View Full Version : Roleplaying Halfing Sorcerer Background Designing Help

2016-02-09, 05:47 PM
So I'm designing up a Halfling Sorcerer. What? Don't look at me like that. Halflings are awesome, and I'll play them like crazy!

Anyhoo, the mechanics. Using the standard array and a Lightfoot, I'll be starting with:

STR:8, DEX:14 (12+2), CON:14, INT:13, WIS:10 and CHA:16 (15+1)

By level cap, I plan to boost CHA to 20, DEX to 18, and grab Wizard Ritual Caster. The later is mostly because it will allow me to improve my spell list with some more utility spells and cast them that way instead of wasting spell slots and very precious known spells on.

I know that I want Arcana for a skill, I'm a mage, gods blast it, and it would make more sense for studying spells enough to learn how to cast them as rituals. And Sorcerers also come with all social skills, so I plan on grabbing one to my tastes, probably Persuasion.

Now I know I want Stealth as a skill, to take advantage of that Lightfoot trait of being able to hide behind anyone bigger than me. My problem with the stock Backgrounds is all the ones with stealth are a little... criminally or bottom class. Not all halflings are pickpockets or lawbreakers, but they are naturally stealthy if by size alone. And the other backgrounds with skills I plan to grab don't really seem to fit either.

I need help drafting up a background that would fit a more lawful halfling while still giving them stealth. A second skill and some goodies that make logical sense, and a "title" for it alone would be more than enough for me to fill the bond and flaw things later.

2016-02-09, 05:57 PM
Spy? Spy would work.

2016-02-09, 05:58 PM
How about something like:

You come from an area where your skills are unwanted, unwelcome, or outright illegal. Maybe you're instinctively strong living with a tribe of archers, perhaps you're an arcane caster in a society where the casting of spells are illegal, or could it be that a dark god chose you as one of their favored in a society of good? Whatever the reason you've had to keep your skills a secret hiding in the shadows and pretending to be something you're not.

Skill proficiency - Stealth, Performance or Deception
Tool Proficiency - Disguise kit
Starting Equipment - Any set of tools from the table on page 154 with which you are not proficient. You do not gain proficiency with these tools, they are simply in place to make your deceptions more believable.

2016-02-09, 06:15 PM
What about a private investigator or consultant (think Sherlock Holmes profession)? You're going to have similar knowledge that criminals would have, about methodology and the criminal underworld. Perhaps you specialize in magical/ritual -based crimes since you're a sorcerer? You're a relatively decent person, compared to those you find yourself surrounded by, willing to take private clients as well as official government investigations.

2016-02-09, 08:12 PM
What about a private investigator or consultant (think Sherlock Holmes profession)? You're going to have similar knowledge that criminals would have, about methodology and the criminal underworld. Perhaps you specialize in magical/ritual -based crimes since you're a sorcerer? You're a relatively decent person, compared to those you find yourself surrounded by, willing to take private clients as well as official government investigations.

Hmm... Investigation and Stealth could totally be a working combo for an idea like that. I kinda like it. I can't think of any tools that would fit off the top of my head, but a couple extra languages for fluff is pretty good.