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Lady Tialait
2016-02-11, 08:34 PM
Chapter One: Stolen Lands

Only the day before the group had gathered before the Councilor of Brevoy to gain their charter in the Stolen Lands, the right to colonize and civilize the region. Most of that day was spent gathering supplies and outfitting themselves for the journey, before heading down the South Rostland Road. The road was rough and mostly unkempt as it was little more then the southern border of the civilized lands. At first townships could be seen on the horizon, then farm houses, till finally it was sure to be outside civilized territory. A stone set into the ground marked the edge of Brevoy, it had carved onto it "Beware those who pass this point: There be Dragons". To full fill the charter the group had to go into the Greenbelt, one fourth of the Stolen Lands. Explore and chart all they could, and always keep in mind where they would make their new settlement.

The long day finally gave up with the sun setting in the West, the cascade of colors soaking the evening sky in reds and oranges and some purples. Plains of fertile green are tainted by this color giving them a magical glow. At this moment of beauty and calm an outpost can be seen not far away. The outpost is walled in with great logs hauled up on their ends and tied together with great thick ropes. The doors are swung open showing that inside are a stable and homestead, though a closer look would be required to confirm. Placed on the walls are a banner with a Swan on water a crude echo of the sunset in the background of the banner. Standing outside the walls a bald man stands with bristling mustache above what seems to be a bit of rolled up paper on fire in his mouth. The man leans on the wall watching the group approach his arms crossed as he watches.

2016-02-12, 08:51 AM
Brannon couldn't stop smiling as he rode down the road in his newly-purchased saddle. Every once in a while he'd pull out the charter they'd been given from his saddlebags just to look at it. Just to think, this one sheet of paper marks the beginning of civilization... one small piece of paper, the right string of official words, and a new town, maybe even a new state could bloom - and I get to help tend to it! Truth be told, he hadn't been sure he'd be offered the position - there had to be other applicants. But Brannon wasn't gonna squander this chance!

The others looked alright - Malcolm, Konrad, Ilia, Kurgan, Boram - names rattled off in the meeting, and Brannon sort-of had a sense for them. Konrad and Kurgan look like they can handle themselves in a fight, and Kurgan seemed moral. Ilia and Malcolm both seem young, but I like the gleam in her eye - untarnished, hopeful, excited. And I like the air about Boram - he seems the quiet, competent type. All in all... yes, I think we can do it.

Turning his head back, he called, Anyone know a good story or marching song? Directions say we should be there soon, but I figure since we've got an open stretch of road... any takers?

2016-02-12, 09:46 AM
Plodding along on the mule that he referred to as Brilligan, Boram grumbled every once in a while as the occasional hole in the road sent him bouncing one way or another. He was more accustomed to cities and wasn't too fond of travelling the unbeaten path. Besides the occasional grumble however, Boram had a smile on his face, looking at the green around him as if seeing something for the first time. For indeed this was the furthest south he had ever traveled. The truth of it, the halfling certainly seemed out of place, a warm, dull red coat covered fresh leathers that protected his body, his brimmed hat resting on the pommel of his saddle as his reddish blond hair whipped about in the occasional breeze. As the expedition passed the sign with the warning of dragons, he stared at the sign in passing, as if wondering if the sign was an actual warning of dragons in the area or if it was more a general warning of the dangers of this region.

He had joined the expedition shortly before leaving the city, introducing himself as a man looking to see more of the region after leaving the service of an Orlovsky noble. A city dweller, he was very wary of the young woman and he seemingly pet tiger, which forced him to get off of his mule as he waited for his mount to get accustomed enough to the tiger to allow them to be close. When engaged in conversation, he happily responds to everyone but doesn't take the initiative in choosing a topic of conversation. If questioned about which noble he use to serve under however, he quickly and adeptly changed the subject, discussing how excited he was to be taking part in this expedition. Throughout the trip, Morgan refers to anyone who came from obvious nobility as "my lord" hinting at a keen intelligence and education that wasn't always guaranteed among the halflings that passed through Brevoy.

At hearing Brannon's question, Boram smiled and seemed about to speak, but glancing down the road and seeing the outpost with the man gazing in their direction instead replied, "All the ones I know are a bit long for the time we have left before we arrive I think," as he pointed in the direction of the man leaning against the wall of the outpost.

2016-02-12, 10:19 AM
In contrast to the grumbling but jolly halfling, Illia had felt very restless in the city. But step by step her uneasiness had subsided as the group had made their way further away from civilization. Outwardly, however, her expression was much the same as his. She could feel the surge of excitement of having the chance to explore a region she had never been in before arise within her.

She would've openly shared her excitement with her companion, the tiger Rahn, if it wasn't for the group she was traveling with. "They seem pretty reliable", she had thought to herself during their first meeting, but had quickly dismissed the thought: "But don't they all at first?" Harboring these suspicions she had been avoiding eye contact with them for the trip, and had remained silent unless directly spoken to.

As such it was no wonder that Brannon's query didn't get her to speak up. Instead she continued riding Cloudspire, her new horse, at the same pace as before towards the outpost while gently caressing the fur of the feline beast beside her.

2016-02-12, 10:54 AM
During their time in the city Kurgan had been examining his new party of adventurers. The tiger was an exotic sight, one he found to be very beautiful and he knew that having a natural predator with them might make for gathering food a little easier. With the charter rolled and stuck in his saddle bag it was amazing how such a small piece of paper could lead to so much. As they road from town toward the outpost he found himself wondering when and where the person who founded that town had gotten their charter.

He rode with the others in mostly silence. He had introduced himself to them all at the town when they had first met. He was Kurgan Ashenshield that was all that was required for the moment. He didn't have to disclose his whole life story to them. A man was not just his past but also his present and his aspirations for the future.

When he spotted the outpost in the distance his eyes drifted to the walls, strong enough to withstand a good wind. But how good they would be if they where attacked by bandits he could not say without a closer inspection. He could however see someone, or the outline of someone in the distance at the gate of the outpost. "It seems we have a welcoming party" He called back to the adventurers behind him. 'Alright Kurgan, time to stop playing and keep these people alive'

2016-02-12, 11:28 AM
Malcolm kept fairly quiet during the journey, speaking up occasionally in response to a joke or comment made by one of the others. In truth, he was unused to being in a social group and although he was skilled enough at hiding his awkwardness when he did speak, he was having difficulty in coming up with topics of conversation.

Instead, he kept his thoughts primarily on the countryside, and his excitement on the project at hand. He had been elated to find an expedition of this nature so soon after leaving his family home. It was just the thing, he felt, to allow him to spread his wings for the first time in years. His thoughts were broken, however, by a momentary stumble caused by his inadequate leg, causing him almost to lose balance on top of his horse, Starlight, a bay mare with a dark brown, almost black, coat with speckled white accents on her face and lower legs.

He also kept shooting nervous glances at the large, feline beast that girl, Ilia, had brought. When he first saw it he was visibly shaken at the sight, having never seen such a creature before in his life, and was still fairly wary of it. It was one thing to face down a monstrous creature in combat, but to have one following so close behind that he was expected not to defend himself from was another matter entirely.

He was able to get his mind off the striped beast after a moment, however, when the elf asked his question. A sprightly ditty from his youth immediately popped into his head, and he spoke to share it. "I think I've got something...let's see..." However, his mind was quickly drawn away from that when he noticed the flag of the swan and sun. He recognized it immediately and another song came unbidden into his head instead. This one a somber, spiteful tune that he sang aloud in a low but strong voice.

"And so the Swan did lay it's head
Upon the Ship's strong mast.
"I only live to serve, my Lord
The Dragon's gone at last"."

2016-02-12, 07:46 PM
Konrad had been largely content to ride in silence, as he had spent much of the overland journey from Cheliax. The dust and minor trials of the road held little interest for him, but tend to grind on his nerves all the same, and so he had not been keen to keep company with any fellow travelers who might have been all the more of an annoyance. Yet now, he found the company of those joining him on this expedition to be enjoyable, perhaps in spite of a few oddities and a certain amount of what he considered forced cheer, on their march. Prior, Harbinger had been all the company he needed; the might destrier even now towered over the other horses and ponies of their company, but was well behaved so long as Konrad was astride to keep his aggressive nature in check. Hardly a noble steed, Konrad considered the thoroughbred war horse to be the greatest prize he had ever won on the tourney field, having unhorsed an opponent twice his age and experience; he’d even wondered if it had not been Harbinger who had recognized their kinship, and thrown his rider purposefully once he recognized a more worthy master, but such flights of fancy were not worth dwelling on. Certainly, they complemented each other well in demeanor and deed, and Konrad looked all the more striking in his dark leather saddle, clad in matte black steel, for Harbinger’s charcoal gray coat.

