View Full Version : PTU: Through the Shadows

2016-02-19, 08:50 PM
Welcome to the world of Pokemon. Though not the world you necessarily know, it comes from an era long past. An age where magic ran rampant, an age when civilization was still young, and Hoenn, a region recently settled not 60 years ago struggled to survive as monsters ran rampant across the still untamed landscape, and small gods could be found across the land, seeking power and those who desire glory without end.

As of recent times, Hoenn, the most recently settled body of land across the realms of the world, had fallen upon grievous calamity. Something had stirred up the things that lurked in the darkest regions of the forests, sending them tearing across villages stricken by plague from pestilent entities finding places far too close to home to take residence. It is what has drawn each of you to the gateway of this land, a seafaring village called Lilycove Bay. Here the call has been sent out to the Five Kingdoms for warriors to defend the lands they each sought claim to, here is where those seeking fortune and fame have traveled to, finding likeminded souls along the way. Here is where unlikely alliances come to be, as no one gets far on their own in this turbulent land. Here is where six meet, each from one of the lands before the mayor's hall, a tall building of stone among the wooden buildings and fortified walls of wood and stone.

2016-02-19, 09:01 PM
The first to arrive is the woman still in her homeland. From a village at the base of Mt. Pyre, but no longer allowed to return home due to her experiments, Phoebe is...Rather down on her luck, currently. Lack of leads on more fragments of the book she carries tightly at her side, and lack of funds for further exploration supplies have lead her here, to the mayor's office, looking to find a job she can quickly do to get back to exploring mysterious dungeons.

Space Lawyer
2016-02-19, 10:07 PM

Laila is the next to arrive, Braixen walking at her side and Gastly darting around her head. The little gods of this land were strange, and sometimes angry. It was best to have protection, and neither cared much for being in their balls anyways.

She notices Phoebe and approaches with a smile. "Hello! I'm Laila Nej, from the White Forest Shrine in Unova. Do you live here? Is this the mayor's house?"

2016-02-19, 10:12 PM
Arayos looks up at the Mayor's hall, wondering what kind of hunt will be set out for him this time. Something a bit more difficult than just hunting down rare Pokemon, or trying to fight or evade the creatures to obtain rare artifacts. He takes note of the pale woman nearby, but opts not to approach her - if she's a local, there's no sense in bothering her. And if she's not, but is there for the same reason he is, he'll know soon enough... particularly with the Unovan woman who just approached her.

2016-02-19, 10:45 PM
After weeks of being at sea and having to avoid the crew and other passengers almost every other day to hide her...affliction. Evelynn was thrilled to be able to set foot back on land. She was beginning to feel claustrophobic on board, not because she disagreed with sea life but because caused a bit of unnecessary stress having hide away so often as to not get tossed over board. Honestly, when she's done with her business in this new region, she plans to have enough money to purchase and captain her own ship. Might be interesting to pirate around for while.

'The first Evelynn pirate...that would be something.' The thief thought to herself as she made her way through Lilycove towards the mayor's hall. 'Private captain's cabin... where I can do what want...with who I want..' She was becoming giddy at the thought of her future rewards before she snapped herself back to the present and started to make mental notes of the buildings she passed by on the way towards the Hall, just in case.

Hard to believe that just a couple of months ago she was living in the relative comfort of home before her mom sent her away to start her own chapter of her family's legacy. At least she was given some start up money and the slut suit to begin her journey, but until she can take her first fortune she shouldn't even think about going home. Which is what led her here, to Hoenn, a fresh new land of opportunity. Where people can make a fortune... and have it be taken away.

Once arriving at the Mayor's office, Evelynn looks around for any potential jobs to be done. Not particularly interested in honest work, but it would give her an excuse to get a feel for the land. Perhaps she should look for a gambling hall later.

2016-02-20, 09:40 AM
As the others arrive, a small figure with a riduculous hat appears among the crowd, invisible in the sea of people save for a shard, purple point.

Nalmon was almost fresh off the boat at this point and, unfortunately, both broke and lacking in supplies. Still, he was in Hoenn, an almost unexplored land! Sure, Johto had more than enough magic, but it was magic everybody knew! There was no thrill, no excitement, and no chance to become a grander wizard!

When the short purple wizard finally makes it to the hall, he takes a quick moment to release two identical Machop, one standing tall in duty, the other apparently about to fall asleep.

"Greetings!" Nalmon chirps to the imposing man standing off to the side. "Are you here for work as well?"

2016-02-20, 12:12 PM
Phoebe nods to Laila and says, "Indeed. I don't live in Lilycove, per se, but I was born in Hoenn. And this is indeed the Lilycove Town Hall, though I assume the mayor doesn't actually live here."

Space Lawyer
2016-02-20, 12:45 PM

"Wow! You must know so much about Hoenn! It's so mysterious and new! I've heard there are a lot of strange Pokemon here. My temple wants me to catalogue them all. What are you here for?" She glances around. It looked like there were more people gathering. Maybe this was when the day in this town started. It was all so exciting!

2016-02-20, 01:11 PM
Alice hardly got a room suited for a noble, well, suitable for a noble of higher standing than her, but still, she was glad to be getting off that boat. She stepped off the boat, dressed in all of her finery, her regal arming sword sheathed at her belt with 2 pokeballs on the side. Being barely considered nobles, Alice hoped to find a way to get more prestige in order to possibly elevate her family here. If not, well, hopefully she will have hurt and helped enough people to make her adventures here enjoyable.

Alice made her way to the Mayor's hall, walking with a refined posture, entering the hall with an air of authority, but not of pretentiousness. She looked to the other adventurers, looking at them and greeting them in a cheerful, high pitched tone. "Hiii, I'm Alice of Zelfran," she gives a slight bow, her ring hand in front of her while the other back, showing off the regal ring subtly before returning to normal posture. "Pleasure to meet you all, my friends."

2016-02-20, 02:01 PM
Evelynn takes a look at the crowd of people starting form around the hall. She makes a passing glance at each person before fixing her sight on Alice. "Alice was it?" She approached the newcomer and studied her ring for a quick moment before offering her a sweet smile. "I believe we've seen each other on the ship, but haven't had the pleasure of meeting. I am Evelynn."

2016-02-20, 02:24 PM
"Ooooh, nice ring," Nalmon says, momentarily entranced, getting far too close to Alice's hand before realizing a moment later that it was completely and entirely mundane. "I could probably make you a better one though, truth be told. Or maybe even just make that one better!" he says with a wide grin. "Nalmon Fizzleboom, wizard extraordinaire, at your service!" the boy cries, sweeping off his hat and bowing low in a comical fashion, bright flashes of light going over his head as he does so. The particularly observant might notice one of the Machop focusing intently on the lights, but, truth be told, who wouldn't? They were rather remarkable.

As Nalmon puts his hat back on, a strange glow emanates from inside. "Trinkets, spells, enchanting, all at your service! No potions though. Those are for hacks," he says with a quick wink.

2016-02-20, 04:55 PM
Phoebe nods to Lalia and says, "I'm broke. Need money. Nice meeting you." She then drifts away from the energetic priestess, and towards the other wizard, greeting him, "You're a magician as well? Tell me...Have you found any fragments of a book? Incomplete chapters...Or maybe only a few pages? It's...Very important to me."

2016-02-20, 05:20 PM
"What kind?" Nalmon asks exuberantly, tossing his pack on the ground and rummaging through it. "I've got a few spellbooks, but they all seem fairly complete to me!"

2016-02-20, 05:22 PM
Phoebe rubs her forehead in the face of Nalmon's exuberance and replies, "Nevermind...If you had what I am looking for...You would know what I mean."

2016-02-20, 05:33 PM
Alice was interrupted by the wizards, so she couldn't address her former fellow passenger, so she justs listens as the two wizards talk, one seems to be more flamboyant and the other calm, possibly one that throws fireballs everywhere and one that gets creative with magic, respectfully. Wizards were always intriguing to Alice, they have no talent, just the ability to learn and experiment, but even then it varies. "Two wizards, huh? That's cool. I'm a sorceress, and Elementalist to be exact. My family has a lineage of sorcerers whose magic is tied to aspects relating to their conception." she then blushes as words stumble out, realising that she just may have given too much information "Oh did I say that, well, I mean, uh...., I'm sorry if I told you too much."

2016-02-20, 05:49 PM
"Oh, sorry," Nalmon says, a little dissapointed he couldn't help before perking back up. "Well, if you think you can read them, feel free to try to read my spellbooks!"

A moment later, Nalmon looks to Alice with an expectant expression. "Sorceress? What exactly can you do?" Nalmon asks, hoping the answer is interesting, or at least interesting-adjacent.

2016-02-20, 06:12 PM
Alice let out a wide grin, almost creepily as she replies in an awkwardly cheerful voice. "I'm glad you asked." Those whom are perceptive would see that Alice's shadow is pointing not in the same direction as the others, in fact it's pointing past Nalmon before the shadow starts to detatch from Alice and rise up, forming a shadowy duplicate of Alice, all black, save for the piercing red eyes, now grinning widely as it taps Nalmon from behind him.

2016-02-20, 06:14 PM
Phoebe tilts her head as she watches and says, "You can create a construct of darkness? What circumstances were you conceived in to generate such an ability?"

2016-02-20, 06:23 PM
Alice chuckles before elaborating. "My mother was attacked one night, we still don't know why, but we have a couple theories. My father was wandering as a Knight-errant and found my mother fighting this man with her fire magic. My father saved her, but mother was wounded. Still, my father was able to seduce her. So she was in pain and it was night, so I got attuned to the dark element."

2016-02-20, 06:23 PM
Nalmon looks at the shadow creature, a curious expression on his face. "Interesting," he states. It obviously wasn't an illusion, simply going off the physical tap.

"Lumos," the wizards mutters even as an orb of brilliant light appears around his fist. Nalmon holds it up to the shadow creature, trying to see how it reacts, if at all. If nothing else, it'd be a good check for sentience.

"Moony, come here!" Nalmon cries, the Machop quickly trotting over. After a short second of shutting his eyes tight, Nalmon suddenly lets out a cry.


An insant later, the Machop was replaced with an identical shadow beast, and Nalmon beams at the others.

"Not a bad imitation, truth be told!"

Just adding Alice's Shadow to Moony's Illusions.

2016-02-20, 06:37 PM
You are caught slightly off guard, studying the new shadows and your new companions, that none had quite noticed when the door opened to the offices, revealing a hardly notable middle aged man, slim and lanky, eyes looking tired as he carries several parchments as he scans you all.
"Krandall Garmand, Secretary to Mayor Vladimir. I take it you're part of the new batch of helping hands for the settlements?"

2016-02-20, 06:48 PM
Phoebe nods and says, "I suppose so. What would you have us do?"

2016-02-20, 07:00 PM
"If you've got coin, I've got magic!" Nalmon states, allowing the light around his hand to vanish.

Space Lawyer
2016-02-20, 07:00 PM

"I guess? Honestly, I was just told to go here, and assured that I'd be given a task, and that I should accept it. The head priestess gives a lot of vague but helpful prophecies like that."

Was this an adventure? It had to be! She was going to experience the world like she was supposed to!

2016-02-20, 07:10 PM
Evelynn takes advantage of the wizards bantering with Alice about magic and what not to take a step back and get a better observation of her new potential..assets.

When the Secretary address the group Evelynn, admittedly, is startled by the man's sudden appearance. "Oui, monsieur Garmand. Ready to work." She tried to sound the right amount of enthused.

2016-02-20, 08:32 PM
Arayos nods at the energetic man's question, but offers no further explanation as the apparent mage is drawn into conversation with the other newcomers. He looks over all of them - admittedly, allowing his gaze to linger a bit longer on the provocatively-dressed woman with red hair. Appraising them, he thinks to himself, I suppose you see all kinds in this line of work... before glancing up as the secretary makes his presence known. "Arayos Vayen. I know I'm here to help hunt down whatever might be causing your problems - from the conversations I've heard, they're all here for something similar."

2016-02-20, 11:55 PM
Alice gives a slight bow to her employer, showing off her ring in the same fashion as she greets him. "Hello, I am Alice of Zelfran. What will you have us do?"

2016-02-21, 12:19 AM
Krandall raises his eyebrow slightly at the ring, apparently somewhat surprised to see a crest here of all places.
"Well, I know it's not much considering the things some of you were doing earlier, but we always start with a simple job for new arrivals, see how they handle it before we assign them to the Hunts. In this case, your job will be to protect our winter stores. See, something's been pushing herbivores and some of the less annoying invasive critters people have bred and dumped, or lost, out of the woodlands and into our territory, and they've been breaking into our grain stores and farmlands. Right now, we need you lot to check and make sure that anything that's moved into either the fields or the grain storage is thinned out enough that they aren't a major threat to our farmhands or flat out removed. After you do that, you can rest for a bit, seeing as it takes a few days for their numbers to build up again, but we're going to need you to find out what is pushing them out in the first place and take care of it. Last thing we need is for some predatory critters to begin eating our livestock too. Considering it's two different tasks, you'll be compensated for each...let's see...$2000 a job, with chance of bonus and compensation for materials if you find anything that'd be useful for our farms. Assuming you're willing to part with them, mind. Also a bonus if you find any nests and provide us the eggs for distribution. Plenty of our own could use them."

2016-02-21, 12:31 AM
"Sounds easy enough to me!" Nalmon says excitedly. "Any ideas what kind of Pokemon we should be expecting?"

