hate Sforza, but still." She wondered why Adelbert would even discuss politics with a priest.

"Look, it's not even ours to worry about anymore, if it ever was. Why don't we just leave it with the Capitano for now? If folk start digging themselves out of their graves, then we should worry."
Elsa nodded. "That's what I think as well. I don't want to pretend the book doesn't exist, but the fact is, no one's made a move for it yet. If we take it out, we might have it stolen, or draw attention to it."

Adelbert let out a long sigh. "Yes, I think he will keep his word. Alvarr is a Bretonnian and his honour means everything. He might be brutal... very brutal... towards his foes but breaking his word would be inconceivable."
"Hi there. Are you new in these parts?" said Elsa with dripping sarcasm.

2016-02-17, 10:25 AM

"Very inconvenient. Like burning an entire city and all the people in it," Sieghard deadpanned, gesturing towards the fires in the distance. "I'm sure he'll deliver Kelda's and the other Norscan's heads as well."

2016-02-17, 10:31 AM

"The Duke?" said Elsa in disbelief. "You have every reason to hate Sforza, but still." She wondered why Adelbert would even discuss politics with a priest.

"I had a better impression of the man," Adelbert said. He smiled without a trace of humour or happiness. "Believe it or not I thought Sforza the more likely to invade and that was the reason for his timetable."

Elsa nodded. "That's what I think as well. I don't want to pretend the book doesn't exist, but the fact is, no one's made a move for it yet. If we take it out, we might have it stolen, or draw attention to it."

"I suppose there is that," Adelbert conceded.

"Hi there. Are you new in these parts?" said Elsa with dripping sarcasm.

"As charming as ever Fraulein Holt," Adelbert replied, narrowing his eyes. With obvious effort he tried not to get angry. "Have you given Irene the book of poems? I still think you should try and get back into her good graces. I know, I know I've never met her but still..."


"Very inconvenient. Like burning an entire city and all the people in it," Sieghard deadpanned, gesturing towards the fires in the distance. "I'm sure he'll deliver Kelda's and the other Norscan's heads as well."

"Yes... I forgot about Kelda," Adelbert admitted, his face turning pale, his eyes suddenly dropping.

Northern Lad
2016-02-17, 10:40 AM
Viggo Hirtzel

Shaking his head in disbelief Viggo mused out aloud, "That would be a madness surely? What point taking a city if you burn it down and kill everybody in it? Who would want to rule a city of ghosts?" That brought him almost full circle to Meskhenet, he shrugged uncomfortably.

"Yes... I forgot about Kelda,"

"I haven't" Viggo virtually snarled. "Here's hoping she's caught a dose of fire herself."

2016-02-17, 10:45 AM

Adelbert flinched again, looking almost like he'd been struck when Viggo mentioned Kelda's name.

"Whatever else she did she saved my life Viggo. Here, in Ravenskird when Rorik sacked the town. I... I know what she is and I know what she's done but I can't forget she saved me."

2016-02-17, 10:47 AM
"Alvarr only agreed to the terms to buy time to dig the tunnel," said Elsa. "But now he's in a position of strength."

"Have you given Irene the book of poems? I still think you should try and get back into her good graces. I know, I know I've never met her but still..."
"I'm waiting for an opportunity." Elsa did not sound too enthusiastic. "I can't just walk up to her and offer her a gift. Too suspicious. I need to do it at some kind of official thing, with people watching."

"That would be a madness surely? What point taking a city if you burn it down and kill everybody in it? Who would want to rule a city of ghosts?"
"Alvarr and Groz want to rule. The northmen are just there for the plunder and the women," said Elsa gloomily.

2016-02-17, 11:03 AM

"I'm waiting for an opportunity." Elsa did not sound too enthusiastic. "I can't just walk up to her and offer her a gift. Too suspicious. I need to do it at some kind of official thing, with people watching."

Adelbert looked disappointed. While he could hardly have hoped Elsa would give him credit, even as a scholar working for her, it seemed even less likely if Elsa was going to be producing the book in public.

Northern Lad
2016-02-17, 11:06 AM
Viggo Hirtzel

A dangerous light entered Viggo's eye's and a stormy expression betrayed his thoughts as he stabbed a finger in Adelbert's direction, "Then stay out of my way Adelbert, because I promise you she will die. One way or the other and sooner or later, I will be the death of her. Your life does not buy my Kirsten's life, she was an innocent young girl and that dog deserves to be put down for what she did!"

2016-02-17, 11:12 AM

Adelbert said nothing, just shook his head sadly and turned away.

2016-02-17, 11:23 AM
That night, Elsa heard the sounds of furious argument again between Sforza and his wife. Rolling over inside her own tent, she wrapped her blanket round her ears and tried to get to sleep.

Aubentag, 17th Erntzeit

The next morning, Sforza called a meeting of his officers in the command tent. Elsa wasn't sure whether it should be called a war council or not – she wasn't sure whether there was going to be a war.

Elsa & Sieghard

"Alvarr has not changed our plans,” said Sforza, addressing the assembled council. “Merely delayed them. We have gained ground; now we consolidate, and wait.” He tapped a finger on the inky blob that marked Savonne on his map. “He and his allies have taken the city; sooner or later they will each want it for themselves. They will fight like wolves in a pit.”

Carraciolo nodded along. <Only one kingin a castle,> he said, not bothering to speak Reikspiel for the benefit of Sieghard and Fischwillen. The ugly little sergeant looked singularly out of place at this gathering, but for some reason he was present too. Only Bianco and Irene were conspicuous by their absence.

“Winter will be here soon. When spring comes, we must be ready for war,” continued the Captain. “We will expand the militia and finish the fortifications at Painford. We will garrison Ravenskird and post scouts along the border.” He tapped the map again. “The crossing here is marshy and difficult. The Ravenskird garrison will construct a bridge fitting for the army to cross.”

He looked across to Al-Makir. “Abdul, you will send one of your men north from here, along the Giant's Teeth. He will carry this message.” He handed over a sealed roll of parchment. “It is an offer of employment for the Storm Swords. If they will join us they will have food, shelter and pay for the winter. If they make difficulties, you may tell them I will pay twice what anyone else offers.”

“For now, the army waits here – until Alvarr delivers on his end of our bargain.” Sforza looked around the table. “It is not likely, but if he plans to attack us, now is his only chance before the season ends. Our presence here will discourage him.” He nodded to the assembled officers. “You have your orders. You are dismissed.”

On the northern horizon, smoke still rose from the direction of Savonne in criss-crossing trails, made ragged and broken by the rising wind. It looked like the fires had died down, but the city was still smouldering.

When the officers left the Captain's tent, word began to spread among the men – the army was to remain here for the time being. How long exactly, no-one was sure.

The following days passed in relative idleness. Sieghard continued his lessons with Elsa, while Viggo continued bothering the Estalians for swordsmanship lessons. That was when he wasn't hanging around the Thorns' camp, trying to keep their spirits up with tunes and stories. He seemed to have quite a few new ones.

On Marktag, when he deemed the song was ready, Viggo went eagerly in search of Irene for a first performance. Visions of court appointments and grand performances swimming in front of his eyes, he was disappointed when the guards in front of the captain's tent turned him away.

Protesting that she had invited him, Viggo was brusquely informed that the Captain's wife wasn't receiving visitors. Try as he might, he was rebuffed – spirits deflated, he shuffled off to try out the song on someone else.

His good humour was restored when the song went down extremely well among the men. Some of the halflings drifted over to hear, as well as some of Fischwillen's men, and soon the better part of the Reikspiel-speaking regiments were singing along. Whenever she heard it, Irene was definitely going to love it.

Meanwhile, Adelbert plied his trade as a healer back in the village. There were more than a few villagers who'd got on the wrong side of Jager and his men, and they were grateful for his help – though not able to pay in more than trinkets and pickled eels. By Backertag, Adelbert had eaten about as much pickled eel as he ever wanted to in his life.

OOC: Adelbert makes [roll0] schillings from playing doctor & gets free food for the duration of his stay.

Bezahltag, 20th Ertnzeit

It was three days before the Duke's banner was sighted to the north again. A column of armed men, far larger than the small retinue of riders that Alvarr had arrived with before, came snaking south down the river road towards the camp.

<Form up!> barked Carraciolo, stalking through the camp with his armour already buckled on. <Battle formation! Quickly now, you dogs!>

Roused out of their tents by the shouts of their officers and the beating of drums, the army formed up in a double line on the plain north of the camp, banners flapping in the stiffening breeze. Alvarr's force came to a halt beside the river, just outside of crossbow range. Accompanied by their officers, the two warlords rode out to meet each other in the middle. This time there was no sign of Irene.

OOC: Sieghard's choice as to whether he joins the gang of officers following Sforza out to the meeting. I assume Elsa is definitely there.

“Captain Sforza,” said Alvarr. “You'll be pleased to know the city has fallen.”

Riding beside him was Jager, and a man Elsa had not seen before. In his early thirties, with handsome features and sandy-coloured hair, he wore a red tabard over a suit of mail, and sat in the saddle with an oddly cocky air about him. Behind them, mounted on shaggy mountain ponies, were a handful of Rorik's Norscans. Elsa spotted Kelda among them – and Sieghard immediately recognised the tangle of dark red hair that belonged to Hakon Blood-Song. Both were sporting recent wounds, no doubt sustained during the sack – but Sieghard had his suspicions about the old, bloodstained bandage wrapped around Hakon's upper leg.

“So I have seen,” was Sforza's reply. “And the elf?”

“In chains.”

“I wish you joy of your victory,” was the Captain's measured reply. Alvarr gave a nod.

“Your gold,” he said, producing a heavy brown bag and throwing it to the Captain. When Sforza caught it, it made an audible clink.

“And the raiders?”

“Rorik's men assure me they found the culprits,” said Alvarr. “They have been dealt with.”

Spurring his pony forwards, Hakon rode up beside the duke. He unhooked a darkly dripping sack from his saddle and threw it on the ground at the feet of Sforza's horse. Severed heads rolled out. Filthy with blood and grime, whoever they had been in life, they were nigh-unrecognisable.

OOC: Int test for Viggo please.

“We have kept our end of the bargain,” said Alvarr. “Now you will keep yours. Withdraw your men to Painford, and keep the peace.”

“I assure you, your Grace,” said Sforza, with an insincere smile, “I wish for nothing more.”

OOC: Pausing here for reactions from Sieghard, Elsa, and anyone else who pleases.

2016-02-17, 11:34 AM

"That's him," Sieghard muttered to Elsa as Hakon approached. "The whore-son who led the attack on Painford. The rest are from Savonne, but that wound on his leg was my doing."

