View Full Version : Comics Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

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2016-02-14, 01:11 AM
Hey yo this is the Naruto thread, and I have some news that is relevant beyond the regular news of fan fics updating.

Steam has The Last on it. For some reason. (http://store.steampowered.com/app/439650/)

Aotrs Commander
2016-02-14, 07:09 AM
I hadn't completely forgotten when I said I'd do the new thread, but as there was no concensus, I'd left tit for a bit until I actually had something to say (and things have been busy to the point I also haven't watched Naruto since...!)

Hey yo this is the Naruto thread, and I have some news that is relevant beyond the regular news of fan fics updating.

Steam has The Last on it. For some reason. (http://store.steampowered.com/app/439650/)

All I get is a "sorry not available in your region."

I didn't relise that Steam was particularly regionalised.

Depressingly, I'm not surprised, because of course that sort of thing needs to be encouraged; after all, wouldn't want to deny the big companies the chance to gouge those people not living in [whatever region but most likely US and Canada], for more money later on or something, would we...

2016-02-16, 10:39 AM
A thought occurs to me.

The Sharingan and the Byakugan (and their advanced forms) are the conrnerstone of their respective clan's techniques-We have not seen a single person with a Dojutsu who did not either have the dojustus as the sole or at least significant factor in their repetoir of ninja tricks.

We have, in fact, not seen a Hyuuga who doen'st use Juken, and I imagine that when they were still around there were some Genin and Chunin ranked Uchiha whose Sharingan was the only reason they were't grunts and canon fodder.\

So how come Obito was the only dojutsu user who wore safety goggles?

2016-02-16, 11:13 AM
So how come Obito was the only dojutsu user who wore safety goggles?

One unique character trait per character, and once it's used up it's done. It's why Karin looks so generic, Kishimoto ran out of unique lady character traits.

Yes this is a thinly veiled "Kishimoto is bad at art" joke, but I just remember back to how A just has a solid block of white for teeth and I can't help myself.

That being said from a completely in universe reason you're VERY right, Obito is the only smart Uchiha. Which is why a boulder crushed him and he became the tree servant of a creepy old man who's incredibly evil.

2016-02-16, 06:21 PM
That being said from a completely in universe reason you're VERY right, Obito is the only smart Uchiha. Which is why a boulder crushed him and he became the tree servant of a creepy old man who's incredibly evil.

No, that's why he became a tree. He became the old man's servant because the old man put a loyalty seal on his heart, then arranged for him to see his best friend kill his other best friend without context to trigger his genetic mental instability so that he'd be easier to brainwash. Context matters.

But now that I think about it, ninjaing is a profession where you're likely to have sharp and/or pointy object thrown or trusted at your face on a regular basis.

They have protectors that are supposed to be for their foreheads, but really every ninja should be wearing goggles.

And the Hyuga were depicted as being intelligent, where are their goggles?

Aotrs Commander
2016-02-16, 06:31 PM
I raise my oft noted point about Naruto's orange being a vastly more stealthy colour than most of the other characters, with particular emphasis on the Hyuuga's white robes, shiny forehead protectors and the worst offender of all, ANBU masks.

Though to be entirely fair, the show itself never critises the orange, so it can at least be given a pass on the benefit of rule-of-cool. (But a rule that falls apart as soon as you try to start pinning anything concrete to it.)

Sadly, for a show that started out with such promise on teamwork and clever thinking, Naruto has steadily got less adept at it as it has gone on.

(And at some point I might even get back to watching the next episodes again, so you can all have a laugh at the ; I might have tonight, even, but Mum's not very well again so she's still up. Price of vol 23 is now down to £19 as well now, back down to vaguely sane.)

2016-02-16, 06:46 PM
I raise my oft noted point about Naruto's orange being a vastly more stealthy colour than most of the other characters, with particular emphasis on the Hyuuga's white robes, shiny forehead protectors and the worst offender of all, ANBU masks.

It's not though, especially since the ANBU masks are non-reflective. The forehead protectors are though but still. That bright of an orange color isn't found in nature. It's why hunters use bright orange clothing while out hunting. It reflects light well and has no chance to be mistaken for anything that belongs in well...anywhere. But lets be honest, the Naruto world doesn't really seem all that interested in conveying a logical method of steal missions though when they do, all the characters are in black. Which black is still a terrible color for stealth, they'd want a dark blue-ish color.

2016-02-16, 06:55 PM
Then Ninjas are basically Wizards that are also Martial Artists rather than proper ninjas.

Completely honest, in this setting, I think once you've got a strong enough technique and enough chakra/control to reliably spam it, I think you can forgo stealth.

Also, the best explanation or the orange that I've read was a fic that said he deliberately got a bright orange outfit so that villagers would get headaches when they glared at him.

Aotrs Commander
2016-02-16, 08:22 PM
It's not though, especially since the ANBU masks are non-reflective.

No, they're WHITE. The absolute worst colour to have for camoflage or low visibility outside of a snow field, especially at night.

There are (albeit it arguebly darker and striped) some orange predators. There are no white predators outside of the Arctic range and even then most only during the winter when there is snow on the ground.

I mean, white is literally the brightest colour that isn't actually a specular reflective surface; that's why it IS white, because it (diffusely) reflects more wavelengths than anything else, so you see it as white... Unless there is snow on the ground, you do not want to be wearing white for camoflage. (I mean, in the natural world, white is used for DAZZLE pattens...!)

Naruto's orange is not worse than white for visibility during the day (given it is orange and not actually hi vis reflective material, despite what people claim1) and it is CERTAINLY not at night.

1If you look at screencaps from the series at night (best screenshots I could find at this hour (I'm 90% certain these are screenshots anyway))


you will notice that the orange is a lot more muted in lower light. (In both cases, the most visible part of the characters is ther exposed skin.)

Yes, it is fairly visible - but it's not as bad as people claim it is; not all oranges are equal.

2016-02-17, 01:13 PM
True, but the only white the anbu wear is for their masks. It makes for a great intimidation technique when suddenly a white face looks up out of the darkness and thats all you can see. At best a shapeless mass blending into the shadows and this white mask. Admit it, if you saw http://arkadymac.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/1000px-Anbu_under_second_hokage.png suddenly appear in front of you out of nowhere, you would be startled at best, pants wetting at worst. Because not only did they catch you off guard, you know what they are. The elite. And they are now right in front of you without warning.

Its also a psychological move in that people are going to tend to aim for the bright white target, which means they are attacking your face. You know, where you can see it coming, its a small target, and easy to dodge with?

2016-02-17, 01:24 PM
Also keep in mind the point of the masks isn't for stealth so much as it is "disguising your identity". If they wanted stealth masks they'd just wear hoods and pull their shirt up like Kakashi.

Aotrs Commander
2016-02-17, 03:06 PM
True, but the only white the anbu wear is for their masks. It makes for a great intimidation technique when suddenly a white face looks up out of the darkness and thats all you can see. At best a shapeless mass blending into the shadows and this white mask. Admit it, if you saw http://arkadymac.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/1000px-Anbu_under_second_hokage.png suddenly appear in front of you out of nowhere, you would be startled at best, pants wetting at worst.

No, I would immediately stab/shoot/Maximised Disintegrate it in the face, as would any competantly trained combatant.

The only people who are going to be intimidated are the ones who pose no threat to a competant ninja anyway, as they will be be green or inexperienced troops - or civilians.

Its also a psychological move in that people are going to tend to aim for the bright white target, which means they are attacking your face. You know, where you can see it coming, its a small target, and easy to dodge with?

That... that is really not how that works, like, at all. Painting a target on your face, one of the most vulnerable parts of your body, is unfathomably stupid.

Also keep in mind the point of the masks isn't for stealth so much as it is "disguising your identity". If they wanted stealth masks they'd just wear hoods and pull their shirt up like Kakashi.

Now that is a marginally more defensible rational. Though I don't recall the ANBU ever actually doing that... Mind you, I don't recall the ANBU ever appearing to be anything other than continually Worfed to the point where I'm pretty sure they aren't really all that Elite, they just put the kind of mediocre folks who are not interesting enough to be proper elite jonin.

(No, I do not have a high opionon of the ANBU at all, now you ask...)

2016-02-17, 03:48 PM
Now that is a marginally more defensible rational. Though I don't recall the ANBU ever actually doing that... Mind you, I don't recall the ANBU ever appearing to be anything other than continually Worfed to the point where I'm pretty sure they aren't really all that Elite, they just put the kind of mediocre folks who are not interesting enough to be proper elite jonin.

(No, I do not have a high opionon of the ANBU at all, now you ask...)
An unfortunate artifact of writing. It's hard to write an anonymous character as meaningfully interesting without breaking the anonymity in some way (at the very least identifying that it's the same anonymous character each time), and anonymity is ANBU's primary thing.

Though now that I think about it, he could have gone for making the organization as a whole into a character.

2016-03-04, 12:08 PM
Caught up on the anime's episodes. Man, Kankuro is the only one with a decent Infinite Tsukiyomi dream.

Aotrs Commander
2016-03-04, 12:51 PM
So, at some point, y'know, I may actually get around to watching more of the DVDs.. Been kinda busy lately (and Mum going into hospital has not greatly improved matters...)

2016-03-06, 01:29 AM
So, the newest update for Take Two has appeared, and reading it has gotten me to thinking. What is the most powerful Naruto those of you who read fanfiction have ever come across?

For me I'm waffling between three of them: Take Two's Naruto, who at his current level of power(and for those who don't read, he has had his powers sealed by his OC trainer to pretty much a fraction of what he's capable of) can wipe out an entire Hidden Village without much issue; Echoes two primary Narutos, one whom is The Big Bad known as The Warlord, and the Naruto that is opposing them. Both are world travellers with obscene levels of power(The Warlord could come to a new world, and without destroying the planet go down and wipe out the entire population of the world in a matter of minutes); The final Naruto to make my list is the Naruto from the Sakura-based version of the "Chuunin Exam Day" story(this is not the one most fanfic readers know, it is a different one). The Naruto from that story is also a world/timeline traveller who is so powerful that his power alone completely dwarfs the Ninetails, basically makes it insignificant. He manages to go through an entire army full of multiple copies of the most powerful Ninja and iirc Bijuu that could be gathered by the Big Bad of the story, a super-powered Sasuke.

An honorary mention would go to the Naruto of the Nightfall fanfiction. The last time I read the story(a minimum of 15 or so chapters ago, it's been a solid year n a half since I last looked at it) that version of Naruto was on the cusp of combining all 5 elements into a single Rasengan, which if I'm not mistaken would basically make it a Truth Seeking Sphere. This Naruto has the Rinnegan is pretty damn powerful, but compared to the other four mentioned here is basically a baby still.

The main 4, to put it into perspective, would easily be at SSJ4 Goku level of power, and The Warlord(who I think is my ultimate pick for the moment) could very much go Toe to Toe with SSJG Goku and possibly pull out a win.

2016-03-06, 09:50 AM
Perfection: Naruto the Chimera, has a Naruto that is effectively invincible before he's a ninja.

2016-03-06, 12:12 PM
Hmm, Time Braid is certainly a contender. As you said, its a naruto powerful enough that in the final confrontation, he is in an area meant to suppress the nine tails power, he is fighting pretty much all of akatsuki at once, an army of zetsu clones, multiple brainwashed jinchuriki, and two brainwashed naruto versions unleashing plenty of kyuubi juice. And all that wasnt even expected to stop him, the goal was to use that just to slow him down enough and weaken him to the point where sasuke's plan to win might have an actual shot. Its just hard to say for sure, because other than rawr energy blast and naruto winning, you dont get to see his overwhelming power on a level like take two. Mainly since that naruto isnt the main character. That being said, I would certainly put my money on sakura beating her take two counterpart, assuming presence shenanigans didnt no sell her abilities.

You know what? Im giving it to time braid naruto, if only because its been so long since I read echoes and I have missed numerous upgrades so I cant recall his feats there. Even with his established power levels in take two, its acknowledged that naruto cant just crush akatsuki in a straight up fight, and time braid naruto does it while simultaneously rampaging through multiple jinchuriki as well. Yeah he has some backup, but honestly, it was mainly his work.

I was going to include some of the standard "Hey naruto, even though im an evil demon fox, im going to give you 8.5 tails of chakra to keep and show you how to abuse shadow clones to be kage level before the academy graduates" But yeah, most of the really super powerful narutos could roflstomp kyuubi easily. There is one higher up naruto, though not on time braid levels, Black Flames Dance In The Wind: Rise of Naruto. Its a dark naruto story, and while he is super powerful, the author made sure to give him equally or even greater super powered opponents. So its not as obvious as it sometimes gets in gary stu naruto stories where he blinks and orochimaru dies instantly. I kinda lost track of the story awhile back. It is a really slow updating fic, and its so heavily au that its hard to keep the details straight in between.

Lord Raziere
2016-03-06, 05:18 PM
now I'm imagining a Naruto so powerful, that every time he tries to save the world, he accidentally destroys it instead and has to constantly time travel to fix his mistake, to the point where he is basically the One Jutsu Ninja.

2016-03-06, 06:01 PM
now I'm imagining a Naruto so powerful, that every time he tries to save the world, he accidentally destroys it instead and has to constantly time travel to fix his mistake, to the point where he is basically the One Jutsu Ninja.

So Naruto "Dragonball" Uzumaki? :smallbiggrin:

2016-03-07, 12:55 AM
Perfection: Naruto the Chimera, has a Naruto that is effectively invincible before he's a ninja.

Since I had never heard of this story before(I almost never read anything below 150k words as I find it a waste of time, it's hard to tell a good fanfiction of naruto without hitting around the 200k mark) I went to check it out. Wish I had stuck with my normal rule, only because the story is quite interesting, but been abandoned for years ><

2016-03-07, 08:40 AM
Since I had never heard of this story before(I almost never read anything below 150k words as I find it a waste of time, it's hard to tell a good fanfiction of naruto without hitting around the 200k mark) I went to check it out. Wish I had stuck with my normal rule, only because the story is quite interesting, but been abandoned for years ><

Umhmm. It could have been great.

2016-03-07, 01:34 PM
didnt the naruto in the reaching for a dream fic eventually become a god?

at least thats what i remember from him taking over a universe at the end of that entire fic

2016-03-08, 12:57 PM
didnt the naruto in the reaching for a dream fic eventually become a god?

at least thats what i remember from him taking over a universe at the end of that entire fic

Yep, he became a primordial force of creation and destruction. Cant believe I forgot about him. He is a reality altering god who can do anything he wants including creating pocket dimensions he can toss jerks into so they can try to survive a live action D&D game. He is certainly above take two naruto as he can literally just wish the world to not exist. Or to grow arms and legs and go cavorting off into the greater galaxy. Whatever he would find more amusing. I think he would actually get on well with ghost and crew as he is a perverted and massively chaotic being that is kicking around on their power levels (though ghost would easily crush him most likely) Though his wife would likely get very pissy very fast at no longer being the big dog on campus. Honestly, most of the family would likely be able to beat them, but primarily because that naruto hasnt fought anyone other than his wife on equal terms or worse since becoming a god. But that aside, I bet naruto would have a ball hanging out with them. A bunch of near omnipotent beings who dont take very much seriously and mainly enjoy having a good time screwing around? Yeah, he would find that great fun.

As for great stories that got abandoned, I miss Foxhound. It had such potential. The author just created this bloodline out of whole cloth called the Unlimiter. Basically, human bodies can only get do big, so strong, so fast etc, before they hit a hard cap. Narutos bloodline means he will never stop improving so long as he keeps working at it. He can keep getting stronger, faster, having more chakra, having more stamina, etc etc etc. For so long as he lives, this will continue. That means theoretically, he could reach a point where his baseline stats are superior to 8 gate gai. It could take decades of training to reach that point, but its possible.

2016-03-08, 06:43 PM
I am highly disappointed in myself for forgetting about the Reaching for a Dream Naruto as well. I think it's mostly because I almost don't see him as Naruto anymore after so many adventures in different places. All the other Naruto's mentioned(well, maybe not Echoes as much) still retain a fair amount of their "Narutoness", the Naruto from Noodlehammers fics though is virtually an OC by this point in time.

But yeah, he's definitely the top of the heap. He'd probably have great fun toying around with The Warlord before crushing him like a bug, which is kind of scary considering how powerful The Warlord is.

Still gotta give Ghost and the Family the win against him and Xanna though. They aren't just god's, they are basically the gods of the gods of the gods.

Not 100% that Xanna would flip out finding she's no longer big dog on the block though, wasn't it in the Superman crossover she made a connection with the "god" of that world/universe, and even told Naruto that he shouldn't mess with it, even though it wasn't exactly a cohesive consciousness like them, it still had the power to go against them. Which shows she knows there are other gods out there and some can match them. She'd probably butt heads with the Family once or twice, realize she's outmatched and just be on her way.

2016-03-09, 03:26 AM
I am highly disappointed in myself for forgetting about the Reaching for a Dream Naruto as well. I think it's mostly because I almost don't see him as Naruto anymore after so many adventures in different places. All the other Naruto's mentioned(well, maybe not Echoes as much) still retain a fair amount of their "Narutoness", the Naruto from Noodlehammers fics though is virtually an OC by this point in time.

But yeah, he's definitely the top of the heap. He'd probably have great fun toying around with The Warlord before crushing him like a bug, which is kind of scary considering how powerful The Warlord is.

Still gotta give Ghost and the Family the win against him and Xanna though. They aren't just god's, they are basically the gods of the gods of the gods.

Not 100% that Xanna would flip out finding she's no longer big dog on the block though, wasn't it in the Superman crossover she made a connection with the "god" of that world/universe, and even told Naruto that he shouldn't mess with it, even though it wasn't exactly a cohesive consciousness like them, it still had the power to go against them. Which shows she knows there are other gods out there and some can match them. She'd probably butt heads with the Family once or twice, realize she's outmatched and just be on her way.

Nah, she was really annoyed that when naruto suggested they go beat up hades for giggles it basically stepped in and said no. She HATED the idea of some other entity out there telling her what to do, or looking over her shoulder or whatever. In fact she insisted they leave right away, not out of fear of conflict, but out of sheer annoyance that this being would always be there waiting to disapprove of some random thing they wanted to do. She did feel pity for it, because it was less an entity and more a general consciousness, but while it might not be stronger than her directly, it was likely it could exert its power over a greater area. So sort of like dumping an ocean over you. Sure your umbrella is awesome and powerful, but thats still an ocean being dumped on you. It is going to get messy.

But as to how that would translate to the family? Eh, it depends on how long it takes them to try and impose limits. Like, "Look, we are playing with this world, keeping our displays of power below a certain threshold, please dont mess it up." Even though she likely would have done the same normally, the very idea that there are beings capable of telling her what to do would likely just drive her nuts. Her character is very much so "I am the greatest, the supreme, the ultimate, noone can tell me what to do" Naruto is pretty much the only exception to that rule, and even then its a lot of push and pull between them.

2016-03-13, 05:46 PM
So I am finally watching the Shippuden later anime episodes of the day that will not end. I am not a big fan on how Shippuden tries to prolong the series forever, with too many flashbacks, with too many non canon filler side quests, and with too many purposefully slow down the battle or recap to make the fights last longer.

That combine with a really bad taste in the mouth of the Kyubbi vs Pein and I just gave up on it years ago....


But I just realized something after watching the Shippuden anime.

So the original page of the six paths, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki and his brother Hamura Ōtsutsuki purposefully shared their chakra and in the process gave the ability of people to generate their own unique chakra from their body and spirit. There are three types of energy that are the source of chakra.

Physical energy (身体エネルギー, shintai enerugī) is collected from each and every one of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise.
Spiritual energy (精神エネルギー, seishin enerugī, English TV: Mental Energy) is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience.
Natural energy (自然エネルギー, Shizen enerugī, English TV: Nature Energy), is energy that can be collected from the atmosphere and terrain. If one can collect the natural energy from around them and combine and balance it with the spiritual and physical energy that makes up their chakra, they can become sages and enter Sage Mode, allowing them to use senjutsu.

Hagoromo and Hamura's goal was to spread chakra around for in the process it allows people via their spiritual energy to relate to one another. They hoped that this spread of spiritual chakra would allow people to relate and understand each other due to the limits of words to share owns inner goals and dreams and it is the misunderstanding or ignorance of others that often lead to conflict and conflict that can escalate to death and blood war.

This was the goal of the philosophy/religion of Ninshū (忍宗, Viz: Ninja Creed, Literally meaning: Shinobi Sect). In effect it was supposed to create a very primitive form of empathy / telepathy between people and thus better help people understand each other and achieve peace.

The problem though it also gave people new tools to fight each other and kill each other and this lead to the creation of Ninjutsu (忍術, Literally meaning: Ninja Techniques). Aka ways to kill each other involving things like physical fighting, fighting with weapons, fighting with illusions (genjutsu), fighting with the elements, and fighting with things that manipulate form and reality (yin and yang style techniques) as well as sealing techniques.


This is the Chakra receivers first introduced in the Pain arc




Back in the Q&A (not on panel of the manga, but instead in the fan interaction of Shonen Jump during the pain arc) we learn what it takes to make the chakra receivers. Pain literally mixes his own blood with his chakra and this takes material form.

Pain can then disrupt your chakra with his own chakra using this technique. Preventing you from using your own ninjutsu or even moving.
He can also control bodies living or dead through chakra rods.
He can also use dead bodies as a source of techniques via transmitting his chakra which is then transmitted to the rods and then dispersed through the dead body. He can be several miles away but in effect it is like his chakra nervous system was still attached to the dead bodies chakra system like artificial forms of limbs via using his "dead body robot drones."

Pein transferring charka over long distances is just like the goal of Ninshu was, transmitting chakra over long distances and having chakra influence each other bodies kinda like a genjutsu but not with the goal of taking over other peoples bodies or senses but instead showing more of yourself in ways that is hard to do with words or actions.

Now later on we learn this ability is not unique to Pein but all the users of the Rinnegan can use this ability (Black Zetsu uses its as well but he was attached to a Rinnegan user at the time). Later on we learned that these chakra rods have more abilities

They can be used as weapons and were stronger than most materials.
They can be combined with chakra chains, and used to drain chakra or reseal tailed beasts even if the beast is still in a human host.
Will Materialisation such as when Black Zetsu was supposedly created by Madara but was actually created earlier by Kaguya. Also when Madara placed the cursed seal on Obito's heart and when Madara finally takes control of Obito to cause his resurrection.

Yet these chakra transmitting rods disappear if the person is knocked out cold or is killed.


We also saw something very similar to the chakra rods and that is the truth seeking balls.

Truth seeking balls are made out of all 5 elements being shaped into a single entity. They can also have light and dark (yin and yang) chakra added to them as well though the initial Obito truth seeking balls lacked this effect and not until he reclaimed complete control of the Ten Tails did they gain this ability.

All the users of the Truth Seeking Balls have had all the chakra of all 9 chakra beasts and thus were effectively jinchuruki for the 10 tails (Naruto, Obito, Madara), or were a descendant of Ōtsutsuki clan and they have access to six path sage mode (Hamura brother of the Sage of the six paths, Asura son of the sage of the six paths, Hagoromo the sage of the sixth paths)

But the thing is we actually learned something very special about the ten tails.

The original chakra tree that preceded the ten tails, which eventually bears a chakra fruit is formed from the blood of mankind and the wars that man fought prior to chakra.

And such you can say the ten tails and the tails beast themselves are pretty much the living embodiments of the blood of mankind. The blood that was shed unwisely because men have dreams but men find it hard to communicate their dreams to others and thus their is misunderstanding and ignorance and this leads to blood conflict.

Put another way the Chakra Beasts, the tailed beasts are living regrets of mankind who wanted an ideal world but man's arrogance got in the way instead of man being receptive and understanding and trying to cross the divide between people.

Now the truth seeking balls can be converted into chakra rods. But more importantly the truth seeking balls can nullify and block all ninjutsu that does not have sage chakra, but they can also be used for creation where they can literally rewrite reality / the world such as when the Sage of the Six Paths used the Sword of Nunoboko in the distant past or when Kaguya almost created a new reality in her fight with team 7 with that massive truth seeking ball.

2016-04-25, 06:12 PM
So there is gonna be another Naruto One shot.

It is about Orochimaru's kid.

Who asked for this, and More importantly Who in the name of the great lord of the dark let Orochimaru into her pants.

2016-04-25, 06:26 PM
The kid in question(Mitsuki, the blue haired kid and Noruto an d Sarada's team mate) only ever refers to Orochimaru as his parent and refuses to clarify when Sarada asks which parent Orochimaru is.

According to Narutopedia, he's a synthetically created human.

Essentially he's one big experiment by Orochimaru.

2016-04-25, 06:31 PM
The kid in question(Mitsuki, the blue haired kid and Noruto an d Sarada's team mate) only ever refers to Orochimaru as his parent and refuses to clarify when Sarada asks which parent Orochimaru is.

According to Narutopedia, he's a synthetically created human.

Essentially he's one big experiment by Orochimaru.

Oh right I forgot that Orochimaru steals whatever body, but my question applies to both Genders, I don't care if Orochimaru were to take over the sexiest body possible. Nobody should ain't having sex with Orochimaru.

2016-04-25, 06:37 PM
Oh right I forgot that Orochimaru steals whatever body, but my question applies to both Genders, I don't care if Orochimaru were to take over the sexiest body possible. Nobody should ain't having sex with Orochimaru.

Nobody did.

Mitsuki was created artificially-he's a genetically perfect clone.

2016-04-25, 08:13 PM
Nobody did.

Mitsuki was created artificially-he's a genetically perfect clone.

Okay, how did that happen exactly. Does Orochimaru keep his old dead body around?

and More importantly

Did The Ninja world just like LET this happen? Didn't anyone like Put Orochimaru in Jail for at least Attempted Assassination of the Third Hokage?

2016-04-25, 08:19 PM
Fro what I can tell, he was treated leniently because he helped save the world, but the Leaf village kept a very close eye on him, just in case.

2016-04-25, 09:17 PM
Fro what I can tell, he was treated leniently because he helped save the world, but the Leaf village kept a very close eye on him, just in case.

If they could forgive freaking SASUKE, I guess cutting orochimaru some slack isnt out of the question. At least orochimaru is a few steps down the list of most powerful bad guys. Hell, 4 tails blood shroud naruto managed to force him to retreat. Im pretty sure naruto could kill him by blinking too hard at this point.

2016-04-25, 09:20 PM
I for one cannot wait for the adventures of Bort, Salad, and Snakeson.

2016-04-25, 09:22 PM
If they could forgive freaking SASUKE, I guess cutting orochimaru some slack isnt out of the question. At least orochimaru is a few steps down the list of most powerful bad guys. Hell, 4 tails blood shroud naruto managed to force him to retreat. Im pretty sure naruto could kill him by blinking too hard at this point.

I've previously stated that my personal theory is that Orochimaru behaves himself because, compared to Naruto and Sasuke, he's basically an ant. If he gets uppity, he gets his tongue tied to a pole and the rest of him used as a tether-ball the next time Naruto and Sasuke get board. And he knows it.

2016-04-25, 09:28 PM
I've previously stated that my personal theory is that Orochimaru behaves himself because, compared to Naruto and Sasuke, he's basically an ant. If he gets uppity, he gets his tongue tied to a pole and the rest of him used as a tether-ball the next time Naruto and Sasuke get board. And he knows it.

Although its also possible that his strange reformation was real. Even before naruto and sauke got their uber ultra deluxe power ups, orochimaru seemed to be in a less power hungry chaos causing mood. Something like, "Instead of being the wind that turns the windmills, I shall sit back and watch it happen on its own" I admit im hazy on that stretch of the original series. Most of my grand finale knowledge (of which i count the entire 4th shinobi war) is related to the battles and the chatter that went on during them. I think I saw a bit of the 4 kages chatting with sasuke that orochimaru had setup.

Lord Raziere
2016-04-25, 09:31 PM
I for one cannot wait for the adventures of Bort, Salad, and Snakeson.

It was not the beginning. There was no beginnings or endings to the wheel of shinobi generations. History fades into legend, legends fade into myth, and even myth is forgotten when it comes to occur once again.
In the third generation, considered a fallen generation by some, Bolt, Sarada and Mitsuki are the new generation and reincarnations of ninja! Bolt the son of the Hokage-Messiah, Sarada the daughter of the biggest jerk and deadbeat dad in existence, and Mitsuki the clone of Orochimaru, a team comprised of the offspring of two former traitors and the guy who save the world. Right. This won't end well. It was not the beginning, but it was A Beginning.

In other words, we are all in a big spiritual recycling plant! Here we go again.

2016-04-25, 09:41 PM
According to the Wiki, Mitsuki joined the leaf because he's rebelling against Orochimaru.

He's also apparently only partially a clone of Orochimaru.

2016-04-25, 10:17 PM
According to the Wiki, Mitsuki joined the leaf because he's rebelling against Orochimaru.

He's also apparently only partially a clone of Orochimaru.

So he's basically just Orochimaru's son then? Because...I mean genetically speaking a child is half of your genetics so it's half of your genetic clone.

That's really splitting hairs (and genomes) though.

2016-04-25, 10:20 PM
I'm confused, how is "Did someone bang Orochimaru" even a question? This is Orochimaru we're talking about, anyone claiming to be his kid should be assumed to have come out of a vat until someone says otherwise.

2016-04-25, 10:24 PM
So he's basically just Orochimaru's son then? Because...I mean genetically speaking a child is half of your genetics so it's half of your genetic clone.

That's really splitting hairs (and genomes) though.

Well, he was created artificially, so "clone."

Also we don't know if he's half Orochimaru-the Wiki says he's genetically perfect, so...

2016-04-26, 03:19 AM
So would orochimaru child possess his own dna or the dna of his host, or both?

How would this work with a donor with a female for an egg or a male if he is in a female body?

2016-04-26, 06:30 AM
. . .

Did this thread seriously begin with the tired "Naruto shinobi ain't stealthy"?

Repeat with me: one of the basic jutsus required from each new genin is how to disguise yourself as anything imaginable.

One of the basic jutsus required from each new genin is how to disguise yourself as anything imaginable.

One of the basic jutsus. Required from each new genin. Is how to disguise yourself. As anything imaginable.

We've seen the main character disguise himself as the opposite sex, a piece of fence, a pile of rocks, a flying shuriken and his own ninjutsu projectile.

Naruto Shinobi wear distinctive clothes, masks or insignia because normally, the only time you see themas themselves is when they want or need to be recognized.

2016-04-26, 11:33 AM
. . .

Did this thread seriously begin with the tired "Naruto shinobi ain't stealthy"?

Repeat with me: one of the basic jutsus required from each new genin is how to disguise yourself as anything imaginable.

One of the basic jutsus required from each new genin is how to disguise yourself as anything imaginable.

One of the basic jutsus. Required from each new genin. Is how to disguise yourself. As anything imaginable.

We've seen the main character disguise himself as the opposite sex, a piece of fence, a pile of rocks, a flying shuriken and his own ninjutsu projectile.

Naruto Shinobi wear distinctive clothes, masks or insignia because normally, the only time you see themas themselves is when they want or need to be recognized.

Too be fair, we pretty much ONLY see naruto ever do that sort of thing. I mean, beyond looking like someone else. There was a lot of speculation on it being something unique he came up with. I mean come on, just because you look like a windmill shuriken doesnt mean you have somehow managed to transform your mass into a far smaller form, turned into metal, and yet are still somehow fully sentient and sapient about your surroundings. Thats the most broken absurd bit of nonsense I have ever heard. If that was actually how it worked, there is no way in HELL any shinobi worth his headband would need any other jutsu.

2016-04-26, 08:07 PM
you have somehow managed to transform your mass into a far smaller form

I think it works by bending light, when Naruto vs Pein ended and he pulled the "Mass Shadowclones hidden as rocks" thing, when the shadow clones were revealed there was a huge crater with pain in the middle on top of a raised platform of rock.

2016-04-26, 08:22 PM
I think it works by bending light, when Naruto vs Pein ended and he pulled the "Mass Shadowclones hidden as rocks" thing, when the shadow clones were revealed there was a huge crater with pain in the middle on top of a raised platform of rock.

Then how the hell was he hurled like a windmill shuriken? Human bodies are NOT very aerodynamic when being spun around like a frisbee.

2016-04-27, 12:34 AM
We know from Gamabunta versus Shukaku fight that the transformation is partially physical - Naruto turned Gamabunta into Kyubi so he would have claws. As with clone techniques, it's likely part Chakra construct, part illusion.

How deep the transformation is, is not well-established. But as the saying goes, anything is aerodynamic if you throw it hard enough. :smalltongue:

2016-04-27, 02:04 AM
Then how the hell was he hurled like a windmill shuriken? Human bodies are NOT very aerodynamic when being spun around like a frisbee.

Land of Waves Arc? Sauske is just that strong.

During the Pein thing? Frog Sage Mode Hax

Aotrs Commander
2016-04-27, 04:22 AM
. . .

Did this thread seriously begin with the tired "Naruto shinobi ain't stealthy"?

Repeat with me: one of the basic jutsus required from each new genin is how to disguise yourself as anything imaginable.

One of the basic jutsus required from each new genin is how to disguise yourself as anything imaginable.

One of the basic jutsus. Required from each new genin. Is how to disguise yourself. As anything imaginable.

We've seen the main character disguise himself as the opposite sex, a piece of fence, a pile of rocks, a flying shuriken and his own ninjutsu projectile.

Naruto Shinobi wear distinctive clothes, masks or insignia because normally, the only time you see themas themselves is when they want or need to be recognized.

To be fair, my argument (though not outright stated there, apparently, which does make me seem like I'm picking fault for no logical reason, for which I apologise) is more rooted in the fact that it's common (especially in fan works) tend to pick on Naruto's orange as being "silly for ninja" or something, while simultaneously giving all the other things that are often worse in other ninja a pass. You mock Naruto for his orange, you should also be mocking the people equally as radiantly visible.

The show itself, fortunately, does not make an issue of it; as you say, it can be written off as either genera convention or at least "well, they could just transform is they needed to" (though they never actually seem to, but go on). I don't actually have a problem with Naruto ninja not "being stealthy" (and I LIKE the orange) - only when one aspect is called out and all the other are ignored. (Principally, one feels, because the authors had an axe to grind or doesnt think orange is "cool" enough or something.)

2016-04-27, 10:47 AM
To be fair, my argument (though not outright stated there, apparently, which does make me seem like I'm picking fault for no logical reason, for which I apologise) is more rooted in the fact that it's common (especially in fan works) tend to pick on Naruto's orange as being "silly for ninja" or something, while simultaneously giving all the other things that are often worse in other ninja a pass. You mock Naruto for his orange, you should also be mocking the people equally as radiantly visible.

The show itself, fortunately, does not make an issue of it; as you say, it can be written off as either genera convention or at least "well, they could just transform is they needed to" (though they never actually seem to, but go on). I don't actually have a problem with Naruto ninja not "being stealthy" (and I LIKE the orange) - only when one aspect is called out and all the other are ignored. (Principally, one feels, because the authors had an axe to grind or doesnt think orange is "cool" enough or something.)

Wasnt the series originally planned to be about wizards anyways? That might explain the lack of stealth in his "ninjas" the basic idea was a bunch of magic hurling people who arent supposed to be invisible dealers of death. As for the fanworks, yeah, but too be honest, most of the authors bringing up the orange isnt stealthy line tend to do it so they can have naruto prove he can be invisible while wearing orange if he likes. And considering he graffitied an entire mountain range while not getting caught, he has a point. Either that, or the village guards SUCK.

Aotrs Commander
2016-04-27, 11:09 AM
. As for the fanworks, yeah, but too be honest, most of the authors bringing up the orange isnt stealthy line tend to do it so they can have naruto prove he can be invisible while wearing orange if he likes.

I've seen that, but I've more often seen it (in the sort of "retelling events but Naruto gets [some new thing/trainer] where it was done so Naruto could be put in some non-orange "better" colour.

(I'm afraid I can't name any names in particular. I read a LOT of Naruto fanfiction back in the day (before MLP became a thing and the quality tail-off in the main series haemoharrged away the signal-to-noise ratio to very low levels).)

2016-04-27, 11:25 AM
I've seen that, but I've more often seen it (in the sort of "retelling events but Naruto gets [some new thing/trainer] where it was done so Naruto could be put in some non-orange "better" colour.

(I'm afraid I can't name any names in particular. I read a LOT of Naruto fanfiction back in the day (before MLP became a thing and the quality tail-off in the main series haemoharrged away the signal-to-noise ratio to very low levels).)

Fair enough, and that does happen a lot too. Im honestly unsure which is more common. I suppose it depends on if they are telling a "naruto is awesome" story, or a "naruto becomes awesome after so and so helps" type of story. Im still loving the story Mouse of Konoha. Its a slow updater but it covers naruto from age 5 to academy (so far) but it has massive divergences from the canon path. He wears orange, but its for a good reason. Not because "Omg orange is the kami of all colors, dattebeyo!!"

2016-05-05, 11:28 AM
New naruto manga launched this week and you can find it on some fansub sites. I am posting in this thread but we should really make a new thread for its the spin off series.

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

It is going to be a weekly manga in Shonen Jump

The first manga opens up with a time skip showing a battle with Boruto against someone with Boruto being a teenager / young adult (the furthest point in time we seen in the Naruto series) followed by flashing back to right before the start of the chunin exams for Boruto and his team. Boruto the Movie takes place when Boruto is 12 years old (his Chunin Exam) and the 1st manga for this new spin off series happens right before the Chunnin exams so about 15 years after the last manga of Naruto #700 (Naruto #700 occurs, 2 year time skip for Naruto the Movie, an undefined amount of time but lets say a year later Boruto is born, and then 12 years later for Boruto's Chunnin Exam)


All I can say so far without using a spoiler block is that the series seems to be incorporating more technology and more steam punk elements than the hodgepodge of technology that we saw in the Naruto Manga during the 80 or so years from the first hokage vs Madara to when Naruto takes place.

2016-05-05, 11:37 AM
It's Naruto's sequel so think sticking with the NAruto thread is fine.

Found and read it. My thoughts:

Bort's a **** heel like Sasuke, Salad's their Naruto, and Snakebro by that reasoning is their Sakura, and I'm actually fine with this. It fits. I like the potential this has, it's clearly gearing up to something neat, and from the looks of that flashforward some consequence and power scale correction might happen and it might be good!

So basically, it has potential! But it's also got one major flaw.

HOW THE **** DO YOU DRAW WORSE THEN LATE GAME NARUTO?! Naruto's final chapters really weren't drawn well at all and this chapter is somehow WORSE. The art is just BAD, BAD BAD BAD. IF the art doesn't improve it won't really matter if this series actually ends up being good because I don't think people will be able to stand it.

2016-05-05, 10:41 PM
It's Naruto's sequel so think sticking with the NAruto thread is fine.

Found and read it. My thoughts:

Bort's a **** heel like Sasuke, Salad's their Naruto, and Snakebro by that reasoning is their Sakura, and I'm actually fine with this. It fits. I like the potential this has, it's clearly gearing up to something neat, and from the looks of that flashforward some consequence and power scale correction might happen and it might be good!

So basically, it has potential! But it's also got one major flaw.

HOW THE **** DO YOU DRAW WORSE THEN LATE GAME NARUTO?! Naruto's final chapters really weren't drawn well at all and this chapter is somehow WORSE. The art is just BAD, BAD BAD BAD. IF the art doesn't improve it won't really matter if this series actually ends up being good because I don't think people will be able to stand it.

It's not 'worse'. He's just drawing in a different style to try and separate his works (and succeeded). Hair, faces, bodies, and the environment are intentionally drawn differently than the original Naruto. YMMV on whether the new style is better or worse, I personally think its actually better.

Except Hinata. She just looks weird.

For the plot

So when !DefinitelyNotSasuke says, "I'll send you to join the 7th", the obvious implication is that they think Naruto is dead. YMMV on whether he actually is or isn't, but both he and Bolt at least THINK he's dead.

They also appear to be setting the stage for the initial major conflict of the series to be the clash between technology that can mimic ninja abilities and ninja themselves. We'll have to see how that goes and how effectively he can pull it off as a story.

Also, scientist dude asking Naruto to let Chuunin exam entrants use his new tech is so Obviously Evil it isn't even funny.

2016-05-05, 11:35 PM
It's Naruto's sequel so think sticking with the NAruto thread is fine.

Found and read it. My thoughts:

Bort's a **** heel like Sasuke, Salad's their Naruto, and Snakebro by that reasoning is their Sakura, and I'm actually fine with this. It fits. I like the potential this has, it's clearly gearing up to something neat, and from the looks of that flashforward some consequence and power scale correction might happen and it might be good!

So basically, it has potential! But it's also got one major flaw.

HOW THE **** DO YOU DRAW WORSE THEN LATE GAME NARUTO?! Naruto's final chapters really weren't drawn well at all and this chapter is somehow WORSE. The art is just BAD, BAD BAD BAD. IF the art doesn't improve it won't really matter if this series actually ends up being good because I don't think people will be able to stand it.

I forgot to write this earlier, but one reason why I think it may be apt to do a seperate thread is that the series is no longer written or drawn by the author of the naruto manga but it is now done by two different people with Kishmoto overseeing / editing it.

Creator and Editor is Masashi Kishmoto http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Masashi_Kishimoto
Note over the 15 years it took to write Naruto doing 700 chapters Kishmoto had 12 assistants over the time (but not all at the same time, for the assistants were continually coming and leaving)

Manga Art is Miki Ikemoto http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Mikio_Ikemoto
Miki Ikemoto is an assistant to Kishmoto and previous did some of the backgrounds, crowds, etc

Manga Script is Ukyou Kodachi http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Uky%C5%8D_Kodachi
Kodachi cowrote / collaborated with writting the Script for Boruto: Naruto the Movie, he wrote the light novel adaptation of the movie, and wrote a light novel of Naruto that occurs during the Time Skip between Naruto 700 and Boruto involving the Sand Nation

I bring this up for your comment La Zodiac about the art style reminded me that I forgot to mention this detail.

2016-05-06, 12:22 AM
Uhm...that kid from the intro looks like Sasuke and Naruto's lovechild, right? Also, it appears the marking on both that kid and Boruto are from their own sage modes. Interesting.

I'm still surprised that the jutsu tech of D&D-style scrolls is a complete 180 degree of the past practice of making sure, whatever it takes, that a clan's kekkei genkai or hiden never gets in the hands of an outsider. On the flip side, that deeply rooted tradition also spawned crapton of conflicts and even threats of war, so I can see Naruto going the opposite way and all Oprah, inadvertedly making basic Sharingan a little less unique.

The Sasuke-Boruto comparison upthread is hilarious, considering Kishi is all over Sasuke and now we get the main character being touted as "the Sasuke" of his trio.

2016-05-06, 12:25 AM
It's not 'worse'. He's just drawing in a different style to try and separate his works (and succeeded). Hair, faces, bodies, and the environment are intentionally drawn differently than the original Naruto. YMMV on whether the new style is better or worse, I personally think its actually better.

Except Hinata. She just looks weird.

For the plot

So when !DefinitelyNotSasuke says, "I'll send you to join the 7th", the obvious implication is that they think Naruto is dead. YMMV on whether he actually is or isn't, but both he and Bolt at least THINK he's dead.

They also appear to be setting the stage for the initial major conflict of the series to be the clash between technology that can mimic ninja abilities and ninja themselves. We'll have to see how that goes and how effectively he can pull it off as a story.

Also, scientist dude asking Naruto to let Chuunin exam entrants use his new tech is so Obviously Evil it isn't even funny.

Yeah it's a YMMV on the art. Sorry, it's just...a really visceral reaction on my part. The art looks TOO different, but also too similiar. It's an uncanny valley sort of thing, Hinata getting the worst of it.

I'm pretty sure Kawaki or whatever his name is isn't Sasuke :smallamused:. Anyway, I for one think Naruto is full on Dead Dead. Bort's comments and narration make it pretty clear that he's REALLY REALLY dead, and dies sooner rather than later.

Also yes the scientist is such a blatently evil guy that I kind of hope he's not a villain he's just unfortunately cursed to look like a scumbag.

2016-06-03, 02:19 AM
A new chapter came out for Boruto: Naruto Next Generations making this the 2nd comic of this new series.

There is also a 1 shot about Orochimaru with Naruto Side Story - The Path Shone By The Full Moon's Light .

2016-06-03, 09:03 AM
Haven't read the Orochimaru side story, but have read the new Bort. So yeah, new chapter!

Bort learns to Rasengan almost immediately but it's very tiny. Because Sasuke is bad at words he begins with "haha it's very tiny" instead of "that's very impressive good job". So Bort cheats by using tech and Sasuke can tell and he's not impressed at all but he lets it slide. Salad continues to be the best character, wearing some weird fancy shirt and skirt combo and clearly likeing Bort despite him being stupid. "Mizuki is here too".

Sasuke reveals to Naruto "oh hey by the way I fought other moon demons" and Naruto's annoyed he didn't mention that before "I found a neat scroll in KAguya's moon fort". We end the chapter by seeing said moon demons killing Killer Bee and making clear their next goal is to find and kill Naruto to get the Kyubei. Oh noes.

This chapter was actually kind of good, in so much that it's clearly setting up for "and then Bort tries to use teh tech in the exam or to save his Dad and it fails and his own natural talents also fail him sine he doesn't bother training HIMSELF."

2016-06-05, 04:34 PM
Man, I thought the new story would dial the power creep far back to early Naruto levels, but
Apparently we now get Ninjutsu TMs, and the new threats make quick work of Killer freakin Bee. I mean, sure, the dude may be old and all, but still...

Oh, and Sakura looks... barely like Sakura at all.

2016-06-05, 04:37 PM
Man, I thought the new story would dial the power creep far back to early Naruto levels, but
Apparently we now get Ninjutsu TMs, and the new threats make quick work of Killer freakin Bee. I mean, sure, the dude may be old and all, but still...

Oh, and Sakura looks... barely like Sakura at all.

she has breasts now? Heh, sorry, low blow. Too many pretimeskip fanfics that hate on her to a high extent.

2016-06-05, 09:18 PM
Man, I thought the new story would dial the power creep far back to early Naruto levels, but
Apparently we now get Ninjutsu TMs, and the new threats make quick work of Killer freakin Bee. I mean, sure, the dude may be old and all, but still...

Oh, and Sakura looks... barely like Sakura at all.

So Boruto the movie came out last year in 2015. It is written by the same author as the spin off Boruto manga. It is going to cover some of the same ground as Boruto the movie before advancing to the new plot. Those two people are the same villains in Boruto the movie. I am going to keep the rest of the post focusing on the manga only and pretend the movie Boruto the Movie does not exist since there is going to be some overlap.

Yes there is power creep with these two villains who Sasuke speculates is from Otsutsuki clan (remember Sasuke was searching dimensions trying to figure out Kaguya's plans). One of these two new Otsutsuki villians, the one who did not fight Sasuke but did fight Killer Bee, has a white hand and a black hand and rinnegan in the palm of each hands. He absorbed the tailed beast ball from Killer B with his right hand which is the color white (probably similar to Preta path), and the returned the attack and amplified its power with the left hand which is black. This same villain that Sasuke did not fight also have two byakugan in his normal eye sockets.

Now the rinnegan in the palms of each hand are unlike Danzo's implanted sharingan, we see his hands with the rinnegan open and active like you have your eyelids open, but we also see his hands at other times with the same white black coloring but the rinnegan is not there similar to the eyelid being closed. In sasuke's situation with the rinnegan the rinnegan can remain on but if he does not recharge his chakra he can only use it for so long before it deactivates, he then can keep the eye open and still use his sharingan and mangekyou sharingan but not the rinnegan abilities. Or he can close his rinnegan eye to recharge it faster. In Naruto the last movie as well as the Naruto Gaiden the Seventh Hokage (the one that focused on Sarada Uchihia) we see that Sasuke's rinnegan will retain the circles all the time but it is not fully active until the 6 tomoe appear and Sasuke can turn on and off the six tomoe.


But on the subject of power creep. Yes we are going to see some villains that are strong enough to fight Naruto and Sasuke just from a narrative standpoint if the goal is to kill these two demigods in some sort of battle.

That said I would not be surprised that most of the villains instead of the big bad will be fighting at early Shippuden / Part 2 power levels instead of the insane power levels that we saw in the 10 Tails / Madara / Kaguya levels. This is to allow Boruto, Sarada, and their team mate Mitsuki to have room to grow.

We already know that Sarada is roughly early Shippuden / Part 2 levels due to her having similar strength as her mother Sakura during her fight with Sasori, plus Sarada has a very early Sharingan.

We also know that Mitsuki can access sage mode though so far he has not demonstrated any form of mastery and this sage mode only seems to work when Mitsuki is emotionally aroused similar to how in Naruto before the time skip when the Kyuubi chakra can appear if Naruto was angry or in danger.

So regardless of the fact all three team members are still technically genins who are about to take the Chunin exams, it is obvious that in a real life power level these team members are at least Chunin level and maybe weak Jonin level.


As for the technology that allows people to use ninja techniques without mastering chakra or learn clans special abilities, it was kinda of a narrative neccessity. If the villages are working together instead of feuding, you had to create a way for outsiders to accumulate power easily to be serious villains. Thus it was going to be something like they came from another dimension, or they are using biology and cloning to create soldiers (this was done before with the Zetsus), and I think a more technology based explanation was one that made narrative sense.

Now another option instead of technology providing tm like ninja abilities was some form of secret society that was working within the villages and plans to undermine them from within, like a secret cult who finally declare themselves as the villains. Since it is a secret society, this society could recruit from the existing Chunin and Jonins. If they went this route arguably they could create a different style of manga where it is a secret war where the heroes are fighting terrorists but since you do not know what side each of these people are on, you will see a lot more sneaking, spying, and ninja like behavior where the goal is to locate this secret society and destroy it from within.

2016-06-05, 11:47 PM
So Boruto the movie came out last year in 2015. It is written by the same author as the spin off Boruto manga. It is going to cover some of the same ground as Boruto the movie before advancing to the new plot. Those two people are the same villains in Boruto the movie.

Yes there is power creep with these two villains who Sasuke speculates is from Otsutsuki clan (remember Sasuke was searching dimensions trying to figure out Kaguya's plans). One of these two new Otsutsuki villians, the one who did not fight Sasuke but did fight Killer Bee, has a white hand and a black hand and rinnegan in the palm of each hands. He absorbed the tailed beast ball from Killer B with his right hand which is the color white (probably similar to Preta path), and the returned the attack and amplified its power with the left hand which is black. This same villain that Sasuke did not fight also have two byakugan in his normal eye sockets.

Now the rinnegan in the palms of each hand are unlike Danzo's implanted sharingan, we see his hands with the rinnegan open and active like you have your eyelids open, but we also see his hands at other times with the same white black coloring but the rinnegan is not there similar to the eyelid being closed. In sasuke's situation with the rinnegan the rinnegan can remain on but if he does not recharge his chakra he can only use it for so long before it deactivates, he then can keep the eye open and still use his sharingan and mangekyou sharingan but not the rinnegan abilities. Or he can close his rinnegan eye to recharge it faster. In Naruto the last movie as well as the Naruto Gaiden the Seventh Hokage (the one that focused on Sarada Uchihia) we see that Sasuke's rinnegan will retain the circles all the time but it is not fully active until the 6 tomoe appear and Sasuke can turn on and off the six tomoe.


But on the subject of power creep. Yes we are going to see some villains that are strong enough to fight Naruto and Sasuke just from a narrative standpoint if the goal is to kill these two demigods in some sort of battle.

That said I would not be surprised that most of the villains instead of the big bad will be fighting at early Shippuden / Part 2 power levels instead of the insane power levels that we saw in the 10 Tails / Madara / Kaguya levels. This is to allow Boruto, Sarada, and their team mate Mitsuki to have room to grow.

We already know that Sarada is roughly early Shippuden / Part 2 levels due to her having similar strength as her mother Sakura during her fight with Sasori, plus Sarada has a very early Sharingan.

We also know that Mitsuki can access sage mode though so far he has not demonstrated any form of mastery and this sage mode only seems to work when Mitsuki is emotionally aroused similar to how in Naruto before the time skip when the Kyuubi chakra can appear if Naruto was angry or in danger.

So regardless of the fact all three team members are still technically genins who are about to take the Chunin exams, it is obvious that in a real life power level these team members are at least Chunin level and maybe weak Jonin level.


As for the technology that allows people to use ninja techniques without mastering chakra or learn clans special abilities, it was kinda of a narrative neccessity. If the villages are working together instead of feuding, you had to create a way for outsiders to accumulate power easily to be serious villains. Thus it was going to be something like they came from another dimension, or they are using biology and cloning to create soldiers (this was done before with the Zetsus), and I think a more technology based explanation was one that made narrative sense.

Now another option instead of technology providing tm like ninja abilities was some form of secret society that was working within the villages and plans to undermine them from within, like a secret cult who finally declare themselves as the villains. Since it is a secret society, this society could recruit from the existing Chunin and Jonins. If they went this route arguably they could create a different style of manga where it is a secret war where the heroes are fighting terrorists but since you do not know what side each of these people are on, you will see a lot more sneaking, spying, and ninja like behavior where the goal is to locate this secret society and destroy it from within.

one of the shin's clones sacriface himself so sarada can get eternal mangeko sharingan and by the way watch kyubi in movie pulling part 1 naruto on bolt so naruto seal kyubi on both kids as emergency/ keep an eye for them

Aotrs Commander
2016-06-06, 05:30 PM
I just admit, nothing I'm seeing is particualry inspiring me to want to carry on when - or perhaps even if! I laboriously get to the end of Shippuden's anime. I may just stop at Naruto the Last movie and call it a day.

2016-06-06, 06:11 PM
I just admit, nothing I'm seeing is particualry inspiring me to want to carry on when - or perhaps even if! I laboriously get to the end of Shippuden's anime. I may just stop at Naruto the Last movie and call it a day.

I agree, I just get this feeling like, "Ok, the story is over. Its done. My interest is finished. No, I dont want to see what happens to the next generation." On the other hand, I AM pleased they didnt go some cheesy epilogue route like, "And then our Messiah, our Lord and Savior, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze lead the elemental nations into an era of peace and prosperity that lasted for hundreds of years. Oh, and he finally got together with hinata and had kids. The End." That things are better, yet still far from perfect is a nice touch imo. Still dont want to read it though.

2016-06-07, 12:14 AM
I'm literally only reading it because I unironically like Salad's character as "the non emo Uchiha".

2016-06-07, 03:55 AM
I'm literally only reading it because I unironically like Salad's character as "the non emo Uchiha".

I blame this on Shizune (Dan's Niece, Tsunade first apprentice) for ruining Salad.

Sasuke and Sakura did their best to continue the Uchiha legacy via mixing wonderful parenting techniques and the best genetic stock available to Konoha. With the destruction of the Uchiha clan, it made complete and utter sense for Sauske to mate with a enthralled woman who possess a split personality. Sasuke and Sakura were loving parents, they did their best to truly mess up Salad for Salad's own sake, to help unlock the emo Uchiha potential that lies dormant in Salad

It is due to Shizune's brainwashing, as well as the interference of that damn pig Tonton that Salad turned out ... kinda normal. Damn them

(What was said above may be containing a little sarcasm and a little jest :smallwink: )

2016-06-07, 05:43 AM
I blame this on Shizune (Dan's Niece, Tsunade first apprentice) for ruining Salad.

Sasuke and Sakura did their best to continue the Uchiha legacy via mixing wonderful parenting techniques and the best genetic stock available to Konoha. With the destruction of the Uchiha clan, it made complete and utter sense for Sauske to mate with a enthralled woman who possess a split personality. Sasuke and Sakura were loving parents, they did their best to truly mess up Salad for Salad's own sake, to help unlock the emo Uchiha potential that lies dormant in Salad

It is due to Shizune's brainwashing, as well as the interference of that damn pig Tonton that Salad turned out ... kinda normal. Damn them

(What was said above may be containing a little sarcasm and a little jest :smallwink: )
news flash guys there is enough material to jump start whole clan with name of shin uchiha bastard has enough clones to basiclly make whole clan by self and by the way forget the orochi brat put shin uchiha in their team

2016-06-07, 09:31 AM
I blame this on Shizune (Dan's Niece, Tsunade first apprentice) for ruining Salad.

Sasuke and Sakura did their best to continue the Uchiha legacy via mixing wonderful parenting techniques and the best genetic stock available to Konoha. With the destruction of the Uchiha clan, it made complete and utter sense for Sauske to mate with a enthralled woman who possess a split personality. Sasuke and Sakura were loving parents, they did their best to truly mess up Salad for Salad's own sake, to help unlock the emo Uchiha potential that lies dormant in Salad

It is due to Shizune's brainwashing, as well as the interference of that damn pig Tonton that Salad turned out ... kinda normal. Damn them

(What was said above may be containing a little sarcasm and a little jest :smallwink: )

Don't forget everyone's favorite water boy ****ing up his attempt at playing Jerry Springer. Okay so maybe the reason why I like Salad is because everyone involved in her backstory is someone I like as well. I really like Suigetsu because he's so...not involved in any of the stupid ninja bull**** and just wants to have a cool sword.

And then he interns at Orochimaru's scienceman but he's still just slightly stupid enough to not realize that an "exact genetic match" means it's Salad's umbelical cord and not Sakura's.

2016-07-08, 12:35 PM
So Boruto the Movie came out in Japan on bluray this week (7/6/2016) so we may see a fan sub of this soon. (note it will cover much of the same starting material of the boruto the manga until the manga catches up with the movie and then moves the story further down.)

But one of the things about Boruto the Movie is that they had an OVA animated version of the two parter manga "The Day Naruto Became 7th Hokage" it has already been fansub and you can find it on several video sharing sites on the internet.

Watching it, all I can do is feel sorry for Naruto. Here is a normal guy, with normal parenting problems, and children while wonderful are also pure EVIL at times.

Watching this OVA should be mandatory prior to every Father's and Mother's day. We as former kids, or still kids / teens sometimes do not understand what we do to our parents at times.

news flash guys there is enough material to jump start whole clan with name of shin uchiha bastard has enough clones to basiclly make whole clan by self and by the way forget the orochi brat put shin uchiha in their team

Shin Uchiha was not an uchiha actually but instead had transplanted organs and/or dna. It is not clear if he would pass down the uchiha dna to his descendants.

2016-07-08, 12:52 PM
Haven't read the Orochimaru side story, but have read the new Bort. So yeah, new chapter!

Whats the name of the story?

2016-07-08, 03:56 PM
Whats the name of the story?

Naruto Gaiden The Road Illuminated by the Full Moon

2016-07-08, 08:56 PM
Just wanted to toss in an interesting fic One Small Kindness. Its actually a mikoto uchiha based story, Sasukes mom comes to pick him up from his first day at the academy, decides to let him play with Naruto instead of yanking him away and history changes dramatically. Its primarily based around the setup for the uchiha massacre.

2016-07-11, 02:59 PM
New chapter!

Chunin Exam stars! Gaara's new design is awful and all of their kids seem really ****ty people. Bort would of lost if not for Mitsuki's snake arms and Salad's...ninja parkour gear, of all things. But during capture the flag he resorts to using the tech gauntlet and that is bad.

Also, Naruto continues to be a genuinely awful father, and Salad shows that she's very willfully trying to avoid walking the path Sasuke did. Nice. Mitsuki continues to basically just be a throwaway snake child.

2016-07-12, 01:23 AM
New chapter!

Chunin Exam stars! Gaara's new design is awful and all of their kids seem really ****ty people. Bort would of lost if not for Mitsuki's snake arms and Salad's...ninja parkour gear, of all things. But during capture the flag he resorts to using the tech gauntlet and that is bad.

Also, Naruto continues to be a genuinely awful father, and Salad shows that she's very willfully trying to avoid walking the path Sasuke did. Nice. Mitsuki continues to basically just be a throwaway snake child.
by the way did any one saw kurama pulling his part one self while bort doing someting like naruto

2016-07-12, 05:46 AM
and all of their kids seem really ****ty people

Of course they are, they are kids..

Though regarding Naruto, i dont think he is being nearly as bad a father as some of the others we have seen in the previous generation. He is extremely busy though, but thats mainly due to his position.

2016-07-12, 07:36 AM
Of course they are, they are kids..

Though regarding Naruto, i dont think he is being nearly as bad a father as some of the others we have seen in the previous generation. He is extremely busy though, but thats mainly due to his position.
and he is using shadow clone jutsu 24 /7 if you watch the movie he dispell the clone instant he heard we are closing the program sentence from anouncer

2016-07-12, 08:33 AM
Gaara's new design is awful

Oh, I'm not the only one thinking so, good.

Just caught up on the whole manga... Really not sure if I'll bother to continue, though. I mean, yeah, Sarada is not terrible but apart from that... Boruto is a pain and I hope this is intentional and we are not meant to like him...
I also honestly wonder what Naruto's problem is. a) he's not smart enough to do any actual Hokage work, leave that to Shika and people with a brain. b) he can make like a thousand clones. Who are basically identical. Why have one of them attend to his family, if at all. You effing know what it's like to not have your dad around.
This is another case of Kishi doing something awfully convoluted to create drama.

Oh, also, ninja weapons are evil and forbidden because... well, I guess Kishi realizes the consequences of making weapons of mass destruction available to anyone. Is scientist guy going to be a big bad?

New Lee already got kicked out of the tournament, such a shame... And what kind of a weird first exam was that? "Give up or not?" Uhm, okay... that's the lesson people will learn from such a trick question, sure.

What I do like... the chapters seem to tie up their respective story parts well enough.

2016-07-12, 08:45 AM
Of course they are, they are kids..

Though regarding Naruto, i dont think he is being nearly as bad a father as some of the others we have seen in the previous generation. He is extremely busy though, but thats mainly due to his position.

Well yes but I mean their designs are kinda...meh, as well? They basically seem like "We're like team Gaara of the past only thing time it's because we're edgelords and not because one of us has an evil racoon inside of him that makes him carve Love into his forehead and kill people.

Also I'll be honest, Naruto isn't a bad father at all. He's just...the president of a country who's overwhelmed by the fact that hey guess what dumb tiny orange ninja child, being the president is a HARD JOB. Ninja President Chip Zanuff doesn't have enough time to even HAVE kids, let alone spend time with them. What made you think youj could? This is the guy who went "I wanna be the Hokage!" and when he did, he realized...****, this is actually a really rough job especially after you win the day so hard that there's almost no point to fighting anymore.

Naruto's basically doing the best he can.

Oh, I'm not the only one thinking so, good.

Just caught up on the whole manga... Really not sure if I'll bother to continue, though. I mean, yeah, Sarada is not terrible but apart from that... Boruto is a pain and I hope this is intentional and we are not meant to like him...
I also honestly wonder what Naruto's problem is. a) he's not smart enough to do any actual Hokage work, leave that to Shika and people with a brain. b) he can make like a thousand clones. Who are basically identical. Why have one of them attend to his family, if at all. You effing know what it's like to not have your dad around.
This is another case of Kishi doing something awfully convoluted to create drama.

Oh, also, ninja weapons are evil and forbidden because... well, I guess Kishi realizes the consequences of making weapons of mass destruction available to anyone. Is scientist guy going to be a big bad?

New Lee already got kicked out of the tournament, such a shame... And what kind of a weird first exam was that? "Give up or not?" Uhm, okay... that's the lesson people will learn from such a trick question, sure.

What I do like... the chapters seem to tie up their respective story parts well enough.

We are almost 100% certainly supposed to hate the **** out of Bort for being an annoying little **** child. He's like Sasuke if he was the protagonist, but was INTENTIONALLY made insufferable for a plot point instead of just being accidentally annoying.

That said you're right Kishimoto is smart enough to realize "hey technology has capsulized ninja technique that are akin to wmds that's probably not good. I just hope he plays it right.

I'll admit Naruto being smart with what he actually uses his clones for might be a good idea, but given he's no longer got the fox inside of him I think it makes sense that he, in his older age, isn't able to go for as long as he does now.

2016-07-12, 10:55 AM
no longer got the fox inside of him

Um, one: If that were the case he'd be dead, and two: in Naruto Gaiden, where we first see Sarada's issues with Sasuke, Naruto uses Kurama Mode(jmaybe Kurama sage mode) when fighting Shin. He kind of needs Kurama for that.

Remember, there are two Kuramas now because of Minato ripping him in half before he sealed him.

2016-07-12, 02:58 PM
Um, one: If that were the case he'd be dead, and two: in Naruto Gaiden, where we first see Sarada's issues with Sasuke, Naruto uses Kurama Mode(jmaybe Kurama sage mode) when fighting Shin. He kind of needs Kurama for that.

Remember, there are two Kuramas now because of Minato ripping him in half before he sealed him.

Right I forgot he had the other half inside of him. Still it does make a degree of sense that he's weaker due to age, right?

2016-07-12, 03:07 PM
Right I forgot he had the other half inside of him. Still it does make a degree of sense that he's weaker due to age, right?

Uzumaki clan has exceptionally strong "Life chakras" that mean that they live for a far longer time then normal, so no he's probably still in the Prime of his Youth unless he got majorly screwed up and had to rapidly regenerate several times(which shortens his life.)

The only way he'd be weaker is if he's out of practice, which is a fair assumption to make--The world has been at peace for over a decade and he's been working a desk job for a while. Not a lot of chances to stretch his legs, so to speak.

2016-07-12, 04:33 PM
Uzumaki clan has exceptionally strong "Life chakras" that mean that they live for a far longer time then normal, so no he's probably still in the Prime of his Youth unless he got majorly screwed up and had to rapidly regenerate several times(which shortens his life.)

The only way he'd be weaker is if he's out of practice, which is a fair assumption to make--The world has been at peace for over a decade and he's been working a desk job for a while. Not a lot of chances to stretch his legs, so to speak.

Yeah, I think I said that as well.

Speaking of stretching, both Mitsuki and Salad have some sort of rope like ability. Do you think Bort'll get one as well?

2016-07-13, 02:25 AM
Yeah, I think I said that as well.

Speaking of stretching, both Mitsuki and Salad have some sort of rope like ability. Do you think Bort'll get one as well?
he get kurama chakra grab like naruto v2 cloak ( check the early naruto and bolt you see same scene with kurama faking sleep( so we can say naruto sealed other half in kids))

2016-08-05, 12:06 PM
Hey there's a new Bort out.

Chunin exam continues. Fighting that is boring, but bubblegum bomb ninja is interesting. More cheating by Bort, and Naruto tries to be a good dad but is bad at it. Then he discovers his cheating.

Meanwhile, the harbingers of plot and bad writing approach...

2016-08-05, 12:23 PM
Hey there's a new Bort out.

Chunin exam continues. Fighting that is boring, but bubblegum bomb ninja is interesting. More cheating by Bort, and Naruto tries to be a good dad but is bad at it. Then he discovers his cheating.

Meanwhile, the harbingers of plot and bad writing approach...

Its a ninja exam, if you cheat and get away with it, that should get you extra credit. Naruto only passed the first stage of HIS exam by exploiting a loophole. Some would consider not answering a single question and yet passing anyways to be cheating, even if he didnt do it on purpose. Someone wrote it in a fanfic once and I really liked it, "If it is not forbidden it is allowed, and for a ninja its only cheating if you get caught"

2016-08-05, 01:06 PM
Its a ninja exam, if you cheat and get away with it, that should get you extra credit. Naruto only passed the first stage of HIS exam by exploiting a loophole. Some would consider not answering a single question and yet passing anyways to be cheating, even if he didnt do it on purpose. Someone wrote it in a fanfic once and I really liked it, "If it is not forbidden it is allowed, and for a ninja its only cheating if you get caught"

Yeah but he cheated in a bad way, if that makes sense? He just used technology to be good, without any actual skill involved. He'd of been out in every round if he didn't have friends who are actually just good ninjas.

One could argue Naruto was the same way but at least he TRIED.

2016-08-05, 01:09 PM
Yeah but he cheated in a bad way, if that makes sense? He just used technology to be good, without any actual skill involved. He'd of been out in every round if he didn't have friends who are actually just good ninjas.

One could argue Naruto was the same way but at least he TRIED.

True enough.

2016-08-05, 04:22 PM
But it nowhere says technology is forbidden. And using technology also requires skill, to an extent. It's like the people complaining about how CGI is lazy, since they likely never tried to do any CGI...
Don't get me wrong, Boruto has a bad conscience and tries to hide this for a reason, but except for Naruto being against this technology.... how is it worse than any other ninjy weapon?

More in general... eh, fine chapter. Okay, okay chapter. Nothing majorly bad... except maybe the ominous talk of the scroll which tells us absolutely nothing. Great writing, totally not mysterious on purpose and stuff.

2016-08-05, 11:55 PM
But it nowhere says technology is forbidden. And using technology also requires skill, to an extent. It's like the people complaining about how CGI is lazy, since they likely never tried to do any CGI...
Don't get me wrong, Boruto has a bad conscience and tries to hide this for a reason, but except for Naruto being against this technology.... how is it worse than any other ninjy weapon?

More in general... eh, fine chapter. Okay, okay chapter. Nothing majorly bad... except maybe the ominous talk of the scroll which tells us absolutely nothing. Great writing, totally not mysterious on purpose and stuff.

I think the issue is because it allows him to do stuff he can't ACTUALLY do, no matter how hard he trains. What's the point of having a contest of personal strength and growth if you're going to use something to make you not have to grow as a person?

Like, look at it this way. Ten Ten uses weapons. Weapons are tools that let her attack at long range. But she's got to throw them, learn how to throw them, do all the chakra stuff to control them, and so on. The implication of the ninja scroll pellets is that you just slot them in and they do the work. Aim and shoot, without any REAL effort involved. Now, lets say Bort MADE the ninja gauntlet himself, and made all of those pellets himself, THEN it'd be okay. Kankuro doesn't get **** for using puppets because he made those things, after all. So that's the differences, I think, between a regular ninja tool and a device that lets even a non ninja throw super power blasts around like a high tier ninja.

2016-08-06, 12:19 AM
In the movie that that this is adapting, the Gauntlet was also an untested and unapproved Ninja Tool, so.

2016-08-06, 12:19 AM
Ninja Weapons

One of the problems of ninja weapons is they do not improve Chakra. They do not improve your base stats with manipulating the physical components of chakra or the spiritual / mental components.

Now proper chakra control is important, it raises your base stats including strength, endurance, speed, and agility. Proper Chakra control will allow you to do the basics such as walking on water or walking on walls. Proper Chakra Control is necessary to disrupt Genjutsu.


Ninja Weapons are self contained systems, they have nothing to do with the user. In the Chunin exams the whole point is to show off the power of the user for the sake of the village. Thus Ninja Weapons is against the spirit and the purpose of the Chunin Exams, the whole point of the Chunin exams is not to win, nor is it to cheat to win, the whole point of the Chunin Exams is to a fake war game, a military training exercise where you show off the power of your nation's regiment of troops vs another nation's regiment of troops.

Now a secondary purpose of the chunin exams is to be a place for self advancement in that regiment of troops. To get a promotion, like moving up from cadet/ensign to lieutenant.

2016-08-06, 04:04 AM
I think the issue is because it allows him to do stuff he can't ACTUALLY do, no matter how hard he trains. What's the point of having a contest of personal strength and growth if you're going to use something to make you not have to grow as a person?

Like, look at it this way. Ten Ten uses weapons. Weapons are tools that let her attack at long range. But she's got to throw them, learn how to throw them, do all the chakra stuff to control them, and so on. The implication of the ninja scroll pellets is that you just slot them in and they do the work. Aim and shoot, without any REAL effort involved. Now, lets say Bort MADE the ninja gauntlet himself, and made all of those pellets himself, THEN it'd be okay. Kankuro doesn't get **** for using puppets because he made those things, after all. So that's the differences, I think, between a regular ninja tool and a device that lets even a non ninja throw super power blasts around like a high tier ninja.

Yes, but he still needs to use them (somehwhat) strategically. While it makes things easier for him, they are not an instant win button (or shouldn't be). He needs to consider when to use which scroll and how. Granted, this is a different and arguably lower level of skill requirement but it's still skill.

2016-08-06, 06:34 AM
I think the real problem, as Rater202 noted, is that the device is untested and unapproved, and Naruto is not happy with his son being used as a test dummy.

2016-08-06, 08:01 AM
I mean, does Sand Shield require skill? Does activating a cursed seal? Does Suigetsu's physical invulnerability in water form? Does Kimimaro's KG lottery? I mean, the first two are tacked with hefty drawbacks, but that's it.

2016-08-06, 11:07 AM
Gaara consciously augments his shield of sand when he anticipates it's not good enough, the cursed seal will kill you if you don't learn how to use it, the Hozuki liquid form ability is technique classified as a secret water technique making it at least partially knowledge based, not much is known about Kaguya's bloodline limit but Kimimaro is an expert at combining his bloodline & taijutsu which probably years of personal training to achieve.

I feel the argument is debating the two extremes when it's the middle in question. Side A says tools bad and lists the various reasons and side B on the other hand refuses to accept it because a tool is only as good as it's user but have taken it to the extreme that using a tool must also inherent mean you are some kind of super expert professional. But what's really going on is that the purposes of determining a ninja's promotion and evaluating their abilities using a tool that rapidly fires off all fire elemental types (and any sealed bloodline) simply pushed the line to far and it was barred for misleading the judges and being unfair to anyone who didn't have either a free trial or deep pockets.

Remember the tool's development isn't restricted and Boruto wasn't the first or only ninja to use it. It is simply banned from the chunin exams. I like to think of it like how the military uses guns & hummers but they still need to train their survival and unarmed skills and achieve a certain level of fitness just in case their equipment breaks or runs out. And if that doesn't work, how about how many tests in school were you allowed to take with google open in front of you?

2016-08-06, 11:12 AM
I think the real problem, as Rater202 noted, is that the device is untested and unapproved, and Naruto is not happy with his son being used as a test dummy.

From the anime it seemed very clear, that what he were unhappy with, were catching his son cheating on the test.

I mean, does Sand Shield require skill? Does activating a cursed seal? Does Suigetsu's physical invulnerability in water form? Does Kimimaro's KG lottery? I mean, the first two are tacked with hefty drawbacks, but that's it.

It hardly matters if those things require skill to use or not. The exam is a place where they test ninja's against each other, but while you cant randomly give some of them a sand shield, and should not give them a cursed seal, then you can give such a device.
And its something that would scew the test results, the same way as if you randomly gave swords and shurikens to 1/3 of them.

2016-08-07, 02:04 AM
Yeah but he cheated in a bad way, if that makes sense? He just used technology to be good, without any actual skill involved. He'd of been out in every round if he didn't have friends who are actually just good ninjas.

One could argue Naruto was the same way but at least he TRIED.
he prepares two shurikens to beat him but decides to use the device for little show boating plus they train same problem with sasuke

2016-08-30, 11:34 PM
For those of you who read Naruto fanfiction, I recently found one that had somehow slipped under my radar, and man, it may very well be the best I've ever read, and if not the best(Echoes and Third Fangs fic are still top contenders), it's definitely top 3. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4573620/1/A-Drop-of-Poison

It's premise is, Iruka gets knocked out by Mizuki due to poison on the giant windmill shuriken that Iruka took in the back for Naruto. As such Naruto fails the academy and ends up having to repeat. Before that happens though, he discovers one of his clones had a cloned version of the Forbidden Scroll on his back, and this leads to....many, many changes. I don't want to say too much else, but I can say it's well written, with very few spelling/grammatical errors(I'm not even sure if I've noticed any at all to be honest, but that may be because the story is so good), and while it's apparent Naruto is becoming very powerful, it's not an instant thing, and it's in a rather different fashion then normal.

2016-09-01, 04:12 AM
For those of you who read Naruto fanfiction, I recently found one that had somehow slipped under my radar, and man, it may very well be the best I've ever read, and if not the best(Echoes and Third Fangs fic are still top contenders), it's definitely top 3. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4573620/1/A-Drop-of-Poison

It's premise is, Iruka gets knocked out by Mizuki due to poison on the giant windmill shuriken that Iruka took in the back for Naruto. As such Naruto fails the academy and ends up having to repeat. Before that happens though, he discovers one of his clones had a cloned version of the Forbidden Scroll on his back, and this leads to....many, many changes. I don't want to say too much else, but I can say it's well written, with very few spelling/grammatical errors(I'm not even sure if I've noticed any at all to be honest, but that may be because the story is so good), and while it's apparent Naruto is becoming very powerful, it's not an instant thing, and it's in a rather different fashion then normal.

you were right. its a pretty decent fic. even if i dislike reading good ones which are unfinished/abandoned. not knowing how it ends grinds my gears :P

2016-09-01, 05:03 AM
you were right. its a pretty decent fic. even if i dislike reading good ones which are unfinished/abandoned. not knowing how it ends grinds my gears :P

I'm actually not sure it's abandoned, going off of reviews, and comments from the earlier chapters, plus how long the fic has gone(from 2008 until March of this year), it would appear that the author just has a very, very slow update process. Initially it seemed like they only updated it once every 6 months to a year, but then started to update once a month for a period of time, and then recently fell off the wagon again. It's quite possible he/she might churn out another update in the near future and maybe even return to a more frequent update schedule. I'm keeping my fingers crossed :)

2016-09-01, 05:14 AM
I'm actually not sure it's abandoned, going off of reviews, and comments from the earlier chapters, plus how long the fic has gone(from 2008 until March of this year), it would appear that the author just has a very, very slow update process. Initially it seemed like they only updated it once every 6 months to a year, but then started to update once a month for a period of time, and then recently fell off the wagon again. It's quite possible he/she might churn out another update in the near future and maybe even return to a more frequent update schedule. I'm keeping my fingers crossed :)

ill just atribute that to me not understanding fanfiq.net then. i though the last update was 2008 XD

2016-09-01, 05:26 AM
ill just atribute that to me not understanding fanfiq.net then. i though the last update was 2008 XD

:) No, that's just when it was published. Right before that it says "Updated: Mar 4". Since there's no year next to that, it indicates that it's March 4 of this year.

2016-09-02, 11:15 AM
well, now im finished with that fic. Does anyone have any good recomendations? weirdly enough Naruto is one of the few things i can tolerate fanfiction of...

2016-09-02, 11:31 AM
well, now im finished with that fic. Does anyone have any good recomendations? weirdly enough Naruto is one of the few things i can tolerate fanfiction of...
Time Braid (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5193644/1/Time-Braid) is really good. Sakura gets stuck in a Groundhog Day style time loop with the reset point being the start of the Chunin Exam. Somehow, she has to learn how to survive the Forest of Death (complete with Orochimaru encounter), pass the preliminary combat trial, and prevent Orochimaru's invasion from devastating Konoha, all without relying on fickle luck that she can't consistently repeat. And that's just the beginning.

2016-09-02, 11:43 AM
Time Braid (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5193644/1/Time-Braid) is really good. Sakura gets stuck in a Groundhog Day style time loop with the reset point being the start of the Chunin Exam. Somehow, she has to learn how to survive the Forest of Death (complete with Orochimaru encounter), pass the preliminary combat trial, and prevent Orochimaru's invasion from devastating Konoha, all without relying on fickle luck that she can't consistently repeat. And that's just the beginning.

yea i read that one. my favorite, except for the demon enslaving hinata thing... that just felt wrong to read :s

maybe i should have mentioned the once i did read... So far the once i remember are Time braid, chuunin exam day, drop of poison, reaching for a dream (wich is also pretty good but lewd as all heck), and I am not going through puberty again.
all nice once. also i tried some others but couldnt get through em, so i dont remember the names i guess.

2016-09-02, 12:56 PM
Reaching for a dream has multiple sequels if you are interested in the continuing adventures of naruto, though crossovers abound in them. dc comics in one, seikiri in another, sg1 in a third, etc.
The Hope of the Senju Clan is a good one, still updating, if slowly. Its a strong naruto story with one heck of a twist for its start. The Mouse of Konoha is awesome, even if its a slow updater. Its so far primarily a story about a young naruto getting a lesson along the lines of there is no such thing as a free lunch. He takes that lesson to heart and turns the world on its ear. Its a long story already and he only recently started the academy. If you enjoy that, read Win Some, Lose some. Its a collection of mainly one shots, but they are all good length, and a lot of really interesting story premises there. And The Beast Cometh is an interesting naruto crossover with the justice league. Meh, you know what? Do an author search for me Tribernator and take a gander through my favorites list. Its primarily naruto or harry potter but since you can do category searches as well im sure you will find a few good fics out of the nearly 800 or so in my favorites.

2016-09-02, 01:12 PM
Just remembered Lighting Up the Dark (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9311012/1/Lighting-Up-the-Dark). The basic premise is that intelligence and clever tactics are powerful and valued above all else, and the scary thing about the Bijuu isn't how powerful they are (in fact, they have no more power than a normal ninja) but rather how smart they are. The author does a very good job of coming up with plausible non-hand-wavy ways to showcase the creativity of the characters and how important it is. It's not complete and updates infrequently, but it is still being worked on.

2016-09-02, 05:31 PM
Just remembered Lighting Up the Dark (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9311012/1/Lighting-Up-the-Dark). The basic premise is that intelligence and clever tactics are powerful and valued above all else, and the scary thing about the Bijuu isn't how powerful they are (in fact, they have no more power than a normal ninja) but rather how smart they are. The author does a very good job of coming up with plausible non-hand-wavy ways to showcase the creativity of the characters and how important it is. It's not complete and updates infrequently, but it is still being worked on.

It's funny you mention this story as I just so happen to be reading it right now. Only a few chapters in but I'm enjoying it so far :)

2016-09-05, 06:41 AM
Just remembered Lighting Up the Dark (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9311012/1/Lighting-Up-the-Dark). The basic premise is that intelligence and clever tactics are powerful and valued above all else, and the scary thing about the Bijuu isn't how powerful they are (in fact, they have no more power than a normal ninja) but rather how smart they are. The author does a very good job of coming up with plausible non-hand-wavy ways to showcase the creativity of the characters and how important it is. It's not complete and updates infrequently, but it is still being worked on.

Just finished that one (as in, i read all of it thats out so far) and that is a good one! indeed smartly written. thanks for letting us know!

2016-09-08, 04:32 PM
New Bort!

Wow what utterly ****ing garbage hamfisted dialogue and plot points. Bort is using a machine to be better, the god rabbit idiots are doing the same only it's not a machine it's just a drug they use. IT's...I get it man. Symbolism. I get it.

And NAruto's gonna go die in a fight against these two people who are not even remotely a threat to anyone in anyway because...how are they supposed to be a threat compared to Kaguya again?

2016-09-08, 04:58 PM
New Bort!

Wow what utterly ****ing garbage hamfisted dialogue and plot points. Bort is using a machine to be better, the god rabbit idiots are doing the same only it's not a machine it's just a drug they use. IT's...I get it man. Symbolism. I get it.

And NAruto's gonna go die in a fight against these two people who are not even remotely a threat to anyone in anyway because...how are they supposed to be a threat compared to Kaguya again?

Didnt the scroll say even kaguya warned about these guys? Maybe not because they are stronger, but are mega greedy for all that yummy chakra and therefore dangerous?
but yea i agree, they do not seem like a big enough threat to make it believable that naruta dies here... maybe just get a bit beat up. something to teach Bort to work instead of dope or something

2016-09-08, 05:17 PM
New Bort!

Wow what utterly ****ing garbage hamfisted dialogue and plot points. Bort is using a machine to be better, the god rabbit idiots are doing the same only it's not a machine it's just a drug they use. IT's...I get it man. Symbolism. I get it.

And NAruto's gonna go die in a fight against these two people who are not even remotely a threat to anyone in anyway because...how are they supposed to be a threat compared to Kaguya again?

Why they are a threat?

Using spoilers only from the first five chapters of the manga.

Chapter 2 of Boruto established those two are from the same clan as Kaguya. Chapter 2 also established the skinner guy has both Byakugan in his main eyes, and 2 rinnegans in the palms of his hand. Once again with Chapter 2, the two rinnegan allow him to do something similar to the Preta / Hungry Ghost path version of the Rinnegan with absorbing techniques but there are some key differences unique to this new villain. This new villain uses 1 rinnegan located on his right hand, understand the technique and absorb the technique, and then replicate the technique with his left hand, except the technique is magnified by the villain's / Otsutsuki massive chakra reserves and chakra control.

If you want to think seriously about it, the villain is a big "ninja tech tool" in biological form since the ninja tech tools work the same way where someone stores chakra and technique into a scroll (the right hand), while the ninja tool then later on replicates the technique at a later date (the left hand)

2016-09-08, 06:10 PM
Didnt the scroll say even kaguya warned about these guys? Maybe not because they are stronger, but are mega greedy for all that yummy chakra and therefore dangerous?
but yea i agree, they do not seem like a big enough threat to make it believable that naruta dies here... maybe just get a bit beat up. something to teach Bort to work instead of dope or something

Yeah. And even wth what Ramza said below...how is this at all a threat? Kaguya could just teleport people into an acid dimension full of acid. She just DIDN'T for some reason. She still seems far more threatening these these losers.

Hell, Sasuke snarked at them. Maybe when they do kill Naruto (because they clearly DO kill Naruto at some point, the flashfoward at the start of the series makes it pretty clear he's dead) we'll see, but right now...they seem really lame.

Why they are a threat?

Using spoilers only from the first five chapters of the manga.

Chapter 2 of Boruto established those two are from the same clan as Kaguya. Chapter 2 also established the skinner guy has both Byakugan in his main eyes, and 2 rinnegans in the palms of his hand. Once again with Chapter 2, the two rinnegan allow him to do something similar to the Preta / Hungry Ghost path version of the Rinnegan with absorbing techniques but there are some key differences unique to this new villain. This new villain uses 1 rinnegan located on his right hand, understand the technique and absorb the technique, and then replicate the technique with his left hand, except the technique is magnified by the villain's / Otsutsuki massive chakra reserves and chakra control.

If you want to think seriously about it, the villain is a big "ninja tech tool" in biological form since the ninja tech tools work the same way where someone stores chakra and technique into a scroll (the right hand), while the ninja tool then later on replicates the technique at a later date (the left hand)

This all makes sense and yet still doesn't really feel like it works. If not for the second guy and his absorbo hands Shikamaru would of outright killed that last guy. Shadow him and then stab him to death. These guys are NOT strong. They're just using tolls.

I realize that's the POINT, but having the guy outright say it the way he did, bragging about his drugs, makes the point way too blunt. It makes me sad because it just further reminds me of how Naruto had such subtle and good writing before, like with Haku and Zabuza. Now we've got this bunny eared mother****er bragging about his cool drugs and how they can make anyone as strong as a god with no effort HMM WHAT'S THAT BORT NO EFFORT HMMM SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING YOU DID HUH?

It's just...this could of been good but they just aren't even trying, it feels.

2016-09-08, 07:03 PM
This all makes sense and yet still doesn't really feel like it works. If not for the second guy and his absorbo hands Shikamaru would of outright killed that last guy. Shadow him and then stab him to death. These guys are NOT strong. They're just using tolls.

I realize that's the POINT, but having the guy outright say it the way he did, bragging about his drugs, makes the point way too blunt. It makes me sad because it just further reminds me of how Naruto had such subtle and good writing before, like with Haku and Zabuza. Now we've got this bunny eared mother****er bragging about his cool drugs and how they can make anyone as strong as a god with no effort HMM WHAT'S THAT BORT NO EFFORT HMMM SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING YOU DID HUH?

It's just...this could of been good but they just aren't even trying, it feels.

Yes the writting can be better.

Fun trivia fact

One of the two villain's name is Momoshiki, Momo as in Peach (the skinny one is momoshiki).

It is likely he is referencing a folk tale of Japan the peach boy of Momotarō. In the story Momo was found in a peach by an old couple and they adopt him as a child (this is similar to Kaguya who was found in a piece of bamboo and raised by an old man). Now there are many folk tales about Momotaro involving him having super strength and scaring off oni / demons / ogres from a nearby island, and in some of the stories Momotaro is a child who listens to his parents but in other stories he is a lazy brat who constantly falls asleep. (Evidence points to the good boy story being a later creation when it was used to try to instil values into children as an aesop).

Well it appears boruto will be going with the lazy brat version of Momotaro.

2016-09-08, 07:46 PM
Yeah. And even wth what Ramza said below...how is this at all a threat? Kaguya could just teleport people into an acid dimension full of acid. She just DIDN'T for some reason. She still seems far more threatening these these losers.

Hell, Sasuke snarked at them. Maybe when they do kill Naruto (because they clearly DO kill Naruto at some point, the flashfoward at the start of the series makes it pretty clear he's dead) we'll see, but right now...they seem really lame.

This all makes sense and yet still doesn't really feel like it works. If not for the second guy and his absorbo hands Shikamaru would of outright killed that last guy. Shadow him and then stab him to death. These guys are NOT strong. They're just using tolls.

I realize that's the POINT, but having the guy outright say it the way he did, bragging about his drugs, makes the point way too blunt. It makes me sad because it just further reminds me of how Naruto had such subtle and good writing before, like with Haku and Zabuza. Now we've got this bunny eared mother****er bragging about his cool drugs and how they can make anyone as strong as a god with no effort HMM WHAT'S THAT BORT NO EFFORT HMMM SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING YOU DID HUH?

It's just...this could of been good but they just aren't even trying, it feels.

Bah, dont do shikamaru down. That guy might as well be called japxanatos. The only reason he doesnt kick all of the butt in naruto is a lack of raw power to back up his brain. Honestly, thats his only weakness is being overwhelmed by so much sheer power no plan can counter it. Otherwise he is a scary scary man I wouldnt want to face in a dark alley. (especially not a dark alley :smallbiggrin: )

2016-09-08, 07:48 PM
Bah, dont do shikamaru down. That guy might as well be called japxanatos. The only reason he doesnt kick all of the butt in naruto is a lack of raw power to back up his brain. Honestly, thats his only weakness is being overwhelmed by so much sheer power no plan can counter it. Otherwise he is a scary scary man I wouldnt want to face in a dark alley. (especially not a dark alley :smallbiggrin: )

I'm actually not intending to be down on Shikamaru, it's just that of all the people who matter in this entire cast he's the only one who actively did anything to directly stop these people and it worked. If Momoshiki didn't have rude eyeball hands that eat things, this arc would be over. I LOVE that. Shikamaru rules.

2016-09-08, 08:28 PM
I'm actually not intending to be down on Shikamaru, it's just that of all the people who matter in this entire cast he's the only one who actively did anything to directly stop these people and it worked. If Momoshiki didn't have rude eyeball hands that eat things, this arc would be over. I LOVE that. Shikamaru rules.

Ah ok, I thought it was a sort of, "If someone as pathetic as shika could nearly win" etc etc etc. Because yeah, shika rules against anyone that doesnt have casual nation reshaping power levels. Against them he has to restrict himself to advising naruto and the other monsters of combat. And lets be honest, the whole "aha, you thought you had me but I also have this skill/partner/secret sauce ability" thing is kind of a staple of naruto at this point. All the way back to zabuza and haku. First the very existence of haku being a get out of death free card. Then the fight against haku showing us the surprise one handed ninjutsu seals, THEN haku broke out the bloodline. Speaking of one handed seals, did that ever come up again?

2016-09-09, 04:35 AM
So first we get jutsu-replicating tech, and now ninja drugs. Yay, progress?

Yes, the message was not very subtle there. Cool people don't cheat Boruto. He should be like his dad, and get tricked into stealing a scroll from the hokage to learn a forbidden technique. Kids these days.

2016-09-09, 08:46 AM
Wasn't there a moment with Naruto and Sasuke going Susanoo's Kurama on these guys?

Not much to say... obvious metaphor is obvious. Fight really doesn't work too well on the page. At least others also get to do stuff, even if it is just saving people.
About how much of a threat these guys are... eh, I'm not that concerned. Yeah, Kaguya was a goddess who should have crushed naruto and Sasuke, but then there was also Madara who was a super powerful immortal ninja zombie.

Regarding Shikamaru... see, I really like the guy. He is fun most of the time. BUT I've grown to have a serious issue with "super smart" people, like IQ over 200, or even more ridiculous claims. Shikamaru being smart is cool but such idiotic remarks.. is 150 not good enough? Something in the realm of "still makes sense"? And Shika is even worse with his "lazy genius" archetype which is aggravating when people start to claim they are just the same which is why they fail at school. Sure you are, kid, sure you are :smallsigh:
(I just to like him much more when I was a kid...)
Also... Kishi, you probably don't have an IQ beyond... I'll say 130, not to offend anyone. How do you write a person with an IQ over 200?

2016-09-09, 11:53 AM
Wasn't there a moment with Naruto and Sasuke going Susanoo's Kurama on these guys?

Yes Naruto and Sasuke combine their Kurama and the Susanoo multiple times. One for defensive purposes to protect the main Naruto while he pulled a Tsunade and tried to protect the villagers since the villagers would all die if he unleashed his true power. The second time to defeat peach boy Momoshiki when he became more of a demon. They defeat him but peach boy is eventually revived due the ninja tool guys getting involved.

Note if we were trying to gauge the relative power levels of Momoshiki based off feats, combining Kurama and a Perfect Susanoo was something Madara did at the Valley of the End (Vote). Aka live Madara with EMS prior to Rinnegan. Momoshikai also showed some offensive feats similar to EMS Madara prior to them reviving the 4 hokages and prior to the Ten Tails when Kabuto showed off his trump card. Momoshikai displayed no real defensive abilities besides his preta / hungry ghost ninjutsu absorption.

In theory this puts him roughly on the level of the 1st hokage during life / Madara with EMS during life / Madara during death with the Rinnegan. Note his true power can be far beyond this, I am assuming the weakest similar ability since we are trying to judge his power based off feats. It is far below anything as the Ten Tail jinchūriki such as Obito, Madara, Kaguya, etc who just flat out ignore ninjutsu unless it was sage based.

2016-09-09, 10:00 PM
The anime is close to finishing the manga now. They are at episode 475 of shippuden and they are at the talking phase of the story before Naruto vs Sasuke at the Valley of the End.

Part of me just stopped caring long ago so I will probably not watch it. If you are curious when I stopped watch the anime, it was the disaster which was Naruto Shippuden 167 where Pain fights the 8 Tails and it turns into Looney Tunes, the animation was just so bad)

Note supposedly there was a previous Naruto vs Sasuke fight in episode 450 that happened in the infinite tsukuyomi where Naruto tries to get Sasuke to return to the hidden leaf after Sasuke kills Orochimaru.

2016-09-09, 11:09 PM
The anime is close to finishing the manga now. They are at episode 475 of shippuden and they are at the talking phase of the story before Naruto vs Sasuke at the Valley of the End.

Part of me just stopped caring long ago so I will probably not watch it. If you are curious when I stopped watch the anime, it was the disaster which was Naruto Shippuden 167 where Pain fights the 8 Tails and it turns into Looney Tunes, the animation was just so bad)

Note supposedly there was a previous Naruto vs Sasuke fight in episode 450 that happened in the infinite tsukuyomi where Naruto tries to get Sasuke to return to the hidden leaf after Sasuke kills Orochimaru.

Thanks for reminding me, I just binge watched the kaguya battle and its conclusion. Dat ending though! This one day war may have dragged on forever, but naruto and his goodbye to his dad? Oh man the FEELS! There was just so much emotion involved in that. The sorrow of his dad leaving, his race to say everything he could to pass on to his mom, the humor of his exagerations about just how good a boy he was to kakashi and the old man, heh. It was freaking perfect. Next up I will catch the other episodes already released. Maybe the final battle between him and sasuke as it looks like one is there.

2016-09-30, 11:29 AM
Finally got to watch the final naruto/sasuke battle.

Damn its amazing how these two can weaponize nature itself and use lightning bolts and nukes to assault each other and all I can think is how cool it all looks, but when they are exhausted and just mindlessly punching each other it feels uncomfortably real somehow. That one part where sasuke got on top of naruto and just punched, and punched, and punched, and you saw narutos arms dropping as he was being beaten to death right there was just... dang. Once he got sasuke off him and they went back to slugging each other it got less uncomfortable and more a great scene of how both of them were going to their limits and beyond to end the fight. I got to watch the video right up till they had their final clash, I hope to see the aftermath soon.

2016-09-30, 01:25 PM
Finally got to watch the final naruto/sasuke battle.

Damn its amazing how these two can weaponize nature itself and use lightning bolts and nukes to assault each other and all I can think is how cool it all looks, but when they are exhausted and just mindlessly punching each other it feels uncomfortably real somehow. That one part where sasuke got on top of naruto and just punched, and punched, and punched, and you saw narutos arms dropping as he was being beaten to death right there was just... dang. Once he got sasuke off him and they went back to slugging each other it got less uncomfortable and more a great scene of how both of them were going to their limits and beyond to end the fight. I got to watch the video right up till they had their final clash, I hope to see the aftermath soon.

I honestly wish the end fight was just that second half of things. Bring us back to the reality that the Zabuza arc threw at us.

2016-09-30, 03:43 PM
I honestly wish the end fight was just that second half of things. Bring us back to the reality that the Zabuza arc threw at us.

I actually really enjoyed it. Even at its extreme peak they managed to run the battle as a constant flashback of the path that lead them to here. Their constant battles as children, then as ninjas, all of it. Also I liked one part of the pre fight argument. when sasuke is doing his whole, "I will do it all alone because im so awesome and able to stand being hated like a true kage should be" Naruto was basically like, "Yeah? So you were able to beat kaguya alone then?" And sasuke didnt really have a counter to that point. The funny thing is, even knowing sasuke is wrong, I could see his argument. The 5 nations only united because of obito and his world wide threat. There is nothing but hope that says they wouldnt quickly fall back apart without an outside threat keeping them united. MAYBE naruto could act as a beacon to keep them united. But naruto wont live forever. Meanwhile sasuke is already examining his options to do just that.

2016-09-30, 06:00 PM
Watched the anime Naruto vs Sasuke fight and was disapointed

Good Naruto fights are ones that involved A, B, or both

A) The fight is one that involve strategy, you can't win the fight just based off strength or even good tactics. No you have to think of the fight as a multi layer process. Often such fights involve some form of misdirection or surprise to keep the suspense going.

See Team 7 vs Zabuza, Team Asuma with Kakashi vs Hidan and Kakuzu (the zombie twins), Naruto vs Pain etc

B) There is some form of emotional theme about the fight that you can keep up for 10 to 15 minutes or at most 5 chapters in the manga but preferably 3.

See Naruto vs Neji, Kakashi vs Obito, etc

But you have to be very picky with part B for the emotion has to be fresh, intense, and not done before. After 700 chapters of naruto, and how ever many anime episodes you were able to sit through Part B was just missing from the Naruto vs Sasuke fight, we done this before, this is nothing new, etc.


And combine with an overspent audience whose emotions are not intense anymore, an uninspiring fight that suddenly now is all Naruto Megazord vs Sasuke Megazord and the thing just becomes boring. It is like watching a boxing match in slow motion, once you already know who is the victor, but are forced to watch the fight in slow motion anyway as if you were watching a train going down a path knowing there is going to be a train wreck and you can see where it is going to derail.

It is just MEHHHH

Ironically as much as I can complain about Naruto and how it took forever and the series should have ended earlier and was more tight with its wrap up. A naruto spin off does not have these problems. New cast, new characters, new stories, all the new stuff is able to reignite the heart and the ability to be surprised once again.

2016-10-02, 10:29 AM
Watched the anime Naruto vs Sasuke fight and was disapointed

Good Naruto fights are ones that involved A, B, or both

A) The fight is one that involve strategy, you can't win the fight just based off strength or even good tactics. No you have to think of the fight as a multi layer process. Often such fights involve some form of misdirection or surprise to keep the suspense going.

See Team 7 vs Zabuza, Team Asuma with Kakashi vs Hidan and Kakuzu (the zombie twins), Naruto vs Pain etc

B) There is some form of emotional theme about the fight that you can keep up for 10 to 15 minutes or at most 5 chapters in the manga but preferably 3.

See Naruto vs Neji, Kakashi vs Obito, etc

But you have to be very picky with part B for the emotion has to be fresh, intense, and not done before. After 700 chapters of naruto, and how ever many anime episodes you were able to sit through Part B was just missing from the Naruto vs Sasuke fight, we done this before, this is nothing new, etc.


And combine with an overspent audience whose emotions are not intense anymore, an uninspiring fight that suddenly now is all Naruto Megazord vs Sasuke Megazord and the thing just becomes boring. It is like watching a boxing match in slow motion, once you already know who is the victor, but are forced to watch the fight in slow motion anyway as if you were watching a train going down a path knowing there is going to be a train wreck and you can see where it is going to derail.

It is just MEHHHH

Ironically as much as I can complain about Naruto and how it took forever and the series should have ended earlier and was more tight with its wrap up. A naruto spin off does not have these problems. New cast, new characters, new stories, all the new stuff is able to reignite the heart and the ability to be surprised once again.

Too be fair, the megazord portion of the battle is only like half of the actual fight. And I agree, its really the more boring part. The whole ultimate lightning susanoo looked stupid as hell and aside from no selling kyubbi attacks, didnt really do anything to live up to its brief hype. The real battle was the follow up. Both are exhausted, trying to fight with what bare flickers of energy they have left, and its a battle of wills, not of skills. Who is going to stay down and admit defeat first. Like I said, that one scene where sasuke is literally punching naruto to death, and you can see his arms dropping as he loses consciousness was actually disturbing to watch. Its one thing to have a single instant win attack to kill a guy, but that was a methodical beating and it was hard to watch until naruto reversed it.

And yes, we all knew more or less how it was going to end, it was practically announced as soon as the slugging match started. Thats how he wins like, half his fights. By refusing to stop getting up. Even to the point of his garra battle and dragging himself over to garra because he CANT stand but refusing to stop. But you can say that about the final fight of just about any series of its type, the real measure is if it drags you in and makes you feel the drama despite irl knowing how this has to go. I think it did a fairly good job of it because right up until the last blow was struck, I wasnt sure when the last blow would be.

2016-10-21, 02:41 AM
I haven't seen anyone mention this, so I'm guessing it just came out recently, Boruto Chapter 6 is up!

Boruto realizes his dad isn't quite as awful as he made him out to be, and has always had his best interests at heart, and also that his dad is willing to sacrifice himself for the village(which more or less happens). The bad guys kidnap Naruto and take him to an undisclosed location, I'm assuming in order to extra Kurama. All 5 Kage unite in order to get him back, showing that the Ninja alliance isn't just for show, they legitimately care about each other, which is cool. I wonder if this is the end for Naruto, since the first issue makes it appear as though he's dead(though he could also just be missing/prisoner, probably won't find out for a while).

Is it my imagination or is Boruto a missing-nin now? Sasuke gave him his headband back, but it's got a scratch going through the Konoha symbol, which usually indicates a missing-nin. I imagine the village(or Naruto) will reverse it eventually, sooner if this rescue is successful.

2016-10-21, 03:00 AM
I haven't seen anyone mention this, so I'm guessing it just came out recently, Boruto Chapter 6 is up!

Boruto realizes his dad isn't quite as awful as he made him out to be, and has always had his best interests at heart, and also that his dad is willing to sacrifice himself for the village(which more or less happens). The bad guys kidnap Naruto and take him to an undisclosed location, I'm assuming in order to extra Kurama. All 5 Kage unite in order to get him back, showing that the Ninja alliance isn't just for show, they legitimately care about each other, which is cool. I wonder if this is the end for Naruto, since the first issue makes it appear as though he's dead(though he could also just be missing/prisoner, probably won't find out for a while).

Is it my imagination or is Boruto a missing-nin now? Sasuke gave him his headband back, but it's got a scratch going through the Konoha symbol, which usually indicates a missing-nin. I imagine the village(or Naruto) will reverse it eventually, sooner if this rescue is successful.

Not a missing-nin in terms of being a wanted fugitive or village traitor I think? It seems that you can have your headband removed for doing something disgraceful, but Sasuke gave him the crossed-out protector to symbolize...um. That he has to regain his worthiness? I guess.

2016-10-21, 03:31 AM
This chapter had some really good moments, some really good moments that made me think of hilarious jokes, and then just got really ****ty at the end.

The good: Boruto finally realizes he's a stuck up prick who doesn't know how good he has it or how hard his Dad works. Yeah Naruto's still an awful Dad but he tries, he really does.

The funny: Sasuke basically ****ting on Boruto for being a loser, and then basically outright saying that Boruto is his and Naruto's kid because he's Naruto's son, trained by Sasuke. Congrats shippers it's canon, Sasuke thinks of him as a son, sorta.

The awful: We don't give a **** about any of these Kage's beyond the wu tang clan member and Gaara. Why is Boruto going with him? Why is Hinata NOT going with them? Why can't Hinata do ANYTHING in the plot? She LITERALLY DIED FOR HIM once, why can't she have super god powers. WHY IS BORUTO COMING WITH THEM?!

Anyway I do also like the headband symbolism. He's not a real shinobi anymore, so he carries a marked headband to show that he still has the spirit of one, even if they removed the rank.

2016-10-21, 03:54 AM
This chapter had some really good moments, some really good moments that made me think of hilarious jokes, and then just got really ****ty at the end.

The awful: We don't give a **** about any of these Kage's beyond the wu tang clan member and Gaara. Why is Boruto going with him? Why is Hinata NOT going with them? Why can't Hinata do ANYTHING in the plot? She LITERALLY DIED FOR HIM once, why can't she have super god powers. WHY IS BORUTO COMING WITH THEM?!

I think the Kages are honor bound to help save the Hokage since he did get abducted at an event they were attending. Having them do nothing would be worse, I think. And the perpetrators are clearly around Kage threat level so sending subordinates probably wouldn't do much.

Sakura explained that Hinata did try, but off screen, and was hospitalized as a result. Presumably she's still injured. She's also suffering from "sorry you're not the main character" syndrome which I admit is unfortunate considering what we know she's capable of. I'd read a spin-off with her as the main character.

