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2016-02-22, 01:24 PM
Baptism by fire

The Estalian war academy ...

A familiar place if there's any, with its slim and modern architecture.
The place where a rookie fighter grows up to become a fierce warrior, a petty thief a stealthy spy, and a timid devout the living embodiment of the Family's wrath.
Within these walls are crafted the finest weapons of the known world, some of them wonders of engineering, some of them elite forces.
During all your formation within the academy, you've been destined to become the latest.

As you're eating breakfast with the other aspirants in the mess hall, you can hear one of the drill sergeants, Soccorso, shouting : "Adelaide ! Ezio ! Scarlet ! You'd better get a move on upstairs!"

"Looks like general Geronzio wants to see you three..." he adds, with a menacing smile.

[sense motive] his smile is just a façade, he's actually scared or impressed, you can't tell.

2016-02-22, 01:46 PM
Mm-hm, Scarlet responds, paying no particular attention to the drill sergeant. Did you guys hear something about general Geronzio? We should probably check in with him, just to be sure.

Morbis Meh
2016-02-22, 03:05 PM
Adelaide reads silently to herself as she opens her mouth to insert whatever tasteless morsel has been give to them today, even if it was delicious it would be irrelevant since she cared not for the pleasures of food and viewed it only as a physiological imperative. Lately she had been brushing up on various political treatise stored in the library, her central HQ already had these bound and stored but this would be the first time she had the opportunity to browse them. The interruption by the drill sergeant was moderately aggravating but no one could really tell since her face was generally in a perpetual frown. Setting down here book, she regards the man with a piercing, yet cold glare "Sergeant, may I remind you that we are in fact indoors and no longer in basic training thus such a tone is not only inappropriate for the situation but quite disruptive for any parties not involved with the request. I understand the urgent nature of your order but you must learn more effective ways of communicating it than through sheer volume. I hope the next time you make such request that you demonstrate better etiquette, now carry on we shall be there before long."

Gracefully she rises from the table and takes a moment to ensure that her appearance is immaculate. Usually she was pretty good about remaining clean when ingesting sustenance but everyone made errors from time to time and it would not do to approach the General with piece of egg on one's clothing. She looks down at Scarlet and her frown slightly deepens "We are being summoned there is no question his intentions, honestly is it so difficult to pay attention? I can empathize with ignoring the Sergeant out of disfavor but such constant aloofness will not serve you well in the field Scarlet.

2016-02-22, 03:08 PM
Aloofness? I'm not aloof-I just don't care to be disrespected by petty little drill sergeants who couldn't past muster and so are stuck back here, training people better than them. And no, I don't mean mean just me, I mean gods-damned everybody here, Scarlet says. But yeah, sure, I'm aloof.

2016-02-22, 03:21 PM
Ezio had just lifted his fruit juice to his lips when the drill instructor called out his name as well as the two others. He of course knew them, though perhaps only so well as any other competing cadet could. He finished his drink in a few seconds and sat down his drink with a click on the table. He slide back his chair and stood up as Adelaide spoke back to the instructor.

He smiled softly as if only mildly bemused by her dressing down of the older man. He crossed around the table to the side of Scarlet and he said "Well I am fairly sure every eye in the hall is on us now." he said in a hushed tone knowing the dressing down had drawn the eye of everyone here. "Any ideas on what this is about?" He inquired as he followed them out.

2016-02-22, 03:24 PM
Some special assignment, probably. Modesty aside, I'm one of the better cadets, and I've got various unusual talents. From what I've seen of y'all, she says, gesturing to the other two, You've got talents and skill too. So it's going to be something unorthodox. What exactly though... No idea.

Morbis Meh
2016-02-22, 03:32 PM
Adel blinks while the red head vents, calmly waiting for her to finish, before raising a hand "Your frustrations are noted and are somewhat valid within certain parameters but such blatant disregard for protocol in a military organization is uncalled for. Someone with your qualifications should be aware of that and to that end attempt to set a better example for others, otherwise your claims in regards to your superiority will ring hollow." This series of statements is carried out in her dull, monotone voice with no emotion tied to them something that may or may not disturb onlookers.

She looks at Ezio with her cold gaze "Such matters are not of importance, in fact we should excuse ourselves to prevent further disruption of everyone's morning. As for your question, assumptions to the designs of our superiors is not an efficient means of discourse, it would be much simpler to do as ordered and discover first hand what our orders are." Not wishing to delay herself further she turns about and begins walking toward their ordered destination.

