View Full Version : Adventures In The Desmodu Sector

2016-02-17, 07:13 PM
You have arrived in the Desmodu Sector, have weeks of travel. Your armor is repaired. Your wounds are healed. Your last mission ended in success, however during the final fight with the Ork Warboss Badda Boom your Squad Sergeant Belvarious of the White Consuls Chapter was slain in single combat. With the return of his body you are ready for the next mission. Answering the summons of an Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos, Watch Captain Horvath and the three squads of Deathwatch Space Marines assigned to him headed to Watch Station CET-963 in the Seginus System.

Assembling in the Tactical Chamber you spot your Watch Captain and 10 other member of the DeathWatch. Across the display you also see an Inquisitor. He stands 2 meters tall, medium length brown hair. He is wearing a simple robe with a stylized I on the chest.

2016-02-21, 09:58 PM
Carthens tapped his chin thoughtfully. Will I need the extra ammo packs? Probably. I always need more ammo. He gingerly picked up ammo pack after ammo pack for his trusted Heavy Bolter, stuffing them into an oversized satchel made of well worn leather. Walking briskly across the metallic floor, his heavy bare feet thumping softly. He was garbed in plain clothes, with only 3 small insignia's decorating his left pectoral, one for his chapter, one for the Deathwatch and one to the Emperor.

He leaned over another table strewn with equipment. He quickly swept his long, curl blonde hair out of his face. He many times thought of trimming his mane, but he never did. He selected an Auspex, a Cartographer and a particularly well crafted Magnacular, adding them to the satchel.

Satisfied he was as well stocked as the Watch Captain would allow, Carthens beamed a pleasant, genuine smile at the Watch Captain and the Inquisitor, before standing off to the side, observing the others as they selected their gear.

2016-02-27, 04:18 AM
The ever-present hum of power armour increases as Jarnulfr enters the chamber the whine of servos setting the teeth of the mortals in the room throbbing. His pace is sedate and his gait that of a predator stalking out new fields. Maglocked to his thighs are his Omnissiah blessed combi-melta, bolt pistol, and knight. From the right shoulder extends a dull iron arm that ends in tips reminiscent of claws, that clench and unclench slowly ever few minutes as the servo arm attached to his backpack clamps down and releases in time. The Black wolfpelt that adorns one shoulder along with the wolfs head servo-arm clamp mark jarnulfr as a Space Wolf ready for oath and duty.

His entrance goes unspoken but the brighter than normal glow emanating from the helm's lenses belie the anticipation coursing through this steel, flesh, and ceramite body. Jarnulfr takes his place among his cousins in the chamber eager to hear the final mission briefing so that all calculation can be complete and the hunt begun. The Wolf is baying for the hunt and the steel has only made it restless in its pursuit.

2016-02-27, 05:17 PM
In the room you notice your Watch Captain Horvath of the Angels Porphyr Chapter. You also see two members of the Black Shields, Brother Belok and Brother Melvort. These two have there helmets on. Also in the room are the members of Squad Alpha (Squad Sergeant Hektor of the Black Consuls, Techamarine Adelphos of the Dark Angels, Apothocary Galen of the Hawks, Librarian Demetrios of the Angels of Absolution, and Brother Kadmos of the Imperial Fists), the members of Squad Beta (Squad Sergeant Kyros of the Mantis Warriors, Apothocary Palla of the Dark Hunters, Librarian Naos of the Blood Ravens, Brother Bion of the Minotaurs, and Brother Phelix of the Exorcists) and the nameless Inquistor. You are the only members of Squad Delta in the room. The other two living members of your squad are in the Apothocarian being tended to. They are both in Sus-an Comas due to grievous wounds sustained during your last mission.

Walking to the holo-display Watch Captain Horvath surveys the room. “Glad you are all here now we can begin. Wel1come to The Desmodu Sector, and we have our work cut out for us. I let me intro Inquisitor Calvin Stelios of the Ordo Xenos.” With that Watch Captain Horvath steps back allowing the Inquisitor to take his place at the command console. Punching in a few commands into the console a grouping of systems appear in the space between your and the Inquisitor. With a sweep of his hand Calvin says, “This is The Desmodu Sector and it has come under Xenos attack recently. These have been happening more and more frequently of late. So we have called in you all to deal with the situation. The local PDF, Naval, and Army forces are having a hard time keeping up. Your Watch Captain has assured me that you are the best Squads to handle this. We are going to divide into three strike teams and each team will take on missions as they are assigned by the Watch Captain and myself.

