View Full Version : If you rolled all 3s...

2016-02-19, 07:55 AM
I saw the 'if you rolled all 18s' thread and felt there had to be a counterpart.

While sometimes the dice gods may bless us, there are other times when RNGeesus feels that you are not worthy. You roll your 4d6 best 3, and lo and behold, you have quite possibly have the worst character ever.

My question is, what do you do now? How do you make your terrible character slightly less terrible? Or even-though this is just wishful thinking-mediocre? The answer is up to you.

Personally, I would go non-variant human to increase all of my stats. Then I'd go Mountain Dwarf and build a Barbarian. It's simple enough, but I feel like it would be fairly not terrible-the high Hit Dice (kind of) counteracts your abysmal Con, and Reckless Attack and Rage mean you might actually hit something and deal some damage.

2016-02-19, 08:04 AM
I'd probably go Necromancer and pick spells with the least amount of d20 rolling possible. Magic Missile, Sleep, Darkness, Heat Metal, Animate Dead, etc. Grim Harvest could help buffer the truly abysmal HP, and Undead Thralls uses your Wizard level and proficiency bonus instead of keying off your intelligence modifier. Probably Hill Dwarf for 2 extra HP per level, although Mountain Dwarf for medium armor proficiency and 1 extra HP might be a better pick.

2016-02-19, 08:10 AM
Ask a wizard to Polymorph you into a housecat?

Clearly moon druid is an option. If you were starting from level 19, you could build a passable assassin (with all your ASIs and a racial bonus in Dex you'd have 16/17, which is not great, but it's the only stat you need). Obviously you'd have to focus on ranged attacks as your HP would be hopeless, and you wouldn't be much good at the 'deception' side of the trade, but at least you'd be able to contribute something. And I guess, starting at that level, you'd probably have access to a few magic items. An Amulet of Health sure wouldn't go amiss.

2016-02-19, 08:20 AM
I think I'd beg my DM to let me use the standard array instead of the straight 3s. I'm sure most DMs are kind enough for that. Barring that, I go all Leroy Jenkins on something so I can kill him off as fast as I can.

2016-02-19, 09:15 AM
All 10s or 8s is one thing I might try and figure out, but with all 3s I'm just noping the hell out of that game.

2016-02-19, 09:18 AM
Moon druid every time, just take buffing spells and call it a day.

2016-02-19, 09:19 AM
Moon Druid who has suffered from a horrific auto-immune disease and a severe mental handicap.

He can turn into a bear and feel very clever for a bear.

2016-02-19, 09:25 AM
Back in my AD&D days, I once actually managed to roll three 3s on a "4d6 Best 3" method, which included the "Reroll 1s once" caveat.

I didn't roll the remaining 3 numbers because the GM revoked my dice from the table and rolled the stats for me. XD

2016-02-19, 09:29 AM
Depends, either I'd go for a minion-master so my stats don't matter, or I'd embrace the horribleness by creating the 'single adventurer party' build.

Wizard (Evoker) 3/Fighter (Champion) 3/Rogue (Thief) 3/Cleric (Life) 3/Bard (Lore) 3/Paladin (Devotion) 3/Barbarian (Berserker) 2. Charlatan background, with both of my identities being party members. First fighting style is defence, second is dueling. One identity is a sword and board paladin, second is a magician.

2016-02-19, 09:31 AM
Depends, either I'd go for a minion-master so my stats don't matter, or I'd embrace the horribleness by creating the 'single adventurer party' build.

Wizard (Evoker) 3/Fighter (Champion) 3/Rogue (Thief) 3/Cleric (Life) 3/Bard (Lore) 3/Paladin (Devotion) 3/Barbarian (Berserker) 2. Charlatan background, with both of my identities being party members. First fighting style is defence, second is dueling. One identity is a sword and board paladin, second is a magician.

So, basically Seņor Vorpal Kickass'o from Goblins?

2016-02-19, 09:37 AM
I would do a barbarian halfling, and explain that he is actually a very, very malformed Dwarf. But at least he is lucky - I mean, he made it THIS far,

Also, I would refuse to take any ASIs, but instead only take feats if I survived that far.

