View Full Version : The Land, homebrew campaign

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Sol Mazer
2016-02-22, 09:29 PM
Players, the outing continues here... give me a couple days to get a start post.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-23, 06:06 AM
What has occurred before.....


The sprawl of Pax surrounds you, but fndng your way isn't difficult. It's suppose to to be three or four days to Karx South settlement. There is an outpost of Pax on the the north road, Bost, then to the foothills for the mage. Unfortunately, the mage's guild and academy wasn't interested in helping. Magus Cib is said to be extremely talented with potions... but, Mrs. Cib is quite the devout St. Cuthbert follower. And she is very rich. The church couldn't ignore her request.

You are set to leave, it is early, and the stores are open. What ever provisions you want (all PHB items) are available.

Leaving Pax will not be an issue.... Convincing an old mage to go home to his wife (on order of St. Cuthbert) may prove to be the hardest thing you do this week.

Map of locations.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-23, 07:41 AM
What you know: The Mage's Guild operates in Pax through their academy. However, the academy also has various branch locations for specific training; Karx South. Located at the southern tip of the Karx Ranve is their potions enclave. There, they maintain greenhouses and have access to caves and the melt water of the range. It is an ideal environment for the study of potion craft.

Magus Cib is an well known agent of the Mage's Guild. He will spend weeks at Karx South helping apprentices with their craft. He also spends time at Karx South researching new combinations of alchemical ingredients. To date, be has replied his regrets to not come home three times. Surely the emissaries of the Saint can convince him (even if they are only hired help)?

The daylight over Pax begins a new day and your journey. As it is just getting into autumn and there is plenty feed along the way, you don't pack much for your mounts. It should prove to be an easy ride for all concerned. The weather is clear for now, but grey skies dominate the western horizon. Showers are common this time of year-especially in this part of the Kingdom. *

Today, your objective is the Bost Garrison, an outpost about a day's journey north toward the Karx South settlement. Bost is a small town, really just a tower, a barracks, and a few homes (one of which acts as an inn). After Bost, it's straight north through rolling foothills and forest to Karx South. The remoteness of the place is its security, so say the mages.... Others say the mages enjoy their secrecy. The fact that Karx South is so very close to the Monument to the Kiln is not lost on Mim. Both the Monument and the settlement are within sight of each other.

((Mim is the Dwarven kingdom of the Land; The Monument to Kiln one of its markers))

You exit Pax and head north by road. As the day progresses, you find the day going from pleasant to cloudy. At midday, a group of mounted warriors (5) holding aloft the King's banner approach from the north. They are consumed in their conversation. Perhaps some words can be made out (and more importantly their meaning to you)....

Perception checks please.

If you would like, feel free to do a Charisma check if you want to address one of the warriors. Be sure to state your words with your roll.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-23, 07:45 AM
If you read all that, great. I brought over the OOC stuff to this game thread.

Your check reveals that these guards are not concerned with you at all. They see you all, but don't think you are anyone to worry about. You can hear them talking a bit about the improvements of the weapons on the walls of Pax. Classic guard conversation.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-23, 12:57 PM
OOC: I think I'm good... POST AWAY! We can hammer out particulars whike the PCs road trip.

The two groups are about 20' from each other and riding lazily toward each other. Yes... horses, ponies were provided to make your trip easier (and to encourage Magus Cib- wouldn't want the old guy to refuse the journey due to the walk). You are about a day from Bost, and then two days from Karx South.

What would the party like to do?

2016-02-23, 01:16 PM
Torrin nods to the guards out of respect as he passes them in the street. Subconsciously putting himself between the guards and those in the group.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-23, 03:03 PM
Bax will nod to the passing guards as well. He resumes his speech relating dwarven history to their journey.

"You all are lucky to have me along! We may get to see some examples of ancient dwarven stone craft! You know, all these lands were part of the Kingdom of Mim of old? Aye, mates! You trod on my ancient homelands! Sure Swanmay came to the rescue during the Great War, and we were glad to have it! But you have to wonder what Pax would look like if dwarves held the lands today." The dwarf will shake is ponderous head. Bax has been kind enough to point out dwarven accents for the last couple days. He seems pretty excited about being here...

He'll go on, "Ah! The Kiln Monument! I'm for that when we get near Karx South! Never seen it before, but they say it brings a saddness to us dwarves. A sight for all to see and appreciate... no doubt. But for the dwarves a sorrow to behold." Bax will get quiet for a moment.

2016-02-23, 03:08 PM
"You all are lucky to have me along! We may get to see some examples of ancient dwarven stone craft! You know, all these lands were part of the Kingdom of Mim of old? Aye, mates! You trod on my ancient homelands! Sure Swanmay came to the rescue during the Great War, and we were glad to have it! But you have to wonder what Pax would look like if dwarves held the lands today."....

At this point you hear Torrin chime in with "Decidedly more angular no doubt." But he stays quiet enough so as to not interrupt his friend. He knows Bax is excited and it generates a smile on his face to see his friend thus.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-23, 04:44 PM
In back post, Bax will say, "Right you are, Master Torrin! We'll make a proper dwarf of you yet! Glad to see some one has been paying attention..... " and will then continue with his lecture.

"Did you know legends say that Silverbeard was born in the very halls he helped Moradin carve? Tis true!"

The Party continues north to Bost... post away as you wish.

2016-02-23, 10:54 PM
Listening politely to Bax talk, Aurora watches the guards pass for a moment, but flying the kings banner they should be no threat to them. A glance to Torrin and a slight smile as she imagines his thoughts. "Tell us Bax, how Silverbeard helped Moradin carve out the great halls?"

Sol Mazer
2016-02-24, 06:04 AM
Bax will stare for a moment.... mouth agape. He will say, with as much confidence as he can muster.

"I imagine with a hammer and chisel.... slow work, but really needed for fine details.
Caleb! Perhaps a song has been written about it? Yes?"

Bax looks to his travel companion for an answer to bail him out.

2016-02-24, 07:18 AM
Torrin will glare playfully at Aurora over Bax's head for requesting more stories and then sigh with relief as Bax punts the request to Caleb.

His glare and smile turn to a frown quickly as he watches Aurora struggle with her mare yet again...

"Pull her head down, Rory, like this." With the mare still refusing to acknowledge it's rider Torrin hops off his own mount and holds a hand up to Aurora. "Here, let me on her for a bit." As they change riders and Torrin mounts the stubborn mare, almost as soon as his butt hits her saddle, he launches her into a full gallop. He rides her off into the distance down the road, almost out of sight and then spins her and comes roaring back still full out. He repeats the process a couple of times and then brings her back to Aurora. The mare's nostrils flared wide and she sucks in air, breathing hard, "There, she should be more interested in listening to you now. I think she's had her fill of wanting to run for a while." That crooked grin meets Aurora's eyes as he helps her back in the saddle, the horse nearly docile now and eager to respond to her.

2016-02-24, 12:09 PM
"I'm trying!" Getting more then a little frustrated, she takes the offered hand and hops off, and watches him ride off. When he returns she pats the mares nose, and says , "Thats why you should listen, silly horse." Smiling up at him with her own crooked grin.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-24, 12:51 PM
Day progresses and about mid afternoon, the weather turns to drizzle and then a good rain. Your approach to Bost Garrison is marked by a few fences and a thinning of the trees. The road is still quite good- no ruts and the gravel is well used.

At early evenng, you arrive in Bost and find a number of small homes, a couple barns, a walled tower and a two story building. A couple people make there way around the dwellings, closing up windows and barn doors (probably in preparation of the coming night). You see a few enter the two story building through a main entrance.

Guards can be seen on the walls of the tower. The tower is about 40' high surrounded by a 20' wall. There are no towers along the wall. Both tower and walls are made of stone. The other dwellings a mix of stone and wood. Some of the smaller houses are thatched roof.

It is early evening. Still some good light left to make out the details of the town and the goings on here. None have noted your arrival.

2016-02-24, 01:24 PM
Torrin will head on into the town unless he is stopped by the guards and make his way to the two story structure in hopes that it is an inn of some sort.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-24, 03:49 PM
As Torrin nears this building, he can easily hear the conversational tones of people and the clattering of dish ware. Some good, hearty laughs punctuate the sounds- classic tavern ahead (no roll needed).

Anyone else joining him?

2016-02-25, 12:19 AM
Keeping her cloak over her head, keeping the rain off, she dismounts and heads into the tavern, or what hopes to be a tavern, after Torrin.

2016-02-25, 08:48 AM
Torrin reaches for Aurora's hand as they step up on the porch and make their way inside the inn, his stomach already rumbling from the smells of hot food and the thoughts of honeyed mead to come.

2016-02-25, 11:50 AM
She returns the gesture, grabbing his hand and pulling him close to her as they walk up the steps, looking forward to be out of the rain and cold and have a nice good meal.

2016-02-25, 06:31 PM
Caleb had no issue recalling the tales. "Well, Silverbeard's might was grand even for a dwarf, as was his control of the hammer. it was, in fact, a greathammer he used, wrought of adamantine just like the 2-foot chisels he used, the first tools of that material if legend is true. He'd swing wide and strong, smashing chunks off the mountain's innards or hitting the chisels unerringly, driving them deep in the rock to leverage it free of the earth, before holding that same greathammer from the haft's top and chisel fine engravings on the wall he dug out or soon-to-be-statue he liberated. What none of the stories answer, though, is how he was born in the very caverns he would later dig out", he finishes with a chuckle. But after that, he escorted their travels with one of the finer songs of Silverbeard, his works, and legacy.

