View Full Version : Shake Shake Shake

2016-02-16, 07:45 PM
So anyone else out here in California feel the earthquake?

A 4.8 earthquake hit Big Pine California today about 3pm Pacific time.

Big pine is up on the eastern side of Sierras; centrally located. You can find it in google maps. they suffered a 4.3 aftershock a few minutes after.

Earthquakes in the central part of the state are fairly rare so it's making a splash on the local news. I haven't heard anything on damages yet. i don't think it's much. That area is hardly metropolitan.

2016-02-16, 08:56 PM
Didn't feel it out here but my friend from the area was shaken up enough to freak out
Also please ignore any and all Long Valley references BTW.

2016-02-17, 12:23 AM
What's an earthquake? I say as we enter our 9-month long tornado season.

2016-02-17, 02:43 PM
here’s an example (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kmMOHPrTsg) that’s from that big earthquake in Nepal last year.

I was in this one. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7eABGpOHv8). After you live through something like this, well you don’t forget what they feel like. It felt like god had grabbed my little house and shook it like a kid shaking a piggy bank to get all his pennies out.
Further reading:


2016-02-17, 03:58 PM
Damn. I was sure that the joke would be evident if anyone quoted me, and then I wasn't quoted. Foiled again!

2016-02-17, 04:18 PM
What's an earthquake? I say as we enter our 9-month long tornado season.

For the white text?
Yeah-well we get enough of those too out here (rarely big ones and locally as waterspouts but the central valley gets a few each year) - depending on what kind a year we are having rain wise and the pineapple express.

On the What's a ________ don't bother with a californian- weather is nice but we get almost all the classic disasters except Hurricanes/Typhoons (and I've caught one sailing off the coast). . . Which goes a long way to explaining how damn HUGE our building code is.

Also you really should worry about earthquakes - yours are rare but can be powerful and can travel like nothing in the west (so it looses far less power per mile traveled) and your houses rarely have been built properly to handle the stresses.

2016-02-20, 08:04 PM
This reminds me I should start getting prepared for an earthquake...supplies, matches, can food.