Their journey had been largely uneventful; The Chelish armiger finding that the usual sort of unsavory men who hid in ditches and around bends in roads for travelers tended to be surprised and mutter something like ‘though you were someone else . . .’ before letting him travel onward. Now, travelling with a group of other capable looking individuals, and not obviously weighted down with goods for trade, they hadn’t seen but a few souls as they had traveled out further, and now Konrad found himself itching for conflict. ‘I wonder what outlaws and beasts lurk in these untamed wilds to challenge us . . .’ He thought, scanning the greenery out from the road before his companions words brought him back to the present.

Malcolm’s somewhat melancholy refrain put him in a mind to examine the banner which hung upon the trading post’s walls, and he found himself reflecting on his own efforts towards a second founding for house Rothmann. It would not due to get caught up in what was not yet finished however, and so he turned his eyes back to the road and considered his new companions. It was interesting to be traveling with a self-styled warden of the wilds; having grown up in an urban setting and only ever seen so exotic a creature as a tiger in the menagerie of some lord or another. The halfing and the elf were oddities too for the Chelaxian ex-patriate, having only ever encountered the former in subservient roles, and the latter in tales and the rare guest some feast or another. Thus far, he had been guarded with both, not wishing to let some prejudice or unintended slight betray his ignorance, but he was forced to wonder how well they might follow his leadership. After all, besides a Kurgen, a fellow noble and a knight, the others had not much in the way of experience or schooling in the ways of war and in his mind, war was what they came to make upon these wilds, until they were conquered.

“You might care to sing a happier tune for our host.” Konrad said, but his voice held neither approval nor disapproval for Malcolm’s words, and certainly he had a good voice for singing. “I imagine there’s little enough cause for revelry here; hard living breeds strong and hardy people, and they might welcome a softer soul if it can bring them joy.”

Konrad himself had little appreciation for song, but he knew peasants were often fond of such niceties, especially where they provided relief from honest toil. Unlike many high born, he had a respect for the strength it took to labor, day-in and day-out in service to a noble lord; Gorum knew few enough lords and ladies had the strength to do so themselves. This far into the wilds, it took a particular spirit as well, to strive for what no others had yet accomplished; carving a place for oneself in the world through stoicism and sinew. He wondered that the mustached man who watched them enter might be a kindred spirit, but knew this might not necessarily mean the warmest of welcomes.

Lady Tialait
2016-02-12, 08:28 PM
As the group rides toward the outpost, the man throws down his cigarette pulling a flask out of his hip pocket and taking a swig before shouting out with a raspy voice. "I bet you are charter, but if the Gods have any mercy you'll be Lebada men. Either way, the suns setting. Coming in so I can close this gate." He ushers the group in and heaves the massive door closed.

Inside the whole place is fairly well organized, all surrounding a central fire pit a stewing pot hung over it swinging slightly from the breeze that was let in from the open door. Three buildings surround the pit, the middle one is very much built as a homestead peaked roof and smoking chimney. A stoop in the Brovian fashion with bench hanging from the large awning. To the left of the fire a stable sits, with large bales of hay, and sacks of feed piled next to a pitchfork and shovel. Several horseshoes hang on the wall with hammer and calipers. To the right a guest house stands two stories tall built to create a 'U' shape creating a courtyard between eight doors with stairs reaching to the higher levels. A sign hands over the whole place reading 'Oleg's Trading Post' a smaller sign below it '5sp a night, breakfast and dinner. 3sp per day for horse keeping.'

The man pulls out a pre-wrapped cigarette and lights it the smell of tobacco filling the air to combine with the small of the stew cooking in a very rustic scent. "If you are charter holders, and i'm guessing you are. Lemme see them." He holds out a hand waiting to be handed charters.

2016-02-12, 08:51 PM
Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, Malcolm responds to Konrads comment, "Heh, yes you are probably right. I apologize I actually had something more light-hearted in mind but I was...distracted." He heads into the outpost at the man's behest quickly afterwards.

Malcolm dismounts his horse carefully, unstrapping a silvered cane from underneath the saddlebags as he does so. Placing the cane in his right hand to steady himself, he rummages though the bag and pulls out the rolled scroll that was his copy of the charter. He limps heavily over to the man, while speaking. "So what business do men of House Lebada have this far out?" He asks, feigning ignorance of the banner out front.

2016-02-13, 02:36 PM
Sliding off Brilligan, Boram pulls a rolled parchment from one of his saddlebags and, taking customary short steps, walks up to the bald man and hands his copy of the charter up to him as well. Looking on with interest, he doesn't say much, seeing how the man responds to Malcolm's question first.

2016-02-13, 03:31 PM
Konrad canters inside the trading post and dismounts expertly despite the weight of his armor, taking a moment to pat down Harbinger, restless after so slow a pace and long a trail, while Malcolm presents the charter they share. He eyes the trading post walls and gate for their defensibility, but passes no comment. After a moment's pause he joins Malcolm and Boram and presents his charter, along with a handful of silver pieces, "We are charter holders, and our company is charged by the Dragnoscale throne with the survey of the lands to the south. I am Konrad von Rothmann, these are Malcolm and Boram, and with us are Brannon, Ilia, and Kurgan Ashenshield." The Chelish knight quickly falls in to the tone of authority he was well used to back in Westcrown, when dealing with retainers and peasants alike. He did not say that the company was under his command, but his bearing and manner certainly conveyed it more than either Malcolm or Boram's yet.

"We are also charged with bringing to justice brigands and outlaws who make those lands their home." He added, considering what expectation the proprietor might have for men of House Lebada. Konrad's hand moved subconsciously to the hilt of his sword, tapping the pommel as he tried to keep any of his own expectations out of his voice, "Have you had trouble here, Master Oleg?"

Lady Tialait
2016-02-13, 06:31 PM
The man quickly looks the charter and nods handing it back, he then addresses Malcolm and Konrad. "Name's Oleg." He then scratches his chest giving him the look of a yokel. Then speaks on the topics at hand, "I may have had a bandit trouble or two, but I wouldn't have if House Lebada sent the troops I requested to protect the outpost three months ago, when I requested them. You see, a band of bandits showed up and threatened to burn my outpost down and take my sweet Svetlana for their own amusements. Had to hand over my earning to the bastards. I made my request to my patrons in Lebada and they sent a reply that they would send guards within three months. I expect them any day now, wish the Swans were as punctual as the bandits. You see, they show up on the first day of each month at sunrise. Svetlana says she thinks they are about a day away because of it. Anyway, at first they came in a large group about ten men with a woman who carried two axes, but each month less show up. Bitch took my wife's wedding ring." He sneers at the thought. "Anyway, on the second and third visit there was a hooded man instead of the woman. He brought six men the second time, and last time he only brought four men." He then gives a toothy grin, "Sense my patron hasn't sent guard, your charter will have to do. Come sunrise, the bandits will show up. You can get a good start on your objectives." He takes the last drag of his cigarette and drops it in the fire.

2016-02-13, 07:11 PM
Malcolm seems positively giddy at the Oleg's response, almost jarringly taking on an almost entirely different demeanor that what he had previously. Rather than being somewhat awkward and reserved, he suddenly starts speaking with a loud and clear voice, making flamboyant gestures with his free hand as he speaks, almost as if putting on a play. "Ah, well, I'm certain the great House Lebada has good reason for ignoring their responsibilities to those under it's care. However, I'm certain that nobody under our charter would have an issue with dispatching these vagabonds for you before you even have need of the Swans.

Ah, but where are my manners, I haven't properly introduced myself. As Konrad said, I am Malcolm. Malcolm Orlovsky." He says, emphasizing his surname. "I assure you that we will take care of these bandits and return your wife's ring to her finger."