Weary of the travel, Caleb was eager to see a tavern. A place to quench a parched throat, fill a tired belly, and learn a new song. Indeed, the day's travel has left him too weary to perform; hopefully another great bard would take on the sacred duty.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-25, 07:21 PM
"Ah ha! Yes! You Caleb are certainly part dwarf! Indeed, it is as if you have toured Dwarfhome and come to tell us the tale..." as he and Caleb near the porch of the supposed inn, he will lean conspiratorially closer to the Bard and say, "The riddle of him shaping the halls he was born in is a classic! We dwarves liken it to knowing what the iron will look like before we set to work- a plan here," says the dwarf pointing to his head, "is a work completed."

Climbing the steps he will say, "Class dismissed! Let's see if they keep any worthy ale in this establishment!"

Above the double door entrance is a sign that reads: Bost Inn, Mr. Reeder proprietor

It yeilds to Bax's push and the common room beyond welcomes you with warmth and savory smells. A man tends the bar and a woman walks between tables with a platter. A word or two with her customers and then she is back to her errands.

The bar is on the left, fireplace in the far wall (hearty fire blazing), and various tables and booths throughout the area. Windows, unshuttered at the moment line the right wall and the entrance wall on either side of the doors. Candles light most of the tables, but there is a continual light effect easy to discern upon two domes in the ceiling (one above the bar and one above the table area).

There are about 15 people in the room, a mix of men and women.

The man behind the bar says, "Welcome to the Bost Inn, sit where you please. The Mrs. will be with you shortly."

What would the party like to do?

2016-02-26, 01:05 PM
Torrin watches Bax with a smile as he enters the Inn thinking The crusty old dwarf is in his element. He quickly scans the room looking for a table near the fire, ready to get warmed up and dried out. Assuming one is available he will make his way there, catching the attention of the Mrs. as he does so he can order.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-27, 09:23 AM
Bax will enter the common room and head to an unoccupied booth- as close to the fire place as possible. He takes his smoking pouch out and prepares a pipe. Assuming all join him, you sit around the table and the serving woman, Mrs. Reeder, approaches.

"Welcome to the Bost! I'm Bev, what can I get for for you all? We have a very good stew this evening, lamb as well. Will you be needing beds for tonight?"

Bax will say, "The stew sounds like just the thing! And I'll take a stout ale if you have it." He will finish with lighting his pipe and easing back in his seat.

"I believe we will be able to accommodate your tastes, good dwarf! We have a barrel of some fine ale reserved for dwarves - we see your folk from time to time on their way to the Monument. You're off to see it, are you?"

Bax will nod, "Yes, been meaning to do that for a while." As usual, Bax won't play his hand too much regarding his business, but this would seem obvious to the dwarf.

Bev will look to the others for orders or conversation. A friendly look on her face.

2016-02-27, 07:01 PM
"Some lamb, a red wine, and just a sip of that dwarven ale. I'd like to know how it tastes when I write about our journey', says Caleb, as he leans back and puts his feet up on a chair, his attention on his instrument, which he begins to softly tune.

2016-02-29, 03:39 AM
"Please, I would love some lamb and stew, if you please, it has been a long journey and a bed would be wonderful as well." She sits beside Torrin and leans into him affectionately.

2016-02-29, 07:22 AM
Torrin waits for the rest to finish then makes his order. "Mrs. Reeder, I would like to have a bit of honeyed mead if there is any in the house, if not some close approximation would be fine. A plate of lamb to warm the bones as well and yes, we will be needing beds for the evening.

Caleb, if you wish to know what the dwarven ale tastes like then I am sure the blacksmith will let you sample some axle grease."

He pointedly keeps from making eye contact with the dwarf as he says this and instead uses the jab to survey the room or more importantly the people in the room.


*Thank god passive perception is 15, sheesh.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-29, 08:04 AM
With that peception score, you easily see Bax give you the finger as he scratches his nose with it. Classic.

Mrs. Reeder to the group, "Glad to hear you'll be staying. I can have my son take care of your horses. We have a barn for such occasions. I'll let my husband know."

Sol Mazer
2016-02-29, 02:56 PM
As you all survey the room, you notice the crowd in the tavern reacts indifferently to the lot of you.... they assume whatever of you all and mind their affairs (as traffic from Pax is better than no traffic at all). Outside coin is always welcome at the Bost Inn... and they won't interfere with that.

Bev returns with a platter of drinks as ordered and sets them before each of you. "Don't you mind our locals... they tend to keep to themsleves," she whispers. "We are glad to have you with us tonight- we don't get much business this time of year...certainly the guard post creates most of it. But travelers such as yourselves tend to diminish with the warm weather. Usually we see mages off to study or a few dwarves to see the monument. We did have a knight here a couple days ago on his way to the mage's farm at Karx South. Ser Malik of Trodale... know him?"

Local history to know of this guy. Caleb, I'll give you advantage as a bard. (Advantage...I'm doing that correctly, right?)

2016-02-29, 03:04 PM
Advantage means he gets to roll the d20 twice and take the better result. Conversely if he had disadvantage he'd do the same thing and take the worst result.


I didn't think I could add a roll to an existing post.

Sol Mazer
2016-02-29, 03:13 PM
Advantage means he gets to roll the d20 twice and take the better result. Conversely if he had disadvantage he'd do the same thing and take the worst result.

Yup! That's exactly what I want! Thanks Lio.

2016-02-29, 04:08 PM
Torrins check even this isn't his forte.


2016-03-01, 04:57 AM
History: [roll0] or [roll1]

... it's, like, a thing. That, like, happened. Or didn't. But, like, in the past.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-01, 06:12 AM
Seeing the taller, younger folk wrestle with the recall of a name, Bax puffs on his pipe....


Sol Mazer
2016-03-01, 07:44 AM
"You don't say! Fine company you keep, Mrs. Reeder!"

Bev Reeder smiles warmly and leaves you to enjoy your meal. Bax draws on his pipe, looking at each in turn. Seeing no one knowing Sir Malik's name, he leans back a bit in his seat- Bax is getting ready to teach again.

"Sir Malik is a knight of Trodale... probably a paladin type. Very capable. I saw him a few years ago during the King's tournament in Pax. Practically ran the show. He favors the claymore on the field, having his squire shield for him. I didn't talk to him, of course, but I did get to see the man have his arm raised his victory a number of times. Wonder what his business is up here?"

Content he has schooled his pupils, Bax sets into his meal.

2016-03-01, 09:56 AM
"We may have a chance to meet him in person since he seems to be headed to the same place we are. The name certainly isn't bantered about amongst the nobles much or I would have heard it." Torrin settles in and eats his meal, once finished he is content to relax and watch the crowd.

2016-03-01, 01:49 PM
"Perhaps, we will, I wonder if he is friendly or not. A lot of people have big heads as it were when they are popular," She yawns a little waiting for food to arrive.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-01, 07:23 PM
OOC: Food already arrived ;)

The evening progresses, and the room warms up a bit to the group. Caleb, not shy about playing a song or two for his friends, soon finds the locals requesting a couple well known songs- very kindly and always with warm smiles as a thanks. Some insist on paying for the party's drinks. Before long, the room thins, and accommodations for the group are made (all rooms for guests are on the lower level). Bax and Caleb bunk up (Bax on the floor on his mat- infernal man-beds too soft for the likes of him!). Aurora and Torrin find their quarters very pleasant- two beds, that can be quietly pushed together if the two desire.

Outside, Mr. Reeder closes up for the night. The rain ceases, and the only sounds heard on the road outside are the guards having their conversations. Bost settles itself for another night.
http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/solmazer/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-12-06-21-44-14-1_zpskec7t70p.jpg (http://s719.photobucket.com/user/solmazer/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-12-06-21-44-14-1_zpskec7t70p.jpg.html)

OOC: We're in the sandbox friends. Just because everyone else is sleepy-time doesn't mean you have to be. Anyone going out?

2016-03-02, 07:32 AM
Torrin says to Aurora, "Hey, I am going to go for a walk, you know how I like it after a rain."

Torrin heads outside and picks a random direction, just walking casually taking in the sights and smells after a rain on this cool evening.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-02, 07:47 AM
Are you sticking to shadows, avoiding guards, or just walking plainly around?

Bax has retired for the night. Anyone else going for a walk?

2016-03-02, 08:37 AM
No sneaky sneak, just taking a walk. Unless Torrin would know about it possibly being a bad thing to take a walk here.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-02, 11:23 AM
Torrin, you find no issue walking openly at this hour. It is very much like Pax in that regard- no curfew was implied, no guards stopped you on your way into Bost. You can enjoy a walk through this quiet town.

There a few lamps lit for the street. You pass several homes, a smithy, a mercantile and of course, the main guard tower. Its walls are 20' high and the main tower ( in the center of a presumed courtyard) is about 40' tall.

Perception check please.... I'll give you advantage.

2016-03-02, 11:43 AM
Pretty sure Aurora would have come with me.


2016-03-02, 11:58 AM
"I do, the smell after a rainfall can be divine, especially inside a town, I shall come with you unless you if you dont mind" Linking arms with Torrin she walks with him,


2016-03-02, 12:03 PM
As a side note here on the rules.

%e introduced something called passive skill checks. It would be used in instances where the character might notice something versus actively seeking to locate something. Torrins passive perception is 15. If that helps any.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-02, 12:59 PM
You both catch the end of sentence... maybe an effect of the wind, or how the guards are positioned on the wall above.

You hear, ".... trouble in the north."

Then an answer, "Just more patrols for us."

The guards turn the corner and continue their walk above. You are about 30' from the base of the walls, walking toward the guard tower structure. There are lamps and torches lighting the area. You are..... [roll0]

Sol Mazer
2016-03-02, 01:01 PM
.... noticed.
A guard nods in your direction from the wall.

Torrin, Aurora, what do you do?

2016-03-02, 01:08 PM
Torrin nods back to the guard and alters his course towards the man?, holding his attention until he gets close enough to voice a question. "I apologized for asking this due to the nature of how I have need to even ask. I overheard a bit of conversation between the guards regarding trouble to the north? My travels are to take me in that direction, would you care to share what the trouble might be? Or could you direct me to someone else I could inquire with?"