2016-02-22, 03:37 PM
Guh. I hate it when people like you have a good point, Scarlet says as she goes with the group.

2016-02-22, 03:50 PM
Ezio just looked at Adel as she spoke. He had a feeling if they where ordered to jump off a cliff she would be the first over. That that it was bad to follow orders, but pondering what was going on was only natural. He had not said they should delay in contemplation but it did not slow them to wonder as they walked.

"As you wish, let us go" was all he said aloud as he followed the ladies out.

2016-02-22, 04:06 PM
General Geronzio Faria. Perhaps one of this era most brillant military chief, now taking his "retirement" as the head of Estalia's military academy. A short and bulky man, but you only saw him once or twice during official speeches. He has a reputation of being a tough but fair leader.

You climb the stairs leading to the general's office, following Soccorso, his face red and looking obviously furious after Adeliade blunt words, but remaining silent.
"Here you go, rookies", he spits, opening the door of the general office and taking his leave.

Entering the General office, you can see a office kept neat and clean, with ornamented weapons and pieces of armors displayed on the walls. On his desk, you notice a map of Estalia's kingdom. The general is looking at the map with intense focus, barely noticing your arrival.

He finally raise his gaze to you.

"So you're the recruits I've heard so much about ...
You might think you’re tough. You probably are, if you stand here before me.
As you probably know, Estalia hegemony is challenged by the colonization of the new world. Neufen, especially, are stirring quite a lot of trouble, as they have gained access to heavy amounts of various minerals, meaning weapons, armor, that kind of stuff.
Well today's the big day, lads and girls, you're going on your first mission to protect Estalia position.
The mission is quite simple : Make sure the minerals never make their way back to Neufen.
Here's the intel we gathered so far" he says, handing you a sealed parchment.

"That's it. Dismiss. Your ship leave tomorrow morning at dawn. You're going to Haven first, to cover your tracks, where you'll take another ship to Neufen metropolis. from then, you're off to the new world, on Neufen settlement, as guards for the mines"

The general returns to his map, a frown on his face


-Neufen is settling on a part of the mainland rich in hill, mountain, and ore deposits
-The mines are constantly being attacked by small indigenous humanoids. They are not scholar genius, but they are sentient. (Ask smithy about a potion of tongues ?)
-The leader of the mining expedition might be vulnerable to bribery
-Neufen's army is on the lookout for an action from our part, a diplomatic incident could be devastating

Morbis Meh
2016-02-22, 04:23 PM
Adelaide ignores Sorroco's derisive tone and walks inside the office offering a well executed bow before standing at attention. She found it rather odd that the Commander would be so preoccupied when he had just sent for them by name nonetheless but she didn't allow such trivial minutiae to distract her. Adel accepts the document silently before bowing again after the dismissal, she surmised through his curt demeanor that the General did not have the time to address their concerns thus kept quiet.

Leaving the office she slowed her pace and waited for the others to catch up, she looked at Ezio in particular as she spoke "Now would be the appropriate time for discussion and theory, we only have a short window to address these matters between the three of us because the moment we step off Estalian soil this becomes a covert mission. May I suggest we adjourn to a more private locale?"

2016-02-22, 04:32 PM
Ezio nodded his head "Indeed, a place more private is in order." he glanced around without turning his head more then a little as if he was just looking at Scarlet when he spoke as well. "We should discuss this of course. I think its best to see where we all fit in the theme of this mission."

"So we can't go to the barracks to many people, perhaps a empty classroom" he inquired.

2016-02-22, 04:53 PM
Yeah. We'll just pretend Ezio's pretty enough to warrant alone time with two women, Scarlet says, laughing warmly.

Morbis Meh
2016-02-22, 05:02 PM
Adelaide regard's Scarlet quizzically in her standard deadpan stare "Physical attractiveness is not an accurate indicator of sexual stamina and from general observations the only logical conclusion is that Ezio lacks the stamina to deal with two people in such a situation; however, if you insist we can use that as a cover but I sincerely doubt that we would be questioned. Especially if we are going into a classroom, I think it would be more apt to suggest that he and I were tutoring you in your studies considering we are at the top of the class. No worries I shall not charge this time." If one were to study her face you would almost be able to detect a hint of a smile.

