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2016-02-22, 01:30 PM
Baptism by fire

The Estalian war academy ...

A familiar place if there's any, with its slim and modern architecture.
The place where a rookie fighter grows up to become a fierce warrior, a petty thief a stealthy spy, and a timid devout the living embodiment of the Family's wrath.
Within these walls are crafted the finest weapons of the known world, some of them wonders of engineering, some of them elite forces.
During all your formation within the academy, you've been destined to become the latest.

As you're eating breakfast with the other aspirants in the mess hall, you can hear one of the drill sergeants, Soccorso, shouting : "Anda ! Garrick ! Kieran ! You'd better get a move on upstairs!"

"Looks like general Geronzio wants to see you three..." he adds, with a menacing smile.

[sense motive] his smile is just a façade, he's actually scared or impressed, you can't tell.

2016-02-22, 02:42 PM
Anda begins walking at a sedate pace, neither hurrying nor going slowly, while sporting a bored expression. She ignores others that greet her other than with a perfunctory lifting her hand in return, not even bothering to look around.

2016-02-22, 06:30 PM
Garrick got up with exaggerated enthusiasm and gave a mocking smile right back for a moment. "Let's go, Kieran, mustn't keep the General waiting." He adjusted his rifle's sling a little as he moved to follow Anda upstairs.

2016-02-22, 07:09 PM
Kieran's head turns at his name being called. While he didn't need the food, it felt normal to still go through the motions. Straightening up, he stretches and follows the pair.

"What do you think." he mutters to Garrick as they walked upwards, "Intel or combat?"

2016-02-23, 01:58 AM
"Who knows? Either one always leads to the other, anyhow," Garrick shrugged.

2016-02-23, 02:01 AM
Anda turns at the top of the steps and looks sideways at the two jabber-mouths without ceasing her steps, "There is no point in conjecture, and I suspect we will be informed soon enough.

2016-02-23, 08:48 AM
General Geronzio Faria. Perhaps one of this era most brillant military chief, now taking his "retirement" as the head of Estalia's military academy. A short and bulky man, but you only saw him once or twice during official speeches. He has a reputation of being a tough but fair leader.

You climb the stairs leading to the general's office, following Soccorso.
"Here you go, rookies", he spits, opening the door of the general office and taking his leave.

Entering the General office, you can see a office kept neat and clean, with ornamented weapons and pieces of armors displayed on the walls. On his desk, you notice a map of Estalia's kingdom. The general is looking at the map with intense focus, barely noticing your arrival.

He finally raise his gaze to you.

"So you're the recruits I've heard so much about ...
You might think you’re tough. You probably are, if you stand here before me.
As you probably know, Estalia hegemony is challenged by the colonization of the new world. Neufen, especially, are stirring quite a lot of trouble, as they have gained access to heavy amounts of various minerals, meaning weapons, armor, that kind of stuff.
Well today's the big day, lads and girls, you're going on your first mission to protect Estalia position.
The mission is quite simple : Make sure the minerals never make their way back to Neufen.
Here's the intel we've gathered so far" he says, handing you a sealed parchment.

"That's it. Dismiss. Your ship leave tomorrow morning at dawn. You're going to Haven first, to cover your tracks, where you'll take another ship to Neufen metropolis. from then, you're off to the new world, on Neufen settlement, as guards for the mines"

The general returns to his map, a frown on his face


-Neufen is settling on a part of the mainland rich in hill, mountain, and ore deposits
-The mines are constantly being attacked by small indigenous humanoids. They are not scholar genius, but they are sentient. (Ask smithy about a potion of tongues ?)
-The leader of the mining expedition might be vulnerable to bribery
-Neufen's army is on the lookout for an action from our part, a diplomatic incident could be devastating

2016-02-23, 03:48 PM

-Neufen is settling on a part of the mainland rich in hill, mountain, and ore deposits
-The mines are constantly being attacked by small indigenous humanoids. They are not scholar genius, but they are sentient. (Ask smithy about a potion of tongues ?)
-The leader of the mining expedition might be vulnerable to bribery
-Neufen's army is on the lookout for an action from our part, a diplomatic incident could be devastating

Anda turns and leaves, squeezing out between the other two. She returns to the barracks at her normal pace, prepares and begins to go about her duties for the day.