2016-02-17, 11:49 AM

Crouching in the mud of the river bank and very thankful he had not worn his good clothes Adelbert strained to listen in. He'd been deeply relieved to find Kelda Wave-Born lived though he was very afraid Viggo would be stupid enough to challenge her to a duel.

2016-02-17, 11:56 AM
Elsa and Sieghard

Elsa suppressed a sigh of frustration upon hearing that war would be postponed until spring. Still, she trusted Sforza's judgment. There would no doubt be many opportunities to prove herself in the meantime.

And plenty of time to find and bind a familiar.


Elsa was quite astonished to see Alvarr actually pay up. Perhaps the man was more honest than she gave him credit for, though she did not believe for a second that the heads that rolled on the ground had been cut on Alvarr's orders. Standing among the officers with her black coat flapping, her eyes glided lazily across the faces behind the Duke, hoping Jager would meet her gaze if only for a few heartbeats.

Oh, hi, Kelda.

Who's the man in the red tabbard? Is that Groz? Not bad-looking, is he?

2016-02-17, 12:37 PM
Elsa didn't have to work hard to catch Jager's eye. The Duke's man saw her looking at him and glowered back, clearly determined to win the staring competition.

A man came forward to gather up the sack of heads, and the two princes parted ways. <Dispose of that disgusting thing,> said Sforza, looking briefly down at the sack before riding ahead.

Alvarr's forces lingered for a couple of hours, taking the opportunity to rest and eat after their march. If it was true that the northern lords had them outnumbered, then Elsa supposed this was only a part of their forces – despite the impressive show, there were still fewer of them than Sforza's men.

When at last they formed up and headed north again, Sieghard could feel the tension lift from the camp. He didn't have long to enjoy it – news came quickly from the Captain's tent to make ready for the withdrawal to Painford. The army would march in the morning.

Curiously, he saw Makeda and Al-Makir standing outside the Captain's tent shortly before he received the order, talking in low voices. Shortly after that, he heard Fischwillen's pantomime protest as the sergeant heard that he and his halberdiers had been assigned to the new Ravenskird garrison.

“We ain't scouts, ma'am,” he was saying. “And I'd hate to tell the lads they won't get to finish them walls they were workin' so hard on. Sla – Sieghard's lot'd be a better fit, if you don't mind my saying.”

“I do,” was Makeda's curt reply. “You will not question my orders. You will garrison this village and begin work on the new bridge.”

Fischwillen gave a smart salute. “Ma'am! Yes ma'am.”

Sieghard smelt the scent of cloves over his shoulder, and looked round to see the grinning face of Abdul.

“A few weeks' grace for you, friend,” he said. “I would suggest you use the time to make the lady's grave more... difficult to disturb.”

Having slithered back through the mud of the riverbank to Ravenskird, Adelbert noticed with a start that the boatman he had sent to carry his message to the Duke was waiting on the dock. Spotting Adelbert, he approached, and gave him a heavy satchel.

“They said to give this to you,” he said, looking a little worried. “You'll tell 'em you got it all, right? I didn't touch none of it, I swear.”

Looking inside, Adelbert saw a rolled-up parchment letter and a heavy leather bag. Unrolling the letter, he read:

For your services.

Fastest communication is by river. Word sent to Alvarran, Forkbeard arriving soon. Follow the Tilean and await instruction.

Opening the bag, he looked down at a small fortune in gold.

OOC: 100gc for you sir!

2016-02-17, 12:47 PM

"You have my thanks," Sieghard said. He fished into his pouch and placed a few coins in Al-Makir's hand. "I already have an idea for how to do just that."

Sieghard gives Al-Makir [roll0] crowns as a token of gratitude.

2016-02-17, 12:57 PM

"Deliver and collect any future messages at the shrine of Morr," Adelbert informed the messenger, before slipping a crown into his hand and taking the bag he made his way back to the village, face thoughtful, perhaps conflicted.

At the shrine to Morr Adelbert took his leave of Brother Cesar, thanking him for his kindnesses. He gave his friend a sad smile. "Perhaps I should have followed your god my friend. I think the Lady Verena and I might both have been better off had I followed a different path."

Bidding a sad farewell and asking that Cesar take care of his correspondence, Adelbert mounted Bella and prepared to ride for Painford. If anything he wanted to be back there well before the army.

2016-02-18, 01:29 PM
"I think you have more to offer to the living than the dead, Herr Schreiber," said Cesar, in the same mild tones he used for everything. "Safe travels, and may your goddess watch over you."

Konigstag, 21st Erntzeit

A light rain was falling on Konigstag morning as the army broke camp. Stippling the still waters of the Mere and running from the peaked roof of Cesar's chapel, the rain also had its usual effect of soaking Elsa's wild mane of hair and making her look like a monster risen from a bog. Sitting on Bastard's back and trying not to look as disgruntled as she felt, Elsa could tell the bad-tempered stallion liked the rain no more than she did.

The last of the tents were being folded away when she heard a familiar voice coming up the line, shouting volubly in Tilean. Irene looked no happier about the rain than Elsa, her dark locks plastered to her dripping face. A frightened-looking handmaiden ran frantically behind, trying and failing to keep pace so she could hold the lady's parasol up to shelter her.

<It's gone!> she shouted, bearing down on her husband like the wrath of Myrmidia. The other officers around the Captain discreetly moved aside, leaving Sforza to face his wife alone. <Gone! One of your soldiers has stolen it!>
<My dear,> said Sforza, adopting his most soothing tone, <the Company have known you for years. Why would they steal from you now?>
<One of the new ones, then!> raged Irene, not placated in the slightest. <They probably mean to melt it down, the stinking peasants. They stole it, I know!> Turning with a wild expression, she pointed at Fischwillen. <Him. The ugly one. I bet it was him. Or the halflings. Everyone knows they have sticky fingers.>

Not having a clue what she was saying, Fischwillen beamed and stood up straight, pleased to have caught the lady's attention. Irene widened her eyes and gave him a stare that seemed like it would incinerate him where he stood.

Turning back to her husband, she gave him a dangerous look. <I want it back, Muzio,> she said, in steely tones. <I'm not leaving until you find it.>

Turning on her heel, she stalked off with her nose in the air. Slumping a little in the saddle, Sforza exhaled and beckoned wearily for Abdul.


Half an hour later, the army stood standing in the rain as Al-Makir walked out in front of them, shoes squelching in the mud.

"The Lady Sforza has lost something precious to her!" the quartermaster shouted. "A silver mirror from her baggage. If any man has seen it, he should speak now." The way he stressed 'seen' seemed to hint at amnesty for potential thieves - but a deafening silence was the only reply.

After standing in silence for a good thirty seconds, Abdul sadly shook his head. "Very well," he said. Clapping his hands, he motioned his men forwards. "We will begin the search."

At Carraciolo's barked order, the Gamecocks were the first to trudge forwards, offering up their bags and bindles for the Arabyans to rummage through. Although they found a decent amount of food which Abdul seemed to think had been pinched from the Iron Company stores, they turned up no sign of the mirror.

Fischwillen and his halberdiers were up next, and once again the searchers found nothing. Sieghard watched closely as Fischwillen was made to empty out his knapsack - Rahim wrinkled his nose at the stench from the bits of mouldy bread and old salt beef that came tumbling out.

"What's this?" asked Abdul, his voice muffled from the hand he was handing over his nose and mouth. Leaning over Rahim's shoulder, he reached down to pick up something glinting from the detritus. It was a copper amulet on a leather cord, crafted in the shape of the twin-tailed comet. Fischwillen stood to attention and made the sign of the hammer over his breast.

"Pers'nal effect, sir. Given to me by my dear mother, Morr rest 'er soul."

"I see," he said. Returning the amulet to the sergeant, he moved on down the line. Standing under her servant's parasol, Sieghard could see Irene watching the painstaking proceedings with folded arms and a face that was equal parts angry and impatient.

Up next were the Thorns. There was some grumbling as they were called forward, but a hard look from Sieghard silenced it - it wouldn't do for the company's low morale to come across as insubordination in front of the Captain.

The search had scarcely begun when Irene cried out and rushed forward. Looking round, Sieghard saw Florin standing with a dumbfounded expression on his face, staring at the glittering silver mirror one of the Arabyans had pulled from his pack...

2016-02-18, 01:43 PM

Sieghard glared at Floirin. "Where did you get that?" he glanced over towards Fischwillen. "Did that pack leave your sight at any point?"

2016-02-18, 01:51 PM
"I - I don't know!" protested Florin. "I've never seen that before in my life!"

Striding up to where Florin was standing with a thunderous look on her face, Irene snatched the mirror from the Arabyan who was holding it. Taking a moment to check it wasn't broken, she looked back to Florin and dealt the young man a stinging slap across the face.

"Figlio di puttana!" she snarled. She looked to Abdul. "What is the penalty for stealing?"

"Flogging," said Abdul, reluctantly. He looked almost as surprised as Florin to have found the mirror.

"You heard the man," said Irene, rounding on Sieghard with a commanding look. "Do your duty!"

2016-02-18, 02:32 PM
Elsa almost intervened on Florin's behalf to vouch for his honesty, but decided it was not her place, unless Sieghard asked her to. She hardly knew the man, after all, and she felt more sympathy for Sieghard, who would no doubt take rather badly the task of flogging one of his own men.

Damn suspicious, she kept thinking, well aware that she was far from impartial. Either Florin was genuinely astonished to find that mirror in his backpack, or he was the best actor and liar she had ever met.

2016-02-18, 02:41 PM

Sieghard stood dumbfounded for a moment. "Yes, Lady Sforza," he said. He grabbed Florin roughly by the wrist and half-dragged him a distance away.

"I warned you that grave-robbing bastard would try something," he hissed. He hadn't expected something like this, though. "Careless. ****ing stupid and careless, leaving your things where he could get at them. Put on a show for them and I'll keep this from being any worse than it has to be."

Let's get this over with... Sieghard does what he has to do. If he gets the benefit of an aim action for that WS test, he takes it. If they don't like him taking his time and aiming means they'd have someone else do it, he doesn't.

[roll0] vs 51 WS (or 61 if he can aim)
[roll1] reroll if needed.

He doesn't half-ass it, but he's certainly not going full force either...

Oh god that's bad. :smalleek:

2016-02-18, 03:13 PM
Unpacking one of the wagons they had just got ready to make way, Abdul's men lashed together a crude punishment frame out of wood and rope, planting it in the muddy ground. The unresisting, uncomprehending Florin was stripped to the waist and bound to the frame by his wrists. As a crowd of onlookers assembled, Carraciolo approached through the rain and handed Sieghard the whip.

