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View Full Version : Pathfinder GMing with Psionics... any advise? Also, which PC classes are recommended?

2016-02-18, 10:18 AM

For my upcoming Dark Sun game I'm reading, among other things, the massive tome that is Ultimate Psionics from Dreamscarred Press. The first thing I read (and re-read) was the rules part, so I understand how the psionic rules work and interact. That is all I really wanted before starting the game - I don't need to know every single nut or bolt - and I think I got it. But wih the amount of content and all these classes and feats and powers I though I just ask you guys here for some advice anyway, just to avoid possible mistakes or problems.

- Is there anything about Ultimate Psionics I should be aware of, something that might not be apparent from just going through the basic rules? I am familiar with the popular content of Pathfinder's core releases (APG, ARG, ACG, UM, UC), and my games tend to be moderately optimized and moderately complex, ruleswise.

- Also, what classes (or archetypes) would you recommend for new players? Players new to psionics, that is. My group features both Pathfinder veterans and newcomers and I'd like to point them to some options and say "If you're interested in psionics, how about this?"

Any help (or links to existing guides) would be greatly appreciated.

2016-02-18, 11:41 AM
The big thing to remember with psionics is that, without one of a very small number of very specific things, you can't spend more than your manifester level worth of PP on a single power. A level 1 Psion can't blow his entire daily PP allotment on a single move. This means that psionics doesn't tend to scale as well as magic, in that there are a lot of things that when cast as spells auto-scale to your caster level (at least to some degree) that require augmentation when used as powers. The blasting stuff is the most obvious version of this- a 1-PP Energy Ray does 1d6 damage no matter if the manifester is level 1 or level 20, while something like Burning Hands scales with the caster's level even without a spell level increase. On the other hand, since most powers can be augmented, a high-level psionicist tends to have a lot more different powers that are, or can effectively be, high level powers, and can use those high-level powers for longer, since both high-level and low-level stuff are cast from the same source.
Another thing to note is that, at least as far as I'm aware (and there may be exceptions) using metapsionic feats costs psionic focus, limiting how often they can be used.

Speaking personally, my favorite DSP psionic class is, by far, the Aegis. It's basically "Tony Stark, the class" and I love it.

2016-02-23, 10:26 AM
An Aegis would do really well in a Dark Sun game, as it can utilize its ability to resist environmental effects and make its own armor rather than relying on scrap gear.

2016-02-23, 10:42 AM
Thanks guys, I'll put the Aegis on the list.

Anything else? :smallsmile:

2016-02-23, 11:49 AM
The soulknife is a good starter psionic class too, and I like the Psychic warrior. With Archetypes and all, it can fill most any combat role without overwhelming the player with powers like a Psion does. Gifted Blade Soulknife is also a good choice because of the power swapping mechanic, letting new players not feel punished for trying new powers.

2016-02-23, 01:24 PM
Soulknife, Aegis, and Marksman are probably the simplest classes for a new player to learn, with Soulknife being the easiest of the three. It's worth noting that the Soulknife got a big upgrade from 3.5, where he was largely considered one of the weakest classes in the game.

Given the dearth of divine classes in the Dark Sun setting, one of your players should probably consider the Vitalist if they want a good healer, though if you're wanting to focus on the danger, brutality, and lack of good healing options you might want to drop the Vitalist, as it is up there with the Life Oracle as one of the best healers in PF.

2016-02-25, 08:22 AM
Just from reading I pegged the Soulknife as a possible newbie candidate, too.

@Ssalarn: thanks for the info on the vitalist, I remember reading about its healing capabilities somewhere (on this board probably). I wouldn't mind if the group has good healing available at all times since I don't plan to do attrition games with the PCs all the time. But still, good to know.

2016-02-26, 10:36 AM
Specific to a Dark Sun campaign, an Aegis can potentially be incredibly good. They get free masterwork armor that'll probably be better than whatever they can scrounge, and their customizations allow them to basically tailor themselves to the challenge.
Having trouble with environmental effects like heat and cold? Flexible always-on energy resistance- 5 points of fire or cold resist is as good as Endure Elements against that particular state, and Aegis can change it in a single round.
Difficult terrain? Starting at level 5, Aegis can fly.
Only have crappy makeshift weapons? No, they're engulfed in ectoplasm and are now masterwork and count as magic for purposes of DR.
Don't have any weapons? Well, now your unarmed strikes count as being armed, and do lethal damage of the type of your choice.
Attacked in your sleep? Flexible suit means you can sleep in your armor with no penalty whatsoever.
Haven't got level-appropriate stat-boosters? Your suit automagically grants enhancement bonuses based on which type of armor you're wearing, and can be modified to provide more.
Need access to more blatant magical effects? Power Stone Repository and the Harness Power Stone line have you covered.
And of course there's the stuff like being able to repair stuff by touching it, free Master Craftsman and Craft bonuses, and free DR that is effectively always on.

On a side note, my group plays gestalt due to smaller group size, and Aegis is basically the perfect class for that because it's pretty much all passive bonuses and utility, allowing the other side of the gestalt to focus on whatever.

2016-03-15, 06:54 AM
Thanks for all the infos, guys. Much appreciated!