2016-02-23, 08:32 PM
Garrick nodded understanding as the General spoke, then saluted and left when dismissed. He couldn't resist another grin as Anda brusquely squeezed past them. As soon as all three were out of the office, he asked "What's got you so bothered this morning?"

2016-02-23, 11:00 PM
Having not yet re-donned her armor after today's 'disciplinary review' Anda stops, and strips the top half of her robe down to her waist, displaying bright lines of red and pink across her back, where the lashings, though healed, are still recovering as scars... the remains of tiny red streamers are still visible. In a monotonous tone, without looking back she replies "Any more questions?" and then proceeds down into the barracks, picks up a clean robe from her footlocker, and heads for the baths.

2016-02-24, 05:17 AM
Kieran's eyes widened as the three received their assignment. He opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it once they were dismissed. Allowing Anda to take the fore, Kieran could not hold back his own smile at Garrick's words. Anda's actions, though not understood by many, had their own code to hold to. The marks on her back were not unexpected, but a clear sign she had achieved a desired result in an undesired way.

As she walked away, Kieran wondered what it would be like on this assignment. While he had no doubt about any of their abilities, the paths to success seemed varied indeed.

"An assignment like this gives us a lot of room for creative thinking," Kieran commented. "I can't help but wonder if we should try to implicate one of the other colonies."

2016-02-24, 12:10 PM
"Only way to do it, as far as I can imagine. Whatever we end up doing, the Neufen authorities will want answers," Garrick reasoned. "A mining operation of strategic importance... hard to put a permanent lid on an operation of that size without simply taking over."

2016-02-24, 04:47 PM
"Only way to do it, as far as I can imagine. Whatever we end up doing, the Neufen authorities will want answers," Garrick reasoned. "A mining operation of strategic importance... hard to put a permanent lid on an operation of that size without simply taking over."

"Aren't you mistaking Strategic Importance' for 'Operation Size'. A small mine that produces Mithril is still of strategic importance... I think we should try to find a means of taking whatever they produce for ourselves." She lifts the top half of her robe back into position and slings the clean one over her shoulder. "Good Idea right? Just imagine if we manage to get some gems or ore. There's nothing in the regulations that is directly against taking advantage of opportunities like this."

2016-02-25, 12:16 AM
"As long as we don't get caught with it. Doesn't matter how well things go if we're seen with our pockets overflowing. If it's hidden well, it's just resources out of their hands and into ours." Kieran rubs his chin in contemplation. "What's our diplomatic situation with Haven? Our stop there could be useful for supplying with insignias, depending on who gets to take the fall. Who else is Neufen keeping an eye out for these days?"

2016-02-25, 12:20 AM
"As long as we don't get caught with it. Doesn't matter how well things go if we're seen with our pockets overflowing. If it's hidden well, it's just resources out of their hands and into ours." Kieran rubs his chin in contemplation. "What's our diplomatic situation with Haven? Our stop there could be useful for supplying with insignias, depending on who gets to take the fall. Who else is Neufen keeping an eye out for these days?"

"We could always see if we can find someone in Intelligence to give us the standard military marker for a low ranking officer of some other nation, and 'accidentally' leave it there." She sighs, "In any case, I'll leave such preparations to you, I'm going to go take a bath and wash the blood off. Then, I'm going to try making some potions." She turns and heads towards the baths with her toiletries.

2016-02-25, 06:21 PM
"'Strategic importance' generally means a large garrison, and close scrutiny by bureaucrats as well as guards. Bean-counters go nuts when the coppers don't add up, never mind the mithril, so they'll already be watching like hawks to see if the foreman's been skimming off the top. I'm not against the idea, mind you, I'm just saying that diverting the shipments in any direction won't be a permanent solution."

