View Full Version : Blackest Night

2016-02-18, 04:17 PM
I have just noticed an interesting similarity between the vampire who is possessing Durkon's body and the Black Lantern Rings from DC Comics' "Blackest Night" story.

The Rings reanimate dead heroes, read their memories and create a twisted version of their former personalities. The hero-zombies then confront their living friends and try to guilt-trip them into doing something stupid. (They try to evoke strong emotions in the living before killing them) The living who fall for the manipulation are quickly overwhelmed and killed.

When The Atom realizes this, he remarks: "Maybe the dead aren't wearing the rings. Maybe the rings are wearing the dead."

This is essentially how the High Priest of Hel works, right? Wearing a dead body, stealing the host's memories to manipulate the living who had an emotional connection to their fallen friend.

It's just a coincidence, but I like how similar the villains in both stories are in their approach to using the dead.

2016-02-18, 05:50 PM
It's not really a coincidence, that's one of the major ways how vampires in general popular culture work. Blackest Night just borrowed that trope for their undead.

Killer Angel
2016-02-19, 02:59 PM
Yep, that's hardly the only case of "hosts"