2016-02-19, 09:45 AM
Depends, either I'd go for a minion-master so my stats don't matter, or I'd embrace the horribleness by creating the 'single adventurer party' build.

Wizard (Evoker) 3/Fighter (Champion) 3/Rogue (Thief) 3/Cleric (Life) 3/Bard (Lore) 3/Paladin (Devotion) 3/Barbarian (Berserker) 2. Charlatan background, with both of my identities being party members. First fighting style is defence, second is dueling. One identity is a sword and board paladin, second is a magician.

Unfortunately, that would not work as you would not and cannot qualify for any of the other classes for multi-classing purposes because you don't meet the minimum prerequisites. :frown:

2016-02-19, 09:46 AM
With stats that low, the only realistic options would be between asking the DM to immediately reroll new stats, or once the adventure starts immediately fall on your sword, killing yourself over the shame of your terrible stats.

It would also be completely unrealistic that a character like that would be part of any adventuring party. Who would want as part of their group the idiot wizard, the weakling warrior, or the clumsy rogue.

2016-02-19, 09:54 AM
Unfortunately, that would not work as you would not and cannot qualify for any of the other classes for multi-classing purposes because you don't meet the minimum prerequisites. :frown:

*As Fumbles the goblin* Not if you take 1/7 of a level in each class at ECL 1!

2016-02-19, 09:56 AM
I 'd probably make a frail nerdy and rather suicidal Half-ork wizard,
cause it would be funny when he gets up after a severe beating thanks to his half-ork blood.

2016-02-19, 10:05 AM
Hill dwarf cleric, in a domain with heavy armor prof. Then completely focus on spells without DCs or attack rolls. I'm not sure how compatible the cleric spell list is with this goal, but it's the best way I can see to get a decent AC and at least some hp while also being able to contribute to the party. And multi-classing is right out.

2016-02-19, 10:17 AM
So, basically Seņor Vorpal Kickass'o from Goblins?

Well yeah. Except literally will spend time swapping clothes to turn into the other identity mid-combat.

Unfortunately, that would not work as you would not and cannot qualify for any of the other classes for multi-classing purposes because you don't meet the minimum prerequisites. :frown:

Okay, it's not RAW, but being (un)lucky enough to roll six 3s and having a DM let me play with them, I'm sure requirements can be saved. I did start being able to cast 1/7 of a sleep spell and hide 1/7 of my body in shadow (useful if someone's searching for my leg). Wielding 3/7 of a sword is just a bonus.

2016-02-19, 10:18 AM
I saw the 'if you rolled all 18s' thread and felt there had to be a counterpart.

While sometimes the dice gods may bless us, there are other times when RNGeesus feels that you are not worthy. You roll your 4d6 best 3, and lo and behold, you have quite possibly have the worst character ever.

My question is, what do you do now? How do you make your terrible character slightly less terrible? Or even-though this is just wishful thinking-mediocre? The answer is up to you.

Personally, I would go non-variant human to increase all of my stats. Then I'd go Mountain Dwarf and build a Barbarian. It's simple enough, but I feel like it would be fairly not terrible-the high Hit Dice (kind of) counteracts your abysmal Con, and Reckless Attack and Rage mean you might actually hit something and deal some damage.

I'd go with my Necromancer from post #68 of this thread (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?475244-3d6-in-Order/page7). His stat line there is "6 7 8 7 4 9" but his actual combat capabilities would be essentially unchanged with all 3s. Only the roleplaying would be different: he would be even more impulsive, repulsive, incoherent, and fragile. I'd have to take Tough even earlier in order for him to have more than 2 HP at 11th level, but the basic idea of "Necromancer in full plate who spends his combats Dodging and using his bonus action to shriek 'kill them!' at his skeletons" works perfectly well even with all 3s as stats.

Edit: except, I don't think Int 3 is enough to shriek "Kill them!" I think I would have to just point and moan, "Unnnngggghhh! Aieeeee!" like a toddler. It further occurs to me that my zombies would be almost as intelligent as I am, and my skeletons would actually be twice as smart (Int 6)!

2016-02-19, 11:29 AM
I think I'd beg my DM to let me use the standard array instead of the straight 3s. I'm sure most DMs are kind enough for that. Barring that, I go all Leroy Jenkins on something so I can kill him off as fast as I can.