"Forty lashes," the commander of pike called out, his voice loud and clear. He looked to Sieghard, and Sieghard thought he saw a brief glimmer of sympathy in his eyes - but there was no way out. "You may begin."

Walking up to his mark, Sieghard felt the weight of the lash in his hand, and tried to judge how he could wield it without maiming the young Thorn on the rack. Feeling Irene's hard stare on the back of his neck, he leaned back and took the first strike.



Despite himself, Florin screamed. The whip had raised an ugly welt - Sieghard hesitated, then drew it back again.





Wrapping round the side of Florin's ribcage, the whip drew blood. Florin's yelps had become sobs.





When the brutal punishment was done, Abdul's men untied Florin from the frame, dousing his lacerated back with stinging brine. He scarcely seemed to notice - limp and insensible, he allowed them to drag him away, back to the regiment.

"Let this be a lesson to you!" shouted Carraciolo, addressing the militia. "You are fed! Sheltered! Paid! Defy the Captain's discipline and you will be punished!"

With a dissatisfied look to his second-in-command, Sforza motioned for the army to get underway. He had clearly enjoyed the spectacle no more than the rest of them.

As Sieghard was returning to the Thorns, he felt a presence by his shoulder. "I warned you, Slayer," murmured Fischwillen, in a gust of halitosis. "Ol' Friedrich always gets even. You better watch your step.". The sergeant gave a yellow-toothed grin. "Or maybe you'll be next."

2016-02-18, 03:16 PM

Sieghard turned and spat in Fischwillen's face.

2016-02-18, 03:21 PM
Face briefly flushing, Fischwillen looked for a moment like he would throw a punch - then, with a sound that was more bark than laugh, he reined himself in. Blinking like a lizard, he wiped the spittle from his face with his sleeve.

"See you around, Slayer," he gloated, before scuttling off to join his regiment. Unlike the Thorns and their newly-created invalid, the halberdiers weren't going anywhere.

The Thorns marched with heads down and faces dark on the muddy road back to Painford, carrying Florin on a cart behind them. The leaves were beginning to fall in the Thornwood, and the steady of the army's boots was squishing the carpet of red and gold into mulch as they passed.

Riding for a little time with the Thorns, Elsa eventually decided she'd had all she could take of their sullen silence, and rode up the line to find some more companionable company. Drawn by the sound of singing from the Gamecocks, she rode towards it - then slowed Bastard to a walk as she caught the lyrics.

Her eyes were wand'ring, her speech was slurred,
The sorc'ress screeched, 'This is absurd!
‘I demand to be fed this very minute,
Or your shop will burn with everyone in it’

The song was about her - more than that, it was about her adventures with Herr Lieber and Madame Morte in Alvarran. More than that, it was completely inaccurate - it cast her as a greedy, drunken fool who broke into a pie shop to stuff her face with pies when the shopkeeper denied her service. The only passing resemblance to the truth was her subsequent escape out of a second-floor window, which the halflings sang with great relish.

The pastry was ready, the terror was over,
Its smell was quite pleasant, unlike her aroma!
The Baker learned to spare some dough,
For the Wizard in the Pie Shop Window!

As she rode slowly up alongside them, one of the halflings looked round and went pale with shock. Reaching over to the next halfling in line, who seemed intent in starting again from the top, he shook him by the shoulder until he too noticed who had joined their audience. Rapidly, the chorus broke apart in an outbreak of awkward coughing.

2016-02-18, 03:38 PM
Elsa stared at the nervous halflings for a moment, unsure how to react.

Well, they're afraid of me. That's something, I guess.

After an uncomfortable silence, she decided there was only one way to deal with this sort of thing. She maneuvered Bastard next to the halflings, and flashed them a wide grin. "Start at the beginning, please."

When they resumed their song, she sang along.

2016-02-18, 03:44 PM
Not believing his ears, the halfling didn't immediately comply. Bastard chose that moment to bite him, which spurred him into quickening his pace and beginning to sing in a panicked warble. Soon the whole troop were nervously joining in.

Drawn by the sound of the music, a figure on horseback came riding up the line. Reining in her horse alongside Elsa, Irene looked from the halflings to the wizard and back with an expression of indignant confusion.

<What is this?> she demanded - talking to Elsa, rather than the halflings. <Why are you letting them sing such things?>

2016-02-18, 03:47 PM

Sieghard was in a dark mood on the journey back to Painford. As he rode, he sought out Doctor Bianco's apprentices.

"The boy has suffered his punishment, but he's worthless if he doesn't recover. To me and to the captain," It took an incredible amount of control for him to phrase it that way, but he knew the futility of trying to argue Florin's innocence. "A crown to tend to his wounds. Ten if he suffers no permanent injury. Each."

2016-02-18, 04:21 PM
<Why are you letting them sing such things?>

Elsa put on her best confused frown, as if genuinely surprised that Irene had to ask. <"Who am I to oppose song and joy? It's a hard life that soldiers lead. They need this."> She could not suppress a grin. <"And honestly, I'd rather have them laugh with me than at me.">

2016-02-18, 04:31 PM
"A crown to tend to his wounds. Ten if he suffers no permanent injury. Each."

The two apprentice surgeons looked at each other, the back to Sieghard. "I'll do it," they said, practically in unison.

Elsa put on her best confused frown, as if genuinely surprised that Irene had to ask. <"Who am I to oppose song and joy? It's a hard life that soldiers lead. They need this."> She could not suppress a grin. <"And honestly, I'd rather have them laugh with me than at me.">

<But they are laughing at you! They called you a fat pie-eating drunk!> protested Irene. Seemingly outraged that Elsa wasn't more upset, she stared at the wizard, as if trying to figure out a puzzle. <Why aren't you angry?>

2016-02-18, 04:47 PM
Because clearly there's someone who wants me angry, and I wouldn't want to give them satisfaction, would I? thought Elsa, biting the insides of her cheeks to keep herself from bursting into laughter.

Aloud she said politely: <"My lady, wizards are known as a grumpy, self-important lot. I strive to be an exception to the rule... although I often fail, as I'm well aware. And you know, this song is... not wholly inaccurate."> Although, truth to be told, she was slightly offended by the line about her body odor.

<"Won't you join us? I'm sure you have a lovely singing voice.">

She noticed that the halflings had stopped singing; she got them starting again by returning to the first verse.


2016-02-18, 05:27 PM
<No I won't!> snapped Irene, turning her nose up at the Gamecocks' hesitant melody. <You demean yourself with these fools if you wish. I'll have no part of it.>

She paused, trying to think of something suitably scathing parting shot. Bastard took the opportunity to lean over and bite at her horse's flank. With a shout of surprise, the Lady Sforza found herself clinging onto the saddle for dear life as her startled mount bolted away up the line of the column...


They reached Painford late in the evening, Florin's punishment having delayed their departure from Ravenskird. Once the last dregs of the baggage train had made their weary way through the wooden gates, the army made camp, spreading out once again into the woods around the village.

Adelbert had arrived the previous night, and watched from the sidelines as the Captain's army filed into town. He couldn't help but notice the dark cloud that seemed to hang over the Thorns as they marched through the gates - nor the figure of Florin lying groaning on the cart they carried behind them, his back wrapped in bloody bandages and smothered with ointment. As they set up their tents, two of the crossbowmen took him gently down and led him to shelter, putting his arms over their shoulders.

Come the next morning, the bulk of the army would move on, but the Thorns at least had reached their destination.

2016-02-18, 05:51 PM
Sieghard & Elsa - That night
That night, Sieghard sought Elsa to speak in private. "I need a favor," he said. From his tone and the look on his face, it didn't look like he would ever forgive her if she refused. "In two weeks time, go to Captain Sforza and tell him someone has tried to undo whatever magic you have guarding the book."

Sieghard & Al-Makir - The next morning, before Sforza's group departs for Manaan's Keep
As the Sforza's men were preparing to march, Sieghard approached the captain's quartermaster. "Yesterday, after the flogging, Herr Ghoul approached me," he told Abdul. "Perhaps he was only lying to wound me - I wouldn't put it past the man - but he was gloating... Gloating that he was the one who stole Lady Sforza's mirror and hid it among my mens' things. His cowardly way of getting revenge for stopping his grave robbing, if true."

"He will get himself caught eventually," Sieghard said, echoing what Al-Makir had told him a few nights ago. "Once he does, can I trust you to drag the truth from him?"

Sieghard Viggo & Ludo - Three nights later.
Sieghard's foul mood had not improved much in the days following their return to Painford. "Viggo," he said one night as the two of them and Ludo were drinking together, "Do you still have that strange skull you took with you when we escaped the Library?"

2016-02-18, 06:27 PM
I'm starting to like that horse, thought Elsa, trying not to laugh as Irene's own mount bolted.

Sieghard and Elsa

Elsa gave Sieghard a flat, unhappy look. "Do you even realize what you're asking? That's like telling Sforza that there's a plot to murder him. It's nothing to be trifled with."

She had the uneasy feeling that this had something to do with Sieghard's grudge against Fischwillen.

2016-02-18, 06:37 PM
Sieghard & Elsa
"I know exactly what I'm asking," Sieghard replied, scowling. "I want him to think that. That someone, somewhere that he can't see is trying to rob him and take what may well be the most dangerous thing in the Reaches."

2016-02-18, 06:54 PM
Elsa and Sieghard

"I don't like it," said Elsa firmly. "I don't like that we're alarming a whole government for nothing, with no way of showing them that the 'danger' has passed. Because Sforza won't let that go, if he's smart. A year from now, he might still be fretting about that mysterious wizard who doesn't exist."

She wanted Sieghard to tell her more, but decided it might be better if she was as uninvolved as possible in whatever plan he had. "Promise me one thing. Promise me that your little scheme does not in any way involve the book itself."

2016-02-18, 06:58 PM
Sieghard & Elsa
"I promise," Sieghard answered without pause. "I wouldn't dare touch that thing. Probably couldn't get at it even if I wanted to."

2016-02-18, 06:58 PM

Arriving early Adelbert had searched the village for somewhere to stay other the hostel, and if there were any suitable buildings that might make a good, if rudimentary chapel.

He had also had an idea he wanted to discuss with the others and Viggo in particular. One that - he hoped! - might get him back into Sforza's good graces. Or at least, and perhaps more likely, his toleration.

He waited until the morning of 22nd Erntzeit and the departure of the bulk of Sforza's men before paying a visit to the Thorns. "Viggo, my friend I have a proposition for you."

