View Full Version : One strike, Two cuts - Iaijutsu Master

2016-02-10, 04:20 AM
I'm considering going into prestige class Iaijutsu Master, and I'm stuck on a doubt.

At level 8, a Iaijutsu Master can use a single standard action to strike twice. Does this double the damage from a Iaijutsu focus strike?

For example, if I catch an enemy flat-footed, draw my Weapon and use One Strike, Two Cuts, do I get to roll Iaijitsu Focus twice? Since the bonus strike damage applies at the same time, the enemy would still be flat-footed, and the Weapon would still count ad just drawn, wouldn't them?

So, does this work?

2016-02-10, 05:36 AM
Flavor-wise, you should gain any bonuses, including bonus dice, on both attacks. It's not actually two attacks, just one that has the mechanical attributes of two. IF being as useless as it is without stupid cheese, I would allow it. It's one of the few ways to get a Kakita kenshinzen to actually seem threatening in d20.

2016-02-10, 06:04 AM
I'm considering going into prestige class Iaijutsu Master, and I'm stuck on a doubt.

At level 8, a Iaijutsu Master can use a single standard action to strike twice. Does this double the damage from a Iaijutsu focus strike?

For example, if I catch an enemy flat-footed, draw my Weapon and use One Strike, Two Cuts, do I get to roll Iaijitsu Focus twice? Since the bonus strike damage applies at the same time, the enemy would still be flat-footed, and the Weapon would still count ad just drawn, wouldn't them?

So, does this work?

No. Two attacks are two attacks. Only the first would qualify for Iaijutsu focus, unless you found a way to free-action draw a weapon between attacks.

The bonus damage doesn't apply at the same time, it applies when the attack occurs. In this case, one attack would follow another, so they might not be flat-footed against the second attack (depending on how you got them flat-footed). No, it definitly wouldn't count as 'just drawn' for the second attack, because you took an action between drawing the weapon and now, you made an attack.

So unless you have two weapons, and quick draw the second after attacking with the first, you're not getting iaijutsu focus twice.

2016-02-10, 06:14 AM
Just use gnomish quickrazor.

2016-02-10, 10:38 AM
Your weapon only needs to be drawn in the same round to trigger Iaijutsu Focus so you should be able to.