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View Full Version : Gamer Humor What is the craziest/trolliest thing a rogue has ever done?

2016-02-19, 10:51 AM
There are many ways to become pure troll in D&D. These usually involve a horribly optimized or specialized joke character, or alternatively a wild-magic based class, but there is one class that is one big balanced, intentional potential troll : Ye olde rogue. So I ask the Playground, What is the most awesome, or awesomely ridiculous, thing you have ever had the honor of bearing witness to in the presence of a rogue?

I'll start: Bartholomew Annise, master thief, arcane trickster of the Zhentarim and troll extraordinaire, soloed an entire encounter whilst not actually being present. He wasted a half dozen Kobolds and an attack drake with his rapier, in front of the castle guards. Said guards then attacked him only for their swords to pass straight through his body. Bartholomew, High elven dexterous bastard he was, had been fighting from the top of the castle tower, alternating between controlling the illusion of himself that the guards and monsters were seeing, and picking off enemies with a longbow just as the illusory rapier struck. As the castle emptied of guards on their way to confront the intruder, he then helped himself to the warlords gems and walked down the side of the tower with his enchantments of awesome, then went to the tavern.

Your move, Playground.

2016-02-19, 12:39 PM
Have you ever considered using the Rogue's UMD skill to polymorph into a troll?

Ba dum tshih. :smalltongue:

Lord Raziere
2016-02-19, 04:02 PM
There are many ways to become pure troll in D&D. These usually involve a horribly optimized or specialized joke character, or alternatively a wild-magic based class, but there is one class that is one big balanced, intentional potential troll : Ye olde rogue. So I ask the Playground, What is the most awesome, or awesomely ridiculous, thing you have ever had the honor of bearing witness to in the presence of a rogue?

I have made a rogue successfully build a functional zeppelin in a medieval town to defend it

this rogue has also solved a conflict between paladins and barbarians by singing to make them fight a hydra instead of the PC's, walked up to a god of thieves and said "hi!" without dying because of a critical success on their charisma check, he used a net and a large petrified bug to make a improvised mace, and had used his dagger to cause an arrow to catch fire so that it would cause a powerful explosion to end a great battle, he has jumped upon a giant serpent to try and kill it using only a dagger with a lightning enchantment and escaped with his life, in everything he either managed to solve the problem by singing at it, jumping over it or setting it on fire.

He was Lelk Highwind. You may have heard of him.

Gideon Falcon
2016-02-19, 10:34 PM
I've only personally played one rogue, and he had a rather difficult time of things (he was more socially oriented, but the rest of the party was canonically so weird everyone assumed he was an idiot too), but I did have one or two gems that stood out- namely, the joke I made that he uses the fighter as a piggy bank (don't tell him, he doesn't know)- much moreso, when the shadowy over-council of the city hired us to transplant incriminating evidence against a seedy merchant into a location they were going to be publicly investigating soon (after retrieving said evidence from the more legally secure original location). It was a ramshackle building, so as the other party members made a diversion at the front door, I simply removed some of the paneling of the wall, walked in, put the incriminating papers on the disorganized desk, and waltzed back out. IIRC, the DM didn't even make me roll Move Silently, though I did anyway.