View Full Version : Pathfinder Bloodrager Questions

2016-02-17, 01:08 PM
I have recently started a PF campaign to try the system. I have build a Bloodrager. I have some questions though both about the class and system in general.

First of all, I choose Abyssal bloodline for my bloodrager, which first ability is something that gives claws. They do 1d8 damage on medium creatures (I am level 9). My question is, the ability consists damage dice for small creatures but not for large creatures. Since my 4th level bloodline ability allows me to get large as enlarge person, is my claw damage also goes up (to 2d6, according to natural attack chart), or is it fixed after medium sized creatures.

Secondly, I am looking for items to boost my survivalibity. I am particularly looking for life stealing items or damage reduction items. In 3.5, I would use augmentation crystals for life steal (5 hp per hit is 5 hp), or get "Bear Helm" (1/day reduce the incoming sneak attack or critical damage by half when raging.) Items I am looking for are something like these. I am already aware of concealment path, but if I can find items like these I would like to ignore that, for flavor reasons.

Also, if there is a damage reduction item I am all ears for that as well.

Here is the relevant character: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=634541

2016-02-17, 04:21 PM
In terms of the Bear Helm, pathfinder has Light, Moderate and Heavy Fortification (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-armor/magic-armor-and-shield-special-abilities/fortification) qualities on armour, which provides a 25/50/75% chance to negate a critical hit. However, Heavy is very expensive. Mind Buttressing (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-armor/magic-armor-and-shield-special-abilities/mind-buttressing) is also a must-have, as it stops you slaughtering your own party.

As for DR, there are a few paths. There's your traditional Adamantium Armour, there's the Belt of Stoneskin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/belt-of-stoneskin), but that conflicts with your Strength/Con Belt. (You're getting a Strength/Con belt, right...?), Wings of the Gargoyle (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/wings-of-the-gargoyle) give you DR and flight, but only for 5 minutes per day and interfere with your cloak of resistance slot. You'll notice a theme here.

As for lifestealing... there isn't really much of that in pathfinder to my knowledge.

2016-02-17, 05:43 PM
First of all, I choose Abyssal bloodline for my bloodrager, which first ability is something that gives claws. They do 1d8 damage on medium creatures (I am level 9). My question is, the ability consists damage dice for small creatures but not for large creatures. Since my 4th level bloodline ability allows me to get large as enlarge person, is my claw damage also goes up (to 2d6, according to natural attack chart), or is it fixed after medium sized creatures.

For all natural weapon damage/size changes, see this FAQ. (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9t3f)

Secondly, I am looking for items to boost my survivalibity. I am particularly looking for life stealing items or damage reduction items. In 3.5, I would use augmentation crystals for life steal (5 hp per hit is 5 hp), or get "Bear Helm" (1/day reduce the incoming sneak attack or critical damage by half when raging.) Items I am looking for are something like these. I am already aware of concealment path, but if I can find items like these I would like to ignore that, for flavor reasons.

Concealment/miss chance is paramount in melee since it stacks with all your AC, DR etc. You don't seem to like the fluff but I'd suggest using it anyway and reflavoring it (as extreme reflexes, good luck, a totemic barrier or something else.)

For other gear/feats, there may be suggestions in a bloodrager or barbarian handbook that can help.

2016-02-17, 07:05 PM
I already accepted to fact that I will get hit. I want something like "I block axes with my chest" kinda thing. Something similar to Crystal of Life-drinking would grant extra 50 hp per day if I can land 10 blows. I am looking small things like that, I don't like to buy what everybody else buys to be honest, so concealment or fortfication is a bit off for me. I keep mirror image as my defensive buff for hard fights though.

I asked about the claw damage because ability clearly states for small sizes, but gives no mention for sizes larger than medium. I wondered if it might be a fixed damage or not.

I admit PF site contains much information, but it is somewhat overwhelming.

dramatic flare
2016-02-17, 09:22 PM
I already accepted to fact that I will get hit. I want something like "I block axes with my chest" kinda thing. Something similar to Crystal of Life-drinking would grant extra 50 hp per day if I can land 10 blows. I am looking small things like that, I don't like to buy what everybody else buys to be honest, so concealment or fortfication is a bit off for me. I keep mirror image as my defensive buff for hard fights though.

I asked about the claw damage because ability clearly states for small sizes, but gives no mention for sizes larger than medium. I wondered if it might be a fixed damage or not.