Lady Tialait
2016-02-13, 07:21 PM
Oleg takes a drink of his flask before responding to Malcolm, "Orlevsky?" he scratches his bald head, "Ah, I'm in the presence of nobility. If you are going to help me with my bandit issue come morning, you folks can stay here tonight without the normal fee." He gestures to the stew, "Go ahead and get yourself some food. Svetlana will be out here soon with a loaf of bread." he went inside with a bounce in his step.

2016-02-14, 02:00 AM
Brannon took his time stabling his horse while the others were talking, brushing down the beast and leading it to the water trough and back before returning to the others. Smiling, Brannon comments, Pleased to meet you Oreg - I'm Brannon. And I'd never say no to a free bed. he adds, gratefully. And I look forward to meeting these bandits tomorrow, too. Just a few more questions about them - do they usually have horses, and what direction to they come in from?

Leaving Oleg to think about his questions, Brannon turns to the others. If they come at dawn, we should plan to be awake before then to ambush them. Perhaps before or after we eat we should take a walk around the property to figure out what location would best serve our needs? We can talk strategy afterwards - while we know each other's names and perhaps got a measure of each other on our trip over, I think it would be useful to discuss what capabilities we can bring to bear in the coming confrontation.

2016-02-14, 05:44 AM
Illia came down from Cloudspire as well. She was relieved that Oleg was satisfied with Konrad's explanation and she didn't need to hand over her copy of the charter to a complete stranger. She routinely removed Cloudspire's saddle while listening in on the conversation that transpired.

"Do these people really like fighting that much? And why do they think I want to come too?" Despite thinking this while she led Cloudspire to the water trough and then to the stable she had no intention of turning down the offer of a free dinner. And while she certainly didn't put her trust in other people, she often felt the inclination to help them. She still didn't particularly look forward to a violent conflict, but if it was inevitable she would at the very least be present.

She patted the horse a few times and removed some of the dirt from it that had accumulated during the journey. She then left the stable, leaving the saddle behind at the best spot she could find for it. "Come on, Rahn", she called out to the tiger and led it towards the stewing pot. She curiously looked inside to see which ingredients were being used while listening to Brannon's proposal absentmindedly.

2016-02-14, 06:50 PM
Kurgan listened as he was introduced and he bowed with the introduction. "Greetings" He said to complete the pleasantry. He knew bandits would be making their way to the only restocked trading post in the region but he was glad to hear no one had been hurt as of yet. Trinkets and treasures could be retaken, but a life was more tricky. He stepped forward to Oleg "As they have said I am Kurgan Ashenshield, and I will take up the charge of protecting this outpost and those who inhabit it from harm"

Kurgan liked the odds they had, if the pattern held than the bandits would arrive with less men, not expecting a fight. Perhaps they could take them alive. The sheer number advantage, and the presence of the large cat should give them some intimidation. "Do they come on foot or horse?" He asked, perhaps they could follow the tracks back to their camp if no surrender could be had.

Lady Tialait
2016-02-15, 03:17 AM
Oleg comes back out, his wife in tow carrying a basket full of steaming bread. He offers up some warm bread to everyone then answers the questions. "They come from the south, and yeah on horses. The Lebada Guards should be here in a few days, so if you can chase them off, this should be settled for now."

2016-02-15, 05:27 AM
Nodding at Oleg's response, Brannon eagerly takes a steaming loaf from Svetlana, and says, smiling, Thank you ma'am, this smells wonderful. If you don't mind, I'll take one for our young miss over there and save you the trouble. Brannon then follows her back towards the stew as she goes to stir the pot. Passing Ilia's loaf over to her, Brannon takes an appreciative sniff of the stew and breaks off a piece of the bread to dip into the broth. Turning to Ilia, he comments, Ilia, right? Do you think you could introduce me to... gah! Brannon stops briefly to rub his now smarting knuckles, Svetlana standing over the pot and brandishing the stirring spoon threateningly. He takes the bowl she offers him with chagrin, and begins eating the stew happily. Between bites, he continues, Ah, as I was saying, would you mind introducing me to... Rahn, was it? He's a magnificent creature.

2016-02-15, 10:12 AM
Illia felt her heart skip a beat when she heard Brannon was going to come over to her. Upon receiving the bread, she hastily replied: "Thank you", still not meeting his gaze. She, too, got a bowl of stew from Svetlana and sat down. While Brannon made his request, she started eating the vegetables in the stew.

After eyeing the elf from the corner of her eye for a few moments, she spoke up: "He... he isn't very good with people", she said, although it almost sounded like she was talking about herself rather than her striped companion. "You can try talking to him, though", she continued after a brief delay, and scratched the back of Rahn's neck for a while. "He understands."

Soon after she had finished the vegetables and most of the liquid in the stew, and handed her bowl over to Rahn who happily began munching the meat. Meanwhile she began to eat her bread while alternating her gaze between the tiger and the slowly darkening sky. Every now and then she made some cautious glances toward Brannon and the rest.

2016-02-15, 12:56 PM
Brannon nodded at Ilia's response, catching the young woman's social cues. Kneeling down to place his head on level with Rahn, he glances upwards for a moment as he feels a pulse of irritation in his head. Returning his attention to the tiger, It's a pleasure to meet you Rahn. I look forward to exploring and hunting with you. Brannon smiles reassuringly, careful not to show any teeth that might be taken as a sign of aggression.

As Brannon feels the irritation building up, he sighs mentally and sends a quick pulse of reassurance through his bond. Standing up to return his now-empty bowl to Svetlana, he asks, Any chance you have any of the pig carcass left from preparing the stew? I'm going to need a peace offering in a few minutes, and if you happened to have an eye leftover... here he pauses as a fluttering commotion at the front door draws attention from the crowd. With many a flirt and flutter, in flies a stately raven, and with mien of a rather grumpy lord or lady perches on Brannon's shoulder. Without turning around, Brannon continues, Ah, here he is. Dor, let me introduce you to Svetlana, our gracious host, and allow me to properly introduce you to Ilia and Rahn.

Don't just think you can use politeness and social niceties as a distraction! You left and forgot about me! squawked Dor in a highly irate tone. Turning to lok at Ilia and Rahn, Though it is very nice to properly make your acquaintances. Dor added graciously, with a small head-bob-bow. But you left me! he continued, turning back to his master.

I seem to recall you saying you were going hunting for food and that you'd catch up with me. Brannon replied calmly. And I think I remember saying at the time that we were getting close to our destination...? Looking a little defensive, Dor returned, Well, yes, but that doesn't mean that you should have... what's that? his attention quickly drawn by the small bowl Svetlana was just then passing Brannon. In it were a few pieces of entrails and a gleaming eyeball. Whispering a "Thank you" and slipping her some silver (5 silver pieces), Brannon answers, A treat, just for you. Unless you don't want it?

Looking properly mollified, Dor quickly snatches up the meal and swallows it in a few gulps. Looking smug, he replies, Hmph. Don't think you can buy me off with treats every time. Glad to have that resolved, Brannon adds, Wouldn't dream of it, old friend.

Focusing now on Ilia, Dor comments, So you're with my master on that madcap charter adventure? He's a bit absent-minded sometimes, but he'll be reliable. Pausing, as if to consider, Dor finishes, That is, unless the task is remembering to let his oldest buddy know where he is on a reasonable basis, the affectionate dig provoking Brannon to reach up and ruffle Dor's feathers.

2016-02-15, 05:22 PM
Rahn looked into Brannon's eyes for a few seconds but then chuffed calmly and turned back to what was by his standards a small meal. After finishing he started licking the spilled leftovers off from his paws.

The raven arriving and immediately beginning the scolding of the elf was such a bizarre sight that Illia involuntarily let out a brief chuckle, which she tried to cover up right away. She quickly regained her composure and turned back towards the odd pair, and saw Dor addressing her again. "If you say so" was as good a reply as she could muster, although she was far from convinced that she could trust a raven's testimony. In spite of that she couldn't avoid feeling a little bit interested in the story behind the relationship of the two after seeing their quarreling.

2016-02-15, 05:46 PM
Taking to listneing to their hosts as they explained their situation and he ate the bread and stew they orffered, had he been speaking, he would have ben struck speechless with the scene that had just unfolded. Not only had Malcolm introduced himself to a tiger...he had a talking raven! This was a situation that would take a moment for Boram to adjust to. Catching himself with mouth agape however, he remembered himself as he said, "Um, yes then as the charter dictates, we are here to help...I guess. Anything else you can tell us about these bandits? What kind of weapons they use and the like?" Boram was not expert strategist, but he had been in enough sticky situations in his time to know that the more information they were able to get about these bandits the better.

