View Full Version : My World Mana Drive

2016-02-19, 08:57 PM
In the year 269.9, human colonists discovered a previously unknown mineral. The blue-green crystalline element, called 'mana' by its discoverers, would be found to possess incredible reality-warping properties. By utilizing a process known as weaving, mana could be made to discharge a bizarre, otherworldly energy to produce a plethora of unexplainable effects. Using powerful mana-based machinery, humanity spread to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, encountering new and strange alien peoples. This revolutionary technology would be heralded by mankind as the greatest discovery in all of human history.

The races of the galaxy would call it...


Welcome everybody. This thread will be dedicated to showcasing and discussing my science fiction setting for Pathfinder, Mana Drive. Heavily influenced by media like Mass Effect and Firefly, and taking inspiration from genres such as space opera, cyberpunk, and weird west, with Mana Drive I'm hoping to create something that defies the expectations of a standard tabletop roleplaying setting. Worth noting is that this setting was designed with the Spheres of Power 3PP supplement in mind.

So without further ado, let's start with the basics.


Currently, there are only two planes in the Mana Drive universe. The Material Plane is where The Galaxy is located. Home to humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, and many other races, the Material Plane is where the bulk of adventuring in Mana Drive takes place.

On the flipside of the Material lies the Astral Plane, a strange, ever-shifting landscape situated on a seemingly infinite plane. Home to various outsiders, as well as the gods themselves, the Astral Plane is also the origin point of all magic in the universe. The rules of the Material do not hold any sway over the Astral, where thought and intent shape everything.

I have been toying with the idea of the additional existence of the Shadow Plane, located on the opposite side of the Astral. Imagine a sandwich, with the Shadow and Material Planes acting as the bread, and the Astral Plane acting as the delicious magical filling in between. What all would exist here I don't yet know, though you can be assured that it would be strange.


As I mentioned above, the Astral Plane is home to the gods. These are not your standard 3.5 or Pathfinder gods. The gods of Mana Drive are weird and largely inscrutable, with all but one of them not even showing signs of higher intelligence. I will document each of them below.


Domains; Death, Destruction, Fire, Strength, War

Arguably the most physically powerful of the all the known gods, Tarascon is most commonly seen and depicted as a fierce leonid creature, crowned in a halo of flames. Worship of Tarascon is generally less organized than that of the other gods, as one of the most honored tenets of Tarascon’s followers is individual strength and carving your own way, though some traditions are rather common, such as the burning of animal sacrifices.


Domains; Air, Liberation, Luck, Travel, Trickery

Shinzo never takes the same shape more than once, and is only recognizable by the sole immutable part of its being; a bony, bird-like mask that is always present somewhere on its form. This mask is seen as Shinzo’s holy symbol, and many of its followers wear similar ones during religious ceremonies and holidays. Shinzo’s adherents tend to be subtle about their worship, as there is a large societal distrust of them.


Domains; Earth, Law, Nobility, Protection, Rune

Always visible no matter where one is on the Astral Plane, Mons is only ever seen as a colossal spire that climbs far above the heavens, stretching into seeming infinity. Strange runic markings cover its sides, and it is not uncommon for the followers of Mons to carry some of these runes etched into stone on their person. The church of Mons, the Steadfast Cathedral, has establishments across much of civilized space, as its teachings are very popular.


Domains; Artifice, Chaos, Darkness, Knowledge, Madness

Lyncus is worshipped as two distinct aspects. One is the Forgotten Word, a being whose shape is indistinct and unknowable but who grants hidden knowledge, and the other is the Spoken Truth, which is supposedly the true form of Lyncus and drives those who look upon it mad as the ultimate truths of reality are laid bare before them. The followers of Lyncus have no formal structure, and each one worships in their own unique way, with each one carrying a holy symbol special to them.


Domains; Animal, Healing, Plant, Water, Weather

Llir has, in all recorded logs of travel through the Astral, only been sighted once, but during this sighting it was both the sea and the sky, and those who witnessed it claimed to see strange and wondrous life swirling in its depths. While Llir has no formal church, many of its followers have come together and formed their own colony, calling themselves the Placid.


Domains; Charm, Community, Glory, Repose, Sun

The only god to take humanoid form, Heliac is also the only one to actively engage with its followers. In personality, Heliac is regal and commanding, and demands a certain hierarchy amongst those who worship it. Heliac loathes the undead, and the Luminous Church seeks the destruction of these abominations wherever they lurk. Heliac’s holy symbol is that of a seven-pointed star.

There are other gods, but these are the six most powerful ones.


As was also mentioned above, the Astral Plane is also the source of magic. Magic in its raw, energetic form can only exist in the Astral Plane, where it transforms thoughts and intentions into reality. In the Material Plane, it is forced into a form that is capable of coexisting with Material law. This is where mana crystals come from. Mana is not, in fact, an element native to our universe, and isn't even an element at all. Mana is raw magic, condensed into a form that that is compatible with the Material Plane. This is not yet known to the peoples of the Galaxy.

What is known is that mana releases magical energy when stimulated properly, in a process similar to how uranium produces radiation as it breaks down. Because of this, magic is classified as a form of radiation. The act of breaking mana down to create magic is called 'weaving,' an elven term for the process which gained popularity. What is also known is that electromagnetic fields tend to disrupt magic, though the reasons for this are unknown. As a result, races whose biochemistry contains high amounts of iron have difficulty weaving, and various magnetic metals are used in the construction of anti-magic armors, weapons, and defensive structures.

While there are many different style of weaving, some are more common than others. Listed below are the four most common methods.


Drawbacks; Extended Casting, Focus Casting, Prepared Casting, Verbal Casting, Touch of Light
Boons; Easy Focus, Metamagic Expert
Bonus Spell Points; +1, +1 per 6 levels in casting classes

A form of weaving wherein the caster channels magic through an object, Focus Weaving is one of the more common forms of weaving. Foci fall into two main categories: Artifacts and Holy Symbols. Artifacts are either objects which contain mana crystals or pure mana crystals carved into certain shapes. Artifacts function by storing a limited amount magic inside of the mana crystals. Once this magic is used up, the artifact must take time to recharge.

Holy Symbols are nearly identical to artifacts, with a few differences. Notably, they do not necessarily have to have mana crystals integrated into their designs. A holy symbol functions by drawing magic straight from its Astral patron through the association they share. They store magic just as artifacts do, but when they run out, time must be spent communing with the weaver’s deity in order to restore it.


Drawbacks; Draining Casting, Magical Signs, Painful Magic, Skilled Casting, Somatic Casting, Lycanthropic, Meld Into Dark, Personal Magics, Regenerate, Solo Combatant
Boons; Fortified Casting
Bonus Spell Points; +1 per odd level in a casting class

One of the more difficult ways of weaving magic, Blood Weaving is physically taxing for the user. Blood Weaving is only possible for those whose mana particles bonded to their own organic chemistry, making it difficult for races like the dwarves who have a high iron content in their bodies. Blood Weaving works by performing a specific action, which triggers a neurological response that charges the mana particles in the bloodstream, causing magic to be discharged. Much more instinctual and visceral than other forms of weaving, practitioners must be careful with their powers or risk bodily harm.


Drawbacks; Addictive Magic, Magical Signs, Wild Magic, Beast Soul, Material Focus, Animal Shaman, Focused Weather
Boons; Empowered Abilities
Bonus Spell Points; +1, +1 per 3 levels in casting classes

Despite the name, Terra Weaving is not solely reliant on being on-world. It actually manipulates the boundaries between the Material and Astral Planes in order to draw magic directly to the user from the source. It is most commonly used in less civilized stretches of space, as it is frequently used to influence the natural world. It is also the most common form of magic used in the Goldfang Supremacy, whose battledruids are feared across the galaxy.

Terra Weaving is very dangerous, however. Because they are weaving using what is essentially pure magic that is untainted by the Material Plane, unpredictable effects can sometimes occur. Additionally, many Terra Weavers report feeling a sort of itch in the backs of their minds when they begin weaving, which only grows stronger the more they do it. Many Terra Weavers fall into this addiction, growing more and more feral and unpredictable until they burn themselves out.

https://secure.static.tumblr.com/108abe3c5cee68e3888f35d9446e425e/mnkop9v/Tovnyvozp/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_du5am158bfccww8808kkww wgc_640.jpg

Drawbacks; Magical Signs, Material Casting, Lycanthropic, Deathful Touch, Destructive Touch, Bodily Enhancement, Personal Fate, Personal Illusion, Protected Soul, Personal Time, Solo Combatant, Personal Warp
Boons; Overcharge
Bonus Spell Points; none

Arguably the most common form of weaving, Shatter Weaving involves physically crushing mana crystals in order to unleash the magic inside of them for instantaneous effects. Less powerful than most other forms of weaving, as well as expensive, Shatter Weaving makes up for it by being simple, low risk, and incredibly flexible.

The Mana Drive

No conversation about magic is complete without the mention of the Mana Drive. Since it shares its name with the setting, you know it's a big deal.

The Mana Drive was invented by humans in the year 592.5, more than 300 years after the discovery of mana itself. Up until this point, all space travel was performed at sub-light speed. Colonization efforts required volunteers to live, breed, and die aboard liveships, which would be directed towards habitable worlds in nearby systems. This process was a slow affair, as crossing the interstitial void could take hundreds or even thousands of years.

The Mana Drive revolutionized space travel. By taking large quantities of mana crystals and spinning them at high speed around a supermagnet, the magnetic and magical fields would generate equal amounts of energy, and the mutual repulsion of the two fields would cause them to destabilize and punch a hole through the Material Plane and into the Astral. Material physics do not apply on the Astral Plane, making FTL a much easier task to perform. With this, traversing the expanses of space became a trivial thing, and humanity began to spread across space like a wildfire.

2016-02-19, 08:59 PM

The various playable races of the galaxy are somewhat different from their base Pathfinder counterparts. Additionally, a handful of brand new races exist. While I plan to eventually convert/create more races, presently there are seven races in Mana Drive. Many of these are still works in progress. Suggestions and criticisms are welcome.