This. I would do this.

But for the thought experiment, I'd probably make a Halfling Beastmaster Ranger, and just make the pet do everything for me. Plus, I can use the pet as a mount if needed.

2016-02-19, 11:50 AM
Even if I could reroll, or take the standard array, I wouldn't. This seems like it would be a fun challenge.

I would be either a Necromancer or Moon Druid. Maybe a warlock.

2016-02-19, 11:54 AM
This. I would do this.

But for the thought experiment, I'd probably make a Halfling Beastmaster Ranger, and just make the pet do everything for me. Plus, I can use the pet as a mount if needed.

The idea of playing a wolf who has slaved a hugely sub-par ranger to himself as a power source is actually shockingly appealing.

2016-02-19, 12:06 PM
The idea of playing a wolf who has slaved a hugely sub-par ranger to himself as a power source is actually shockingly appealing.

That's honestly pretty brilliant.

2016-02-19, 12:31 PM
Human Rogue. I would focus on putting my proficiency bonus to everything (sometimes twice). 1d20-3+X(2thru12). At least that way I can be the bumbling assistant to everyone.

2016-02-19, 01:24 PM
Moon Druid who has suffered from a horrific auto-immune disease and a severe mental handicap.

He can turn into a bear and feel very clever for a bear.This. This is what I'd do right here.

2016-02-19, 01:54 PM
I would play a gnome that everyone mistook for a goblin and wasn't wise enough to realize that he wasn't a goblin.

2016-02-20, 05:17 AM
Rock Gnome (as much as I despise gnomes in general) Moon Druid, definitely.
all the while his mentals would be bad, at least he'd have advantage on those saves (against magic).
1 more hit point each level (out of wild shape) won't hurt either.
And, wild shape shenanigans would obviously be the best option (as so many before me have realized already) :P

All ASIs to increase Wisdom, of course.

Edit1: That Beast Master ranger concept would be hilarious, too! :D
Edit2: In my games I've given option to roll 4d6b3, or if the roll ended up worse than Standard Array, they could use that instead (such as if combined bonus was less than +1 or highest stat value was 13, both conditions applied). Alternatively, if they wouldn't dare to roll in the first place, they could point-buy/standard array instead.

2016-02-20, 10:33 AM
The idea of playing a wolf who has slaved a hugely sub-par ranger to himself as a power source is actually shockingly appealing.This is great.

Shining Wrath
2016-02-20, 10:40 AM
Ditto Moon Druid, and Forest Gnome for the saving throws seems like a good idea.

And get someone large to stuff me into a backpack and bring me out when they needed a bear for a few minutes.

2016-02-20, 02:09 PM
Wizard, Warlock, or Bard. Play heavily defensive, buffing up my allies, until level 17. Then True Polymorph into the most powerful form I can and laughing as I pull a complete 180 on stats! Ancient Adult Gold Dragon FTW!

2016-02-20, 02:36 PM
I'd reroll. If the DM didn't let me? Walk out.

2016-02-20, 02:49 PM
This is actually kind of the classic setup for a warlock/witch. Frail, stupid and foolish little troglodyte angry at the world for reminding him of his flaws accepts a pact with dark entities for the power to make the world pay! It would be difficult to set up so you contribute at all though. The warlock list doesn't really get the spells and abilities that let you work around a bad stat.

To actually contribute, moon druid. Necromancer and conjuration specialist would both also work if the party was willing to carry you until your abilities start to kick in.

2016-02-20, 03:30 PM
I'd reroll. If the DM didn't let me? Walk out.
To be honest that's probably what we'd all do, but this is more of a hypothetical scenario just for giggles than what we'd do in a real situation.

2016-02-20, 03:33 PM
To be honest that's probably what we'd all do, but this is more of a hypothetical scenario just for giggles than what we'd do in a real situation.

Oh, I don't know. I think in my group I'd have a backup character ready and play mr. 3 for however long he survived for the humor/entertainment value. Could be a lot of fun for a little while.

2016-02-20, 03:51 PM
take a nap, sleep off the obvious drunkenness then come to my senses and ask to point buy because i was obviously intoxicated and coerced into rolling, something i never do.

