View Full Version : Rules Q&A Switching Rings

2016-02-21, 04:44 PM
I've been wondering, What are the rules for switching between rings? It occurs to me that this isn't made particularly clear in the rules. In fact it's not even clear whether you would need to switch them physically; as far as I can tell you can tell you should be able to wear as many as you want as long as only two are active. This last point particularly raises a lot of questions as to when a ring is considered active ; so if a character has rings of protection, energy resistance, and feather falling on and jumps off a building can the ring of feather falling automatically deactivate one of the other two during the fall so it can turn on, and if so how does one turn them back on afterward, or do you even have to once the ring of feather falling is no longer active?

2016-02-21, 04:56 PM
Slotted items activate the moment you put them on in that slot. There's nothing you need to do to make this happen (and similarly there's nothing you can do to prevent it from happening, which is important in the case of cursed items). The first item put on dominates, and must be removed before another item can take its place (again, see cursed items for why this needs to be the case).

For example, putting on Gloves of Dexterity, and then putting on Gauntlets of Ogre Power over them, won't change the fact that Gloves of Dexterity still "own" the hands slot. The Gloves of Dexterity need to be removed (automatically deactivating them and freeing the hands slot) before the Gauntlets of Ogre Power can be put in and activated.

That means with rings, the first ring you put on takes up the finger slot. Putting on subsequent rings won't take over the finger slot. However, if you take off the first ring, the second ring will automatically take its place. That means you can (presumably as a move action, although maybe as a free or swift action if you have the Quick Draw feat) take off one ring and have the next in line take its place.

2016-02-21, 06:13 PM
IIRC, the rule is that only the most recenly donned slotted items function. As such, only the two rings you most recently slipped onto a digit will function and switching them is a matter of taking them off and putting them back on in a different order.

example; you have a ring of feather fall, invisibility, and fire resistancne.

You put them on in the order; FF, invis, FR and only the invis and FR will function. You start climbing a mountain and decide you want the FF active. You take the FF ring off and put it back on and now the FR and FF are active. Always the last 2 are active. Simple as that.

2016-02-21, 07:38 PM
Slotted items activate the moment you put them on in that slot. There's nothing you need to do to make this happen (and similarly there's nothing you can do to prevent it from happening, which is important in the case of cursed items). The first item put on dominates, and must be removed before another item can take its place (again, see cursed items for why this needs to be the case).

Usually, but a ring of Feather Falling explicitly activates when the wearer falls more than 5 feet

2016-02-21, 08:39 PM
Slotted items activate the moment you put them on in that slot.

Usually, but a ring of Feather Falling explicitly activates when the wearer falls more than 5 feet
These are two different meanings of the word "activate".

A Ring of Feather Falling is the same as any other ring, in that it's "active" and takes up a ring slot whenever it's placed in an unused ring slot. However, the Ring of Feather Falling's magic effect when actively worn is "just sit there and do nothing, except generate a Feather Fall spell effect if you fall more than 5 feet".

2016-02-21, 09:59 PM
IIRC, the rule is that only the most recenly donned slotted items function.

The rule in the Magic Item Compendium on page 218 states the opposite, that the first-worn item is the one that still functions.

2016-02-21, 10:47 PM
You have your answer quite clearly, now lets look at what you can do about it.

There is an item (a ring i think, so only partially helpful) that stores a complete set of equipment and swaps it for your current set. Magic items and all.

The other option is to remove and replace. Outside of combat, its a simple thing. In combat, it would likely be a move to take off the ring, and probably a standard to put another one on. It may be a free or a move to take a ring out of a pouch, or a full round if there are lots and you are looking for a particular one.

But nothing stops you enchanting the ring. Maybe you could get some sort of calling/banishing spell on them...