2016-02-21, 12:56 AM
Krandall shrugs lightly.
"We've been getting more random ones lately, ones not native to the landscape. Not even ten years ago I'd say mostly zigzagoon, wurmples, buncha migrant birds, maybe the rare rattata or meowth that snuck off a boat, that sorta thing. Few years back though, there was a big spike in imported species for one reason or another-mostly pets for those with more coin than brains, you know? Been finding more and more kinds out there by the week."

2016-02-21, 01:42 AM
"Cull the threat to the farms and perhaps earn a profit from extra Pokemon we'd acquire along the way. Sounds simple enough." Evelynn began to wonder if what they say about farmers would still hold true here in Hoenn. She wondered how many private caches of stuff she would 'stumble upon.'

2016-02-21, 01:58 AM
"Seems simple enough," Arayos says, absently wondering what may be driving these Pokemon out of their regular habitats. "I'd prefer to get down to hunting the source of the problem directly, but I can understand that you need to make sure the stores are secure. Where's the grain storage located?"

2016-02-21, 09:33 AM
Phoebe nods and says, "Very well...Sounds easy enough." She sighs, then shakes her head. Not all adventuring can be glamorous, and she does need the money.

Space Lawyer
2016-02-21, 09:53 AM

Laila stands there smiling. "Sounds good to me! When do we leave?"

2016-02-21, 02:25 PM
Alice gives a nod in acceptance with the mission.

2016-02-21, 02:30 PM
"I'm with the others! When do we get to work?"

2016-02-21, 07:01 PM
"Right now."
He hands each of you a token, and a parchment that seems to be a crude design of the town, dividing it up into the walled off cordons. Seems that there is a market district to the north, with farming to the west, most of the housing to the south. Right now, looking at it, you're standing in the area devoted to the shipyards still, apparently the best defended section and the largest-also seems to be marked as the evacuation spot if things get nasty out there.
"The token marks you as Initiates to the Hunt, meaning you can generally get an apothecary without charge if you need it if something mauls you or yours. Or at least the first few times, but don't make a habit of it, because there's only so far we'll deal with your medical bills before you have to begin dealing with it yourself until you prove yourself. That said, sometimes they have jobs too, generally assistance gathering ingredients for their medicines, or assistance with a plague breakout. Never hurts to be on the good side of a sawbones, after all. Also acts as a...let's call it permission to conduct business. Everyone's got tasks they need done, so you got time to handle some side jobs and interest, knock yourself out."
Looking the map over, seems that the farms are behind barricades as well, though once you get out there you see the next wall, well in the distance, seems to be simple wood still, a shipment of stone slowly being carted over by tauros grunting to the group's right as you all study the area. Buildings are sparse in this area, generally just two, three buildings near one another, workers going into and out of barns and stables with either tools or pokemon at hand, storing harvests of dried grains and jerky being made in towering silos closer to the shipyard district than to their own buildings, and generally a few huts for a respite or for the injured. Between each building, there are large fields of golden wheat, the sound of taillow in the air, pokemon at rest in stables or open fields nearby, and of man and beast working surrounding you all.

2016-02-21, 07:07 PM
"Alright, what do we do?" Nalmon asks, pulling out his spellbook and a strangely luminous gem, holding one in either hand. "Check out the silos over there? Seems like as good as anything else," the wizard states, straightening his hat as he begins to march towards the destination, two Machop following close behind.

2016-02-21, 07:32 PM
Phoebe considers the token and map, nodding as she says, "Very well. Thank you for the dispensation. I will return when the job is done."

Space Lawyer
2016-02-21, 07:45 PM

Laila takes the token, turning it over in her hands. She was official! Thats so much better than just going around and hoping that she was doing the right thing. She had heard stories of people trying to help and just getting in trouble for it. Well that wasn't going to be her!

"Ok!" she says brightly. "To the silos it is then! I think if we just walk around town from there, we'll see a lot of what we need to see."

2016-02-21, 08:35 PM
Evelynn looks over the map. "Well saves me the trouble of making my own." She commented as she idly followed the group while reading the map.

When a couple members of the group decides to check out the silos first, she shrugs and and eyes the the wheat fields momentarily before releasing a mankey from one of her apricorn. The mankey looked about it's surroundings with it's guard up, ready for a brawl as usual, before noticing a lack of hostiles. "Come along, Jegin. We've work to do." The mankey climbed up on evelynn's back as she followed the group to the silos.

"Jegin, get a better view of the area." The mankey proceeded to climb up the Silo a ways to get a good view of the area whilst his mistresses investigated the ground level.

2016-02-21, 09:27 PM
Arayos nods, following the group towards the silos. As he does, he releases Gospel and Damon, saying, "Once we get there, I'll see if I can pick up any kind of trail - I've done this kind of thing before, and it shouldn't be too difficult. Damon and Gospel can try to sniff out anything in the area, as well."

2016-02-21, 09:38 PM
Alice begins to move with the group, calling out Honor for an extra pair of eyes. "Okay Honor, keep your eyes open."

2016-02-22, 06:02 PM
Agreeing as a group, you head off to the silos, each of you sending out at least one of your companions as you had talked. Walking up to the silo, it seems to be a sturdy structure, more akin to a giant box than anything else as the last of a line of farmhands and both bovine and equine pokemon exits, loads of the wheat carefully stored away. Opening the door, you see stacks upon stacks of crates of foodstuff stacked taller than the lot of you, a check inside one crate showing you root vegetables likely to last.
(Perception checks, map will be up by tonight, promise)

2016-02-22, 07:24 PM
"Jegin, get a better view of the area." The mankey proceeded to climb up the Silo a ways to get a good view of the area whilst his mistresses investigated the ground level.

Evelynn's percerption

Jegen's perception

2016-02-22, 07:40 PM
"Stupid shadows. Let's light the place up!" Nalmon cries, fist glowing brilliantly as he and his Machop begin to look around.

"Moony, see if you can check out those boxes," the wizard states, putting emohasis on his words that should make what the Machop needs to do clear.

Nalmon uses his Glow Capability for being really bright!

Nalmon Perception: [roll0]
Moony Perception: [roll1]
Pax Perception: [roll2]

Moony will also Mark a box with Illusion.

2016-02-22, 09:58 PM
Phoebe slowly meanders to the Silo, seeming to perhaps take less steps than she should. When she gets inside, she looks around, wondering if there are any entry-points for pokemon that are eating the vegetables.

Per: [roll0]

2016-02-22, 10:20 PM
"Damon, Gospel," Arayos says, watching the others as they spread out to try and find anything, "Take a look around, and see if you can pick up any scents that seem out of place while you're at it. I just hope that any tracks are still going to be noticeable with as much as people tromp around here..." With that, Arayos begins looking for anything that might indicate the presence or passage of Pokemon that shouldn't be around.

Arayos: [roll0]
Gospel: [roll1], Tracker Capability
Damon: [roll2], Tracker Capability

Space Lawyer
2016-02-23, 06:52 PM

Laila steps in last. Gastly speeds upwards, playing in shadowed rafters, while Braixen sticks close to her. "Why don't you two go look around? And be careful!"

Laila: [roll0]
Gastly: [roll1] (Darkvision)
Braixen: [roll2] (Tracker)

2016-02-24, 02:22 AM
Each of you tries to strain your hearing, barely catching the sound of breaking boards to either side. However, the canid pokemon seem to pad off to the sides, pointing as best they can with their bodies towards...both sides? It is confusing until Braixen, eyes shut as she etched strange patterns onto the ground before your feet with a wisp taken from the gastly and her wand, burnt from a quick bite, completes her spell. The runes she taps before her pulse with her own magic a moment, before beginning to grow across the stones, crude scrawlings of each of you surrounded by large boxes with ten...pointy bunny things? Ten wild pokemon, apparently, within the confines of this granary, two larger than the rest in their scrawl.

2016-02-24, 08:30 AM
"Half left, half right?" Nalmon asks, nodding towards Moony to have him begin creeping around the crates.

2016-02-24, 12:11 PM
Whatever the others say, Nalmon begins to creep forward, trying to get closer to the group of enemies on the left, quietly returning Pax as he does so.

"Moony, help me out," the wizard whispers, grinning as the 'Machop' projects a screen about a meter high in front of

Moony has Stealth, so he's fine.
Nalmon is going to try to get as close to L24 as possible! Moony will use Illusionist to block half of Nalmon's body to try to make things more subtle.

Stealth check: [roll0]

2016-02-24, 12:30 PM
Evelynn motions to Jigen with a series of hand motions convoying the message to silently head towards the right wall and down towards the bunny eared pokemon.

Evelynn's stealth [roll0]
65/65 HP
5 Def
5 Sdef
10 Spd

Jigen's stealth [roll1]
46/46 HP
7 Def
10 Sdef
14 Spd

Both will make their way towards BA 34

2016-02-24, 01:02 PM
"That big blue one. I want it." Alice told the group quietly before heading to the side with the Nidorina, sneaking with Honor while getting her quick ball ready to throw.

Since we are all sneaking for some reason.

[roll0] Alice's stealth
[roll1] Honor's stealth

HP 56/56
Both Defenses 7
Speed 10

HP 55/55
Defense 11
Special Defense 8
Speed 8

2016-02-24, 04:05 PM
Phoebe frowns as she listens to the sounds of boxes breaking, and sees the nidos. She sighs and tosses a ball into the air, releasing a Litwick. Phoebe barely spares the Pokemon a glance as she says, "Burn them to cinders." She draws a dagger herself, and begins to stealthily close the distance towards one group.

Phoebe Stealth: [roll0]
Litwick Stealth: [roll1]

Space Lawyer
2016-02-24, 05:26 PM

Seeing the knives and Pokeballs coming out, with the violence implied by such only strengthened by the harsh words and and attempts at stealth by her new companions, Laila mutters to herself "What is wrong with you people?" Instead of arming herself, she grabs some of the root vegetables out of the crate. She chants out a blessing against harm, then walks towards where [thinking of a name] had indicated the Pokemon were with her hands open and a friendly attitude.

Grabbing food.

Using Reflect on self.

Improving disposition through Intuition via Mystic Senses: [roll0]

2016-02-24, 05:30 PM
"Hello, mercenaries?" Nalmon says, almost rolling his eyes. "If we talk them into leaving, they might come back. We kill them? Job's done and nobody needs to worry about rutting Poison Types in their food supply," Nalmon says, praying that the Nidoran don't hear him coming.

2016-02-24, 07:47 PM
The conversation stops as there is a sound of crashing crates, the map showing the child mon and the blue shaded rabbit moving away. The pokemon-one that from scrolls and, to your one Kantonese associate, is identifiable as a Nidorino, bursts into plain view, growling, trying to keep your eyes on it's spiky visage. It eyes the food for a moment, before also eyeing the rest of you, pawing the ground at the aggressive stances but not moving forward.

Space Lawyer
2016-02-24, 07:54 PM

Laila puts some of the food on the ground in front of her, then takes a step back and crouches down. "Hey there. I'm not going to hurt you. You're just trying to keep your family safe and fed, aren't you?"

She shoots a glare towards the others that says back off.

2016-02-24, 08:24 PM
The nidorino glares at the others before hopping forward, snatching up the carrots that you had grabbed out and backing off, snarling a bit at the others but seeming to not be ready to throw down if he doesn't have to. Looking up close at him, while you're not sure, you believe that the ribs shouldn't be as visible as they are, the mon looking thinner than you're pretty sure they should be. The face also seems more gaunt than you'd expect, but vitality burns in his eyes.
(More charm if you wish)

2016-02-24, 08:50 PM
Evelynn simply crosses her arms and leans against the nearest crate when the chance for stealth was blown. 'Whelp so much for subtly...' she though to herself before Laila shot the group a glare which was returned with a raised brow.

She then took notice of the visible rib cages. "Stealing to put food on your family's table. Noble..." She commented before mentally adding, 'if not dull.'

"Listen there are more discreet ways of aquiring a meal. Ways that I could help I could help with if you'd like."

charm roll [roll0] since it's currently higher than my Intuition.

And yes I'm already starting my attempt to form a pack

Space Lawyer
2016-02-24, 08:58 PM

[Braixen] pads up to stand beside Laila. "How about we put down the weapons and stop looking so hostile, everyone? These guys are just hungry and scared."

Laila kneels down slowly and scoots forward a bit. "The problem is, the people here need that food too. Wouldn't you rather that you and your family live with them rather than having to hide out here?"

[Braixen] takes out her wand, a red ember glowing on the tip. She taps the air, and a small flame appears, radiating warmth.

Laila (Intuition): [roll0]

Braixen (Charm): [roll1]

2016-02-24, 09:02 PM
Phoebe looks disappointed, but weighing her options, she twirls her dagger away and recalls her litwick, remaining silent in the face of...Friendship...As bothersome as it might be to lack bodies to ply her craft upon.

2016-02-24, 09:03 PM
"Fine," Nalmon mutters, snapping his book shut. "I hate actually using my magic anyways."

2016-02-24, 10:13 PM
The nidorino eyes you warily still, but sits, no longer growling. As the weapons disappear, it shouts again.
On the map, the other pokemon pause, before slowly heading towards the sides. They come into sight after a while, each starved, carrying some food in their maw. They clump up behind him warily, the Nidorina joining her mate in warily watching you lot, but it could lead to some useful stories. Not everyone can talk down a starved and angry mon, right?
(40 Exp to you lot, 1 trainer exp for being a coherent team. To those who wish:
level 18 Nidorino, Adamant, Poison Point
level 18 Nidorina, Adamant, Rivalry
Level 12 Nidoran males and females, four each, equal split between poison point and rivalry between them all, natures of your choices)

Space Lawyer
2016-02-24, 10:29 PM

Laila gently picks up one of the little males, carefully petting it. The poor thin thing sniffs at her hands, and looks at her expectantly. Laila picks up a bit of the remaining carrot and feeds it to him.