2016-02-22, 05:05 PM
You don't get it. I'm surrounded by boring people, Sacrlet bemoans. Right, here's an empty room-let's use this one, she says, opening the door and holding it for her compatriots.

2016-02-22, 05:09 PM
Ezio's face was a mask of annoyance, but with a hint of a smile tugging at the edge of his lips. "I am just gonna pretend Scarlet is a Mute" he said mostly to himself but the comment stood. He went to the door and he held it open "It will do. We need to get ready soon, so no time to waste." He said he looked to Adel and his smile was still there, if weak. "If we were tutoring that one.. we would need all week."

2016-02-22, 05:11 PM
Sorry, Ezio-just a joke. You're plenty handsome, Sacrlet says, walking into the room now that Ezio has taken over holding the door.

Morbis Meh
2016-02-22, 05:23 PM
Adel shakes her head while walking into the vacant room "I apologize but the purpose of Ezio and I's involvement is not to entertain you Scarlet so may I suggest dropping all hopes of being amused for all future instances. It will save us plenty of time and much drama I imagine. Now onto the details we are actually here to discuss: Our mission is primarily infiltration with the objective to disrupt mineral shipments. Due to the precarious nature between Neufen and Estalia we cannot do this openly thus we should very much need to accomplish this task using more subtle means."

She cracks the seal before quickly reading it, after she is complete she hands it off to the others "It would appear that we have several options available to us though the prospect of bribery is not one I am fond of considering. Unless we use such knowledge against the aforementioned party but who knows how well that would work. In my opinion our best chances would seem to lie with establishing a working rapport with the indigenous tribes of the region and working out a suitable arrangement. For this plan to work it would be best for Ezio to be the person to speak which requires aptitude in the local tongue and since we lack access to that a magical solution will have to do until we learn it ourselves. We can work out finer details if need be but caution must be stressed in these circumstances, now I know that Ezio is fluent in most of the languages that I am but I lack that information when it comes to you Scarlet, so I ask what languages are you fluent in?"

2016-02-22, 05:27 PM
And I'm gonna say this to you-we're trying to be covert, and there's nothing less covert than sticking out like a sore thumb on a dolphin because you have the emotional range of an expressive carrot. Crack a joke, smile, laugh, frown-but you gotta do something, otherwise, people are gonna notice you, and they ain't gonna be noticing you well, Scarlet says.

As for languages, I know trade common, obviously, and my mom taught me Ignan, but that probably won't be coming up.

2016-02-22, 05:32 PM
"She has a point" He cited to Adel. "The act is important on all parts" He looked back to Scarlet and sighed "Ok, speak purely in the trade dialect try not to slip into the capital tongue. It will show where you are from and can get us exposed."

"Now yes I am versed in the dialect of every island including Neufen and Haven. So I would be the best to speak. The trade tongue will be useful. I would suggest you create a story why you only seem to know that tongue. Perhaps you are from a trade family." He explained before looking to Adel "Now. yes infiltration would work best, but if we have an option to bride an official to bend their favor in our direction then as morally opposed as you might be, we are on a covert mission and it might be unavoidable."

Morbis Meh
2016-02-22, 05:52 PM
Adel blinks at Scarlet "I fail how to see a pragmatic disposition would be a hindrance to the mission, just because it is an uncommon behavioral trait doesn't mean it will draw suspicious. All I will need to say is that I am from Haven and due the tragedies associated with being a citizen of such a sad nation I am simply too depressed to speak in anything but monotone. In regards to your language I imagine you mean Estalian instead of common, a typical yet ill founded habit among the residents of this country, as for your other.... never heard of it meaning it would be wise for you to play mute or unintelligible foreigner. If you shared a different language it would make matters much simpler but it will have to do."

Turning her attention back to Ezio "Now in regards to the bribe, morals have no standing with me I am more concerned with the person becoming increasingly greedy and threatening to report us to his superiors. Such situations are delicate and require careful maneuvering besides once we are there our resources will be limited and it would be wise to be frugal with everything we have especially coinage. When it comes to speaking I also speak all the languages of the isles but as it is plainly observable I tend to lack the social niceties required for negotiations not to mention basic day to day conversations."

