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View Full Version : What equipment should I start with

2007-06-16, 12:22 PM
My party and myself are starting a campaign (Main plot and starting spot unknown).
I am starting as A cross-class Rouge-Swashbuckler-Fighter-Devrish (nevermind why...) and this is my first time as a "fighter character". I'm a bit clueless about my adventure equipment (clothes, sleeping bag, etc), and I have a 1970 gp budget.
Can you help me with some guidelines?

2007-06-16, 12:44 PM
Um, what Level are you? This sounds like very little money for a Character who is already in the Dervish Prestige Class.

2007-06-16, 12:56 PM
Indeed, very few money... What level are you, and why you have only that cash?

Clothes, sleeping bag... looks like your DM makes some more "realistic" campaign with rather not wealthy PC. So tell us exactly what you must have, beacuse in common campaigns usually nobody care about such basic traveler equipment (fortunately or not).

2007-06-16, 01:42 PM
My party and myself are starting a campaign (Main plot and starting spot unknown).
I am starting as A cross-class Rouge-Swashbuckler-Fighter-Devrish (nevermind why...) and this is my first time as a "fighter character". I'm a bit clueless about my adventure equipment (clothes, sleeping bag, etc), and I have a 1970 gp budget.
Can you help me with some guidelines?

2007-06-16, 01:49 PM
You don't really NEED anything, though it's good for roleplaying.

Food? Hunt for it.
Sleep? Suck it up and sleep on the ground.
Light? Magic

Be a seller of 10 foot poles and you'll be rich! (Buy ladders). Get magic things!

:smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin:


P.S: Totally useless post :smallwink:

2007-06-16, 01:57 PM
Don't you already have an open thread for this? Matthew's point in your original thread is still relevant--what level are you starting at?

2007-06-16, 02:05 PM
Don't you already have an open thread for this? Matthew's point in your original thread is still relevant--what level are you starting at?

I'm starting at level 8...
What do you mean by :"Don't you already have an open thread for this? Matthew's point in your original thread is still relevant"?

2007-06-16, 02:12 PM
I'm starting at level 8...
What do you mean by :"Don't you already have an open thread for this? Matthew's point in your original thread is still relevant"?

1970 GP budget, at level 8?

Wow. And I thought *I* was bad with giving out very little treasure.

2007-06-16, 02:12 PM
I believe this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47797) is what he means. Is that all the money you have, period, or all the money you have left after buying some other equipment that you know you'll need? If the latter, what have you already picked up? If the former, your DM is compensating for the fact that you're 25030 gp behind the recommended wealth, right?

2007-06-16, 02:19 PM
1970 GP budget, at level 8?

Wow. And I thought *I* was bad with giving out very little treasure.

Magor Misunderstanding... It's after I had my shoping spree...

2007-06-16, 02:30 PM
I am starting as A cross-class Rouge-Swashbuckler-Fighter-Devrish (nevermind why...) .No, I'm curious. Why the fighter levels? With the Daring Outlaw feat, Rogue/Swashbuckler is a match made in heaven.....especially if you plan on taking Dervish. Any fighter levels you add are going to weaken this build and cost you skill points.

2007-06-16, 02:34 PM
Winter Blanket
If you're strong, chain, if not, rope.
More rope.
Flint and steel
Hammer (unless you have a hammer as a weapon)
Oil (lots! Burning things be fun!)
Piton (10 at least. I usually go for 20)
Train rations (3 days minimum)
Daggers (ALWAYS useful)
Axe of some sort (usually useful)
Everburning torch
Sunrod (at least one or two, for when you have a dark pit and want to see what's at the bottom while still retaining your torch)

Hmmm, all that's less then 400. By a long shot.

Goggles of minute seeing. +5 to search checks if you're the primary trapfinder? Yes please!

Now I'm assuming you already did armor and whatnot, but something I would consider if I were you.

Ring of Force Shield.

True it looks weak, I mean 8.5K for a +2 shield bonus to AC? Why not just get a +1 masterwork buckler? But here's the catch. No penalties to attack if TWF'ing, less conspicuous (you can just turn it off), and get this. It's made of force.

Need to prop something up for a few vital seconds? Use that. When you're done? Turn it off and jerk your hand back.

It's raining and don't want to get wet? Put it above your head.

Need a basket while shopping? Tah dah!

The entire party just squeezed out a tiny hole in the side of a fireworks factory that's about to explode, and don't want to be roasted? Plug it up with that, and have a strong dude hold it for you (or help you hold it) to guide the blast UP and not through the hole after you.

Endless uses! Endless fun! Want to go snowboarding, but have no board? Try hopping on the force shield!

Splashing in the pool? Use the force shield to fling even MORE water!

Want to dismissivly just hold up the back of your hand in someone's face, but don't want them to hurt ye? Do it, then turn the force shield on!

More fun then a barrel of monkies! (and can be used as an improved top for such to CONTAIN said monkies!)

........yeah. I like it.

2007-06-16, 02:43 PM
Indeed, very few money... What level are you, and why you have only that cash?

Clothes, sleeping bag... looks like your DM makes some more "realistic" campaign with rather not wealthy PC. So tell us exactly what you must have, beacuse in common campaigns usually nobody care about such basic traveler equipment (fortunately or not).

The budget is the amount of money left after my weapon/armor/magic item shoping spree...
About what excatly I need... I'm not sure, that why I'm asking you guys. But I guess the normal stuff.

2007-06-16, 02:50 PM
No, I'm curious. Why the fighter levels? With the Daring Outlaw feat, Rogue/Swashbuckler is a match made in heaven.....especially if you plan on taking Dervish. Any fighter levels you add are going to weaken this build and cost you skill points.

Someone very wise has thought about a very interesting build for a "Damage-Dealer, Skill monkey, Killing machine".
1 Rouge
2 Rouge
3 Rouge
4 SwashBuckler
5 SwashBuckler
6 SwashBuckler
7 Fighter
8 Divrish **Not excatly in that order**

In short, this character (at lvl 9 and futher) will dance around the battle field (with alot of Ac) and attack with Full Attacks with two Scimiters (Keen (15-20 critical), +1) adding to each critical attack the sneak attack damage.

I hope that answered your question...
Please help with the equipment...!

Inyssius Tor
2007-06-16, 03:18 PM
So you're a rouge, huh? Best stock up on mascara, since you can't utilize very many of the rouge's more useful tactics without it...

With as little generalization as possible, can you tell us exactly what you already have and how much each item cost?

Citizen Joe
2007-06-16, 03:35 PM
Always pack a shovel and a blanket, when in case you need to bury someone.

2007-06-16, 03:43 PM
I don't know about all of you, but I'm one of those people who buys every piece of Mundane Equipment that I can. The stuff is useful!

2007-06-16, 04:38 PM
Where are you going to carry this stuff?

I mean, come on, you can't very well look cool spinning across the battlefield with a pack bouncing back and forth on your back, now can you.

In any case, 10 ft. poles are pretty useful. So are portable rams. You know, buy a sleeping bag, and 6 days rations, and 4 torches, and, I dunno, seems like alot of left-over cash... Buy a sleeping bag, some rations, a commoners outfit, 4 torches, and split the rest on cure mod and cure light potions.

Just my two cents...

2007-06-16, 04:40 PM
Where are you going to carry this stuff?

In his pack (http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=984), of course.

2007-06-16, 05:21 PM
Someone very wise has thought about a very interesting build for a "Damage-Dealer, Skill monkey, Killing machine".
1 Rouge
2 Rouge
3 Rouge
4 SwashBuckler
5 SwashBuckler
6 SwashBuckler
7 Fighter
8 Divrish **Not excatly in that order**

In short, this character (at lvl 9 and futher) will dance around the battle field (with alot of Ac) and attack with Full Attacks with two Scimiters (Keen (15-20 critical), +1) adding to each critical attack the sneak attack damage.

I hope that answered your question...
Please help with the equipment...!

I'm wondering why the fighter too... I guess you really really need that feat, isn't it?
It's a shame since daring outlaw +7levels in rogue/swashbuckler give you one more d6 of sneak attack...

back to the point; If I were you I'd save that money to get something better later.

2007-06-16, 05:25 PM
Bedroll, waterskin, travel rations, backpack, those are all neccessary.

All else is optional, although ropes, caltrops etc, are nice. Depends on what the rest of your party has. Potions of Cure Light Wounds would also be good.

Citizen Joe
2007-06-16, 05:51 PM
When it comes to adventuring packs, I assume its the kind with a frame and you attach your bedroll/blanket strapped underneath and a few pieces of equipment strapped to the sides. But you don't just pull stuff out of it. You have to take it off and dig through. So I don't store time critical stuff in there.

For critical stuff, like potions and scrolls, etc. use bandoliers or pouches, ala Batman.

I also tend to put stuff on horses and stuff like that. When it comes to a pack, think of it as a portable camp. You make camp, pull off your pack, then go skirmish and come back to camp. Packs are cumbersome, but they only really affect you by weight in the rules.

2007-06-16, 06:07 PM
sacks put every thing in sacks droping bag free action carry 2 sacks in each hand then when combat happens drop the sacks grab weapon. or need hands free tye sacks togeather make a pack

Roland St. Jude
2007-06-16, 06:14 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: Duplicate threads by the same poster have been merged. Wierdness may have resulted.

2007-06-17, 05:25 PM
It would be easier to answer this question if you provided a synopsis of your Character, including current equipment, otherwise we're just guessing what would be handy.

2007-06-17, 06:02 PM
Hey he could always invest heavily in the poultry farming business, I hear you can make excellent margins in that area.

2007-06-17, 06:12 PM
Hah, hah. So I am given to understand these days...

2007-06-17, 06:42 PM
@ Dan: Oh, well if that's the case...

@ Joe: What if he's attacked on the road? I've never heard of any encounter where the DM said "You are ambushed by a mountain troll" and the PCs walked away, made camp, and then came back to kill the thing. "Random Encounter" would seem to imply that you didn't expect the encounter to occur.

2007-06-17, 06:53 PM
The elves said it all when the Fellowship set off from Lothlorien

Never go anywhere without a good length of sturdy rope!

Why, just last night me and my buddy used a length of rope to find an invisible attacker in this room. He got one end, I got the other, and we just ran along the wall and around until we pulled against something. Jerk cut my rope, but didn't stop me from putting my blades into him a few good times now that I knew where he was! Ah ha!

2007-06-17, 06:55 PM
I like my mirror+gum+crowbar combo... lets see whats around the corner, no? andyway for my pack I always use hewards handy harversack, whatever you need is always on top!

Citizen Joe
2007-06-17, 07:12 PM
@ Joe: What if he's attacked on the road?

I don't know... what if rocks fall from the sky?

My point is not that you should always make camp before any encounter, but rather if you plan to attack something, you should dump any unnecessary weight. To that end, your pack should not contain combat gear, but rather miscellaneous and camping gear.

That brings me to my beef with dungeon crawls. You've got to bring everything everywhere AND you have to constantly be on guard against attack. But I think there's some of those analogies in modern warfare too. The main difference is the modern combatant can usually call for an extraction and has major resources backing him up.

2007-06-17, 07:37 PM
Ah, that's what Hirelings and Henchmen/Cohorts are for. Dungeon Crawls weren't originally meant for four man parties, that's just how it's evolved.

Tor the Fallen
2007-06-17, 08:21 PM
That brings me to my beef with dungeon crawls. You've got to bring everything everywhere AND you have to constantly be on guard against attack. But I think there's some of those analogies in modern warfare too. The main difference is the modern combatant can usually call for an extraction and has major resources backing him up.

Then why don't you stay home and grow cabbages and leave the dragon slaying to real men?

2007-06-18, 12:39 AM
I wonder if Kaik is reading this, or if we're arguing over nothing.

2007-06-18, 02:55 AM
I wonder if Kaik is reading this, or if we're arguing over nothing.

It's not like recent posts were relevant to his request anyway :smalltongue:

However, it is hard to tell him how to spend those money without knowing what he has already... Might I suggest getting, like a +1 sword? We don't even know if he has weapon finesse to make use of a rapier :smallfrown:

Lupus Major
2007-06-18, 03:38 AM
Well, he did say he intended to dance around waving two +1 keen scimitars, which would mean he has spend 16.630 GP on the weapons. He probably has some +2 light armor, a +1 cloak of resistance... still, I do not see the point of the thread.

I like my mirror+gum+crowbar combo... lets see whats around the corner, no?[...]
"I crouch at the corner and use my mirror to scout ahead."
"Fine. You have a clear view along a dimly lit corridor. It's ten ft wide. As before, floor, walls and ceiling are rough-hewn stone. There seems to be some kind of dead end ahead."
"OK, I step around the corner."
"You face two men in dark clothing. While one swings an old longsword at you, you notice the long, sharp teeth protruding from their mouths... roll initiative, please."

2007-06-18, 06:00 AM
Would you mind listing your magic items, too? Would be nice to know just what you can carry around...

But still, tent+blanket/sleeping bag+rope+chain+torches+oil+food+fire making eq+waterskins+holy water+knife+clothes(2 sets, I've never met a DM who was anywhere near picky about clothes)+firewood axe+fishing equipment...