View Full Version : "The 'sleeping' killer"

2016-02-10, 04:33 PM
Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could come up with a build for me?
Last night I was rewatching some Galactik Football (a show that used to be on Disney I think) and had a thought. In the show, the goalkeeper would appear to be asleep and pull off amazing saves. I wondered how this would be applicable in D&D.

My thoughts were to have a character with blindsight and then whatever weapon. If making a wizard, I thought silent and stilled spell metamagics would be necessary.

Feel free to make the build with whatever class, but please explain how it works.

Extra kudos to anyone who can make a build that appears to be sleeping constantly (and therefore might be ignored by enemies)!

2016-02-10, 07:59 PM
The Dream Scion feat (from Secrets of Sarlona) and the feats that are based on it allow you to fall into "a condition of conscious dreaming" for some bonuses a few times per day. Be a mental stat-based class that doesn't need too many feats and sink some feats into that chain (it's more like a feat star, really, but that's not relevant).

2016-02-10, 09:35 PM
The best class for this is Psion. Psionic powers have no verbal, somatic, or material components, so you can use them even while lying completely still and nobody will know, and the Synesthete power allows you to see through your skin, so you can fight with your eyes closed just as well as if they were open.

A sleeping psionic goalie would probably be a Kineticist. Any time the ball comes near you, push it away with Control Object.

2016-02-10, 10:02 PM
The best class for this is Psion. Psionic powers have no verbal, somatic, or material components, so you can use them even while lying completely still and nobody will know, and the Synesthete power allows you to see through your skin, so you can fight with your eyes closed just as well as if they were open.

A sleeping psionic goalie would probably be a Kineticist. Any time the ball comes near you, push it away with Control Object.

And obviously refluffing the Control Object as you actually intercepting it.

2016-02-10, 11:35 PM
And obviously refluffing the Control Object as you actually intercepting it.

What you do is you have the ball stop in midair, fall to the ground, roll over to bounce off your stationary foot, and then steer across the field toward one of your teammates.