View Full Version : Storm Sorcerer Disappointment

2016-02-20, 04:11 PM
Am I the only one that is disappointed that storm sorcerers don't have Control Weather added to their spell list? I know it's not an earth shattering spell, and in most cases would be a stone cold waste of your spell slot, but it seems to me if anyone has access to it they should. It also could be your ace spell if you're doing a sea based campaign. "Yeah, I don't think we're going to have that hurricane today."

2016-02-20, 04:27 PM
Yea, storm sorcerer was much better in the UA.

2016-02-20, 04:36 PM
The most disappointing part of Storm Sorcerer, for me, was that losing all the domain spells means that I could not, in good conscience, continue to give wild sorcs and dragon sorcs domain spells too. I really loved the thought of wild sorcs getting randomly-rolled domain spells, and it had led to some awesome moments where underpowered spells that a sorc would normally never waste a known spells on (like Jump) turned out to be surprisingly useful in their niche.

I may someday revive that house rule, but for now I have nixed it, post-SCAG.

2016-02-20, 04:40 PM
I found it to be pretty strong and mechanically interesting.
Wasn't disappointed at all

2016-02-20, 04:47 PM
I have no idea why you don't simply homebrew a separate "additional spellcasting list" for each Sorcerer Origin.

This isn't a video game, this is a TRPG. If you're constantly being bound to printed rules even though you feel it's wrong, just throw out that rulebook and go discuss with the DM.

2016-02-20, 05:01 PM
I have no idea why you don't simply homebrew a separate "additional spellcasting list" for each Sorcerer Origin.

This isn't a video game, this is a TRPG. If you're constantly being bound to printed rules even though you feel it's wrong, just throw out that rulebook and go discuss with the DM.

Yeah, giving each Origin some 'domain spells' is a very good idea. I don't know what you'd do for Wild Mage, though - I really don't think randomly rolling them is a good idea. If you just roll once, you inevitably get stuck with an unbalanced list in some way; if you roll every day, that slows down play.

2016-02-20, 05:04 PM
Yeah, giving each Origin some 'domain spells' is a very good idea. I don't know what you'd do for Wild Mage, though - I really don't think randomly rolling them is a good idea. If you just roll once, you inevitably get stuck with an unbalanced list in some way; if you roll every day, that slows down play.

or just give them the colorful spells, like Color Spray and Prismatic Spray

2016-02-20, 05:22 PM
Yeah, giving each Origin some 'domain spells' is a very good idea. I don't know what you'd do for Wild Mage, though - I really don't think randomly rolling them is a good idea. If you just roll once, you inevitably get stuck with an unbalanced list in some way; if you roll every day, that slows down play.

You could either roll every day BEFORE play, or alternatively, have the DM create a spell list based on the personal history of the Wild Mage and how exactly he got his power (the actual origins of his wild magic).

2016-02-20, 05:27 PM
I have no idea why you don't simply homebrew a separate "additional spellcasting list" for each Sorcerer Origin.

This isn't a video game, this is a TRPG. If you're constantly being bound to printed rules even though you feel it's wrong, just throw out that rulebook and go discuss with the DM.

Oh, I'll talk to my group about it. It's just disappointing that Wizards didn't think to themselves "You know what, this really needs to be on their list. How can they be a Storm Sorcerer and not call and quell storms at will?"

2016-02-20, 05:29 PM
Yeah, giving each Origin some 'domain spells' is a very good idea. I don't know what you'd do for Wild Mage, though - I really don't think randomly rolling them is a good idea. If you just roll once, you inevitably get stuck with an unbalanced list in some way; if you roll every day, that slows down play.

"Getting stuck" with an "unbalanced" list isn't so bad. Most of the published domain spell lists are hit-or-miss in some way as well. The NPC Paladin/Wild Sorc that I had rolled up had:

1.) Jump, Sleep (both meh for the most part, although Jump was useful once against vampires on the ceiling)
2.) See Invisibility, Shatter (mostly meh but situationally useful)
3.) Blink, Lightning Bolt (yes!)
4.) Stoneskin, Ice Storm (Stoneskin is good, Ice Storm is okay-ish)
5.) Cone of Cold, Teleportation Circle (pretty decent)

Only one of these spells is one I would have chosen on purpose (Blink) but for "free" domain spells they're not bad. Unfortunately, now they are gone, because I don't like introducing house rules without a good reason, and now the reason is gone.

Rolling every day is an interesting idea, too.


Oh, I'll talk to my group about it. It's just disappointing that Wizards didn't think to themselves "You know what, this really needs to be on their list. How can they be a Storm Sorcerer and not call and quell storms at will?"

Well, of course they don't. What do Wizards care what happens to some punk Sorcer--oh. You mean WotC, the corporation. :)