2016-02-20, 04:03 PM
Oh, I don't know. I think in my group I'd have a backup character ready and play mr. 3 for however long he survived for the humor/entertainment value. Could be a lot of fun for a little while.

Ditto. Playing gimped characters for the challenge of it can be surprisingly fun. Being married to a gimped character for a long-term campaign where the DM doesn't use character trees, less fun.

If the DM had described it as a high-level, high-powered campaign and was having everyone roll up characters at level 14 or something, then I would find Mr. 3s quite distressing, because he doesn't seem the the kind of character who would have made it to level 14 in the first place--and even if he could, there's no joy in taking Mr. 3s to 14 in the first place if it was done via DM fiat.

Mr. 3s is only fun if you start him from low level, preferably 1st, in a campaign which is okay with PC death.

2016-02-20, 04:47 PM
I would go Wizard

With my HP per level growing at d6-4, by level 5 or 6 I should just die automatically

2016-02-20, 05:22 PM
I would go Wizard

With my HP per level growing at d6-4, by level 5 or 6 I should just die automatically

Don't roll then. You get 4+Con HP per level. You'll stay at 2 HP your whole career unless you take Tough or pump Con.

2016-02-20, 06:04 PM
Don't roll then. You get 4+Con HP per level. You'll stay at 2 HP your whole career unless you take Tough or pump Con.

Is there really not a 'Minimum 1' clause associate w/ HP per level? Its not that I recall reading otherwise, I just sort of assumed...

2016-02-20, 06:10 PM
Is there really not a 'Minimum 1' clause associate w/ HP per level? Its not that I recall reading otherwise, I just sort of assumed...

Ask your DM. :) If he makes the same assumption as you, then there is. Otherwise there isn't.

2016-02-20, 06:13 PM
Is there really not a 'Minimum 1' clause associate w/ HP per level? Its not that I recall reading otherwise, I just sort of assumed...

Ask your DM. :) If he makes the same assumption as you, then there is. Otherwise there isn't.

"Hey guys! I managed to level this character up!"
"Now to apply the level..." *hurk... blehg...* *dead*
"...Well now."

2016-02-20, 06:29 PM
Is there really not a 'Minimum 1' clause associate w/ HP per level? Its not that I recall reading otherwise, I just sort of assumed...

There isn't, because they assume you would have minimum of 8 in stats

2016-02-20, 06:40 PM
There isn't, because they assume you would have minimum of 8 in stats

No, they don't. That's a variant rule, just like feats and multiclassing. The designers are cognizant of the fact that not everyone uses the same variants.

2016-02-20, 07:03 PM
Well clearly such a character would not go adventuring. So if the DM is being unreasonable but I still wanted to play with the group, I would stay in town doing downtime activities.

2016-02-20, 07:12 PM
Well clearly such a character would not go adventuring.

Why "clearly"? Striking it rich is his only hope for a decent life.

2016-02-20, 07:20 PM
Why "clearly"? Striking it rich is his only hope for a decent life.

After all, he clearly doesn't have the Wisdom or Intelligence to tell him that what he's about to do is a bad idea and he shouldn't do it.

2016-02-20, 09:18 PM
After all, he clearly doesn't have the Wisdom or Intelligence to tell him that what he's about to do is a bad idea and he shouldn't do it.

Well, to be fair adventuring being a bad idea and no one should do it applies pretty solidly to everyone. But there'd be no game if the PCs acted like they have some sense. :)

2016-02-20, 09:28 PM
It further occurs to me that my zombies would be almost as intelligent as I am, and my skeletons would actually be twice as smart (Int 6)!

I like to imagine those poor skeletons feel just so put upon by this little troglodyte thing but magic says they have to obey him. To the point that the skeletons just shrug and do what he says only because they have to.

2016-02-20, 09:34 PM
I like to imagine those poor skeletons feel just so put upon by this little troglodyte thing but magic says they have to obey him. To the point that the skeletons just shrug and do what he says only because they have to.

Haha, yeah. :)

And I just checked, and it turns out that with Int 3, I am exactly as smart as one of my zombies. Oh the humanity!

