View Full Version : Pathfinder What Alignment is Helga Forgefire?

2016-02-16, 11:50 PM
Helga Forgefire was a dwarven native of Heldren who was always something of a live wire. She resented the traditional expectations of her elders and wanted to actually do something exciting in life. One day, an adventurer who revered Calistria passed through town and crossed paths with Helga. At first, the traveler avoided Helga as she believes bathing is "too conventional" and Helga at times can be uncomfortable to converse with. Learning of her desire to break free from tradition, the traveler shared the tenets of the Savored Sting and Helga instantly fell in love with them. Much to the dismay of her elders, Helga decided she would follow the first part of the Calistrian's advice and open Heldren's first brothel. She built a tacky shed with a dirt floor and no furniture and shouted with a disturbingly masculine voice "I'M OPEN! COME SLEEP WITH ME!" Sadly, she had few repeat customers as she was blunt, smelly, and pushy. Besides these endearing qualities Helga also has a coarse voice only a mother could love. Finally, despite understanding how she comes across, her tendency to not care about that drove off most of her business. One day, a young male witch came in and partook of Helga's services, only to cast a sleeping spell on her and slip out without paying. This made Helga so angry she put up a sign on her defunct brothel which read "No witches or wizards will touch my lips. They just ain't natural!" The rage continued to eat at her, and she decided after a month she would change careers and be a witch hunting inquisitor of Calistria, eliminating or at least aggravating the piss out of all people who dared cross her as well as arcane casters. Before she could train well, however, the freeze came, and knowing nobody wanted to shack with her in the cold, shouted "DAMN WITCHES!" and went on the war path.

Str 16
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 9
Wis 16
Cha 5

2016-02-17, 10:03 AM
Chaotic for defying her elders and traditions, especially for no real reason. She doesn't seem particularly devoted to either good or evil, just getting hers, so I'd go with CN (which also fits with Calistria.)

2016-02-17, 10:18 AM
Chaotic neutral. Rebelling against her elders gets us into nonlawful, but the big chaotic would be the part where she became a prostitute overnight after a single conversation. Add in some extra chaos when she forwent the luxuries of a proper brothel and opted for the ikea love shack in a box.

Likewise, not a single thing in her backstory was good or evil, so morally neutral.

2016-02-17, 11:05 AM
The funny thing is that the vast majority of characters are strongly chaotic, and if they do have a moral component, they tend towards evil. Like creator, like creation, I suppose.

2016-02-17, 11:29 AM
The funny thing is that the vast majority of characters are strongly chaotic, and if they do have a moral component, they tend towards evil. Like creator, like creation, I suppose.

I assume you meant "the vast majority of characters I create" here :smalltongue:

But yeah, nothing particularly evil about her, at least from the blurb above.

2016-02-17, 01:13 PM
I assume you meant "the vast majority of characters I create" here :smalltongue:

But yeah, nothing particularly evil about her, at least from the blurb above.

Yeah, thats what I meant.