2016-02-25, 07:16 PM
"We could try to unite the natives there against the mine as a permanent fix. Get the pygmys to abandon their guerrilla actions in favor of all out combat." Kieran directs a wry grin at Anda's retreating form. "And I'm sure one of us could soften up the guard with a few well placed poisons in the supplies."

2016-02-28, 05:06 AM
A curt two hours later Anda exits the bath, and walks into the Bunkhouse (read barracks) in full view of everyone. Heading over to her footlocker she pulls her robe on, and takes out her clothes, puts them on and retrieves her Cauldron and Alchemy supplies. She then turns and heads outside, moving over to the area on the grounds reserved for such practices she begins brewing potions of cure light wounds, heading back and forth from the commissary to purchase ingredients.

She brews three potions of Cure Light Wounds, spending seventy-five gold on the ingredients required, and spending six hours at the task.

She then cleans her cauldron out, rinses and scrubs it thoroughly, and returns to the Barracks in which she swiftly begins packing all of her belongings inside of her Haversack before getting attempting two hours of sleep, assuming no interruptions. (Which is all she needs, thank you ring of sustenance).

She then recites her prayers to regain her spells, dons her armor, equips her buckler, and sheathes her sword on her back.

Anda is now waiting for the other lazy bums to get up so that they can go kill some people. She bounces on the balls of her feet in anticipation... which disturbs some others as her face is blank. :xykon:

2016-02-28, 01:50 PM
Garrick had only to requisition a resupply of ammunition. He spent the remaining time gathering up and reading everything he could on the New World colonization effort, especially those of Neufen.

2016-02-28, 05:28 PM
As the three each prepare in their own way, Kieran focuses on actions at the mine itself. He spends his day reading into the Neufen diplomatic alliances as well as who they are not friendly with. The indigenous tribe also catches Kieran's eye and he researches all he can regarding their skirmishes with the colony.

Seeing a potential ally, or even a group to pin the operation on, Kieran also requisitions several potions of tongues to bridge the communication gap.

Finally, Kieran looks into current army attire for the various colonies, even as far away as Kaltjore. Should there be an opportunity to throw blame towards one of them, they need to be ready to do so.

2016-03-10, 04:58 PM
According to estalian intel, the local folks are called "Elfenschweine" by the settlers, which could be translated as something like "pig elves" in common, due to their ressemblance to humanoids pigs. They are organized in small tribes, an they live in small communities in caverns. There is no evidence they know how to use fire, as they wield primitive weapon and wear crude armor made of stone and wood. However, they appear to be excellent artisans and warriors. No estimation of their numbers is currently available.

About Neufen alliances, you find no information, although there appears to be no open conflict between the city states at the moment. Maybe a sign of an arrangement against Estalia ?

You go to Smithy for the potion of tongues, as he's in charge of the inventory. He's a slim and elegant gnome, with an always well maintained moustache. "Potion of tongues ? That stuff ain't cheap you know, even if it's for a mission, i'll need 375 gold pieces for each potion. Damn rookies, always going like : "I want this ! I want that ! Do you want us to go straight into bankruptcy ?
And about those outfits ? yeah sure, of course, let me get that for you""

You go to Smithy, a slim and elegant gnome, with an always well maintained moustache, in charge of the inventory. "Here you go, lad, have fun poking hole into people !", he says, handing you a bag full of ammunition.

Your research gives you no fresh information, aside from the fact that the city states seems to have made some kind of truce in their constant strife since they started to colonize the new world.

After brewing your potions (and making a few young students pass out), you turn to your to your bunk to sleep.
As you close your eyes, you're starting to feel ... different.