2016-02-20, 09:38 PM
I would play a babbling idiot Warlock that is destined (if survived) to be the avatar of its patron, an invading Great Old One. It would take pact of the chain and have a sprite that is actually in charge (as a 3 int creature probably cannot plan). Thankfully I have awakened mind to use as a communication tool, so I can at least get across my basic needs to other for survival.

By level 14 I'd finally be able to use create thrall to force a creature to carry me around and protect me. Until then my sprite would have to be charming enough to convince others that I am an ally and keep me around.

Then, at level 20 and with DM cooperation (I mean come on I dedicated years to this pathetic PC), suddenly my character would begin screaming in insane, agonizing yet somehow satisfied pain. Its skin would rip and burst and out would rise a towering, horrible Great Old One who has been channeling its power through this wretch as its only way into the Material Plane. Ideally none of the other players would know about this, and they have a sudden serious enemy to contend with. They also would now know they'd been complicit in its arrival.

2016-02-21, 08:18 AM
It seems the consensus is spellcaster, more likely arcane or since I don't think you'll be wearing much armor with a 3 str.

Druid is your best bet since you can wild shape at lvl 2. Biggest problem is while not wildshaped with so low hps you probably never experience death saves, just up or dead like little mario. This makes Half-Orc your must have race. giving you 5 str and 4 con! yay that's 5 hps at lvl 1 + 2 hp per lvl. Like a wizard in earlier editions.

Here's how you live: Have a hafling in you party, make sure he is scrawny one since you can carry only 45 lbs(75 with half-orc str!) and they weigh between 40 and 45. Have him take mounted combat and ride you like master blaster. Mounted combat feat means he can redirect all attacks to you to him instead. So until you get hit with a fireball(or really any save for half effect) you'll be fine. Buff him so its a sybiotic relationship. (This only really works if he is lvl 4 so he can have the feat...)

If you start at lvl 2 or higher, you don't even need the halfing, just a human variant that can take the feat at lvl 1, since he can ride you in bear form. At this point you really are about the same as any moon druid, except your concentration spells will be limited to ones without save or attack rolls.

2016-02-21, 11:39 AM
Personally, I would go non-variant human to increase all of my stats. Then I'd go Mountain Dwarf and build a Barbarian.

Wait, what?

2016-02-21, 11:50 AM
I would coordinate with another player and play their child. Their five or six year old child.

And not a super-annoying child, either, although with Int 3 and Wis 3 I'd have to be pretty child-like. Go with Lightfoot Halfling to represent "human child" for stealth (ish) and slightly higher Dexterity/Charisma. The ability to hide behind other party members would be useful, as would Luck.

Then roll a bard. Bardic inspiration lets me be a delightful inspiring child once a day, jack of all trades offsets my terrible stats a bit (and later Expertise lets me have one or two positive skill totals, probably Charisma-based). The Song of Rest lets me do some healing that ignores stats, as does countercharm. College of Lore represents me being a child who is learning things quickly. My ASIs probably go mainly into boosting Charisma. My spells are a series of buffs and an unseen servant (imaginary friend!)

And the reason that I'm with the party in dangerous situations? Because I have inherited my (absent parent)'s magical gifts, and my (party member parent) doesn't have anyone to leave me with. It would be even more dangerous than bringing me along.

*EDIT* I would also try to convince the GM to let me put together a home-brewed Background, since those are pretty easy to generate. Use the "Urchin" skills and tools, and the "Folk Hero" Rustic Hospitality; I'm talented at stealthy stuff because people don't take kids seriously, and peasants will usually offer me and my family hospitality and protect us from trouble, because again, child.

2016-02-21, 12:36 PM
Wait, what?

Oops, I derped. Forget the Dwarf part.

2016-02-21, 12:56 PM
It seems the consensus is spellcaster, more likely arcane or since I don't think you'll be wearing much armor with a 3 str.

3 Str lets you carry 45 pounds of equipment. That will let you wear Ring Mail (heavy armor) for AC 14 with no issues. It's a lot better than the AC 6 you'd have without it.

An Enemy Spy
2016-02-21, 12:58 PM
Doesn't it state in the rules that if you don't have a stat higher than 13 you need to reroll?

