View Full Version : Tarot

2016-02-22, 06:02 PM
Are you a tarot believer or a tarot skeptic? Tarot is a deck of fortune-telling cards that can tell your past, present and future. I got 12 tarot decks so far and I'm currently using the Necronomicon Tarot based on the legendary Lovecraft science fiction stories. If anyone interested for a tarot reading just PM me and I'll give you a tarot reading by PM.

2016-02-22, 06:59 PM
I've always liked the idea of Tarot and had readings a few times.

Alright, lay a reading on me, public or private, your preference.

2016-02-22, 07:17 PM
Ok TechnOkami this is your tarot reading: 1. Near Future: Knave of Cups (Page of Cups): You'll meet a young woman who's emotional and happy. 2: Distant Future: 6 of Wands: You're become very successful in your life. 3. Far Distant Future: 2 of Disks (2 of Pentacles): You're going to multitask and juggle multiple responsibilities in your life.

2016-02-22, 07:20 PM
Ok TechnOkami this is your tarot reading: 1. Near Future: Knave of Cups (Page of Cups): You'll meet a young woman who's emotional and happy. 2: Distant Future: 6 of Wands: You're become very successful in your life. 3. Far Distant Future: 2 of Disks (2 of Pentacles): You're going to multitask and juggle multiple responsibilities in your life.

Wow. If that doesn't show you the power of predicting the future ladies and gentleman.

Tarot is bunk. Nothing more too it.

2016-02-22, 07:28 PM
Thank you for the reading :>

2016-02-22, 07:37 PM
Heh Ok I'll bite. Lay me down a public reading. I've got some important business coming up in the next few weeks.

2016-02-22, 07:53 PM
I don't really think there is any real power to divine the future, but I find the mysticism and the readings themselves fun. I wouldn't mind having you do a reading. Hope it is something good.

2016-02-22, 08:07 PM
Ok Crow here's your reading: 1. Near Future: Knight of Swords: You'll meet a young man who's very smart and forthright. 2. Distant Future: 9 of Cups: You're going to get your wish. 3. Far Distant Future: Emperor: You're getting control and power in your life.

2016-02-22, 08:15 PM
Thanks for the reading. :)

2016-02-22, 08:17 PM
Ok Grytorm here's your reading: 1. Near Future: 8 of Disks (8 of Pentacles): You're going to receive education in your life. 2. Distant Future: Knight of Wands: You'll meet a young man who's fun and exciting. 3. Far Distant Future: Temperance: You're going to get moderation in your life.

Roland St. Jude
2016-02-22, 08:27 PM
...3. Far Distant Future: Temperance: You're going to get moderation in your life.Sheriff: Not that far distant, should this topic actually delve into the kind of mysticism that might be real world religious in nature. Err on the side of caution here, folks.

2016-02-22, 08:35 PM

2016-02-22, 09:50 PM
I find the Tarot very useful - as a tool for figuring out something that's already on my mind but hasn't quite bubbled to the surface. Works about as well as any other Rorschach test if you know what all of the esoteric symbols are supposed to represent.

2016-02-22, 11:22 PM
Sheriff: Not that far distant.
Ha! I love the mods on these boards, they have a pretty awesome sense of humor. Pretty sure ain't nobody's gonna go overboard with thi-


2016-02-22, 11:22 PM
Absolutely don't believe, anything like it(psychics and the like) are complete hoaxes and BS. Just watch any of those psychic shows, the questions they "psychic" ask are so leading, they practically invite you to give them the information they need to make their "predictions".

2016-02-23, 01:06 AM
You guys are just killjoys. :) You don't have to believe in it to have fun with it.

Entertainment. Smile and have fun. :)

2016-02-23, 01:28 AM
You guys are just killjoys. :) You don't have to believe in it to have fun with it.

Entertainment. Smile and have fun. :)

See that's all well and good but this is something people spend millions on. Often tricked out of. That seriously leeches any "entertainment" out of it for me.

2016-02-23, 02:36 AM
See that's all well and good but this is something people spend millions on. Often tricked out of. That seriously leeches any "entertainment" out of it for me.

Agreed. Psychic hotlines and tarot readings, crystal balls and seances are, all combined, a fairly large business. The idea that so many people are being swindled out of their money doesn't set well with me.

2016-02-23, 03:43 AM
The excesses of others don't preclude personal enjoyment of an activity. Fools are parted from their money in so many ways, and excesses exist in so many activities; that if one were to take a moral stand against all of them, they could scarcely ever leave their house.

2016-02-23, 04:37 AM
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!

*hands an Ace of Swords Tarot Card*

2016-02-23, 05:03 AM
The excesses of others don't preclude personal enjoyment of an activity. Fools are parted from their money in so many ways, and excesses exist in so many activities; that if one were to take a moral stand against all of them, they could scarcely ever leave their house.

Lucky me I work from home then. Also lucky for me I don't have to fight every single injustice every single second. Life may be busy but I can squeeze a moment to tell an internet person they're practicing woo.

2016-02-23, 05:20 AM
I like the Tarot as a kind of... thinking tool, I guess. That doesn't work if you do a simple three card reading and use one-sentence interpretations, though. But if Ido the full celtic cross ten card spread and read the full interpretation of each card, then think a bit about how it could apply to me , I've found that it helps me a bit to think about current problems.

Plus the pictures and symbolism are pretty.

2016-02-23, 06:42 AM
I find it fun enough and I kind of like the history, folklore and symbolism of it, but yeah. You might as well try to divine with Yugioh cards.
Granted, a friend of mine did a reading for me that was uncannily accurate, but that's just a testimony to the power of charisma, coincidence and the self-deceiving brain.

2016-02-23, 08:06 AM
You might as well try to divine with Yugioh cards.

Apparently somebody is trying to make that a thing (https://www.tumblr.com/search/yugioh%20tarot).

2016-02-23, 08:38 AM
Agreed. Psychic hotlines and tarot readings, crystal balls and seances are, all combined, a fairly large business. The idea that so many people are being swindled out of their money doesn't set well with me.

I feel the same way about the NFL.

2016-02-23, 08:50 AM
I just love the designs of the cards themselves. I had a fabulous dragon based one that was just so awesome to look at.

Not sure how to explain how I've used them for decisions I needed make, it was less following them and more thinking about what it was that came up. Which is fine, it gave me a different perspective to glance at for a little.

@Peelee: And don't forget those daily fantasy football scams where you're not likely to make any money at all.

2016-02-23, 08:55 AM
Personally, I don't see any harm in it. I don't exactly "believe" in it, but as other people have mentioned, it's an interesting way to frame things and maybe help yourself get past certain mental blocks from time to time. And even if you don't, at the very least, it's harmless fun. As to people swindling others with it: crooks will be crooks and fools will be fools, regardless of the medium... but at least in this case, I doubt there's going to be any money being exchanged in this thread, so I think we're safe no matter which side of that particular argument you're on.

So yeah. Hit me with a reading, Bartmanhomer!

2016-02-23, 10:16 AM
I went through a whole mysticism phase in high school*, and I did a whole lot of tarot readings during that time.

So as someone who used to do read tarot regularly... yeah, it's complete and utter nonsense. :smallsmile: I was, in fact, unintentionally using a lot of 'cold reading' tricks practiced by stage magicians and fraudsters the whole world over.

* This is rather farther away for me than it is for most of the people on this board, I think - over half my lifetime, now.

2016-02-23, 11:38 AM
And even if you don't, at the very least, it's harmless fun.

Depends if you think people believing false things counts as "harm". Which I do.

Red Fel
2016-02-23, 12:07 PM
I went through a whole mysticism phase in high school*, and I did a whole lot of tarot readings during that time.

So as someone who used to do read tarot regularly... yeah, it's complete and utter nonsense. :smallsmile: I was, in fact, unintentionally using a lot of 'cold reading' tricks practiced by stage magicians and fraudsters the whole world over.

* This is rather farther away for me than it is for most of the people on this board, I think - over half my lifetime, now.

Same. Both in terms of high school being long ago, going through a mysticism phase, and doing a lot of cold reads.

Admittedly, I was creepily intuitive about my readings. I'd do one, I don't remember the details, and one of the cards indicated past issues and a male figure, so I asked the recipient about her father. And she freaked, because there was a whole thing going on, and how did I even know that. It was an educated guess (well, "educated" in the sense that "this magical piece of paper suggests maybe something along these lines," coupled with a few basic assumptions based on age, gender, and other demographics), but I had a tendency to be really good at it. Scared some people with the whole "how did you know that" thing. My gimmick was that I was never vague - people expected that, particularly skeptics. I drilled down, got specific. But it freaked people out, so I stopped doing it for awhile.

Later I realized that my skill with tarot, and other forms of "readings," likely derived from having a keenly incisive analytical mind. I observed the recipient from the outset, formed some statistically significant assumptions, and assessed their responses - very much a cold read type thing. I was just very quick to find a solid starting hook. Because brain. I'm like Shawn Spencer, but without the buddy in pharmaceutical sales. Great hair, though.

2016-02-23, 12:33 PM
Yeah but Shawn Spencer was kind of a sociopath--oh, right. It was a fun show, but I'm glad they had the sense to wrap up the series.

As to tarot, how's this? "I believe that tarot cards exist. And some of them have really nice art." And that's about the extent of my interest in and involvement with anything tarot card related.

Red Fel
2016-02-23, 01:16 PM
Yeah but Shawn Spencer was kind of a sociopath--oh, right.

And great hair. Don't forget the hair.

Also, yes.

2016-02-23, 02:10 PM
Some years ago I invented a set of astrological beliefs for a fantasy world I was working on at the time, and entirely in a spirit of fun, did some readings for a group of friends. Got a very good proportion of them complimenting the "accuracy" of the predictions. So yeah, that says it all really.

2016-02-23, 02:16 PM
I am rather curious as to whether there are any auto-tarot apps on the interwebz that use a random number generator to draw the cards.

You'll also have to pardon my skepticism of anything that relies on random elements. Years in computer simulation and gaming have convinced me that random numbers are, well, random.

In order to be persuaded that a tarot reading was valuable I would need to redraw the same cards consistently, over and over , from a fair deck, preferably Auto-shuffled (http://www.amazon.com/card-shuffler-automatic-card-shuffler/b?ie=UTF8&node=13291451). If I cannot draw the same pattern repeatedly, I would be forced to conclude that they were merely random patterns , devoid of any particular meaning.

ETA: Also, while I appreciate the effort put in by bartmanhomer, and know he means only to entertain ... I would find the readings to be useless even if they were real. Because they are too vague. No specific places, no specific names, no specific times. Something that vague is almost impossible to falsify or to act on.


Brian P.

2016-02-23, 11:55 PM
Later I realized that my skill with tarot, and other forms of "readings," likely derived from having a keenly incisive analytical mind. I observed the recipient from the outset, formed some statistically significant assumptions, and assessed their responses - very much a cold read type thing. I was just very quick to find a solid starting hook. Because brain. I'm like Shawn Spencer, but without the buddy in pharmaceutical sales. Great hair, though.

You're making that up. :smallamused:

2016-02-24, 03:41 AM
Depends if you think people believing false things counts as "harm". Which I do.

Which is a fair enough viewpoint, I guess, but if you go into it expecting to be entertained rather than legitimately expecting your life's mysteries revealed to you, then I don't see how it's more harmful than any other form of entertainment. :smallconfused:

2016-02-24, 04:57 AM
We [operative term for this account, not speaking for anybody else in the forum] have used Tarot readings (and, to a far lesser extent, Lenormand) to help find direction in certain aspects of our life. It is something that ties in very cleanly to our beliefs.

Directed at Bartmanhomer, Tarot readings would always be welcome, assuming the deck is feeling up to such public use. Please hold the explanations of any cards given, though, and merely state card identity and orientation. We are aware of all the meanings that are inherent in the cards. Thank you in advance if you find the time!

Red Fel
2016-02-24, 09:37 AM
You're making that up. :smallamused:

I'm really not. My hair is honestly that spectacular.

2016-02-24, 09:49 AM
I'm really not. My hair is honestly that spectacular.

:smallamused:Your avatar makes this sentence incredible funny.:smalltongue:

2016-02-24, 10:31 AM
I had to change from mobile to full version just to see Red Fel's avatar.

It was worth it :smallbiggrin:

2016-02-24, 10:35 AM
I had to change from mobile to full version just to see Red Fel's avatar.

It was worth it :smallbiggrin:

Heh, I did the same and I agree.

Red Fel
2016-02-24, 11:59 AM
:smallamused:Your avatar makes this sentence incredible funny.:smalltongue:

I had to change from mobile to full version just to see Red Fel's avatar.

It was worth it :smallbiggrin:

Heh, I did the same and I agree.

I stand by my prior statement.

2016-02-24, 02:39 PM
Go on, give me a reading :) I have lots on my mind at the moment and maybe it'll give me some inspiration or vague feeling of well-being.

2016-02-24, 03:52 PM
We [operative term for this account, not speaking for anybody else in the forum] have used Tarot readings (and, to a far lesser extent, Lenormand) to help find direction in certain aspects of our life. It is something that ties in very cleanly to our beliefs.

Directed at Bartmanhomer, Tarot readings would always be welcome, assuming the deck is feeling up to such public use. Please hold the explanations of any cards given, though, and merely state card identity and orientation. We are aware of all the meanings that are inherent in the cards. Thank you in advance if you find the time!

Thank you. I give in a reading at PM.

Go on, give me a reading :) I have lots on my mind at the moment and maybe it'll give me some inspiration or vague feeling of well-being.

DSure I'll give you a reading in PM!

2016-02-24, 07:27 PM
I divine things by rolling 33 three sided dice on an online thingy, and then counting the number of 3s rolled. It isn't very traditional, but it works very, very well (I interpret the numerological meanings of the number gained. I don't use tarot or particularly like it, though.

2016-02-24, 08:03 PM
What the heck, hit me up with that reading.

2016-02-24, 08:17 PM
I've not looked at tarot or gone to a reading before, but my impression is that the readings themselves are just the Barnum effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnum_effect) (cold reading (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_reading), horoscopes) combined with neat fantasy props.

Personally, I would prefer some general good life advice to provide direction over getting some fortune cookie notes tossed at me. (Note that fortune cookies, at one time, actually dispensed fortunes.) My biggest concern with these various fortune-methods is that a person might choose to ignore a large problem in their lives, because their preferred fortune did not tell them to address it yet - or worse yet, that they would throw away something beneficial in their lives, because of some vague "be wary" prediction causing them to overreact rather than simply being aware of the standard cautions in life.

2016-02-25, 09:13 AM
I've not looked at tarot or gone to a reading before, but my impression is that the readings themselves are just the Barnum effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnum_effect) (cold reading (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_reading), horoscopes) combined with neat fantasy props.
Yep, exactly.

2016-02-25, 04:02 PM
What the heck, hit me up with that reading.

Sure. I'll PM your reading! :smallsmile:

2016-02-26, 12:06 PM
My thought on Tarot is, how can we harness this? Tarot is a technology made to harness an information-giving part of the universe. Is it the last word? Can a better, computerised version of it be made that will predict events more accurately and consistently? What makes the 78-card modern Tarot deck perfect and incapable of improvement? Why not Supertarot?

2016-03-01, 05:53 PM
Wow so many tarot believers and skeptics. :smallsmile:

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-02, 03:29 PM
Believe? Hm...

I'm of the opinion that the tarot can have some mystical significance, if you want to use it that way, and believe in mystical things.

But for most people and most casual readings, it's mainly a way to use abstract images and archetypes to get in touch with your subconscious, and have a discussion about your problems and concerns. Like rorschach blots or cloudwatching, it's a good way to analyze yourself and your situation. The reader makes it a little more trustworthy, by involving a third party and their impressions of things, you can usually get a little clarity on your situation that you mght not have otherwise.

I collect neat-looking tarot decks, when I find affordable ones and have the spare cash for'em. My personal favorite is the Halloween Deck, though the Dragons deck is a close second.

Heh, this looks pretty fun, actually. Hm... hey Bartmanhomer, you mind if I offer my reading services too, for anyone who wants a public or PM read? I'm away from my cards right now, but I can get to them in a few hours.

2016-03-02, 03:32 PM
Believe? Hm...

I'm of the opinion that the tarot can have some mystical significance, if you want to use it that way, and believe in mystical things.

But for most people and most casual readings, it's mainly a way to use abstract images and archetypes to get in touch with your subconscious, and have a discussion about your problems and concerns. Like rorschach blots or cloudwatching, it's a good way to analyze yourself and your situation. The reader makes it a little more trustworthy, by involving a third party and their impressions of things, you can usually get a little clarity on your situation that you mght not have otherwise.

I collect neat-looking tarot decks, when I find affordable ones and have the spare cash for'em. My personal favorite is the Halloween Deck, though the Dragons deck is a close second.

Heh, this looks pretty fun, actually. Hm... hey Bartmanhomer, you mind if I offer my reading services too, for anyone who wants a public or PM read? I'm away from my cards right now, but I can get to them in a few hours.

Sure. The more, the merrier. :smallsmile:

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-02, 03:40 PM
Sure. The more, the merrier. :smallsmile:

Rock on! Thanks for letting me play!

Alright folks, if you want a reading, let me know. I'll try and turn it around same-day, time permitting.

Strictly for entertainment purposes, mind. Any mystical significance or life decisions you wanna put on this is all YOU, folks. No payment requested, required, or accepted. :)

EDIT: Oh, almost forgot! Unlike Bartman's readings, mine require a little prepwork. He's doing general readings, I specialize in answering questions. Doesn't always work, but fun when it does.

So basically, if you want a reading from me, concentrate on the question. You don't have to tell it to me beforehand, though if you do it helps me interpret things a bit better. So if you keep the question to yourself, it's up to you to find the pattern in the cards.

Also bear in mind the cards usually aren't specific in any sense of the word. They do better with broad questions, or open-ended ones. Stuff like "Where's my car keys" is tricky to answer through this medium. Stuff like "Will things work out for me if I take some time off from my current project?" are easier to answer.

And yeah, a question like "What sort of events can I expect in the near future" is a valid question.

2016-03-02, 03:52 PM
I'm up for a reading if you want to.

On another note, I'm curious how the interpretation rules work, would it be possible to do a "tarot" reading using dixit cards? They show so many strange shapes and ideas, and the deck has 80-some odd cards, would it work better, or are the numbers and suits the important part?

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-02, 03:57 PM
Dixit cards? Lemme google.

Oh wow, those are pretty! Don't see why you couldn't use them for a reading, as long as you had enough breadth for the images. Don't own any, so it's hard to say if they have a wide enough range.

And sure, I'll have your reading up later tonight, Spojaz.

2016-03-02, 04:21 PM
I find the Tarot highly amusing. Some years ago I tried to experiment with it... I found that what I could read in the cards was mostly my opinion about a certain issue, even when at the beginning I wasn't sure myself what my opinion was. So, some sort of introspection tool?

On the subject of using Dixit cards, I think you could do it. (Dixit is awesome, by the way!) But the thing with the standard tarot cards is, someone correct me if I'm wrong, that they play with a lot of cultural archetypes and historically relevant symbols, and so you are somewhat familiar with the ideas each card is suggesting. For reading with a Dixit deck you'd need a lot more imagination.

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-02, 09:55 PM
Reading for Spojaz, using the Dragon Tarot

The first card represents you, in relation to the question at hand: Ace of Wands - A New Initiative

The second card is the immediate influence, what's causing you to ask the question: Three of Wands Reversed - Failing to lead by example

The third card is your goal or destiny: Six of Cups Reversed - Living without care for the harmony of others around you

The fourth card is the distant past, something which influenced the situation: Two of Swords Reversed - Fast Action

The fifth card is your near past, that which exerts pressure on recent events: Three of Coins Reversed - Stagnation, a lack of learning and development

The sixth card is the near future, an event which will bear on this situation: Nine of Coins Reversed - Failing to gain recognition in the eyes of others

The seventh card is your attitude toward the issue at hand: Two of Wands Reversed - Good advice ignored

The eigth card is your influence on others and their attitudes to you on this matter: Three of Swords - Heartbreak, unless you can communicate

The ninth card is your innermost feelings on this and related matters: Ace of Cups Reversed - Emotionally Unfulfilled

The tenth card is the final outcome, in the context of the rest of the cards: Knight of Wands - Dynamic Energy, particularly for a male

Mmmkay... Without knowing the question, I'm going to paint a broad situation. I could be wildly wrong, in which case your own interpretation trumps mine.

You're starting something new. A new job, maybe, or a new major? You don't think you're cutting a good example to your peers, but ultimately you hope to be in a spot where their attitudes don't matter. You took this new initiative quickly when it came up, maybe too quickly because you were feeling stifled in your old role. However, the people who are concerned about you aren't going to cut you any slack any time soon. You're gonna continue to annoy them for a while. They're giving you advice and some of it is good, but they think you're blowing them off. It's not as easy as you thought, and right now you're feeling a little rough about it.

But... once this patch is through, ultimately, it's going to be good for you. Either you'll smooth things over with'em, or you'll continue on your own path and they'll learn to deal. You'll be stronger for it.

Assuming you're the male in question. If not, then beats me. :D

It's interesting that not a single major arcana came up, and that this was a fairly balanced spread across the elements. Whatever situation you're in it seems healthy, and the issues are something you're not REALLY concerned about enough to have polarizing factors in there yet. Lots of little variables, so this one measured trends, I think, rather than certainties.

:: Bows :: And that's a reading, Celtic Cross Tarot style. Anyone else want a go?

2016-03-03, 03:29 AM
I'll take one!

Keeping my question a mystery, too, but I will say this: it's for a character in a campaign I'm in. I hope that's okay?

2016-03-03, 06:08 AM
We always welcome new readings. We do not have any particular questions beyond the likelihood of financial stability and opportunity for personal growth in the near future.

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-03, 11:27 AM
A character reading? Sure. Mind you, sometimes the cards seem to not "get" the concept. So if it goes more toward you than your character, I do apologize.

Reading for Lettuce's unnamed character, using the Dragon Tarot

The first card represents you, in relation to the question at hand: Ace of Cups reversed

The second card is the immediate influence, what's causing you to ask the question: Five of Coins reversed

The third card is your goal or destiny: The Star

The fourth card is the distant past, something which influenced the situation: Death

The fifth card is your near past, that which exerts pressure on recent events: The Chariot

The sixth card is the near future, an event which will bear on this situation: The Hermit Reversed

The seventh card is your attitude toward the issue at hand: The World Reversed

The eigth card is your influence on others and their attitudes to you on this matter: Three of Wands Reversed

The ninth card is your innermost feelings on this and related matters: Four of Coins Reversed

The tenth card is the final outcome, in the context of the rest of the cards: Page of Cups Reversed

Hahaha! Now THERE'S a PC's prophecy for you! All broad strokes and big arcana...

Alright, let's get down to brass tacks. At the start of your career, your character is feeling emotionally unfulfilled. Doesn't like the current situation. Five of coins reversed seems to indicate foreseen expenses... she needs the dough. Goal is the star... hope! Your character expects greatness from her new adventuring career. Death of another is what aimed her toward this path long ago. And it's a recent change, upheaval, or a desire to MOVE that's set her upon it now. In the near future your character will go from working alone to learning to get along with others, which indicates joining the PC group, I think. Her attitude toward this? Not so great. She's outside of her comfort zone and knows it's going to be a pain to learn new tricks. Your character's new friends don't think she's cutting a good example, but honestly, she's more worried about the payday and keeping resources. She thinks that'll be tricky. The final outcome, in the context of all of this...Page of cups reversed. Losing social contacts? Hm. Could signify a clean break from the past, or it could signify your new teammates dying or drifting off.

My advice to this PC if I were a creepy fortune teller in her prologue would be to not worry about the money so much. Go adventure, try to get along with your new friends, and value them because life is so very short.

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-03, 11:41 AM
Reading for Jaycemonde, using the Dragon Tarot, concerning general opportunities for financial stability and personal growth

The first card represents you, in relation to the question at hand: Four of Coins

The second card is the immediate influence, what's causing you to ask the question: The Magician

The third card is your goal or destiny: Seven of Swords

The fourth card is the distant past, something which influenced the situation: The Devil

The fifth card is your near past, that which exerts pressure on recent events: The Moon

The sixth card is the near future, an event which will bear on this situation: Queen of Wands reversed

The seventh card is your attitude toward the issue at hand: Four of Wands reversed

The eigth card is your influence on others and their attitudes to you on this matter: Five of Swords

The ninth card is your innermost feelings on this and related matters: King of Swords reversed

The tenth card is the final outcome, in the context of the rest of the cards: Three of Cups reversed

EDIT: Whoops! Just read up the thread a bit, and saw where you requested cards only, no interpretation. I'll go ahead and put it under spoilers. My apologies. If you want it gone entirely let me know and I'll delete it.

So, you're wanting to get money together! Matches your question, cool. This is a driving goal for you, much as anything is. You think you're good at something, so you want success from it. You're willing to sacrifice to achieve this. One of the reasons you're concerned with this is that someone in your past was pretty horrible, and caused you trouble. Also, recently, things have been cloudy, difficult to see. You're not sure how reliable someone or something is. This might be justified, because in a little bit, a woman who's supposed to be a leader or has authority over you is going to fail to live up to expectations. In regards to your approach to money and life, you prefer working alone rather than with others. Some people are considering parting ways with you, or clash with you, over this fact. In your heart, you feel that this is a constant struggle, and reconciling this is going to be tricky. Maybe too tricky, because in the end, you might lose some friends if you don't pay more attention to others, instead of yourself... which ties back to the sacrifice, that is in the goal/destiny spot. You CAN achieve stability and/or growth, but you're gonna lose friends if you do so on your lonesome.

2016-03-03, 12:03 PM
That was... eerily accurate.

My question was "Should I go back to school to finish my Bachelor's?", and I've been procrastinating for months, rather than dealing with it or applying anywhere.

Thank you, that gave me a new look at this.

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-03, 12:14 PM
That was... eerily accurate.

My question was "Should I go back to school to finish my Bachelor's?", and I've been procrastinating for months, rather than dealing with it or applying anywhere.

Thank you, that gave me a new look at this.


Huh, y'know, I wasn't quite sure it would work with so many layers of removal... Internet, alias, unknown question... but yeah, that's pretty eerie.

Iiiiiinteresting... Glad to help you sort out your thoughts! As always, your fate is your own to decide.

2016-03-03, 12:55 PM
I don't believe in it in any way, but I reslect people who do.

And could you check me, just for fun? :D

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-03, 02:16 PM
Sure, nothing wrong with healthy skepticism! It means you're never disappointed. :)

Reading for Enderdwarf, using the Dragon Tarot

The first card represents you, in relation to the question at hand: Two of Coins

The second card is the immediate influence, what's causing you to ask the question: Seven of Coins

The third card is your goal or destiny: Queen of Coins Reversed

The fourth card is the distant past, something which influenced the situation: Four of Wands

The fifth card is your near past, that which exerts pressure on recent events: Ace of Coins

The sixth card is the near future, an event which will bear on this situation: Knight of Coins

The seventh card is your attitude toward the issue at hand: Queen of Wands

The eighth card is your influence on others and their attitudes to you on this matter: Queen of Cups Reversed

The ninth card is your innermost feelings on this and related matters: Four of Coins Reversed

The tenth card is the final outcome, in the context of the rest of the cards: Six of Wands

Hm... This reading looks tied up in money and women. Two issues near and dear to your heart? I kid, I kid. :D

So, according to this you've switched jobs recently, or gained different roles in the same line of work. You view it as a good thing, and figure that hard work will lead to good reward. Your goal is... a woman who doesn't care much about the work side of things? Hm. A long while back, you were working with others to a common purpose. That set up the situation to come, someone involved with that is gonna be a catalyst, here. More recently, you saw a new opportunity opening up, workwise, and took it, so here you are. Soon, you're going to be or interact with a man who wants to seriously develop his job even further. Ambition! Good to have. But your thoughts will be on a woman, a leader. Her thoughts are uncaring, insensitive towards you or your work. On the inside, the money or recompense doesn't mean as much to you perhaps as you thought. At the end of the day, you'll see a victory, a successful gain from your attitude or path.

So... hard work that generally pays off, and a woman who's not easily impressed but will soften towards you with time. Not necessarily a romantic relationship, could be a friendship or someone who draws your attention.

2016-03-03, 03:13 PM
@Lost Demiurge

For your Tarot, do we need to have a particular question in mind or would it be better if we took our own interpretation from what you believe the cards are saying?

Also, I'd like a reading from you, if you don't mind.

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-03, 04:37 PM
Technokami, it usually helps to be able to formulate a question. If you go in without one, the cards assume you're asking "Hey, anything I need to know?"

If you don't tell me the question, feel free to make your own interpretation. I'll throw one in anyway, because it helps me practice.

Reading for Technokami, using the Dragon Tarot

The first card represents you, in relation to the question at hand: The Lovers Reversed

The second card is the immediate influence, what's causing you to ask the question: The Devil

The third card is your goal or destiny: Queen of Swords Reversed

The fourth card is the distant past, something which influenced the situation: Justice Reversed

The fifth card is your near past, that which exerts pressure on recent events: Two of Coins Reversed

The sixth card is the near future, an event which will bear on this situation: Death

The seventh card is your attitude toward the issue at hand: Knight of Coins

The eighth card is your influence on others and their attitudes to you on this matter: Nine of Swords Reversed

The ninth card is your innermost feelings on this and related matters: Three of Cups

The tenth card is the final outcome, in the context of the rest of the cards: The Fool


This one looks like it's getting into personal matters, though it should end relatively well. If you want me to interpret it, send a PM, otherwise I'll leave it unspun.

2016-03-03, 06:49 PM
@Lost Demiurge

PM received, messages understood. Thank you for the reading.

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-03, 08:22 PM
@Lost Demiurge

PM received, messages understood. Thank you for the reading.

You're quite welcome. Good luck!

2016-03-04, 05:52 AM
That was... eerily accurate.

My question was "Should I go back to school to finish my Bachelor's?", and I've been procrastinating for months, rather than dealing with it or applying anywhere.

Thank you, that gave me a new look at this.


Huh, y'know, I wasn't quite sure it would work with so many layers of removal... Internet, alias, unknown question... but yeah, that's pretty eerie.

Iiiiiinteresting... Glad to help you sort out your thoughts! As always, your fate is your own to decide.

Goat speaking. Your interpretation of my own situation was also extremely accurate. There is someone who's been failing to live up to major expectations and we've been waiting to see if she does something extremely stupid with our rent money in the near future. She's also my ex and is planning on moving out soon, even though she's on the lease with us, and we've butted heads over jobs too, though I'm not very comfortable getting into that.

I'm a bit concerned about the possibility of losing friends to my work, but since it's mostly art it's kind of a mostly solo venture. I'm going to have to try my best to remain inclusive of others and work alongside them, I suppose.

Thank you for this reading. It's very relevant and it's given me something to ponder over. Your deck is well suited to this, I think.

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-04, 09:53 AM
Wow! Glad to hear this was helpful.

Hope things work out for you, Jaycemonde.

2016-03-04, 10:10 AM
Sure sounds like it could be fun would you be so kind as to do a general reading for me?

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-04, 11:39 AM
Reading for Spacewolf, using the Dragon Tarot

The first card represents you, in relation to the question at hand: Three of Cups Reversed

The second card is the immediate influence, what's causing you to ask the question: King of Swords

The third card is your goal or destiny: Three of Swords Reversed

The fourth card is the distant past, something which influenced the situation: Six of Wands Reversed

The fifth card is your near past, that which exerts pressure on recent events: The Devil

The sixth card is the near future, an event which will bear on this situation: Page of Swords Reversed

The seventh card is your attitude toward the issue at hand: Seven of Swords Reversed

The eighth card is your influence on others and their attitudes to you on this matter: Two of Coins

The ninth card is your innermost feelings on this and related matters: Six of Swords

The tenth card is the final outcome, in the context of the rest of the cards: Eight of Swords

Mkay... so right now you're missing some old friends, or feeling lonely. You feel like you've just achieved something, but following up on your victory is going to be work. Ideally, you'd like people or a person to share stuff with. Friendship or maybe romantic, hard to tell. The main factor that led to your situation today is a loss, that probably ended up with you having to endure isolation. More recently, you were held back by weakness or by someone or something bad. In a little bit, you're going to have a conflict. Don't hesitate there if you can help it. You are or will be questioning if things are really worth the sacrifice. Those who know you think it wasn't as big a sacrifice as you think it is. But in your heart, you know you're moving on from a bad situation. That said... you're going to have to put up with matters for a while more, and it's going to be frustrating. You're going to have to be patient before you find the right person.

Prince Zahn
2016-03-04, 02:25 PM
I don't know how firmly to believe tarot cards beyond what it serves as food for thought, I don't consider myself a skeptic because last time I received a reading, following that advice got me out of being drafted in the military, and into serving my country in a way that I enjoy - volunteer work with special needs people.

I think though, that I might need a new reading, if you would kindly give me one, please, because I have a question I wish to ask myself after I listen to the cards:

Given I have 6 months of service left, Is this volunteer work really the right thing for me to do right now?

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-04, 02:59 PM
Really, the glory of it is that you don't have to believe in it. At worst it makes you think over a symbolic interpretation that might vaguely apply to your question at hand. At best, though, it can give you a perspective onto a situation that wouldn't have occured to you otherwise.

Though if you ARE of a mystical bent, the cards make a heck of a good focus. That's where it's good to have multiple decks, one for general readings, and the others for more specialized tasks.

Reading for Prince Zahn about their volunteer work, using the Dragon Tarot

The first card represents you, in relation to the question at hand: The Fool Reversed

The second card is the immediate influence, what's causing you to ask the question: Strength Reversed

The third card is your goal or destiny: Seven of Cups

The fourth card is the distant past, something which influenced the situation: The Empress

The fifth card is your near past, that which exerts pressure on recent events: The Hierophant Reversed

The sixth card is the near future, an event which will bear on this situation: The Devil

The seventh card is your attitude toward the issue at hand: The Magician

The eighth card is your influence on others and their attitudes to you on this matter: Wheel of Fortune Reversed

The ninth card is your innermost feelings on this and related matters: The Star

The tenth card is the final outcome, in the context of the rest of the cards: Justice Reversed

Whoa. Holy fudging... Okay. All but one a Major Arcana? Wow. I get the sense that you're not a person to do things by halves, it's usually all or nothing.

Okay. Let's see, here...

Currently you're stretching yourself a bit thin, feeling like you've been in one spot too long. Not a bad spot, but your emotions are a bit imbalanced about it. Ultimately, you want to resolve your confusion, get your feelings in order. Your past choice is fitting, here... instead of the rigidity of military service, you cultivated creativity, and the Empress signifies a choice to nurture in this case. Recently, though, you've been worried about being stuck in tradition, not keeping up with the times. Soon you will be tempted. Maybe not bad in this case? Don't let negativity hold you back, but whichever way you choose be wary and make sure you read the fine print. Your attitude towards the situation is that you're ready for a bigger time. You're on top of things. Other people, well, they think that your expectations are exaggerated. They think you're gambling, and not in a good way. But in your heart is nothing but hope, you know they're wrong. Ahead of you is imbalance. Sadly, it's going to be rough, and I think that whichever choice you go with, you're going to suffer a bit pondering how the other choice would have been better.

Hm. Yeah, sorry. Can't tell you which choice is right at the minute. You're still trying to sort that out, I think, and the cards are saying that any choice has downsides. You definitely made the right choice in the past, though. And hold on to that hope, it'll get you thorugh the rough road ahead.

Prince Zahn
2016-03-04, 04:43 PM
Whoa. Holy fudging... Okay. All but one a Major Arcana? Wow. I get the sense that you're not a person to do things by halves, it's usually all or nothing.

Moderation is a bit difficult for me sometimes, Admittedly. And I don't like to leave things unfinished. I don't know if it's relevant - but I've been told before by multiple people that I have an old and strong soul, with a powerful presence. It might not be coincidence if there's any truth to it. :smallredface:

What I get from the cards, is that I am facing a dilemma, not simply a whim or a fork in the road. Both options involve drawbacks and consequences, some perhaps more immediate than others. And either way, If I resign from service 75% of the way through, I'll add it to my list of regrets and feel like a selfish quitter, and if I stick by it, I'll feel like I could have accomplished more, or could have gotten a paying job during that time.
I'll give it some more though; there might not be a wrong or right path out this dilemma, I just need to decide what's best for me. :smallconfused:

Anyway! Thanks for the reading. It's really cool! Could I ask for another reading at a later date? I might still have some more questions to ask.:smallsmile:

2016-03-04, 05:44 PM
Heh that's pretty good, most people I know have moved and I have just bought a property in a place where I don't know that many people.

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-04, 06:32 PM
@Prince Zahn: Of course! Assuming I'm around at that later date, anyway.

@Spacewolf: Glad it was about right!

2016-03-05, 08:03 PM
How accurate are Tarot cards over multiple readings? Do the prophesies turn out the same over multiple readings for a given person?

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-05, 08:21 PM
How accurate are Tarot cards over multiple readings? Do the prophesies turn out the same over multiple readings for a given person?

Sometimes yes, more often than not there are always variations. Sometimes the cards just get fed up with it, and tell you to stop freaking pestering them.

The best practice I've heard is to not ask the same question twice, until a few months have gone by.

2016-03-05, 08:47 PM
I've taught myself to "see into the beyond" with a regular 52-card deck. From personal experience, I know that they're accurate. One time, I was going to go to a big party. A week before then, I decided to read the future, just to get a general vibe of how its going to go. In the reading, the most prominent card was the Ace of Spades, which means death. I was obviously confused and thought it was a mistake, so I dealt it, again and again, and each time, the Ace of Spades popped up. At this point, I was freaking out. I calmed down eventually, and as I read the rest of the cards, interruption and patience showed up. Interesting. Three days later (which was four days before the party), I found out that my friend's mother had died the day before. Her funeral happened to be the day of the party, down to the exact same time. This stuff works.

Also, if anyone's interested, I could do a reading.

ella ventic
2016-03-06, 09:10 PM
Ooh, Lost Demiurge, I'd love a reading!

I don't believe in the mysticism for even a hot second, but I got interested in the art & folklore when I saw a Two of Swords and thought, "Hey, that's Sangwaan!" I'm still working (...very, very slowly...) on an OOTS Tarot and am always interested in other people's interpretations of the cards (as I haven't found two books that tell me the same thing yet!)

So here's my question: I've got several new opportunities, career and otherwise, coming up in the next couple weeks. How are they going to go?

2016-03-06, 09:39 PM
If you're still up for it, Lost Demiurge, I too would appreciate a reading. Can I just ask for the cards' take on how to resolve the many conflicts in my life and find some consistent direction or purpose? Thank you!

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-07, 03:35 PM
Reading for Ella Ventic, on her opportunities, using the Dragon Tarot

The first card represents you, in relation to the question at hand: Ten of Coins

The second card is the immediate influence, what's causing you to ask the question: Three of Cups Reversed

The third card is your goal or destiny: Six of Wands Reversed

The fourth card is the distant past, something which influenced the situation: Three of Coins

The fifth card is your near past, that which exerts pressure on recent events: Eight of Cups Reversed

The sixth card is the near future, an event which will bear on this situation: Two of Coins

The seventh card is your attitude toward the issue at hand: Queen of Swords

The eigth card is your influence on others and their attitudes to you on this matter: Justice Reversed

The ninth card is your innermost feelings on this and related matters: King of Wands Reversed

The tenth card is the final outcome, in the context of the rest of the cards: Page of Swords

All righty... Right now you're looking at important investment decisions. Appropriate! Thing is, a lot of these look to take you away from your friends. It's a cause for concern. You're not certain that victory is what you want, here. Your objectives aren't clear. Most of this is happening because you spent time training, learning new skills. More recently, you've given up on a dream or realized that you need something to take care of daily life. Soon, you'll be looking at a similar line of work to what you have already, just in a different place. Your attitude toward this is determination (Also the card says you're female, if you're not then read this one differently), but there's going to be a barrier between you and others. Other people think it's a damn shame, and don't like it one bit. On the inside, you're disappointed in a male figure, who should be leading by example, but isn't. The final outcome... You shouldn't rush into things. Take time, consider them until you know what your goals are.

Lost Demiurge
2016-03-07, 03:36 PM
If you're still up for it, Lost Demiurge, I too would appreciate a reading. Can I just ask for the cards' take on how to resolve the many conflicts in my life and find some consistent direction or purpose? Thank you!

Um... don't take this the wrong way, but if you're going through a lot of conflicts and need direction, the cards might not be able to help. I'd hate to read them and steer you wrongly. They can't solve things, they can only advise.

Take a little time, think it over. If you still want one PM me, and I'll do a general reading. This is one of those questions that's too troublesome to just fire off.

2016-03-07, 04:20 PM
Um... don't take this the wrong way, but if you're going through a lot of conflicts and need direction, the cards might not be able to help. I'd hate to read them and steer you wrongly. They can't solve things, they can only advise.

Take a little time, think it over. If you still want one PM me, and I'll do a general reading. This is one of those questions that's too troublesome to just fire off.That is very responsible of you! :smallsmile:

ella ventic
2016-03-10, 01:34 AM
Thanks so much, Lost Demiurge! It's really interesting to get a thorough interpretation, with cards put in the context of their surroundings. I love that both the Queen and Page of Swords turned up (the Queen representing my attitude specifically! That is capital-T Truth.). I've used them both as significators on occasion.

(Though there were clear misses, too: e.g. who is this mysterious King of Wands? Thinking about that has made me realize that there aren't really ANY mature male figures with an active role in my life at present--odd but true! And I only *wish* that investments were something I could take advantage of... sadly I'm dead broke. :) )

And it's especially interesting to see what a human person (not a tarot website or book) pulls as the most relevant aspect of a card. For example, for my OOTS Tarot I had been thinking of perhaps using the Greenhilt family for the 10 of Coins: Horace, Sara and Eric most specifically, but possibly others. It would go along with the "family legacy" meaning of the card rather than the "material wealth" one... but the second of those was the prominent one in the reading, where I asked a question that specifically included my career. It's making me re-think, for sure. Now I've got to figure out if there are some OOTS characters who can mean *both* legacy and wealth...!

2016-03-10, 02:35 PM
I adore Tarot. I'd have dozens of decks if I had the money. In reality, I've had two, the first ofwhich was trashed by toddlers.

I've had a lot of success with Tarot readings, for myself and others. I don't too much worry about why something like this is effective; I just care about whether or not it's helpful for sorting out things going on in your life, and, in my experience, it is. Whether it works through mysticism or as a psychological tool is irrelevant IMO.

ella ventic
2016-03-12, 03:30 PM
I really don't want to utterly hijack the thread, but would this be a place where we can talk about the meanings of various cards? For me, of course, it's pretty self-serving due to my art project, but I don't think it's too far-fetched to think it would be interesting to other people too, whether it's due to interest in the mysticism or the folklore or any number of reasons.

For example, there are quite a few of the Major Arcana that I've never really gotten my mind around: the Sun/Moon/Star trio in particular are giving me trouble. The meanings that people ascribe to them seem to be quite divorced from their traditional images (I'm working off the Rider/Waite, as most traditional/recognizable) and change from reference book to reference book. Very confusing!

