View Full Version : Uggh...Drow of the Underdark's Paralyzing fist feat doesn't work RAW.

2016-02-13, 05:08 PM
This feat is built off of the Stunning fist feat, which has this provision:

"You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned."

Paralyzing fist reads: "When two or more of your Stunning Fist attacks succeed in stunning a single foe in the same round, that creature must make another Fortitude saving throw..."

You simply can't activate the feat. The see special note occurs before the prohibition against using the feat more than once a round.

Is there errata or something for this?
Is there an item that removes the 1 stunning fist attack per round?

2016-02-13, 05:19 PM
There's a feat; rapid stunning in PHB2 IIRC, that allows a character with stunning fist to use it twice per round. Might've been once for each attack but it was definitely at least twice.

2016-02-13, 05:24 PM
Thank you, but man, they really hated monks. Rapid stunning is from CW. And it requires +6 BAB!!!

2016-02-13, 05:57 PM
Thank you, but man, they really hated monks. Rapid stunning is from CW. And it requires +6 BAB!!!
Yeah, well, they do get feather fall at level 20 when next to a wall, which more than makes up for everything.

2016-02-14, 12:10 PM
Yeah, well, they do get feather fall at level 20 when next to a wall, which more than makes up for everything.

I hear they even get immunity to disease *before* level 20!

2016-02-14, 12:21 PM
I hear they even get immunity to disease *before* level 20!

Just looked it up, and they get it at LEVEL 5!!!!

Now I know what you're going to say. 'But Dire_Stirge, don't clerics get Remove Disease at level 5?'. Simple math shall show that monks are still OP.

A cleric can only cast remove disease three times per day (not even enough for the whole party), at most (favored souls can do it more often, but they're OP too). Monks can effectively cast it INFINITY TIMES per day. You have to realize the sheer brokenness of that ability.

Perhaps you are still not convinced. Perhaps you now think: 'well, monks might be stronger than clerics, but at least the cleric can cast the spell on others?'. Sadly, there's no real reason for true optimizers to play anything but a monk, so your own argument defeats itself.

2016-02-14, 12:29 PM
There's a lot that doesn't work by RAW. Just ask your DM to let it work as intended.

2016-02-14, 12:44 PM
Just looked it up, and they get it at LEVEL 5!!!!

Now I know what you're going to say. 'But Dire_Stirge, don't clerics get Remove Disease at level 5?'. Simple math shall show that monks are still OP.

A cleric can only cast remove disease three times per day, at most (favored souls can do it more often, but they're are OP too). Monks can effectively cast it INFINITY TIMES per day. You have to realize the sheer brokenness of that ability.

...except for supernatural and magical diseases.

The worthlessness. Does it ever end? Only jerk DMs throw bacterial infections at you. The only thing this ability is useful for is being a total dirtball. Monk's would make great kindergarten teachers and plumbers that don't wash their hands...that's about it.

2016-02-14, 12:49 PM
The worthlessness. Does it ever end? Only jerk DMs throw bacterial infections at you. The only thing this ability is useful for is being a total dirtball. Monk's would make great kindergarten teachers and plumbers that don't wash their hands...that's about it.

I hope you realize that post was tongue-in-cheek. :smalltongue: