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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next YouTuber-A Class

2016-02-14, 03:21 PM
Hit Dice-d6
Armor Proficiencies-None
Weapon Proficiencies-Simple Weapons
Tool Proficiencies-Calligraphy tools, cameras, microphones
Languages-Any three of your choice
Saving Throws-Charisma, Dexterity
Skills-Choose three from Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion, Insight, Perception, Performance, and Persuasion
Equipment-You start with, in addition to background equipment:
-Any Simple weapon
-A Scholar's Pack or a Diplomat's Pack
-A camera
-A microphone
-A laptop


Unarmored Defence, Fanbase, Internet

Ad Money

Video Specialty

Ability Score Improvement

Gift of Gab


Mental Quickness

Ability Score Improvement

Specialty Feature

Improved Gift of Gab

I Know Where This Goes...

Ability Score Improvement

Specialty Feature

Recording Pantsless

I'm Finally Famous!

Ability Score Improvement

Specialty Feature

An Important Video

Ability Score Improvement

Specialty Feature

Unarmored Defence-When not wearing any armor, a YouTuber's AC is equal to 10+Dexterity Modifier+Charisma Modifier, as they talk their way out of danger and present a face too charming to hit.

Fanbase-A YouTuber has a number of Subscribers equal to their level squared times 10. These are used for various abilities. The most basic ability, available at level 1, is to be able to maintain a modest lifestyle free of charge, as fans send needed living supplies. This costs 3 Subscriber per day, and can be applied to other people as well. Subscribers refresh every long rest.

Internet-A YouTuber can cast Sending as a cantrip, as well as being able to send videos and audio recorded on their laptop via sending.

Alternatives, if Sending at-will is too powerful:

You may use 10 subscribers to cast Sending, and know the Message cantrip.

You may cast Sending Charisma modifier times per long rest, and know the Message cantrip.

Ad Money-At level 2, a YouTuber begins to receive Ad Money. They receive one silver piece per subscriber per week. Subscribers spent at any time during the week count against this, though they refresh as normal after a long rest.

Video Specialty-At level 3, a YouTuber must choose whether they wish to be a Let's Player or a Reactionary.

Gift of Gab-At level 5, a YouTuber is finally useful as more than just a simple weapon wielding person with a decent AC and a lot of money. They learn to Gab at their opponents, distracting and confusing them. As an action, they can attempt to bamboozle an enemy, giving them disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks of one chosen ability until the start of the YouTuber's next turn. In order to avoid this, the enemy must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to 8+Proficiency Modifier+Charisma Modifier. This same formula is used for all other YouTuber abilities that have a saving throw.

In addition, if you spend 50 subscribers, you may cause this ability to deal 2d6 psychic damage, or half on a successful saving throw. At level 11, this improves to 3d6, and at level 17, it improves to 4d6.

Sponsorship-At level 6, a Youtuber gets a sponsor. Choose from an Arcane, Martial, Divine, or Generic Sponsor.

An Arcane Sponsor will provide up to 1,000 GP per month to pay for staves, potions, arcane spell components, and other arcane paraphernalia.

A Martial Sponsor will provide up to 1,000 GP per month to pay for arms, armor, and other martial supplies.

A Divine Sponsor will provide up to 1,000 GP per month to pay for holy symbols, robes, divine spell components, and other religious items.

A Generic Sponsor will provide up to 500 GP per month to pay for anything.

Mental Quickness-A YouTuber's mind must be quick and his wit sharp. As an ability costing 100 subscribers, you may gain advantage on any mental ability check or saving throw (except for I Know Where This Goes...).

Improved Gift of Gab-Gift of Gab can now give disadvantage to two kinds of ability checks. In addition, as an ability costing 100 subscribers, you may give an enemy disadvantage against your Gift of Gab, as you deliver an especially cutting insult/witty commentary/bamboozling remark.

I Know Where This Goes...-A YouTuber has seen enough videogames or TV shows to know where the story goes. They have advantage on any checks to avoid being surprised (such as Perception to spot ambushers or Insight to spot a betrayal) and can, once per long rest, make a DC 20 Intelligence check to ask the DM where the story is going next. Depending on how convoluted the story is, they may have Advantage or Disadvantage on this check at the DM's discretion, or the DC may be higher or lower.

Recording Pantsless-A YouTuber is always at his best when recording without pants. If a YouTuber is not wearing any pants, they made add 1 to their AC and saving throw DCs.

