View Full Version : DM Help Jhin, the Virtuoso

2016-02-13, 02:21 PM
Alright, so I've been loving the new League of Legends champion, Jhin, the Viruoso. The short version is, he's a serial killer obsessed with his "art" that insists on giving his victims a beautiful, glorious death. His serial-killer vibe is amazing, and so I wrote a little side quest for my PCs wherein they'll discover that the masked performer "Jonathan," of the Virtuoso Theatre, is the escaped serial killer known as The Muse. However, I'd like some help actually building him. He'll be pitted against 4 Level 16 PCs, each with high WBL, but little understanding of itemization. There's a Sha'ir 6/Contemplative 10(yes technically illegal but I only found out later and didn't want to make him have to redo the entire build), a Crusader 10/Hellreaver 6, a rogue-type character, and an undecided.

The general idea is a character using a heavily modified hand crossbow with +16 BAB, but will use it in reversed order. This way, his fourth shot will be his hardest hitting, like the champion.
I'd also like to find some way to give him extra damage every 4th shot, for example, an auto-crit, however a multiplier of x2 seems a little low.

Once every four rounds he can cover 2 squares with the Holly Berry Bombs from Fire Seeds, except they look like sheets of rose petals. Each square would have 4 petals, so it'd do 4d8+4*HD damage, with a reflex save for half and to avoid being entangled as the spell.

The only type of ability I'm missing now is a long-range sniping move that entangles if it hits a target marked by an attack in the past round.
I'll skip his ult, it doesn't seem too feasible to do extra damage based on missing hp.

So, what creature, if any, should I use as a base? And what classes can I use to make a hand crossbow user? Or would it be better just to build a completely homebrew creature drawing from written material such as Fire Seeds?

2016-02-14, 04:15 PM
Nothing? Any advice is appreciated.