"As for you," she says to the Nidorino "I think the village could find a nice home for you and your mate."

2016-02-24, 10:32 PM
Phoebe looks down at the Nidorans, shrugs, and says, "So...What do we intend to do with them now? I can't really do anything with them...Possibly try to make one into a Ghastly or something, but that's hardly efficient or even interesting."

2016-02-24, 10:33 PM
Alice approaches the nidoran out of hiding, putting her ball away and kneeling down at the Nidorina, smiling at it and greeting. "Hi there, I'm Alice. This is my friend, Honor." Honor steps up and does a short sword flourish with her right arm, cutting the air multiple times before bowing.

2016-02-24, 10:41 PM
Arayos remains near the back of the group while the others try to calm the Pokemon, a hand near his bow in case it proves necessary. However, seeing that cooler heads are prevailing, he relaxes, moving forward to look over the Pokemon. At Phoebe's suggestion, he frowns for a moment before saying, "I don't think there's any real reason to try that..." He kneels down, holding his hand out towards one of the males and allowing it to approach, before scratching it gently behind the ears. "These little guys will grow up to be quite the powerhouses with the right care... I wouldn't mind keeping one, really."

Space Lawyer
2016-02-24, 10:59 PM

Still smiling, Laila steps between Alice and the Nidorina. "Now, Alice, was it? Don't you think that the villagers would be much happier to have a breeding pair? And you could train one of this one's offspring. You know they'd be much more loyal to you, and you'd be helping out even more! Wouldn't that be nice? Look, I think that one likes you already." Laila nods down at one of the females.

2016-02-24, 11:02 PM
Evelynn relaxes a little as the pokemon became non hostile before she approached one of the younger females and reached out to pet it. "Hello there. Lets see if we can get you a proper meal." She took up the f nidoran as Jigen hopped on her shoulder and looked over the frail pokemon.

"So, I guess jobs done." Evelynn turned to the others and commented, knowing well enough that it wasn't but she had other plans in mind to tackle the situation.

2016-02-24, 11:03 PM
Alice looks down at the Nidoran, looking at it as it approaches the Noble. She then picks up the Nidoran and cuddles it. "Aww, how could I overlook such a cute and sweet little girl. You'll be a big and mighty Nidoqueen before you know it." she runs her finger across it's stomach, rubbing it. "That's it! Might. I'll call you Might, how about that?"

2016-02-25, 01:20 AM
"Stupid show offs with their diplomacy," Nalmon mutters, more than a little bitter about losing his chance to cast a few spells. Still, maybe this would be better in the end? If he wasn't mistaken, the Nidoran line used Moon Stones to evolve, something that he could make in his spare time with exactly zero effort. Of course, the town didn't need to know that...

Nalmon was ready to leave, up until he saw Moony sniffing around one of the female Nidoran. Somehow it wasn't hard to tell something wasn't really a Machop when it decided to get down on all fours and try to sniff its rear before darting over towards Nalmon, tugging on his robes.

"Really? They're so boring," the wizard states, looking at the distinct lack of magical prowess the Pokemon was displaying. When Moony shook his head rapidly in a yes fashion, Nalmon rolled his eyes once again.

"Fine, get her to join up. But you owe me, alright?" he states, tossing a Pokeball to the stubborn Machop.

A few short flashes of light later, Nalmon is one Pokeball heavier, and a Moony who had somehow turned himself into a Nidoran was chasing around a small blue Nidoran. When Alice makes mention of naming her Pokemon, Nalmon takes a brief moment to consider what he knows before gesturing to Moony to bring his new friend over.

"Herma, Moony. Moony, Herma. Now try not to get me in trouble," the wizard states, not wanting to have to deal with any Eggs any time soon.

"Let's go get paid. I've got wizard things to do," Nalmon quickly states, searching in his pack for his dowsing rod.

Nalmon will take a Poison Point Female.

Space Lawyer
2016-02-25, 07:44 AM

Laila walks towards the entrance of the warehouse, the parent Nidos behind her. She speaks to the Nidoran in her arms. "What is your name? Oh, Zahar? Alright. Then Zahar, I'd like introduce you to your new friends. I'm Laila, and I'll be taking care of you. This is Abha and Ruh." The Braixen and Gastly each acknowledge their new partner in their own way. "Now, I'm going to put you in this ball here, just for a bit." She takes a ball from her pocket and taps it to Zahar.


At the mayor's office, she looks around for the mayor's secretary. "Mr. Krandall? We finished the job, and I think you're going to like what we found."

2016-02-25, 11:07 AM
As Evelynn leaves the farm with the others, she takes out one of her apricorn and lightly taps her Nidoran on the head. "You'll get a proper introduction into the team later."

She spent the walk back to the mayor's office thinking on what name to give the nidoran before finally deciding on Mythra. Once they arrive at the hall and enter inside, she gives a quick glace around the room before the secretary's room before just moving over to a vacant seat and just plopped down while waiting for their business to be done.

2016-02-25, 05:24 PM
Phoebe walks back to the mayor's office with the group, though she remains impassive as she listens to the others, tapping a foot and twirling her blade as she listens to the sugary, friendship-y nonsense. Still, as long as she's getting paid, none of her concern.

2016-02-25, 09:57 PM
As you knock on the door, there's a cough behind you as you turn to spot Krandall, who seems to be looking at the nido family uncaught appraisingly.
"So, made some friends, eh? Caught?"
He opens the door to the office, leading to a decent sized office that, while Evelynn gazes around, she realizes from the callouses on their hands and the slight lumps and bumps under each of their clothes, may have the best armed staff in the area, though they don't seem interested in any of you at least, though they look at the pokemon rather appreciatively, one even offering a bit of their own lunch to the uncaught kids. Then he leads you back to the office of a man with a rather nice moustache, brown hair, and ekans looking at you with peculiar intelligence coiled up upon part of the chair over him, kind of reminding Nalmon of Moony's own gaze, and far too much paperwork on their desk, who doesn't seem to spot Krandall but looks up when the first of you comes in.
"How'd you get i-"
There's a polite cough from Krandall, which gets the mayor to look over, shake his head slightly, and look at you as the ekans seems to hiss repeatedly.
"Ah. Vlad Taltos, a pleasure to meet you. So, got something of note there, or just time for payment?"

2016-02-25, 10:57 PM
Shortly after the group leaves the silo, Arayos notes a growl from Damon. A quick glance at the Electrike indicates that the canine Pokemon is growling at something behind him - and looking back he sees one of the young males, presumably the one that he was paying attention to before, trailing at his heels. Smiling, he says, "Relax, Damon... I think he just wants to tag along. I don't mind that..." Pulling out one of his Pokeballs, he holds it up to the Nidoran, which butts its head against the ball approvingly. His smile stretching into a grin as the ball activates, he says, "That's definitely one of the easiest marks I've managed to catch... now, I just need to think of a name."

With their arrival in the Mayor's office, Arayos pushes back his contemplations of his newest team member's name, and nods at the man behind the desk after he asks about their presence. "We found a pack of Nidoran in the silo, and Laila convinced them that they'd be better off finding companions here in the town rather than trying to steal food from you. We've taken some of the young ones as personal companions, but it was decided that you and your people would benefit more from the breeding pair."

2016-02-26, 01:02 AM
Nalmon starts slightly at the Ekans, recognizing the intelligence in the eyes all too well. Unless he was mistaken (which he rarely was), he needed to speak to the mayor on his own time. If he had a familiar, perhaps he knew where Nalmon could find more resources?

"And, just to offer it in advance, I can make Moon Stones, although not without some effort. Just in case anybody manages to raise one to that point," Nalmon states, intending to plant the thought early. After all, all it did was take a few moments of his time to create one, and the damn things always did seem to sell for a fair price.

2016-02-26, 01:20 AM
Vlad looks the mon over quizzically, studying them intently just as Nalmon adds his own piece, looking to the youths with an appraising look.
"An eye on future business as well, eh? I'll be sure to keep in touch, then, especially if this group continues to perform this well. Krandall, get them all a little something extra when you head to the vaults for this kind of work. Not every day you meet someone who can talk starving beasts into not attacking."
He casually reaches out to one of the nidos, carefully feeling along it's scalp and scratching as Krandall slips out, avoiding the spikes upon it despite heavy gloves as Krandall heads off, the ekans looking closer at Nalmon, and any others that may have jumped, than before. Before long he comes back, carrying bags which, upon opening them, each contain what has to be eight thousand zenny, glistening coins of silver and gold weighing heavily in the pouches as the nidos look about with curiosity, Vlad standing up and collecting a few empty balls from a desk drawer.
"Here's to a job well done, eh?"

2016-02-26, 01:27 AM
"Job well done indeed," Nalmon states with a wide grin, counting to coins. "I hate to keep imposing, but could you steer me towards whatever mages you have in town? I need to pick up a few more Balls really quick," Nalmon states, allowing himself a small grin.

2016-02-26, 01:28 AM
Evelynn notes the well armed guards and the telltell signs of people who worked. The first thought that ran through her mind was to make a mental not to cross the mayor. The second was more lewd and planted a creepy smile her on her face for a moment before recomposed herself with her third thought.

"So...is there a place a girl can lose her reward playing S'yang stones?" She hoped it was enough of a hint towards the mayor.

Space Lawyer
2016-02-26, 08:17 AM

Laila stares at the heavy bag of money. This had to be the most wealth she had ever held in her hands. Personal wealth, at least. The temple did have some fairly valuable artifacts, after all. The priestess had definitely been right about sending her here.

"Thanks Mayor Taltos, Mr. Krandall." She looks down at the Nidorino and Nidorina. "See, I told you that you'd be happy here. Work hard for Mayor Taltos and the village."

"Now, is there a temple or shrine around here?"

2016-02-26, 09:58 PM
Vlad gives a smile and nod to each of you, though his eyes linger upon Evelynn as she makes her comment, weighing her and passing judgement.
"To each of you, in turn. We don't have a true mage of any sort in town, though we have dabblers in the arts. Outside of town is a slightly different matter, but we have enough with mystic talent in the Merchant Quarters that you should be able to supply yourself adequately. As to S'yang..."
He grins a bit wider, but it seems a bit wooden.
"I can point you in the direction of a good game, miss. I assume you learned from the family, yes? I'll have...hm...Sticks show you the way later, he has a few errands at the docks to handle as it was anyway and would love a chance to toss a few."
Then he turns to Laila, his smile becoming more genuine again, and nods.
"Ah, yes. In the residential district, there is a temple dedicated to the Birds, the Beasts, the Djin, Kyogre, and Rayquaza. They are the most prominently worshiped of the gods here."

2016-02-26, 10:04 PM
Phoebe sighs and shakes her head, saying, "Tell me about these...Out of towners? I'm interested in what mages there might be nearby."

2016-02-26, 10:30 PM
Vlad sighs in frustration a bit at that, but nods.
"Nerasce. She's the only one outside of town, and has a house set up in the depths of a nearby cave overlooking the sea. Or at least, that's where the witch will meet those who come calling with sufficient boon to give-she's a sea witch, tends to get a lot of business from ships hoping for good weather. Her real home, well...you kind of need gills to get there, and only she really knows where it is."

2016-02-26, 10:33 PM
Phoebe nods and says, "I see. Thank you. This might prove...Interesting. I appreciate your aid."

2016-02-26, 11:18 PM
"Indeed. My mother showed me how to play." Evelynn gives a satisfied smile at the answer. "I'll look forward to it. Maybe we can stop for Klava along the way."

Space Lawyer
2016-02-26, 11:41 PM

"I'll be there then if anybody needs me. Otherwise, I'll just be back here sometime about the next job."

Laila walks out of the mayor's office towards the residential district, looking for the temple. It shouldn't be that hard to spot. Sailors were, if nothing else, quite faithful. Their very survival depended on the favor of tempestuous and mercurial forces, and beseeching the aid of beings that had direct control over those forces was only good sense.

2016-02-27, 12:03 AM
Arayos listens as the Mayor answers each of the other's questions regarding what can be found in town. "I may check out the merchant quarter myself, and see if I can find anything interesting. Aside from that... just send word if you need anything." He makes a mental note to ask Nalmon later about his talents, to see if he can do anything beyond stonecrafting - if not, he may need to seek out this sea witch. He makes his way out of the office, contemplating some of the other aspects of the meeting. Even if I were planning on causing trouble before, that would've changed my mind. The guards I can understand, but the mayor himself is much more heavily armed than you'd expect a man in his position to be. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, though... Pondering the consequences of the fact that the leader of this village is a man who carries more than a half-dozen hidden blades, he decides to slip out of sight for a moment - keeping an eye out for one of his apparent allies who he's particularly interested in following.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2016-02-27, 02:13 AM
Now that everyone was done taking her moment to speak, Alice spoke, asking "Is there any place where one might find a friendly pokemon battle or shall I just ask around?"

2016-02-27, 10:03 AM
"I need to do some quick shopping, but maybe we could speak later?" Nalmon asks the mayor, hoping to get some kind of job.

2016-02-28, 04:37 PM
"Good luck if you do head to Nerasce, is all I will say. And as for you, young miss, if that is all, Krandall will go find Sticks for you. To you, huntsman, I hope you find all you desire in my city. To you, priestess, it will be hard to miss."
As they depart, Evelynn with a young man, Vlad turns to Alice and Nalmon, weighing what he says next.
"For a fight, either the evening or the barracks would be your best bet today, as many would be out handling their duties. When you are done shopping, please feel free to swing by, good magus, and I will see what I can assist you with."