2016-02-15, 06:59 PM
Malcolm grabs a bowl of stew and some bread, falling into a more relaxed manner, saying "Brannon's got the right idea, I think. We've got plenty of time before morning to plan, in the meantime we should enjoy the meal and get to know each other a bit." He sips a bit of his soup while Ilia and Brannon converse, until the raven comes into the picture.

After watching the Brannon and the raven converse, a look of comprehension comes over his face, and he blurts out, "Oh! I see! I was a bit confused...so that raven is your familiar, correct? And Illia, you said your, er, companion understands speech, so he must be your familiar as well, right? My master had one, too, a toad, but I didn't realize they could be so big. I take it the both of you are wizards then?" His lack of practical experience with those outside his social circles becoming abundantly clear.

2016-02-15, 07:24 PM
It's Dor who turns to respond to Malcolm's comment, squawking a laugh. Hah! As if I'd be caught dead with one of those stuffy old badgers.

Following up, Brannon replies, What Dor is trying to say is that I spend a bit too much time out in the woods and nature to be a wizard. You are partially right, though - Dor, lovable feather-head that he is, is indeed my familiar. But hexes are more my stock-and-trade, and I practice witchcraft, not wizardry. There is a fair amount of intersection between the capabilities of the two; Brannon allowed, but for my part it involved spending much less time reading ancient tomes in forgotten languages and much more time personally trying to figure out how the world works.

Looking down at Malcolm, Brannon asks, And yourself? If your master had a familiar, I would assume you to be a practitioner of some kind of magic as well?

Lady Tialait
2016-02-15, 07:37 PM
Oleg shrugs to the question about their weapons, "Bows, swords, and that one woman wields a pair of axes."

2016-02-16, 10:24 AM
Dipping a bit of his bread into his stew before popping it into his mouth to chew, Boram nodded his head in thanks to Oleg's reply while he shifted his attention to the conversation being had by his fellow charter members. Though intelligent, Boram didn't try to wrap his head around the familiar-master relationship or even how a raven could talk, chalking it up to the mysteries of magic. That might be something he would get someday, but for now, it didn't make much sense. Instead, he looked up at their more heavily armored companions and said, "What about the two of you? What drew you to wanting to explore this green expanse?"

2016-02-16, 10:50 AM
Malcolm balked for a moment at Brannon's assertion of practicing witchcraft. He remembered the stories he heard as a child, of evil witches snatching children from their beds and tossing them into their cauldrons. His master, though, had always tried to downplay those stories, explaining them as just peasants fearing that which they didn't understand. Besides, who was he to think about what magic was and wasn't inherently evil, considering his own circumstances.

"Yes, I do know a little magic." Answering the question after a moment's pause, "Though, I didn't learn it from my master exactly. He only taught me some of the theory; my own magic is more...innate." He said, hoping that wouldn't sound too suspicious. He deeply did not want to discuss the subject any further. Maybe they'd just assume he was a sorcerer and that would be the end of it?

2016-02-16, 12:14 PM
Catching Malcolm's momentary start, Brannon chuckles ruefully. What, black cat got your tongue? Witchcraft isn't gingerbread houses and dancing under the moonlight naked - Brannon pauses for a moment, - though that last one can be fun. But it's more a practice of self-study, figuring out the natural patterns of magic in the world. It's more of a "take abscess root for fever, or use lavender as an antiseptic" sort of thing than a "sticks and snails and puppy-dog-tails" affair.

Thinking about it for a moment, Brannon added, Though I guess my familiar does have a thing for eating eyes, so I fit that particular stereotype, earning him a playful rap on the head from Dor.

2016-02-16, 04:50 PM
Malcolm's assumption of Rahn being her familiar confused Illia greatly, mostly because she didn't have a proper idea of what it meant. Not caring for revealing her ignorance, she tried to hide it by addressing the other question instead: "I'm not a wizard, either" she stated when she noticed a suitable gap in the conversation between Malcolm and Brannon. She hesitated for a moment on whether she should reveal that she did have spellcasting powers nonetheless. She steeled herself, blurted out "I can cast some spells though" quickly, and hoped the two would be satisfied knowing only that.

2016-02-16, 10:53 PM
Kurgan nodded to the old man. He thought for a few moments, bows meant range and he would hope their walls would give them some cover if they needed it. Melee was were this group seemed to thrive. He glanced to the one who spoke of Witchcraft and he thought he would hold his tongue on that matter. As some witchcraft was evil and should not be allowed, but some was just magic that was used to help people and he could not call something that helped people evil by default.

"I am hardly what one could call a magic caster, but the gods favor me at times with some power" He explained what he could do. "What I can offer is my sword and my service. And as for settling this land. Perhaps a bit of the gods blessing couldn't hurt." he told the group as they discussed their abilities and who could and could not cast spells.

2016-02-17, 12:29 AM
Konrad listened carefully as Oleg outlined the bandit's thinning numbers in frequent trips, no doubt believing they had the man cowed. He was no warrior, and the chelish knight would put little stock in his assessments of their fighting abilities, but it was enough to know he stood for what was his with what strength he had. His companions, it seemed, had strength of their own but from a source which he was familiar with through a jaundiced light. Magic was, to Konrad, a dubious sort of influence; the ability to bend the world to one's will, but without the accompanying cost and sacrifice in sweat and effort. He understood of course that practitioners made their own sacrifices, time and study and knowledge, but magic was more than simply memorizing lines on a page, and he could not help but suspect that arcane power required proportionately arcane sacrifice of mind and soul. Still, Konrad was no philosopher, and so long as magic yielded results which he could see and feel, he could consider it a healthy suspicion, one which he extended to much else in this world.

Kurgan speaking up about the blessings of the gods however irked him one measure further. A fellow noble, and a knight at that, he had felt the man to be a peer, but his only experience growing up with theology had been the teachings of Asmodeus, where exploitation and dominion were a matter of course. He knew Abadar to be a supreme lord of order, or had gathered as much along their travels, which was certainly an admirable ideal, but that a man should attribute his strength to far off beings of divinity was alien to him. So when it came time to speak his turn, he made certain all knew his might was his own, and his goals as well.

"I am of Westcrown, in Cheliax. I was born there and until recently it was the seat of my family's house." He said aloud, in answer both to Boram's question, and the unspoken one regarding his abilities. "I am now the only one left to bear my family's name and legacy, and that is what I seek here: a trial of my might and mettle, the reward for which will be a second founding for House Rothmann."

Taking a step back, he surveyed each other charter holder in turn, eyes finally falling upon Boram, the only other who had not yet admitted to any affinity for magic. "My strength is not in faith or charms, but strength itself. Astride Harbinger, my steed, I can devastate the staunchest foes with my lance; I have killed men twice my age and experience in duels by the sword; my hammer will crush rock and steel and bone alike. I am versed in the arts of war, and leadership in battle. You may always count on me to take the van against our enemies."

Allowing for a moment's pause, Konrad finally helped himself of the stew, awaiting what reaction his somewhat more lengthy speech might provide.

2016-02-17, 07:24 AM
Dor and Brannon share a glance. Cheliax is an... interesting origin. I don't particularly want our lands to be beholden to a particular deific power, so I'll have to figure out how deep his loyalty to his past state runs. Wanting to re-establish a house - does he want to bring the Chellish nobility here, or rather make a new name for himself? I can work with the latter, but the former... hm. Here Brannon smiles ruefully. Well, I guess you're going to be all kinds of interesting, aren't you, Konrad?

Addressing Konrad, I'm sure your martial abilities will be useful tomorrow, and it's good to have allies prepared to shoulder the brunt of a charge. House Rothmann - can't say I'm familiar with Chellish nobility, and I'd be interested to hear more later - that is, if you're interested in talking. Turning to Boram, who had initiated this conversation, As for why I'm here, I want to see if civilization and the natural world can live in harmony. As trite as that sounds, consider - the progress found in the hubs of cities is rarely or slowly transmitted to the countryside, yet those in the rural villages have a deep appreciation for resource management in the natural world that many in cultural centers lack. Are the concepts mutually exclusive? I certainly don't think so, and I think that a people governed under such tenants would more naturally understand honor, compassion, necessity and mercy. Brannon shrugs. I want to see such a place exist.