You're floating in the air, in a cold and barren land. on the ground, you can see lakes of various size, and, sometimes, pillars of boiling water sprouting from the grey, naked soil.
Suddenly, you can ear a piercing screech. A dark figure fly towards you. As you raise your arm, the figure, which you can now clearly see as an eagle made of obsidian, lands on it. He start gazing at you, two beads of amber, seemingly looking at your soul itself. A deep voice resounds "Hasten yourself, Dreamers ! Join me in the awakened world, as the dreamscape is in peril."
The eagle takes off as you carry on floating and gliding above the tundra.
Suddenly, the bird seems to freeze, as if time itself stopped. He spreads his wings, slowly taking the shape of a old man, radiating tremendous power. An elder warrior, clad in a iridescent armor, and wielding a dark sword, sculpted in a shard of starry sky. He calls out to you "Hasten yourself, Dreamers ! Join me in the awakened world, as gods are dying ..."

2016-03-10, 09:36 PM
Andra sits upright, and rubs her eyes, heads to the washrooms and scrubs her face, cleans her hair, her nails etc, meticulously, then heads back into the main Barracks, picks up her bag and heads outside while muttering to herself, apparently in a dark mood.

2016-03-10, 10:21 PM
"It never gets old," Garrick grinned in response as he took his pouch of ammo. It was good to have a moment of levity in between his disappointing search for detailed information. Disappointing, but not surprising that no detailed information had trickled out this far yet.

The next morning, he was bathed, shaved, and ready at dawn. A light coat of new oil shone faint but proud on the metal parts of his rifle, which he had slung in its customary position in front of him. Seeing Andra's expression, he asked her, "That disappointed to be leaving, huh?"

2016-03-10, 10:30 PM
"It never gets old," Garrick grinned in response as he took his pouch of ammo. It was good to have a moment of levity in between his disappointing search for detailed information. Disappointing, but not surprising that no detailed information had trickled out this far yet.

The next morning, he was bathed, shaved, and ready at dawn. A light coat of new oil shone faint but proud on the metal parts of his rifle, which he had slung in its customary position in front of him. Seeing Andra's expression, he asked her, "That disappointed to be leaving, huh?"

She tilts her head to the side and looks at him askance, "The Gods are Dying." then turns to face forward once again.

2016-03-10, 10:47 PM
"Spooky," Garrick snorted. "What does that even mean? Surely you're not being literal."

2016-03-10, 10:51 PM
"Spooky," Garrick snorted. "What does that even mean? Surely you're not being literal."

"Uncertain. It was a message given to me, telling me to hurry. But where and for what purpose..." She shrugs, "Let us hope it is not literal."

2016-03-11, 03:49 PM
"Hurry? We're just getting started." Kieran jogs up to the pair with a big grin on his face. His enthusiasm is apparent, though his smile falters at Andra's dire expression. "Was there something I missed?"

2016-03-12, 02:54 AM
"A message from the Gods." She looks around in boredom. "Shall we go now, or stand around talking until the sky falls?"

2016-03-12, 02:30 PM
"I'm good to go." Kieran adjusts the pack on his back and sighs. "I was able to find out a few things about the pygmies attacking Neufen. Funnily enough, the settler's name for them crudely translates to Pig Elves. No idea what they call themselves, but these "Elfenschweine" are accomplished artisans and warriors. They only seem able to work with simple stone and wood tools, so they must be in large numbers to have held their own for so long."

2016-03-13, 04:35 AM
"Let's get going. Plenty of time to talk in transit." Garrick gestured to the group to depart. "Could be numbers, could just be that they know the land better than newcomers. They're said to be pygmies, but just how small are they?"

2016-03-13, 12:29 PM
Andar stares at Garrik pointedly. :smallannoyed:

"I would guess they are about my size. So they probably use Ambush Tactics."

2016-03-13, 01:04 PM
"No mention was made to their size, but I think pygmy may have been more of a slander than anything. The texts didn't give me the sense that they were exceptionally tiny." Kieran paces thoughtfully towards their departure point at Garrick's motion. "They live in a number of small communities, though their total number is unknown. Appearances seem to point to them living in harmony within themselves so I'm guessing a number of communities are aligned against this mine. They may not have even mastered fire yet, so simple clubs and stone weapons are what they're using."