Evelynn, you find yourself introduced to a young man, tall and lanky but with corded muscle, hair long but face fairly decent. At his sides are a pair of long, wrapped bars of iron, nasty looking kneebreakers in all likelihood, and he seems to be lightly tapping on the wall as he waits to meet you. At his side is a gurdurr, idly juggling their own pillar of metal.
"Ah, I assume you're the one Krandall asked me to show around, madam?"
He grins lightly, apparently having been told a bit more about the reputation of the Foxtail Thief than you expected. Neither of you realizing that Arayos was following behind you.

Laila, you head into the residential area, finding it quiet for this time of day, children either helping with the work of their parents or working upon apprenticeships. At the center, though, you can see a large building of stone towering above the wooden houses, a stained glass representation of Rayquaza, Kyogre, and Groudon resplendent above a wide doorway, a few sailors just coming in from the docks dropping by to give thanks for arriving in port, or to pray that they make their next.

Space Lawyer
2016-02-28, 05:16 PM

Laila walks respectfully into the temple. It was so much different than her temple - this was a building, while hers was a whole complex. It was built differently too, though that made sense in a place where the buildings had to survive the fury of ocean storms. She goes searching around for any clergy.

2016-02-28, 06:38 PM
Phoebe nods and says, "I'll remember that," as she leaves the office and starts towards the shoreline to find this 'Nerasce', curious as to her magical abilities and whether or not she possesses a piece of the Necronomicon.

2016-02-28, 10:43 PM
Evelynn returns the grin with one of her own, with a touch of 'come-hither' in her body language as her eyes studied his body for a moment. "Indeed I am. I am Evelynn, though i'm sure you've already been informed." She then approaches him and took his arm while the two walked.

2016-02-29, 10:28 AM
Without wasting any time, Nalmon makes his way towards the town's limited supply of shops, on the prowl for rituals to teach his Pokemon greater techniques as well as Pokeballs or other arcane trinkets, hoping that perhaps he can find some kind of book store.

2016-02-29, 09:15 PM
Alice heads off the the suggested area, tossing one of her balls up and catching it multiple times along the way. While she did just get some money, she'd rather not spend it yet. Personally, she'd rather "relax."

2016-03-01, 10:02 PM
Alice, you head away from the center of town and to large fortifications nearer the gate. Human and pokemon do drills against one another within, but some seem to have swapped out to the side.

Nalmon, you hit their market, and you find a large variety of vendors about, the city being a trade hub as they are an import and export hub for a region of rarities. With the rise in mercenaries coming in to assist in helping the towns not fall, and this being one of three major ports across the region. Pokeballs abound in Lilycove, as do some scrolls, and even a few rare bookstores, believe it or not, books normally being handwritten things at this point. However, many false and true trinkets are also being hocked across the quarters, so perhaps they are not the best to deal with.
(Give me a list of things you want to look for, I will give likelihood of finding it)

Phoebe, you head off to the shoreline, and begin to traverse it's side. About half a mile from the town, you see a small cavern in the face of a cliff, stark with the water. It must flood in high tide though, so best to be wary...

Evelynn, Sticks entwines arms with yours, with a faux nod and a bow, grin on his face.
"A pleasure, then."
He leads you off to the docks, leading you to the back of some of the warehouses before giving a warehouse back door a few raps. A slit opens up, takes a look, and then the door swings open for Sticks, revealing a burly sailor peering down at you both.
"Boss's been good 'bout payments, so whaddaya want?"
He then looks over to Evelynn, trying to size her up. None of you apparently aware of Arayos far behind.

Laila, you find an elderly woman in blue and silver robes first, coming out of a confessional after a lanky sailor exited the other door.
"Eh? Ah, welcome, Sister. What brings you to my little church today?"
She bows down, making the sign of Kyogre, then Rayquaza, and finally Groudon to you, a metal amulet of the divine's sigil dangling from her neck as she stands back to her full, if stooped over, height.

2016-03-01, 10:23 PM
Phoebe looks at the cave, sighs, and then mutters, "Nothing for it...Why is nothing ever as simple as I want it to be..." as she sets off towards the cave, hoping to accomplish her task by high tide.

2016-03-02, 01:31 AM
Upon reaching the market Nalmon doesn't waste any time, quickly asking the various shopkeepers if they have any information about the most competent local wizards, hoping to learn something that could enhance his art. If he doesn't find anything, Nalmon simply goes to the local Pokeball crafter, purchasing a wide supply of different tools.

Purchasing 1 Quick Ball (800), 2 Dusk Balls (1,600) and 2 Moon Balls (1,600). Should be 4k total.

Space Lawyer
2016-03-02, 02:08 PM

Laila responds with the general sign of the deities. Though she felt closer to some (Mew and Xerneas in particular) than others (for instance, Heatran and Zygarde), she had not yet had the sort of personal revelation that would lead one to true commitment. It was one of her biggest regrets. She had seen many over the years, those younger than her, those who had come to the temple later in life, feel the spiritual pull that led them to pledge themselves to a singular deity or closely connected group of them. The lack of such an insight may have been what prompted the temple to send her forth. Perhaps, out in the wider world, she would be able to find what she was looking for.

"I've come to pay my respects, and to seek succor. I'm Laila Nej, of the White Forest Temple. These are my companions." She gestures to balls on her belt. "One is new today, and has had a hard life so far, so I'm letting them rest. I was hoping I could assist you, and in return find shelter and support."

2016-03-02, 02:48 PM
Nalmon, as you venture from stall to stall, purchasing the occasional specialty ball as you ask, you find out that there is one name all agree on as the most versed in the area in the arcane, and it is one you have heard before, by Vlad. Nerasce the Sea Witch is her name, and as they say it they look fearful, one even going as far to make the sign of the Weather Trio at it. A bit more pressing finds out why-Nerasce is known for also having bartered away much of her humanity for power, having more in common with the pokemon of the depths than with people now.

Phoebe, as you enter the cavern, creatures scuttle away from the entrance, the light barely extending past the entrance before giving way to ominous darkness. Stepping in, you hear something larger shift in the depths, and a clattering of chitin upon chitin, somewhere in the plutonian abyss that you seemed to have stepped into.

Laila, the old sister smiles warmly, nodding.
"Welcome then, Sister Laila. I am Matron of this place, Anne Laseig. Come by after the last mass this eve, and help me clean up, and you may stay."

2016-03-02, 05:36 PM
Phoebe sighs as she lingers on the edge of the light and says, "Hello? Is anyone here? I can hear you moving around in there."

2016-03-02, 05:48 PM
Phoebe, there is a clattering of bone on bone, before a flickering of light comes from the end of the cavern, then another, and another, until twelve points around you are dimly lit, far ends of the caverns. From within, a voice echoes out, grating as a knife upon flesh, gurgling as a drowning man's last breath of air.
"I am here, youth. What drives you to seek out Nerasce? Furthermore, are you certain you wish to pay my price?"
Near the farthest light, a hand shrouded in odd pelts drifts out, beckoning you forward.

Space Lawyer
2016-03-02, 06:05 PM

Laila gives a respectful bow. "Thank you, Matron Laseig. I'll return then. For now, I need to feed my companions, and let them exercise. We've been cramped up for some time. Where would be the best place to go?"

2016-03-02, 06:22 PM
Muttering curses about useless townspeople, Nalmon begins to make his way to the cave, hoping to find something useful.

2016-03-02, 06:29 PM
Phoebe's hands slide to her dagger and pokeballs as she says, "I am here seeking your knowledge. You are certainly...More than human, something we share. So I would like to know...How? It is...For a study."

2016-03-02, 08:23 PM
From just outside the light, the figure of what appears to be a woman rises up, up, up, far too tall for the norm as it seems Phoebe has gotten her attention.
"You mean the stench of death upon you? Mmm...maybe I shall, but I never do anything for free, oh enlightened youth, especially give up my greatest of secrets without hefty cost. So what do you have to offer?"

Laila, Matron Laseig taps her chin a moment.
"That depends what you seek, my dear. Plenty have tasks to preoccupy yourself with, or you could train among the soldiers for a time. Some knowledge around a blade or staff never hurts in a wild land, after all, and it would have facilities for your pokemon to train alongside theirs."

Nalmon, your search ends up leading you out of town by half a mile, until you eventually find a hole in a cliff face near the sea. It seems that the sand sill bears footprints going in, though.

Space Lawyer
2016-03-02, 08:47 PM

"For now, I'll see what I can do to help the people of this town. While your advice on learning how to handle myself better in combat is sound, I believe the others who were hired for the same sort of tasks I am have that sort of knowledge well-covered. They are rather quick to violence." Laila takes her leave of the Matron, and heads out into town. She releases her mon, keeping Zahar on her shoulder. There was telling yet how he might react to the townspeople, or they to him. She then begins to sing a hymn of charity and compassion as she walks down the street. Surely she would find a place where she and her companions were needed.

2016-03-02, 08:57 PM
Alice heads over to one of the off duty soldiers, smiling warmly at him, still tossing her pokeball up and down. "Hello there. I'm Alice. Adventurer and Pokemon trainer. You wouldn't happen to be interested in a friendly pokemon battle, would you?"

2016-03-02, 09:51 PM
With a muttered word Nalmon lights his hand up before striding into the cave, a Machop-looking Moony following close behind.

2016-03-02, 09:59 PM
Phoebe smirks as she asks, "Well, that depends? What is the nature of your secret? Perhaps I might give up one of my own, in exchange."

2016-03-03, 12:19 AM
Arayos observes the exchange, watching to see if there's any specific actions needed to gain entry - possibly a specific phrase, or specific gestures. I'll just keep an eye out - it's best if they don't realize I'm here.

2016-03-03, 12:50 AM
"Oh, just a new fox in town looking for a bit of work" Evelynn replied to the Door man with some extra emphasis on the last word.

2016-03-03, 01:56 AM
Phoebe, you get no response as a new beacon of light shows up behind you, Nalmon entering the cavern to show it grandiose in it's measurements, three piscine pokemon with anglers upon their heads shown for a moment in the increased light. However, perhaps more shocking is the appearance of Nerasce, long billowing cloak of leather pelts covering each part of her, but from her hands and face both of you can tell that she is anything but human. Her lower abdomen is large and bulbous, far too big for any normal person, her back hunched as she regards you both, chitin covering her face as alien, purple eyes stare unblinkingly at you both. Her hands are covered in dark blue and green, and her mouth is far too big, parts of it seeming to move independently in angles that disturb and confound. She steps forward, hunched down to your height as each step sounds like bone scraping on rock, gazing at you both.
"I think I already know yours, young one. So perhaps an agreement between us to share what we have is in order, as mine is kept safe from prying eyes, and much can be found in the darkest parts of the sea. You keep yours, I keep mine, and we share with one another what we find."
She turns her upper torso towards Nalmon, eyeing the young mage up and down as she skitters about to look at him.
"As for you...tell me, why do you wander into my lair so brazenly, young mageling? Right as I was in a contract with another? Is your need truly so desperate?"

Evelynn, the man raises an eyebrow but nods, not placing you as the sort apparently. He steps aside for you and Sticks, letting you pass into an enclosed room before first shutting the door, then opening a trap door into a lower dock.
"Watch yerself, the Sunken Market's not a place to lower your guard."
Meanwhile, Arayos only saw Evelynn and Sticks enter, the door swing shut behind them.

Laila, you venture out and, once you find people, find plenty to do. Starting with assisting a heavily pregnant woman whose fence had recently fallen on tough times, judging by the scorch marks, the amount of ash on the ground, and the fact she was scolding a boy and his growlithe for the damage that had befallen it.

Alice, one soldier steps forward after a moment, a rather young face among older veterans, who nods.
"I have a couple that could use a bit of a romp, an' a bit of work on the swordplay. How many do you wanna use?"

2016-03-03, 02:58 AM
"Oh, didn't realize you were here," Nalmon says awkwardly as he spots Pheobe, doing his best to not balk at the witch's appearance. 'I can come back later I suppose, let you get this contract business all ironed out. I had just hoped to offer my services as a modest mage, but I don't wish to impose," Nalmon says as he tries to backpedal, hoping to flatter the witch somewhat. "Maybe gain some knowledge from one so obviously powerful as yourself, but primarily offer what meager magic I have at my command."

2016-03-03, 07:24 AM
"One, and if you need to work on your swordplay, I need to work on mine as well as my magic, so start with our pokemon then transition to us?"

2016-03-03, 08:16 AM
Phoebe glares at Nalmon's rather inconvenient entrance to the scene but says to Nerasce, otherwise ignoring him, "Sounds fair. Do you intend to bring your fragment here? Or am I going to have to learn how to breathe water to reach your lair?"

Space Lawyer
2016-03-03, 08:17 AM

The young priestess immediately gets to work. Abha takes to the work easily, her magic and physical capabilities enabling her to get the ash off the fence and examine the damage. Ruh locates wood that would be suitable, but it would have to be split, and the woman's axe was rusty and dull. Zahar show unexpected physical strength though, focusing for a bit then launching into a flurry of strikes on the wood. Under the keen eye of Abha and Laila's direction, the logs are split down the grain. The team sands the wood down, puts in place, and holds it with pegs.

Laila takes out her ink brush, and inscribes a blessing on it for protection and fire-warding. That should keep the the young boy from burning it down quite so easily.