Sol Mazer
2016-03-02, 01:20 PM
He answers, "Aye, some of the lads been hearing that the giant-folk are starting their usual push south this time of year. Usually the Karx and the Barrier keep them contained. Henx sees more trouble than us though.." he says waving a hand to the west. "If you have business with the mages at their farm, or you're off to see the monument, I'd recommend not dallying about. We patrol, but like I said, best not to be over long this close to the mountains. What's your business with the Karx settlement, travelers?"

2016-03-02, 01:23 PM
Torrin grins his sideways grin, "We have been tasked with retrieving an errant mage from the college, no doubt lost in study enough that he has forgotten he was married." He chuckles at his own quip.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-02, 03:20 PM
"You don't say!" exclaims the guard, "Glad to know mages can't magik their martial duties away! Seems we all have the same troubles. Be sure to come back and stay with the Reeders, good folk they is."

The guard gives a non-verbal cue that the conversation is over. A fairwell is appropriate at this time.

2016-03-02, 03:27 PM
"My thanks for the information good sir, I will take my leave now and continue my stroll." Torrin nods to the man as he and Aurora steer away from the wall and continue their stroll.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-02, 09:12 PM
The town is essentially surrounded by a mixture of wooded areas and farmland. You've walked the length of it, only encountering the guard on the walls of the tower. You can hear muffled conversation in some of the homes, but nothing you can make out from your position on the street. The stable the horses and pony are in is well kept- all the group's animals seen very well taken care of. You find yourself rounding the corner of the stable and at the start: The Bost Inn. You might have been walking a 1/2 hour to an hour. It's not very late, but this is a quiet town... it may as well be 2 AM.

What would you like to do?

2016-03-03, 07:20 AM
If the bar portion of the Inn is still open Torrin will head back in there for a nightcap. If not maybe sit on the porch for a while and just enjoy the quiet.

2016-03-03, 12:04 PM
Aurora will go with Torrin, she was just mostly wanting to spend time with him talk about minor topics and enjoy the night.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-03, 05:26 PM
Okay! Closing out this day. New day coming up tomorrow. Look for a brief post soon.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-03, 08:57 PM
Day Two

http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/solmazer/Mobile%20Uploads/english-village.jpg.cf_zps40sily5y.jpg (http://s719.photobucket.com/user/solmazer/media/Mobile%20Uploads/english-village.jpg.cf_zps40sily5y.jpg.html)

You wake to find the morning clear and breakfast ready in the main room. The standard fare is laid out for you all: eggs, bread, tea (or coffee) a delightful strawberry spread, and many well sized sausages. It would seem as if the larder was a bit full and it would be a shame to waste the provisions- but nevertheless, everything is to your satisfaction. Mr. Reeder is not to be seen, but Bev is on hand to tend to your needs. She chats with you about the goings on... she is quite friendly.[br][br]Looking out the windows reveals a quaint village unseen in all of yesterday's rain.[br][br]Bev: Yes, it is certainly pretty. I'm glad to have my family here- but still close to Pax. Do you think you'll be staying through tomorrow, or will you be heading off today?

2016-03-04, 12:17 PM
"In light of recent news I think it's best we head out as soon as we can. Your hospitality is most appreciated though and we will certainly stop back here on our way back." Torrin hopes he is speaking for the others as he says all that and then sets to filling his belly before the trip.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-05, 07:47 AM
Bev will nod her thanks and say, "Please do! Enjoy your trip north. The mages keep to themselves mostly, and know the monument is a source of interest for your people, Master Dwarf. I doubt they'll give you any bother."

You square the tab with the Bost Inn and set to leave.

Your mounts are refreshed and saddled. It looks to be a beautiful day. The air has a slight chill to it as there is a breeze downing down from the Karx Range. Looking north, you see the grand peaks of the Karx marching east a ways; to the west, you can begin to see where the Karx meets the Barrier Range (but that does not enter into this tale).

In Bost at this hour, people get about their business. The guards do their morning constitution before the tower (some 20 of them). Town's folk begin to draw their carts to the fields for work. The ringing of a hammer upon steel can be heard as well. A rhythmic chant that catches the ear of Bax. He gives a small frown and a look as if to say, "Sounds like he has the hang of it."

You will easily move through town if you choose, the road north to the Karx Settlement is just beyond the tower.

What would you like to do?

As an FYI, each party member has a mount and there is a spare for Magus Cib. I'd like marching order when saddled, and when walking. Also when wide enough for two across and single file. Bax will take what ever position is determined for him.

Back posting okay if you want to keep talking to Bev.

2016-03-07, 07:23 AM
Umm, head out?

2016-03-07, 07:33 AM
Head out of course! Oh, and get plenty of mount feed on the spare horseback

Sol Mazer
2016-03-07, 03:24 PM
http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/solmazer/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-12-06-10-16-25-1_zpsipwwxyws.jpg (http://s719.photobucket.com/user/solmazer/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-12-06-10-16-25-1_zpsipwwxyws.jpg.html)

The end of town and the beginning of the path blend seamlessly. You find yourselves on a trek through modest farms and the ever thickening trees. A stream can be seen and heard at times as you meander along the path. It is a frosty late autumn day, prefect for a journey- so says your dwarven friend.

"A perfect day for a journey! How about this air?! The taste of which is probably lost on your kind, Caleb and Torrin... but the very air has the after notes of strata. A tinge of.... schist? Maybe a gabbro? When we get closer to some outcrops, maybe we can have a lesson of the geological variety!"

The morning is pleasant and progresses without incident or action. Come midday you are ready for a rest.*

2016-03-07, 04:25 PM
"I would be happy to exchange lessons regarding rocks with ones equally intriguing about flora and fauna of the area, how to hunt or fish to be able to feed yourself should I come up missing or need a break from the task, Child of the Stone, perhaps when we rest." Torrin grins at his dwarven friend, they were in his element now and he could prattle word for word with the dwarf.

That looks like you took it in the woods I go camping in all the time, lol

Sol Mazer
2016-03-08, 06:24 PM
A short rest is had and then further travel to Karx South. As evening draws near, you easily see numerous places along the road that wouod make suitable camp sites for the night.

Would the party like to continue, or stop for the night? Watch order please!

2016-03-08, 09:53 PM
"Shall we stop for the night?"

2016-03-09, 03:41 AM
"We'll have to, eventually, and now's good a time as any", votes Caleb. "Should I take first shift?"

2016-03-09, 07:32 AM
Torrin nods to Caleb, "That should be fine, I'll take the last one since I like to get up early anyway."

Rather than wait on Crixon to get up or the NPC to speak up how's about we have Aurora take second and Bax take third shifts.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-09, 07:53 AM
Thank you all. Cal, Aur, Bax, Tor

Please make Constitution checks everyone.

Bax's Check:

2016-03-09, 09:04 AM
Torrin's constitution check.


I would have to say that this house rule is probably THE only one that you use that I dislike. I get it, I get the reasoning, etc., etc. I just seems to hit me wrong. Not wrong enough that I would ever drop, or quit or whatever, just making a note via rambling. I think to me it seems more like 'Hey here's a chance to show your character isn't quite the hero you thought he was. Okay, I'm done now. :smalltongue:

Sol Mazer
2016-03-09, 11:04 AM
Yeah... I'm a stinker. You summed it up perfectly though, at the end of the day, a hero can be fallible. It's mostly for flavor-> I would never put a crew to the sword through this check. Do the orcs stumble upon a sleepy-time party? If so, who nodded off?
The check also can save the crew. Example: if Aurora fails, heros Bax and Torrin get a chance to wake up- something in their Hero Persona drives them to understand "Been a asleep too long... must wake!"

2016-03-09, 11:08 AM
Yep, I know you wouldn't do that at all. Maybe it's just the fact that it takes something I think as a player I should be able to control about my character out of my hands. I dunno, just conversating about it more than anything.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-09, 11:36 AM
Totally fair assessment.
I'll be updating you all with how the previous party reacted or played particular parts of the story. The mood and challenges will be as close to what I presented to them. They were 4th level, so you all will get some modifications to the encounters, but in essence the same story.
I look forward to seeing how you all react to the scenarios- and getting your opinions regarding your course of action compared to theirs.

Aurora and Caleb, rolls when you can. I'd like to move us on to the next day

2016-03-09, 11:41 AM
She has usually popped up in chat by now, I would say roll for her if you haven't heard from me or her by 11, or in about 20 minutes.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-09, 01:12 PM
Aurora Con Check:

Caleb Con Check:

The Wheel spins above the party... night passes. The morning will reveal its own challenges.
http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/solmazer/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-12-18-20-50-38-1_zpsksra13et.jpg (http://s719.photobucket.com/user/solmazer/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-12-18-20-50-38-1_zpsksra13et.jpg.html)

Sol Mazer
2016-03-09, 01:13 PM
Oooooo! C'mon Bax!


Sol Mazer
2016-03-09, 01:15 PM
Torrin, see if you wake up on your own. Con Check as you passed the initial one.
Story flavor friends!

2016-03-09, 01:27 PM
Oh, for my shift?


Sol Mazer
2016-03-09, 02:49 PM
Day Three

Torrin, through some practice as being the last person on watch, you wake at your designated time without Bax giving you a shake. You had planned on telling your friend to retire for the night, but you found him (and the others) fast asleep.

Seeing this bolts you upright, you begin surveying the area for a threat. Scanning your surroundings, you find no intruders. Nothing seems disturbed.

The small hours of night slowly turn into dawn. Day Three begins...