Similarly Boruto coming along is an opportunity to redeem himself after cheating his exam and spending basically the whole manga being sore at his dad. Sasuke's judgment in allowing this is questionable by any reasonable standard, but young people taking on dangerous quests seems to be normal in ninja land. Sasuke didn't exactly have the most normal childhood experience, mind.

2016-10-21, 07:02 AM
This chapter had some really good moments, some really good moments that made me think of hilarious jokes, and then just got really ****ty at the end.

I think that is a good summation of Naruto as a franchise.

2016-10-21, 09:03 AM
Is it my imagination or is Boruto a missing-nin now? Sasuke gave him his headband back, but it's got a scratch going through the Konoha symbol, which usually indicates a missing-nin. I imagine the village(or Naruto) will reverse it eventually, sooner if this rescue is successful.

What happened

Boruto is wearing Naruto's old coat, and Sasuke's old headband that has the Konoha symbol crossed out from Naruto vs Sasuke from the 1st battle of valley of the end.

Sasuke removed his old headband from within his old cloak, so he seems to keep his old headband on him as a souvenir.

2016-10-21, 11:03 AM
so around one or two chapters we start the story properly since we are nearing father son rasengan this means we are near the end of movie oh for the white text check its just not to spoiler the eventual ending

2016-10-21, 12:13 PM
I think that is a good summation of Naruto as a franchise.

Agreed. Again, I'm amazed how they considered of all the people to take along they pick Boruto :smallsigh: And I agree with Zodiac's complaint about Hinata still being useless... even if we should be used to it right now.

2016-10-24, 09:39 AM
Is the anime over now? Everybody punched the right people and everything seems resolved (through punches), but there was still a weird prequel type episode last week.

2016-10-24, 06:18 PM
Agreed. Again, I'm amazed how they considered of all the people to take along they pick Boruto :smallsigh: And I agree with Zodiac's complaint about Hinata still being useless... even if we should be used to it right now.

So that they can have the whole "Twin Rasengan" thing or the eventual "FIRE Release Rasgengan! combining with "WIND Release Rasengan!" thing.

Also I think Hinata is getting left behind cause her powers just aren't cool enough to show off. "I slap people in their hidden chakra points" isn't exactly a spectacle fight :P

2016-10-24, 06:31 PM
I'm not sure I get people's issue with Hinata here. These guys took the Hachibi from Killer B, beat down Naruto and Sasuke(granted, only because they were in a crowded stadium), and have showed an amazing amount of power. Hinata TRIED(off-panel) to stop them from taking Naruto. Why would she try again while she's already injured from the previous fight, and shown quite clearly(because unlike Naruto, I fully imagine Hinata could go all out without fear of hurting people as she has no massive AoE type attacks) that she couldn't take them on.

And if your argument is "Why does she suck so much" I refer you back to "They took down Killer B while he was in full Oxtopus mode". Hinata is strong, but she's not 8-tailed Bijuu strong. Claiming she's weak/suck because she can't compete with an 8-tailed beast made out of pure chakra is nuts.

2016-10-25, 12:35 AM
So that they can have the whole "Twin Rasengan" thing or the eventual "FIRE Release Rasgengan! combining with "WIND Release Rasengan!" thing.

Also I think Hinata is getting left behind cause her powers just aren't cool enough to show off. "I slap people in their hidden chakra points" isn't exactly a spectacle fight :P

I haven't seen the movie so I don't really know what allthis means but it's literally JUST the Father-Son Kamehameha from Dragonball Z isn't it?

I'm not sure I get people's issue with Hinata here. These guys took the Hachibi from Killer B, beat down Naruto and Sasuke(granted, only because they were in a crowded stadium), and have showed an amazing amount of power. Hinata TRIED(off-panel) to stop them from taking Naruto. Why would she try again while she's already injured from the previous fight, and shown quite clearly(because unlike Naruto, I fully imagine Hinata could go all out without fear of hurting people as she has no massive AoE type attacks) that she couldn't take them on.

And if your argument is "Why does she suck so much" I refer you back to "They took down Killer B while he was in full Oxtopus mode". Hinata is strong, but she's not 8-tailed Bijuu strong. Claiming she's weak/suck because she can't compete with an 8-tailed beast made out of pure chakra is nuts.

Still a better fighter than a literal 12 year old. Also we'd like Hinata to do SOMETHING, for once.

2016-10-25, 01:41 AM
I haven't seen the movie so I don't really know what allthis means but it's literally JUST the Father-Son Kamehameha from Dragonball Z isn't it?

Still a better fighter than a literal 12 year old. Also we'd like Hinata to do SOMETHING, for once.

She had her moment in the movie though, right? I haven't seen it, but I've heard a fair amount about it, and she gets her eyes upgraded and everything iirc. I think at this point, that's probably the best we can hope for. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a serious threat come around that Naruto and Sasuke can't handle, but somehow Hinata breaks out her beat stick and wipes the floor with them, but that's fairly unlikely I imagine.

2016-10-25, 02:16 AM
She had her moment in the movie though, right? I haven't seen it, but I've heard a fair amount about it, and she gets her eyes upgraded and everything iirc. I think at this point, that's probably the best we can hope for. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a serious threat come around that Naruto and Sasuke can't handle, but somehow Hinata breaks out her beat stick and wipes the floor with them, but that's fairly unlikely I imagine.

Ask me how much I care about a movie about Kaguya's uncle showing up and just kinda sassing Naruto and him finally realizing he loves Hinata.

If it's not in the manga I don't really care, especially because it's Naruto. Hinata is an extremely under utilized character who's main fighting style and power involve ROTATIONS. I wonder what Naruto could possibly benefit from, learning from the Hyuga's. I wonder what special signature technique might be cool to combine with Hyuga style ninjutsu techniques. Hmm.

IF this DOES happen in the movie do tell, but yeah no I don't know jack all about that movie. It was a ****ing epilogue to the manga in movie form and that's kind of annoying that we didn't get it in manga if it's THAT important.

Also for you playing at home, this is the FIRST plot important movie. The second one is literally the first arc of the Boruto manga which we're reading right now, which I don't THINK Starwulf is referring to, but they might be.

2016-10-25, 05:17 AM
I haven't seen the movie so I don't really know what allthis means but it's literally JUST the Father-Son Kamehameha from Dragonball Z isn't it?

Still a better fighter than a literal 12 year old. Also we'd like Hinata to do SOMETHING, for once.
actualy yes its basicly father son kamehameha with only thing changed is setting instead of kamehamaha we have rasengan

2016-10-25, 12:11 PM
She had her moment in the movie though, right? I haven't seen it, but I've heard a fair amount about it, and she gets her eyes upgraded and everything iirc. I think at this point, that's probably the best we can hope for. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a serious threat come around that Naruto and Sasuke can't handle, but somehow Hinata breaks out her beat stick and wipes the floor with them, but that's fairly unlikely I imagine.

The real problem is, Hinata CANT really get on that level. It has been VERY thoroughly established that naruto and sasuke are pretty much on an entirely different level as ninja than everyone else. They have so many boosts power ups and upgrades that it would take an entire movie devoted to just boosting hinata in various ways to even make it reasonable for her to kick ass against anything that wasnt specifically designed to counter both naruto and sasuke, and JUST naruto and sasuke. Something like, His energy causes people who use sage mode or the sharingan to explode. "Dont worry honey, your loving wife has got this."

Lord Raziere
2016-10-26, 01:25 AM
Yeah at this point, Naruto and Sasuke, like Goku and Vegeta before them, and doubtlessly many wuxia protagonists and their rivals before them, have gotten to the "Too Powerful For This To Be Fun Anymore" Stage of their fighting skills. That point where their powers have essentially peaked, where there is almost no one in the world that can match them aside from each other for any fight to be worth it from "I like the rush and art of fighting" perspective, and any improvement that they can possibly make will be marginal at best.

Classical wuxia would simply let this play out tragically. With no more peaks to climb, they would pass on their techniques to the next generation as teachers or something, then they would meet one final time to fight each other once and for all, and they would both die, their skills still matching even in death and their legend spoken of forever.

Unfortunately, protagonists don't die in shonen-focused anime. Thus eventually they are renewed, thus eventually they must face a stronger opponent for these two people only. For if a WEAKER foe surfaced, people would ask "why won't Naruto and Sasuke just take care of it easily?" and regard all the other heroes fighting as pointless when they can just call Naruto to take care of it in an instant.

I guess the alternative is that you could simply say they get rusty from peace being so prevalent and thus don't maintain what their skills were at their peak and that things like Kaguya were some weird exceptional circumstance that will never happen again and no one will ever be as powerful as that again....but a big part of this sort of thing is a raising of the stakes. for some reason in human psychology, we want our heroes to face bigger and more powerful foes than they ever faced before. Thus we get whatever newer more powerful foe to face. Sun Wukong himself only stopped when he faced the Buddha and lost, if I remember correctly.

The other extreme of this kind of wuxia skill equation is someone like Ash Ketchum, where he never progresses because another wuxia concept is that There Is Always Someone Better. the idea being that no matter how hard he trains, he is going to find someone that will beat him simply because the world is a big place and full of people who have been doing this longer and better than him and that he always has more to learn, to keep the protagonist humble and his journeys on the same level they've always been. However this makes sure that anyone can fight well, because its all the same level of power. It worked too well in fact- Ash is widely regarded as a loser while people are fans of pretty much everyone else. No one ever complains about May or Misty not being able to kick ass.

So.....you want Hinata to be good? then you'd have to skill cap all this at some point where you reasonably expect Naruto and Sasuke to find foes who won't kill them yet will be able to beat them to prove that they always have more to learn and thus humble them while Hinata room to beat other foes that can beat Naruto's styles of fighting, and doing at a point where you can reasonably expect them to have a consistent amount of adventures and foes to face without it being ridiculous end of the world plots.

The problem with that being, that point would be somewhere near the beginning of Naruto Shippuden before Naruto started getting Sage Chakra, accessing Nine Tales, his own past life powers from his reincarnating soul and so on. just like how if you wanted to truly make cap off DBZ to make it a more consistent adventure of the week show where everyone can kick ass, you'd probably stop the power creep at Super Saiyan and don't allow anybody to go beyond that.

TL;DR: As long power creep exists, only Naruto and Sasuke will ever be useful.

2016-10-26, 01:43 AM
I think actually we get introduced new enemies by virtue of introducing new dimensions so if kishimoto wants he can continue the story with out making bolt main focus

2016-11-09, 06:47 AM
If it's not in the manga I don't really care, especially because it's Naruto. Hinata is an extremely under utilized character who's main fighting style and power involve ROTATIONS. I wonder what Naruto could possibly benefit from, learning from the Hyuga's. I wonder what special signature technique might be cool to combine with Hyuga style ninjutsu techniques. Hmm.Not what you're thinking of, but Sage Mode is actually a better combination with Jyuuken. If you remember, gentle fists disrupts chakra flow by injecting your own chakra into their body. You know what happens when people with non-sage-level chakra control gets sage chakra, right? And do note that having the rinnegan does not automatically make you good at controlling chakra, as evidenced with Pein's usage of clones.

Simply put, Hinata still hasn't reached her limit as far as hax goes. If only Naruto bothered training her sage mode...

2016-11-09, 04:37 PM
There is actually an interesting older fanfic that works with the whole, "Gee, I wonder what rotations could be used for to help naruto" concept called Nine Tails Fury. Its all pre ninja war stuff before the idea of teaming with kurama (or that his name was kurama) came out. Shenanigans happen after the pein fight, and on a mission where he sees hinata get hurt he unleashes an ungodly amount of 9 tail energy but remains in control. When they are brought back its discovered there is a link between them. After spending a few days together they start working on each others skill set. The main topic of the story is naruto claiming he has like 5-6 different ways to shut the hyugga clan down completely due to their stupidity in having one style and nothing else to rely on. It ends with anruto and hinata facing pretty much everyone in a battle royale to demonstrate just how strong they are together. Its a lot of fun, you should read it.

2016-11-14, 04:21 AM
TL;DR: As long power creep exists, only Naruto and Sasuke will ever be useful.

Naruto is interesting in that unlike Dragon Ball Z where the limited tool set the characters have allows the next villain to literally just be bigger and stronger, we have characters with abilities so useful that they have to actively abstain from using them to allow threats to even exist. The current villains main ability is absorbing energy attacks and shooting them back at people, something Sasuke can completely negate just by using his ability to absorb energy attacks. If Naruto can still use the Truth Seeker Orbs he can also shut down any juts used by anyone other then himself.

Heck the entire Madara arc was just a demonstration of how absurd the ability to ignore entire classes of abilities was. Even after Madara got his upgrade to 10 tails and forgot about his most useful abilities and starting using the truth seeker orbs (which while kind of cool looking seem inferior as a defense and an offense to all of the Rinnegan techniques...) he still had to be replaced by Kaguya, a villain who had 2 abilities, both of which were really ineffective for combat, because otherwise explaining how your heroes can overcome him becomes a test in suspending your disbelief. Essentially power creep has gotten so bad that the only way for villains to be threatening if for the main characters to never fight to the fullest of their abilities. It's not so much that the main characters are so powerful that everyone else is useless but their abilities are so absurdly flexible that any possible challenge can be surmounted easily by either of the main characters. Actually the final fight of the original manga only ends the way it does because Sasuke forgets about his chakra absorption immediately after using it.

TLDR Abilities are so useful that no challenge can even be presented if the main characters don't arbitrarily decide to not use their most effective abilities. It's like the kid with an anything shield on the playground.

2016-11-14, 05:12 AM
Naruto is interesting in that unlike Dragon Ball Z where the limited tool set the characters have allows the next villain to literally just be bigger and stronger, we have characters with abilities so useful that they have to actively abstain from using them to allow threats to even exist. The current villains main ability is absorbing energy attacks and shooting them back at people, something Sasuke can completely negate just by using his ability to absorb energy attacks. If Naruto can still use the Truth Seeker Orbs he can also shut down any juts used by anyone other then himself.

Heck the entire Madara arc was just a demonstration of how absurd the ability to ignore entire classes of abilities was. Even after Madara got his upgrade to 10 tails and forgot about his most useful abilities and starting using the truth seeker orbs (which while kind of cool looking seem inferior as a defense and an offense to all of the Rinnegan techniques...) he still had to be replaced by Kaguya, a villain who had 2 abilities, both of which were really ineffective for combat, because otherwise explaining how your heroes can overcome him becomes a test in suspending your disbelief. Essentially power creep has gotten so bad that the only way for villains to be threatening if for the main characters to never fight to the fullest of their abilities. It's not so much that the main characters are so powerful that everyone else is useless but their abilities are so absurdly flexible that any possible challenge can be surmounted easily by either of the main characters. Actually the final fight of the original manga only ends the way it does because Sasuke forgets about his chakra absorption immediately after using it.

TLDR Abilities are so useful that no challenge can even be presented if the main characters don't arbitrarily decide to not use their most effective abilities. It's like the kid with an anything shield on the playground.
like making ramen via rasengan

Lord Raziere
2016-11-14, 05:17 AM
@Spellbound: Yeah, and unlike DB Z or Super, "people not fighting at their full power" is not apart of the plot. In DBZ/Super, Goku's fights are all pretty much "Hey look at me, I'm Goku, I'm going to play around my with my foe first before actually powering up to full and ending this because I want to have fun with the fight first even if the world is in danger" while we all know Vegeta's flaw of allowing the villain to get powerful enough for their final form so he can prove how strong he is. Or how both of them don't want to team up for ANY fight.

In other anime? These flaws would be regarded as outright crazy and suicidal. Luffy? he doesn't care about whether his foe is strong, he just wants to be Pirate King and destroys anything in the way of that, and even he would blink twice at their antics. Naruto? He is a ninja, no matter how shonen anime protagonist he is, his job is to kill people who are a threat, and has the tactical sense to try and kill somebody before they power up. Ichigo? automatically powers up to match whatever new thing his foe pulls. And all these protagonists use teamwork to overcome greater foes in some manner.

So yeah, there is a reason why the protagonists always get the LESS flexible, underdog powers while the antagonists get the powers that are more hax. It keeps the underdog dynamic where the protagonist has to expend effort for it be a challenge so that its an interesting story. Its why Ywhach in Bleach is basically a reality warper while Ichigo is still a guy with a sword that fires sword beams.

So yeah. Its like, not even a question of power creep, its the question of batman wizard problem: once your protags are so flexible that they can reasonably defeat any foe, you start getting this problem, or like with power creep, you have to start shifting to something closer to One Punch Man or Superman in its themes, except with wizardly hax rather than punch hax. (DB Super is arguably starting to drift into One Punch Man themes already.)

Bleach probably did the smart thing by ending where it did, as well as having it PL's fluctuate from depowering and repowering. One Piece is a glacier whose power's upper limit seems to be already defined as well as its flexibility being limited to the Fruits at most. Naruto started good with a bunch of powers that your supposed to use smart to outwit your opponent like how ninjas are supposed to, and the early anime did pretty good, but then things like Pain and the Fourth Ninja War happened and it was nothing but bull hax from here.

like, if they had stuck to the level of combat that say.....Orochimaru and the Third Hokage demonstrated as the top level, I think Naruto as a show could've done much better at managing this. Because that fight was memorable and awesome, and Third Hokage technically WON that, even if he died. So yeah, Naruto is a world where your supposed to outwit your opponent, with powers that bypass the need to come up with any plan that isn't "use your hax to instantly win". Thats the main problem.

2016-11-24, 04:20 AM
Boruto Chapter 7 is out!!

So the Kages find Naruto quite quickly, and set him free. They take out the big guy using outstanding teamwork, which I have to admit to being surprised at, given I doubt they fight together very often, if at all. Then the smaller Ootsuki guy sets the big one free and then reduces him to a large version of that drug, eats him and evolves into some super being. Quite interesting over-all, nice to see everyone get a chance to shine, and Naruto resolves to do better with his son in the future, assuming they manage to make it out of this situation ^^

2016-11-24, 05:38 AM
Boruto Chapter 7 is out!!

So the Kages find Naruto quite quickly, and set him free. They take out the big guy using outstanding teamwork, which I have to admit to being surprised at, given I doubt they fight together very often, if at all. Then the smaller Ootsuki guy sets the big one free and then reduces him to a large version of that drug, eats him and evolves into some super being. Quite interesting over-all, nice to see everyone get a chance to shine, and Naruto resolves to do better with his son in the future, assuming they manage to make it out of this situation ^^
ninja tool guy make him more powerful and around the end of chapter we see father son rasengan

2016-11-24, 10:31 AM
Boruto Chapter 7 is out!!

So the Kages find Naruto quite quickly, and set him free. They take out the big guy using outstanding teamwork, which I have to admit to being surprised at, given I doubt they fight together very often, if at all. Then the smaller Ootsuki guy sets the big one free and then reduces him to a large version of that drug, eats him and evolves into some super being. Quite interesting over-all, nice to see everyone get a chance to shine, and Naruto resolves to do better with his son in the future, assuming they manage to make it out of this situation ^^

I would imagine, skill and experience help make up for a lack of actual practice working together. After all, its not like their skills are a secret from each other. So its pretty simple to come up with a decent plan of action without even thinking too much about it. Now, I say all this as someone who hasnt read the new series, how many of the old kages are still in charge here? By which I mean the ones who fought edo madera. Because that could also help a lot.

2016-11-24, 01:27 PM
Just pointing this out there are several (minor) cosmetic changes in Boruto Chapter 7 compared to the same events from Boruto the Movie. I personally think the cosmetic changes are much better than the same thing from the movie.

Note Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto (the original creator of Naruto) wrote the Boruto the Movie screenplay, and Ukyo Kodachi is now in charge with writting the manga so I guess you can say Ukyo Kodachi in the year plus since the movie came out thought up some minor improvements and canonized them by put them into the manga.


On another note Hiramekarei (one of the seven swords, the one Chojuro uses) is still damn cool and I will argue is cooler and more useful than Samehada which is one of the seven sword that Killer B and Kisame use.

Hiramekarei allows you to store your chakra into the two swords, and then manipulate and change the shape of this chakra as offensive and defensive weapons.

Hiramekarei also allows you "to throw chakra needles / ranged weapons" if the target is impaled with these needles there movements are disrupted / stopped similar to Chakra Transmitting Rods / Black Receivers and their ability to use ninjutsu is restricted for these needles disrupt your chakra pathway system. Aka it is something very similar to Hyuga's Clan Gentle Fist. It is "less elegant" but far more effective, kinda like using a shotgun to take out an enemy instead of using karate.

Concerning Traab talking about the villiage kages

During Naruto 700 most of the previous Kages / ones that fought Edo Madara are now retired.

Kage that fought
Edo Madara
Kages after Naruto 700
When Boruto is 12

Fifth Hokage
Seventh Hokage

Fifth Mizukage
Mei Terumī
Sixth Mizukage

Fourth Raikage
Fifth Raikage

Third Tsuchikage
Fourth Tsuchikage

Fifth Kazekage
Fifth Kazekage

And since Naruto has so many character's here is a quick reminder of who these new Kage's are.

Chojuro is one of the seven swordsman and he is the one always tired and has shark teeth and blue hair. He was also a guardian during the 5 kage summit.

Darui is one of the guardians during the 5 kage summit and he fought Sasuke, Darui also fought the Gold and Silver Brothers

Kurotsuchi was one of the guardians during the 5 kage summit. She is the grand daughter or Onoki and can use a lava release (like Mei but different village). Prior to the fourth shinobi world war and after the 5 kage summit, Naruto and Killer B go to the turtle island to learn how to use the nine tails chakra better. Kurotsuchi was one of the guardians for Naruto and she fought Kabuto and captured him with her lava release. Kabuto changed into a snake and then kidnapped Yamato, followed by Kabuto giving up on capturing Naruto (for now) but taking Yamato back to strengthen the White Zetsu's.

2016-11-24, 03:29 PM
I totally meant to post about this when the chapter first came out and just forgot because The Promised Neverland is just that good.

This chapter sure happened.

2016-12-23, 05:39 AM
Kuchijose: edo tensei no jutsu.

So, yeah, boruto is still not over.

whatshisname easily beats the kages, rather easily is beaten by the mains, gets simply rezzed by the idiot engineer and finally just shadow binds everyone but boruto...
I mean, it looked fun enough in the movie but here... Oh well.

Also: yes, boruto is totally the only person who can save you, sasuke. There is no one more capable...

2016-12-23, 10:58 AM
Ah Bort. "Naruto Next Generation" is such an accurate name for you. Bort is the Wesley Crusher of Naruto.

Also, Bort's gettin' an anime. It's likely going to be rehashing the movie's stuff first. So once again Naruto is literally Dragonball Z. I don't often mae this joke comparision but when you effectively make Naruto Super, you kinda force me into it. Also, Naruto has some of the most egregious filler of all time...and now they're doing an anime of a monthly series. You blasted fools.

Anyway, thoughts on the chapter.

Sasuke here is a list of people who could help you out better than Bort.

*links the entire cast page of Naruto*

I'd like to give extra special attention to Rock Lee, who did nothing of importance in te series despite being a main character. The guy who is a master of non chakra using attacks. The master of Taijutsu. He'd, oh, I don't know, PROBABLY fair pretty well against the guy who's entire strategy is "I eat your chakra attacks to get better". Just a hunch.

Also, I know they're all hurt, but if you're a ninja, in this series, and you can't stop those fat science mans from shooting science bullets at the bad guy, you probably deserve to get your neck snapped by tentacles like Gaara did.

2016-12-23, 01:34 PM
Almost completely different fight scene from the movie, two events are the same though.

Lord Raziere
2016-12-23, 04:35 PM
@ Zodi: If I remember, Kaguya is actually from a japanese myth about an alien girl from the moon, so we've already had our first space villain. this is not Naruto Super, this is still Naruto Z, because Bort is only Gohan.

All of Naruto before this? just Naruto, yes even Shippuden, Shippuden is the Piccolo Jr. Saga. it isn't Naruto Z until we start fighting aliens. Which, is the only way up from "threat that could destroy the world".

it isn't Naruto Super, until Naruto starts facing actual japanese mythological gods that control his entire world and all attempts at Bort being a protagonist fail in the face of Naruto solving everything, and Naruto unlocks Yet ANOTHER upgrade that makes him an actual god and not just a reincarnating messianic spirit.

Naruto's toad sage mode and fox mode? just two different forms of Kaio-Ken.

and keep in mind: Dragon Ball doesn't take itself as seriously as the action anime that follow it. Toriyama was originally a gag writer. when DB protags do a stupid thing that drags out the fight, thats an intentional character flaw meant to point out the ridiculousness of the situation. Especially when the characters have the power to literally destroy planets yet use it on things like......having martial arts tournaments, stealing cars, turning people into candy, making clothes for each other, stealing clothes, and eating pudding. all the action anime that follow DB, would be bewildered why the people in Dragon Ball seem so much stronger than them but use their powers for arguably lesser uses than they do. Naruto doesn't have that excuse. The people here use their powers seriously for serious things like politics and defending their loved ones no matter what- Goku just wants to fight things and have fun.

Y'know, whats also different though? the world, as in, DB actually felt like there is a world outside of all the big actiony kung-fu stuff, with ki actually be a secret thing that most Earthlings don't know about, most people still use guns and hover cars, which of course are nowhere near as powerful, but who has the time to earn such great power through training? They don't. in Naruto, the only places we ever seem to see are ninja places. Like we know there are samurai and normal soldiers I think, but they are never featured enough to as if they are there no matter how weak they are. Which is another thing that was strange about DB compared to the anime that follow it: there ARE moments where weak characters matter in DB. Hercule runs face so that the other Z-Fighters can live simple lives, Bulma is the brains so she figures out technology and other brainy stuff, Dende heals people, Yajirobe and Korin supplies Senzu Beans, heck the very existence of the Dragon Radar is thanks to Bulma inventing it to make the premise possible, otherwise looking for the Dragon Balls would take over a hundred years. We don't get any form of someone outside the martial stuff mattering in Naruto.

I'm just making this comparison, because Naruto so far seems to be the only anime that has gone on long enough to start doing stuff that is looking similar to Dragon Ball, and making me wonder if Dragon Ball Z wasn't some precognitive parody of everything that would come after it.

2016-12-23, 05:32 PM
Wonders if La Zodiac still thinks the manga art is bad bad bad.

2016-12-23, 05:56 PM
Wonders if La Zodiac still thinks the manga art is bad bad bad.

It's grown on me but it's still got some weird points to it.

Also, credit where it's due: still better then Kishimoto's actual art. No one in this series has a single solid white bar for teeth and appreciate this.

2017-01-27, 01:18 PM
The new Bort is out today!

It's bad!

