View Full Version : Xykon a Theory of stupid

2007-06-16, 01:52 PM
I want to post a theory that has been developing in my head for a while now...
It's not complex or anything but it does seem to add some character to our favorite lich. First let me begin with some nessasary info.

1. I am basing my thoughts on a story line that exsisted in the Dragonlance series.I will bring that up through out the post.

2. My theory works off the premise that Xykon either still has a hidden master lurking in the backround, or he did at some point and uses he method of character to cover up that his Ex-master was extremely powerful or well know.

3. I am assumeing that xkycon is your typical caster. while the fact that he is a sorcerer could ply into the lack of knowledge I beleive that this is not the case.I am thinking Xykon my not have an extrodinary intelligence, but i think he is above average by along shot.

Ok now to my theory.
What if xykon is serveing another purpose that has cleverly been hiden so far. You see while we take te fact that xykon is just a lil off in the head with things like forgetting roy , or some of the other comments he is know for.
What if he is takeing on and inspired role such as fizban in dragon lance.
he is playing the fool so that people will look at him as a fool. while he is powerful he frankly acts the part of a moron just a bit to well to be a lich who has succesfully done what he has..... he cannot possible be as narowminded and dense as he makes himself out to be.

As with fizban in dragonlance he seems to always get lost in thought at those important mouments. Fizban, at one point in his story line, cast feather fall that suummoned tons and tons of chicken feathers....conviently still saveing there lives. Xykon being as old as he is ccould not have possibley surived this long and not known to use his arsenal more effectively. < I.e. not useing force against the ghostie things>

Now the reason I find these things important is due to the fact they are countered by a moument pure genius by a moument of pure stupidity.

what does everyone else think>> is Xykon just playing dumb or s he the luckiest sorc alive well umm undead.....???

2007-06-16, 02:13 PM
That assumes Xykon did never develop. Maybe he was not always as he is now, he just does not have to be carful anymore. He is powerful, has gained anything that is to gain and there is not much that can harm him. Why should he bother?

He also has shown on several occasions that he is not dumb and can think about and understand things. He also can focus on stuff - when he has to. When he does not have to, he does not care.

The siege of Azure City is a good example. He understood his army is able to take the city and he does not care about losses. So why should he bother about Redcloaks fancy plans? Instead he plays dice-games and finally lets the army march.

Maybe he does indeed serve another purpose and just plays the clown but from what we saw it is more likely he just acts on his whim when he does not face anything that forces him to think twice.

2007-06-16, 02:31 PM
I guess it's possible...

..But didn't somebody else is this comic already do that exact same thing?

Cade Shadow
2007-06-16, 02:41 PM
I guess it's possible...

..But didn't somebody else is this comic already do that exact same thing?

Who? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.
@OP I think the idea is plausible, but unlikely

2007-06-16, 02:52 PM
Who? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.

Lord Shojo.

I don't know the Dragonlance character, but it looks to me like Xykon's like that because it's, well you know, funny.

Start of Darkness should shed some light, but I think he is just like that. When you are all that powerful (or think you are all that powerful) you do not care about petty things, and watching "dorks about to step on like 100 traps" is amusement.

2007-06-16, 02:53 PM
Check out Rich's "Villain Workshop" article in the Gaming section. After reading it, I think that Xykon's "you only unlive once" attitude and inability to remember names is the sort of deliberate characterization that makes a bad guy interesting and not just an inscrutible wall of evil.

Of course, there is something more powerful and evil than Xykon out there that has hardly been hidden: the Snarl. And it's certainly possible that X is working at the behest of the Snarl even if he doesn't realize it. But all this isn't going to be relevant for another several hundred strips, assuming that they're going to eventually face off at each gate and subsequently destroy them.

Green Bean
2007-06-16, 03:00 PM
Interesting theory. Personally, I believe Xykon is at least moderately intelligent, but almost never needs to use it. In Rich's campaign world, the number of characters that pose a legitimate threat to him could probably be counted on one hand. When you're pretty much invulnerable, the necessity to plan fades away. Sure, he could come up with a Machiavellian plan to crush his enemies. Or, he could off them with a single spell. I know which one he's likely to choose.