2016-02-17, 10:02 AM
Intimidated slightly as Konrad looked down at him, Boram nonetheless responded with, "Strength...that is a fine pursuit. But strength of what? Of arms? Of character? Of morals? I can't say I have much skill with mounted combat or such knightly things. But I have a sound head and an ability to think around many situations. What better way to test that than in the exploration of this vast landscape, eh?" Then, chewing another bite as he thought for a moment, Boram followed up with, "Cheliax, hmm? Never been there myself, but I heard rumors of that place. I hear that the nobility there keep halflings as some sort of indentured servant. Well you just remember that in Brevoy, and even in the River Kingdoms I hear, slavery is looked down upon. So long as you remember and respect that, then there isn't a reason that we shouldn't get along."

Then, as if realizing that he hadn't done much to explain his own skills, Boram addressed everyone by motioning to the brown leather armor he wore under his red jacket, saying, "Well, as you can see, I am not some skilled swordsman or knight. But neither am I skilled in the magical arts, though I have taken an interest in alchemy. Mainly though, I have a keen eye with my sling here and I can move about quietly when needed. Having spent most of my time in Eagle's Watch, any travel I have done before has been while accompanying my last employer on his travels throughout the House's holdings. So I can't say I am particularly skilled at navigating out here. But if you have any questions about the history of this region, I know a bit that I am happy to impart."

2016-02-17, 11:30 AM
Illia welcomed the fact that Konrad had drawn everyone's attention to himself with his speech. However, she was much less appreciative of his attitude. What reason did he have to be proud if all he could do was destroy? The nature could both create and take life, unlike the haughty tall man before her.

She was slightly more approving of Brannon's ideas, although she wished that he could have explained them in simpler terms. However, she was cynical of his dream of nature and civilization coexisting in peace. Her past experiences of people disrespecting nature were still fresh in her mind, most of all when looking at Rahn's scars.

She felt no need to share these sentiments with the others though, and instead finished her bread in silence, slowly drifting deeper into thought.

2016-02-17, 04:53 PM
Finishing his bowl of stew, Malcolm spoke up. "I can personally vouch for the fact that they certainly do not limit their taking of slaves to halflings. If a noble house of Cheliax is in danger of dying out, I say let every last one of their line return to the infernal realms they seem so keen on bringing to this plane."

"Since we're apparently sharing why we have come here, I'll say that I don't have the same high-minded ideals as some of you. To be honest, I think those of you that plan to build some kind of utopia out here might be getting ahead of yourselves. We've been granted no such rights through our charter, and the ultimate fate of this region is entirely up to the Swordlords and Regent Surtova of Brevoy. Still, for as long as we have this charter we'll have more autonomy than most, and that's why I'm out here. If only for a short while, the opportunity to live out from under someone else's thumb while doing some good and bringing order to this dangerous and lawless region was too good to pass up."

2016-02-17, 05:43 PM
Listening to Malcolm, Brannon nods. Utopia? I suppose I am a bit of a starry-eyed dreamer, though I recognize that it's probably impossible. But isn't it worthwhile to try? Besides - he smiles ruefully, - we can at least try to improve the lives of our citizens. And as for the authority to do so, we certainly have the ability to get started.

Here Brannon smiles, ordering his thoughts. Dor covers his head with a wing, croaking out, "Oh bugger, did you have to get him started on this?" Which provokes a quick glare from Brannon.

Our charter only gives us the explicit authority to explore and chart these lands, but the manner in which we do so is in preparation for a new settlement and thus of vital importance. How we choose to interact with the people in these parts, the manner in which we solve problems, and what relationships we form with those in the area are of vital importance in shaping what forms of governance the people will expect, and what they will want from their leaders. Through our actions now, we can lay the groundwork for the kind of settlement we hope to see. So, I agree - we can't build a Utopia. But we can place the first brick. And shouldn't we try?

Pausing for a moment, Brannon continues, I respect your desire for freedom - and I certainly respect your desire to bring order to this area. Brannon shrugs, then finishes, I'm okay with being the only dreamer among us - but doesn't every group need one, if only to expand the limitations on what's possible?

2016-02-18, 01:02 AM
Konrad nodded in assent to Boram's comments, both on the position of halflings in the chelish armiger's homeland, and to his affinity for stealth and guile. It at once confirmed what he knew of halflings by reputation, but emboldened him to distinguish himself from the rigid social hierarchy of Cheliax. "Every one of your kind I have met till you has been a servant, yes. Many in bondage or debt to their masters." He affirmed, his tone neutral, as if the arrangement held no bearing for good or ill by his measure, "But I have no love of slavery. That any who are willing and able to make their own way be given the opportunity to do so is paramount. How else might a man or woman prove their worth in this world?"

Malcolm's comment on the noble lines of Cheliax brings to his features a smile though, a fiendish grin and the first of it's kind any of them might yet have seen him wear since joining company.

"And rightly so have I forsaken all ties with Kingdom of Devils." He replies, "Too preoccupied are the nobles of Westcrown with petty politicking to recognize true strength, and neither would it do to have our new founding begin in the shadow of my parents, and their ancestor's failure. I have not yet decided I will swear fealty to the Dragonscale throne, but the family of Medyved shares ties with my own from before the ascent of the Thrune Dynasty, and so I felt my calling was here, where their are yet lands and trials to conquer."

Brannon's ideals seemed indeed lofty, but then, an elf, Konrad supposed, could afford to dream with many lifetimes in mind. "For me, some land and a hold to call my own will suffice. This charter is surely written with the settling of these lands in mind, and we, as the undertakers of such a feat, may yet be given preference when the time comes for patronage. At the very least, we may yet be able to stake a claim which others must needs respect."

2016-02-18, 02:26 AM
"Medvyed!?"Malcolm nearly shouted out loud, the shock from hearing the notion of a Chelian having a connection to the family of Medvyed causing him to stumble in his seat onto his bad side, which then caused him to fall headlong out of said seat. Struggling back up to his feet, Malcolm was livid. He had already been struggling to hold back from spouting his full feelings the moment that Konrad's nationality had come up, but now to hear him say that he "had no love of slavery", and was connected to the same family as his childhood friend. It was too much to be coincidence, it HAD to be a trick of some king, some sort of infernal ploy or insult.

Leaning heavily on his cane as he came back up fully to stand, Malcolm gave an incensed glare at Konrad, and shouted, "Bug ah 't 'fhalma! Ee-" He clasped his hand over his mouth the moment he realized what was coming out of his mouth; his stressed state bringing on a lapse of the alien tongue he had been cursed with. He took a hasty step back, putting too much weight on his bad leg in the process and stumbling once again, falling to the ground, where he sat in an undignified manner, trying to compose himself.

2016-02-18, 09:36 AM
An eyebrow raising at Malcolm's explanation and the gibberish that seemed to tumble from his lips, Boram looked at Malcolm's state with wonder and a bit of trepidation, as if comparing him to some other person the halfling knew. However, the halfling quickly turned his attention back to Konrad and said, "Interesting. I didn't think that there was any connection between Cheliax and the Medvyeds. If what you say is true, then it seems there has been a bit of obfuscation on the part of some of the noble families here, eh?"

Lady Tialait
2016-02-18, 07:11 PM
Oleg's jaw dropped at Malcolm's tumble, he then shook his head and took the last bite of his stew before handing the bowl off to his wife. "Sounds like you five are a motley crew. What is your plan regarding the bandits coming in the morning?"

2016-02-19, 02:53 PM
Startled at Malcolm's exclamation and subsequent fall, Brannon reaches down and offers a hand to help him up. (If the hand isn't taken, it's retracted with a shrug). Looking at the boy, Brannon comments, What language is that? I'm fluent in a few, and I've heard several more, and it doesn't sound like any I know.

Turning to their host, Brannon replies, Well, we haven't taken a look around the property yet, but I'd hazard a guess that tomorrow we'll set up an ambush. Those of us who can fight from range would be positioned behind cover, and my thought would be to try to encircle them, focusing attacks to try to take them down one after, since that would reduce the number of incoming attacks. That's just me thinking about it from an academic perspective however - I'd defer to the judgment of those more versed in melee combat. Brannon adds, gesturing to Kurgan and Konrad. There is also the question of whether to call for their surrender first. Doing so would be my preference, but I can see the tactical benefits of having total surprise.