I'm Finally Famous!-At level 15, a YouTuber has star power. They may, as an action costing 750 subscribers, dazzle all foes within a 60' radius. The enemy must make a Charisma saving throw, and are stunned until the start of the YouTuber's next turn on a failed saving throw. On a successful saving throw, they are dazzled until the start of the YouTuber's next turn, suffering from subtracting 1d4 from all d20 rolls they make while dazzled.

An Important Video-Once per long rest, starting at level 18, a YouTuber may make an important video. This takes ten minutes and requires Sending to be cast to various major fans. This immediately restores half of their spent Subscribers.

Video Specialties

Let's Player

Videogames!-At level 3, a Let's Player has a LOT of videogames. They can share these during a short rest, allowing expanded leisure. Any hit dice expended while enjoying videogames let you roll two dice and take the higher number.

What Kind Do I Play?-At level 9, a Let's Player must choose what kind of games they really like. They can choose Shooters, Survival Horror, or Sandbox games.

Shooter Let's Players gain proficiency in all ranged weapons, and may make two attacks instead of one when making a ranged attack.

Survival Horror Let's Players have advantage on all saves versus fear effects and gain proficiency in the Survival skill. (If they already have it, gain proficiency in any other skill of your choice.)

Sandbox Let's Players may craft items in half the time it usually takes, may learn new languages, tools, and weapons in half the time, and are exceptionally good at altering the world, allowing them to use the Mold Earth cantrip and, once per long rest, Hallucinatory Terrain.

Gaming Advances-As you become a better gamer, at level 13, gain another benefit based on what games you play.

Shooter gamers may Aim-spending a bonus action to make a single ranged attack with Advantage.

Survival Horror gamers now automatically succeed on the second saving throw on any Frightened condition, and may once per short rest, as an action if adjacent to a Frightened ally, shake them out of the condition.

Sandbox gamers may now cast Mirage Arcane or Plane shift once per long rest.

Master Gamer-At level 17, a Let's Player becomes a true master of gaming.

Shooter players gain the Archery Fighting Style (if they already possess it, they gain any other Fighting Style) and gain +2 to damage with all ranged attacks.

Survival Horror players are now immune to fear (except when playing games for their fans, of course) and may now use what they've learned to frighten foes. Once per short rest, they may attempt to frighten a foe. They must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened for one minute. At the end of each of their turns, they may attempt another saving throw to shake off the condition.

Sandbox players may now, once per long rest, cast Wish.

I Am The Game-At level 20, you can, once per long rest and for one minute, transform into your game of choice.

A Shooter Let's Player turns into a master Sharpshooter, and can now attack four times with a ranged attack. All these attacks are made with advantage.

A Survival Horror Let's Player turns into the monster itself, gaining DR 5/-, a slash/smash/tentacle attack that you are proficient in and deals 3d6+Strength Modifier damage, and may substitute their Charisma score for their Strength and Constitution while a monster.

A Sandbox Player turns into Steve? and can break one cubic meter of any material as a bonus action. In addition, they can summon any non-magical weapon or any magical weapon they own as a bonus action, and may use it with proficiency. When attacking as Steve? you may attack three times per Attack action, or six times but all attacks suffer disadvantage.


Anime, TV Shows, and Random Videos-A Reactionary, at level 3, has seen a lot. They have advantage on any Knowledge checks if they can relate it to a TV Show, Anime, or Video they've seen.

Fandom-At level 9, a Reactionary is accepted as part of the fandom of their favorite show. They may now use the favored equipment of their fandom with proficiency and attack twice with it instead of once. In addition, they gain a fandom-specific benefit.

My Little Pony-Favored weapon, unarmed strike, which now does 1d4 damage. (Specifically, a bucking kick.) As an additional advantage, the MLP Reactionary gains a Cutie Mark, which can, once per short rest, grant advantage on any check related to the cutie mark (chosen upon reaching level 9).

Wakfu-Favored weapon, Spear or Lance, and Shield. As an additional advantage, you may now channel your inner Wakfu. You gain the Thaumaturgy, Druidcraft, and Prestidigitation cantrips, can summon a lance/spear and shield made of Wakfu as a bonus action (this gear is magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and sheds bright light in a 5' radius and dim light in a 10' radius, but offers no other advantages over ordinary weaponry), and gain an extra 1 HP per level.

