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View Full Version : (Fantasy Flight Games) Making a Jedi character

2016-02-21, 06:23 PM
My group recently started playing Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, our first-ever game in the FFG system. I made a skinny Twi'lek Scoundrel Gunslinger.

It's working out okay, but I also want to try a Jedi in this new system. I'm just a bit worried about survivability as a melee-fighter in a setting where everyone has guns, and lightsaber deflection only reduces damage.
I've been looking the Force and Destiny book over on Scribd, and while I still don't have a perfect grasp of the FFG systems, I'm thinking of going with a Sentinel: Shien Expert. From a roleplaying standpoint the stealthy skill selection makes sense given the period (Emperor having Force-users hunted and suppressed), and the talent tree gives early access to defence abilities.

I'm thinking of getting my XP up to 120 with the whole motivation thing, and:


Brawl 3, Agility 2, Intelligence 2, Cunning 2, Willpower 3, Presence 2.
(60 XP)

Talents: Reflect, Conditoned, Parry, Defensive Training
(25 XP)

Fifteen XP spent on skills.
(15 XP)

The Sense and the Foresee Force Powers.
(20 XP)

Look okay? I do feel the characteristics are rather low, but those are very expensive.

2016-02-23, 06:47 PM
Personally, I'd put attributes a little higher, yeah. But that's because I'm an attributes fanatic who always puts everything into attributes.

2016-02-23, 11:47 PM
Get Force Rating 2.

Tank your stats, ignore your skills, and beeline for that FR2, or you (the player) are going to be EXACTLY as whiny as Luke was in ep4 and 5, when you try to pull that lightsaber out of the snow and it only jiggles a bit.

2016-02-24, 12:56 AM
Keep in mind that the Jedi we see in the prequels/the Clone Wars are characters with around 1,000 xp above and beyond starting xp, at least. So don't be disappointed if you aren't as awesome as they are, to start with. Of course, if you're going for the "Block everything with my lightsaber and kill you with your own shots," type deal, then Shien Expert is pretty much what you want. You'll just need to wait a bit before you can truly be awesome.

The attributes vs. talents argument is a difficult one; if you pump your characteristics, you'll be a better all-round character, but as Rakaydos said you won't be doing much with the Force for a while. If you beeline for another Force Rating, you'll be much better with the Force, but that will basically be ALL you're good at. MY preference is the former, but it's up to you.

2016-02-24, 05:55 PM
Personally, I'd put attributes a little higher, yeah. But that's because I'm an attributes fanatic who always puts everything into attributes.

I did some rethinking, and yeah, I'm probably better off pulling back a bit with the Talents and Skills, and start with just Sense, in order to get Cunning up to 3. I like all-rounders, and a couple of good sessions will earn the XP for upgrading the other stuff.