2016-02-19, 04:13 PM
Malcolm accepts Brannon's assistance in getting back to his feet, though he makes sure not to make eye contact, feeling too ashamed by his previous actions to do so. "Thank you." He says soberly, followed by answering Brannon's question, "To be honest, I'm not really certain what language it is, and yes I do know how insane that sounds. I apologize to all of you for the outburst, and if you should have any questions or concerns I will answer them to the best of my abilities."

"Barring that, however, I think Brannon has the right idea. An ambush seems like the most prudent measure and I'm sure that a search around the area would give us a good idea of the best places from which to set up said ambush. Personally, I think it would be best to go for total surprise. I do not see the need to put Oleg or Svetlana in needless danger just to get those condemned to die anyway to surrender."

2016-02-20, 12:25 AM
Konrad’s smile faded quickly as more had to be said regarding Cheliax and his lineage. He was not one to live in the past and he didn’t care to let others dwell overly on it either. What was important was what he intended to build for the future. Could they not see that?

“My relation to the family of Medyved is of little consequence.” He said, offering a hand to Malcolm, all but oblivious to the fumbling of his speech and merely looking to assist him to stand. “The ancestors of house Rothmann did not back the Thrune Dynasty in its ascension to the throne, and have been much out of favor throughout Cheliax. Some fled hear, and married into what would become the noble household you know today. I care no more for their fate than I do the family I left behind. Let us look to the morrow and what challenges await us in the Greenbelt.”

Brannon’s suggestion of quickly re-focused Konrad on their awaited bandits. The elf showed a mind suited, but perhaps untrained, for tactics, but the Chelish armiger nodded his head in assent to the idea of an ambush.

“We might preserve surprise and make overtures for their surrender at once.” He said, rising to his feet and indicating the now closed gate to the trading post. “If we leave the gate open and unbarred, we can position two of our number in a position to close it, concealed behind the doors themselves. If their attention is suitably focused forward and not on the entrance, it is unlikely they will worry about an avenue of escape.”

“I would take it on myself to stand at the center of the square, greet them as they enter and demand their surrender.” He turned to face Oleg and looking the man squarely in the eye, continued with a stoic resolve in his voice, “It would be suitable that you were there too, Master Oleg, to defer any suspicions they might have, and when the time comes, deliver the surrender. These bandits have taken advantage of your compassion and concern for your wife, but if you stand up to them, it will be spoken of in any future considerations as who might try to do the same.”

Placing a hand on the man’s shoulder, Konrad’s hand moved subconsciously to the hilt of his sword, “You need not concern yourself with taking up arms. We will ensure yours and Svetlana’s safety.”

Lady Tialait
2016-02-20, 12:29 AM
Oleg nods, "I can greet them outside the gates as I did the last time. Svetlana can stay hidden in the upstairs of the shop." He gestures to the middle building. "Do you think this will keep them from attacking for the few days required for the Lebada Guards to get here?"

2016-02-20, 09:36 AM
Kurgan was busy in thought and he looked up as Oleg spoke. "No good ser that won't be necessary" he began to explain. "We will need to do this wisely or else we will end up with more trouble than we expect." He looked to the others and said "If they follow course they will send only a few to hold up the outpost. If we capture them, should they surrender, we still do not have any assurance their friends will not come in the night to attack while we do not expect. Those we take must be convinced to give up their friends." He moved toward the window of the room looking out onto the wall.

"I can do what I can to convince them to give up the location of their friends. But we will need to set out quickly to find them. Anyone up for such a task? This is much faster than most of us expected I am sure. But I think it will remove a particularly close thorn from our paw from the start. And perhaps if there are other bandits word will spread and they will avoid the outpost."

2016-02-20, 04:44 PM
Listening intently as everyone planned, once Kurgan has finished speaking, Boram chimed in with, "It might be a good idea to be ready to move quickly, just in case. But remember that we may need to adjust depending on various factors, including how far away the camp actually is. As for the ambush itself, just point me to a place that is out of the way but where I can get clear shots with my sling and I will lob stones should they decide not to surrender."

2016-02-21, 09:20 AM
Malcolm's outburst had snapped Illia from her thoughts, and she had since then again paid proper attention to the conversation at hand. The Orlevsky's notion that they would kill the bandits regardless horrified her, and played a big part in provoking her to speak up after Kurgan and Boram: "I... I think we should catch them alive, too." After pondering Kurgan's suggestion on dealing with the rest of the bandits some more, she continued: "I could try following their tracks back to their camp, I guess... But can we leave this place without guards?" She hesitantly glanced at Oleg and Svetlana a few times as she said her last sentence.

Lady Tialait
2016-02-21, 10:02 AM
Oleg shrugged, "I don't imagine they will send anyone right away. The other threats of the Greenbelt are normally held back from my walls."

2016-02-21, 06:41 PM
Malcolm pointed his finger in a gesture of acknowledgement and agreement at Illia, "Yes, I completely agree that we should definitely follow their tracks back to their camp. If we can, it would also be good to capture at least one alive so he can answer some questions. However, and I didn't think I would ever say this, but I actually agree with the Chelian for the most part. He seems to be the only one of you actually concerned with the safety of Oleg, Svetlana, and any other travelers through this region, rather than that of the bandits we're here to stop."

He walks over to his horse and pulls out his copy of the charter once again, unrolling it as he speaks. "Now our charter has told us to "...strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered." In addition, it also states "The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope." To me, this seems pretty clear. We have been given the authority to deliver justice to the bandits in this region. Those that come here tomorrow have participated in the act of banditry, as witnessed by Oleg here. Their punishment is clear, whether we capture them or not. I'm not heartless, but that heart goes out much more to those who have been, and will continue to be, the victims of these bandits, rather than the bandits themselves."

"The easiest and safest method of dispatching them, to my mind, is to take them unawares when they come to participate in the very crime they're accused of. Given the pattern Oleg has mentioned, I see no reason to expect that they would attack in the night, as they do not expect any resistance from this post. If we take them out, either question them or follow their tracks to their camp, then we can take out said camp before their leaders even know they're missing. We could attempt to intimidate them into surrendering as well, but I see many more ways for that to go wrong."

2016-02-22, 09:11 AM
Illia took great offense to what she perceived as an unprovoked aggression by Malcolm. All she had done was agree with Kurgan that they should capture the bandits alive if possible. She was particularly hurt by the notion that she didn't care about the safety of Oleg and Svetlana, when she had just expressed concern over leaving the outpost undefended. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down while thinking of what to say. Throwing aside her shyness and hesitation for a few moments, she steeled herself and addressed Malcolm with a cold voice: "So what does the crime of banditry, that they are supposed to be executed for, actually include? Extorting goods from the common man? Funny, if we were still in Brevoy they would be called tax collectors and get paid by the crown." She instantly realized she probably shouldn't have said that, as it was likely to just escalate the matter without accomplishing anything. It was however too late to take it back.

2016-02-22, 10:04 AM
Surprised and insulted by Illia's outburst, Malcolm continued to escalate the argument, his prejudices for banditry welling up and showing clearly as the anger in his voice built. "Extorting goods? Do you honestly think that's all they do? How about ransacking whole villages? Cutting down innocent people who's only crime is trying to defend their own livelihood!? Having their way with men and women alike, openly in the streets!? Slaughtering children in front of their families and taking those who don't resist thousands of miles away from their homes to be forced into servitude to devil worshipers!? N'gha ngn'ghft-"

He stops himself short as he begins to lapse languages, this time reacting much more calmly. He takes a long breath, then exhale before speaking again. "I apologize. My point is that these people have dug their own graves. They chose to live lives selfishly, obeying nothing but their own greed. There are consequences for those actions."

2016-02-22, 10:50 AM
Seeing that this issue was turning into a lively debate, Boram had thought to calm things down. However, with Malcolm grouping the halfling in with those that "didn't care for others' safety," Boram instead was happy to simply watch on with interest and a bit of mirth as the two debaters laid out their arguments. However as the discussion escalated, Boram decided enough was enough and chimed in with, "You are correct, the charter outlines that the punishment for unrepentant banditry is execution by sword or rope. But who says that striking from ambush would be the best way to keep Oleg and Svetlana safe? To be able to pull off a good ambush, they will need to be assured that nothing is out of the ordinary. That means everything will need to be as it was the previous times that the bandits visited. The fact that Oleg met them outside the gate last time means that is what they will expect this time. For an ambush to work, Oleg will still need to be in harm's way, at least at the beginning, in order to keep the bandit's at ease."