2016-02-21, 01:12 PM
I'd make an elderly High Elf Divination wizard. He's old enough that he's forgotten how to read most of his spellbooks, and should probably be in a rocking chair being cared for, but his visions have driven him to push his frail and delicate body on a quest. A nice adventure is just the thing to stir his ancient blood and he'll slowly remember what he's forgotten, the fresh air making him feel better than he has in centuries. Assuming he lives long enough.

EDIT: He'd spend most of his travel time sleeping in a cart being pulled by a donkey, but if you ask him about it, he'd claim that he was merely trancing (I imagine that elderly elves actually sleep, as well as little kids, because they need more rest than adults do)

2016-02-21, 04:15 PM
Oops, I derped. Forget the Dwarf part.

Hehe, s'all good. I figured you edited something and forgot to go back and remove the old stuff. Just thought I'd have a bit of fun with it. XD

2016-02-21, 06:10 PM
Doesn't it state in the rules that if you don't have a stat higher than 13 you need to reroll?

No, it does not.

2016-02-21, 06:58 PM
I may have missed it, just cruised through the thread right quick, but as I recall a minimum intelligence of 5 is required to be sentient. So with all 3's, only a gnome is playable because of their +2 intelligence. All other races are literally impossible to play due to not being sentient at that intelligence, they would require such heavy brain abnormality they'd be little better than an actual cat or dog.

2016-02-22, 01:26 AM
I may have missed it, just cruised through the thread right quick, but as I recall a minimum intelligence of 5 is required to be sentient. So with all 3's, only a gnome is playable because of their +2 intelligence. All other races are literally impossible to play due to not being sentient at that intelligence, they would require such heavy brain abnormality they'd be little better than an actual cat or dog.

Not that I could find. All of the actual animals in the 5E monster manual are Intelligence 2. That said, Intelligence 2 is the same modifier as Intelligence 3, so...

Gibbering Mouthers and Golems are Intelligence 3. That's probably a decent guide of how sentient you are?

2016-02-22, 01:34 AM
Not that I could find. All of the actual animals in the 5E monster manual are Intelligence 2. That said, Intelligence 2 is the same modifier as Intelligence 3, so...

Gibbering Mouthers and Golems are Intelligence 3. That's probably a decent guide of how sentient you are?

Indeed. Knowing my luck with the dice, my playing with this character would end up with an idiot savant feel. The dice tend to like my character's worst stats, so playing all 3's would mean I should constantly roll natural 20's :smallwink: *coughwishfulthinkingcough*

2016-02-22, 01:51 AM
Int 3 is the same intelligence as a cat or a dog. So your independent actions would be mostly instinctual, with the possibility of being trained to perform more complex tasks. So really you'd be bound to another PC like a minion.

A gnome with int 5 would be necessary to play it like a PC, albeit still a very simple minded PC. Could tie in well with Forest Gnome's speak with small animals ability.

2016-02-22, 01:55 AM
Int 3 is the same intelligence as a cat or a dog. So your independent actions would be mostly instinctual, with the possibility of being trained to perform more complex tasks. So really you'd be bound to another PC like a minion.

A gnome with int 5 would be necessary to play it like a PC, albeit still a very simple minded PC.

They would have the same modifier as a cat or dog to perform certain game-defined tasks, not the same intelligence in the colloquial sense. There's nothing in the rules that prevents a character with an Intelligence of 3 from being a competent adult, able to take care of themselves. They could even be a wizard if they want to.

2016-02-22, 01:57 AM
Int 3 is the same intelligence as a cat or a dog. So your independent actions would be mostly instinctual, with the possibility of being trained to perform more complex tasks. So really you'd be bound to another PC like a minion.

A gnome with int 5 would be necessary to play it like a PC, albeit still a very simple minded PC. Could tie in well with Forest Gnome's speak with small animals ability.

It's fair to say that taking the class levels WAS getting trained. It would be interesting to have a Rogue who can understand the complex inner workings of locks and traps, but is absolutely clueless about how to work simple machines.

2016-02-22, 03:54 AM
Doesn't it state in the rules that if you don't have a stat higher than 13 you need to reroll?

Even if there was, you can elect not to reroll.

Dumber than a skeleton
More repulsive than a T-rex
Less perceptive than pretty much anything.
Worthless man!
*play now at a table near you!*