2016-02-22, 06:33 PM
"So what will our cover story be? We are to infiltrate the mainland community and disrupt or more than likely stop further shipments of minerals to the island of Neufen, so how do we make contact? Do we just arrive as adventurers wishing to explore? AWOL soldiers? Lovers on a romantic exotic journey?" he asked the last two causing larger smiles to appear on his face. "We will need to construct these cover stories quickly."

2016-02-22, 07:46 PM
We should ground it in the truth. That's the best way to lie. With that in mind, probably be best to go as either adventurers or lovers, since we can actually do that, Scarlet says, grinning back at Ezio. Although if my mother found out I was honeymooning on some two-bit island, she would murder me.

As for disrupting shipments, fire is always an option. Burnt ships carry no cargo, or however the saying goes.

Morbis Meh
2016-02-23, 02:14 PM
Adel watches the two with little interest "Lover would work only for two, adventurers would be met with some degree of scrutiny, though it would allow us to move around more freely... I propose a little of column A and some of B: You two are a couple who have been hired by myself as muscle for an expedition to the new world. My tasks are cartography and detailed writings on indigenous life forms of the new world including but not limited to: plants wild life and cultures of sapient peoples. That way I do not have to adjust my behaviour and you two can lock yourselves up in a room and get the disappointment over with."

2016-02-23, 02:19 PM
Ezio rolled his eyes at her last comment "It is suitable enough to get us to the islands and possibly to the mainland. But we must be ready to shift our story should it come to it. When we arrive in Haven before Neufen we will see if the story holds there. If not we will adapt." He nodded in agreement with himself. "Now, ladies. Should we see if we can fetch up our supplies?"

2016-02-23, 02:22 PM
Right enough. Though is there any way we can make our story more official? Get you a cartographers license or someit? Scarlet asks.

Morbis Meh
2016-02-23, 02:42 PM
Adel looks at her coolly "That is not needed, I just show them this," She pulls out her travelogue "and they will know I am a Chronicler of the Church of the Teacher, they wouldn't be stupid enough to stop me. Now I agree with Ezio's suggestion, grab what you need before we head out since this will be the last time we have easy access to anything."

2016-02-23, 02:52 PM
Ezio nodded his head as Adel spoke and then looked to Scarlet "Find something fitting for a married couple, perhaps bracelets or rings you can if someone asks or notices we have no sign of this marriage"

2016-02-23, 03:09 PM
I'm not much one for jewelry, but I can pick up a ring cheaply. Ezio, deary, why don't we pick them up together, so we can get matching ones? Scarlet says. Blech. It's gonna take some time before-no, you know what? I'm just not gonna go with stuff like "deary". Just ain't me. Better if I just speak how I speak, sound natural and all. Anyway, we should get matching rings. I can pay for yours, if you want.

2016-02-23, 04:28 PM
"I can pay for my own, I dont think they will be more than 4 or 5 gold" he reaches into the pouch on his side and pulls out four gold coins. "I don't carry much with me but here" he said holding them out to her "We really should not get bogged down in the make believe, but it is important."

2016-03-12, 09:04 PM
Alright, Scarlet says, and heads to the market first to get rings with Ezio, then to the docks to depart.

2016-03-13, 04:48 AM
You head to Estalia's market, on the main place. On a small shop nearby the dyers, you're able a pair of patching rings for a dozen of gold pieces "I assure you m'am, these rings are magic ! They can protect your love from anything !"

As it's getting late, and the ship's leaving only in a few hours now, you decide to take a bed in a inn the Estalian army have an agreement with.
The inn is clean, well maintained, and full of soldiers relaxing before or after an assignment.

You close your eyes and you're starting to feel ... different.

You're floating in the air, in a cold and barren land. on the ground, you can see lakes of various size, and, sometimes, pillars of boiling water sprouting from the grey, naked soil.
Suddenly, you can ear a piercing screech. A dark figure fly towards you. As you raise your arm, the figure, which you can now clearly see as an eagle made of obsidian, lands on it. He start gazing at you, two beads of amber, seemingly looking at your soul itself. A deep voice resounds "Hasten yourself, Dreamers ! Join me in the awakened world, as the dreamscape is in peril."
The eagle takes off as you carry on floating and gliding above the tundra.
Suddenly, the bird seems to freeze, as if time itself stopped. He spreads his wings, slowly taking the shape of a old man, radiating tremendous power. An elder warrior, clad in a iridescent armor, and wielding a dark sword, sculpted in a shard of starry sky. He calls out to you "Hasten yourself, Dreamers ! Join me in the awakened world, as gods are dying ..."