He turns to look at Andra. "With such simple weapons, I think you're right. Traps, guerrilla tactics and hit and run maneuvers are very likely. I can't see them being able to combat the mining operation on even terms..
"Though, if their numbers were sufficient, they could very well overwhelm a better armed group."

2016-03-13, 01:44 PM
"No mention was made to their size, but I think pygmy may have been more of a slander than anything. The texts didn't give me the sense that they were exceptionally tiny." Kieran paces thoughtfully towards their departure point at Garrick's motion. "They live in a number of small communities, though their total number is unknown. Appearances seem to point to them living in harmony within themselves so I'm guessing a number of communities are aligned against this mine. They may not have even mastered fire yet, so simple clubs and stone weapons are what they're using."

He turns to look at Andra. "With such simple weapons, I think you're right. Traps, guerrilla tactics and hit and run maneuvers are very likely. I can't see them being able to combat the mining operation on even terms..
"Though, if their numbers were sufficient, they could very well overwhelm a better armed group."

"Have you ever seen a line of well trained Slingers? Metal isn't necessary for slaughtering an opposing force. Not to mention there are always stone arrowheads. My point is: Assume the worst, hope for the best."

2016-03-15, 09:08 AM
They might not be able to stand up in a straight fight but they can cause trouble. They can deny the use of the surrounding land for hunting and such, forcing the settlers to rely on resupply. Anyone wanting to travel has to go in large, well-armed groups and even then it's risky." Garrick shrugged. It'd be what he would do.

2016-03-15, 12:03 PM
"Well, they could set the forest on fire. Fire tends to work pretty well."

2016-03-15, 12:29 PM
"I doubt they'd do anything to jeopardize the area in general. They may be far behind in many respects, but nothing about what I read would they be willing to sacrifice so much. The forest is their home, after all." Kieran chuckles. "In fact, there was a specific mention that they may not have even mastered fire yet. No idea how true this was, though. Some reports are less eloquent than others."

2016-03-15, 12:45 PM
Anda deadpans, "The colonists haven't learned fire yet? Egads, what country do they come from?"

2016-03-15, 01:04 PM
"I'm assuming the colonies have fire, especially if they're mining. The Elfenschweine, however, may not have mastered it."

2016-03-15, 01:23 PM
"How exactly are you missing my point? The area is forested, the Pigmies are a problem... set the forest on fire." She stops for a moment, "Actually, we could just set the forest on fire... That would be an efficient means of ending their mining operations, assuming they do not use countermeasures."

2016-03-15, 01:39 PM
Kieran fixes his gaze on Andra at her response."The mining operation is our enemy and their enemy is the Elfenschweine; why not see if we can have them do the work for us? We're being sent as a dagger to prick a specific point in Neufen. We can't assume that this region is so disposable as to torch it without thought." He inhales and sighs slowly. "If it does come to all or nothing, I'll be right next to you lighting the fire. But not until then. Besides," Kieran adds with a laugh, "if the minors are busy fighting the Elfenschweine, you can have your pick from the fruits of their labor."

2016-03-15, 04:36 PM
"If the garrison commander is competent at all, he will have cleared the forest in a wide area around the mine, if they didn't already do so for firewood. And using the natives to do the wet work for us would avoid causing a diplomatic incident."

2016-04-08, 06:05 AM
Kieran fixes his gaze on Andra at her response."The mining operation is our enemy and their enemy is the Elfenschweine; why not see if we can have them do the work for us? We're being sent as a dagger to prick a specific point in Neufen. We can't assume that this region is so disposable as to torch it without thought." He inhales and sighs slowly. "If it does come to all or nothing, I'll be right next to you lighting the fire. But not until then. Besides," Kieran adds with a laugh, "if the minors are busy fighting the Elfenschweine, you can have your pick from the fruits of their labor."

