View Full Version : Which animal has the best meat in the multiverse (or the most delicious plant)

2016-02-21, 02:02 AM
What's your answer?

In my game, the best meat comes from the floaty cows of the Elemental Plane of Air. Very, very tender meat.

2016-02-21, 08:10 AM
The tarrasque, of course! It's an unlimited food supply… for the tarrasque. :smalltongue:

EDIT: Speaking of floating cows (https://youtu.be/hbnE6dog1L0)…

2016-02-21, 08:15 AM
Without a doubt, the best (and most expensive) meat in the multiverse is Nessian Foie Gras...

... Just don't consider how it's made.

Slayer Lord
2016-02-21, 11:36 AM
Definitely the owlbear. They have this nice, earthy flavor and you get an extra serving of nutrients since it's both a mammal and a bird.

On the other hand, 9/10 lycanthropes agree that human is the tastiest of all.

2016-02-21, 08:21 PM
Human meat. Just like IRL.

2016-02-21, 08:30 PM
Axiomatic, vivacious chicken. The most perfect, life-giving chicken of all chickens. Doesn't occur naturally, must be bred.

Bobby Baratheon
2016-02-21, 10:08 PM
Human meat. Just like IRL.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi89t-JsorLAhUT3WMKHX80AFAQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffuturama.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FGlagn ar%27s_Human_Rinds&psig=AFQjCNFugK3RviFRkAyautuE4RGwXZUUgw&ust=1456196822803897

Glagnar's Human Rinds: Buncha muncha cruncha human!

2016-02-21, 10:14 PM
Human meat. Just like IRL.

So many things in d&d want to eat people that this is probably true.

2016-02-22, 01:44 AM
I'm pretty sure it's actually Halfling. Nine out of ten aboleths can't be wrong!

2016-02-22, 02:29 AM
Black pudding. That stuff just melts in your mouth.

2016-02-22, 06:20 AM
Were sheep commoners

2016-02-22, 08:56 AM
If you slough through my old posts i wrote some recipies at one point. I wont do it as i am on a tablet atm.