When you decide to go to sleep, read this You're floating in the air, in a cold and barren land. on the ground, you can see lakes of various size, and, sometimes, pillars of boiling water sprouting from the grey, naked soil.
Suddenly, you can ear a piercing screech. A dark figure fly towards you. As you raise your arm, the figure, which you can now clearly see as an eagle made of obsidian, lands on it. He start gazing at you, two beads of amber, seemingly looking at your soul itself. A deep voice resounds "Hasten yourself, Dreamers ! Join me in the awakened world, as the dreamscape is in peril."
The eagle takes off as you carry on floating and gliding above the tundra.
Suddenly, the bird seems to freeze, as if time itself stopped. He spreads his wings, slowly taking the shape of a old man, radiating tremendous power. An elder warrior, clad in a iridescent armor, and wielding a dark sword, sculpted in a shard of starry sky. He calls out to you "Hasten yourself, Dreamers ! Join me in the awakened world, as gods are dying ..."

When you decide to go to sleep, read this You're floating in the air, in a cold and barren land. on the ground, you can see lakes of various size, and, sometimes, pillars of boiling water sprouting from the grey, naked soil.
Suddenly, you can ear a piercing screech. A dark figure fly towards you. As you raise your arm, the figure, which you can now clearly see as an eagle made of obsidian, lands on it. He start gazing at you, two beads of amber, seemingly looking at your soul itself. A deep voice resounds "Hasten yourself, Dreamers ! Join me in the awakened world, as the dreamscape is in peril."
The eagle takes off as you carry on floating and gliding above the tundra.
Suddenly, the bird seems to freeze, as if time itself stopped. He spreads his wings, slowly taking the shape of a old man, radiating tremendous power. An elder warrior, clad in a iridescent armor, and wielding a dark sword, sculpted in a shard of starry sky. He calls out to you "Hasten yourself, Dreamers ! Join me in the awakened world, as gods are dying ..."

2016-03-13, 11:27 AM
Weird dream... Scarlet mutters to herself when she awakens. She then sets out from the inn, looking for her companions.

2016-03-13, 09:20 PM
Ezio woke up and he stroked his head, blinking his eyes to knock the sleep out of his eyes. "That was..the gods are dying?" he asked himself aloud and he stood up and began to stretch his arms over his head and he listened to see if anyone was up.

Morbis Meh
2016-03-14, 12:06 PM
Adel lay restless in the small hours of the morning, disturbed by her rather vivid dream. It was too specific and unexpected to be a mere coincidence and as a result she quietly rose from her bed and recorded the dream in her travelouge as accurately as she could possibly recall. At a more acceptable time she would attempt to commune with a fellow chronicler through the book to discover more information in regards to this 'dreamscape' or an awakened world. The fact that the figure within the dream alluded to the fact that gods themselves were dying was unsettling but she would be cautious and seek guidance before acting on impulse born from unease.

She rose with the dawn and silently finished her preparations, cat meowed in annoyance at being disturbed so early but its protests were readily ignored as the woman wordlessly left her room.

2016-03-14, 12:15 PM
When Scarlet meets up with the others, she greets them with a Hey. You guys ready?

2016-03-14, 06:38 PM
Ezio smiles politely to his team and he bows his head in greeting "I am ready, I hope you slept well" He said not revealing his odd dream to them yet. It was not important enough to hang the mission on.

Morbis Meh
2016-03-16, 10:54 AM
Adel looks quizzically at the others, she understands the morning pleasantries as a socially acceptable protocol but the redundant question in regards to preparation was baffling "I am unable to comprehend why people feel the need to inquire to other's preparations, I understand some people lack efficiency but it is highly illogical that one would meet at an agreed location previous to being prepared."

2016-03-23, 04:19 PM
Can I, you know... Just slap her? Just a little bit? Scarlet asks. Either way, let's get going, before you says something else to drive me off the wall.

2016-03-24, 03:25 AM
Ezio smiled a little and he shook his head "No I think that will only cause more problems, but getting underway is a good idea. Lead the way my friend." He offered his hand out to show her to take the lead.

2016-04-08, 09:21 AM
As the group is discussing, an Estalian soldier comes to you, visibly in a hurry
"Are you the "special task force" we've heard so much about ?
Quick, follow me to the ship, we are waiting on you to leave for Haven !"