Drain 1 AP
Exp. Gains
Abha: 13
Ruh: 12
Zahar: 11

Defense at +1 Combat Stage
Apply Focused Training and Inspired Training

Occult roll, just to see how powerful the blessing is, essentially a cleanse tag: [roll0]

2016-03-03, 07:52 PM
Alice, he sends out a wartortle, and takes a pair of practice swords and tosses one to you.
"If'n you don't mind, perhaps we could do both at the same time? I ain't gonna get a chance to stand back in the field, so better for me to be used to swinging a sword and shouting orders, eh?"

map! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dvPDDXXOjKORmTN6RRi6bsgK0Z5idQcqX-CnLINmdMA/edit#gid=10)

Nalmon and Phoebe, Nerasce holds up a hand to pause you as you turn, the chitinous palm as vibrant as an angry sea as you could swear her jaw separates a couple times, in thought, as she moves around you both, each of you seeing what seem to be four long, spindly legs pierce the sand below you as she circles. Then, without warning, she reaches for Nalmon's hand, lifting it up to examine better in her strange, widened eyes, her touch feeling like bleached krabby shell upon your wrist.
"You know one another. Then perhaps we can all join into favorable contract, yes? For two of us seek pieces of an ancient relic of great power, and you seek to learn. How are your hands at crafting? There have been a great many rituals that I have been unable to achieve due to being unable to properly craft the tools for it from my source."
She pauses, looking to Phoebe as well.
"If both of you meet with me tonight, perhaps we could begin this trade. It will take time for me to remove a page of interest from where I keep my collection, far from prying hands and eyes, anyway. And together...kheh...together, we could learn."
She stares deeply at you both, what you thought to be a mouth shown at this range to be far more evident as a mandible churning as if in deep thought.

Laila, considering the growlithe has gotten away from the kid and is chasing a wild skitty about by it, barking flame and playfully ignoring the fact that they're so close to the fence despite the boy trying to stop his dog from burning it down again, and the fact it isn't on fire yet, you seem to have crafted a strong ward, which also gets you an invitation to sup at the mother's table for you and your team, the day having passed to late afternoon as you worked.

Space Lawyer
2016-03-03, 08:19 PM

"Of course, thank you. I would be honored." Such was the way of compassion. When helping others, merit and benefits would naturally accrue.

2016-03-03, 09:48 PM
Alice catches the sword and then sends out her Pawniard, smiling down at her and nodding in affirmation, a preset plan already in motion. She then readies her blade in a duelist's stance and stands behind Honor, ready for the fight. "Okay, I'm ready.

HP: 56
Both Def: 7
Speed: 10

HP: 56
Def: 12
SDef: 8
Speed: 8

2016-03-03, 09:58 PM
Phoebe nods and says, "Of course. Shall we meet here at, say...Eleven? My piece tends to call for midnight rituals. And I'm sure yours is much the same."

2016-03-03, 10:10 PM
Alice rushes forward as soon as the fight begins, moving with Honor right in front of her. Alice looks at the man and then kisses her hand before blowing it at him, waving afterwards while Honor looks at the Wartortle and then performs a sword flourish at Wartortle, showing off at it to try to throw it off.

Sweet kiss [roll0] AC 6
Torment [roll1] AC 2

2016-03-04, 10:13 AM
"Enchanting is a bit of a specialty of mine," Nalmon admits, a confident grin on his face. "And tonight is doable for me," the mage states with a curt nod.

2016-03-05, 10:44 PM
Arayos nods to himself, making note of the location for future use - it's good to know where places like this are, but at the same time, it's generally not wise to show up if you aren't looking for something in particular. Giving it a couple of moments thought as he slips away from the warehouse, he decides to look around and see if there's any wild Pokemon that might be lurking in the alleys or near the docks.

Wild Roll: [roll0]
Perception (if needed to find tracks): [roll1]
Survival (if needed for following tracks): [roll2]

2016-03-06, 12:06 AM
Arayos, wandering the docks, you hear something getting knocked about in the distance. Approaching slowly, you find a small pink cat sniffing at a downed wingull, the latter seeming to have gotten a wing broken recently. Still seems to be moving, though.

Nalmon, Phoebe, Nerasce holds up a finger.
"Mine come with the tides. High Tide and Low Tide are best. Come at the fall of Dusk, to the cliff above us, for this cave shall be inaccessible to you both. I shall have a sample of what I offer for you both by then."
Thinking about it, that would be roughly six hours from now. Not too bad...

Alice, the man-really a boy near your own age, you admit, who seems easily flustered by how red he just turned. Meanwhile, his wartortle looks angry, trying to puff up in front of Honor.
"Ah, what should I-ah, er, right! Bubble, Riptide!"
He tries to stumble forward, stick at the ready to fight.
[roll0]-let's see if he is more confused or angry.

Laila, the meal is simple, but fulfilling, dried and seasoned miltank flank with potato and salad, plenty of each for your assistance for you and your pokemon, a dinner of delicious sticks set aside for Abha which she feasts upon with zeal, Ruh spooking the growlithe only once for their own meal, and Zahar happily chowing down on the greens set down for her. Once content, you leave with a bow to your hostess, time getting closer to when you promised to help the Matron. That said, there is still some time to seek another friend to join your circle if you so chose, or purchase some goods before nightfall and the vendors going home.

2016-03-06, 09:23 AM
Phoebe frowns and grumbles, muttering, "Of course they do..." Then sighs and says, "Of course. I will see you then. I cannot wait to see this new fragment."

2016-03-06, 02:32 PM
Arayos frowns, before nodding to himself and releasing Gospel behind him. "Close in on my signal, and try to keep it busy with a Bite," he says, drawing an arrow and pulling it back on his bow. Taking a moment to watch his target, he says, "Go," as he fires at the Skitty, Gospel dashing in just behind the arrow, jaws open as he bites at the Pokemon. Not missing a beat, Arayos follows his own attack by flinging out a Pokeball at the pink feline, hoping to finish this quickly.

Arayos - Struggle Attack v Skitty
AC: [roll0] v 5 + Physical Evasion
Damage: [roll1] Normal Physical

Gospel - Bite v Skitty
AC: [roll2] v 2 + Physical Evasion
Added Effect: Flinch on 15+
Damage: [roll3] Dark Physical

Arayos - Fast Pitch: Basic Ball v Skitty
AC: [roll4] v 6 + Speed Evasion
Damage (Curve Ball): [roll5] Normal Physical
Capture Roll: [roll6]

2016-03-06, 02:40 PM
Honor braces herself, but ends up taking a hard hit. Alice looks down at the wartortle in surprise, expecting it to stay at range. This made her decide to change her strategy up a bit. "Change of plans, we can't take too many hits like that. Fury cutter." She raised her blade before swinging twice at the Wartortle in sync with Honor before assuming a defencive stance

Double swipe
[roll0][roll1] vs 5
then Flutter for my shift action

Fury cutter
[roll2] vs 3

HP: 56
Both Def: 7
Speed: 10

HP: 25/56
Def: 12
SDef: 8
Speed: 8

2016-03-06, 02:49 PM
"Sounds like a plan to me!" Nalmon states, eager to learn more. "Do we need to bring anything?"

2016-03-06, 07:39 PM
Nerasce looks to you two mages, nodding to Phoebe and Nalmon.
"Then we have an understanding. I shall see you upon the high tide."
she clambers her way back to where she started, the lanturnes around you following as she first sheds her robe, showing her to be indeed more beast than man. Chitin covers every inch of her, as do long spines of purple crystal that were hidden by the cloak upon her hideous abdomen, standing upon four long, spidery legs, long seaweed replacing hair. She steps upon a pool of water, striding across it with her four legs, before she stands in the middle of a pool you could not see before. She dives as the lanturns surround the sides, disappearing into the darkness of the water, and the lanturns look at each other in confusion, then dive into the pool, swimming about. You seem to be alone, save for each other, now.

Alice, you and Honor cut deep into the wartortle, who still seems barely standing. One more good hit would do it, but the guardsman tries to move towards you again, still confused after tripping over their own feet from embarassment.
[roll0]-let's see if he breaks the confusion
"Water gun!"
[roll1]-water gun, 2+sp def, on Honor

Arayos, the skitty disappears into the pokeball quickly, caught out of the teeth of Gospel. The wingull seems to barely be holding on.

2016-03-06, 07:57 PM
Phoebe waits until she disappears into the waves, then gestures to Nalmon as she begins walking away, waiting until they're a good distance away from the shoreline to say, and quietly at that, "Well then. I don't suppose you have any electric-type mon?"

2016-03-06, 08:43 PM
Honor falls down to the water gun, pushed back a few feet and then falls down. "Damn... Come back." she then pulled out her ball and then recalls her before swinging at the Wartortle twice again, striking at it with a smile before going back on the defensive.

[roll0][roll1] vs 5

Then flutter

2016-03-06, 09:11 PM
"Why do you ask?" Nalmon inquires, wondering what the other mage was planning.

Space Lawyer
2016-03-06, 09:19 PM

Laila takes her leave of the house, and wanders through the darkened streets. Her companions looked exhausted, and the she had no illusions about her own physical capabilities. She doubted she would be much good to anyone else in this town for the sorts of chores they needed done around here. Instead, she takes her time making her way back, nudging garbage into manageable piles, putting a pot back on to a porch it had fallen off of, the small sort of tasks that would largely go unnoticed. Perhaps the universe would reward such a thing.

Using the Pickup ability: [roll0]

2016-03-06, 10:39 PM
Phoebe smiles and twirls her knife, saying, "Just a contingency. Making sure Nerasce doesn't have anything of her own planned. There's only one Pokemonicon. I have some, she has some. If it turns out she doesn't want to share, then I'd like to have the ability to make sure that I'm the one that ends up on top."

2016-03-06, 11:31 PM
Arayos nods, saying, "Well done, Gospel..." as he approaches the Wingull. "Don't worry," he says to the injured bird while Gospel takes the Pokeball in his mouth, "I'm going to patch you up as best I can, and then get you to someone more capable of tending to you..." As he speaks, he pulls out some bandages and begins carefully tending to the Wingull's injuries, setting the wing and making sure it's not likely to die before he can get it to a more capable healer. Once satisfied with the work, he carefully picks up the Pokemon, cradling it in his arm as he accepts his capture from Gospel, and turns back towards the main part of town to locate a healer for the water-type.

2016-03-07, 04:37 PM
Arayos, you bandage up the bird as best you can, it's breathing faint but there. Scooping it up, you head out and away to find yourself a healer. But, in heading to where you believe them to be in the residential district, you run across Laila, just as she finds what seems to be a medicine for pokemon hurled into the trash, one that makes them heartier and stronger.
(Found a HP Up!)

Phoebe, Nalmon, stepping out of the cave you know you have several hours to kill still. But how would you choose to spend it?

Alice, the wartortle falls to your blows, unconscious but breathing. Just in time for you to hear his compatriot give a cry of rage before barreling at you, rage guiding his blade. Looks like he has anger management issues.
[roll0]-Rage, 2+defense, is Enraged, gains additional combat stages when hit

2016-03-07, 04:43 PM
"I have some errands to run around town; meet you here later?" Nalmon says, searching his pack for his Dowsing Rod.

2016-03-07, 09:37 PM
Evelynn, the man raises an eyebrow but nods, not placing you as the sort apparently. He steps aside for you and Sticks, letting you pass into an enclosed room before first shutting the door, then opening a trap door into a lower dock.
"Watch yerself, the Sunken Market's not a place to lower your guard."
Meanwhile, Arayos only saw Evelynn and Sticks enter, the door swing shut behind them.

Evelynn proceeds down the trap door, not entirely sure what to expect in a developing region like this.

2016-03-07, 09:48 PM
Alice doesn't really need to move that much to dodge the blade, shifting a bit to the left with a smile before leaning forward and kissing the boy on his cheeck, trying to toy with him more. "Awww.... I'm sorry. I'll make sure I'll be kinder to you." she then adds in her mind. but kind doesn't always mean nice.

Space Lawyer
2016-03-07, 10:07 PM

Laila pockets the medicine, then notices Arayos. "Oh, hello! Who do you have there?" She then notices the bird's injured wing. "Oh no! He needs to get to a healer. We should get him to the apothecary, or maybe the matron at the church."

2016-03-07, 10:39 PM
Arayos pauses for a moment at Laila's call, turning his attention to her. Nodding at her words, he replies, "I was actually looking for one of them, but I'm not sure where they are. Not exactly familiar with the area yet, came across this one by chance. Any chance you can help me find whichever's closer?"

2016-03-07, 10:53 PM
Phoebe nods to Nalmon and says, "See you then." She strolls back to town, idly considering the possibilities of the meeting this evening and what she could do if Nerasce ends up attempting to take her fragment by force. Eventually, she settles on a plan, and looks around for a General Store in town, specifically one that sold large quantities of rope.

2016-03-08, 01:46 AM
Nalmon waves goodbye before releasing Pax, the Machop looking around eagerly.

Alright buddy, time to go! Let's get some shards!" Nalmon says, watching as multicolored specks of light appear on the ground due to a hurried spell, grinning as the Machop dashes after the first speck.

A short time later, the various jars in Nalmon's pack are slightly heavier from new Shards, and the wizard makes his way into town, returning to the mayor's to see exactly what the man had in store for him.

Time to Dowse!