Gossip rolls:

Place to live? [roll0] vs. 46
Potential chapel sites? [roll1] vs. 46
Any touring players known in the Reaches? [roll2] vs. 46

Wow... those are bad rolls. :smalleek:

2016-02-18, 07:06 PM
Elsa and Sieghard

Elsa stared silently at Sieghard for a long time. "I'll do it," she said at last. "I might live to regret it, but I'll do it. If I find out you lied to me about not involving the book, I'll never trust you again."

2016-02-18, 07:27 PM
Sieghard & Elsa
"Elsa, he's hurt me and he's hurt my men," Sieghard said, stone faced, confirming her suspicions his request involved Fischwillen. "Do you honestly believe Florin stole that damn mirror? The boy was practically in love with Lady Sforza just for talking to him."

"I wouldn't ask if I thought there was any other way, but I swear the only thing the book has to do with any of this is making Sforza think it's in danger," he assured her.

2016-02-19, 09:52 AM
Elsa and Sieghard

"I know Florin didn't steal the mirror." Elsa sighed. "I just think... a man like Fischwillen, you just need to give him enough rope to hang himself." She realized that the Elsa of just a few months ago would have been on board for a revenge scheme. Was she growing wiser? Or simply too comfortable in her position, like a cat that will no longer hunt mice because its master feeds it well?

"Good luck." She kissed Sieghard on the lips. "Don't get in any more trouble." I'm saying this to a man who followed me on the bridge to fight an Orc warlord.

2016-02-19, 01:46 PM
Ludo, Sieghard, Viggo
Ludo frowned. "If you're just planning on planting it on him, he might be looking after his bag carefully."

2016-02-19, 07:03 PM
Sieghard & Elsa

Sieghard halfheartedly kissed her back. His mind was clearly on other things. "Take care of yourself."

She's saying that to the man who helped her kill an orc warlord. :smallamused:

Also, it occurs to me that if we do want an excuse to go back to Savonne, whether to try to get Father Heironymus out to try to help with the book, to try to free Belehir, just to cause trouble for Alvarr, or any other reason, the lie about the book being in danger and the suggestion that Father Heironymus may be able to help might be a good way to get Sforza's approval.

Sieghard, Viggo and Ludo

Sieghard smirked. It was the first time since they had returned from Ravenskird that his expression had been anything other than a scowl. "You're right. Even Fish isn't clueless enough for something like that to work. He'll be watching his back now."

"His longhouses," Sieghard said. "You'll head back to Manaan's keep, sneak inside, and hide it among his things there. His things, not his men's," he emphasized. In truth, he wouldn't care if the entire halberd regiment took the blame, but it would be for nothing if Fischwillen was able to pass the blame onto his men and escape punishment himself. "Somewhere that isn't obvious, but somewhere it'll be found if someone goes looking. Make sure no one sees you."

"Take the road through Rivermouth and find yourself a disguise just to be safe. Go on foot, or on Adelbert's horse if he'll let you. Wouter and even Magnus are too easily recognized."

I'm not sure how long Makeda stays in one pace when she moves between Painford and Ravenskird. Sieghard would try to time things so at the very least, Ludo leaves and comes back while she's away. If she spends a long enough time in one place, it would be even better if Ludo could leave after she leaves and and come back before she returns.

General OOC:
Just to clarify, Sieghard does expect Paulo and Marko to stay with Florin until he recovers if they want the full 10gc.. Even if they were to treat him once the night everyone arrives and once the next day before they leave, Sieghard would still be paying double their normal rate (and he's no longer obligated to pay them in the first place) at 1 crown, so as he sees it, they have no right to complain.

2016-02-19, 07:12 PM

Though he was mainly present to talk with Viggo Adelbert was also happy to talk with the others if they were around. He asked if he could take over the injured man (Florin?), offering his services as a priest.

"Perhaps the goddess will look kindly upon him?" Adelbert suggested. "What happened to him to get such savage wounds?"

General OOC:
I was getting tired of the spoilers :smalltongue: and just waiting for Northern Lad.

Just a reminder this is the late morning/early afternoon of 22nd Erntzeit, after Sforza's army has left. If Elsa is still around though Adelbert will be happy to speak with her.

2016-02-19, 07:30 PM
Sieghard - 22nd Erntzeit

"I did that," Sieghard replied, unable to meet Adelbert's gaze. He turned towards the hostel.

"Viggo, make sure the men keep working. I -" need something to drink "- I'm going to get something to eat."

Not a story Sieghard is keen to talk about, though Adelbert might be able to press him for details. Or he could just get them from Viggo or Ludo.

If the surgeons leave with the rest of the army, Sieghard would be more than happy to have Adelbert take over. If they stay, he'd welcome Adelbert's help as long as he doesn't get in their way.

2016-02-19, 07:40 PM

Adelbert's eyes widened but he said nothing. Instead he moved to examine the man, returning moments later. "I need a holly bush," the priest enigmatically informed Sieghard, before leaving the barracks.

LCP are the army surgeons still present?

Adelbert is searching for a sprig of holly (to help cast the Blessing of Healing). He'll ask the locals if they know if any grows nearby.

Gossip: [roll0] vs. 46

2016-02-19, 08:58 PM
Angestag, 22nd Erntzeit

Sieghard & Abdul

Distracted by Sieghard from the task of getting the baggage train moving again, Abdul gave his questioner a weary look.

"I told you before," he said. "The Captain doesn't care about truth. He cares about discipline." He shook his head. "If Fischwillen steps out of line, he will be punished. But that is not for you to involve yourself with."

Turning away, he headed in the direction of where his men were loading the paychest onto the back of their largest wagon. Pausing, he looked back with a parting word for Sieghard.

"Never wrestle with a pig, my friend. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it."

Adelbert found a holly bush growing a little way outside the village, by the lichyard. Returning to Painford with a handful of cuttings, he found Paulo and Marko playing rock-paper-scissors to determine which of them would be allowed to stay and collect Sieghard's generous offer of pay - with the army returning to Manann's Keep, Doctor Bianco had apparently insisted that they were not both needed to tend to one man.

2016-02-20, 03:59 AM
Ludo, Sieghard, Viggo
Ludo didn't seem entirely convinced. "And then what? How do we persuade people to look there?"

OOC: My concern is that this will escalate things but not end them. Are you sure a skull will get Fisch fired/executed? Is there another part to this?

2016-02-20, 04:39 AM
Angestag, 22nd Erntzeit

Adelbert had taken care to don his robes and keep his holy symbol visible to leave no one in any doubt as to who he was.

"I am Adelbert, priest of the goddess Verena," he informed Paulo and Marko (and Sieghard if present.) "I of course do not wish to thread on the toes of such skilled surgeons but I am here to offer prayers for the unfortunate. Please, may I attend?"

Assuming they allowed him through Adelbert stepped up to Florin and, taking the man's hand in his own and clutching his owl pendant with his other hand began to recite the Verenan blessing of healing.

Channeling: [roll0] vs. 53
Re-roll if needed: [roll1] vs. 53
Blessing of Healing: [roll2] + 1 (Holly) (+ 1 if Channeling Succeeds) vs. 5

Yes! :smallbiggrin:

2016-02-20, 07:53 AM
Sieghard & Al-Makir

I had to beat one of my men bloody because of that son of a bitch, I'm already ****ing involved in it.

Sieghard sighed. "You are right, Herr Al-Makir... The man tries my patience, but given enough rope, he'll hang himself," he said, remembering what Elsa had said. Of course, he didn't mean a word of it. "You've already done more for me than anyone could've asked. I apologize for bothering you with my troubles,"

He left Al-Makir to his work. Perhaps it would be better to delay things a little longer.

Walking past Elsa as everyone was making ready to leave, he paused. "By my guess, it'll be at least three weeks before the work here is finished."

Sieghard, Viggo and Ludo

"They'll look," Sieghard assured him. "They'll be looking everywhere for anything even slightly suspicious,"

I don't see how they could not if they thought the book was threatened in any way.

Fischwillen himself is obviously no necromancer, but coupled with the grave-robbing, it paints a pretty damning picture of him working for one.

2016-02-22, 12:39 AM
22nd Erntzeit

Paulo and Marko both seemed reluctant to let anyone else near their goldmine of a patient - but it would hardly reflect well on either of them to turn away a priest. Stepping aside, they let Adelbert say his prayer.

Speaking the words, Adelbert felt a sense of peace descend, the the sick-tent becoming an island of quiet in the middle of the bustling military camp that the army's passing transformed Painford into. It only lasted for a moment - but when it passed, Florin seemed to move with less pain.

He mumbled unintelligible thanks to Adelbert, and Paulo and Marko closed in again, eager to determine which of them would earn Sieghard's money.

2016-02-22, 03:51 AM
Sieghard, Viggo, and Ludo
"If you say so." Ludo said, a bit dubiously.

How is Sieghard planning on starting a hue and cry about the book?

And should we maybe draw a few symbols on the skull to really sell it?

2016-02-22, 06:10 AM

So that is what is like, Adelbert thought, a moment of awe passing through him. I had forgotten... oh thank you my goddess!

"If he needs a priest after he can walk once more I will be in the village," he informed the doctors. To Florin, much more gently, he said: "The Lady of Wisdom and Justice watches over you my friend."

The priest took his leave to search out Viggo.

Northern Lad
2016-02-22, 08:15 AM
Bezahltag, 20th Ertnzeit

Viggo Hirtzel

Viggo was as engaged with his own staring as both Elsa and Jager were, although it was unclear if Kelda was even aware of his fixed stare of hatred. His lips turned back into an almost snarl, he glared bloody murder at the Norscan shapeshifter, even the display of severed heads failed to break his intense regard of her. I will kill you, I will kill you. The thought took hold and became an chant that filled his head with imaginings of vengeance.

Viggo was glad when he heard the news that they would be returning to Painford instead of being left in Ravenskird. Despite the dark feelings associated with the village that had been Kirsten's home, even the smell of Ravenskird turned his stomach, he couldn't wait to leave.

Konigstag, 21st Erntzeit

Viggo grumbled as he stood in line with the other Thorns, waiting for his turn to be searched, but when the mirror was discovered in Florins' pack and his friend was sentenced to a flogging, the grumbling turned into a full blown rant. He couldn't quite believe that the vision of culture and beauty, who had laughed so hard at his jokes and been so friendly, could be the same woman demanding the his friend be flogged.

"First they condone graverobbing, dock our pay and now they flog an innocent boy?!" Viggo didn't seem to care who heard him. "I'll be no part of this Sieghard, and neither should you! I'll not fight for this.... man anymore, he has no honour!"