2016-03-09, 02:54 PM
Once Torrin figures out everything is fine he will, just before dawn, find a few good stones and place them inside their cook pot, walk to the center of camp where everyone is snoring, and proceed to shake the $h!t out of the pot. *RATTLE RATTLE RATTLE NOISE NOISE NOISE*

Sol Mazer
2016-03-09, 09:37 PM
Bax wakes full bore, hammer in hand, and upright...

"Moradin's Forge! What in Nine Hells! Who?! Who let me sleep?!"

The dwarf is completely a wreck. He sure is rested though...

2016-03-10, 04:21 AM
Caleb is likely the most startled of all.

"Wha, who, we're being attacked!"

Then he realizes what happened. With an amused expression, he nevertheless tries to snatch the pot. Well, he deserved that waking.

2016-03-10, 11:08 AM
Not too far up the road, a bit of whistling and humming can be heard. A delightful little tune, one that may be known to Bax as it is a work song taught to all Dwarves at a young age.

Orrick is eager for the day to be done, that awful business at the monument and all.

But he doesn't let this deter him from his attempts to enjoy the day ahead.

His leather boots and leather jacket are dusty from the trail and his pack is secured tightly to him, overly packed full of items. His beard isn't as long as most Dwarves but is shaped and trimmed to fit his face, making him seem more approachable than most of his kin.

2016-03-10, 11:16 AM
Between the chuckles and gripes Torrin picks up the whistling as he allows Caleb to snatch the pot full of rocks. He steps between the sound and the rest of the group protectively as his focus shifts to the road and the traveler or travelers coming up it. He eye's his bow laying beside his already packed up belongings but doesn't really feel any threat coming and just decides to stand there and wait.

2016-03-10, 11:44 AM
Bolting upright with the sound of the rattling bang , Aurora calls a powerful spell to mind as she bolts upright, little tendrils of fire cover her hand in a random pattern as she looks for the threat, a few seconds she realises its just Torrin, "The nine hells Torrin!" The fire fades from her hand, "One of these days ... one of these days ..." Hearing the whistling she starts getting things packed up and waits.

2016-03-10, 12:09 PM
Caleb's reaction to the melody is different than the rest, more welcoming, as it where. He picks up his lute and, carefully, starts to mirror the tune heard through the trees.

[roll0] performance check, plus proficiency bonus? Never quite figured how tool checks worked.

2016-03-10, 12:21 PM
Caleb's reaction to the melody is different than the rest, more welcoming, as it where. He picks up his lute and, carefully, starts to mirror the tune heard through the trees.

[roll0] performance check, plus proficiency bonus? Never quite figured how tool checks worked.

In your case I am reasonably certain it would be your performance skill to do that, don't forget you have expertise if it's a chosen proficiency so you'd double the proficiency bonus. So Cha bonus + 6 + anything else that a bard might add to that. I'd say you nailed it.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-10, 03:27 PM
As the DM, I'd say he safely made that check and Caleb is on point with his lute. The melding of the two is perfect- and settling to.the group considering Torrin's "alarm clock."

Bax has a look on his face of nostalgia and a bit of disbelief, but seeing Caleb join in assures the dwarf he is not just hearing things. Presently, through the woods, another dwarf enters the scene. Like a character out of a fairy tale made manifest, the newcomer strolls up to the group.

Bax will nod in greeting saying (in Common) "Welcome, cousin. I hope our antics didn't disturb your morning constitutional. I am Bax Rifthammer, these are my friends Caleb, Torrin and Aurora. How does this day find you?"

To the Party: feel free to add as you like. I would have put your last names on that, but I'm phone posting and it's a bear. Flip, feel free to add any and all embellishments to your approach. Wouldn't want to step.on your entrance =^)

2016-03-10, 03:40 PM
Torrin Nemmonis nods as he is introduced to the newcomer, smirking a bit at the morning constitutional comment, Dwarves he thinks, and extends a hand to shake in greeting.

He rattles off in perfect dwarven, "Well met, Child of the Stone, traveling to the Monument this fine morning?"

2016-03-10, 04:22 PM
Orrick smiles back warmly and offers out his hand return.

Speaking in Common, "Well met fellow travelers. The name is Orrick Warmhandle. It be a wonderful day out here."

Sol Mazer
2016-03-10, 05:21 PM
"Indeed! I was saying the very same thing yesterday, perfect days for a journey! Have you noticed the air? It is as if Mim itself guides us to our destination... are you for the monument as well? I would be pleased to share the site with friend and kin alike," says Bax.

Mim is the dwarven kingdom north of the mountain ranges. You are headed to the southern Karx range, and The Barrier Mountains run west from there. I'll post up a map on OOC for context.

Bax will clasp the extended hand in fashion with a dwarven greeting.

2016-03-11, 08:51 AM
"I believe we are ready to travel, we would be honored if you would join us Master Warmhandle?" Torrin walks over to his things and hooks a toe under his bow, flipping it up into his waiting hand before grabbing his other things and mounting up.

2016-03-11, 10:26 AM
Orrick smiles.

"Please, call me Orrick. Since we be heading to the same destination, why not group up. Strength in numbers they always say."

Before we journey off, do I know if the road ahead gets more dangerous or are we safe for another day?

2016-03-11, 10:29 AM
Torrin mounts up and checks to see that the rest are ready to go before leading his horse out of the camp and up the road. "Orrick it is then. Well met."

Sol Mazer
2016-03-11, 10:43 AM
We're "live fire" so anything is possible. I will neither confirm or deny safety. =^)

2016-03-14, 10:31 AM
Aurora mounts up and is ready to go.

2016-03-14, 10:53 AM
Orrick looks to the group and their mounts.

"Mind taking a slower pace? Thinking this would be a leisurely stroll kind of day may not have been the right idea."

Sol Mazer
2016-03-14, 07:55 PM
Bax will offer, "Use our spare, cousin! We have an extra for the person we need to see. If you would prefer my pony, I'm sure I can use that horse- but don't you mind Torrin and Caleb's jibes for me... They are old friends, and are only starting to get a measure of dwarf sense."

Bax will point to the horse in tow.

2016-03-15, 10:52 AM
Orrick smiles.

"Thank you! Makes me less like a burden now."

He secures his belongings to the horse then climbs it's back, showing signs of struggle but manages to make it.

"Let's make good use of this day and hit the road."

2016-03-16, 02:56 PM
Not saying anything about the dwarves struggle to mount, giving her respect, she nods when he says ready to go "We are lucky to have a nice sunny day to travel, perhaps our new companion would like to sing us a song as we ride?"

2016-03-16, 03:44 PM
Caleb stays silent at Aurora's idea. There will be time for a duet, but he'd rather learn from the newcomer's songs first. For now, they ride under the dwarf's songs.

2016-03-16, 03:49 PM
"Singing isn't my thing. Though a good tune can catch wind in the mines, I prefer chanting and whistling to help me and my kin pass the time."

Orrick takes a swig of water.

"I could continue my tune from earlier if you wish?"

2016-03-17, 10:40 AM
"Sure! That sounds like a plan."

2016-03-18, 09:39 AM
Orrick nods and picks up the song from where he left off prior to his encounter with the group.

2016-03-18, 10:46 AM
Caleb follows the tune by touching the lute's strings. He's not playing, not making sound; merely memorising.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-19, 07:08 AM
Bax will smile warmly at the tune and the fellows encounter a strange thing: the dwarf is silent for quiet a while. It's not often he hears the music of Mim, and he isn't about to miss out to talk about rocks- for now! Let's see how the day progresses!

Before long, the trail thins and the group travles single file. The foliage thickens, and the slope increases. Your path is certain and steady progress is made. Just before midday, Bax gives a shout.

"Oi! Look at this! I knew these were still in the world, but have never seen one before! Orrick look!"

As the group gains the perspective that Bax has, they are greeted by a colossal figure. (Note the person in image for scale.)

http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/solmazer/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-12-16-19-59-49-1_zps2tx7zay1.jpg (http://s719.photobucket.com/user/solmazer/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-12-16-19-59-49-1_zps2tx7zay1.jpg.html)

Bax will say, "This is a marker of Ancient Mim. We stand at the boarder of the dwarf lands of old....." Bax will dismount and walk to it, with an outstretched hand. ]

2016-03-19, 04:07 PM
"For such little people they sure build big things don't they?" Torrin muses. His heart warms as he watches his friend admire the statue.

2016-03-20, 12:49 AM
Watching beside Torrin, "They do indeed my love, maybe there's a reason for that." She says smiling

Sol Mazer
2016-03-20, 03:26 PM
Bax will brush his hand over the marker. Wiping away years of grime from the patch before him. He will look surprised at the rock, and turn to Orrick say, "Look here! The glyphwerks still shine! How many years ago was this made and still they shine- though dim they are."

The group will notice a pale, pale radiance streaming from the stone that was exposed by Bax's hand. The light is patterned in curves and contours. It ornaments this part of the rock like a stylized scrolling.

Flip, message coming

2016-03-20, 03:44 PM
"It takes no mage to tell those markings are arcane, and no bard to tell this is the stuff of legends. Care to enlighten me, Bax?"

Sol Mazer
2016-03-20, 05:08 PM
Bax takes a look of pride, and places a hand upon his chest.

"A lesson? Of course! This marker has an arcane embellishment upon it- but notice the scrolling..... here..... here.... (pointing). Very un-dwarf like. This marker lets us know where the boundary is, but it also can give us clues as to what this road may have been used for. I would wager an old trade community, or outpost of sorts, was somewhere nearby. The marker is dwarven- no doubt.... but the scrolling? Perhaps more likely an elven contribution."

Gathering a bit of steam, Bax continues.
"Dwarves do work like this now, but reserve it for Mim. This is a rare prize- glyphwerk this old? Outside Mim? A rare prize indeed!.... "

Everyone: Investigation check please. If you know elvish, are elven, or half elven you get Advantage. Let's see what you know!

2016-03-21, 06:52 AM
Torrin's investigation check.


