View Full Version : Ex-Friend

2016-02-12, 12:56 AM
Do you have an ex-friend in your life? I got an ex-friend. It was all started a few years on Youtube. I was watching a girl video. Her name was Gothicgamer0990. (Not her real name by the way.) I comment on her videos and we became friends after that. Every went well until a few months later one of her friends was saying horrible things about me and I threatened her friends. Gothicgamer0990 broke off her friendship with me after she found out I threatened her friend. We were on a huge war and things went completely downhill after that. I don't know what happen to her after that. She probably closed her Youtube account. That's my story.

2016-02-12, 10:45 AM
Her name was Gothicgamer0990. (Not her real name by the way.)

Man, I know a girl named Gothicgamer0990 Smith and was about to ask if it was the same one.

2016-02-12, 11:34 AM
Man, I know a girl named Gothicgamer0990 Smith and was about to ask if it was the same one.

I really don't think it's the same person.

2016-02-12, 01:36 PM
I really don't think it's the same person.

Yeah, just because their respective parents decided to name them both Gothicgamer0990, doesn't mean they have to be the same person ! Jeez.

Kid Jake
2016-02-12, 03:16 PM
Didn't you already make a thread about people you kind of used to know but don't talk to anymore?

2016-02-12, 04:14 PM
Yes I did Kid Jake but this is different. The first thread that I made was a bad friend. Gothicgamer0990 wasn't a bad friend until she broke off her friendship with me right after I threatened one of her friends saying horrible to me. So this thread is different.

2016-02-12, 05:32 PM
Really, I think this might be a bit specific. That thread was about bad friends, this one is also about bad friends, it only differs in the little minutiae.

I suppose I used to be friends with someone, but am now not? At some point?

Kid Jake
2016-02-12, 05:38 PM
Yeah, I once met this guy waiting in line at a coffee shop. I was all like "You go ahead, I'm not sure what I want yet." and he was like "Thanks buddy." and it was pretty cool. We kind of drifted apart after that though.

2016-02-13, 10:52 AM
Yup, probably everyone I was ever friends with until, say, I was fifteen, is now an ex-friend? All those people from lower school and middle school and pretty much everyone from my sports group and university... I think I've got three or four friends left from years back. Everyone else I was friends with then drifted away.

Alas, 'tis the way of life.

2016-03-08, 02:25 PM
Yeah, I once met this guy waiting in line at a coffee shop. I was all like "You go ahead, I'm not sure what I want yet." and he was like "Thanks buddy." and it was pretty cool. We kind of drifted apart after that though.

I actually loled after reading this

2016-03-08, 03:15 PM
Everyone has ex-friends. Usually they don't stay in your life after the prefix appears, though. Hm.

I had an ex-friend in my life for a while in elementary school. We used to be best friends, and we would play at each others' houses all the time. I took up golf when I was 7 in no small part because he was golfing. I have memories of one night when we were at my house and there was a sick thunderstorm outside, and we shouted ridiculous things to make lightning strike.

Some time around 3rd grade, our relationship completely changed. I don't remember what the inciting incidents were anymore, but between my parents and I, we concluded that he was a bully. From then on I viewed him warily and largely avoided him--to the extent possible in a group of 30-odd kids, anyway, which was not all that much. Plus, I'd still see him at golf tournaments. Looking back, this was probably not at all fair towards him or healthy for me, and those five years probably ingrained some very bad habits with respect to how I handled conflict/stress and interpersonal relationships. I don't actually know what he thought of me during that time--which isn't too surprising; I didn't think to wonder what other people thought about me at that age.

After 8th grade, we went to different high schools and basically never saw each other again. Last I heard, he was still golfing, and apparently struggling with some drug issues. That was eight years ago, though, which is an eternity at my age.

2016-03-12, 06:51 PM
OP, could you please teach me the meaning of friendship (https://www.youtube.com/user/Bartmanhomerthe7th/discussion)?

2016-03-21, 04:47 AM
I transferred to a new school in 3rd grade. At first I didn't really have any friends, but my teacher wasn't going to have any of that. One day she marched me over to these two kids who were close friends and told them that I was going to be their friend. And then I was.
The three of us went to that same school until we graduated, and I considered both to be my best friends. We all lived pretty close to each other (one was actually a neighbor) so we would hang out all the time.
After we graduated, though, we just kind of stopped talking. There wasn't anything bad that happened between us, we just went our separate ways.
I did end up hanging out with one of them again a few times, but he moved out of state a few months back and we haven't spoken since.
I don't feel too bad, because I have other friends and I know they do too. But still, you can't replace years and years of friendship like that overnight.

2016-03-21, 06:42 AM
You threatened her friends? With what?

2016-03-21, 06:49 AM
...one of her friends was saying horrible things about me and I threatened her friends. Gothicgamer0990 broke off her friendship with me after she found out I threatened her friend.

This, right there...

If I were her, I'd have probably broken off the friendship as well if I found out someone I barely knew threatened a friend of mine that I'd known for a long time.

2016-03-21, 11:10 PM
No friend of mine would mine would threaten another friend of mine and remain friends with me. But, then again, a friend doesn't truly threaten a friend. How do you define friendship?