"I'm not a miner, what would I do with a Pick?"

2016-04-08, 09:20 AM
As the group is discussing, an Estalian soldier comes to you, visibly in a hurry
"Are you the "special task force" we've heard so much about ?
Quick, follow me to the ship, we are waiting on you to leave for Haven !"

2016-04-08, 09:23 AM
Andra follows sedately. :smallsigh: "Haste makes waste, and rubbing things quickly makes fire."

2016-04-08, 03:07 PM
Kieran rolled his eyes at Anda's response to him; he didn't doubt for a moment she knew he wasn't being literal. This is going to be an interesting first assignment.

As the trio strode forward in silence, Kieran contemplated his companions. He really didn't know too much about them, but he had heard far more about Anda than he had Garrick. He had always wondered how much of the gossip had been true and how much was fabricated. If anything, Kieran knew not to-

The sound of pounding steps jolts Kieran out of his thoughts as the soldier runs up to them. Nodding wordlessly, Kieran sets his pace to match.

2016-04-09, 02:19 AM
"Who've you been hearing 'so much' about us from?" Garrick frowned as he strode quickly alongside the others.

2016-04-09, 05:11 AM
"You know, words around the garnison ..." the soldier says, evasivly, as he leads you to the docks

After a short walk, you arrive to the ship

"Here they are, finally !
Quick, get onboard, we're already running late !" you hear shouted by a tall and well dressed sailor, probably the captain.

As you hurry to get on the ship, the captain introduce himself " Captain Manuele D'Alessio, you might be under the direct command of our beloved general, but on this ship, I am your only superviser. Is that clear ?

Now for technical stuff, we should arrive to Haven before the night, just try not to be a liability on the ship" he conclude, with a grin.

2016-04-09, 05:20 AM
"You know, words around the garnison ..." the soldier says, evasivly, as he leads you to the docks

After a short walk, you arrive to the ship

"Here they are, finally !
Quick, get onboard, we're already running late !" you hear shouted by a tall and well dressed sailor, probably the captain.

As you hurry to get on the ship, the captain introduce himself " Captain Manuele D'Alessio, you might be under the direct command of our beloved general, but on this ship, I am your only superviser. Is that clear ?

Now for technical stuff, we should arrive to Haven before the night, just try not to be a liability on the ship" he conclude, with a grin.

"Certainly, getting there is very important, but if you attempt to give me orders, I'll hop off now and report you for overstepping your authority and insubordination. Is that clear? If we're going to have problems because you fail to follow protocol, I would rather know now."

2016-04-09, 05:28 PM
Kieran flashes a sympathetic grin at the captain and walks past him and chuckles to himself. I'd hate to be on Anda's bad side, but damn if she isn't effective.

Stopping suddenly, Kieran turns and addresses D'Alessio before he has a chance to respond. "I must say, Captain, I'm starting to become concerned as well. You demand our obedience but fail to command it from your own crew." Kieran takes a half step forward and speaks in a hushed tone. "I would have thought that the General's need for secrecy was understood, yet your man seems to think otherwise."

2016-04-09, 08:03 PM
Andra pulls out an alchemists fire (using my Alchemy skill with 1 essence extract or whatever it's called... 1 vial of burning hands is now prepared, and sitting in her palm). :smallannoyed:

2016-04-11, 02:23 AM
Garren said nothing, but returned the Captain's grin with a singularly unimpressed look. He was curious to see how the man responded, and he made a mental note to follow up on whatever rumors about them may have spread among the crew.

2016-04-11, 08:52 AM
"Certainly, getting there is very important, but if you attempt to give me orders, I'll hop off now and report you for overstepping your authority and insubordination. Is that clear? If we're going to have problems because you fail to follow protocol, I would rather know now."

"Go ahead, burn the ship down little lady, and we'll see who will be rotting in jail for a few days/weeks/years ..."

