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View Full Version : DM Help How can character begin to fly after gaining wings?

Loyso Pondohva
2016-02-22, 05:11 AM
One of my characters (human) suddenly mutated gaining a pair of wings. So, how long will he take to learn flying and what kind of ability will it be? Just a skill or some set of feats? What bonuses to Jump will he gain?
By the way, can he use his wings as natural weapon or natural armor?

2016-02-22, 05:23 AM
Well, what do the rules say? If some sort of mutation just grants wings, but lists no fly speed or other relevant info, I might very well just rule the wings to be useless. If the rules by which the character came by their wings provide no mechanics for their use, but you do want them to be able to fly, I would make their fly speed 30, or maybe the same as their base land speed if they're a dwarf or catfolk or something, with average maneuverability. Also, give them a +10 to jump checks. This is pretty standard when compared to other sources of wings, such as the dragonborn template in Races of the Dragon. I'd let them figure it out after a day.

Loyso Pondohva
2016-02-22, 05:39 AM
I'm afraid that one day is to little to discover how to use wings and it would be better to gain this ability step by step. Any way thank you for help

2016-02-22, 05:47 AM
Eh, learning things is pretty easy in D&D. One skill point, boom! New language fluency.

2016-02-22, 08:52 AM
Vestigal wings (which they are at this point in time) grant a +10 bonus to jump

There is a set of feats for dragonblooded characters in Races of the Dragon. The first feat, Dragon Wings gives you wings but not the ability to fly. Instead the aformentioned +10 to Jump and the ability to glide. The feat Impoved Dragon Wings which can only be taken after level 6, gives you actual flight but only X amounts of time per day before becoming fatigued, until the character reaches a certain level/HD at which it becomes permanent flight. These effects are also granted 'for free' to Dragonborn character that take wings as their aspect. You could make a similar set of feats for your player, with the first one already granted to him.

Otherwise in Pathfinder there is the Fly skill (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/fly). You can easily take that and give it to the player (similar to the Control Shape skill for Lycanthropes) and allow him train and to make some sort of skill check DC ~20 every day and after X amount of successes, he can fly?

2016-02-22, 09:07 AM
In Pathfinder, Aasimar can take the Angelic Blood and Angel Wings feats to gain flying (2nd feat requires lvl 11). Perhaps some re-fluff of a similar feat. You could possibly make some cool pre-requisite of your own like "Must have glided for a total of 10 miles" which will make your player want to jump off high cliffs & mountains... could be a fun way to bring in some aerial encounter.

2016-02-22, 09:48 AM

Technically, he should be able to fly from the moment he got his wings(which, in most cases grant a Fly speed based on his land speed).

Of course, from a viewpoint that does not end with the RAW, I'd say a training period is in order. One that should not necessarily include further investiture of character building resources. If he's good at RP you can just get him to RP learning flying.

Past that, there are other bits of rules trivia that do not apply, but you might find useful in deciding how to handle this:
Pathfinder has a Fly skill.
Speed in other modes of movement grants +8 racial bonus to the relevant skill. For example a Swim speed grants a +8 racial bonus to Swim, a Climb speed grants a +8 racial bonus to Climb. For flight, I'd say it is logical a Fly speed grant +8 racial bonus to Jump.
You can also look at the Raptoran race's progression (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20050106b&page=1).

You might grant him the Fly skill as noted, but honestly, between vanilla RAW, I'd choose 3.5's flight maneuverability system over PFs Fly skill.
Or I could shill you my rework of the PF skill which combines both.