Anyways, I've got some rolling to do...
1 - Red, 2 - Orange, 3 - Yellow, 4 - Green, 5 - Blue, 6 - Indigo

Roll 1:
Shard: [roll0]
Color: [roll1]
Shard: [roll2]
Color: [roll3]
Shard: [roll4]
Color: [roll5]
Result: None
Roll 2:
Shard: [roll6]
Color: [roll7]
Shard: [roll8]
Color: [roll9]
Shard: [roll10]
Color: [roll11]
Result: None
Roll 3:
Shard: [roll12]
Color: [roll13]
Shard: [roll14]
Color: [roll15]
Shard: [roll16]
Color: [roll17]
Result: None
Roll 4:
Shard: [roll18]
Color: [roll19]
Shard: [roll20]
Color: [roll21]
Shard: [roll22]
Color: [roll23]
Result: None
Roll 5:
Shard: [roll24]
Color: [roll25]
Shard: [roll26]
Color: [roll27]
Shard: [roll28]
Color: [roll29]
Result: None
Roll 6:
Shard: [roll30]
Color: [roll31]
Shard: [roll32]
Color: [roll33]
Shard: [roll34]
Color: [roll35]
Result: None
Roll 7:
Shard: [roll36]
Color: [roll37]
Shard: [roll38]
Color: [roll39]
Shard: [roll40]
Color: [roll41]
Result: None
Roll 8:
Shard: [roll42]
Color: [roll43]
Shard: [roll44]
Color: [roll45]
Shard: [roll46]
Color: [roll47]
Result: None
Roll 9:
Shard: [roll48]
Color: [roll49]
Shard: [roll50]
Color: [roll51]
Shard: [roll52]
Color: [roll53]
Result: None

Roll 1:
Shard: [roll54]
Color: [roll55]
Shard: [roll56]
Color: [roll57]
Shard: [roll58]
Color: [roll59]
Result: None
Roll 2:
Shard: [roll60]
Color: [roll61]
Shard: [roll62]
Color: [roll63]
Shard: [roll64]
Color: [roll65]
Result: None
Roll 3:
Shard: [roll66]
Color: [roll67]
Shard: [roll68]
Color: [roll69]
Shard: [roll70]
Color: [roll71]
Result: None
Roll 4:
Shard: [roll72]
Color: [roll73]
Shard: [roll74]
Color: [roll75]
Shard: [roll76]
Color: [roll77]
Result: None
Roll 5:
Shard: [roll78]
Color: [roll79]
Shard: [roll80]
Color: [roll81]
Shard: [roll82]
Color: [roll83]
Result: None
Roll 6:
Shard: [roll84]
Color: [roll85]
Shard: [roll86]
Color: [roll87]
Shard: [roll88]
Color: [roll89]
Result: None
Roll 7:
Shard: [roll90]
Color: [roll91]
Shard: [roll92]
Color: [roll93]
Shard: [roll94]
Color: [roll95]
Result: None
Roll 8:
Shard: [roll96]
Color: [roll97]
Shard: [roll98]
Color: [roll99]
Shard: [roll100]
Color: [roll101]
Result: None
Roll 9:
Shard: [roll102]
Color: [roll103]
Shard: [roll104]
Color: [roll105]
Shard: [roll106]
Color: [roll107]
Result: None

Final Results:
Red: III
Orange: I
Yellow: III
Green: III
Indigo: III

Space Lawyer
2016-03-08, 08:05 AM

"Absolutely. Lets try the temple first. The matron mother there might know the healing arts." She leads Arayos to the temple.

2016-03-13, 10:33 PM
Nalmon, as you and Pax gleefully root around, he shovels away a rather large clump of sand to reveal a strange shard at least three times the size of any of the ones you found on the shore! As he lifts it up to inspect in the sun, he gives a small yelp as a blur of black, red, and white snatches it from his hands. Following it, you spot the thief-a small bird, flitting up to a hillside where a lady in traveling garb and an overly large, foppish pointed hat stands with a drowzee, the fat fingers greedily grabbing the shard and turning it over in their hands several times as the drowzee examines it.

Phoebe, you buy copious amounts of rope, which considering that there are plenty of vessels about they just accept as art of life. Now what?

Alice, the boy looks confused before tripping over his own feet, his rage at his own impotence to show even the slightest decorum and the laughter of his peers fueling his rage further!

Laila and Arayos, you rush to the temple, where the old matron is slowly extinguishing the candles from the altar when you come up, turning to look at you both.
"Friend of yours, Sister?"

Evelynn, what you find underneath is a stairwell leading down to a series of tunnels, low passageways under the docks, and storage areas where men, women, and pokemon either move or guard closed off wares. Walking through, Sticks leads you to a certain tunnel, heading down and bringing you to a cavern lit by torches, the choked air heavy with the scent of smoke, and into a large cave surrounding a shallow pool of water, stalls and people cluttering the area buying and selling illicit goods. They also seem to actually have some Stones, you seeing a few farmhands and sailors tossing them and gambling their hard earned money on their success or failure, each cheer matched with several groans. The open cavern seems to extend out of sight behind a corner, but seems rather healthy for an illegal den of greed and vice.

2016-03-13, 11:57 PM
Nalmon looks on in shock as the giant shard is plucked from Pax's hand, his mouth forming a perfect "o".

Pax, on the other hand, reacts far differently, grabbing a rock and flinging it at the bird only to begin chasing as the stone falls far short. Without a second thought, Nalmon takes off after the Machop.

"Hey! That's mine!"

Space Lawyer
2016-03-14, 07:49 AM

"Yes. This Arayos. He found an injured Wingull, and we were hoping you could heal him. I, ah, haven't exactly learned how to do such things yet." Laila looks abashed.

2016-03-14, 08:36 AM
Phoebe rolls the rope up and puts it into her pack, and while she's at the General Store, she asks the owner, "Sir, do you if there is anywhere near town with an abundance of electric-type pokemon? I suspect I will have to battle some water-types soon, and I'd like to be prepared."

2016-03-14, 08:02 PM
Arayos nods, and says, "It seems to have run afoul of a Skitty - whether that's the cause of the injuries or whether the injuries simply left it vulnerable to the Skitty, I'm not certain. I was able to capture the Skitty to stop it from killing this one, and was hoping to get it taken care of."

2016-03-14, 10:04 PM
Evelynn starts to feel a bit at home in this sinner's playground, though she does start to noticeably move closer to Sticks for the sake of appearing to be scared first timer....Well at least that was the justification of it while her fingers began to stroke Sticks' arms.

In the meanwhile she kept an eye for anyone who had a need for a thief.

2016-03-15, 10:04 PM
Phoebe, the merchant pauses and thinks, nodding.
"There have been bolts of lightning and flashes of light in the fields in recent days, and the chinchou light up the entire sea. Those are your best shots at this time, madam."

Nalmon, the foppishly hatted girl puffs up, the drowzee mimicking her movements and trying to appear larger, the taillow just moving it's head to the side and looking at you curiously.
"Bah! I am the great Nettle, Seer Extraordinaire, and Magician Supreme! What use do you have for this piece to my destiny, young one?"
You notice that, looking at her, she seems to actually be a bit younger than you, but a quick glance through arcane sight shows you her hat is actually a focal point of arcane power. Not necessarily strong power, per se, but it seems to be one that works well enough.

Evelynn, Sticks doesn't seem to mind you drawing close, leading you through to one of the tables where it seems that a rather wealthy individual is playing among a number of less wealthy, but far harder looking men, winning more often than not but scattering his winnings with barely a glance behind him after each turn, keeping his balance even with a nonchalant air.
"Haha! What's this, a small fox brought to the table? Who are you to walk in on Sticks' arm, eh, young lass?"
Of course, more Cant. The fighting men look at you warily, pocketing their earnings for the day.

Arayos, Laila, the Matron nods, walking over slowly and laying her hands upon the bird, a gentle smell like the ocean's breeze filling the room as a small gem upon her holy symbol seems to glow in the darker room. Soon, the wingull stirs, still bandaged but with far stronger heartbeat and breath than before.

2016-03-15, 10:20 PM
Nalmon looks up and down the girl, a smirk growing on his face.

"Really? Great Nettle?" Nalmon says, almost laughing out loud. "Well, if you're such a great seer, why do you need me to tell you what I'll do with it. All you need to know is that if you don't give me back my Shard, I'm going to take that silly little hat you have and let my Machop use it as a toilet, since that's all your B-Grade enchantment is worth to be used for," Nalmon says, slowly reaching for his tome.

2016-03-16, 12:34 AM
Evelynn flashes a flirtatious smile and a wink at the men that were giving her warily looks before sitting down at the table. "Oh I'm just a new fox that's just come out to play and find people to play with." She replied with her own cant, add a playful giggle at the end.

2016-03-16, 06:16 AM
Alice had this fight in the bag. She had him all around her fingers. Boys were so easy to manipulate, yet so fun. She giggled to herself, almost finding the boy charming in the state he is in now. She then assumed a defensive stance while her shadow twin began to form. "Allow me to show you some of my magic. This won't hurt.... too much!" Alice and the shadowy apparition grinned as it began to swing it's shadow blade, striking at the guardsman.

I'm assuming that last post wasn't about him getting KOed from confusion.

[roll0] Feint attack
Then Flutter

2016-03-16, 10:38 AM
Phoebe smiles widely as she nods excitedly to the merchant and says, "Thank you, sir! I appreciate it!" then heads out to the fields with a skip in her step, looking forwards to her plans coming together.

Space Lawyer
2016-03-16, 01:14 PM

Laila looks on with wonder. She'd seen such things before, of course, but it never failed to amaze her. The depths of such wisdom and devotion to be able to heal with just a touch were astounding. "Looks like he is feeling much better!"

2016-03-16, 08:34 PM
Arayos nods, and says, "Yes... he certainly does seem to be doing well now. I'm glad... my skills in such matters are limited to the most basic first aid." Turning to the Matron, he then says, "You have my thanks... is there anything else I'll need to know in tending to him, beyond basic first aid? Or should he be able to regain his strength on his own from this point?"

2016-03-17, 08:20 PM
Laila, Arayos, the matron chuckles lightly at your wonderment, nodding.
"Work upon your communion with the gods, Sister, and they shall one day grant you a shard of their wisdom as well."
She turns to Arayos, nodding.
"It is out of danger, at least. Take...her to a doctor, and they shall recover fully. Or give the bird some time."

Phoebe, you head towards the fields, the grass looking ashen and dried the farther you get out, some strange sense of wrongness here plaguing this area that seems to be causing all that there is to slowly degrade and wither away, the ravages of illness evident to your eyes in this landscape. However, plenty of life remains to give the wild pokemon some form of cover, a chance to evade your sight...put you can hear the withered grass cracking under something.
(Perception check please to see if you get what you actually want)

The little guard seems dazed by the double hit, or perhaps thinking they're seeing double, until moving forward, unsure which head to think with still.
[roll0]-vs confusion
He tries to fend off you and your double though, swinging with rage guiding his heart if he doesn't trip over his feet.
[roll1]-rage, 5+def

Evelynn, the man smirks, nodding.
"Well, glad that you came to our small town then!"
He gestures for the dealer to deal you in after the current hand, grin not reaching his eyes now.

Nalmon, Nettle and her pokemon gasp, a small bunnelby peeking out from under her hat and gasping.
"Boys always have to be so vulgar! Bet you couldn't even bring out the best of this shard, anyway! Can't you see it has great potential for divinations? Look at it!"
She holds it up to the light, letting the sun illuminate the lines of magic better within it. Then she pauses, looking closer at you.
"Hm...you seem to have many that could improve it further! A wager then? We see whose magic is greatest, and winner gets the other's shards!"

2016-03-17, 09:02 PM
Alice sidesteps out of the way, chuckling at the boy as she falls next to her feet. "If I was more like dad when it came to relationships, I'd probably ask you out after I'm done kicking your cute butt..." She coos once again. In all honesty, she might do that if he was interested, but she wasn't going to be as... carnal driven as her father. For all she knows, this is a half-brother. "Speaking of kicking your cute butt." she then swings her training sword twice on his rear teasingly, playing with him while feeding off of his pain.

[roll0] vs 5+def

Then flutter

2016-03-17, 10:04 PM
"Is there a doctor here that I could take her to?" Arayos asks the Matron. "While I'm not opposed to giving her the time needed to recover, it's possible that I may not have the option, given my line of work."

2016-03-18, 12:57 PM
Nalmon bursts out laughing at Nettle's challenge.

"Sure, sure. If you're a stronger mage than I am, I suppose you could have my Shards, but once I thrash you, I'm taking that Shard and adding it to my hat," Nalmon says, knowing that fact would hopefully drive Nettle nuts.

2016-03-18, 02:42 PM
Phoebe frowns as she looks around at the dessicated plant life, muttering to herself, "This is a bad sign..." Then shakes her head, continuing, "It can wait. Nerasce is more important. Now then...If I was an electric-type, where would I hide..." She peers around at the undergrowth, hoping to find an Electrike or something else electric-type.

Perception Check: [roll0]

2016-03-18, 03:25 PM
Alice, so playful in your swings, you hardly realize you miss your intended target, instead bringing the stick up between his legs in a move that makes the others wince and him let out a sudden cough, keeling over as you bash him in the twig and berries. He ain't getting up from that any time soon, so that marks you the victor!
(gain 100 exp to distribute among mon.)

Nalmon, Nettle scoffs, the bunnelby hopping out of her hat as rocks begin to float around her, the taillow taking off and flapping next to her as her other two mon wait in the back..
"Right then! Show me your first choice in ally in this mage's duel, and despair at the mystic might of Nettle, WITCH SUPREME!"
She does a strange little pose, which you have no doubt she thought was cool, but really just makes her look kind of stupid.
(Choose mon to start with, will get a map ready a bit later today)

Phoebe, as you check the sound, you find something...interesting. Perhaps more interesting than some electric mon, as a pumpkaboo of all things nudges the starved body of a poochyena, the latter mon having given up and died from the lack of food. As it sings, you watch as the poochyena's soul slowly leaves the body, disappearing through the pumpkin mon's mouth.

Arayos, the Matron nods.
"The one most likely to help a wild is actually down the street from us. Look for Daryl's cottage, it should have his young happiny outside it. That said, he always could use a hand around his place, so if you wish to pay him back perhaps you could volunteer some of that basic medical knowledge, eh?"

Space Lawyer
2016-03-18, 04:07 PM

"I'll come with you, Arayos. Wouldn't do for something to befall you and this pretty girl before you get her there." Not to mention that Daryl apparently had a Happiny.

2016-03-18, 06:14 PM
"Is that so?" There was a subtle raise of Evelynn's brow as she waited to be dealt in. "Have someone in mind that I should play with?"

2016-03-18, 08:27 PM
Phoebe smiles as she sees the cute little soul-eater and says, "Hey there, lil' guy. You want to come with me? I'll make sure you get good food and have a safe place to stay," trying to convince it to come with her without needing a fight.

Charm check: [roll0]

2016-03-18, 09:25 PM
Alice let out a chuckle of delight while kneeling down, checking to see if he's hurt... hopefully just in pain or knocked out. Seeing that he's fine, she waits for him to wake up, eyeing him cheerfully and patiently with her warm smile. "Well hello cutie. Sleep well?" she asks teasingly.

2016-03-19, 04:11 PM
Nalmon, as Moony comes out looking just like Pax, Nettle shouts (since she doesn't seem to know how to do anything quieter).
"Now Gruber, up! We're going to show these two whose boss!"
The taillow gives a shrill cry as it speeds forwards and up, trying to keep just out of range of a fist at ten feet in the air.

Laila, Arayos, you depart from the Matron's hall to help the bird, the light of the sun dipping below the horizon as you spot the likely medic's cottage. It seems to be a small place, with a good sized garden full of herbs that a tiny pink pokemon with a small egg in front of them, a tiny basket nearby being filled with herbs they check. As you both approach, the happiny first waves, then gasps as she sees the wingull, pulling a tiny medic apron out of the basket and, basket in hands after putting it on, ushering you both inside. The room within seems to be well lit, bedding for pokemon on the ground and around, with a fair number of bandaged pokemon laying upon them as an old man, graying hair growing wispy and beard long, slowly makes their way down the stairs.
"Ah, patients, huh? Please, make yourself comfortable while I prepare, and explain what's wrong."

Phoebe, the pumpkaboo takes a look at you and shrinks back, hiding behind the poochyena corpse and looking at you over it as it sniffs the air. Could it know?

Alice, the boy eventually gets up, groaning as he wobbles to his feet.
He shakes his head a bit, before his eyes focus on you and he tries to shuffle back a bit, still hurting from the slowness of his movements.
"Wh...why are you still here? You have shown yourself the better of us."

Evelynn, the man shakes his head and sighs at that.
"The only name that comes to mind is a cheat and a liar, that Mayfred Wendle. Not one for such as you. Always has a few stones in his shoes."
Wait...that meant traitor, thief, and relic.

2016-03-19, 05:02 PM
Nalmon looks at the Taillow with a bored expression, pages flipping in his book as he turns towards the Taillow.

"Moony, some magical assistance please," Nalmon asks his familiar, watching as a wave of dark energy rockets out towards the Taillow before crying out his own spell.


A wave of swirling arcane energy joins Moony's dark assault, both flying directly towards the small bird.

Moony uses Dark Pulse!
AC: [roll0], Flinch 17+, which would make Taillow Vulnerable against Nalmon.
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

Nalmon uses Rending Spell!
AC: [roll3], Taillow loses a Tick on 13+
Damage: [roll4]
Critical: [roll5]

2016-03-19, 05:54 PM
"I thought I'd tell you that we had a fun fight. Don't beat yourself up; you're too handsome to be bruised up by anyone other than me. I'm sure if you hit me once or twice I'd be the one on the ground." She offers a hand up, smiling at him. "I don't believe I ever got your name. I'm Alice of Zelfran."

2016-03-19, 06:06 PM
"Oh I see." Evelynn feigned disappointment in her voice while committing the name to memory. "Terrible shame. Someone should help him get those stones out of his shoes."

2016-03-19, 08:20 PM
Arayos nods, and replies, "I came across this Wingull near the docks - it had been downed by something, and a Skitty was preparing to finish the job. I subdued the Skitty - it likely could use some tending to as well, thinking about it - and bandaged this one as best I could to stabilize her before bringing her back this way. The matron at the temple was able to help bring it out of critical condition, but advised that she needs further medical treatment and directed me here."

Space Lawyer
2016-03-21, 08:32 AM

Laila nods along with Arayos' explanation. "Matron Laesig said time and care would be the most helpful now." She sits and watches the Happiny. The head priestess at her own temple had a Blissey; the giant pink puffball had comforted a young Laila many nights.

2016-03-24, 03:57 PM
Phoebe smiles to the Pumpkaboo and says, "Don't worry lil' fella. I know I probably don't smell right to you...Don't worry though. I just want to help you out. I'll make sure you get to escort a lot of people to the afterlife. Does that sound good?"

Charm roll: [roll0]

2016-03-24, 05:55 PM
Phoebe, the pumpkaboo eyes you warily, floating around you before sniffing at the balls at your hip, curious about another scent.

Laila, Arayos, the happiny gets a number of supplies together from the drawers nearby, Daryl washing hands in a basin before coming over.
"Ah, arright, then let's see what we can do..."
Together, the pair works, straightening out bones and adding splints, mending cracks in the beak, and covering an eye with care. Slowly, the wingull wakes, taking comfort in the happiny's presence as one of nature's most trustworthy medics.

Alice, the boy winces as they stand up slowly, still somewhat bent over.
"Nnngh. Godwin Smithson. That said, think I have to work on the hitting part..."

Nalmon, the taillow takes a hard hit from your spell while dodging under the pulse, Nettle moving forward and throwing rocks with her magic at Moony in turn.
"Focus on the Zorua! Kazaam!"
[roll0]-struggle vs Moony, 4+def
[roll2]-Wing Attack on Moony, 2+def

Evelynn, your contact gives a more sincere smile, the stones finally coming in-ten total next to you, meaning ten grand for this job if you can do it. Not bad, though Sticks divides up the stones after a moment to throw away suspicion while the merchant gives the dealer a chiding chuckle. Got to play the part after all.

2016-03-24, 08:48 PM
"Well, I'd be happy to practice with you. I need to work on my endurance, which is an area you seem to have skill in."

2016-03-25, 12:41 AM
"Throwing rocks; what a great spell!" Nalmon shouts, not revealing how disconcerted he was with the fact that Nettle could apparently see through Moony's disguise. "Why don't you try some real magic on for size? Moony, take her out; the bird is mine!"

With a snarl Moony sheds his illusion as he flies towards the other wizard. Even as he does so, Nalmon cries out a familiar magic word.


Moony: 13/50 HP
Focused Training, 2 Injuries

Nalmon uses Rending Spell again!
AC 2: [roll0], Target loses a Tick on 13+
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

Moony uses Fury Attack on Nettle!
AC 4: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Critical: [roll5]

2016-03-27, 10:25 PM
Evelynn accepted the stones as a sign of her acceptance of the job. However she stayed for a few more rounds before deciding to depart from the table with Sticks to prepare for her job.

Space Lawyer
2016-03-28, 07:04 AM

"Looks like that went well," Laila says cheerfully. "You and your adorable assistant are very skilled. I've seen wild Pokemon react much worse when they wake up in a strange place, even with people trying to help them."

2016-03-28, 07:58 PM
Alice, Godwin winces and shrugs.
"M...maybe another time. Need to brush up on some other stuff first."

Nalmon, you get a surprise as you find Nettle disappear in a puff of smoke that Moony goes through with a surprised yelp, appearing back by her team even as she cries out.
"Strike this ninny's familiar before his spell finds you, Gruber! Quick attack the zorua!"
[roll0]-quick attack on Moony befor Gruber falls, 2+def*
Either way, the spell fells Gruber, sending him tumbling across the field in a daze, but still breathing. Barely.

Evelynn, the merchant grins, but then you get down to a real game, just because. Then you step away, heading off with Sticks who takes a moment to handle a job of his own down the way. Judging by the cries, not the sort you'd take, but afterwards, he comes back and offers to show you some of the more interesting establishments of the area.

Laila, the happiny puffs up with pride as Daryl chuckles.
"I can only thank Deliah's bedside manner for that. Helps that chansey and their kin are well considered even among the most violent of mon, and prey to none due to their nature. No sense angering the only ones that can help you get back up after all, right?"

*May be probability controlled

2016-03-29, 02:41 AM
"Well then..." Alice plants a kiss on his cheek quickly before quickly pulling back so she can wink at him. "See you around, cutie." She then begins to leave, seeing if the others are ready to go.

2016-03-29, 08:35 PM
Arayos nods, and says, "Once you're done with this one, is there any chance you'd be willing to look over my other recent acquisitions? I've got a Nidoran that I picked up in the silos earlier, along with a Skitty who I'm pretty sure was responsible for at least some of this one's injuries. I can pay, or if you're looking for something other than money I can help out in other ways."

2016-03-29, 09:06 PM
Phoebe pats the Pumpkaboo on the head as it sniffs towards her pokeballs, but says, "Ah-ah...You want to investigate further, you have to join me. Deal?" as she offers the ghostly pokemon an empty ball.

Charm: [roll0]

Space Lawyer
2016-04-01, 08:52 PM

Laila nods. "That would make sense. Mercy and peace can very well provide their own protection. Violence usually just begets violence."

2016-04-02, 10:26 PM
Nalmon, as your spell fells the taillow, Moony shoots forward to try and strike Nettle, only for her to disappear in a puff of smoke, reappearing next to her team and stomping her foot before recalling her taillow.
"Hans! You're up!"
The bunnelby hops forward, sticking near his trainer as more stones begin levitating.

Alice, the boy looks rather shocked at that, staring as you head off to the chuckles of the other guardsmen. Stepping out, there is still plenty left in the day if you so chose to do something else.

Arayos, Laila, Daryl nods, though he chuckles a bit at Laila's comment.
"Heh, well that and they're known to have a bit of a mean right hook with the ones that try something stupid. Anyway, let'em out, we'll see what we can do."

Phoebe, the pumpkaboo hisses as your hand reaches down, trying to move away and watching you warily. And then, something terrible happens. It stops sniffing, eyes widening a bit, and tries singing. You feel your soul rattled around in the page, and as your book dances, it hurts. Like a tear in your chest rimmed with meat hooks, it hurts, and the pumpkaboo gasps.

2016-04-02, 10:34 PM
Arayos nods, releasing his Pokemon. He first lets out Damon and Gospel, the Electrike moving over to sniff at the Happiny curiously while the Growlithe stands calmly, gaze shifting towards Arayos as if waiting for commands. Next is the Nidoran, at which he smiles. "Going to get you fed and taken care of, my friend... I think I'll call you Nero from now on. That look in your eyes reminds me of an acquaintance of mine from back in Kanto, who had a fondness for Poison types. And as for the other new member of our little crew..." He then releases the Skitty in the middle of his other three, watching it carefully in case it proves to be unruly. Crouching down to gaze at it, he says, "Sorry about banging you up like that earlier, but I didn't see a reason to let you tear the little bird apart for no reason. Don't worry - I know I owe you a meal. Let's get you patched up first, alright Brin?" As he says the name, he notes that it seems to fit - no real reason, in his mind, but it seems to make sense for the feline Pokemon.

2016-04-02, 11:57 PM
When Sticks returns from his unpleasant business, Evelynn declines his offer to be shown around. "Perhaps later, love." She provided a peak on his cheek. "Work calls." A smile begins to curl on the edge of her lips. "Maybe afterwards I can show you a few things?"

2016-04-03, 12:28 PM
Phoebe gasps breathlessly, choking as her soul is pulled towards the little ghost, and frowns angrily, saying, "Fine. I tried to be nice to you, but no. You had to go and try to fight me. Well, now you're going to serve me whether you want to or not." She tosses Timbula out of his ball, and says, "Shadow Punch," as she readies herself, waiting to see the result of the punch before tossing a pokeball or swiping at the little pokemon with her dagger.

Shadow Punch cannot miss; [roll0]

HP: 56/56
Def: 6
Sp. Def: 7
Spd: 9

HP: 68/68
Def: 10
Sp. Def: 7
SpdL 7

Space Lawyer
2016-04-03, 03:53 PM

Laila releases Zahar. It would be good to get him checked out if the doctor was offering.

2016-04-03, 06:03 PM
Alice will go find healing services for herself and her pawniard.

2016-04-10, 07:38 PM
Alice, heading around town to try and find yourself a healer, it takes some time for you to get the lay of the land properly, actually spotting Laila and Arayos inside a house watching a man and a happiny help a wingull, then their own teams.
Meanwhile, the skitty proves to be barely conscious, breathing hard as it tries to stand, the fang marks from your growlithe seeming to have sunk in deeper than you had first realized. Your other mon seem happy, though Daryl works through them each starting from the skitty, the injured mon having to lay down and have a paw actually put back into place from the blow dislocating it earlier, then cracked ribs set. The cat is put on a bed as the nidos are checked over next, given herbs that are to prune out parasites, then gives them both a potato each which they happily consume. Meanwhile, the happiny rummages around in their egg bag, pulling out a dog treat for your electrike.

Evelynn, Sticks grins at that later comment.
"It sounds like it could work out, Evelynn."
He leads you back out of the market, the guard grunting and letting you both pass.

Phoebe, the pumpkaboo shrieks at that, before shooting a beam of disorienting light at Timbula.
[roll0]-Confuse Ray, 2+speed

2016-04-10, 09:45 PM
Alice knocks on the door of the house, holding Honor's ball, waiting to be let in so she and her Pawniard could be looked at.

2016-04-10, 10:49 PM
"What, already down a Pokemon?" Nalmon asks with a smirk. "Moony, don't waste time with the rabbit. Take out the wizard," Nalmon says, the Zorua already creating a ball of dark energy.

"Magicus Telum!" Nalmon cries, a host of blue missiles flying from his spellbook, swerving unerringly towards Nettle.

Moony uses Dark Pulse on Nettle!
AC: [roll0], Flinch 17+
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

Nalmon uses Swift on Nettle!
AC: [roll3] (Can't miss, but Crit roll)
Damage: [roll4]
Critical: [roll5]

2016-04-11, 01:30 PM
Phoebe blinks at the Pumpkaboo's retort, not expecting it to remain moving, much less continue the fight without a beat, but she shakes her head and, recalling Timbula to cure it's confusion, tosses an ultra ball at the gourd-like ghost, hoping to simply end the fight like so.

Recall Timbula, use Ultra Ball

Cap Check: [roll0]

HP: 56/56
Def: 6
Sp. Def: 7
Spd: 9

Timbula (Recalled):
HP: 68/68
Def: 10
Sp. Def: 7
SpdL 7

Space Lawyer
2016-04-12, 07:22 PM

Laila waits for her team to finish getting checked out.

2016-04-16, 12:49 AM
When the pair leaves the market, Evelynn parts ways from sticks to find a inn she could rest up and plan for her job.

Assuming she's able to get to a inn relatively easily, she goes up to her room and locks the door behind her before sending out her whole team as to let them get acquainted with her latest edition, Mythra the nidoran. She sets some treats for the young Nidoran and pets her gently before going to the window and peeking out of it, to check for any would be peepers or ease droppers as well as checking the time of day.

2016-04-17, 03:26 AM
Nettle gives a small yelp as she ducks under Moony's blast, [B]Nalmon, but your spell of stars hits her, shredding her side and leaving her looking pretty badly off. Meanwhile, her bunnelby hops forward, looking like it's gonna commit murders for that, and she waves her hand, making a pink wall of psychic energy between her and you that should prevent more damage from reaching her easily.
(Nettle used Barrier, set up as shown)

Phoebe, the pumpkaboo disappears into the ball with a yelp, and it clicks shut.
(Female, level 18, average sized, pickup)

Alice, a tiny little happiny opens the doorway, letting you in as he finishes with Arayos's pokemon, checking each of Laila's and giving all the nidorans some herbal mixes found to both purge the body of parasites, and then places a basket of yard grown vegetables and fruits that they hop into with glee and vigor. As he checks Laila's mon over, they seem otherwise perfectly fine, as does Alice, but her pawniard gets treated to alchemic concoctions and poultices, wounds from the blows before wrapped, and dented blades carefully hammered back into order, then splinted. Eventually, Honor is healed up, slowly opening their eyes to look around.

Evelynn, the little nidoran hops to the treats and eats them ravenously, sniffing about for more as you pet her, apparently still hungry from her time. Looking outside, you don't spot anyone readily about to look in on you.

2016-04-17, 09:55 AM
Phoebe takes a deep breath, recovering, and says, "Right. You get to stay in there for a while. At least, until I can figure out how to make sure you don't try that again," as she begins walking back towards town.

2016-04-17, 11:44 AM
Arayos frowns for a moment as he notices the Skitty's condition, thinking, While it was necessary, it was certainly a shame. However, his attention is diverted from his recovering Pokemon as Alice enters. Nodding, he says, "Looks like you had a bit of a fight as well... I hope it turned out well for you."

2016-04-17, 01:13 PM
Alice nods, smiling at them both. "Yea, sparred with one of the guards. Tough one. He could seriously take some hits. Funny thing... I knocked him out with a training sword to his nuts." Alice smiles at that "Accidentally, but still. He was rather cute. Next time I'm here, I'm going to have to see what he's up to."

2016-04-17, 03:17 PM
"Moony, shred the bunny," Nalmon commands, already striding closer to cast his next spell. And instant later, a frantically clawing Zorua and ball of roiling energy fly at the unfortunate Bunnelby.

Moony: 13/50 HP
Focused Training, 2 Injuries

Nalmon uses Rending Spell on the bunny!
AC 2: [roll0], Target loses a Tick on 13+
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

Moony uses Fury Attack on the bunny!
AC 4: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Critical: [roll5]

2016-04-19, 12:38 PM
Once she was satisfied that no one would peek in on her, Evelynn closes the window blinds and sits down on the beds with heavy breathing. Upon hearing the familiar breathing patterns of their mistress, Jigen and Lupin move towards Evelynn with a concern looks in their eye.

"It's fine." Evelynn managed to get the words out between the breaths. "Just a few exciting things happened today." Her face began to turn red as she thought about resisting the urge to mount Sticks when she had the chance. Part of her was surprised that she held out as long as she did for the day.

Soon her breathing became more labored then eventually became feral with some growling mixed in before throwing herself to the bed. Soon her body began to convulse wildly before fur started to grow from her body. From there her face quickly becomes more vulpine as the slut suit melded into her body. She then gives a moan as her body noticeably shirks down before her voice become a distinct vulpix yip.

Where moments ago Evelynn sat now sits a small vulpix, shaking her body and adjusting to her surroundings in her new form. "Ah feels good to put on the second skin.."

"What now boss?" Lupin hopped onto the bed and sat next to Evelynn.

"We have a job lined up already, we should head out soon... but first..." The trio looked over to the nidoran, who surely had to be confused about what she just witnessed. "So...yes." Evelynn hopped off the bed and approached the Nidoran. "Mytha, you must have some questions about what just happened?"

2016-04-20, 09:09 PM
Arayos nods at Alice, and replies, "Perhaps we'll have to have a match at some point - it would likely be a different experience for us both, given our differing styles." Nodding over towards where his Pokemon are recovering, he then continues, "I wound up coming across a couple of new team members - though the Wingull was already injured, and I was a bit rougher than I probably should have when stopping the Skitty from making it into a meal."

2016-04-22, 10:36 PM
Nalmon, the buneary moves forward at great speed when you try that, blitzing past your spell as it flies and hopping up after, slamming into Moony on his way down as the zorua tries to attack in turn.
"That's how to do it Hans!"

Phoebe, even as you head off to depart, you hear howls far too close to your current position to feel comfortable. It seems that you wandered a bit too far out for comfort...

Evelynn, you find Mytha shivering under the bed, trying to tuck away from you.
"Poppa and Momma told us the skinwalkers bring bad luck! Please, don't curse me!"

Arayos, Alice, Laila, your host gives a light chuckle.
"Think you're forgetting an important step there, first off. This wingull's still wild, after all."
That said, the wingull stirs as the mon in the room sniff at it, looking around confusedly.
"I have done what I can for them all. At this point, they just need some time to heal further."
The skitty just curls up tiredly on Arayos's lap, injured but going to be fine now.

2016-04-23, 12:28 AM
Arayos nods at the doctor and replies, "True... but I didn't want to risk it in the condition it was in." With that, he carefully picks the Skitty up before standing, and then sets the feline Pokemon down in his chair for a moment. Approaching the Wingull, he pulls out a Poke Ball and crouches down before saying, "Well? You want to come along with me and the others here?" He holds the ball out towards the Wingull, watching it for any kind of negative response, and if he finds none he taps the ball to it to formally catch the bird Pokemon.

2016-04-23, 04:49 PM
"Skinwalker?" Evelynn is slightly taken back by that since it was the first time she's been called as such. Both Lupin and Jigen started to snicker before Evelynn gave them both a look to shush them. "Oh sweetie, I wouldn't curse you. I don't even know how to do that." She then tries to approach the Mytha. "This is just who I am, just with more fur. I'm still the same girl that's going to take care of you."

"If you're still hungry we can go find you some more food."

[roll0] charm

2016-04-23, 08:11 PM
Phoebe frowns as she hears the howling, and quickens her pace back towards town as she looks around, not wanting to get into a confrontation with a whole pack of wild pokemon.

Per: [roll0]

2016-05-01, 08:25 AM
Phoebe, as you run, you hear the howls and gnashing of teeth grow closer in bounds as dead grass and fallen branches crack and crumple beneath your feet. you can see darting beasts among rotting trees, and as the forerunner, a manetric, comes into view you can see that much about it is off. It's eyes unfocused and body nigh skeletal, the starved hound has weeping sores and festering wounds upon it's body, strange squirming things digging into it, flecks of foaming spit spraying across their mouth. It seems almost blind as it barrels about, streaking at you as several more blast a tree apart in a fury of electricity and apparent madness, still pursuing you as well.

Evelynn, the nidoran still trembles, but at least looks at you as they cower, hiding under the bed still but with their nose beginning to stick out.
"You sure you won't? Or take my skin to add more forms?"

Arayos, the bird looks at the ball, before pecking at it. Once finding out it isn't squishy, it then bites down on the sides and begins trying to crack it on different objects as Daryl gives a laugh.
"Ah, youth. Birds got a bird brain, son, bit of bribery will go a long way."
He chucks a loaf of bread over to Arayos as the wingull keeps hopping about, before flapping to your shoulder and discarding the ball, looking at you oddly.

2016-05-03, 06:50 PM
"I promise I won't." Evelynn Sat and waited patiently for the nidoran to come out. "Again, I wouldn't even know how to curse someone or take their skin. I've just got the ones I was born with."

2016-05-04, 03:34 PM
Phoebe looks back over her shoulder as she keeps running and swears as she sees the state the Manetric is in. She thinks on her feet and tosses and Ultra Ball over her shoulder, trying to capture one for further study, and tosses out her Litwick, who hovers well above and watches to see if the corrupted field 'mon is caught, swooping down to stick the pokeball in his wax and fly off if the attempt is successful.

Ultra Ball accuracy: [roll0] vs. 6
Cap check: [roll1]

Space Lawyer
2016-05-05, 10:17 AM

Laila gives the Happiny one last pat and says "I guess I'll be going now. Maybe some interesting work will pop up in the morning. I'll see you all then."

2016-05-11, 09:38 PM
Arayos smiles, offering the bread to the bird Pokemon, and picking up the Pokeball with his other hand. After letting the bird eat its fill, he taps the Pokemon with the ball to try and complete the capture.

Let me know if you need a capture roll.

2016-05-14, 01:15 PM
As Moony falls, Nalmon calmly returns the Zorua and tosses out Pax, preparing himself for his next spell as he does so.

2016-05-14, 05:06 PM
Alice watches as Arayos tries to catch the bird, eying it, hoping that it goes in... after pecking him. Actually, either one works for her.

2016-05-15, 08:06 AM
Nalmon, even as Pax gets sent out, Nettle's eyes glow and the buneary swaps places with the drowzee.
"Let's see how you like this one, huh?"

Arayos, Alice, and Laila, the wingull just disappears into the ball, the happiny giving a chirp of approval at the petting. Daryl looks to each of you, grinning lightly.
"Anyway, you lot should be good now, correct? Hope you lot take care now then."

Phoebe, while the leading manetric disappears into the ball, you find that the others seem to get far too close for your preference, the teeth beginning to get way too close for your liking.

Evelynn, Mytha slowly pokes her head out, looking at you three.
"If you're sure..."
She slowly moves her way out, looking at you three, and looking rather starved and hungry before moving to the food.
"How do you do that, then?"

2016-05-15, 05:58 PM
Phoebe whistles, and her Litwick swoops down, picking up the ball in her sticky wax, gliding over to her trainer, who, having realized that running isn't precisely an option and that a cunning plan and thrillin' heroics would be called for, shouts, "Litwick! Ember! Kick up flame between me and the pack!" The ghostly candle responds, purple flame blazing up, then firing a stream of flame at the dry brass between it's trainer and the pack of infested electric-types, the two of them hoping that the barrier of flame would keep the hungry mon at bay long enough for Phoebe to put more distance between herself and the pack.

2016-05-15, 08:48 PM
"Good question." Evelynn paused to think about it for a moment. "I was kinda just born like this, just like my mom was."

"So how well do you know this town?"

2016-05-22, 04:16 PM
Arayos nods, recalling the remainder of his Pokemon, and says, "Yes, I think that's everything, and I do thank you for your assistance. If you need anything done, just let me know, and I'll be glad to help." He then makes his way out, deciding to find a room for the night before rejoining the group in the morning.

2016-05-26, 06:48 PM
Phoebe, the hounds just keep running, fur burning and some of the parasites sizzling and popping in their wounds. They seem blind to the pain though, continuing to run (albeit slower due to their injuries) and bay for your blood. Seems pain is something they may be blind to.

Evelynn, Mytha sniffs around, still nervous but at least sitting still now.
"Town? Is that the human word for their territory? Their big thing is only 10 feet under the ground too, easy to get under."
Seems she hasn't been in town long...

Arayos, you head to sleep, and wait for a new day and your allies to form up in the morning, most of them seem to be waiting.

2016-05-26, 07:10 PM
Alice goes to turn in for the night as well as she has nothing left in mind for today.

2016-06-09, 11:17 PM
Evelynn gave a mental shrug, since she wasn't really expecting the young Nidoran to be a fountain of knowledge about the town anyway. "Yes that would be one of the words humans use for their territories." The vulpix paused for a moment to allow Mytha a chance to eat. "Well we're burning up some valuable time here, so how about we go see this town in a way only a pokemon can?"

She nodded over to Jigen, who proceeded to climb up and open the windows. "Come along sweetie, there's fun adventure to be had." Evelynn and Lupin made their way over to the window and proceeded to climb up to it.