When he realised that Sieghard himself would deliver the lashes, Viggo descended into a cold fury. He forced himself to watch the lashing, Florins' cries of anguish and pain served to harden the young minstrels' hatred and resolve even more. He had a new enemy now, a new object of loathing, each crack of the whip punctuated Viggo's resolve to rid them all of the troublesome Sergeant Fischwillen. This is all down to him, the stinking coward! I might not be able to do for Kelda but Fisch...

For the rest of the day Viggo refused to talk to Sieghard and in fact stayed away from all of the Thorns. Instead he rode on his own at the rear of the slowly moving column, musing on how he would avenge Florin and what he would do with himself now he had resolved to no longer serve in Sforza's army.

Angestag 22nd Erntzeit

Viggo had spent the previous night and this morning in self loathing contemplation. He blamed Fisch for what had happened to Florin, and Sforza and Sieghard too, but he also blamed himself. It was me who talked him into joining, it was my fault this happened to him. That thought alone had kept him from visiting Florin, he didn't think he'd be able to look the boy in the eye.

Adelbert found Viggo near the gate in the new palisade, he leaned against a post, clearly brooding as he stared into the distance, he seemed to be regarding the Ravenskird road morosely and was at first unaware of the priests presence, nearly jumping out of his skin as Adelbert addressed him.

"Viggo, my friend I have a proposition for you."

Turning to face the former scribe, the young lad's expression was still darkly angry, it seemed that he was still furious over Florin's punishment. "A proposition? What sort of proposition?" he replied suspiciously.

Sieghard, Viggo & Ludo

This evening was the first time that Viggo had been able to share Sieghards' company, let alone to speak to him. He knew taht he shouldn't blame his friend for what he'd been forced to do but it was hard not to. Still, Viggo had managed to swallow some of his distaste and join the mercenary commander and Ludo for a few ales in the hostel.

"Do you still have that strange skull you took with you when we escaped the Library?"

Viggo only nodded in response, never looking up from his ale. He did however perk up and take more attention as Sieghard outlined his plan, only to slump his shoulders when he realised what the plan entailed. "Not good enough." He said flatly. "That motherless coward will just worm his way out of it again, he always does. I know what needs to be done with him." He stared Sieghard directly in the eye. "You taught me that, remember?"

Viggo planted both hands onto the edge of the bench in front of him, pushing himself to his feet. He shared another stern look between his friends, they couldn't look any more different, he idly mused as he regarded the gruff Commander and diminutive Halfling. "Tomorrow I ride for Ravenskird, when I return it will be with word of Fisch's sudden and unexpected passing."


Sorry to throw a spoke in the wheel here and perhaps scupper this plan, but in Viggo's current frame of mind and changing of character (precipitated by Kirsten's death, the unfair dock of pay and now the flogging) this is way to subtle. He means what he says and if neither Sieghard or Ludo try to stop him he'll be off to Ravenskird the following morning.

TheSummoner - Totally up to you if you want Sieghard to try and convince Viggo to stay aligned with the Thorns. He can be convinced, but it would take some doing / explaining.

2016-02-22, 08:40 AM
Adelbert (Angestag 22nd Erntzeit)

Adelbert took pause, nothing the young man's tone. "Ah... if you are worried about that boy Florin I have just visited him. I think my prayers brought him some peace."

The priest looked at Viggo quizzically, clearly wondering whether to bring up his proposition now. He decided in his current mood Viggo would likely prefer frankness: "I have been thinking about how I could worm my way back into Sforza's toleration if not acceptance. Do you think you could help me write a play about the recent victory against the greenskins? Praising the Tilean to the skies of course. Unfortunately we probably couldn't accomplish anything before the festival but I am sure there would be other public occasions to stage it. What do you think?"

Northern Lad
2016-02-22, 09:30 AM
Angestag 22nd Erntzeit

Adelbert & Viggo

Viggo looked Adelbert up and down before nodding firmly, "My thanks Adelbert, I'm sure your prayers have eased him and I know for a fact that he needs a bit of justice right about now. He could do a lot worse than have a priest for the Lady of Justice speak on his behalf."

He listened to Schreiber's proposition with growing interest, initially his gut feeling was to decline on the basis that at the moment he'd rather kiss a goat than offer Sforza any praise. As Adelbert went on though, it was clear that it would be helping his friend and not the Tilean in particular. "You want to make a play out of my Battle of Manann's Keep?" Asked Viggo, perhaps misunderstanding that this would be a collaboration. "That's not a bad idea you know?" He continued, sounding more enthused than at any time since Adelbert had been rejoined with the lad, "With mummers and everything?"

A shadow crossed the young mans face as he briefly returned to contemplating the Ravenskird road. "Might be that we have to do this some place else though?" He added, tilting his chin towards the treeline in the fishing villages' direction.

2016-02-22, 09:47 AM
Adelbert & Viggo

Adelbert looked surprised, but nodded slowly. "Something like that." He lowered his voice. "In truth my friend it would stick in my craw to praise Sforza too much but I am sure we can find some way around that. Perhaps you could even ask your friend Irene to play the Lady Myrmidia?"

He raised an eyebrow at Viggo's suggestion of departing but replied: "Alright, I'll go and saddle Bella. We can leave as soon as you like. I am aware you'll probably need to... ahem... explain your absence."

He was referring of course to the fact Viggo was one of Sforza's officers.

Northern Lad
2016-02-22, 10:27 AM
Adelbert & Viggo

Viggo nodded emphatically in agreement, "Both your craw and mine," His eyebrows raised at the suggestion of Lady Irene as the goddess Myrmidia, but not for the reasons Adelbert assumed. "Irene Sforza?! A goddess?!" He scoffed, "If anybody could use a touch of your Lady's justice it's her and her husband!" Viggo continued shaking his head, "Besides, Lords and Ladies like to watch plays Adelbert, not act them out."

"Alright, I'll go and saddle Bella. We can leave as soon as you like. I am aware you'll probably need to... ahem... explain your absence."

Viggo shook his head, eyeing the road once more, "Not today. I need to speak with.. Sieghard first." The name seemed to catch in his throat, but he carried on his voice turning harsh, "But mark my words Adelbert, I don't need to explain myself to anybody anymore. The Capitano no longer pays me, so I no longer serve him. I thought him a Lord with honour, but I was clearly wrong. He had Florin flogged without ever trying to find the truth. The truth is Adelbert, that Sergeant Fisch framed the poor lad because Florin shot one of his men who was trying to desecrate Frau Fassbender's grave."

Viggo looked scandalised as he recounted the sorry going on to the priest, "Fisch thought he'd make himself rich by digging up her gold arm." A very dark gleam entered Viggo's eyes and the dangerous expression on his face seemed odd to Adelbert who was so used to seeing the lad all brightness and smiles. "What would your Lady say to that eh Adelbert? That maybe the good Sergeant Fischwillan deserves some justice of his own too eh?" His eyes flicked back to the road and his hand unconsciously fell to the hilt of his sword.

2016-02-22, 10:30 AM
Sieghard, Viggo and Ludo

"You won't," Sieghard said, glaring a Viggo. "If it was as easy as it was with Rogar, I'dve already done it myself. Lay a finger on him and you'll just make it worse for us than it already."

"Do as I say and he'll have it far worse than anything you could do to him."


How is Sieghard planning on starting a hue and cry about the book?
Through Elsa. She tells them someone was trying to undo the spells she had protecting it and they can hardly disprove it. No accusations, or anything just a statement that the book is in danger and let them come to their own conclusions.

And should we maybe draw a few symbols on the skull to really sell it?
There are already symbols on the skull. The description in Viggo's character sheet: "Blackened human skull, its sooty surface worked with intricate inscriptions in curling Arabyan script"

We've no clue what the inscriptions actually say, but given we found the damn thing in the care of an actual necromancer, they're nothing any good and far more authentic than anything else we'd be able to come up with.

2016-02-22, 10:40 AM

Adelbert looked astonished as Viggo poured out an explanation for Florin - and for his own feelings.

"I had no notion you had lost faith in the Tilean so," Adelbert said, voice quiet. "Though I know the Lady Irene not all - we have never spoken." He might have sounded wistful there.

"Viggo... I have done things that I am not proud of, but if you are dreaming of murdering Fisch I'd beg you to reconsider. The man sounds like the worst breed of scum but kill him and his men won't take it lying down. Be careful my friend. Look, I'll continue to attend to the man Florin while you talk to Sieghard. Our companion doesn't seem to have much time for me these days."

Northern Lad
2016-02-22, 11:09 AM
Sieghard, Ludo & Viggo

Sieghard's glare was returned with interest, Viggo's knuckles turned white as they gripped the table before them, "I don't take orders from you anymore Sieghard or have you forgotten?" When he spoke it was in that harsh clipped tone, at least this time he kept his voice down though, just because he no longer considered himself a Thorn, Viggo saw no reason to make Sieghards' job any more difficult. "When... he.. stopped paying me coin and started flogging my friends, he lost my loyalty."

Viggo was clearly struggling to keep his voice low as he continued, "This isn't about you or me or even... him. This is about Florin and Fisch and proper justice being served. You can't see to it, I can and I will." He seemed to briefly consider something, "It won't be murder, it will be justice. All the time we sit here planning is another day that man breathes when he should be in a hole."

Adelbert & Viggo

For a moment Viggo's cheeks flushed crimson, he cast an abashed glance in Adelbert's direction, "You were right about Sforza all along Adelbert, I should have listened to you. I'm sorry that I didn't believe you Adelbert, will you forgive me?" For a moment it was almost as if he were the same innocent minstrel that the priest had left just over a month ago, the moment was fleeting. "It wouldn't be murder though would it? It would be an execution of sorts, justice served?" The way he asked the question indicated that he was clearly hoping that Adelbert would agree with his verdict.

"I'm not very likely to do it in front of his whole squadron am I?!" Viggo boggled at the very idea, "I will wait until he's alone.... and drunk and that will be the that." He said it very firmly, it was clear Viggo had put some thought into this.

2016-02-22, 11:23 AM

Adelbert looked shaken. "Viggo..." he said very quietly. "You know my sympathies are with Alvarr, or at least they were until we saw the fires of Savonne... I cannot advise you here. Fischwillen is a bad man but if I told you what to do I couldn't be sure if I was echoing the words of the goddess, or echoing my own desires because any blow against the Tilean is a move I'd cheer. I think this is something you'll have to decide for yourself."

He took a deep breath and gave the minstrel a shaky smile. "Either way it is not really for me to judge you my friend."

2016-02-22, 11:41 AM
Sieghard, Viggo and Ludo

"Like hell you don't," Sieghard spat. "If it wasn't for you, there never would've been any crossbow troop. You don't get to run off and make trouble when things start to look bad."