2007-06-16, 03:18 PM
he was deadly(just you know, not) worried when Soon said he knew about the phylacery, i think he just want to enjoy life... dead that's it

basilisk 89
2007-06-16, 03:42 PM
You left out one important factor in your analysis: :redcloak:

2007-06-16, 04:20 PM
Why bother planning when almost no-one can stand off against you in a fight?

Only person who's laid the smackdown so far on Xykon was Soon and he was an epic level paladin and incorporeal too.

2007-06-16, 05:04 PM
Know why Xykon didn't bother planning the siege? If it came down to it, and his army of hobgoblins got smacked around and utterly destroyed, he'd still have taken the throne-room (not knowing about Soon's ghost army). He'd have raised a bunch of exotic undead inside the throne-room, while still having a bouncy ball to throw at whomever tries to stop him.

If Soon's ghost army wasn't there, Xykon could've taken out Azure City all by himself.

2007-06-16, 05:27 PM
I've had this hunch, ever since :redcloak:'s march into Azure city that he is somehow secretly manipulating :xykon: in a Wanda/Stanley kind of way.

I mean without the "massage." :smallyuk:

2007-06-16, 05:28 PM
Meh...It's only a humorous aspect of the character. Don't go crazy over it.


(psst, also careful when speaking about Fizban or you might ruin it for some people)

2007-06-16, 05:50 PM
I get the impression that Xykon more just dosn't care, he dosn't forget greenhilts name because he's stupid. He forgets it because he dosn't care what blue-armored adventurer is trying to thwart him. Provided he stays clear of epicly sigiled gates.

2007-06-16, 06:45 PM
I've always thought that Recloak was manipulating Xykon too, perhaps some sort of influence exerted through possession of his phylactery.

2007-06-16, 07:34 PM
Xykon is technically speaking, the most experienced BBEG in the entire of the OotSWorld. He's killed countless do-gooders, righteous paladins, interlopers, intrepid heroes and unlived to tell the tale. He's been there, done it, bought the t-shirt and then used a maximised Fireball on it. He has no need to be focussed when technically speaking none can stand against him in an "encounter" setting. He (despite it being a comic feature rather than a character one) of backstory, plot, dramatic reveals and the way things should be. He enjoys the fact that life is one big game to him.
His offering to Roy of letting him go off and train until he could have a knock-down, drag-out bare-knuckle fight with him, toe to toe is not a dismissal of a weak character. It's all about the game. Where's the fun in bringing down a party of heroes with a glance. He wants to go round for round and come out on top anyway in a fair fight. Xykon is a creature of many years and of refined tastes. Since he doesn't need to eat, drink, sleep etc, the sole pleasure remaining to him is the thrill of the hunt and being hunted. And he's worked it down to an art.
Xykon is far from stupid. He just likes to have fun :D

2007-06-16, 09:17 PM
I can definitely see alot of what Tyrmatt is saying in Xykon's character.

however, I think Xykon is also just plain stupid. He is Elan's complete and total Evil Clone.

He skips through life meteor swarming lesser things. Has sparlkling moments of Evil Revelation, which aren't really based all that much in logic. While he has a goal and is somewhat focused on it, I don't think it is a driving goal.

I think ruling the world is just one last thing to "defeat". He killed plenty of his contemporaries, thus proving he was better than them. he went on to defeat Death int eh standard over the top villiany by becoming a Liche. What is left? teh Gods, sure but Xykon while stupid isn't totally spare, he knows better.... for now.

No, what better way to tell all comers who is the Badest, Most Powerful, Shoeless, Sexy, Master of the Universe? Skelet-- I mean XYKON!!

2007-06-17, 11:03 AM
Since he doesn't need to eat, drink, sleep etc, the sole pleasure remaining to him is the thrill of the hunt and being hunted. And he's worked it down to an art.

Interesting take. Have you read "The Most Dangerous Game (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Most_Dangerous_Game)" by Richard Conell? Xykon is general Zaroff :smallbiggrin: