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View Full Version : Player Help Need to Spend 38K....

2016-02-21, 06:49 AM
I find myself having one...well ok a few of those ridiculous natural 20 rolls that we get.... Long story short I created a Large Solid gold Carriage valued at 80,000 gp I am hunting buddies with a Thrikreen who wields 6 kukuri and he needs 42k to do his stuff so I turn to you for advise on how my Character a Gargantuan Loxo can spend 38k on weapon and or armor enchants. I am lvl 1 war blade so if that even matters yea...THANKS

2016-02-21, 06:52 AM
I had an idea for using the Shrunken Build and instead of using shrunken id use gigantic needles because if I trained for an Hour with them id have the proficiency to wield them but that's a lot of cheese and i mean the fact that i have 36k for enchants at lvl 1 is redonkulous so maybe he'd allow that but id like something more original and/or fun.

2016-02-21, 06:56 AM
Before i answer, what level are the other members of the party?

2016-02-21, 07:00 AM
We are all lvl 1.

2016-02-21, 07:07 AM
We have a halfling rogue, Goliath Fighter, Tiny Thrikreen swordsage with insect template, Elven Druid, Mephling sorcerer, and then there's the Gargantuan Dragonborn Loxo Warblade with 40str 12dex 28con 15int 14wis 9cha. Who wants to wield the biggest thing he can and be the biggest thing he can as well.... Sorry for the edit did size increase wrong

2016-02-21, 07:22 AM

I mean no offense here, but I don't think your DM is terribly familiar with the system. For one thing, you're not level 1. A loxo warblade 1 is an 8th level chacter and a thrikreen <class> 1 is either level 2 or 4, depending on which version of thrikreen you're using. For another, 80k is dramatically more money than a level one party has any business having and 38k is more than the entire WBL of an 8th level character, IIRC.

On the upside, this means you're free to take whatever strikes your fancy as a cool option. Go nuts.

For a neat visual, you could take the flying enhancement for your weapon and use it to dash about in the air. Glamoured armor can be fun since it can look like any kind of outerwear you like. Any of the elemental damage enhancements are classic choices for a weapon and, IIRC, there's a weapon enhancement in MiC that does multiple elemental damage effects simultaneously. Vanishing armor is strictly better than being invisible unless your enemies' minds are shielded from mind-affecting effects.

There's all kinds of fun but not necessarily efficient enhancements out there and it looks to me like you've got cart-blanche to experiment with some of the wackier ones. There's an enhancement in the mini's handbook or heroes of battle that make your melee weapon explode on hit.

Just look around in various splats and grab whatever strikes you as cool or funny and roll with it.


We have a halfling rogue, Goliath Fighter, Tiny Thrikreen swordsage with insect template, Elven Druid, Mephling sorcerer, and then there's the Gargantuan Dragonborn Loxo Warblade with 32str 12dex 24con 15int 14wis 9cha. Who wants to wield the biggest thing he can and be the biggest thing he can as well.

Oh..... oh wow...... Everything I said before this^, double it. Either your DM has no idea what he's doing or is more than capable of working with whatever choices you might make. Possibly both.

Good luck.

2016-02-21, 07:44 AM
Yea DM not so on that... I normally play in a pretty serious game and i stumbled into this game and kinda went hmmmm this game has more cheese than a taco bell burrito.... but i want to milk it for all its got lol.... He also wiped my HD and made it a straight lvl modifier of 0.Also I took Dragon wings from the Dragonborn thing so flight not necessary

2016-02-21, 07:59 AM
Well you could use that money to graft yourself a skeleton dragon golem limb to have flat immunity to magic and an huge bonus to str(the -6 cha is less felt with magic immunity)

2016-02-21, 08:04 AM
You've got a druid and a sorcerer, so spell storing can be neat.

Passage from OA (adapted for a different setting) can be a neat way to get in and out of the ethereal during fights and infiltration.

Glassteel equipment (RoF version) is pretty awesome albeit quite expensive.

For a different sort of fun, you could pick up some figurines of wondrous power.

Displacement and greater displacement are hilarious for a ranged weapon. "Thunk! and now you're way over there." :smalltongue:

A personal favorite is the anyweapon from underdark. It can shift from whatever form its in to any other weapon you care for, even from turn to turn if you don't mind spending the actions.

If heavy customization is available, get an intelligent weapon with the MoF flying enhancement and the ability to cast alter self and you get a weapon that can turn into a minion for a while. That could be neat.

Without anything to go on, it's pretty difficult to make anything but generic, "herer's a cool thing" suggestions.

2016-02-21, 08:17 AM
Ribotootin Skyfellow Dreams of being a colossal creature some day wielding the most damaging weapon conceived.... IE atm im using a 20ft tree we carved into a Lucerin Hammer...

2016-02-21, 08:46 AM
Okay, size matters, that's pretty doable. How about a large or huge +1 skillful impact heavy adamantine minotaur hammer? 32.000 gp for the magic, 3000 gp for the adamantine. The resulting weapon is 3d8 (4d8 if huge) bludgeoning/17-20/x4, grants auto-proficiency and 3/4 base attack, and a +2 bonus to sunder weapons and shields. The weapon also weighs something like 100 pounds, or twice that if huge (60 pounds base + whatever for being a heavy weapon).

The skillful enchantment helps if you're taking War Hulk levels later on, which seems to suit your character pretty well. It also cancels out the need for EWP (heavy minotaur hammer).

2016-02-21, 08:56 AM
Currently Gargantuan so that would be slightly bigger and yea something of that sort but almost want a more fun roleplay type of thing... Already looking at warhulk as prestige as well.

2016-02-21, 01:55 PM
Currently Gargantuan so that would be slightly bigger and yea something of that sort but almost want a more fun roleplay type of thing... Already looking at warhulk as prestige as well.
Ah right, yes, as gargantuan hammer it'd be 6d8 damage.

2016-02-21, 06:04 PM
Colossal Oxidium Great Falchion +1 Kaorti Resin Keen Prismatic Spray
For a Weapon that does 8d6 dmg with a 15 to 20 crit range X4 crit with a fort save of 30 at lvl 1 or get afflicted with Rockjoint