He took a drink. "If they'd have a man whipped over a stupid mirror, what do you think they'll do if Fish is found floating down the Azril? Expect them to believe me if I tell them you did it on your own? And if you ruin any chance we have with Sforza, where the hell are we supposed to go after that? It's him or Alvarr."

"Fish dies, but he dies in a way that can't be linked to us." Sieghard said. "If it means he gets to live a little longer, then that's the price we pay, but I won't let you throw away what little we still have just because you can't wait."

2016-02-22, 12:18 PM
Ludo, Sieghard, Viggo
Ludo blanched at Viggo's suggestion. "Viggo, you can't! You can't kill him because of that, you have to... we can't kill him!"

Northern Lad
2016-02-22, 12:20 PM
Adelbert & Viggo

Even though his brows beetled at the mention of the Dukes name, something in what Adelbert said seemed to satisfy Viggo, he placed a hand on his compatriots shoulder, "That's what I thought Adelbert, your Lady is wise... as are you. I'll go and speak to Sieghard, I'll come find you afterwards." He obviously had read something into the priests words, perhaps, worryingly, hearing only what he wanted to hear.

About to leave he turned back, "Oh and Adelbert..." When he spoke again it was in a rich rolling baritone which seemed to echo and roll around the gated entrance to the town. "Upon verdant fields and through forests of twisted thorn did the evil green horde flow and upon rocky waves of stone and firm earth did the proud Commanders' ship sail!" He snapped his fingers and grinned at Adelbert, "That's how it opens, go and scribe it down, or whatever it is that you do!"

Sieghard, Ludo & Viggo

Some if not all of the harshness left his voice as Viggo replied. "You think I'm stupid enough to just walk up to him and stick a knife in him with everybody watching?" He looked slightly disappointed for some reason, "You and Schreiber must both still think of me as a bloody fool!" He half mumbled.

When he turned back to face Sieghard there was a coldness in his eyes that was a little unsettling. "And why would I want to serve.. him.. anymore or you for that matter? What proof did he seek, what trial was there to test Florins guilt?" Despite speaking softly his fist slammed down hard on the table, jostling the tankards sat upon it. "You flogged that poor boy, knowing that he was innocent! This isn't the first time either Sieghard, remember what he did to Adelbert? I thought him a man of honour. He's not, he's a man who has a boy lashed to within an inch of his life because he doesn't want his shrew of a wife nagging at him!"

"Viggo, you can't! You can't kill him because of that, you have to... we can't kill him!"

Viggo raised his chin defiantly, "Fisch will die when I'm good and ready and nothing that you say can bloody well stop me." He turned back to Sieghard, "Have you even asked Florin what he wants? Have you?! You think he'd want us all prancing about, plotting revenge instead of just killing that stinking wretch as soon as possible?"

2016-02-22, 12:26 PM
Adelbert and Viggo

Adelbert smiled at Viggo's line. "I'll see what I can do my friend. Verena watch over you."

Looking thoughtful he returned to the hostel, considering the first act of 'The Tragedy of Matthau'.

2016-02-22, 08:00 PM
Sieghard, Viggo and Ludo

"You flogged that poor boy, knowing that he was innocent!

Sieghard went silent and stated at his drink. The accusation stung - all the more because it was true.

"I did," he admitted, miserably. "What choice did I have? If I had refused or protested, they would've had him beat twice as hard." Though he knew it would've only have made things worse had he objected to the punishment, the fact wasn't comforting in the least. "I thought that if I did it myself, I could at least spare him the worst of it," he muttered. He knew he had failed horribly.

"They found the bloody mirror in his bag," he said. "There wasn't a thing we could've done that wouldn't look like a weak excuse. The bastard got us, and unfortunately, Florin was the one who suffered for it. But being mad at anyone other than Fish doesn't get us anywhere."

"Viggo, you can't! You can't kill him because of that, you have to... we can't kill him!"

"You're the last person I want to hear complaining," Sieghard snapped, "None of this would've happened if Fish hadn't heard about Fassbender's arm. He'll be the end of all of us if we don't deal with him first, and if that means we have to kill him, I'll slit the bastard's throat myself."

"Have you even asked Florin what he wants? Have you?! You think he'd want us all prancing about, plotting revenge instead of just killing that stinking wretch as soon as possible?"

Probably to take that crossbow of his and shoot me for what I did to him... Sieghard didn't think he could blame the boy even if he did.

"Have you?" Sieghard asked, turning to face Viggo again. "We'll deal with Fish, I promise you. Just give me some time. If it doesn't work my way, we'll do things yours." he said. "But even if comes to that, we can't act rashly."

"For now, why not sit by his bedside and give him some company? You could tell him some of your stories... He'd like that."

Northern Lad
2016-02-23, 05:13 AM
Sieghard, Ludo & Viggo

"Have you?" Sieghard asked, turning to face Viggo again. "We'll deal with Fish, I promise you. Just give me some time. If it doesn't work my way, we'll do things yours." he said. "But even if comes to that, we can't act rashly."

"For now, why not sit by his bedside and give him some company? You could tell him some of your stories... He'd like that."

Viggo hung is head guiltily, "I've not asked him either," He said slowly, "Not even been to see him, it was me who talked him in to all this in the first place." His voice dripped with shame, but he rounded his shoulders and raised an eyebrow in suspicion as he continued, "Florin needs more than some sodding bedside stories Sieghard and how much time do you want to give to that wretch Fish? You think he wont still be plotting himself, from where I'm sitting, he's bloody better at it than us!"

He took a deep breath leaning forwards looking Sieghard straight in the eye once more, "This isn't either of ours' decision to make. I'm leaving it to Florin to decide, it's he who was lashed and it's he who should decide what's to be done." He punctuated his sentence with a firm nod as he turned and left the hostel without looking back.

Viggo Hirtzel

Striding out of the hostel angrily, Viggo took a moment to compose himself, Rock Face is right about one thing, he thought, it's Fish we... I need to be mad at, nobody else. Despite that, he still felt lingering resentment towards Sieghard, He cracked the whip after all!

Viggo set off to visit Florin, resolving to let the boy decide his tormentors fate.

2016-02-23, 10:12 AM
Sieghard, Viggo and Ludo

Sieghard stood grabbed Viggo by the shoulder

"Florin will decide nothing and you will say nothing about this to him," Sieghard said. "Breathe even a word of this and you endanger us and you endanger him as well."

Northern Lad
2016-02-23, 10:35 AM
Sieghard, Ludo & Viggo

Viggo's face froze as he regarded Sieghards' grip on his shoulder, very slowly and very deliberately he removed it one finger at a time. "Endanger him? You think he'd be in danger?! More danger than having his hide removed for obeying a direct order from his Commander say?" A finger jabbed directly into Sieghards chest. "Do you think Florin the moron eh? He already knows who put that mirror there, he and every other Thorn know what this is about! By doing nothing we as good as admit to the rest of the army and Sforza that we're thieves! How does that make us look to the rest of the men eh?"

"I accept that you did what you had to Sieghard, even if I don't like it. And I agree that I can't just run out on you when I don't like the way things go." Viggo took a deep breath, clearly struggling to confront his friend like this, "But you're wrong about this Sieghard, it is Florins choice and whatever he chooses you will need to explain to the men why you did what you did."


Charm Test to see if Viggo can convince Sieghard that Florins Choice is the way forward. :smalltongue:

Pulling out the big guns now!

FEL 48 - [roll0]

2016-02-23, 10:42 AM
Sieghard, Viggo and Ludo

"No, I think you're a bloody moron," Sieghard said. "One too blinded by anger to think things through."

"How does running off and putting a knife in Fish's back help us? Even if you aren't caught, it doesn't stop us from looking like thieves, and if you are it makes us look like murderers as well. Killing Fish isn't enough. We need to ruin him."

Nope. Even with a roll like that, that's about as likely to work as trying to charm Sforza into letting you sleep with his wife.

On the plus side, Sieghard's reaction to the charm test isn't nearly as bad. :smalltongue:

2016-02-23, 10:56 AM

After eating a meal at the hostel Adelbert decided to investigate the villagers to see if there was any appetite for an active priest in their midst. Though he would make no secret of his identity as a servant of Verena he knew he would have to honour all the gods, as he had in Handrich's Cross. He'd also have to take the garrison into account and was secretly a little disappointed only the Thorns were present (learning the religious views of Southlanders or Arabyians would have been fascinating.)

Dressed in his robes he went to the village square to talk with the locals. In this he had something of an advantage; doubtless at least some would recall he had officiated at Fassbender's funeral.

Adelbert isn't proselytizing, just conducting a survey. :smalltongue:

Gossip tests:

Has Painford had a full time priest or shrine in the past? [roll0] vs. 46
What gods do the locals worship? [roll1] vs. 46

Northern Lad
2016-02-23, 11:05 AM
Sieghard, Ludo & Viggo

"Oh I'm angry alright," He clearly was as Viggo's whole body had tensed, "Nothing stops us from looking like thieves does it, we've already as good as admitted it and condemned poor Florin by doing so. You could have demanded a trial Sieghard, does Sforza even know about Fish, about his grave robbing, about his threat to see for Florin?"

Viggo squared his shoulders, "No Sieghard, maybe killing him is enough. Enough for Florin at least." Viggo seemed like a coiled spring, but he continued in a calmer voice. "Ravenskird is full of thieves and na'er do wells, it wouldn't come as a shock to hear that someone there ended up dead." A thought seemed to occur to Viggo, "Especially if any folk fleeing Savonne have reached town, remember he's not best loved by them at all. There'd be plenty of people there who had reason to... see him off."

2016-02-23, 11:24 AM
Sieghard, Viggo and Ludo

Sieghard took a deep breath, his patience at its end. "Viggo, things are already in motion. I will not let you ruin everything by acting like a damned fool."

"You will be patient and you will restrain yourself or else I'll have you restrained by force."

Northern Lad
2016-02-23, 11:47 AM
Sieghard, Ludo & Viggo

For a moment it seemed as if Viggo would snap back, his eyebrows tried to climb all the way up to his hairline. Instead he took a deep breath of his own, nodding calmly. "I understand. I wouldn't want to face the lash for disobeying a direct order now would I?"

A grin bloomed on the boys face, to Sieghard and Ludo who knew him well, it was obviously a fixed, false smile, it never reached his eyes. "I'll do as you say of course... sir. Are we done here?" Viggo began eyeing up the door, clearly keen to be making an exit, "I really should go see Florin, you're right, maybe he could do with hearing a story or two." Despite trying to sound casual, Viggo sounded anything but, he was clearly struggling to keep his voice light and the harshness at bay.