As the Inquisitor steps back again Watch Captain Horvath steps up again. “Each squad will be assigned to a Strike Cruiser. Each Strike Cruiser will have a number of vehicles to be used at the Squad Sergeants discretion. Also it will be stocked well with weapons see the Ship’s Quartermaster when you need something. Squad Alpha you will head to the Prix System to the Third Planet within. They are dealing with Eldar Corsairs find and eliminate them. Squad Beta you will head to the Vard System to the Second Planet within. The Orks are giving the PDF commander there a hard time and slowing down manufacturing of the planet. Again eliminate them. Squad Delta I know your ready to take the fight to the Ork, so I am sending you to the Sapra System. “ The Watch Captain turns to each squad in turn explaining he specifics of their missions. And each squad turns to leave after their briefing.

As Techmarine Adelphos walks past your Jarnulfr he says with an insincere simile, “Good Luck Wolf,” and walks off (*OOC you may respond in your post).

The Watch Captain turns to you. “It appears a tribe of Orks is acting oddly in that system on the Fourth Planet in the system. Local PDF has nicknamed them the Ghost Tribe. The only reason we know that we know they are even Orks is because of this video…” The Watch Captain enters a few commands into the console.

VIDEO START “sshshshsshsh……Come in command..Come in… We are und..<several lasgun shots followed by several heavier shots>..tack by an unknown force. They have taken out the defense turrets. Need reinforcements immed…<More heavy gun shots and laughter> Com ‘ere ummie. I wanna stomp 'ou good.” The video freezes on the face of an Ork wearin goggles and a wide toothy grin. It also appears, but it is hard to tell from the green tinted picture, that the Orks head is painted white.
“Your mission is to head to the planet and find and eliminate this Ork Tribe. If needed use the PDF to help flush them out and try to protect the important structures are protected.” The Inquisitor steps up to the group, “If possible can you locate any information on these Orks and what they are doing here. I would appreciate it.” The Watch Captain looks at your questioningly, “Now if there are no questions you should head to the Strike Cruiser Bringer of Light.”

(*OOC: If there are no questions choose your oath and we will head to the planet)

Bikes x4
Trikes x2
Landspeeders x2
Rhinos x2
Thunderhawks x2
Thunderhawk Transport x1
Drop pods x10
If the vehicles are destroyed you will not get a replacement unless you return to the Watch Station. So be warned. You can also try to commandeer things if needed, beware that this could cause tensions so again be warned again. If you use a Drop Pod the Thunderhawk Transport will attempt to get it (unless told unwise) at the best time or end of mission. If the planet is lost or if the Drop Pod is in enemy hands it will not attempt to get it (again unless told otherwise). The Thunderhawk Transport is the only Thunderhawk that can carry the Rhinos and Drop Pods. The any Thunderhawk may carry the bikes, trikes, and Landspeeders.

2016-03-03, 03:08 AM
Jarnulfr watches the briefing silently as the operation details are relayed to the three squards. The clenching of his bionic clawed hand and snarling wolf servo-arm are the only things giving away his anticipation for the hunt and calcuations for the killing ahead.

As Techamrine Adelphos passes him Jarnulfr growls out his own ritual response to the age old legion feud, "May your iron be strong than your honor angel."

After the Inquistor and Watch Captain brief Squad Delta more on their mission objectives Jarnuflr gets the feeling this hunt will be more chase than kill. "Fret not Watch Captain by our ancestors and the All-Father we shall hunt down these ghosts and show them how sharp are claws and fangs really are. By the will of Russ and the All-Father our weapons shall not fail and us, our iron shall never cave, nor our shields be sunderd. The blades forged strong shall rend the prey limb from limb as our bolters tear their legs out from under them."

Turning to his cousin, "Come brother Carthens let us begin this hunt and see how man new ork skulls will line our feasting hall. Let us show these base creatures the strength of the Ultima and the cunning of the Wolf." And with that Jarnulfr leads the way out of the briefing chamber after saluting the Watch Captain in the old legion way.

