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View Full Version : The Dream Domain? (also, info on Wastri)

2007-06-16, 10:17 PM
I just wanted to know which deities have the Dream Domain (I have a gut feelign that, practically, all of them do. I just want to make sure).

Also, anyone know anything about a weird, if not amusing (to me, anyways) Deity named Wastri? All I know of him is that: #1: He's the God of Bigotry and Frogs, #2: to worship him, you can only be a Human or a Bullywug, and #3: He's... a Lower-Leveled Deity, if I recall (please correct me if I'm wrong)?

Anybody know of his origins, appearance, alignment, portfolio/domains, what Plane he resides on, if any?

Thanks in advance.

2007-06-16, 10:20 PM
The Dream domain according to the Complete Divine has no core dieties and only Diirinka listed with the domain. It wasn't a sphere for dieties back in On Hallowed Ground either. I didn't see a diety list with the Dream domain on page 273 of the Spell Compendium. The Oracle Domain or some of the Moon Dieites like Sehanine Moonbow might be good choices.

Wastri, Male Demigod, Greyhawk, Amphibians, Bigotry and Self-Deception, LN(LE), Origin Unknown, Worshippers: LN, LE/racist humans, humanoids, bullywogs and other evil amphibians from the Player's Guide to Greyhawk.

2007-06-16, 10:31 PM
Cool, thanks.

Also, I do remember seeing Greyhawk's Tharizdun with the Dream Domain (it makes sense too, seeing as he "contacts" his followers in their dreams).

EDIT: actually, it seems that Goblins, Orcs and Bullywugs are fit as slaves to Wastri's followers (I can understand Goblins and Orcs, but Bullywugs? They seem more higher up, to me), Elves, Dwarves and Halflings (and the like) must be exterminated.

And you forgot to mention that his domains are Animal, Law, Hatred, and Water. Still, thanks for the info.

Call Me Siggy
2007-06-16, 10:37 PM
I swear, someone at WotC must have been on something really strong when Wastri was invented...

2007-06-16, 10:45 PM
Great Cthulhu lies dreaming in sunken R'ley sending forth his madness to men in their dreams. Heck half of the (insert one word enigmatic descriptor here) Ones would qualify for the dream domain

2007-06-16, 10:58 PM
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil made a new PRC Doomdreamers who had to have had a dream involving communication with Tharizun the Dark God. They introduced the Force and Madness Domains.

PGtG only grants Tharizdun Male Intermediate God, Unknown origin with the areas of concern of Eternal, Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign, Knowledge and Insanity, NE, Worshippers are Any evel/eveil insane, psycopaths and destroyers.

Hope that helped.

2007-06-16, 11:13 PM
Oh, I actually know a decent amount about Tharizdun, already/ Heck, I even made a character that worships him (an NPC, obviously)

I thank you for filling in the gaps, info-wise, CASTLEMIKE.

Jack Mann
2007-06-16, 11:21 PM
Other greyhawk deities with the Dream domain:

Gaknuak, Ilsensine, Incabulos, Sehanine Moonbow, Sotillion, Tharizdun, Vara and Vecna.

2007-06-17, 05:54 PM
Hmmn. Isn't the Player's Guide to Greyhawk an (A)D&D supplement? Are we talking about the Living Greyhawk Deity Guide here or something else?

Jack Mann
2007-06-17, 08:28 PM
That's where I'm getting my information from.

2007-06-17, 08:56 PM
The latter or the former?