2016-02-22, 05:18 PM
Kurgan had no love lost for unrepentant killers but what proof did they have of these phantom deeds Malcom spoke of. As far as they had evidence of they where simple thieves, using the threat of violence but never really having employed it to such a degree. "Malcolm, if I may" he began, permission to use such an informal name was only proper "Do we have any proof they have slaughtered children in the street, or raped women?" He asked calmly "Yes indeed they have used the threat, and should be punished for the theft from Oleg and his wife, but if all they are is thieves do they warrant death?" He asked him "I am not saying I would stay my blade in combat should it fall to that. But I do not go into situations hoping for death."

He respected the man's ambitions but he found his zeal to be perhaps a bit to hot. "An ambush goes against my sense of honorable combat, but I can set that aside if it is for a good reason. To end a fight before it begins or to keep others such as Oleg from harm." He looked to the caretaker here with a respectful nod "My primary objective is to keep Oleg and his wife safe, slaughtering bandits is not in my top three. If you wish to ambush the enemy I will help do this. But if we can end this with a minimal amount of bloodshed I would feel we at least tried. Should the bandits refuse such a reasonable offer and seek to continue the fight, then I will do my sworn duty to the letter of the law."

2016-02-22, 07:00 PM
Illia stepped back, startled by Malcolm's anger. She still thought of pointing out that they didn't know if the bandits in question had done any of what he accused them of, but decided to still her tongue. Thankfully Kurgan took it upon himself to bring up the point. Illia regretted that she had taken part in the conversation at all, and slowly slipped away as it continued. After calming down Rahn, who had become fidgety after Malcolm's furious exclamation, she helped herself to a second serving of the stew and again shared it with her friend.

2016-02-22, 08:57 PM
Malcolm’s second outburst of the evening caused Konrad to arch an eyebrow, just as much as the strange stutter he seemed to acquire at the end of such impassioned speech, but it was Kurgan’s expression of concern over an ambush tactically which gave him most pause. Surprise was a tool of warfare, it did not factor into the Chelish armiger’s sense of honor. The only opportunity he saw for dishonor was to be caught in a successful ambush oneself, and captured; a surprise attack could always be redeemed by valiantly fighting to the death, but he doubted the marauders who preyed upon Oleg and his wife had such courage.

“The question of what to be done with the bandits can be determined if and when they surrender, or survive a conflict of arms.” He declared, not one for further quibbling past the tactical details of their situation. “Sir Ashenfield, if you do not wish to partake in a surprise attack, and to protect master Oleg and his wife, then it should be you and I who stand with him and demand their surrender from inside the trading post. We are under no obligation to offer them hospitality, certainly not after they have seen fit to threaten honest folk and deprive them of their livelihood.”

“That leaves two of our number with the task of closing the gates behind them. Surely there would be no honor in allowing an unrepentant foe an avenue of escape, Sir Kurgan?”

2016-02-22, 09:12 PM
"I think presenting a strong face to them will be good. And no I do not want them to escape. I had no intent on offering them hospitality. But with the men coming soon we could make an arrest and turn them in. I am sure if the men are here they may be fleeing a bounty." He said trying to tempt the men with the idea there may be a bounty on the men they would be taking in. "But even if not, alive we can get them to tell us what they know of the area."

2016-02-22, 11:48 PM
"Exactly what do you think the Lebeda men will do with the men once we turn them over to them? Put them in a non-existent jail cell?" Malcolm questioned, baffled by the apparent lack of foresight. "Send them to Restov, despite the fact they have no jurisdiction there? Or somehow transport them all the way to Silverhall? Even if they were to do so, their fates would be the same. They will be put to death by sword or rope. Most likely, the Lebeda men will simply carry out this sentence the moment we turn them over to them and they will likely wonder why we did not simply carry out the sentence ourselves, since we have every right to do so. You will be sending them to their deaths, one way or another."

"If you want to face them head on, fine. I respect that plan, even if I don't agree that it's the best course of action. As you mentioned, Kurgen, ending the fight before it began was my only motivation for suggesting an ambush. Konrad is right though, we can decide what to do with the bandits after they have either been bested or surrender."

2016-02-23, 10:03 AM
Boram let the taller ones continue to discuss the philosophical merits of giving the bandits a chance to surrender or simply ambushing them. Instead, now that he had finished with his helping of the delicious stew, he says his thanks to Svetlana and says to Oleg, "Mind if I have a look around?" If Oleg agrees, Boram wanders the grounds, looking for a place where he could hide out of view but still be close enough to hit vulnerable spots with a well placed bullet from his sling.

He will be sure to wander all around the outpost, but will keep to the areas in the open air. He also keeps an eye out for any interesting features that the gorup might be able to use to their advantage. If he passes any place he could hide his small form, he will crouch down behind it and then peek out towards the main gate to see if he has a clear shot before moving on to find another. Those not familiar with stealth or strategy might look on in amusement, as they wondered what the halfling was doing until realizing Boram's intention.

2016-02-24, 01:18 AM
Sitting back and listening to his companions weigh in and argue for their own sides certainly proved enlightening to Brannon. So Malcolm is overly conscientious regarding his stutter and odd vocalization - after all, it's not the sort of thing that seems particularly important, or that would require that serious tone. Well, good to know I suppose. I'm glad to hear that Konrad doesn't have any affiliation with Cheliax anymore, and - huh, why would Kurgan want to set out immediately? Well, with Rahn to track by scent that might work... Here Brannon was about to comment, but Malcolm's next outburst made him lean back and continue watching.

Hmmm, issue with bandits in the past? He certainly seems more vehement and adamant about their deaths than the others. Whoah - Ilia is definitely more fiery than I gave her credit for earlier. Though her compunction against killing might prove problematic in the future, at least now I might be able to offer an acceptable solution.

Waiting until Malcolm finished speaking, Brannon interjects, If I may, I think I might have a solution for the problem of what to do with the bandits once captured. I am not opposed to killing them all if they make that necessary - Brannon adds, glancing at Malcolm and Konrad, - but capturing them alive would be preferential. Now, I agree with Ilia and Kurgan that we shouldn't attribute unknown crimes to these strangers. That said, they do need to be punished for, as our charter puts it, their 'unrepentant banditry.' Their crime is primarily one of extortion and terrorizing, and as such a fitting punishment I believe would be for them to work in indentured servitude, provided we have the means to implement such a system. Working under the control of those they have wronged would provide both monetary and emotional recompense for what was taken, and in time could help to rehabilitate those punished. They could be put to work making fortifications to this Inn or doing simple manual labor. Here Brannon appraises the reactions of the others. If any of you are particularly opposed to such a system, I'd love to hear your reasoning. I can understand that it might not be feasible in this instance, but I'd ask that you consider it for future cases when we have more resources available to us. Killing people unnecessarily is a waste of both life and resources - if that person could be saved, is it not worthwhile to try? And if they refuse to repent, at least they will be forced to help right their wrong rather than dying without working to fix their crime.

Turning to Ilia, Brannon continues, While I understand where you're coming from with your comment about the tax collectors in Brevoy, there are a few crucial differences between them and these bandits. First, the collectors don't terrorize and frighten people, and if one doesn't pay they won't kill you, they'll just get the town guard to enforce their rules. Second, the money taken by the collectors benefits the people of Brevoy - it pays for the upkeep of their guards and knights, it pays for the building of bridges and public buildings, and it helps cover the costs of road maintenance. All of these things are vital for trade and are used by those from the lowest peasant to the highest lord. So, while the tax collectors may feel like bandits, true banditry is far different. Here Brannon shrugs. Taxes pay for public improvements and are a necessary part of civilization - bandits cause fear and work to harm lives, and thus must be punished if any form of order is to exist.

Lady Tialait
2016-02-24, 06:28 AM
Oleg shrugged at Boram's request with a mouth full of bread. The complex is made up of three buildings, a stable, a storehouse/homestead, and a guesthouse. The stable is a single story with barrels of hay piled up in front of it, and bags of feed. The homestead is mostly a two story box with a slopped roof, and windows only on the second floor. Smoke billows up from the chimney on the homestead toward the back. The guesthouse is a 'u'-shaped building with four doors on the ground floor with a balcony leading to a second grouping of four doors. Behind the stable and beside the homestead is a grouping of six holes dug deep into the ground with meshing covering them. Five of the holes are empty, but one of them has something revealing their purpose, as the reek of human and animal waste wafts up. The soil nearby can be seen to be similar holes that were covered. Beside these holes is a outhouse with the door swung open to reveal the chamberpot sitting in the small building.

2016-02-25, 05:43 AM
Illia sat in silence, wondering why she was still being addressed even when she had clearly retired from the conversation. She hadn't expected such a serious response to her sarcastic remark about tax collectors. "Perhaps he's the kind of person who feels like he needs to explain everything", she thought. Brannon was left without a response for now.

2016-02-25, 09:40 AM
Returning to the group, Boram mentioned, "You have a nice layout here Oleg. Coming from a city boy such as myself, I think this place looks quite functional. You even have a place to dump your undesirables." The halfling lets his last sentence hang in the air for everyone to take in before continuing, "No matter what you all decide to do, I found myself a nice spot to keep out of sight but close enough to assist in the case of a melee tomorrow."

Lady Tialait
2016-02-25, 04:10 PM
Oleg places his bowl in a bucket of water and then slaps his legs. "I'm going to head to bed." He pulls five keys out of his pocket and hands them out, "Go ahead and choose your own room over there. Breakfast will be a bit late, given the visit you will have in the morn'" he chuckles and puts out the fire before heading into the house with Svetlana.

2016-02-26, 11:56 AM
Looking on in dismay as Oleg mentioned a late breakfast, Boram said, "You mean we have to face them without food in our bellies...that's just cruel." He stares at the others, as if hoping someone would back up his complaint. Should no one do so, he accepted his key with a huff and, having scoped out a hiding spot in the main courtyard for tomorrow, heads off to bed.

2016-02-29, 11:13 PM
Turning to look at Boram, Brannon comments, Given our expected visitors tomorrow, I think a late breakfast might make more sense - fewer people around. But if you're hungry in the morning, you're welcome to some of the trail rations I have. he finished with what he hoped was a helpful smile. Looking back at the others, Brannon continues, At any rate, I'll see you in the morning. I'm going to take a quick stroll around the outside and then I'll head up to my room. Pleasant dreams, everyone. So saying Brannon walks out the front door to check once more the surrounding area. Satisfied with his knowledge of the battlefield, he will return to the inn and go up to his room to sleep for the night.

2016-03-01, 12:52 AM
"If we do it right, our foes will be dispatched and we may begin in earnest on our purpose here. And driving whatever of their ilk remain from these lands." Konrad remarked before depositing his plate by the fire, nodding to Master Oleg and Svetlana. To his companions he made a slightly more curt departure, wondering if they would soon fall to rancor again over what to be done when next they were confronted with the prospect of prisoners.

2016-03-01, 05:12 PM
Illia returned the bowl to Svetlana and nodded as thanks. "We don't need a room", she stated, and led Rahn towards the stable. After checking up on Cloudspire once more she occupied a vacant pen with Rahn. She pulled out two blankets from her backpack, and pulled the other one over the back of the tiger laying on the ground. Then Illia wrapped herself in the other one and laid down, leaning on her friend. "Good night, Rahn", she whispered softly, making sure the others could not hear her. Rahn answered to this with a low purr before closing his eyes.

Lady Tialait
2016-03-04, 11:44 AM
After everyone has laid themselves down, and gotten to sleep the night passes with the calm quiet that only the wilderness can offer. The odd night sound disrupting the calm, but instead of the rustling of a midnight rider or the chiming of a church bell the interuptions are more primal in nature. The hooting of the owl on the hunt, the moving of nocturnal creatures as they pounce prey, and the ever present chorus of insects calling for their own in the night.

About an hour before dawn as the sky has begun brightening Olaf starts waking everyone up. "He'll be here soon, if you are setting up ambush now would be the time. Do you want me to greet them or not?"

2016-03-07, 11:31 AM
Settling his hood over his head, Brannon steps out of the cozy room and into the hallway lit by the dull morning light. I think you ought to open the gates and meet them in the courtyard, yes. Perhaps take a broom and appear to have been waiting for them? Brannon added.

Opening a window, Brannon turns to Dor and says, Dor, would you please fly a circle around the path so as not to look too out of place, and check out their numbers, I'd appreciate it.

You got it boss! Dor squawks, before hopping out the window and fluttering away.

Looking back at the group, Now, I believe we have an ambush to set up?

2016-03-08, 01:18 AM
Konrad rises and quickly sets about donning his armor and a handful of morning drills with his sword whilst the others rouse themselves. As soon as Oleg and Brannon seem prepared to discuss preparations, he frees Harbinger from the confines of the stables, and leads him towards the center of the small trading post's square. "I agree, you need only get them inside, we will handle the rest." He says to Oleg before swinging himself in to the saddle.

With his lance and his cavalry hammer both within easy reach, Konrad doesn't yet draw any of his weapons, but leaves his shield slung as he canters back and forth on his steed, setting himself up to squarely face the gate, while leaving room to get a full running start, and without any intervening brick-a-brack in the way. Once positioned, he dons his helmet, leaving the visor up for the moment as he regards Brannon and the others. "Have you each decided where you would choose to face our foes? I am still prepared to ask for their surrender, but I see cutting off their escape as vital to ensuring they either do so in good faith, or else dispatching them so as not to allow the others of their band to be warned."

2016-03-08, 12:01 PM
I will be most effective from a range, and can put our foes to sleep as a means of disabling them. I'm also not too bad a shot with my shortbow. Brannon adds, in answer to Konrad's question.

I'd prefer to have a somewhat concealed position, but I also don't mind being one of those hiding behind the doors to swing them shut.

2016-03-08, 01:18 PM
Gnawing on some of his trail rations after he dressed, Boram did his best to prepare himself mentally for what was to come. He looked nervous as he joined the group in the courtyard. Accustomed to using his stealth to stay hidden and flee, he had never had to face anyone in combat. Still, he had scoped out his location and he had his armor and weapon with him. Keeping the opening on his bullet pouch loose and sling in hand, he watched as the others finalized what they would do. "I'll be hiding just behind that wall over there," he says pointing to cover provided by the bunk house they had all slept in. "I will watch from there and should still be able to get a few shots from there and hit them where it hurts. If talk goes south."

2016-03-08, 06:05 PM
Illia had already been awake for some time when Oleg started waking everyone up. She sat cross-legged in the middle of the pen, and had some soil in her hands. After a while she opened her eyes and said in a resonant voice, almost as if she was singing: "Asadai, mu hale sui behol." Green flickers of light emanated from the mold, reaching out to several directions in an erratic pattern before fading. After that Illia was again silent for a while, only to again say something in that same harmonious voice, which caused the lights to again appear.

After repeating the process a few more times she got up and left the stable with Rahn. The beast had followed the ritual calmly, seemingly accustomed to it. The others had now arrived to the courtyard. Illia still didn't care much for the coming battle, and stood aside in silence. She thought the end result would be the same regardless of whether she joined the conversation or not: one of the others would tell her where to go.

2016-03-15, 10:57 PM
As several of his companions made a point of hiding themselves in anticipation of the ambush, he found himself questioning whether this was indeed the best course of action. He had yet to see any of them in action, and the decisions they seemed intent on making as to where to position themselves seemed as pointed in keeping out of a straight fight once the trap was sprung. He shook his head, dismissing such thoughts as indecision on his part as much as anything, and drew upon his resolve to stay the course. Whatever happened, it should only be but a handful of bandits, whom he could very well dispatch or ride down on his own, should any infirmities in their line make themselves known.

"We need only leave one door open, unless we can find another to swing them shut." Konrad says aloud, speaking to Brannon. "It may serve to bottleneck them, which is just as well."

Looking around, he noticed Ilia had not yet situated herself, following her period of morning meditation. He speculated it was not unlike his own morning routine of drill and exercise, and wasn't won't to think much more on it. He beckoned towards her and her great cat however now, and indicated with a gauntleted hand towards the stables. "Unless you would care to be the other to close the gates on our foes, the stables may best serve to conceal yourself and your animal." He said.