View Full Version : Optimization Agile Scythe Wielder, advice?

2016-02-16, 06:26 AM
I'm looking to build a heavy damage, high AC build. His best friend was killed by a dragon, anger has turened him into a champion of vengeance and order.

I'm unsure at how hard this will be to build, but any help would be appreciated.

Mr Adventurer
2016-02-16, 08:03 AM
Warblade! Use Tiger Claw for 'agility'.

2016-02-16, 09:17 AM
I second the Warblade suggestion. If you can, try to take your first level in barbarian totem lion so that you can get pounce for free. then work towards getting "leap attack" and "combat brute" feats. the final feat you should aim for is called "overhead thrust". it does increasing multiples of damage based on the size of your opponent as well as giving bonuses to hit them. I also recomend the falchion weapon so you can get the best out of "POWER ATTACK" it's a two handed weapon with great crit range.

Extra Anchovies
2016-02-16, 09:59 AM
Warblade is pretty much the best choice for this - Stone Dragon and Tiger Claw are full of standard-action strikes with pretty solid damage bonuses, and the latter also has a few options for movement with a full attack (Sudden Leap and Pouncing Charge). Diamond Mind also has some really nice defensive options for a character who'll be going up against versatile opponents like dragons - the save-replacing counters (Moment of Perfect Mind, Action Before Thought, Mind Over Body) are great on any build that can afford a level of Warblade and the Concentration ranks.