I admit PF site contains much information, but it is somewhat overwhelming.

There are several items and spells which wil help negate incoming damage. The Jingasa of the Fortunate Solider is a 1/day instant negation of critical or sneak attack damage, +1 luck AC helmet.
You can also get the Juggernaut pauldrons, which give you the (stacking) benefits of Deadly Juggernaut for 1 minute, also known as +1 luck to hit and +2 DR/-.

Finally, as a bloodrager you should strongly consider mirror image as a spell-buff, even though it's not totally what you want thematically.

2016-02-18, 02:40 AM
By the way, if I have a Dragon-blooded Bloodrager, do I qualify for Dragon Disciple, and is that a viable build?

dramatic flare
2016-02-18, 02:54 AM
By the way, if I have a Dragon-blooded Bloodrager, do I qualify for Dragon Disciple, and is that a viable build?

yes, after 5 ranks of knowledge:arcana, and ...maybe?

The biggest question to ask yourself over bloodraging into dragon disciple is what level of play you expect to end in/spend the most time at. if it's high level play, bloodrager gives you straight-up immunity to a lot of save-or-die effects in exchange for the stat bonuses. Both give you flight 80-90, both give you dragonform, both give you more spells....
But 14th level bloodrager gives you a huge will-save bonus v. enchantments (like, say, dominate), and 17th level gives immunity to the normal raging fatigue. Those are HUGE things a bloodrager wants.
I would argue that if you're going to grab dragon disciple, it's not worth it for more than 3 levels, and even that is questionable due to the draconic bloodline capstone giving you more/most of things a dragon disciple build would anyway.

Slider Eclipse
2016-02-18, 03:07 AM
By the way, if I have a Dragon-blooded Bloodrager, do I qualify for Dragon Disciple, and is that a viable build?

Yes you do, as the Dragon Disciple only specifys "Bloodline" and not that it must come from a specific type of bloodline (Beyond the obvious it must be Dragon rule). There used to be some debate on if it actually WORKED with Bloodragers Bloodline as the class feature specified Sorcerer... but thankfully they recently FAQ'd it to clarify that it works with Bloodrager Bloodlines as well.

As for if its viable.. just from some quick calculations when I was looking into it a while ago it certainly seems viable. The Bloodrager only cares about 2 class features, Bloodrage and its Bloodline. Its spellcasting is so minor that losing 1-3 levels worth of spells doesn't hurt you too badly and DD's Abilitys offset the loss of Greater Bloodrage. (and even then, if you don't expect to face a lot of fast flying creatures, You could probably get away with Bloodrager 12/DD 8 and get the best of both worlds... and thats assuming you even REACH those levels). THW and Natural Attack builds are both viable with the combo and can be a nasty Tank.

2016-02-18, 04:20 AM
There are several items and spells which wil help negate incoming damage. The Jingasa of the Fortunate Solider is a 1/day instant negation of critical or sneak attack damage, +1 luck AC helmet.
You can also get the Juggernaut pauldrons, which give you the (stacking) benefits of Deadly Juggernaut for 1 minute, also known as +1 luck to hit and +2 DR/-.

Finally, as a bloodrager you should strongly consider mirror image as a spell-buff, even though it's not totally what you want thematically.

I keep Mirror Image as my defensive buff triumph card for hard fights. Juggernaut Pauldrons indeed looks pretty awesome, though a bit expensive. However, still awesome :) .

I am not a guy who gets specific solution to problems like Fortification (in 3.5 it was %100), or custom PfE item. I would rather get something like Bear Helm, or boost my will save by a decent amount. A bit DR, a bit life stealing is my soft alternative to AC/concealment.

BTW, can anyone confirm that Demonic Bulk does increase claw damage dice? As I said, ability specifically mentions for small sized creatures but makes no mention about large or larger sized creatures. I checked the link provided above, as well as some FAQs about the bloodrager, but could not find a definitive answer on the d20pfsrd .

dramatic flare
2016-02-18, 04:44 AM
BTW, can anyone confirm that Demonic Bulk does increase claw damage dice? As I said, ability specifically mentions for small sized creatures but makes no mention about large or larger sized creatures. I checked the link provided above, as well as some FAQs about the bloodrager, but could not find a definitive answer on the d20pfsrd .

Conisdering it specifies "as enlarge person" on the ability, and enlarge person DOES increase your melee damage dice, your claws should also increase in damage.