My investigate sucks...lol

Sol Mazer
2016-03-21, 08:34 AM
OOC: Oh boy..... High score gets extra info, get those dice up!

2016-03-21, 09:29 AM
Orrick thinks about the glyphs before him and their meaning before pulling to memory a spell that may aid him in this endeavor.

So if I were to cast Comprehend Language, would that allow me to get the advantage on my roll?


2016-03-21, 10:26 AM
[roll0] Investigation

Sol Mazer
2016-03-21, 12:41 PM
Orrick sees that this isn't necessarily about language, more about style. Hold onto that spell for now.

Caleb's dice!

Sol Mazer
2016-03-21, 08:01 PM
Rolls look good. Flip got a message, and everyone can see Bax is wrong. The scrolling glyphwerk is not elven.

Post away!

2016-03-21, 08:19 PM
Torrin leans over to Caleb, "Ummm, do you want to tell him or should I?"

2016-03-22, 03:28 AM
((Sorry for the delay, folks, crazy pair' o days))

"Uh, please go ahead. I'd hate to be the one to tell him the story isn't what he thinks it is..."

Sol Mazer
2016-03-22, 05:14 AM
"What should be noted as well is that the elven kingdoms used to meet up against Mim's boarder. They weren't just in those woods they seem to prefer these days." waving his hand south. "I'm sure a dwarf couldn't get a solid day's work on the surface without seeing one of their kind prancing about as they are apt to do. Makes sense that they would like to participate in the look and feel of the marker. Yes! Strange times!"
Bax will take a bit of cloth to wipe more grime off the marker exposing more of the glyphwerk. Where in the shade it can be seen if looked for. But in direct sun, it is washed out by the day time brightness.
"Confounded tall folk and their whispers! Speak up! Did I step on a horse apple?" Bax will look at his boots for tell tale signs.

2016-03-22, 06:25 AM
Torrin takes a deep breath and steps forward a bit, "Bax, old friend, I know not what those runes are save they are magical. But I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that they ....small dramatic pause... will be here on our return trip. As the gnomes are apt to say, we are burning daylight and have a mission to complete."

2016-03-22, 09:55 AM
Orrick clears his throat.

"Torrin forgets Dwarves can take criticism. The glyphs are Gnomish."

Orrick then takes out, using a bit of magic to lift it into the air, and begins wiping down the marker in areas that Bax could not reach.

"There are more runes on this thing."

Sol Mazer
2016-03-22, 12:18 PM
"Gnomish! What?! Cousin, surely you jest! Gnomes...."

As Orrick works, the group can see more of the scrolling and it does have a very elegant and elaborate sweep to it. Almost drawn on more for the joy of decoration than the function of the glowing you see standing out (as described before). As Orrick moves over the northern side of the structure, and sweeps into the shadows, the group hears a very odd thing from Bax. He is gaping at a spot on the marker some 10 feet above his head. In dwarven, which he never uses except to curse during a fight, he says,

"Cousin... did you see this? The stone speaks to our eyes...."
Orrick: Bax points to a shadowed portion of the marker. A dull red glow shines from the patch. The style is certainly dwarven: angles, lines, and block format. The gnomish scrolling does not interfere with it, nor goes near it.

2016-03-22, 12:33 PM
Orrick hums in agreement with Bax.

"It would seem that our cousins are telling 'us' something."

2016-03-22, 02:16 PM
Torrin tilts his head to the side, "Well it's telling you and those that can read it something. That much is certain."

Sol Mazer
2016-03-22, 04:59 PM
"Well, on that score, everything on this marker is ornamental.... Come and look here and you won't see what I mean." says the dwarf pointing to the right side of the helm. "Here..." pointing, "is a dull red panel of dwarven glyphwerk upon the stone- almost within it, it seems. This kind of glyphing is for dwarf eyes only. Again, sparingly seen outside Mim.... but worth a look when we come back this way with our mage. We'll have to time our next visit for night! The gnomish stuff should look better at night as well," he finishes with a grumble.

Bax leads his pony past the marker and begins to mount up.

2016-03-23, 08:28 AM
Torrin muses as they ride by, "If it's meant for dwarven eyes only then why'd they put the damn thing up so high?"

Sol Mazer
2016-03-23, 11:16 AM
Bax's head shakes side to side. Though Torrin cannot see the leading dwarf's face, he knows Bax is giving one of his "Silverbeard spare me these tall folk!" eye rolls.

2016-03-23, 11:45 AM
Orrick stops wiping the marker and puts away his cloth.

He returns to the mount and struggles to climb it once more, but not nearly as much as before.

"Gettin' better." he mumbles to himself.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-23, 12:06 PM

The day progresses past noon, and the party continues north. Presently, bright green mosses and foliage are seen around the path. Bax speaks up,

"Ah! The last bit of moisture is squeezed out of the air at this elevation! Notice the greenery! Almost like a rain forest, or that swamp so far to the west. The mages must have only moderate trouble growing at their settlement. See this..." pointing to the covering on a stone from his pony, "that is a clear sign of health! Why, I would wager-"

Bax's lesson is abruptly ended as a flash of steal cuts down from the rock out crop on the right side of the path. An immense blade descends with enormous force, separating the head of the pony from its body. Bax stares gob smacked as this happens and has just a moment to consider before attempting to leap free of the ruined pony (lest he be pinned).

No posting please, lost the pic I wanted to use... hold on

Sol Mazer
2016-03-23, 03:20 PM
Bax Arcrobatics check:

Stepping before the dwarf, from behind the rocky wall on the right is this:

It is easily 20' tall. And begins mocking the dwarves before him, beckoning them closer.
Key Differences: It is holding a pretty nice claymore in its right hand. It is also partially armored. It has various bits of armor affixed to its body. The newest bits appear to be a plate mail hammered and beaten to conform to its grotesque shape. It has a medium shield on the hump of its back.
All can see that this thing is a deformity made mobile. It has an extra arm (not shown, numerous eyes and a functioning mouth on the left side of its head. Its legs are armored similarly.
The armor is man-sized and has been hooked onto the giant thing through loops in its flesh. Where the newer armor is not, you can see layers of older stuff. This thing is a mass of flesh covered in hammered sheets.... it calls on the group.


It is the purple colored figure below:

Bax is the closest "blue figure." Orrick the lowest "blue figure."

For the grid: the path is normal terrain for PCs. The area left of the path is difficult terrain for PCs. Thinking, given the scale, with figures on a board, a 2x2 square is figure area. We can work on how far things are and movement- lets figure that together (let's agree to be reasonable!).

Perception checks!
Will Saving Throws!

Sol Mazer
2016-03-23, 03:28 PM
Bax maintans his feet and is not pinned under his pony! Nice!
Will Save:[roll1]

Baddie Init:[roll3]

Shoot... there is no Will Save, is there? What was that tied too? Wisdom? If so, add Wisdom bonus (with prof. dice? Help a dm out!).

2016-03-23, 03:41 PM
Torrins rolls

[roll=Fear? Wisdom]1d20+2

I'm assuming you are looking for a fear save maybe? If so it would be advantage on the wisdom save versus it. Assuming you are looking to grant advantage since we are seasoned warrior or some other reason. Disadvantage if we normally fear giants?

2016-03-23, 03:42 PM
Torrins fix for his fubar'd roll


The question mark monkeyed it up.

2016-03-23, 04:09 PM
Will Save:[roll1]

"Holy horse apples, this is ugly!", exclaims Caleb as he lets Bax's earlier expression influence his speech.

2016-03-23, 04:26 PM
Aurora smiles as the dwarves talk on about the monument, it was very beautiful, until the moment a horse loses a head. She gasps in chock as the beast comes out and the blood now pooling on tge ground.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-23, 05:14 PM
Okay, got the DC I need. This is an effect, so Wisdom save with bonus.

Caleb is fine. Torrin, I'm going to give you advantage due to your character's background concerning giants. Nothing seems to surprise you about these beasts... let's see if your save improves from 12.

Showing my hand a bit... but ef it!

Sol Mazer
2016-03-23, 06:22 PM
Aurora rolls (by request):
Wisdom save:[roll1]
Initiative:[roll2] (+1 Dex, +3 prof. bonus... I do that right?)

2016-03-23, 07:44 PM
No proficiency bonus but no biggie.


*Edit: Looks like you are doing this fight without the cowardly ranger...:smallfurious: I knew I didn't like rangers...

Sol Mazer
2016-03-24, 06:43 AM
Torrin, give me another Wisdom save please (for advantage with your back story).
Flip, rolls when you can

2016-03-24, 06:54 AM
Torrin's extra save


Added in the proficiency bonus? If not deduct 3, not sure what you are looking for old friend.

2016-03-24, 09:57 AM
Orrick curses as he pulls back on his horse's reigns to remain in control of the beast.

"I should have known to wear my armor."


Sol Mazer
2016-03-24, 10:26 AM
Okay.... here's the fallout:

Everyone is aware of movement above you on the rocky outcrops on either side of the path- sounds big! Both dwarves are visibly and physically nauseated by this thing. As a result, they fight at disadvantage (at the end of your turn re-roll to save, save ends, DC 14).

Bax is in melee range, Orrick and all others are out of melee range. What ever it is above you, you haven't seen it, and another perception roll to determine on the left or right side of the path. The left side of the path can be climbed and used for travel (difficult terrain). The right side is essentially a rock wall going up past the head of the baddie in front of you.

Looks like the baddie attacks first! No posting just yet. Questions? Let's square them out.