Our Oath will be the Oath of the Weapon, and I have no further questions and unless Mesi does we can begin the mission.

2016-03-03, 11:35 AM
"Brother Jarn, you are too serious! The hunt does not begin till we have new terra beneath our boots. Have some levity. In stark contrast to his squadmate, Carthen beams a bright smile up at his battle brother, lacking the height granted by his Power Armour. Though, of course, I believe we should take upon ourselves a Thunderhawk and a Landspeeder. These Orks will likely have what they consider technology at their disposal.

2016-03-05, 07:57 PM
The trip the Sapra System through the Warp went too smoothly, only taking about a week. As the ship exited the Warp in the outer system and heading in system, everything appears to be business as normal. However as your get closer to the fourth planet (named Athlos), your ship’s Captain invites you up to the bridge. “My Lords. There are an lot of ships in orbit of the planet. From the Vox Traffic we are picking up they all appear to be in a holding pattern while they wait for clearance to dock to the orbit platforms.” Approaching closer to the planet the ship’s captain opens a vox channel to the orbital platform. “This is orbital control please submit your ID codes and prepare for a wait while….. Priority Clearance given, please proceed to berth Alpha Three Alpha. A planetary docking pad will be cleared for your use. “

As the servitor loads the Land speeder you board behind it. The Thunderhawk launches out of the bay and towards the planet. Following behind your Thunderhawk and launched from the ship in the next berth, is a Guncutter class ship. As your approach the ground you notice your landing pad and what appears to be a delegation of some sorts waiting. A little closer and the Thunderhawk bucks sharply to one side nearly throwing off of your feet. “My apologies sirs I was dodging a missile launched from the landing pad. Touch down in ……Incoming. Perpare for a hot landing Orks on the pad.”

(*OOC Roll initiative. The first PC will go right after the Thunderhawk lands.)

2016-03-05, 08:21 PM
Now, Brother Jarn, you may release your fervor. Carthens smiles a broad genuine smile, before slamming his helmet down replacing he jovial visage with the aggressive mask of a Space Marine. He hefted his heavy bolter, ready for a hot landing.

2016-03-10, 09:18 PM
"It is about time that we unleash our blades cousin, let us fall upon these greenskins with the all the wrath of the predator upon his prey." Jarn draws his bolter and prepares to fire.


2016-03-11, 09:49 PM
You hear the Thunderhawk’s Heavy Bolter side sponsons open up as the Pilot touches down. The Boarding Ramp hits the ground and you see the front right sponson firing into a group of Orks directly ahead. The pilot relays that there is also a group of Orks to the right and left. You know that the group of Orks in front of you has their heads down due to the pinning fire from the sponson. You can tell that each Ork is wearing some sort of Gas Mask or Googles and their heads are white. The Delegation honor guard is exchanging fire with what appears to be more Orks farther away. Ork Team 3 is not paying attention to them.

(*OOC Thunderhawk just went)

Thunderhawk – 14
Carthens – 13
Ork Team 2 – 11
Jarnulfr – 10
Ork Team 3 - 6
Ork Team 1 - 4
Guncutter - 1

Each group of Orks are grouped into teams there are 5 Orks in each group. So when picking your target state in a spoiler what team and Ork you are shooting at (I.E. Team 1 Ork 4). Ork 1 is a Nob. Orks 2 thru 5 are normal Orks. To save some time as your character will discover has he looks at each team of Orks, I will have the List of what each Ork is carrying for a weapon.

Team 1 (In Front of the Thunderhawk)
Ork Nob: Choppa, Big Shoota
Ork 2: Choppa, Rokkit Launcha
Ork 3-4: Choppa, Shoota, Stikkbombz
Ork 5: Choppa, Shoota, Stikkbombz, Pair of Imperial standard boxes

Team 2 (To the Right of the Thunderhawk)
Ork Nob: Choppa, Shoota
Ork 2: Choppa, Rokkit Launcha
Ork 3-4: Choppa, Shoota, Stikkbombz
Ork 5: Choppa, Shoota, Stikkbombz, Pair of Imperial standard boxes

Team 3 (To the Left of the Thunderhawk)
Ork Nob: Choppa, Shoota / Rokkit Combo
Ork 2: Choppa, Scorcha
Ork 3-4: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombz
Ork 5: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombz, Pair of Imperial standard boxes

The landing pad is 100m wide and 100m long the Thunderhawk is in the middle of the pad. Ork Team 1 is 30m away from the Thunderhawk in cover behind some shipping crates. Ork Team 2 is 55m away in-between your land pad and the next pad over behind some shipping crates. Ork Team 3 is currently closer to where the delegation was standing (also 55m) and is cover behind shipping crates. The delegation’s honor guard appears to be fighting more Orks farther back. There is a basic map on the Google Drive in the Maps Folder.