Turns out Bort doesn't suck he just unconciously molded his element into the rasengan to make it invisible. This doesn't actually do anything but show just how busted Bort is. The scene where Naruto shares his chakra with his son and we get all these flashes of the good ole days was really cool though...but then the giant Father-Son Rasengan doesn't actually do anything different from the regular jutsu. It doesn't even go invisible because Bort did it. So why didn't he absorb it? Now yes, it's because the Shadow clone stabbed his eye hand, but one it wasn't damaged very heavily, and two was that shadow clone really a physical, Shadow Clone like the type Naruto does? Can Bort even USE that and still do the super rasengan? It seems poorly written, or at least poorly presented. But yeah the giant super bad guy is dead. Hooray?

2017-01-27, 03:25 PM
And the manga retelling the story of the Boruto: Naruto the Movie is finally over.

It only took 9 chapters that were monthly chapters and thus 9 months. Boruto: Naruto the movie came out in August 7th, 2015 in Japan so it only took 539 days (1 year, 5 months, 20 days) to tell a mostly the same story of an already written movie in a black and white manga with occasional color panels.

Naruto the manga for an original story usually had 17 to 20+ pages every week once you factor in the weeks it went on break and average out those break weeks. While this monthly manga has 45 to 50 pages per month on average and the story is not even an original but instead a retelling.


Now before I sound to complainer, I did enjoy the manga retelling I am just complaining about the slow pace. I wish this story was finished in early to mid 2016 aka less than a year since the movie came out instead of almost 18 months after the movie came out.


So about this chapter the flashbacks were nice and I enjoyed them. It is easier to enjoy these manga flashbacks than the anime flashbacks that go on forever, and that is before they even do fillers, or retrospective / retelling episodes with the anime. (I gave up on the anime at Shippuden 167, naruto in the tailed beast fox mode after raging against Pain). Supposedly after this it gets far worse with the amount of filler and flashback / retelling episodes.

Now spoilers

I loved the grin Naruto did when Boruto doubted how powerful Naruto was. The 12 year old Genin is still there living in the now mostly responsible 7th Hokage.

Side note, even if this villain (Momoshiki) supposedly has more raw offensive power to his attacks than Kaguya Otsutsuki , the final villain of Naruto, in my mind he is far less of a threat. This is because he does not

1) have a body that is immune to any attack that is not natural energy based or taijutsu, that being the Ten Tail Jinchuuriki gives you

2) he does not have the near instant regeneration that Madara Jinchuriki or Madara future forms had, and supposedly Kaguya also had

3) he does not have Limbo which Madara had, limbo made only two characters in the manga a threat against Madara, and Madara had other advantages besides Limbo, Limbo was just great.

4) he does not have truth seeking balls which are awesome defense, have regenerative powers, and while not the most destructive form of offense as some ninjutsu are capable, it was a great targeted form of offense especially against taijutsu users

5) he does not have Obito's almost broken space time mangekyou sharingan

... and so on and so on. All he had was a way to absorb Ninjutsu that was roughly as useful as Preta Path combined with power amplification capabilities.

It seems poorly written, or at least poorly presented. But yeah the giant super bad guy is dead. Hooray?

So LaZodiac is complaining about why the heroes and the villains make subpar tactical decisions. Well if you want to start doing that there are numerous things to complain about over the 9 chapters. For example here is an easy one.

Sasuke in this most recent manga threw his sword at the villain Momoshiki and then attacked with a Kunai Dagger. Well Sasuke that was a stupid tactic and most likely the enemy is going to see through this attack for you already used your teleportation ability against him earlier, and once against his ally while he watched. Sasuke teleportation ability does not need an item to do the swapping (it just increases the range when he swaps with an object or person.) Thus Sasuke should have gotten close before teleporting, should have teleported his sword directly into the villain like he did Madara. Hell he is fighting a Byakugan user, a person with 360 degree continuous vision, why would you throw a weapon and obviously miss only to teleport when a Byakugan user can easily see the sword behind him. If you are going to use a weapon to teleport to, throw multiple shuriken like you did as a Genin and then teleport to one of them specifically, aka confuse the Byakugan with numbers. Targeting to a single place is just going to get you Haired by the Otsutsuki hair technique as you know from personal experience with Kaguya and you also saw Momoshiki defeat Gaara's sand defense with said hair. You are lucky he just decide to kick you away with some body stretch technique that is similar to Cho of the Akimichi clan.

Aka stupid stuff like this are just tactical blunders, now in the heat of battle tactical blunders are common but Sasuke is supposed to be a genius and make the least amount of these blunders unless you are Shikamaru.


Another type of tactical blunder is why did you not grab Orochimaru or Kabuto before heading out, you felt it was useful to bring Boruto, but why not the guy who has premade Edo Tensai's. We are not talking about sacrificing another person to use said Edo Tensai, but instead merely bringing around these reformed evil guys and them using minimal chakra to summon said premade Edo Tensai to help fight this rinnegan level threat. Both of these people are Kage level fighters, Kabuto actually lives in the fire village and runs an orphanage there, and Orochimaru while not part of the village is nearby in a less than a day journey.

Lots of stuff like this is silly.

2017-01-27, 03:44 PM
And the manga retelling the story of the Boruto: Naruto the Movie is finally over.

It only took 9 chapters that were monthly chapters and thus 9 months. Boruto: Naruto the movie came out in August 7th, 2015 in Japan so it only took 539 days (1 year, 5 months, 20 days) to tell a mostly the same story of an already written movie in a black and white manga with occasional color panels.

Naruto the manga for an original story usually had 17 to 20+ pages every week once you factor in the weeks it went on break and average out those break weeks. While this monthly manga has 45 to 50 pages per month on average and the story is not even an original but instead a retelling.


Now before I sound to complainer, I did enjoy the manga retelling I am just complaining about the slow pace. I wish this story was finished in early to mid 2016 aka less than a year since the movie came out instead of almost 18 months after the movie came out.


So about this chapter the flashbacks were nice and I enjoyed them. It is easier to enjoy these manga flashbacks than the anime flashbacks that go on forever, and that is before they even do fillers, or retrospective / retelling episodes with the anime. (I gave up on the anime at Shippuden 167, naruto in the tailed beast fox mode after raging against Pain). Supposedly after this it gets far worse with the amount of filler and flashback / retelling episodes.

Now spoilers

I loved the grin Naruto did when Boruto doubted how powerful Naruto was. The 12 year old Genin is still there living in the now mostly responsible 7th Hokage.

Side note, even if this villain (Momoshiki) supposedly has more raw offensive power to his attacks than Kaguya Otsutsuki , the final villain of Naruto, in my mind he is far less of a threat. This is because he does not

1) have a body that is immune to any attack that is not natural energy based or taijutsu, that being the Ten Tail Jinchuuriki gives you

2) he does not have the near instant regeneration that Madara Jinchuriki or Madara future forms had, and supposedly Kaguya also had

3) he does not have Limbo which Madara had, limbo made only two characters in the manga a threat against Madara, and Madara had other advantages besides Limbo, Limbo was just great.

4) he does not have truth seeking balls which are awesome defense, have regenerative powers, and while not the most destructive form of offense as some ninjutsu are capable, it was a great targeted form of offense especially against taijutsu users

5) he does not have Obito's almost broken space time mangekyou sharingan

... and so on and so on. All he had was a way to absorb Ninjutsu that was roughly as useful as Preta Path combined with power amplification capabilities.

So LaZodiac is complaining about why the heroes and the villains make subpar tactical decisions. Well if you want to start doing that there are numerous things to complain about over the 9 chapters. For example here is an easy one.

Sasuke in this most recent manga threw his sword at the villain Momoshiki and then attacked with a Kunai Dagger. Well Sasuke that was a stupid tactic and most likely the enemy is going to see through this attack for you already used your teleportation ability against him earlier, and once against his ally while he watched. Sasuke teleportation ability does not need an item to do the swapping (it just increases the range when he swaps with an object or person.) Thus Sasuke should have gotten close before teleporting, should have teleported his sword directly into the villain like he did Madara. Hell he is fighting a Byakugan user, a person with 360 degree continuous vision, why would you throw a weapon and obviously miss only to teleport when a Byakugan user can easily see the sword behind him. If you are going to use a weapon to teleport to, throw multiple shuriken like you did as a Genin and then teleport to one of them specifically, aka confuse the Byakugan with numbers. Targeting to a single place is just going to get you Haired by the Otsutsuki hair technique as you know from personal experience with Kaguya and you also saw Momoshiki defeat Gaara's sand defense with said hair. You are lucky he just decide to kick you away with some body stretch technique that is similar to Cho of the Akimichi clan.

Aka stupid stuff like this are just tactical blunders, now in the heat of battle tactical blunders are common but Sasuke is supposed to be a genius and make the least amount of these blunders unless you are Shikamaru.


Another type of tactical blunder is why did you not grab Orochimaru or Kabuto before heading out, you felt it was useful to bring Boruto, but why not the guy who has premade Edo Tensai's. We are not talking about sacrificing another person to use said Edo Tensai, but instead merely bringing around these reformed evil guys and them using minimal chakra to summon said premade Edo Tensai to help fight this rinnegan level threat. Both of these people are Kage level fighters, Kabuto actually lives in the fire village and runs an orphanage there, and Orochimaru while not part of the village is nearby in a less than a day journey.

Lots of stuff like this is silly.

I'm not arguing about tactical blunders due to the heat of battle, that's reasonable and okay. I'm arguing "why did this actually happen?" in the sense that "wait, is that actually possible? Does Bort have enough chakra to use the Forbidden Shadow Clone technique and still launch the hyper rasengan? And does a tiny, insignifigent looking scratch to the eyeball hand really negate his entire absorbing power?"

Less "These characters are acting sub optimally" and more "I don't think the stuff the story has presented actually makes sense in the context used".

Trust me, I'm ALL for characters making mistakes because they aren't perfect. I actually thought it was really cool, the strategy they did to wound his eye hand. That's GOOD. But the actual way they did it didn't seem right.

2017-02-03, 09:28 AM
I made a naruto world in world-building, check it out!only focused on a few areas of the story though.

2017-02-25, 02:49 PM
New chapter! I think the series is switching to weekly now!

Bort see's the ghost of the space god he killed that tells him that he's gonna have a ****ed up time and that killing gods makes you special. That's actually pretty cool despite how ridiculous it is! Then we get some silly ship teasing with Sarada and Bort, and how I really just wish Sarada had said "oh so you're gonna **** me and leave for five years then?" when Bort said he wanted to be like her dad.

Lord Raziere
2017-02-25, 07:07 PM
New chapter! I think the series is switching to weekly now!

Bort see's the ghost of the space god he killed that tells him that he's gonna have a ****ed up time and that killing gods makes you special. That's actually pretty cool despite how ridiculous it is! Then we get some silly ship teasing with Sarada and Bort, and how I really just wish Sarada had said "oh so you're gonna **** me and leave for five years then?" when Bort said he wanted to be like her dad.

What I want is to make a Naruto fan fic where Sarada realizes how screwed up everyone is and goes 100% full snark on everyone and their stupidity. Just full stop "I'm the only sane person in this entire world and I'm going to point out how stupid you all are no matter if your Hokage, my father or the overgod of the moon gods. Oh and my mother is stupid as hell to."

2017-02-25, 07:26 PM
What I want is to make a Naruto fan fic where Sarada realizes how screwed up everyone is and goes 100% full snark on everyone and their stupidity. Just full stop "I'm the only sane person in this entire world and I'm going to point out how stupid you all are no matter if your Hokage, my father or the overgod of the moon gods. Oh and my mother is stupid as hell to."

She was almost that but then she learned her Mom really is her Mom so now a romantic plot tumour has grown on her face and become...whatever that word that means "not beneign" is.

2017-02-26, 08:04 AM
She was almost that but then she learned her Mom really is her Mom so now a romantic plot tumour has grown on her face and become...whatever that word that means "not beneign" is.

Malign? Or am I missing a joke here?

Yeah, that last chapter was... Interesting in parts but I sure pray Sarada doesn't end up a mindless puppy like her mom.. Grow an effing pair... Of whatever girls have. And make sure for once a female penned by Kishi is a good character throughout and not just on occasion.

2017-02-26, 09:44 AM
Malign? Or am I missing a joke here?

Yeah, that last chapter was... Interesting in parts but I sure pray Sarada doesn't end up a mindless puppy like her mom.. Grow an effing pair... Of whatever girls have. And make sure for once a female penned by Kishi is a good character throughout and not just on occasion.

No joke I just forgot what the word was.

2017-02-26, 11:17 AM
Take Two Round Two just updated and the plot moved forward a bit! Huzzah!!!

Im worried about the plan for Iwa. Im not sure but im thinking the village is lost, and this is naruto and onoki basically trying to ensure that A) Akatsuki pays dearly for their victory and B) They dont get much of anything for it because most of the troops died fighting them. The battle is likely to get really dark, I hope roshi can be convinced to leave when its clear the battle is over and he can hurt them better by denying them his bijuu than by going into a rage and throwing his life away in a futile gesture.

2017-04-01, 12:16 AM
New chapter! Cause it's a thing now remember!

I'm glad to see in Naruto's new ideal world he's still employing child soldiers. Only they get to stop bank robbers instead of killing other children so that's cool.

Also Sarada continues to show she's the actual protagonist by kicking the **** out of two out of the three bank robbers in a really cool display. I swear if she gets Sakura'd I'm going to flip. And she did it all in really ****ty high heels! And then Bort ruins everything because of course he does.

Meanwhile with Narudad, apparently the evil science guy was being mind controlled. SHRUG.

...and the leader of the lame ass bandits who literal children beat up is A MAN WHO CAN COPY EVERY PERSON HE'S EVER MET OR KILLED. WHAT?!?!

Meanwhile, nerd idiots talk about the Naruto trading card game. Bort is involved, and he's mad that he keeps on getting junk rares that are also his Dad. What even is this.

And so we get a buddy cop dynamic, Bort being the bodyguard of the Damiyo's son. Well this is awkward.

2017-04-01, 04:33 AM
New chapter! Cause it's a thing now remember!

I'm glad to see in Naruto's new ideal world he's still employing child soldiers. Only they get to stop bank robbers instead of killing other children so that's cool.

Also Sarada continues to show she's the actual protagonist by kicking the **** out of two out of the three bank robbers in a really cool display. I swear if she gets Sakura'd I'm going to flip. And she did it all in really ****ty high heels! And then Bort ruins everything because of course he does.

Meanwhile with Narudad, apparently the evil science guy was being mind controlled. SHRUG.

...and the leader of the lame ass bandits who literal children beat up is A MAN WHO CAN COPY EVERY PERSON HE'S EVER MET OR KILLED. WHAT?!?!

Meanwhile, nerd idiots talk about the Naruto trading card game. Bort is involved, and he's mad that he keeps on getting junk rares that are also his Dad. What even is this.

And so we get a buddy cop dynamic, Bort being the bodyguard of the Damiyo's son. Well this is awkward.

Child soldiers are cheaper, you can pay them in trading cards. I swear to Kaguya, if this is some ploy to make a Naruto trading card game I'm stopping this ****. I mean, I guess I'm still a Gundam fan after Builders but Gunplay is part of Gundam, trading cards are not a natural part of Naruto... stop being greedy, guys.

Also, this mind control thing is ****. So him being overly motivated to make his inventions popular is not enough? You need mind control?!

Sarada is so going to get Sakura'd... I swear. This is Kishi. And even here she had to be kind of saved. (?) Even though Boruto ruined the plan so he is less capable still.

Uhm... in a world where elementary students can use shape shifting... how is this imitation power special? I guess the insinuation is it is somehow better but...

And we get an annoying little kid. I know what you're trying Kishi, but including and even worse brat won't make us like Boruto more...

2017-04-01, 09:21 AM
Yeah like straight up gunpla is just a part of Gundam. It makes you feel like part of it, making your own custom or just making a nice model to look at. These cards are just silly.

And yeah the idea is that it's not a disguise but that he literally becomes that person so you can't tell it's not him. That's way more serious a power, presumably.

2017-04-03, 07:35 PM
Lets be honest for what Boruto is looking for.

Boruto is wanting to find the Sexy Jutsu Rare, for he has heard about it and he wants to see it. He is unfamiliar that Sexy Jutsu creator is Naruto his dad.

Overall a good chapter, it was the right length but I wished it was longer or that we got multiple chapters.

Lets be honest, Boruto is so blessed to have Hinata as his mother. We have a saying Mothers have eyes in the back of their heads, but in his case this is actually true! (And mom has a 10+ kilometer range)

Just imagine if his mother was instead Sakura and she had the Byakugan. Talk about always getting into trouble and your mom flying off the handle.

2017-04-05, 06:22 AM
Ladies and gentlemen chunins and jonins boruto anime era has been started happy angsty days

2017-04-06, 05:10 PM
Ladies and gentlemen chunins and jonins boruto anime era has been started happy angsty days

First episode doesn't look that bad. It looks like we'll have some time prior to the point where Boruto the Movie happen.

I wonder however what is about his right eye, since the event we know so far from the manga occurs much later...

2017-04-07, 12:54 AM
First episode doesn't look that bad. It looks like we'll have some time prior to the point where Boruto the Movie happen.

I wonder however what is about his right eye, since the event we know so far from the manga occurs much later...
@danny anime appears to be started before kote incident so we have at least 5 or 6 episode arc where boruto tries to learn ninjutsu and saladas day view as her girl friend/ team mate for boruto and for the kakashi style eye i think both fanon and jury is out for it.

2017-04-07, 12:51 PM
Another chapter of Take Two Round Two is up. Events are moving apace. Shion is awake and trying to figure out how much she has changed, Ghost is fast losing interest in maintaining any sort of cover, danzo is about to make a big move (this is not going to end well) The attack on Iwa is about to take place, lots and lots of big things are going down and I cant wait to see what wildly divergent path the story takes from here.

2017-04-08, 01:30 AM
Another chapter of Take Two Round Two is up. Events are moving apace. Shion is awake and trying to figure out how much she has changed, Ghost is fast losing interest in maintaining any sort of cover, danzo is about to make a big move (this is not going to end well) The attack on Iwa is about to take place, lots and lots of big things are going down and I cant wait to see what wildly divergent path the story takes from here.
hold on mate if i remember corectly danzo is way dead and killed by sasuke so when did some one put his bastard ass on rinne tensei to resurect him.

2017-04-08, 01:54 AM
hold on mate if i remember corectly danzo is way dead and killed by sasuke so when did some one put his bastard ass on rinne tensei to resurect him.

This is a fan fiction.

2017-04-08, 02:06 AM
This is a fan fiction.
okay then move it along.

2017-04-09, 09:50 AM
okay then move it along.

Dont worry, I think he is going to die soon. Probably wishing he had been killed a dozen times by sasuke before it stuck. It will be less painful. :smallbiggrin: Personal theory time. If Danzo plays things smart, he will NOT go after the oogakari, instead he will go after everyone else. I dont know if he is aware of their refusal to save the day for them like this, though there are various clues for danzo to catch, but so long as he doesnt directly go after them, they would likely stay out of it because its an interesting twist to their entertainment. I could see danzo managing to mind control/take hostages, or otherwise take hold of a large portion of the village while naruto is busy in iwa. Then he comes home and has to deal with this coup. It would also create an interesting dynamic in the village between the crew in the know and the oogakari. After all, its one thing to be told they wont save the day, its something else entirely to experience them leaving the crew high and dry. Similar to neji and his animosity towards the oogakari.

Lord Raziere
2017-04-09, 11:31 AM
Dont worry, I think he is going to die soon. Probably wishing he had been killed a dozen times by sasuke before it stuck. It will be less painful. :smallbiggrin: Personal theory time. If Danzo plays things smart, he will NOT go after the oogakari, instead he will go after everyone else. I dont know if he is aware of their refusal to save the day for them like this, though there are various clues for danzo to catch, but so long as he doesnt directly go after them, they would likely stay out of it because its an interesting twist to their entertainment. I could see danzo managing to mind control/take hostages, or otherwise take hold of a large portion of the village while naruto is busy in iwa. Then he comes home and has to deal with this coup. It would also create an interesting dynamic in the village between the crew in the know and the oogakari. After all, its one thing to be told they wont save the day, its something else entirely to experience them leaving the crew high and dry. Similar to neji and his animosity towards the oogakari.

Indeed. and Naruto is already showing signs of disliking the Oogakari for his own reasons even if he is becoming more like them. Heck the very fact that he just screwed over the Oogakari in some small way by getting the other elemental nations to start thinking outside the Ninja Box is at least some indication that he isn't completely 100% on board with their methods. if Danzo goes this route and the Ninja In the Know get angry at the Oogakari afterwards or heaven forbid one of them dies when one of the Oogakari could've saved them, things are gonna get real tense for everyone, because having The Oogakari's around when they are not your allies is kind of like having Beerus over for dinner....

Yeah, when you think about, the Oogakari are all basically the super-multiversal fan fic versions of Beerus.

2017-04-09, 06:14 PM
Indeed. and Naruto is already showing signs of disliking the Oogakari for his own reasons even if he is becoming more like them. Heck the very fact that he just screwed over the Oogakari in some small way by getting the other elemental nations to start thinking outside the Ninja Box is at least some indication that he isn't completely 100% on board with their methods. if Danzo goes this route and the Ninja In the Know get angry at the Oogakari afterwards or heaven forbid one of them dies when one of the Oogakari could've saved them, things are gonna get real tense for everyone, because having The Oogakari's around when they are not your allies is kind of like having Beerus over for dinner....

Yeah, when you think about, the Oogakari are all basically the super-multiversal fan fic versions of Beerus.

I dunno if I would go that far, While he apparently has a really good reason to be pissed at Ghost (I wonder when we will finally get specifics, or if we ever will) that doesnt seem to roll over onto the rest of the family. Plus his throwing the oogakari under the bus in iwa thing made sense both for the reasons he claimed and also because its not like they can actually DO anything to the oogakari clan. They wont find any information of where they came from, so there is no real loss here. With luck, iwa is distracted from blaming konoha by trying to learn more about this mystery group and where they came from and how afraid they should be that more will show up. But yeah, the clan itself is showing less and less willingness to pretend to be anything but obnoxiously overpowered gods. So im thinking events are starting to reach a conclusion. Not in a few chapters, I mean in universe time. They are slowly revealing the truth to the village around them, if events unfold like I listed then they will be greatly disliked and probably take off in order to be left alone, and then they will be able to hang back and watch the fun. After all, its looking like they have more or less taught everyone whatever they wanted to. All thats left is to see how events play out then move on.

On an unrelated note, I think one of my favorite things is how naruto is so clearly obnoxiously overpowered, and yet he has made a big issue about how SMALL he is in the greater scheme of things. Honestly, he is easy kage level even sealed like he is now. Unsealed he is kage+ but in the greater multiverse? He probably would be the equivalent of a chunin. A threat, but easily swept aside by a large portion of reality. Totally unsealed he could rule the elemental nations as its god, to heck with pein. And yet the list of beings out there that he knows of who could obliterate him is so long its hitting the floor and rolling out the door. He is a rainbow trout in a lake full of minnows, but he has also swum through the oceans and seen the sharks and whales that can be found there.

2017-05-04, 07:54 PM
New chapter of the Bort manga is out.

It's actually just really good ****. Bort hasn't yet earned his name to be said proper, but he bonded withn the damiyo's son over deadbeat dads, playing cards, and throwing shuriken. Almost feel bad the butler did it.

2017-05-15, 07:30 AM
So while this forum was down I saw this SNL clip and it made me think of Sasuke


And here is the relevant SNL clip.

Women's Group


2017-06-05, 10:54 AM
New Chapter of the Boruto Manga is out.

It continues to be really good. I do think its a little stupid Boruto dong figure out to ask his teammates for help, resquing the Daymono's son should take priority over everything else. And they dont explain how he actually found the missing kid.
But minor complaints like these aside then the overall story was good.

2017-06-05, 11:14 AM
New Chapter of the Boruto Manga is out.

It continues to be really good. I do think its a little stupid Boruto dong figure out to ask his teammates for help, resquing the Daymono's son should take priority over everything else. And they dont explain how he actually found the missing kid.
But minor complaints like these aside then the overall story was good.

I mean the ninja they're dealing with is the ****ing Blob in ninja gear. They're probably not the stealthiest bunch in the world, they left tracks. I think it's creepy that this dude eats brains alive to steal their bodies, and I think the ninja card stuff is still really dumb because, as mentioned this episode, ****ING OROCHIMARU GOT ONE. OROCHIMARU KILLED COUNTLESS PEOPLE. But that said the writing is actually good! Bort is a good manga, and it's connection to Naruto makes me sad because a part of me will always be waiting for the other shoe to drop.

2017-06-05, 02:14 PM
Im not certain looking like the blob in your natural shape should make you easier to track, when you are able to change your shape.
But yeah, it really is the right kind of creepy, like the guy who collected hearts, or the one who made dolls out of people. Naruto at its best is honestly kinda creepy at times. I mean, child soldiers, do we need to take it further?

The problem with Orochimary getting a card is kinda weird though. Yes he killed a lot of people? im pretty certain that all the greatest ninja's have done so. And whatever else, then you cant deny that Orochimary is both extremely fameous, and extremely skilled. That he gets a card seems kinda natural.


2017-06-05, 02:20 PM
Im not certain looking like the blob in your natural shape should make you easier to track, when you are able to change your shape.
But yeah, it really is the right kind of creepy, like the guy who collected hearts, or the one who made dolls out of people. Naruto at its best is honestly kinda creepy at times. I mean, child soldiers, do we need to take it further?

The problem with Orochimary getting a card is kinda weird though. Yes he killed a lot of people? im pretty certain that all the greatest ninja's have done so. And whatever else, then you cant deny that Orochimary is both extremely fameous, and extremely skilled. That he gets a card seems kinda natural.


I meant more that since he's a huge fatty fat and all of his dudes are idiots (we've seen his best minions get beat up BY SARADA ALONE earlier in the series) so I figured that they might just be bad ninja.

My problem with Orochimaru getting a player's card is that it's like giving Mussolini or Hitler one. Yeah he's super famous and important but also he's evil? Like, as a reminder, I love Orochimaru, he's my favorite character, this doesn't stop the fact that he's allowed to just continue doing what he does is INSANE. Imagine if you're Anko and you see your beloved students playing the dumb card game and they're like "oh man Orochimaru is my favorite".

2017-06-05, 03:02 PM
I meant more that since he's a huge fatty fat and all of his dudes are idiots (we've seen his best minions get beat up BY SARADA ALONE earlier in the series) so I figured that they might just be bad ninja.

My problem with Orochimaru getting a player's card is that it's like giving Mussolini or Hitler one. Yeah he's super famous and important but also he's evil? Like, as a reminder, I love Orochimaru, he's my favorite character, this doesn't stop the fact that he's allowed to just continue doing what he does is INSANE. Imagine if you're Anko and you see your beloved students playing the dumb card game and they're like "oh man Orochimaru is my favorite".


On the subject of Orochimaru, he brought back from the dead the 4 Hokage (and use Zetsu as sacrifices so no friendly fire to summon the 4 hokages) and those 4 hokages then saved the united shinobi army multiple times during the war that was a single day that never ended.

All it takes is someone skilled in marketing I mean propaganda and you can turn Orochimaru into a hero.
Remember he was also the Sanin who was a war hero for the Leaf during 2nd Great Ninja War.
Pretty much his only downside to strangers is that he attacked the leaf himself so he is a traitor and hero at the same time to the common man of the leaf.

But to other nations he would be seen mostly as a good guy during the war that was way too long yet a single day.

2017-06-05, 06:32 PM
I meant more that since he's a huge fatty fat and all of his dudes are idiots (we've seen his best minions get beat up BY SARADA ALONE earlier in the series) so I figured that they might just be bad ninja.

Well.. it is honestly crazy enough that kids beat up an adult. But i dont recall any evidence telling that Sarada are not a good Ninja.

My problem with Orochimaru getting a player's card is that it's like giving Mussolini or Hitler one. Yeah he's super famous and important but also he's evil? Like, as a reminder, I love Orochimaru, he's my favorite character, this doesn't stop the fact that he's allowed to just continue doing what he does is INSANE. Imagine if you're Anko and you see your beloved students playing the dumb card game and they're like "oh man Orochimaru is my favorite".

Nono.. yeah.. its certainly crazy that he is not either locked up, or "retired" to watch his flower collection in some nicely isolated place. But if your making playing cards of the most influential people from the last century, then dam right Hitler or Mussoline should get one. Hitler for one certainly is among the top 10 most influential people that have lived the last 100 years. I have trouble thinking of anyone else that have had quite as big an impact. And ignoring that because we did not like said change is like putting our head into the sand.

Its the same with Orochimaru. Love or Hate him, and you really should hate him because he is an utter monster, but he is also among the greatest ninja of his generation. And honestly, most ninja's are monsters to their enemies. In the end they are soldiers or living weapons of mass destruction.

2017-06-07, 02:07 AM
It's rare for Naruto to get a reaction out of me nowadays, but Shojoji trying to eat Tentou's head? Creepy man. As far as the ENS cards go, I think a ninja (regardless of their kill count and so on) has to remain loyal to their home village to even be considered "legit". Sasuke and Orochimaru seem to have been officially pardoned for their previous misdeeds, far as I can tell. Though I can certainly see arguments against including him, the people of the (Naruto) world seem to be willing to look the other way. Shojoji is some kind of missing-nin or something right? And since he's active in the post-war period they probably can't justify carding him.

2017-06-07, 02:20 AM
It's rare for Naruto to get a reaction out of me nowadays, but Shojoji trying to eat Tentou's head? Creepy man. As far as the ENS cards go, I think a ninja (regardless of their kill count and so on) has to remain loyal to their home village to even be considered "legit". Sasuke and Orochimaru seem to have been officially pardoned for their previous misdeeds, far as I can tell. Though I can certainly see arguments against including him, the people of the (Naruto) world seem to be willing to look the other way. Shojoji is some kind of missing-nin or something right? And since he's active in the post-war period they probably can't justify carding him.

It just feels weird to me. It's like...again, what if Anko, or Kabuto, saw the card. "Oh cute that's a playing card of the person who sort of ruined my life". The playing cards have their stats and abilities, does Orochimaru's cards have special interaction's with Anko's? Doesn't that seem in bad taste? I know it's been enough years for their children to have grown up but I still think it's a little awkward in universe for this to be a thing. I have to imagine that at least some of those bodies are still warm.

2017-06-07, 08:29 AM
Nitpick time, remember I pick the nits for I care :smallwink:

It just feels weird to me. It's like...again, what if Anko, or Kabuto, saw the card. "Oh cute that's a playing card of the person who sort of ruined my life".

Can't speak for Anko, but this does not apply to the modern Kabuto. The whole point of the Kabuto vs Itachi (and Sasuke) with the Genjustu Izanami. Itachi besides trying to defeat Kabuto was also trying to help Kabuto to move on from all the hurt he experienced in his life.

Kabuto sought power for he felt life screwed him, THE WORLD, the ninja world screwed him. Thus the only way to prevent from being hurt in the future is to control the world, to master the world, to make his illusion into the reality.

Itachi disagreed the only way to move forward in Itachi's mind is to accept the world and to move forward.

This is not just part of how the genjutsu of Izanami works, but is the only way to end the genjutsu is to conquer one self via defeating one self and allowing the self to move forward. In many ways it is similar to the very early Part II / Shippuden team where Might Guy and Team Guy must defeat their doppelgangers via becoming stronger than they were earlier prior to pulling the tags. Either the mind or the body must surpass the previous mind or body.

But Izanami is different the only way to defeat this "soul power" / "body power" is with the mind achieve a sort of zen state and defeat oneself in the mind, to abandon your old version of yourself and to be reborn in a metamorphic type of way where you realize your old self is flawed and re-emerge as some form of newer version of yourself.


All of this also kind of is explained via the names Izanami and Izanagi and so on. In Japanese mythology Izanami and Izanagi were the two creation deities, Izanami is female and Izanagi is male, they were in love and mattes of each other. Well stuff happens and Izanami the female, she dies and eats the fruits of the underworld and thus she must remain in the underworld for you can now see her as the avatar of the underworld it is part of her and she part of it. Izanagi journeys into the underworld and finds here, and tries to bring her back but in the end couldn't for the damage is done, the past can't be undone. Izanagi the male flees the underworld and the female now trapped Izanami stated do not leave me (she wanted him to become part of the underworld as well) and if you leave me I will kill 1,000 people a day in order to punish you from leaving me. Izanami both in rage but also crying a bittersweet tear stated he would then bring life to 1,500 people in order for Izanagi not to win.

Then after leaving the underworld Izanagi washes out his tears and blows out his nose and from them we get Amaterasu (incarnation of the sun) from his left eye, Tsukuyomi (incarnation of the moon) from his right eye, and Susanoo (incarnation of storms) from his nose. Note when this happen he is also bathing in a sacred stream to cleanse himself from the underworld but also to represent a spiritual rebirth, he is not the same Izanagi who entered the underworld but a newer version, a wiser version, he has changed.


The tears that Izanagi and Izanami both had when they had to abandon each other symbolizes how you lose the power of the Sharingan eye out of love, but it must be blinded, the only way to move forward is to close the eye and to accept the past.

Kabuto, Itachi is trying to teach to a person who also knows pain with Itachi, you can't undo the past, no amount of power will grant your wish, the only way to move forward is to abandon your old wish and instead take rejoicement in the act of creation. Aka stop trying to gain power but instead put into love in the aspect of creation. This is because you felt abandoned via the world, that you became a monster for the lack of love and the amount of twisted love, well you should do the opposite.

Thus Kabuto becomes an orphan leader / director at the orphanage. He has moved on, he no longer has regrets over the past for the regrets are just unfruitful and nothing will come from them. Now Kabuto has embraced the will of fire, and he will be the father / mother figure he felt was lacking from his own development, he will not allow the same to happen to these orphans.

Kabuto no longer hates the world, he no longer seeks to control the world, instead he dances with the world, and the dance itself will change the world.

Kabuto is no longer trying to change the world's identity, but instead accepts his own past and his own identity, and now he dances with the world a dance of joy but also bittersweet regret but the regret is no longer able to hurt him even though it is bittersweet.


Now Anko on the other hand, she may still have baggage with Orochimaru that she is not willing to let go of. Anko may not be hateful for the most part, but her past teacher probably still can bring out the rage in her.

2017-06-07, 08:35 AM
It just feels weird to me. It's like...again, what if Anko, or Kabuto, saw the card. "Oh cute that's a playing card of the person who sort of ruined my life". The playing cards have their stats and abilities, does Orochimaru's cards have special interaction's with Anko's? Doesn't that seem in bad taste? I know it's been enough years for their children to have grown up but I still think it's a little awkward in universe for this to be a thing. I have to imagine that at least some of those bodies are still warm.

You have a good point, but consider that this is a world where until a decade or two ago, everyone was willing to kill everyone else and there had been three "world wars" over the course of a single mans lifetime. Every time you look at a nin card, you are seeing someone who has blood on their hands and probably has at least a couple people in the nations who can say, "This is the guy who murdered my mother/father/sibling." So yeah, anko probably is not a fan of that card, but if they took down all cards that involved ninja who left bad feelings in people, there would be like... one card left.

2017-06-07, 08:57 AM
It's telling that ENS is a game/activity targeted at children, who have no personal connection to the way things worked in Naruto's time. It would be like kids in the 1960s playing WW2-related games I suppose*. You might have some veterans of that era shaking their head at how the entertainment industry deals with the subject matter, of course.

*Hogan's Heroes was indeed aired in 1965.

2017-06-19, 01:55 PM
So just reminding people there is a weekly Boruto anime going on. I haven't been watching it (yet) so I can't comment on whether it is good or not. A few weeks ago there was supposedly an episode where Boruto fights his Aunt Hanabi (Hinata's sister.) The reason for the fight / training is Boruto claims to have manifested the Byakugan, except he can't do it at will, and thus the rational is to put him in a serious fight and the Byakugan will reappear or not and it will be best if another Byakugan user is participating or watching the fight for they will notice better if the Byakugan appears for a brief second or so.

Well even though Hanabi is Boruto's Aunt, Hanabi wants to be called Big Sis / Big Sister Hanabi. This kind of makes sense, for Naruto knocks up Hinata when Naruto is 19 and thus Boruto was born when Naruto is 20. Naruto becomes hokage at about 25 years old, Naruto and the The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring (aka Sarada story) happens when Naruto is about 32 years old (and Sarada about 11, and Boruto is 11 or 12) and Boruto the Movie and the Anime happens the next year when Naruto is about 33 years old and Boruto is about 13, maybe 12.

So doing the math, Aunt Hanabi is 26 or 27, and thus only about 13 to 14 years older than Boruto and she does not like the aunt math for she is 6 years younger than Hinata her sister, and remember Hinata had Boruto when she was still young (Hinata and Naruto born same year, Naruto's birthday is Oct 10, Hinata is born 2 and a half months later on Dec 27th)

2017-07-10, 09:18 AM
New chapter of Bort!

Bort's actually still not a very good person I think, but I think I'm kinda being forced to allow him to have his proper name now. This chapter was actually pretty good, even if I totally saw what was going to happen the instant he said "attacks I'm aware of". The art is still weird, but it works for this big hulking weirdo.

2017-07-10, 09:52 AM
Anyone else still reading Take Two Round Two? The last couple chapters have been huge. The war with akatsuki is finally getting going, and naruto is showing extreme dominance, even if he hasnt actually killed any members yet. He has wrecked nagato, crippled deidara (again, poor bastard) chased konan away to protect nagatos real body, he punted hidan away but he is coming back, Casually slaughtered a single heart of kakuzu (he got better already) launched kisame like a rocket once so far, and treated han like the proverbial red headed step child. All with a stab wound to the lung. Jiraya got to show some badass moves as well, which is pretty cool. I cant wait to see how the battle ends to be honest. Especially epic is the realization that naruto is fighting with an arm tied behind his back due to the lack of sage mode and kuramas chakra. He is spanking an S rank organization at like, half his power. Though sasori just got super scary.

2017-07-10, 10:05 AM
So just reminding people there is a weekly Boruto anime going on. I haven't been watching it (yet) so I can't comment on whether it is good or not. A few weeks ago there was supposedly an episode where Boruto fights his Aunt Hanabi (Hinata's sister.) The reason for the fight / training is Boruto claims to have manifested the Byakugan, except he can't do it at will, and thus the rational is to put him in a serious fight and the Byakugan will reappear or not and it will be best if another Byakugan user is participating or watching the fight for they will notice better if the Byakugan appears for a brief second or so.

Well even though Hanabi is Boruto's Aunt, Hanabi wants to be called Big Sis / Big Sister Hanabi. This kind of makes sense, for Naruto knocks up Hinata when Naruto is 19 and thus Boruto was born when Naruto is 20. Naruto becomes hokage at about 25 years old, Naruto and the The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring (aka Sarada story) happens when Naruto is about 32 years old (and Sarada about 11, and Boruto is 11 or 12) and Boruto the Movie and the Anime happens the next year when Naruto is about 33 years old and Boruto is about 13, maybe 12.

So doing the math, Aunt Hanabi is 26 or 27, and thus only about 13 to 14 years older than Boruto and she does not like the aunt math for she is 6 years younger than Hinata her sister, and remember Hinata had Boruto when she was still young (Hinata and Naruto born same year, Naruto's birthday is Oct 10, Hinata is born 2 and a half months later on Dec 27th)

I haven't read the manga so I can't speak to comparative quality, but I've been quite enjoying it. It's a return to the much lower power levels of early Naruto and it's generally lighter and fluffier too. It feels in some ways like the better filler episodes - fairly low stakes stuff but decently written. They just finished the first major story arc which was fairly satisfying.

The one concern I have right now is how they handle Boruto and Naruto's relations. They've started out like they were at the beginning of the Boruto movie, which is to be expected. The problem is that the movie is several years away in-universe. So...how do they deal with that? There's nowhere for either to develop unless they retcon the movie.

Oh, and I quite like Big Sis Hanabi. We never really saw much of Hanabi in the original, and she's grown up to be pretty cool.

2017-07-10, 10:28 AM
I haven't read the manga so I can't speak to comparative quality, but I've been quite enjoying it. It's a return to the much lower power levels of early Naruto and it's generally lighter and fluffier too. It feels in some ways like the better filler episodes - fairly low stakes stuff but decently written. They just finished the first major story arc which was fairly satisfying.

The one concern I have right now is how they handle Boruto and Naruto's relations. They've started out like they were at the beginning of the Boruto movie, which is to be expected. The problem is that the movie is several years away in-universe. So...how do they deal with that? There's nowhere for either to develop unless they retcon the movie.

Oh, and I quite like Big Sis Hanabi. We never really saw much of Hanabi in the original, and she's grown up to be pretty cool.
i think they need to slight retcon the exams since boruto probably use his eye in the exams and from the look of it in the manga he has weird chakra sense and ability to see tenketsu channels when he needs realy urgently and wanna be sharingan gauntlet kinda makes enough bang that kinda needs its own plotline to properly explain and only guy in the story character can build prototype is denki and he needs pre arc stuff to get idea so retcon is kinda smartest way to handle the situation

2017-07-11, 09:16 AM
I really do like the new Manga, and love the much more reasoable power level. Do kinda disagree about Boruto's statement in the new comic though.
Fat guy is one of the best ninja's we have seen. He has an unusually strong defensive trick, and can more or less perfectly replace a person when he want to infiltrate somewhere.

2017-07-11, 11:18 AM
I really do like the new Manga, and love the much more reasoable power level. Do kinda disagree about Boruto's statement in the new comic though.
Fat guy is one of the best ninja's we have seen. He has an unusually strong defensive trick, and can more or less perfectly replace a person when he want to infiltrate somewhere.

Yeah that's basically true. He lacks honour though. He's also a super gross fat cannibal.

Lord Raziere
2017-07-11, 05:10 PM
Anyone else still reading Take Two Round Two? The last couple chapters have been huge. The war with akatsuki is finally getting going, and naruto is showing extreme dominance, even if he hasnt actually killed any members yet. He has wrecked nagato, crippled deidara (again, poor bastard) chased konan away to protect nagatos real body, he punted hidan away but he is coming back, Casually slaughtered a single heart of kakuzu (he got better already) launched kisame like a rocket once so far, and treated han like the proverbial red headed step child. All with a stab wound to the lung. Jiraya got to show some badass moves as well, which is pretty cool. I cant wait to see how the battle ends to be honest. Especially epic is the realization that naruto is fighting with an arm tied behind his back due to the lack of sage mode and kuramas chakra. He is spanking an S rank organization at like, half his power. Though sasori just got super scary.

My favorite part was when Naruto found out about the World Tree thing.

Just.....most epic, funny rant I've heard in a long time, just so much rage at it. So much, and it makes so much sense why he is. You'd be to, if your entire life was leading up to was essentially a big dumb parasite plant when you've already met things so much higher on the totem pole.

2017-07-11, 05:39 PM
Yeah that's basically true. He lacks honour though. He's also a super gross fat cannibal.

Technically that just makes him a better ninja.. :smalltongue:

2017-07-11, 06:35 PM
My favorite part was when Naruto found out about the World Tree thing.

Just.....most epic, funny rant I've heard in a long time, just so much rage at it. So much, and it makes so much sense why he is. You'd be to, if your entire life was leading up to was essentially a big dumb parasite plant when you've already met things so much higher on the totem pole.

I like how third fang didnt even bother to pretend this wasnt an author insert reaction either. I mean honestly the big reveal never bothered me but then, I never got to enjoy the shippuden series as a coherent whole. So to me it was just a consecutive list of random but ever more epic battles.

2017-07-11, 10:12 PM
Technically that just makes him a better ninja.. :smalltongue:

You can be a cruel stealth boy and still have honour. But yeah no you're not wrong, bigboy over here would make a fantastic actual ninja.

2017-07-16, 01:26 PM
Has anyone seen these? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLp7GWKksR4) Basically what happens is, they took the scene from a movie where hitler is ranting like a lunatic and give it subtitles where instead he is ranting about, in this example, how kakashi got the perfect susanoo from a dead obito who warped himself back to the living sort of. Its honestly kinda hilarious and there are a ton of these videos floating around for everything, including naruto pairings, various huge reveals fromt he series, things like that. Also other anime and the like.

2017-07-16, 01:36 PM
Has anyone seen these? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLp7GWKksR4) Basically what happens is, they took the scene from a movie where hitler is ranting like a lunatic and give it subtitles where instead he is ranting about, in this example, how kakashi got the perfect susanoo from a dead obito who warped himself back to the living sort of. Its honestly kinda hilarious and there are a ton of these videos floating around for everything, including naruto pairings, various huge reveals fromt he series, things like that. Also other anime and the like.

I guess the Doctor Who news today teleported me back to the early 2000s because hoo boy that's...super old. That said, it's pretty great too, so nice find for those who missed or forgot it :smalltongue:

2017-08-03, 06:01 PM
Ugh, this is obnoxious, im trying to find some video clips of naruto first showing up for the 4th shinobi war on youtube. So far all I have seen are a few 30 second clips of him specifically saving people from the white zetsu with his clones and him and bee. Everything else is either amvs (blurgh) or other people reviewing the dang thing. Anyone able to help me find it? Im specifically looking for the casts reaction as these naruto clones appear everywhere.

2017-08-03, 07:52 PM
Ugh, this is obnoxious, im trying to find some video clips of naruto first showing up for the 4th shinobi war on youtube. So far all I have seen are a few 30 second clips of him specifically saving people from the white zetsu with his clones and him and bee. Everything else is either amvs (blurgh) or other people reviewing the dang thing. Anyone able to help me find it? Im specifically looking for the casts reaction as these naruto clones appear everywhere.
Is there a reason Crunchyroll (http://www.crunchyroll.com/naruto-shippuden) isn't acceptable?

2017-08-03, 08:51 PM
Ive never had anything to do with that site. Im checking it out now. Thanks for the link. Its working great

2017-08-03, 10:07 PM
Crunchyroll is, as far as I know, THE web site to watch Naruto with the copyright owner's permission - and thus with literally the entire series conveniently indexed with no risk of takedowns, and allowable by the forum rules here. And if you want high definition with no ads, the subscription fee is quite reasonable. Especially if there are any other anime series you like that are in its library.

Lord Raziere
2017-08-10, 03:14 AM
.....Sarada sounds more like the parent than Sakura does. just from the pre-song intro blurb. yeah. I can already tell how screwed up this family is.

yeah, Sarada is sounding more organized and dutiful than Sakura. yeah. when your child is is telling YOU how to better keep your life together and she is like what, still in elementary school? some thing has gone wrong.

.......Sarada you forgot the teddy. ugh. for someone for so organized....

Sarada its ok, just tell Shizune the problem. not like the worlds gonna end over it.

.....ok I think I get the comedy here, Sarada's whole problem is self made: she doesn't ask Shizune's help, she doesn't take shortcuts across rooftops because she doesn't want to be like Boruto, she is too nice and helps out an old lady, she is too embarrassed to be seen going against her stuck up persona, she'd solve this a lot more quickly if she simply stopped caring.

and yeah, Cho-Cho saw you. Sarada c'mon.....loosen up. and Cho-Cho is basically helping you out here.

meanwhile Sakura reminisces on how Sasuke is a bad father and husband in general. yeah, the fact that their date lasted only two and half minutes and she thinks Sasuke has probably forgotten.....wouldn't surprise me..

When Sarada asks if you have a problem with something she did, you say NO! Everyone knows this.

Sakura: "Did you drop off that teddy bear for me?"
Sarada: "Yeah. It was easy."

yup, screwed up family.

and now for a flashback, a day in the life of the Uzumaki family. hm.

its the day before Naruto becomes Hokage, Naruto comes home waste drunk in celebration, escorted by his various male friends.

next morning, Boruto wakes him, and apparently Boruto was supportive of him becoming Hokage before the current state of affairs. meanwhile Naruto is already showing how tired he is. also apparently Kakaishi's embroidery on his inauguration wasn't finished in it

it is Kakashi's last day of Hokage-dom. he looks forward to retirement. but Naruto is late.

Boruto and Himawari pull a stuffed animal apart, a cute stuffed pink panda bear is lost to the world.


and Naruto runs in to save Boruto from Himawari's Byakugan strike, probably saving his life, and hit Naruto right in the chakras, apparently even Kurama felt it.


and Boruto is running from his scary little sister......Hinata is just discovering what went wrong with Naruto.....this is just a big mess.

we go back to present. yeah,a big mess where nothing goes right as a day, sounds about for the Uzumaki family.

and Hinata kicks but Boruto and Naruto out for being noisy near a sick Himawari. so they go to........where else....Ichiraku's for food.

and Naruto literally gets food because he basically patrons the place and offered a fake coupon, not even having a wallet on him.

oh and Hinata apparently is a champion of eating ramen at 46 bowls, more than Choji ever will. so apparently, Hinata and Naruto actually have the ramen love in common.

and we close out with Naruto stating that since he achieved his dream of being Hokage, his new dream is to protect his entire village because its his big family now. I like this. Naruto has finally done what most shonen protagonists never do: he has reached the top and has changed his dream to see whats more important in life, rather than just wanting to gain more and more power. I'm happy for him.

2017-09-12, 06:03 PM
new Boruto chapter and stuff happens

Sticking with Boruto manga only

Boruto can

Use 3 elements (wind, water, lightning).
Use combination techniques with water and lightning but not the Storm Release kekkei genkai that Darui and Madara (he was ten tails jinchurukki at the time) can use with a more perfect water and lightning chakra blending.
Can do a rasengan as well as mix wind chakra with it.
Can do 6 shadow clones.
Has very good taijutsu for a genin.
An unrevealed seal on his hand that seems to have plot significance.

2017-09-12, 06:55 PM
I'm instantly bored of Scale. These are lame villains.

2017-09-12, 09:03 PM
I'm instantly bored of Scale. These are lame villains.

So recently in another thread something you said made me think of Edna Mode and my brain equated LaZodiac with Edna and this scene from the Incredibles.

Helen: E, it's great to see you, but I gotta tell you, I've got no idea what you're talking about.
Edna: Yes, words are useless! Gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble! Too much of it, darling, too much! That is why I show you my work! That is why you are here!



Aka show do not tell.

I wonder what the equivalent LaZodiac is to no capes, possibly it is to how write a good villian's intro into the story?

2017-09-12, 10:37 PM
I wonder what the equivalent LaZodiac is to no capes, possibly it is to how write a good villian's intro into the story?

Unless the situation calls for it, NO MONOLOGING. I mean I realize this comes into play with Incredibles as well but it's really important. Unless it is prompted, the villain shouldn't just go spouting off his plan unless there is a VERY good reason for it. Like, you need to build up to it. You need to be wondering why they're doing what they're doing until it happens, and I still feel you need to have it prompted by the hero.

Also as a general rule of thumb when your villains says something, have it have meaning. Don't say anything that is vague or mysterious unless the idea is that SOMEONE is supposed to know and there's something they're not telling. Cough examples from my own book cough.

that said I can't think of a 100% "never ever ever" situation to bring up like Edna's NO CAPES.

2017-09-12, 10:47 PM
surely something from RWBY (yes it would be a different thread) is enough to make you do a no capes level rant =P

2017-09-12, 10:54 PM
surely something from RWBY (yes it would be a different thread) is enough to make you do a no capes level rant =P

That relates heavily to my "have your villain say something that actually matters" and I've been over that hat many a time. Literally replace all of Cinder's dialogue with Maniacal Laugh (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6MlHxAzLXA) and it changes literally nothing.

2017-09-12, 10:58 PM
That relates heavily to my "have your villain say something that actually matters" and I've been over that hat many a time. Literally replace all of Cinder's dialogue with Maniacal Laugh (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6MlHxAzLXA) and it changes literally nothing.

RWBY chibi parody Cinder's dialogue (maniacal laugh) recently



Skip to 2:48 of the clip

2017-09-12, 11:24 PM
RWBY chibi parody Cinder's dialogue (maniacal laugh) recently



Skip to 2:48 of the clip

I hate how they made this unfunny. They took a funny joke and made it bad. They can't even dunk on their own show right.

Anyway, back on topic: **** Scale. They're not good villains. I don't care that this old man got set on fire.

2017-09-13, 10:52 AM
This is why, when I become an evil overlord, I will rant in the proper fashion. By myself, in my free time. So that when my plan works and I capture the hero I can just shoot him and be done with it!

"Now die Mr Bland!"

"Wait! Wont you brag about your big evil scheme first?"

"Nah, did that earlier to my dog. Its out of my system now." /gunshot

2017-09-13, 05:46 PM
This is why, when I become an evil overlord, I will rant in the proper fashion. By myself, in my free time. So that when my plan works and I capture the hero I can just shoot him and be done with it!

"Now die Mr Bland!"

"Wait! Wont you brag about your big evil scheme first?"

"Nah, did that earlier to my dog. Its out of my system now." /gunshot
Still too much talking. Try this:

"Now die Mr Bland!"

"...Mr Bland? ... Oh right, you died already."

Lord Raziere
2017-09-13, 07:08 PM
Still too much talking. Try this:

"Now die Mr Bland!"