2016-03-24, 10:37 AM
I am assuming out of melee range will still be within arrow/spell range? So our first perception roll was to see if we new there was something above us? Take a gander at the Natural Explorer feature for the Ranger if you have a chance. I didn't choose a specific terrain when we ported the characters over but given the torrin's stuff for torrin pm this is likely a favored terrain of his.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-24, 12:42 PM
Ah! The details! Certainly within spell slinging and arrows. But, the preferred terrain thing will have to remain blank until the battle is over. Sorry.... let's square that at the party's next rest. Torrin already has an edge over giants though, right? And that is something to have right about now :)

First attack coming! Got to go to a school meeting.

2016-03-24, 01:09 PM
He doesn't have any edge that I am aware of, the dwarves might though. Don't remember if you AC still jumps if the foe is larger...lemme look. Nope. No edge's in 5E.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-24, 02:35 PM
What about that Colossus Slayer thing on your sheet. You also have Favored Terrain- Feyrun.

The giant thing looks at Bax as if to say, "Dwarf: it's what's for dinnah!" The sword comes up... and down! Real, real hard.

Attack 1:[roll0]
Attack 2:[roll1]

Damage 1:[roll2]
Damage 2:[roll3]

Sol Mazer
2016-03-24, 02:39 PM
Bax takes a hit, to the tune of 10HP, and manages to dodge the other. The spry dwarf looks a bit queasy and pukes a bit on the feet of the giant thing as a free action!

Init order:

Bax/ Orrick

Torrin up!

2016-03-24, 02:46 PM
Just lets me add 1d8 damage to anything that has less than full hp. Works on everything.

Baddie - 18
Torrin - 12
Caleb, Aurora - 9
Bax, Orrick - 4

Torrin lets fly with a couple arrows



2016-03-24, 02:52 PM
Sorry for the order post, thought I'd be faster than you on the phone.


Sol Mazer
2016-03-24, 05:30 PM
No biggie on the order post. Caleb and Aurora don't both have 9. I took the +3 prof bonus from her init, making her 6 in the order. Thanks for the Col Slayer stuff... that was giant only related.

Torrin, Roll another d8.... this thing has seen some action recently. It's got a weeping wound that it reveals as it spins in agony from your arrow. Nice shot!

DM Sneaky dice:[roll0], [roll1]
You see nothing!

2016-03-24, 07:48 PM
Torrin's other d8


2016-03-25, 06:16 AM
So that's 31 damage assuming you do crits by the book. Do I need another perception roll?

Sol Mazer
2016-03-25, 06:24 AM
Yup, 31. I don't confirm crits or have botch tables. You can do another perception check and maybe we'll see some action from the others :)

2016-03-25, 06:27 AM
Yeah, 5E made the fatastic move and got rid of that crit confirm crap. Now you just get to roll damage dice again. I like the simplicity of it.

Second perception by Torrin


Sol Mazer
2016-03-25, 07:11 AM
Torrin is unable to located the source of the noise.... Caleb up!

2016-03-25, 07:58 PM
[roll0] perception

Caleb, overcoming the surprise, draws his lute, and lets its magic burst forth. Grabbing it from the top, he aproaches and swings it on the giant - hard.

Move action to reach it, Bonus to trigger Shilelagh!

[roll1] to-hit, and [roll2] damage!

Sol Mazer
2016-03-29, 06:40 AM
Caleb lands a blow against the baddie... right on the knee!

Aurora up!

Sol Mazer
2016-03-29, 04:45 PM
OOC:NPCing Aurora.... here goes nothing.

"Perhaps you like a refreshing, fireball, ya fugly bastard ya!" Aurora does all the stuff to cast it right at the giant thing's head! Pew!Pew!Pew! WHHHHOOOOSSSHHH!

Fire. Lots of it. In all the nooks and cranies.


The Giant thing tries to duck, for half damage!

Dex save:


OOC: Posing result next...

Sol Mazer
2016-03-29, 04:49 PM
By golly, he ugly bastard only takes 15! Nice!

Bax and Orrick attack at the same time.... I'll do up Bax, then try to save out of the effect.

Attack 1:

Attack 2:

Let's see....

Sol Mazer
2016-03-29, 04:51 PM
Eff! Nat 20 gone to waste!

Bax pukes on the thing's foot... a pure sign of defiance. He tries to shake off the effect...

Save vs. puke:

Sol Mazer
2016-03-29, 04:52 PM
Bax is still in a bad way.... he wipes the filth from his mouth.

Orrick, you are up and then back to the top of initiative! Sorry for al the posts... can't see the rolls unless I hit "post."

2016-03-30, 09:44 AM
Orrick slides down from his mount, drawing out his battleaxe from his pack in the process.

He looks at the giant with a grimace.

"How can it stand itself?" he says while trying to hold back the urge to puke at the sight and smell of this thing.

He begins to chant and hum, moving his arms in tune with his melody. He aims the magic so that it only targets the giant.

DC 13 Wisdom Save

The target line of this spell is 30ft cone but if I aim the spell upwards, it should go over the top of our parties heads and still hit the much taller giant.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-30, 10:23 AM
OOC: Totally acceptable use, the cone will only affect the target. This thing has a pretty nice wis bonus... should get interesting....

The giant thing reels....
Save from Fear:

Posting update with applicable attack/ dash as needed next. Hold posting please.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-30, 11:45 AM
Orrick, make another Wisdom saving throw for he last round of action. Save ends that nausea.

The giant thing is anaffected by the dwarven bard's spell! It eyes both Bax and Caleb in melee reach of him.

Down comes the sword on Bax!
Attack 1:

With Caleb, it gets nasty.... with a kick, it tries to force the bard to the ground (prone).
Strength Check:

Caleb, opposed strength check to remain on your feet.

Torrin, you would think you were up next... but something else happens first.

2016-03-30, 12:12 PM
Orrick attempts to hold back the bile in his stomach.


Sol Mazer
2016-03-30, 12:18 PM
Oh boy... Orrick and Bax are still under the effect. To add insult to injury, Bax took a hit from the giant thing...

Waiting on Caleb's str check, then we will proceed with the new threat-> oh yes... it's getting worse!

2016-03-30, 02:09 PM
[roll0], tries Caleb to resist the hulking lump's force.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-30, 02:30 PM
The giant thing's foot crashes into the bard and lays him out prone! It laughs,


Then something aweful happens... a rock comes hurtling from above aimed at Aurora.


Another comes for..... 1=Bax, 2=Caleb, 3=Orrick, 4=Torrin (5=Aurora/ignore/none)
Uncle Mazer Chance Cube:


Let's see the outcome then Torrin up!

Sol Mazer
2016-03-30, 02:40 PM
Aurora takes a major hit! Torrin, given your time with her, you know she cannot take another shot like that. She is swooning, but somehow still upright. The mettle of this girl astounds the group.

The other rock explodes upon the right hand side of the path. Fragments cascade around the party. Things are looking bleak for our heros.... There are at least two problems to deal with.... the fugly bastard before the group and one of these


Up above on the left side. It looks over the group, angrily stares at the fragments of rock, and stoops out of sight (presumably to get more rocks - that would be a very likely assumption).

Questions, skill check requests? I'm all ears.

I'm having a blast, by the way! :)

2016-03-30, 03:39 PM
Torrin has had it, he takes off up the side of the trail (Natural Explorer - difficult terrain doesn't slow down the ranger or his group). Once up top he fires two arrows, one at each giant, " To me you ugly bastards, to me!" Any movement left he will try to mock them enough to make them follow him.



Sol Mazer
2016-03-30, 04:40 PM
I'm going to place the first shot on the first enemy you saw (original baddie) with first roll for damage on that one. Second shot is for the new baddie, with second damage roll for the second attack.

The third damage is for Col. Slayer? That's on the first baddie, but doesn't do a +4. Making that bonus damage 2 pts.

Climbing up presents another issue: the sheets you supplied do not indicate a favored terrain (in this case mountainous). I will allow the motion for the good of the story and add it as a transitional learning. Meaning you can do it, but you alone as you are still learning the ways of this terrain. No combat bonuses will apply if available for Nat. Exp.

Torrin, for your verbal distraction, could you roll a skill check please. I think Persuasion would suit this.... maybe intimidation?

2016-03-30, 05:19 PM
You got it. No +4 on the Col Slayer. I salute you for phone posting this stuff!

Not to argue with the esteemed DM but we did just port over sheets, not create or edit them per your instructions. My assumption that this is actually favored terrain is based in the email you sent me about Torrin teaching at the academy. I figured it's pretty likely he's been down this path before.

Persuasion roll. Not sure the modifier but it's probably low.

Sol Mazer
2016-03-30, 08:10 PM
That is a solid point, Lio-> absolutely. Your baxkground as an instructor makes sense for your Nat. Ex.
Mountainous terrain it is! I will argue that the group shouldn't be able to move through the terrain like you in an encounter. Traveling normally, yes. They would watch you, they would step where you step. But in an encounter, the others would be hard pressed to follow your every move and be effective in combat.

Here's what happens for Torrin's turn:

Torrin billy goats up the left side of the path, rock hopping and bounding. At the top, he fires an arrow into the menace back on the path and his second goes to the rock thrower. He offers his challenge...

Challenge accepted... by both big green baddies up here on the rocky top. You knew of one, but the second one was a bit farther away from the edge. As near as you can tell, the second one was supplying rocks to the first. The one you challenged up here definitely took damage from your arrow. They are not in melee range, but look very interested in getting to you. The farther one holds two rocks. The first, drops his, and begins to reach for a club leaning up within reach.

Given your knowledge of giants, you can roll an Int check to see what you know of this variety.

Meanwhile, below... the fugly bastard takes an arrow, and laughs off Torrin's challenge.

"BLUH-BLUH-BLUHHHHH!!! KAH-RUK-TUHM!!!" the sword is raised as if to say "Who's next?"

Sum up: Caleb prone at fugly's feet, Bax is sickened still, Orrick needs a WIs saving throw, Aurora is HURT, and Torrin is poking a bee's nest up above the path.