And a final (once again self-serving but hopefully fun) question: if you were doing an OOTS Tarot deck, would you slot Xykon in as 13: Death, or 15: the Devil? I've made my choice already (I think!) but it was a long decision process and I'd be really interested to know how others see it. :)

Prince Zahn
2016-03-12, 03:38 PM
And a final (once again self-serving but hopefully fun) question: if you were doing an OOTS Tarot deck, would you slot Xykon in as 13: Death, or 15: the Devil? I've made my choice already (I think!) but it was a long decision process and I'd be really interested to know how others see it. :)

I wish I could help you with some of your other questions, they are rather fascinating :)

Wouldn't Qarr, Sabine or the IFCC trio work better for The Devil card? Xykon with a few zombies can fit as death though no prob. :3

ella ventic
2016-03-13, 08:41 PM
Wouldn't Qarr, Sabine or the IFCC trio work better for The Devil card? Xykon with a few zombies can fit as death though no prob. :3

That's definitely a strong argument, based on how they look/their creature type. But then there are the card meanings; the Devil is supposed to be one of the absolute worst cards of the deck (in my understanding, anyway), signifying the workings of evil. While Death is more neutral, dealing with change in one's life but not necessarily negatively.

So Xykon looks like Death but acts like the Devil. What to do...?

(Plus, while I don't know where I'll put Sabine or Qarr yet, I've actually already done the IFCC; they're the Three of Cups! Friendship and working together in harmony, that's them. I even used their orange champagne glasses for the cups, and the veggies on the ground in front are now their bowl of popcorn. :) )

Prince Zahn
2016-03-14, 12:09 AM
That's definitely a strong argument, based on how they look/their creature type. But then there are the card meanings; the Devil is supposed to be one of the absolute worst cards of the deck (in my understanding, anyway), signifying the workings of evil. While Death is more neutral, dealing with change in one's life but not necessarily negatively.

So Xykon looks like Death but acts like the Devil. What to do...?

(Plus, while I don't know where I'll put Sabine or Qarr yet, I've actually already done the IFCC; they're the Three of Cups! Friendship and working together in harmony, that's them. I even used their orange champagne glasses for the cups, and the veggies on the ground in front are now their bowl of popcorn. :) )
Heh, Didn't think of the symbolism.
You could use Roy's dad for death. If you really want to use only the worst, then yeah, I can't argue that the epic undead sorcerer makes a strong devil card. Perhaps Belkar, who, while technically one of the good guys, is as undeniably evil and serves as a foil within the order's own ranks.
I wonder where would the snarl go in all of this?

Red Fel
2016-03-14, 09:29 AM
That's definitely a strong argument, based on how they look/their creature type. But then there are the card meanings; the Devil is supposed to be one of the absolute worst cards of the deck (in my understanding, anyway), signifying the workings of evil. While Death is more neutral, dealing with change in one's life but not necessarily negatively.

Well, hold on. I'm not sure that's quite the symbolism.

In my experience and understanding Death means transition, as you mention. For that reason, I can't help but think that Malack is a good choice. First, given his aesthetic - pale, vampiric, robed - he fits the imagery. Second, it's because of him that Durkon transitions into Durkula. And third, his appearance - and the party's arrival in the Empire of Blood - represents a turning point, and a number of revelations, in the entire story.

Now, as for the Devil card, it does have a lot of negative meanings, but it's important to understand what underpins them all - self-deception. The Devil doesn't just mean "evil," it means "the evil of failing to control oneself." The Devil represents being enslaved or bound against one's will, true, but many times it's a result of one's own actions. It also represents ignorance, delusion, greed, and a variety of negative emotions that result from wanting the wrong thing, or failing to grasp what's important.

That's Qarr. That's totally Qarr.

First off, again, the aesthetic is there. Imp, done. Second, think about Qarr. He is a servant, a slave. In his every appearance, he is working for someone, or offering to. Third, think about what he represents - temptation. A desire for the wrong thing. Frequently greed for power. And let's not forget what happened to V.

One villain's opinion, anyway.

ella ventic
2016-03-14, 08:07 PM
Well, hold on. I'm not sure that's quite the symbolism.

In my experience and understanding Death means transition, as you mention. For that reason, I can't help but think that Malack is a good choice. First, given his aesthetic - pale, vampiric, robed - he fits the imagery. Second, it's because of him that Durkon transitions into Durkula. And third, his appearance - and the party's arrival in the Empire of Blood - represents a turning point, and a number of revelations, in the entire story.

Oh, that's interesting. I've already finished Malack's card (Five of Cups; he always seemed so sad to me!) but he really does fit this. Especially the vampirization of Durkon. Hmm. Hmmmmm. (My main sticking point on this, actually, is that I don't know if he's Major-Arcana-worthy. Right now the only people I have on those cards are the Order, the main villains, and the Scribble...)

Now, as for the Devil card, it does have a lot of negative meanings, but it's important to understand what underpins them all - self-deception. The Devil doesn't just mean "evil," it means "the evil of failing to control oneself." The Devil represents being enslaved or bound against one's will, true, but many times it's a result of one's own actions. It also represents ignorance, delusion, greed, and a variety of negative emotions that result from wanting the wrong thing, or failing to grasp what's important.

Maybe this is what I get for going to old reference books; I've not heard this symbolism before! Thanks for this! (See, me, talking to real people pays off! Do it more often! ;) ) I've mostly seen "violence, misuse of force" "black magic" and "Baphomet"/Satan. Also some debate over whether the chained people are people or demons. Maybe the stuff I've read was written from an older, more religious viewpoint and I need to get newer info.

And you're very right, Xykon doesn't have a lot of (er, any) self-deception in him; on the contrary, he has a very clear-eyed vision of what he wants and is capable of. It's just that it's all horrible. Gotta think about this. But also see the next paragraph:

I wonder where would the snarl go in all of this?

I don't think we'll know that until the story is over! I've got a tentative plan to have the Tower be a Gate exploding, and maybe the Snarl could fit there, but... there's still too much we don't know about it to say for sure. It's a problem I'm having with a lot of the villains (and some allies), to be sure. (Worst case of this: the MitD, of course!!! I'm assuming he's (it's?) on a redemption path, so maybe Judgement? But it's really hard to guess when I don't even know what he (it?) looks like!) Who knows how any of them will end up?

(Except Rich, of course. I think I'm putting Rich on the World card... :) )