2016-02-23, 11:56 AM
Sieghard, Viggo and Ludo

"Go," he said. "Just know that if you leave this village I'll drag you back behind my horse."

Sieghard and Ludo, after Viggo leaves

"I don't trust him," Sieghard said. "You want to keep him from doing anything foolish, right? Follow him and tell me what he and Florin say."

2016-02-23, 12:17 PM
Adelbert found the people of Painford reluctant to talk with him - perhaps as an outsider associating him with the captain's army. From what he could gather, Painford had not had a resident priest in a long time. Most preachers would not have had an easy time living in the same village as Beatrix, and before her Mayor Drago had not been one to tolerate any competitors for his authority. People kept icons and the like in their homes, and there was an open-air shrine to Shallya, Taal and Rhya out in the woods - really no more than a few devotional images under a lean-to roof - but that was about it.


Viggo found Florin in the sick tent, trying not to move. The young man was awake and alert, but his back was clearly still causing him a great deal of pain.

He listened mutely to Viggo's apologies, rarely making eye contact. It took Viggo asking him what should be done for him to finally speak.

"Sieghard's the boss," he mumbled. "He should decide."

He looked down at the ground.

"We came through worse, though, right?" he said at last, touching the twisting scar on the side of his face where Cacophrax had healed his eye. "Daemons and monsters. We beat them."

He looked up at Viggo.

"I don't care how we beat Fisch. Just as long as we do." A dark look crossed his face. "He deserves everything that's coming to him."

2016-02-23, 12:52 PM

Rather dismayed at the lack of success he was having with the locals Adelbert set about looking at building a lean to of his own. For the moment that would have to do.

2016-02-23, 02:54 PM
Sieghard and Ludo
"Yes... Right, yes." Ludo said, distracted. He stared after viggo, his jaw a little slack. "Yes, I will."

Lets follow Viggo! [roll0] for Ludo's sneaking vs either 69 or 79 depending on what the test is, opposed by [roll1] for Viggos perception.

Northern Lad
2016-02-23, 06:34 PM
Viggo Hirtzel

"Oh that he does Florin, that he does and in spadefuls." Viggo agreed matching Florins dark look, he continued, lowering his voice. "And you're right Sieghard is the boss. Just because he's the boss doesn't mean he's always right though, what if his way takes too long, what if it dosen't work?"

It was Viggo's turn to avert his eyes, "I feel responsible for what happened to you in some small part Florin. It was me who talked you into this mad caper in the first place after all, me who told you to do whatever Sieghard says. If you ask me... no.. if you want me to go and see Fish dead in the ground then I will. No matter what anybody else says."

2016-02-23, 06:45 PM

"You shouldn't get yourself in trouble," said Florin. "That's how he gets us. Got us. Both times." He paused. "Sometimes I think he wanted me to shoot at him. That's what he does. He provokes people."

Northern Lad
2016-02-23, 07:08 PM
Viggo Hirtzel

Viggo nodded slowly, "As you say Florin. We'll trust in Sieghards' way, he says he'll make the stinking weasel pay and I'll do what I can to make sure whatever he's got planned works."

Smiling weakly at the injured boy, Viggo tried to sound more upbeat, "If you ever get the chance to shoot at him again, make sure you plant it right between his eyes eh?"

He spent some time there, sat next to Florin's bed, Viggo played his new song and told Florin his favourite jokes in an effort to lift the lads spirits.

Viggo & Sieghard

Later that evening Viggo found Sieghard whilst the gruff commander was making his rounds, waiting for an opportune moment he approached when his friend was alone. "We do it your way." He said flatly presenting the soot blackened skull discreetly to the mercenary. The skulls empty sockets seemed to glare at Sieghard mockingly. "Remember though, Al'Makir has seen this, I asked him if he knew what it was or if he wanted to but it." Viggo shrugged uncomfortably, "He liked the look of it as much as anybody else who lays their eyes on it." He eyed Sieghard cooly, "I don't know why I never got rid of the thing to be honest. it has an ill aspect."

2016-02-24, 12:30 AM
Sieghard and Viggo

"He does...?" Sieghard asked, sounding utterly defeated. He shook his head and began muttering to himself. "No, that won't work then... We'll need to think of something else... What if... No... Maybe if..."

He looked up and glared at Viggo. "You didn't think something like that was worth mentioning sooner!?"


Sieghard went to find Ludo.

"New plan," he told the halfling when he found him. "Head straight for Manaan's Keep. Find Elsa, and tell her I said not to do the thing I asked her to do."

Northern Lad
2016-02-24, 05:17 AM
Sieghard & Viggo

Boggling somewhat at Sieghards' suggestion Viggo spluttered, "What?! eh?! Now see here you.... I didn't mention it sooner because I thought it a fool plan, now it turns out I was right!" Viggo's hands were on his hips as he stared sternly at Sieghard, "Look Sieghard, you're the boss, I understand that. What's more I apologise for my behaviour these past weeks, it's been..... difficult for me, since Kirsten, you understand?"

Viggo's look turned earnest, "I'll follow your orders Sieghard and do my best to make sure the Thorns make us both rich, but you need to listen to me more. I'm not the idiot that you imagine me to be and I can be useful if you'll let me. Send me to Ravenskird Sieghard, let me put an end to this, I won't let you down."

2016-02-24, 12:21 PM
Sieghard and Viggo

Sieghard shook his head. "Not yet, it's too soon. If Fish dies right now, we'll be the obvious suspects."

"We'll figure something out," he said. "I'd settle for putting a knife in his back if that's the best we can do, but I want the bastard to suffer."

2016-02-24, 12:23 PM
Sforza and the army marched out of Painford later that day, heading back to Manann's Keep with lower spirits than when they had set out. The atmosphere that hung over the marching column was one of uncertainty, the fires of Savonne clearly still looming large in their minds.

Standing by the bank of the stream, Sieghard waved goodbye to Elsa as she rode out of the village, her big black horse throwing menacing looks at the men it passed by. Watching until she was out of sight, he turned back to the unfinished palisade. There was work to do.

In the days that followed, all of the party were kept busy. Ludo made the journey to Manann's Keep and back, letting Elsa know that Sieghard's false alarm was no longer necessary; she seemed relieved to hear it. Adelbert spent long hours sitting with Viggo in the hostel, trying to write his play as the minstrel sat strumming his lute and picturing new roles for himself. There was a lot of bickering as the two of them pulled the script in different directions – Viggo towards spectacle and derring-do, Adelbert towards some sort of serious morality play – but it seemed good-natured enough, and the work seemed to help lift Viggo a little out of the black mood in which he had returned to Painford. Still, Adelbert often noticed him slinking off to speak with Sieghard in quiet corners.

With the help of the ogres, the fortifications around Painford rose up stronger than before. Perhaps seeing Alvarr's forces had given Gorg and his brutes a sense of what all the work was for, or perhaps the absence of Fischwillen and his unique brand of laziness was letting the Thorns get on with their work more effectively than the halberdiers had done. Either way, by Mittherbst the east wall had been repaired, the west wall and the perimeter ditch completed, and the last of the trees inside the compound had been felled. A great stack of timber stood piled up by the old tower, ready for the construction of the new bunkhouses.

Back in Manann's Keep, Elsa spent most of her time riding out into the Thornwood, still searching for some suitable creature to bind as her familiar. What little time she spent at court was mostly spent trying to keep up with the news from the north. From what she could gather, Alvarr had kept his word – the river was open again, and a trickle of trade was beginning to flow back through Savonne along both the river and the roads. Much of the court's time was spent discussing how to restore their old trade links, which Elsa found rather dull – but curiously, she heard that Bianco had been dispatched back to Last Water. She could hardly think why – Irene was still in Manann's Keep, as she was reminded every day when the two of them traded glares passing each other in the fort.


The arrival of the equinox brought more sombre celebrations than the Mitterfruhl or Sonnstill festivities. In Painford and Manann's Keep both, huge bonfires were lit in honour of Rhya, the locals casting a small portion of the season's harvest into the flames. The large population of Imperial settlers in Manann's Keep also carried out a traditional dedication to Ulric, acknowledging the changing of the season and praying for a mild winter with the sacrifice of a goat. The animal's remains were left out in the woods for the wolves - though not, Elsa noticed, before the people who had done the sacrificing had availed themselves of the best cuts. She wasn't sure of Ulric's opinion on serving a sacrifice with fried onions, but it certainly smelt good. Sforza and his wife didn't join in the public festivities this time – rather, a feast was held for the inner circle inside the keep, serving up the best of the stores that had been laid in for winter.

In Painford, worship of the wolf god was too thin on the ground to be anything more than a private observance. Among the locals, Adelbert observed that Morr seemed to take Ulric's place as patron of the cold season - and disconcertingly, his legendary hound too. An old woman sat near the bonfire weaving fresh charms to keep the Jackal out for another winter, while a bushy-bearded woodsman regaled the village children with the tale of Nakki and the Thief. Dierk was among the audience, holding tightly on to his mother. Marta was up and walking around again like a healthy woman, but she had not been the same since the day Bianco saved her life. She was slow-witted now, confused and frustrated by the simplest of tasks. Now she seldom went anywhere without her son leading her around by the hand.

Adelbert immediately recognised the story the woodsman was telling from his research in Savonne (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18410223&postcount=1339), but there were a few notable differences beyond just the corruption of the jackal-god's name. Instead of journeying to the underworld to rescue his lover, the thief stole a treasure from Morr to impress a demanding woman - and in a dark twist on the version Adelbert had read, "Nakki" the jackal first hunted and ate her before returning to pose his riddles to the thief.

The Thorns joined in the festivities with good grace but without much energy, being worn out from their exertions repairing the palisade. The more cheerful among them badgered Viggo for music, and without much resistance won themselves a performance of The Wizard in the Pie Shop Window. Even Florin, who had become quiet and subdued since his experience in Ravenskird, ended up clapping merrily along.

The ogres loomed large over the proceedings, cheerfully cramming their faces with as much food as they could scoff - no-one in Painford was about to tell them they'd had their share. Viggo's playing was soon drowned out by the rib-rattling bass of Grumbarth drinking songs, and later the thunderous clash of two ogres wrestling. Villagers, militia and ahosi looked on with equal awe and excitement – for the backwoods of the Reaches, this was pretty exotic entertainment.

When the dust settled, a space was cleared around the lead statue of Mayor Drogo, and some of the villagers struck up a tune. As Viggo was implored to join the players, Adelbert nervously asked Etunu to dance, and was rather surprised when she enthusiastically agreed. The laughs and comments in the Danxome tongue from Oseye and the others were only mildly disconcerting.

OOC: The dances of the Reaches aren't entirely familiar to Adelbert – Ag test to stay light on your toes! And a Perform test for Viggo if he wants to join in the playing; if he chooses to play something Adelbert is more familiar with you may get a positive modifier.

Eating the last few scraps of meat from a roast chicken leg, Makeda came and sat down next to Sieghard on a bench outside the hostel.

“You are doing well here,” she said. Her tone was curt, but it was the closest Sieghard had heard her get to a compliment. “The walls are strong. You will have them finished soon?” She looked towards the southern perimeter, where the village was still only protected by the stream.

“The bridge in Ravenskird goes slower,” she continued. “Fischwillen's men are idle. They don't work unless we watch them. It is good to have someone here to rely on.” Throwing the bone away, she thumped Sieghard on the shoulder and rose to leave. “Keep your head, soldier.”

2016-02-24, 12:50 PM

Adelbert was happy to conduct religious services for the locals, sprinkling in a few Verenan parables, even if he was less comfortable with the presence of Nakki. Still he did not comment on the worship of others, feeling he was not nearly established enough to do so.

He also continued to check in on Florin's progress.

Truthfully though the play absorbed most of his attention and it was secretly a relief to set it aside for the moment as the festival approached. While he'd always thought Etunu with her long legs and dark eyes a striking woman he hadn't guessed he was going to ask her to dance before he found himself doing so. Then he laughed with shocked delight and led her out onto the grass... though 'led' was perhaps the wrong word given the warrioress was probably taller and stronger than him.

"So daughter of the Danxome, how about you teach a northerner to dance?" He playfully bowed to Oseye and the others, before taking Etunu's hand in his own.

2016-02-24, 01:00 PM
After a rare bath and a change of clothes, both welcome after so much time in the wilderness looking for a familiar, Elsa strolled back and forth through the festival of Manann's Keep. She did not dislike parties; only the early part of them, when people were expected to be chatty and relatively sober. So she patiently waited for the late hours, eating a lot and saying little. Never very good at small talk, most of her social interactions consisted of joining the listeners of someone who had something interesting to say, and to punctuate with an occasional "Uh-huh" or "Damn". After a while, with boredom already starting to set in, she tried to find travellers and learn about the sack of Savonne.

Gossip 34: [roll0]
Fortune: [roll1]

She eventually remembered that she was here for a reason. Making a quick beeline to her quarters, she picked up the book of poetry from the Lost Library and went in search of Lady Irene.

Elsa's dialogue will depend on the circumstances (who else is present, etc.)

2016-02-24, 01:02 PM

"Not much longer," Sieghard replied, equally terse. He was still angry about the gold, though he did his best not to let it show. He wasn't the least bit surprised to learn that progress on the bridge was slow.

He nodded. "Fischwillen is an embarrassment. One little bridge shouldn't take as long to build as defenses for a whole village, even with the ogres here." There was much more he could've said, but he held his tongue.

2016-02-24, 04:22 PM

The villagers were playing a fast-paced tune, making Adelbert use all his wits to keep up with the steps. Even more unfamiliar with the music than Adelbert, Etunu was clumsy at first, tripping over her partner's feet - but she seemed to find it funny rather than frustrating, and quickly began to catch on. A small band of Southlanders gathered to one side of the dancers, clapping in time with the music.

Over by the hostel, Makeda paused to listen to Sieghard's remarks.

"Fischwillen is an embarrassment. One little bridge shouldn't take as long to build as defenses for a whole village, even with the ogres here."

"Perhaps you'd like to take over when you're finished here," she replied. Sieghard couldn't tell whether it was a rebuke or a genuine suggestion.

Manann's Keep

Elsa couldn't find anyone in town who had actually been present at the sack - instead, all she heard were wild stories.

"I heard they burned half the city to the ground."
"Strung people up all along the river."
"You know them savages from the Raven Hills were cuttin' off people's ears?"
"I heard they rounded up all the guildmasters and pushed 'em off the top of the Rock."

Back at the Keep, Elsa found Irene at her husband's side in the main hall, presiding over the feast. Most of the officers were there, with the exception of Makeda; Bianco was also absent, having already left for Last Water. Viktor, Sussman and a few other local dignitaries filled out the numbers to a little over a dozen.

2016-02-24, 04:49 PM
Painford Posse

Adelbert was enjoying himself and Etunu's sense of humour was proving infectious.

He wasn't an experienced dancer and his parents had been of that starched and austere brand of Imperial burghers than considered respectability the greatest of virtues. Neither peasant frivolities, nor courtly balls had figured much in his upbringing. Well, for once he was going to enjoy himself dancing with this striking woman, the faux-pious and po-faced nature of his ancestors be damned. The Goddess would not object; unless he was very wrong the Lady of Wisdom was not humourless.

"You're good," he told Etunu, his enthusiuasm genuine. She was good too, even if she'd been unfamiliar at first... as had he of course. The clapping of her sisters gave him new energy and a further beat to follow.

2016-02-24, 04:52 PM
Ludo - who had been sat besides Sieghard placidly enjoying the festivities - nodded emphatically. "If you don't mind my saying, Captain Ma'am, I was surprised by the decision to place him on what would potentially be the front lines. His men are veteran soldiers but the captiain himself..."

[roll0] charm test.

Will copy over and update my sheet tomorrow when I'm next at a computer.

2016-02-24, 05:12 PM
Manann's Keep

Elsa nodded to Captain Sforza in polite acknowledgement, then addressed Lady Irene. <"Good evening, my lady."> Her Tilean was starting to lose its guttural Reikspiel sounds. <"I've been waiting for a suitable opportunity to offer you this.">

She set the book on the table. <"The Lost Library was rather poor in books of magic, but my companions and I stumbled upon this work of poetry. One of the wizards there was a lover of words, it seems. I've been reading it to improve my knowledge of Tilean outside of everyday language."> That was only half a lie; she had tried to struggle through it, only to give up less than halfway through. She had always found poetry rather dull. <"In these lands, there are precious few people with an appreciation for this sort of thing.">

While the book was meant as a half-hearted olive branch, Elsa did not mention it; to the best of her knowledge, only she, Irene and the Captain were aware of any bad blood between Elsa and Irene.

I guess I'll add a fellowship test on top of it, just to seem sincere, and not sycophantic or calculating. Either Fel 34 or untrained Charm 17, but given Elsa's low skill either way, I'll treat any result of 34 or under as close enough to not re-roll.

Re-roll: [roll1]

What's wrong with the dice roller? Why does it hate me these days? :smallsigh:

2016-02-24, 05:59 PM
Manann's Keep

Irene looked at the book as if it were a dead mouse brought in by the cat.

<Well I don't want it if you don't want it,> she said at last. <It's probably cursed or something.>

<Irene,> said Sforza, in a warning tone of voice. <It is a gift.>

<Oh, fine,> she said. <But if I turn into a toad it'll be your fault, Muzio.>

Reaching languidly out for the book, she picked it up and flicked idly through the first few pages. Stifling an affected yawn with her hand, she put it down and smiled through gritted teeth to Elsa.

<Thank you, signora,> she said. <You may go now.>


"If you don't mind my saying, Captain Ma'am, I was surprised by the decision to place him on what would potentially be the front lines. His men are veteran soldiers but the sergeant himself..."

"Sergeant Fischwillen has to do nothing more than build a bridge," said Makeda, firmly. "If there was going to be a war it would have started by now." She paused. "And it stops him from trying to dig up things he shouldn't, no?"

Over in the town square, the band finished another tune, and Etunu stumbled away laughing, towing Adelbert with her. <You're not so bad yourself,> she said, in her strongly-accented Tilean. <What do you call this music?>

She fetched herself and Adelbert a drink, and they were joined by Oseye and a few of the others. The Southlanders wanted to know more about Adelbert's god; why he seemed different to Barbaro - but more than that, Oseye wanted to hear about his time in the stocks. Among Sforza's soldiers at least, it seemed that memory was still fresh.

2016-02-24, 06:26 PM

<Rustic,> answered Adelbert, also in Tilean (out of breath Tilean.) He grinned. <It's not exactly like the music back home, but it isn't bad is it?>

Gratefully accepting his drink from Etunu, he was happy to talk with the Southlanders, though his eyes kept wandering back to his dancing partner.

<I follow Verena, the Wise Goddess, the Lady of Truth and Justice. She is not a warrior like Myrmidia but She has a sword and knows how to use it.> He smiled and touched the hilt of the sword he carried, then the owl amulet he wore around his neck. <Her symbols. We who treasure Her hunt for knowledge like dwarves hunt for gold and prize justice like Tileans prize wine.>

At Oseye's question his smile faltered a little. <Yes... that was hard. I thought I'd die or go mad.> He shuddered at the memory and took a long draught of his ale. <A horrible thing...>

2016-02-24, 06:46 PM
Manann's Keep

I'm right here, Elsa wanted to snarl at Lady Irene, and I can understand Tilean just fine. She concealed her irritation, and remained unfailingly polite as she took her leave. Well, that was a waste of a potentially valuable book. Adelbert would be disappointed.

Elsa was in a low spirits for the rest of the evening, still bitter about the fall of Savonne and the long months of idleness that would probably follow. By the late hours of the night, when the officers themselves had dispersed to enjoy the festivities, Elsa was tipsy enough to flirt awkwardly with Esteban Valdes, trying to make up for her utter lack of subtlety with sheer persistence.

Last roll of the night, I guess. This is one I don't mind failing, as long as I fail it by a wide enough margin for entertaining results.

Untrained Charm 17: [roll0] - Meh. :(

2016-02-24, 07:09 PM

"Sergeant Fischwillen has to do nothing more than build a bridge. If there was going to be a war it would have started by now. And it stops him from trying to dig up things he shouldn't, no?"

You acknowledge he was caught grave-robbing and yet he receives no punishment for it, Sieghard thought darkly.

He stood and went to get another drink. For a moment, he considered joining the festivities, but he didn't feel as though there was much cause for celebration.

Unless prompted by someone else, Sieghard will likely spend the remainder of the day filling his stomach and drinking.

4) If Fischwillen is buggering up the bridge construction, we could well concentrate there. A little sabotage (theft of tools perhaps) could slow things down considerably. (Combine that with the discovery of a bunch of bretonnian coins under Fischwillen's bed with the missing tools, say...)

If Ludo feels like bringing up this suggestion now, go for it. If he'd prefer to wait until after Mittherbst is over and Makeda is gone, we could also do it as a timesplit.