Caleb, your turn next. Orrick, feel free to roll the save anytime before your next turn.

2016-03-30, 08:49 PM
"What's with the..."

Seeing the pressure mounting, Caleb reaches out to the ugly guy's foot, and dark energy flows from him, for an instant. That done, he tries to crawl away from it, if he sees an opening.

Bestow Curse, our ugly here will have to make a will save every turn to be able to not stare into the distance pondering the meaning of life.

Also, I'll move if and when that would not provoke :smalltongue:

Sol Mazer
2016-03-31, 05:02 AM
What's the DC?

Saving throw:

2016-03-31, 05:05 AM
Oh, sorry, my bad. That would be 16.

Now then, to apply my magic instrument'd charm to the other pair.

2016-03-31, 06:32 AM
Intelligence check for giant knowledge

Advantage in familiar terrain

Sol Mazer
2016-03-31, 06:46 AM
Fugly stares into the distance... he's considering his life choices.

Caleb, I'll count this as a chance for you to get away free of charge. No opportunity attack if you crawl away. If you try to stand, I'll do a roll to see if he tries to get a swing at you (per the spell). Duration is a minute, be we have an agreed number of rounds for that time frame? I'm thinking 3... thoughts?

Caleb, can you cast again, or you setting up for next round? You cannot see the threat above, do you have to be in line of sight?

Torrin, these things are naked and seem to have very low intelligence. They seem closer to animals than anything else. They grasp basic skills. They have hallmarks of hill giant- but not totally. You could liken them to mules.... hill giant spawn, but with what, you cannot tell.

They bark at you in a tounge that sounds like broken giantese.


Aurora up!

2016-03-31, 06:54 AM
Rounds are still 6 seconds so a minute would be 10. From a magic in combat situation a minute is a long time.

2016-03-31, 10:48 AM
I did attempt my save already. 3 is probably not going to cut it. ;)

2016-03-31, 12:58 PM
Caleb seizes the opportunity to crawl away. Much as he enjoys slamming things with his lute, he has a spell to keep reigned in.

2016-04-01, 02:18 PM
Taking the projectile, aurora slumps over her saddle groaning in pain, and slips off her horse, making.her way as best as she can to cover. Another fireball to the front runner greats her response to the rock thrown.

At work cant roll please for me?

Sol Mazer
2016-04-01, 03:45 PM
Again, the wild magiks flow from Aurora....


The fugly tries to get out of the way.... ducking or cowering- you pick!

Oooooooo..... the suspense is terrible! I hope it will last....

Sol Mazer
2016-04-01, 03:51 PM
Burnanator!!!! Fugly screams his head off! And unless anyone else disapproves, he'll continue to burn at the tune of 1d6 per round, save ends.

Bax, head swimming on how he wasn't crisped as well (we'll be tightening these area of effects in future combat- really like how this is playing out), takes a couple swings....

Attack 1:

Attack 2:


Square it all on next post, then Orrick. Phone posting is the best!

Sol Mazer
2016-04-01, 03:56 PM
Check out Bax! Mr. "Stout-and-True" got in a poke AND saved out his effect! Noyce!

Damage, with the hammer:

Bax and Orrick are simultaneously fighting... this may be the end of the fugly!

Have at it Orrick!

Sol Mazer
2016-04-02, 06:39 AM
Magic Mazer Dice... You see nothing! [roll0]

2016-04-04, 07:03 AM
Aurora did almost as much damage as Torrin's arrows in the first round. Not feeling so bad about archery in 5E now. lol

2016-04-04, 09:19 AM
Orrick seeing the creature stagger, decides to rush in, drawing out his axe, and begins his assault on the creature.




2016-04-04, 09:22 AM
Go ahead and delete the first post, none of the rolls worked.

Orrick seeing the creature stagger, decides to rush in, drawing out his axe, and begins his assault on the creature.




Sol Mazer
2016-04-04, 10:26 AM
Orrick valiantly gives it his best, but is unable to land a blow. He still looks sickened by this monstrosity as well. Both Bax and Orrick stand before fugly... and combat starts anew. If it is any consolation, fugly ain't looking so good either...

No posting please!

Sol Mazer
2016-04-04, 02:26 PM
Fugly snaps to and decides the little dwarves must taste the sword... maybe one will get kicked... who's to say...

Wisdom Saving throw to act:

Sol Mazer
2016-04-04, 02:36 PM
That and it's bonus allow it to act.... ooooooooo..... It clears its fugly head for a moment and brings a foot out to kick Bax back. It will also Hassan-chop! Orrick.

Strength Check to shove Bax back 5':

Attack on Orrick with Sword:

Damage, just in case:

Sol Mazer
2016-04-04, 02:39 PM
Bax Opposed Str check: (do I add prof dice to this because he is a fighter?)

Orrick takes no damage as the sword comes down and he nimbly dodges!

Next up: the jolly green giants with Torrin... looks to be a prize winning fight up there!

Sol Mazer
2016-04-04, 02:43 PM
Bax takes the foot off his shield, denying fugly the extra space he so craves. >CLANG!!<

Bax is getting in the mood for a proper fight. You hear him say,
"Ooo! Ye gonna pay for that, laddie! That's my father's-father's-father's shield ye be kickin'!"

OOC:I'll resolve the fight above this evening.

2016-04-04, 02:54 PM
Sol, I think, THINK that would be essentially a check versus Bax's strength akin to a save, so yeah, he'd get his proficiency modifier as well. Kudo's to the Hassan chop reference too, loved that one.

Sol Mazer
2016-04-04, 08:38 PM
OOC: Before I set off the attacks for the two greenies with Torrin, I want to apologize to Xho for blowing a rule on him. When kicked, it could have been a strength OR dexterity check for him (his choice). The result did not cost him HP, if it had I would have refunded those points. Sorry about that Xho.... still learning the system.

Eh hem! Continuing!

Torrin, the closer of the two picks up its club, strides forward, and shoves you with all its might. Its aim is to knock you in the air and let you fall off the rock edge you are standing on.

By the way, due to its nakedness, you can tell its female. Did I mention that yet? Yeah... they are both girls.

Here come the big girls, the big girls (strength check):
Torrin, you choose strength or dex. Beating my number keeps you on the ledge...
But, this lady really wants her space. She'll shove again as her second attack if you succeed.

Bringing the boys to the yard... one shove at a time.
Another Str or Dex check to stay on the ledge. As you attempt to counter, you think, "Why not attack with club and then shove? Two for one!" Them you remember these gals don't seem so bright.

The second big girl ignores you completely and barks out a warning. It throws one of its rocks past you.... something is definitely distracting it and it ain't Torrin.

Sol Mazer
2016-04-04, 08:43 PM
OOC: We'll resolve Torrin's saves and the last attack by the girls. But wait there's more! Something else before Torrin attacks.

Man, I wish we were at a table!

2016-04-05, 06:29 AM
Torrin attempts to save:


And the second

OOC: a couple of table questions. Do they look like they'd just rather I not be here or are they hostile towards me? Can I see what else it is they are scared of? [roll2]

If I succeed in the rolls I'd like to Legolas it up and over the club, maybe run up it. *shrug* I doubt the dice will be that kind to me.

Sol Mazer
2016-04-05, 06:51 AM
Torrin saves on both counts! Nice! You precieve the distraction is behind you on the other side of the path- right hand side of the path up on the rocky wall. As it is behind you, you don't see what it is. But given the direction of the thrown rock, and where she was looking, it would be fair to say at your same elevation.

The lady shoving you holding the club two-handed at each end. She isn't poking you with the end, she is shoving with the length- no LotR stylized action for Torrin this time.

The rock thrower sees that you haven't disappeared per her friend's wishes. The second rock she throws is for Torrin- at minus two because you have some cover... what with the big girl in front of you.

I got rocks for dayz!:

Damage lumps:

Sol Mazer
2016-04-05, 07:10 AM
Torrin narrowly escapes a mighty blow! Torrin next, after....

Everyone else on the path below, this happens:

From above the path on the right hand rock wall, you hear, "Hey Doug! Think fast!" Fugly looks up in time to see a large, white rock coming straight at him. It slams into his face. The giant thing reels from the strike and is further injured as a large man descends upon him from the rock face. This man is big, easily 6 and a half feet tall, and painted in tatoos over his torso, legs and arms.

Dwarves only:
You will see that this man's left arm glows red with runes- Shielding glyphwerks are a well known practice of the dwarven barbarians of Mim

The big man lands on fugly with a readied short sword. The point goes into the crease between its neck and shoulder. Fugly falls, gurgling. (The following happens as Torrin attacks the baddies up top) The big man leaves the sword in place, hops off and picks up the white boulder he threw. He brushes off the leaves and dirt, then places it in the crook of his right arm. He says to fugly,

"Guess what, Doug... Bob and I found out that a deck of cards doesn't have five fives in it. That makes you a cheater! Give me back my wallet, ya sonovab!tch!!"

"BOL-AK-KWEL!" says fugly through a bloody foam on his lips.

"You ate it?! What is your major malfunction, DOUG?!" The man pulls out a very large knife. "Well, at least Bob and I will be able to settle our bet: whether you smell worse inside or out."

(This happens as the others act, the Big Man is unconcerned about the rest of the fight):
The man takes the white boulder, holds it up, which you can see is actually the head of a statue... possibly a bust broken at the base. The big man says to it, "Bob, watch for the sisters... Make sure they don't interfere." Bob's face moves over the rock, nodding understanding. The man places the bust just in front of Bax on some rocks. The face of the bust moves over the surface of the stone and looks up, fixing its attention above to the left....

The man sets to carving fugly open.... obviously looking for something.

Torrin up! The group's actions will be simultaneously going on with the big man's actions. He is no longer in initiative.

2016-04-05, 07:17 AM
Torrin rolls to the side putting sister 1 between himself and the other and fires a couple of arrows.



