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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Satyr

2016-02-11, 01:18 PM

Abilities: Dexterity +2
Speed: 35'
Darkvision: 60'
Fey Ancestry: Cannot be put to sleep by magic, advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
Horns: You have horns that you can strike with. You are proficient with them, and they are a natural melee weapon that deals 1d4 damage.


Enraged Satyr
Abilities: Strength +1
Charge: After Dashing, you may attack with your horns as a bonus action. This attack deals an extra 2 points of damage.
Pipes of Fury: You know how to cast spells through your pipes. All spells cast this way have a Verbal (Musical) and Material component.
At 1st level, you may cast True Strike at-will.
At 3rd level, you may cast Raging Strike once per long rest.
At 5th level, you may cast Crown of Madness once per long rest.

Charming Satyr
Abilities: Charisma +1
Naturally Suave: You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, and have advantage on friendly Charisma based checks on those who are attracted to exotic creatures, such as yourself.
Pipes of Charming: You know how to cast spells through your pipes. All spells cast this way have a Verbal (Musical) and Material component.
At 1st level, you may cast Friends at-will.
At 3rd level, you may cast Charm Person once per long rest.
At 5th level, you may cast Enthrall once per long rest.

True Strike now provides a +1 bonus to your next attack roll per tier (+1 at level 1, +2 at level 5, etc.) and is a bonus action.

Raging Strike is a 1st level Enchantment spell. Targets yourself, and is cast as a bonus action. It causes all your attacks this round to deal an extra 1d10 damage, and to have a +1 critical range. (Normally 19-20, but Champions can go as low as 17-20.)

2016-02-11, 01:34 PM

Abilities: Dexterity +2
Speed: 35'
Darkvision: 60'
Fey Ancestry: Cannot be put to sleep by magic, advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
Horns: You have horns that you can strike with. You are proficient with them, and they are a natural melee weapon that deals 1d4 damage.


Enraged Satyr
Abilities: Strength +1
Charge: After Dashing, you may attack with your horns as a bonus action. This attack deals an extra 2 points of damage.
Pipes of Fury: You know how to cast spells through your pipes. All spells cast this way have a Verbal (Musical) and Material component.
At 1st level, you may cast True Strike at-will.
At 3rd level, you may cast Raging Strike once per long rest.
At 5th level, you may cast Crown of Madness once per long rest.

Charming Satyr
Abilities: Charisma +1
Naturally Suave: You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, and have advantage on friendly Charisma based checks on those who are attracted to exotic creatures, such as yourself.
Pipes of Charming: You know how to cast spells through your pipes. All spells cast this way have a Verbal (Musical) and Material component.
At 1st level, you may cast Friends at-will.
At 3rd level, you may cast Charm Person once per long rest.
At 5th level, you may cast Enthrall once per long rest.

True Strike now provides a +1 bonus to your next attack roll per tier (+1 at level 1, +2 at level 5, etc.) and is a bonus action.

Raging Strike is a 1st level Enchantment spell. Targets yourself, and is cast as a bonus action. It causes all your attacks this round to deal an extra 1d10 damage, and to have a +1 critical range. (Normally 19-20, but Champions can go as low as 17-20.)

I like this. It's fun, and I would like to see the fluff you write up for it. :smallsmile:
If I wasn't doing my own satyr writeup for my own games, I would probably use this one.

2016-02-11, 01:49 PM
There's nothing really wrong here, but I'm still not loving it. Why would you want to play as a satyr? Maybe it's just some kind of mental block I'm having...

2016-02-11, 01:52 PM
I like this. It's fun, and I would like to see the fluff you write up for it. :smallsmile:
If I wasn't doing my own satyr writeup for my own games, I would probably use this one.

I'm not big on fluff writing. I mean, I used to write stories all the time, but I've kinda fallen out of the habit. But hey, let's give it a shot.

But in general, you've got two main Satyr archetypes-the frat boy party Satyr, and the angry steroid muncher.

The Enraged Satyr is very much a beast-they fight for dominance amongst each other, they eat the flesh of their fallen foes, their first response to many transgressions would be combat (not to the death, though-just to submission) and, in civilization, are liable to be working as enforcers, thugs, bodyguards, anything with a good chance of fighting.

Dwarves-"Too stodgy, until you get them riled up. Then they put up a fight!"
Elves-"Spindly and frail. It's a wonder they're considered beautiful-they snap like twigs! And their fighting-'Graceful and beautiful'-feh! It might as well be a dance instead of real combat."
Halflings-"They're a boring folk. Sit around, eat lunch and dinner, and never bother getting into fights. What's to like?"
Humans-"Some of them are the best! They'll fight as soon as they've got a pint in them, and then you see the real make of a man! But too many are 'diplomats' and 'scholars' for them to really be that good."

The Charming Satyr is, typically, a horn-dog. They'll play to the tune of people (especially of their preferred gender, if they have one) and seduce them away. They, a lot more than their Enraged counterparts, are found amongst society, drinking and schmoozing in bars, dancing their goat-legged dances in balls, and generally being found wherever a good time is. The most common reason, though, for a Charming Satyr to leave town is with a small horde of angry fathers on their heel, going after the damn goat that slept with their angel of a daughter.

Dwarves-"A bit ugly, but fun once they've had a few drinks. Still, too rigid to really be fun."
Elves-"They're stunning-well, not as much as we are, but still-though a bit hoity-toity. If you can catch them at their humble times, though, great fun to be around."
Halflings-"They're a change of pace. Their close family bonds make the usual seduction difficult, but it can be enjoyable to spend time enjoying the less hedonistic things in life. Not a bad lot at all."
Humans-"Did you know humans will sleep with almost anything? And sure, they aren't as pretty as elves, but they're a lot more down to earth. Definitely the race to spend time around."

There's nothing really wrong here, I'm still not loving it. Why would you want to play as a satyr? Maybe it's just some kind of mental block I'm having...

I don't know. I felt like the spell choices made them different enough, along with natural weapons and the move speed. Honestly, I think it might be a lack of fluff that's killing it. Satyrs shouldn't just be another random fey, they should have life and spark unique to them. But I'm far from the best fluff writer, so you only really get what I posted above.