Doctor Who-Favored weapon, talking. You gain the Vicious Mockery cantrip with Charisma as your casting modifier, and can cast Identify, Suggestion, Tongues, Dimension Door, and Legend Lore each once per long rest. If Vicious Mockery reduces an opponent to zero HP, they merely fall unconscious, rather than dying.

Inspiring Theme Song-At the beginning of an adventure, at level 13, during a long rest, a Reactionary may sing their theme song. This counts as a Heroes' Feast, but does not provide any nourishment.

I Know What To Say To This-At level 17, a Reactionary always has the perfect word for any situation. They are under a permanent Glibness effect.

I Am The True Fan!-At level 20, a Reactionary may turn into their chosen fandom for one minute, once per long rest.

My Little Pony-The Reactionary transforms into an Alicorn. They may cast any spell of 3rd level or lower at will while an Alicorn, and may cast one spell of 6th, 7th, and 8th level each during the transformation. In addition, they have a base move speed of 60', and a Fly speed of 60' while transformed, as well as resistance to all damage from nonmagical weapons and magical effects (though not magical weapons). Any effects from spells that would normally last longer than one minute end when the transformation is over. (For instance, a Simulacrum made using a 7th level spell slot would vanish as soon as the Reactionary was no longer an Alicorn.

Wakfu-You turn into a dragon, which immediately turns into a humanoid. You gain resistance to all damage and the ability to breath fire at-will. This fire is in a 30' cone and deals 9d6 damage, half on a successful Dexterity saving throw.

Doctor Who-You turn into the Doctor. Your Glibness now makes you roll a natural 20, and are under the effects of Foresight. In addition, you may cast Vicious Mockery twice in one action, and once as a bonus action.

Whipped this up in about an hour and a half. I feel like... Eh... I'm not sure about it. I would love to hear some advice to make it better.

2016-02-15, 11:47 AM
Seems overall a little bit weak, but two things should be nerfed (and others some better).Sending at will at first level. One level in this class would be SO GOOD. Also is 100 subscriders for advantage... too strong
They have most stuff for out of combat, although I like the subscriders system I think this makes them too useless.

Could be changed little to fit more in most settings but overall it's awesome.

2016-02-15, 12:19 PM
Is Sending that powerful, though? I do agree-that should be limited by the DM if they feel the need to. But in a lot of campaigns, at-will communication just won't be that useful.

2016-02-15, 02:26 PM
Is Sending that powerful, though? I do agree-that should be limited by the DM if they feel the need to. But in a lot of campaigns, at-will communication just won't be that useful.

I feel like giving a third level spell at will on first level is just way too much. In my opinion sending is very nice and useful. For communication with party members there are other options but sending works very long distance with ppl you barely know. It is a strong spell. I'd give it one or two levels later and then cha mod/rest or I'd give it at least after level 5. Maybe use subscriders to cast it so it becomes better later? I don't know

2016-02-15, 03:19 PM
I'll add options to modify it, but again, I feel you overstate the power of communication. In some campaigns (intrigue, politics, survival) it would be immensely useful and yes, probably overpowered. But in hack and slash, adventuring, exploring, and other such campaigns it's really not. (It'd be damn useful in exploring campaigns, for sending reports home, but that saves you a couple gold on carrier pigeons or eagles or something.)

How do these sound for alternate options?

You may use 10 subscribers to cast Sending, and know the Message cantrip.

You may cast Sending Charisma modifier times per long rest, and know the Message cantrip.

2016-02-16, 01:27 AM
I'll add options to modify it, but again, I feel you overstate the power of communication. In some campaigns (intrigue, politics, survival) it would be immensely useful and yes, probably overpowered. But in hack and slash, adventuring, exploring, and other such campaigns it's really not. (It'd be damn useful in exploring campaigns, for sending reports home, but that saves you a couple gold on carrier pigeons or eagles or something.)

How do these sound for alternate options?

You may use 10 subscribers to cast Sending, and know the Message cantrip.

You may cast Sending Charisma modifier times per long rest, and know the Message cantrip.
Both would be good

2016-02-16, 01:24 PM
Added the alternatives to the main post.

2016-07-09, 11:05 PM
About to play this in a game. Any critiques?

Final Hyena
2016-07-10, 04:51 AM
No archetype for Boobs or Drama? I am disappoint.
Also News and comedy but that's less humorous.