View Full Version : Rules Q&A Can you turn a cursed item into a non-cursed one?

2016-02-22, 01:22 AM
We found an item (DM custom) that is cursed, my wolf touched it, and with a nat 20 check, we found out it lets you see any living thing within 80ft from you, in any direction, but you can't see anything else, and the effects last until the curse is removed, or the current wearer dies.

I was wondering if you can use a spell to un-curse it to be non-binding, or something.

2016-02-22, 01:39 AM
Have you tried Remove Curse (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/removeCurse.htm)?

2016-02-22, 01:41 AM
Have you tried visiting Curse Purge Plus?

2016-02-22, 01:46 AM
Have you tried Remove Curse (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/removeCurse.htm)?

I wasn't sure if remove curse removed it permanently on the item.

2016-02-22, 01:29 PM
I wasn't sure if remove curse removed it permanently on the item.

It doesn't.
If your dm gave you a powerful item with drawbacks, he did it for a reason. Don't be that guy.

2016-02-22, 01:44 PM
Remove Curse doesn't change the item, but it might allow you to remove it from the character.

Cursed items have a price, and that price probably includes a modifier for the drawback. If you bring the cursed item to an artisan with - in this case - Craft Wondrous Item, and get them to expend XP and GP to improve the item, you might be able to turn it into a non-cursed version.

2016-02-22, 01:55 PM
It doesn't.
If your dm gave you a powerful item with drawbacks, he did it for a reason. Don't be that guy.

Like the time that our DM have us a cursed wishing stone. Curse would kill the wisher. removed the curse. Stone was still evil and did it's best to twist the wish. All it did was cure the resurrected party member of his dhampirism which was a big part of his character. Annoyed the rest of the party though (the dhampir bit, not the cure) so no one else was particularly bothered.

2016-02-22, 02:46 PM
Yeah, Remove Curse explicitly doesn't make cursed items uncursed (though it does let you put them down, if it's the "can't put it down" kind of cursed item). Same with Break Enchantment. Remove Curse or Break Enchantment will free you from the effects and let you get rid of the item, but you can't keep the good effects without keeping the bad ones.

I don't know of a general-purpose method of permanently uncursing cursed items. I'm not sure that there's anything in the RAW that will work on every cursed item, probably by design. I mean, Disjunction will remove the curse, but it'll also remove the magic effects you wanted to keep, so that's not actually going to help. But I don't know of anything that will remove the bad and keep the good unless your GM chooses to allow such an effect.

And that's pretty much what it boils down to. Your GM made a custom cursed item, so it's up to them to create a custom way of removing the curse (if they choose to do so at all). I mean, you could always try Wish, but again, that's 100% GM discretion (uncursing a cursed item isn't on the clearly defined "safe list" of Wishes, so there's no guarantee that it'd do what you wanted in the way you wanted).

But yeah. You might see if you can wrangle a side quest or something to remove the curse without removing the magic. But unless your GM specifically wants you to be able to remove the curse, the best you could do would be to use Remove Curse and rid yourself of the item entirely.

2016-02-22, 05:25 PM
You can't de-curse it, but you have a few options.

Get a minion to wear it. Minions don't need sight if they just ride on your shoulder and alert you to weirdos sneaking up on you.
Load up on alternate sight modes. If you can't see anyway, the Blindfold of True Darkness is pretty awesome, granting you 60ft blindsight for no drawback.
Sell it. It's still a magic item. Somebody will want it.
Trick a bad guy into putting it on and then mob him with undead. Works best if your BBEG is gullible as all hell.