View Full Version : Walking Dead Returns

2016-02-14, 09:12 PM
Major Spoiler

Can't wait until the show is over. Oh boy are the Powers That Be of the show good. Very good. Completely fooled the country. That wasn't Neegan. Way to go Daryl! Total surprise blowing up the motorcycle gang. AWESOME!

Stupid Trauma Boy goes all catatonic again, gets eaten. Mom gets eaten. Stupid Dead Dad's Son decides that's the perfect time to pick up the gun and threaten to kill Rick and/or Carl. Michonne guts him with her sword. Yay Michonne, but it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Rick's hand outlasts Carl's eye in the tv show.

Stupid JSS Girl, Stupid Priest, and Stupid Trauma Guy Eugene finally find some courage and smarts. Will they learn like the rest of the Alexandrians? Time will well.