View Full Version : Pathfinder So - two question about the Starsoul bloodline.

2016-02-22, 04:14 PM
I'm looking around and I'm not seeing a definitive answer, so it must be me. Where/how am I not looking at this correctly?

My question: The Starsoul (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedPlayersGuide/coreClasses/sorcerer.html#starsoul) bloodline has under it's bonus spells:

Bonus Spells: unseen servant (3rd), glitterdust (5th), blink (7th), call lightning storm (9th; dealing fire damage, damage increased outdoors at night), overland flight (11th), repulsion (13th), reverse gravity (15th), greater prying eyes (17th), meteor swarm (19th).

Bolded section for emphasis. I'm not seeing any specifics on numbers anywhere in the class. Am I missing it? I have to be.

Question number two.

If someone were to use the starsoul ability Breaching the Gulf

Breaching the Gulf (Sp): At 15th level, your caster level is increased by 3 when casting spells of the teleportation subschool. In addition, once per day you can teleport a single creature within 30 feet into the void of space if it fails a Will save. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. The target can attempt a new saving throw as a full-round action each round to return. While trapped in the airless void, the target suffers 6d6 points of cold damage per round and must hold its breath or begin to suffocate.

on a person on any plane other than the Material, what happens? To the best of my knowledge, "space" and the Dark Tapestry exist on the Material Plane, not anywhere else... Or am I reading this wrong too?

2016-02-22, 04:18 PM
The spell acts as call lightning storm, but the damage type is changed from electric to fire, and the condition for bigger damage is changed. Normally, call lightning storm deals more damage in stormy conditions, but the starsoul does more damage if it is nighttime outdoors. Fluffwise, it is you calling shooting stars instead of lightning bolts, so the conditions change. But it still does the d6 or d10 of call lightning storm.

I assume breaching the gulf sends them to space regardless of where they are. Although, this question also asks, can it be "night" and "outdoors" on all planes? I don't think all planes have those things. Do other planes have cold vacuums? I assume some might. Your DM probably won't be too much of a stickler for breaching the gulf because it is once a day, but call "lightning" may change.

It is a solid bloodline-not as god optimized as something like arcana, but it is tons of fun and when breaching the gulf works, it is amazing. I may be biased, as it was one of my favorite characters...

2016-02-22, 04:26 PM
1> your call lightning storm works like the spell call lightning storm with two changes.
it does fire damage instead of electrical damage
it increased from 3d6 to 3d10 if you are outdoors and at night (rather than outdoors and in stormy weather like the base spell)

2> regardless of plane, you are teleported "to the void of space" until you die or until you make your save to get teleported back. If it helps you you can imagine them teleporting to a specific prime material plane rather than a generic nameless prime material plane. Or you can imagine that it is teleporting to a small demiplane containing only a 50' x 50' cube of "void of space" and nothing else. The spell doesn't waste space (ha! get it! "space" "void") in the spell description specifying what plane the void of space is in because it isn't teleporting you to "the void of space within easy flight distance of a planet" so there is no meaningful exploit.

dangit! beaten to the post

2016-02-22, 04:38 PM
Ahhh! There's my problem. I was reading it:

dealing fire damage, damage increased outdoors at night), overland flight (11th)

instead of

call lightning storm (9th; dealing fire damage, damage increased outdoors at night)

Commas and parenthesis ftw! LOL.

Thanks you two!

2016-02-22, 04:48 PM
Ahhh! There's my problem. I was reading it:

dealing fire damage, damage increased outdoors at night), overland flight (11th)

Thanks you two!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, now with new FIRE DAMAGE and INCREASED DAMAGE AT NIGHT, we give you..... *drumroll*.... Overland Flight!" *claps*

*nervous caster casts spell. bursts into flame. screams and sobs as he erratically flies away* "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."

2016-02-22, 04:58 PM
"Ladies and Gentlemen, now with new FIRE DAMAGE and INCREASED DAMAGE AT NIGHT, we give you..... *drumroll*.... Overland Flight!" *claps*

*nervous caster casts spell. bursts into flame. screams and sobs as he erratically flies away* "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."

HAHAHA. Yes indeed! lol.