"...Mr Bland? ... Oh right, you died already."

Yah, if you say if your dog heard, it would turn out that they can somehow talk to dogs and somehow escape then somehow persuade your dog into spilling.

in fact, the villain should kill their dog in that scenario right after they kill the hero. just in case the hero comes back from the dead. and destroy the dogs soul, just in case they talk in the afterlife.

2017-09-18, 10:00 AM
If the Villain can destroy souls, then they should destroy the Hero's soul.

Or eat it to gain the Hero's plot armorpower

2017-09-18, 10:04 AM
If the Villain can destroy souls, then they should destroy the Hero's soul.

Or eat it to gain the Hero's plot armorpower
this is kohana damn it not whole cake island so put that straw hat down you moron

2017-09-18, 02:05 PM
Take Two Round Two update. Woot! Wow, death of kisame huh? I gotta say im ticked at how sasori survived. Deidara has gotten wrecked on several occurrences in iwa, the last thing he should be willing to do is come back badly wounded and barely functional and get it stuck in again.

2017-10-22, 11:20 PM
New Boruto chapter and it went orochimaru kind of creepy. Oh not the villian orochimaru type of creepy but the other style of orochimaru creepy.

2017-10-23, 12:38 AM
Right I forgot to talk about the new chapter I think?

Bort learns that he should respect his elders otherwise they'll shove screwdrivers into his eyeballs. Also the series completely and utterly shoved the message of it's opening upside down, but in a way that actually made sense? Like..."in the context of the time using tech is bad. But tech's not bad at all actually you stupid dumbass child who is my son".

And of course no lesson about respect and love would be incomplete without the reveal that haha it was all a trick. Oh boy here I go killin' again, says the old man. Never trust a Misty ninja.

2017-11-19, 05:07 AM
Woot! Both a new chapter of Boruto is out, and a new chapter in Third Fangs Take Two Round Two fanfiction is out! Haven't read Third Fangs update, but I've read the new chapter for Boruto.

Well, first off, let's get the most pressing matter attended to first: Naruto verse now has Lightsabers! How long until we have a proper Lightsaber duel I wonder, LOL. Next up, Boruto has issues at first with the technology, though it seemed like he had managed to get over at the end of last chapter. Now it appears that he truly gets it though, which is good. Have to say, that Head Scientist guy has gone from "Evil acting/looking" to "Kind and supportive and caring" over the last few chapters. Definitely pretty interesting turn there, I really was expecting him to end up being a villain at some point, but his actions right now are really leading me away from the conclusion.

Other then that, not much else beyond Boruto's team being assigned to find Konohanamaru(I know that's spelled wrong ><). Feel like that was a stupid move on Naruto's part, if two Jounin have been taken down, what chance does a squad of chuunin level kids have of taking on whatever took them down? I know Hokage's have to be willing to make sacrifices, even of their own offspring, but not if it's just throwing them away on what appears to be a suicide mission.

2017-11-19, 09:16 AM
Woot! Both a new chapter of Boruto is out, and a new chapter in Third Fangs Take Two Round Two fanfiction is out! Haven't read Third Fangs update, but I've read the new chapter for Boruto.

Well, first off, let's get the most pressing matter attended to first: Naruto verse now has Lightsabers! How long until we have a proper Lightsaber duel I wonder, LOL. Next up, Boruto has issues at first with the technology, though it seemed like he had managed to get over at the end of last chapter. Now it appears that he truly gets it though, which is good. Have to say, that Head Scientist guy has gone from "Evil acting/looking" to "Kind and supportive and caring" over the last few chapters. Definitely pretty interesting turn there, I really was expecting him to end up being a villain at some point, but his actions right now are really leading me away from the conclusion.

Other then that, not much else beyond Boruto's team being assigned to find Konohanamaru(I know that's spelled wrong ><). Feel like that was a stupid move on Naruto's part, if two Jounin have been taken down, what chance does a squad of chuunin level kids have of taking on whatever took them down? I know Hokage's have to be willing to make sacrifices, even of their own offspring, but not if it's just throwing them away on what appears to be a suicide mission.
is it me or boruto has jonin in his team and <redacted> has name of <redacted>plus if i am right on my theory boruto gonna eventually unlock old pal kurama and naruto kinda knows boruto can handle the job already( lightning villige coup handled by him nearly alone so uzumaki junior probably can handle it)

2017-11-19, 10:02 AM
Woot! Both a new chapter of Boruto is out, and a new chapter in Third Fangs Take Two Round Two fanfiction is out! Haven't read Third Fangs update, but I've read the new chapter for Boruto.

Well, first off, let's get the most pressing matter attended to first: Naruto verse now has Lightsabers! How long until we have a proper Lightsaber duel I wonder, LOL. Next up, Boruto has issues at first with the technology, though it seemed like he had managed to get over at the end of last chapter. Now it appears that he truly gets it though, which is good. Have to say, that Head Scientist guy has gone from "Evil acting/looking" to "Kind and supportive and caring" over the last few chapters. Definitely pretty interesting turn there, I really was expecting him to end up being a villain at some point, but his actions right now are really leading me away from the conclusion.

Other then that, not much else beyond Boruto's team being assigned to find Konohanamaru(I know that's spelled wrong ><). Feel like that was a stupid move on Naruto's part, if two Jounin have been taken down, what chance does a squad of chuunin level kids have of taking on whatever took them down? I know Hokage's have to be willing to make sacrifices, even of their own offspring, but not if it's just throwing them away on what appears to be a suicide mission.

Read the new take two chapter and woohoo! Much epicness is had by both minato and kushina. Naruto ran into the stumbling block of not being the bright eyed optimist that could talk pein around and instead has to fight him over their motivations or whatever. proceeds to school him while showing that yeah, he HAS fought pein before. Finale ends with some serious kiaju badness taking shape and naruto establishing why he is a freaking monster and lord of the skies. It was almost enough to make me forget that he is still heavily sealed in strength which in hindsight makes me want to poop myself in terror at the implications. He is absurdly strong as he is. Able to match most of akatsuki in an open fight, and yet this isnt even close to his final form/powerup. And even scarier, he is very aware of how small of a fish he actually is in the greater multiverse. He has the power to reshape nations, maybe not casually, but its there, and he is an insect compared to the type of stuff out there.

2017-11-19, 06:38 PM
is it me or boruto has jonin in his team and <redacted> has name of <redacted>plus if i am right on my theory boruto gonna eventually unlock old pal kurama and naruto kinda knows boruto can handle the job already( lightning villige coup handled by him nearly alone so uzumaki junior probably can handle it)

A: I don't think they have a jonin with them. They were originally just escorting that scientist into the city, and I don't remember seeing someone else with them throughout the journey. B: How in the world could Boruto "unlock Kurama" when Kurama is still inside of Naruto?? That makes literally zero sense.

2017-11-20, 12:07 AM
This months' chapter was the exact same as last one but with more positive stuff instead of "I could kill you with a screwdriver boy, tools are just tools" and wow, it must suck to actually like a monthly series that's this mediocre huh?

2017-11-20, 04:40 AM
A: I don't think they have a jonin with them. They were originally just escorting that scientist into the city, and I don't remember seeing someone else with them throughout the journey. B: How in the world could Boruto "unlock Kurama" when Kurama is still inside of Naruto?? That makes literally zero sense.
a the jonin in question is probably orochi brat mitsuki( suigetsu says he is undercover)
b there is two kuramas yin half and yang half and since one half is sealed in naruto while other half goes to i dont know where. there is good chance somewhere down the line boruto gonna visit uncle kurama for chat and naruto also drop by to explain the thing.
similarities between dad and son
they both have whisker marks
they are both pranksters
both of them has shadow clone jutsu as first jutsus
they both have infamous swing reveal of their lovers( naruto with hinata, boruto with sarada)
both have smart guy as advisor
did i need more

2017-11-20, 05:56 AM
a the jonin in question is probably orochi brat mitsuki( suigetsu says he is undercover)
b there is two kuramas yin half and yang half and since one half is sealed in naruto while other half goes to i dont know where. there is good chance somewhere down the line boruto gonna visit uncle kurama for chat and naruto also drop by to explain the thing.
similarities between dad and son
they both have whisker marks
they are both pranksters
both of them has shadow clone jutsu as first jutsus
they both have infamous swing reveal of their lovers( naruto with hinata, boruto with sarada)
both have smart guy as advisor
did i need more

You need a lot more, considering you obviously didn't read the end of the original naruto comic? Naruto merged his half of Kurama with the other half after he defeated Sasuke, giving Naruto ALL of the nine-tails Chakra, both Yin and Yang.

If you need a refresher: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kurama Go down to the Kaguya Ootosuki Strikes section, in the very last paragraph it details how Sasuke had absorbed both halves of Kurama, and then after Naruto managed to beat him anyways, that the original Sage of the Six Paths encouraged Kurama to rejoin with Naruto to look after him(This was done after the 8-tails rejoined Killer B).

So yeah, your entire thesis is wrong just based on that. Naruto has all of Kurama's chakra, therefore Boruto can't be a hidden jinkchuuriki. The whisker marks is likely just a hereditary thing now, I imagine it will show up in all of Naruto's descendants.

2017-11-20, 06:14 AM
You need a lot more, considering you obviously didn't read the end of the original naruto comic? Naruto merged his half of Kurama with the other half after he defeated Sasuke, giving Naruto ALL of the nine-tails Chakra, both Yin and Yang.

If you need a refresher: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kurama Go down to the Kaguya Ootosuki Strikes section, in the very last paragraph it details how Sasuke had absorbed both halves of Kurama, and then after Naruto managed to beat him anyways, that the original Sage of the Six Paths encouraged Kurama to rejoin with Naruto to look after him(This was done after the 8-tails rejoined Killer B).

So yeah, your entire thesis is wrong just based on that. Naruto has all of Kurama's chakra, therefore Boruto can't be a hidden jinkchuuriki. The whisker marks is likely just a hereditary thing now, I imagine it will show up in all of Naruto's descendants.
okay i am waiting for your answer about mitsuki part of my post fo other part thanks

2017-11-20, 06:23 AM
okay i am waiting for your answer about mitsuki part of my post fo other part thanks

I see no reason to respond to anything else. If Naruto has both halves of Kurama, it's therefore imposisble for Boruto to get them, it's pretty hard/dangerous for a jinchuuriki using the fox as the Tailed beast to be made with anything besides a baby. And, I really doubt that Suigetsu's kid is secretly a jonin.

2017-11-20, 06:32 AM
I see no reason to respond to anything else. If Naruto has both halves of Kurama, it's therefore imposisble for Boruto to get them, it's nearly impossible for a jinchuuriki using the fox as the Tailed beast to be made with anything besides a baby. And, I really doubt that Suigetsu's kid is secretly a jonin.
not suigetsu its orochimaru's kid but what ever until we get solid confrimation in manga my theory stays. mitsuki is atleast anbu class ninja on deep cover. ( and besides sasuke and kabuto who has snakes as theme by the way same earth collered snakes) his mission probably is keep an eye on boruto and grab additional experiment material.

plus suigetsu still working for orochimaru i think and visits lightning villige on job from him where he hits mitsuki who basicly bosses him to submission.

2017-11-20, 06:47 AM
not suigetsu its orochimaru's kid but what ever until we get solid confrimation in manga my theory stays. mitsuki is atleast anbu class ninja on deep cover. ( and besides sasuke and kabuto who has snakes as theme by the way same earth collered snakes) his mission probably is keep an eye on boruto and grab additional experiment material.

plus suigetsu still working for orochimaru i think and visits lightning villige on job from him where he hits mitsuki who basicly bosses him to submission.

Sorry, was in a rush, had to put daughter on bus. Wanted to put forth some more thoughts on the idea of Boruto being a future jinchuuriki for Kurama.

Mito(1st known Jinchuuriki of Kurama) was an older person, but was full Uzumaki, and was purportedly a seal-master on par with, or even above Minato(who was hailed as a genius in the sealing arts). Kushina was a child when she was made a Jinchuuriki for Kurama, and was also a full Uzumaki(Uzumaki's have stronger life-forces, thus are well suited to become Jinchuuriki's). Naruto was only half Uzumaki, so it's questionable as to whether or not he would have survived being made a Jinchuuriki for Kurama if he was older. Boruto is only a quarter Uzumaki, and so far there have been no significant seal-masters revealed, so it's extremely doubtful he could be made a jinchuuriki.

Now, I won't say it's totally impossible. I could possibly see some future shenanigans where before Naruto is killed(as was hinted at in the very first chapter, when we are shown Boruto fighting some unknown enemy), and that weird mark on Boruto's hand being revealed as a way to safely absorb and integrate Tailed Beasts into a human body regardless of whether or not they are Uzumaki or babies. But that's both unlikely, and very far in the future(Boruto looked to be at least 17 or so in that starting scene, maybe older. He's only what..13 now?).

Anyways, most of your theory is, honestly, wild speculation, or just easily explained.

Shadow Clone: Of course it'll be Boruto's first known jutsu. It was his dad's signature jutsu, and the one that allowed him to become so vastly powerful. Even being only a quarter Uzumaki, I imagine Boruto has chakra reserves equal to a jonin's already, probably more, so it's not dangerous for him to use it and train with it. Even then, his max appears to be 5? Or 4, I can't remember. Which, might I add, further reinforces the idea that Boruto can't possibly be a hidden Jinchuuriki(besides the obvious fact that Naruto has all of Kurama now). A Jinchuuriki would have the chakra reserves to make dozens/hundreds of Shadow Clones with no issues. And given how desperate the situation was against that fat guy that ate people to gain their powers/appearances, I don't think Boruto would have held back the ability to make more Shadow Clones once his Rasengan proved to be not enough.

Pranksters: It's in the Uzumaki blood. Pretty sure in various flashbacks, stories told to Naruto about Kushina, it's revealed that Kushina was quite the prankster herself when she was a child. And again, when your dad is a well known prankster himself, it's only natural the son would follow in the father's footsteps.

Lovers: When was it revealed that Sarada was Boruto's love interest? I mean, they do care for each other, but from what I've seen, it's solely the feelings one shares for a teammate that they spend a lot of time with. They haven't kissed or shown any overt actions of affection that would indicate that. Clearly wild speculation there

Advisor: Who is Boruto's "Smart guy advisor"? The scientist? I don't see it. Boruto really dislikes the scientist, and even with the latest chapter showing some of that mellowing out a little, it's more of a "Well, others think highly of him, and he's trying to help people, so maybe he's not all that bad". Only time will show if he ends up being a serious advisor to Boruto, though given the age difference(Science guy appears to be at least 35, maybe older). Shikamaru on the other hand was virtually foreshadows as being Naruto's future go-to smart guy almost right from the beginning. They were class-mates from the get-go, Shikamaru was constantly touted as the genius of his generation, and as the series went on was constantly consulted for tactics and advice on various things.

Whisker Marks: As I said, I think that's just a genetic mutation passed onto Boruto from Naruto. It's likely that housing Kurama for so long, that it changed Naruto's DNA to a slight degree, and that birth defect/mark was passed on. Definitely not from Boruto being a Jinchuuriki, as I clearly proved that Naruto currently has all of Kurama's Chakra.

I will admit, I was mistaken on whatshisname being Suigetu's kid. That might possibly lead to him being a Jonin already, assuming that Orochimaru actually took the time out of his continuous experimentation to train him to a high enough degree. Given Orochimaru doesn't appear to have designs on possessing his body, I honestly doubt that, the only reason he trained Sasuke was so he could take his body. Lacking that incentive, I'm more of the opinion that he barely paid any attention to his kid, possibly educated him on the basics, and trained him solidly enough to be a high-level genin/low level chuunin. Again, only time will tell.

2017-11-20, 07:18 AM
Sorry, was in a rush, had to put daughter on bus. Wanted to put forth some more thoughts on the idea of Boruto being a future jinchuuriki for Kurama.
did you watch the series atleast major part of it
snip about history of kurama's hosts

Shadow Clone: Of course it'll be Boruto's first known jutsu. It was his dad's signature jutsu, and the one that allowed him to become so vastly powerful. Even being only a quarter Uzumaki, I imagine Boruto has chakra reserves equal to a jonin's already, probably more, so it's not dangerous for him to use it and train with it. Even then, his max appears to be 5? Or 4, I can't remember. Which, might I add, further reinforces the idea that Boruto can't possibly be a hidden Jinchuuriki(besides the obvious fact that Naruto has all of Kurama now). A Jinchuuriki would have the chakra reserves to make dozens/hundreds of Shadow Clones with no issues. And given how desperate the situation was against that fat guy that ate people to gain their powers/appearances, I don't think Boruto would have held back the ability to make more Shadow Clones once his Rasengan proved to be not enough.

you know until naruto learned sage technique he actualy wastes bunch of his chakra for simple techniques and the only jutsu he can pull is his sexy jutsu and its derivatives yet no one caught him impersonating sasuke for nearly all day.( okay target was easy to impersonate since he is to angsty to have proper friendship any d*ck move you made kinda suits sasukes character )

Pranksters: It's in the Uzumaki blood. Pretty sure in various flashbacks, stories told to Naruto about Kushina, it's revealed that Kushina was quite the prankster herself when she was a child. And again, when your dad is a well known prankster himself, it's only natural the son would follow in the father's footsteps.

no comment on this one

Lovers: When was it revealed that Sarada was Boruto's love interest? I mean, they do care for each other, but from what I've seen, it's solely the feelings one shares for a teammate that they spend a lot of time with. They haven't kissed or shown any overt actions of affection that would indicate that. Clearly wild speculation there

wait until end of series. I am gonna post again and say ı said so.

Advisor: Who is Boruto's "Smart guy advisor"? The scientist? I don't see it. Boruto really dislikes the scientist, and even with the latest chapter showing some of that mellowing out a little, it's more of a "Well, others think highly of him, and he's trying to help people, so maybe he's not all that bad". Only time will show if he ends up being a serious advisor to Boruto, though given the age difference(Science guy appears to be at least 35, maybe older). Shikamaru on the other hand was virtually foreshadows as being Naruto's future go-to smart guy almost right from the beginning. They were class-mates from the get-go, Shikamaru was constantly touted as the genius of his generation, and as the series went on was constantly consulted for tactics and advice on various things.

naruto has shikamaru as smart guy advisor. boruto has shikadai as his smart lancer/ advaisor ( hell shikamaru basicly asks his son to help boruto when ever he needs(large part of the series sikadai and inojin stick around boruto helping him on homeworks, or groom him to become hokage))

Whisker Marks: As I said, I think that's just a genetic mutation passed onto Boruto from Naruto. It's likely that housing Kurama for so long, that it changed Naruto's DNA to a slight degree, and that birth defect/mark was passed on. Definitely not from Boruto being a Jinchuuriki, as I clearly proved that Naruto currently has all of Kurama's Chakra.

maybe genetic but it does not explain why naruto play same gambit as his father.

I will admit, I was mistaken on whatshisname being Suigetu's kid. That might possibly lead to him being a Jonin already, assuming that Orochimaru actually took the time out of his continuous experimentation to train him to a high enough degree. Given Orochimaru doesn't appear to have designs on possessing his body, I honestly doubt that, the only reason he trained Sasuke was so he could take his body. Lacking that incentive, I'm more of the opinion that he barely paid any attention to his kid, possibly educated him on the basics, and trained him solidly enough to be a high-level genin/low level chuunin. Again, only time will tell.
Orochimaru probably trains them as perfect soldiers and probably teached him basics about ninja world until he gets the memo about mitsuki's free will which he decides to not scrap him and start again and few times he sends snakes to get reports from him and send him orders( aka his kill class rep sumire kanagi so orochimaru can grab custom made bijui tech for him self until boruto casts therapy no jutsu and defuses her. which orochimaru says its okay)
so team konohamaru has jonin in their ranks and i can bet a ramen blow that naruto knows boruto is atleast jonin level already so they can handle the mission and for the record all of them second generartion sannin so a+ rank mission might be accidental cake walk for them ( hello they stop freaking coop while school trip for christ sake)

2017-11-20, 08:38 AM
did you watch the series atleast major part of it
snip about history of kurama's hosts

I'm wondering the same for you. Everything I said regarding that part is entirely factual. Mito Uzumaki, wife of the Shodai Hokage, Hasharima Senju, was the first(known to us anyways) jinchuuriki of Kurama. She and her husband wrested Kurama away from Madara's control during the their final battle at the Valley of the End. Madara summoned Kurama and enslaved him with his Sharingan, but Mito ended up sealing Kurama away into herself. Kushina was brought to the Leaf village either just before, or just after the destruction of her village, the Whirlpool Village. She was a child, though I'm not sure if her age was given, but given the fact that she enrolled into the academy as a first year student, I'm going to guess about 8 years old or so.

you know until naruto learned sage technique he actualy wastes bunch of his chakra for simple techniques and the only jutsu he can pull is his sexy jutsu and its derivatives yet no one caught him impersonating sasuke for nearly all day.( okay target was easy to impersonate since he is to angsty to have proper friendship any d*ck move you made kinda suits sasukes character )

What in the world does ANY of that have to do with Boruto making Shadow clones, and it being the first Jutsu he learned? None of that has any bearing whatsoever on that topic, lol. I'm honestly confused as to what you are trying to get at with any of that. If you're trying to use it to say that Boruto's chakra reserves are even larger, I again point you to the fact that he has never made more then 4-5, and also give the simple fact that Naruto's reserves were only as massive as they were because of the Foxes chakra slowly leaking into his system and enlarging his chakra coils over time and increasing his over-all reserves. Boruto has none of that, and he's only 1/4 Uzumaki, which gives moderately higher chakra reserves than a normal shinobi, but nowhere near on the same level as Naruto was at his age.

wait until end of series. I am gonna post again and say ı said so.

Go for it? Right now all you have is baseless speculation. Which is fine, really, but don't try to spout it off as fact for your wild theories as to why Boruto is going to be a jinchuuriki for Kurama. It has literally zero bearing on the situation.

naruto has shikamaru as smart guy advisor. boruto has shikadai as his smart lancer/ advaisor ( hell shikamaru basicly asks his son to help boruto when ever he needs(large part of the series sikadai and inojin stick around boruto helping him on homeworks, or groom him to become hokage))

Is this in the movie that came before the comic? Because I haven't seen the movie, so I honestly have no idea what you're talking about here. Having said that, the fact that he has only shown up in the Chuunin exam, and only for basically a cameo, kind of tells me it's unlikely he's going to play a large part in the series. I could be wrong, but again, it's baseless speculation on your part, not fact that you seem to be trying to pass it off as.

maybe genetic but it does not explain why naruto play same gambit as his father.

Again, what in the world are you talking about here? What gambit are you talking about, and where did this line of conversation even come from here? You certainly never mentioned any "Gambit" in your initial response to me, and I fail to see how any of that has to do with the topic we were talking about.

Orochimaru probably trains them as perfect soldiers and probably teached him basics about ninja world until he gets the memo about mitsuki's free will which he decides to not scrap him and start again and few times he sends snakes to get reports from him and send him orders( aka his kill class rep sumire kanagi so orochimaru can grab custom made bijui tech for him self until boruto casts therapy no jutsu and defuses her. which orochimaru says its okay)
so team konohamaru has jonin in their ranks and i can bet a ramen blow that naruto knows boruto is atleast jonin level already so they can handle the mission and for the record all of them second generartion sannin so a+ rank mission might be accidental cake walk for them ( hello they stop freaking coop while school trip for christ sake)

Sooo, more stuff that hasn't happened, and you're just pulling crap out of thin air. Alrighty then. While I'm not sure how easily it is for a leopard to change their spots, Orochimaru has seemingly turned over a new leaf, I fail to see why he would anger Naruto and have his son attack the scientists and steal tech, he obviously knows that Naruto would come kill him in an instant for that kind of betrayal.

As far as their individual power levels....Ehh. I'm not convinced by what has been shown so far in the manga. Boruto relied on ninja tech to basically cheat his way through the exam, which indicates his lack of faith in his own skills, meaning he's unlikely to be on a high enough level to be considered a jonin. Chuunin? Sure, maybe. Especially after perfecting his invisible Rasengan. Sarada with her Sharingan is also likely Chuunin, but again nothing has indicated any jonin level skills. The only one on their team that may possibly be at such a level is Orochimaru's son, which is totally up in the air right now until we get further information. So far nothing he's shown gives off that impression, but Orochimaru is a tricky one, and has likely instilled that much into his son as well, so unlike Boruto & Sarada, I can believe he is possibly hiding strength until the time is right. I definitely don't think he's evil though.

Over-all, half your post is entirely confusing to read, the other half is wild speculation that has almost no basis in the reality that the comic has shown thus far. You question me as to whether or not I've seen the series, but given your lack of knowledge and wild jumps of "logic", I think it's more likely that you haven't.

2017-11-20, 10:55 AM
starwulf lets not derail the treat and I watched the major portion of the series( i just stoped kagura era)as for mitsuki stealing tech for him i think no he asked him to kill sumire so they burry her corpse then he can pull his magic and learn intricacies about how to create beings similar to nue and may be( here is the theory part) develop next generation of cursed seals with chakra beasts to boaster recipients power instead of him giving power to them and mutatating them( end of theory). And mitsuki not gonna steal something for him more like hey pops there is something you wanna experiment here. do you need genetic sample or whole thing?

2017-11-21, 10:29 PM
Read the new take two chapter and woohoo! Much epicness is had by both minato and kushina. Naruto ran into the stumbling block of not being the bright eyed optimist that could talk pein around and instead has to fight him over their motivations or whatever. proceeds to school him while showing that yeah, he HAS fought pein before. Finale ends with some serious kiaju badness taking shape and naruto establishing why he is a freaking monster and lord of the skies. It was almost enough to make me forget that he is still heavily sealed in strength which in hindsight makes me want to poop myself in terror at the implications. He is absurdly strong as he is. Able to match most of akatsuki in an open fight, and yet this isnt even close to his final form/powerup. And even scarier, he is very aware of how small of a fish he actually is in the greater multiverse. He has the power to reshape nations, maybe not casually, but its there, and he is an insect compared to the type of stuff out there.

Finally got a chance to read it! Absolutely amazing stuff of epicness as usual from Third Fang. Love the ending for the chapter. Literal Lord of the Skies, looking down at all the people beneath him as though they were ants. And yeah, I've been slowly wondering just how incredibly broken Naruto really is in this story when it comes to power. He wields this much now, with Demon mode and Demon Sage mode both blocked(does he have access to actual sage mode itself? Or was that sealed as well? I honestly can't remember at this point). I can't wait to see what exactly happens when his full power is unsealed, and also what exactly it's going to be needed to be unsealed for. That might be the scariest question of all.