2016-03-18, 07:00 PM
I shall rain divine steel upon the, Xenos scum! Carthen's stomped down the forward ramp, reving his bolter to full clip.

Goal: 80 or below
Damage 1 [roll]3d10b2+12
Damage 2 3d10b2+12
Damage 3 3d10b2+12
Damage 4 3d10b2+12
Damage 5 3d10b2+12
Damage 6 3d10b2+12
Damage 7 3d10b2+12
Damage 8 3d10b2+12
Damage 9 3d10b2+12
Damage 10 3d10b2+12
Damage 11 3d10b2+12

2016-03-18, 07:03 PM
Damage 1 [roll0]+12
Damage 2 [roll1]+12
Damage 3 [roll2]+12
Damage 4 [roll3]+12
Damage 5 [roll4]+12
Damage 6 [roll5]+12
Damage 7 [roll6]+12

2016-03-21, 07:24 PM
(***OOC: The Live Session Summary)

Carthens steps forth from the Thunderhawk and unleashes, directly in front of the Thunderhawk, a fury of heavy bolter rounds into the Ork Team. The bolter rounds tear threw the shipping containers into the Orks. As the Orks begin to fall, one bolter round strikes a demo pack which causes a massive explosion, throwing Ork bits into the air. Jarnulfr trades shots with the Ork Team on the right of the Thunderhawk. On the left the Ork Team, it glances a Rokkit of the Thunderhawk. It does no more damage than scratching the paint. The rest of that Ork Team focuses more on the delegation behind them. As the Guncutter (that was following the Thunderhawk) gets closer, the Ork Teams throw a demo pack at the Thunderhawk. Not knowing its own strength the Ork lobs the demo pack over the Thunderhawk to the other side which causes some superficial damage to the landing pad. The Thunderhawk manages to take down three Orks on the right, while Jarnulfr makes them keep their heads down. Carthens turns to face the left team and manages to spray enough bolter rounds into the Ork Team. However, due to more shipping containers here, only two Orks go down. Another Rokkit slams into the Thunderhawk from an Ork Team but it only peels some more paint. The Guncutter touches down hard on the next pad over and Troops in heavy armour pour out along with a figure in power armour. They begin to trade shots with the Ork Team on the right. Just as the new Troops begin to fire into the Ork Team, the Team fires a Rokkit at Jarnulfr and he manages to dodge it. Even though he dodges the Rokkit, it flies into the Thunderhawk causing moderate damage. Between the new Troops and Jarnulfr, they quickly take down the rest of that team of Orks. Carthens manages to slay another Ork before all fire from their position cuts off. As Carthens, moves forward in between the shipping containers there is a discovery that the Orks slipped into a storm drain.

The figure in armour as well as the delegation approaches the Thunderhaw. Carthens questions the Governor about the Orks raiders and why he saw the Orks using Military Grade demo packs. The Governor quickly changes the subject saying there have been no thefts of the military equipment. The Governor assigns an administrator to the Space Marines and walks away. The figure in the power armour from the Guncutter introduces himself as Lord Cyrus of the Harken Rogue Trader Dynasty. The Deathwatch Squad and the Rogue Trader explore one of the Outposts that went silent discovering some strange vid footage and discovering two black boxes at the Outpost. Of the defenders at the Outpost, there is no sign. On the vid they see the same Tech priest on two spots at the sign time and a strange shadow. They follow the next lead to a mountain town to discover that radiation levels are high here and the it looks like all the villages were turned to ash inside the church of the Emperor. The group follows a lead to a large cave that, a little way in, has a road in it.

(***OOC: This is where we pick off from)