Turning his back on Anda's "Let's go boys ! The sea is waiting for us !"
A few moments later, you can hear the humming of the alchemical engines propelling the ship, and you quickly sail away from Estalia's Harbor ...

A whole day of travel to Haven aboard the ship, you're free to do whatever you want, or nothing if you want to skip to the storyline

2016-04-11, 09:33 PM
Kieran watches the captain's retreating form with a grim expression. As the ship churns into action, he addresses his partners in a low tone. "I don't know about you two, but something feels off. I want to see why exactly these rumors about us are flowing around."

2016-04-12, 12:02 PM
"Simple, we're misfits, and being sent on a suicide job. If we die, then one problem is solved. If we succeed and get caught, they disavow us and two birds are killed with one stone. If we succeed and get away with it then are useful for something. Though I suppose this may only apply to me."

2016-04-12, 01:03 PM
"Never thought I was more than a nuisance to some rod-up-the-arse nobles, but then again, they've probably had men killed for less." Garrick reflected. "One more reason to win it, as though we needed another one. And it looks like we'll have to come up with another story, this time to throw off the people nominally on our side."

2016-04-12, 01:09 PM
"Ah, we can always follow the chain of command up the line when we get back and take care of everybody responsible. It will serve a double purpose in assisting in removing corruption in the higher echelons of the command structure."

2016-04-12, 02:04 PM
Kieran gulps hard and pales slightly, before regaining his composure. "If there's something to be done now, I'd feel better in action than just sitting idly by. Would it be worth the risk to see just how much the captain or crew knows?"

2016-04-12, 02:10 PM
"Or we can just wait until we get there set the ship on fire and kill the crew to protect the information. It seems unlikely they would know unless those in power wanted them to. Which means they intend for the information to be leaked, so that our capture is more likely."

2016-04-12, 03:35 PM
"I think we might be best off leaving the ship alone. If it burns down all by itself on our journey, or just after, it would tip someone off that we're on to him. Plus, there's always the possibility that we're wrong. If we play dumb until we're out of sight, we're OK either way."

2016-04-12, 05:09 PM
"Agreed. I think I'll take a walk around this vessel to see what I can see, in any case. Maybe even gain some insight for what comes next."

2016-04-12, 05:18 PM
"I think we might be best off leaving the ship alone. If it burns down all by itself on our journey, or just after, it would tip someone off that we're on to him. Plus, there's always the possibility that we're wrong. If we play dumb until we're out of sight, we're OK either way."

"Yes, playing dumb will help when one of the men aboard this ship runs off to the enemy military and reports us as traitors and terrorists. That's what you're saying right? Because they'll act in the same manner I would. Kill us to be safe, ask questions later."

2016-04-13, 02:09 PM
"Yes, playing dumb will help when one of the men aboard this ship runs off to the enemy military and reports us as traitors and terrorists. That's what you're saying right? Because they'll act in the same manner I would. Kill us to be safe, ask questions later."

"Traitors and terrorists is what we'll be if we burn the ship down and it turns out we were wrong. And if they wanted to be rid of us before we ever got round to attempting our mission, why not just kill us in our beds, and be done with it, and avoid a diplomatic row? Suppose there's nothing left for it but to find a likely stooge and start grilling him."

2016-04-14, 12:24 PM
"I'll see what I can do."

Kieran flashes a quick smile at the pair and begins to get the lay of the ship. Not having any personal experience with naval operations, he pays special attention to the types of uniforms worn, and who may be an officer. Kieran feigns interest and curiosity about the layout of the ship while trying to catch what snippets of conversation he can. As he finishes his circuit of the deck, Kieran will attempt to do the same passive check of the ship's hold as well. If there are any cabins or locked off areas, Kieran makes a mental note of their locations and who/what seems to be within.

I can put in more specific actions once Kieran interacts with some specific things or people. If there are any papers that look interesting, Kieran may attempt to pocket them for study depending on what he can see on them and who is around.