Sol Mazer
2016-04-05, 10:14 AM
Rolling is fine, but I have you in melee range of the closer, making your ranged attacks at disadvantage. Behind you is the drop to the path, putting Big Girl between yiu and the thrower wil also give the thrower cover. Are you shooting at the Big Girl in front of you?

2016-04-05, 10:21 AM
I thought that applied if I was within 5' of an opponent? My intent was to get a tad farther than that from her. At any rate I am shooting at the closest one. Disadvantage rolls [roll0] [roll1]

Sol Mazer
2016-04-05, 12:05 PM
Torrin, you do the 20 damage. Could you roll that d8 for Col Slayer?

2016-04-05, 01:01 PM
Torrin's Colossus damage.

Sol Mazer
2016-04-05, 01:34 PM
The Big Girl in front of Torrin is a bit worse for wear. She still stands, but very wounded. The other is very interested in getting closer. She is about 40' away... and eying you like you are made of tasty ham. A half-elf ham.

Caleb up! Remember, the Big Man on the path is continuing to act independent of the group.

2016-04-05, 08:15 PM
Confident that between his magic and the newcomer's brawn, the giant would be little trouble, Caleb's attention shifts to Torrin and the fight above.

To that end, he strums a few magic-infused chords to guide Torrin's actions, as he himself prepares to employ more direct magic against more bombardings.

Torrin gets a d8 as my bonus action, to be used as a bonus on AC, Attack, Damage, Saves or Skill Checks within the next 10 minutes, at his leisure.

Meanwhile, and if that's alright: I'll ready an action to cast Shatter on the next rock I see thrown into view. Hopefully a sufficient amount of damage will turn it into harmless, off-course pebbles.

What would it take to move within line of sight to the sisters?

Sol Mazer
2016-04-06, 05:00 AM
A full move action up the left hand rock slope. It's difficult terrain, which would put you at the edge when you are up there, but you would be able to see them. You can take that move action now.

Aurora up!

2016-04-06, 06:15 AM
((Move action, taken!))

2016-04-06, 10:08 PM
Holding her side, pain from the bolder she just got hit with a few moments ago, Aurora looks at the man who just arrived and is carving out someones gut open, and starts climbing as carefull as she can up the side towards Torrin, concerned that she hasnt seen him come back yet.

Sol Mazer
2016-04-07, 05:17 AM
Bax will look on the spectacle of this Big Man... mouth open in disbelief... and then scramble up the hill to aid Torrin.

Party members will arrive at the top in as close to party order as possible. To the right of Torrin would be Caleb, then Orrick(if he goes up)/Bax. To the left of Torrin would be Aurora.

Caleb and Aurora have the option of being in melee (with the Big Girl in front of Torrin) when they get to the top, or they can put themselves out of melee as they climb. Bax and Orrick would be out of melee when they get to the top, but can use a move action on their next turn to get into melee.

Sol Mazer
2016-04-07, 07:08 AM
Addition! Bax will get to the top, Action Surge and move to attack the Big Girl in front of Torrin.

"Ye picked the wrong day, lass. I was enjoying our journey too much to be set upon by the likes of you and your ugly friend!"

Attack 1:

Attack 2:

Sol Mazer
2016-04-07, 07:10 AM
Bax apparently meant every word of that!

Big Girl 1 falls!

Orrick up!

2016-04-07, 12:16 PM
Orrick curses the fallen creature before making his way up the mound to be with his new found companions.

Once on top, he notices that they seem to have the situation somewhat under control. So he begins chanting and speaking a few arcane words, the spell targeting Aurora's wounds.


He continues chanting, his words seemingly to bolster Bax's combat prowess.

I am doing the same thing Caleb did for Torrin but for Bax. You will get 1d8 to add to his rolls.

Sol Mazer
2016-04-07, 03:55 PM
From below, the group can hear the Big Man working at his task:

"Moradin's beard! What a mess! Doug, you sick bastard... what is this? Is this a whole finger? The SMELL! *ACK! BUUURRRRT!* Almost lost it there, Bob.... [wet, digging sounds] What..... what are these? Buttons? A set of spectacles? *BUUUURRRRRRTTT!!!!* Moradin SAVE me!!! *GAG!* Bob, I owe you a gold... Oooo! OOOO! Bob! I got IT! The sonovab!tch didn't even chew it up!"

Anyone looking down sees the Big Man get up holding an item that resembles a wallet. Bob turns is gaze to his companion, who is flinging filth from the item.

Up top:
The Big Girl has a point to make with Torrin and Bax. She stays put, stoops, and throws two rocks (one for Bax, one for Torrin)....

Attack Bax:

Attack Torrin:

No posting just yet... Bax may do a special defense thing....

Sol Mazer
2016-04-07, 03:59 PM
Bax will use Protection to impose a Disadvantage attack for Torrin's rock...


Sol Mazer
2016-04-07, 04:02 PM
Fuuuuuuuuuhhhhh.... both take pretty big hits. This lady is working out to be a problem. She about 40' from the group, all normal terrain up here.

Torrin up!

OOC: Post HPs please on your next turn.
Bax at 31HP

2016-04-07, 05:48 PM
Torrin is at 24 hp I think. Sheets at work. Torrin returns the favor and fires a couple arrows.





If for some reason the 20 doesn't hit please use the insp on it if not I'll save it for now.

2016-04-07, 07:05 PM
((Wasn't Caleb going to try and blow one of the boulders up? :P If you're gonna retcon it, that's [roll0] damage, hopefully enough to render the first shot harmless))

Sol Mazer
2016-04-07, 08:56 PM
I appreciate the reminder, but wanted to be sure of the action. Can Caleb cast twice in a round? He cast before his move to buff Torrin, but then plans a reaction to Shatter.

If on Caleb's turn he did not buff Torrin, moved and readied the Shatter I can see that. The action is delayed until the trigger. Is the buff a class feature that happens "free of charge?" Like Bax using a Second Wind, or Protection to cause a foe to roll a disadvantage.

If the buff is a freebie, then yes, the boulder explodes is a shower of fragments. Bax is saved from harm. Torrin would still get his lumps though on the Big Girl's attack. Would this be correct?

2016-04-08, 06:36 AM
Bardic Inspiration is a class feature and the spell is Shatter I assume. The inspiration is to be used at my discretion, in theory after I see the dice but before I know the success or failure. I seriously doubt I will need the insp yet with a 20 so I should save it for a skill check or saving throw. Figuring out how to roll it on the forums is kind of hard.

*EDIT: Although I did think he was intending to help Torrin and not the NPC... :tongue:

2016-04-08, 08:32 AM
The inspiration is a bonus action, so i think that's somewhat like the 'disadvantage' bit, or certainly like a rogue can hide for 'free' on their turn.

Also, i readied to blow up the first boulder in sight, so while unoptimal, Bax gets off the hook :p

2016-04-08, 09:10 AM
Lol, not a big deal. That was tongue in cheek anyway. Maybe Torrin will assume room temperature and I can roll up something besides a ranger.

Sol Mazer
2016-04-08, 10:29 AM
Yeah, I read that as the first boulder as well... wasn't thinking about the order of who got which attack.

Big Girl is fixin' for some justice!

Caleb up! Right?

2016-04-08, 10:38 AM
Readying an action usually takes you out the init order at least for that turn. I think whomever's after Caleb is up now.

2016-04-08, 11:32 AM
(I hear words of it being my turn so i will go now)

Getting to the top of the hill, feeling her bones hurt less, she gives an appreciative nod and casts another spell , this time, sleep in the direction of the big girl,

[roll0] whatever that roll is how much hp i can effect and put to sleep,

Sol Mazer
2016-04-08, 03:30 PM
Big Girl blinks back a yawn... and shakes her head.


She remains standing.

Bax will rais his shield and heft his hammer. Eyes set... smoldering for action.
He will move forward this turn and close the distance between him and her (25' closer at the end).

Orrick up!

2016-04-09, 05:31 PM
Isn't readying like delaying? So I next go right before the big girl :P

Sol Mazer
2016-04-09, 06:04 PM
Ready is to react to an event- like casting shatter if the baddie throws a rock. You wouldn't cast shatter before she threw. Delay is to take yourself out of init. and wait on your turn. You could delay until after the dwarves attacked. The new init would be Caleb, baddie, Torrin, Aurora, dwarves.

I took your ready as described: if a rock is throw, Caleb will cast Shatter. I don't believe that changes init.


2016-04-09, 06:15 PM
Always your call DM. Generally once you act on something other than your turn then you go in the new spot each time.

2016-04-09, 06:29 PM
Quick book reading... reveals the following: Ready burns my action, plus my reaction, but doesn't alter initiative.

What it does do, however is this: readying a spell means I cast it now, and set it off later, but between this and that, I need concentration. That means I've let my curse on the big ugly go away (or, well, what was left of him).

Sol Mazer
2016-04-09, 06:43 PM
So, Aurora up?


2016-04-11, 11:39 AM
I think Caleb is up then, since his turn was not wasted, then Aurora's sleep goes off, then it should be my turn at that point. ;)

Sol Mazer
2016-04-11, 02:09 PM
OOC: Hop to Caleb, the dance floor awaits! Orrick, you and Bax next after.

The princess needs a partner to Tango with.

On the path, the Big Man rinses off the wallet with some of his water from a skin. He looks pretty satisfied as the filth comes off.

2016-04-12, 08:25 AM
"Hey, ugly!", calls Caleb. "I can tell you're half giant, but what was the other half? I'm betting dung pile!"

Caleb did love insults that stung. Especially if laced with magic.

Viscious Mockery, 2d4 psi damage and dc16 will save or disadvantage on the next attack roll!

Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 10:00 AM
The Big Girl blinks back a couple hurt feeling tears.... tries to get her ish together...

Save vs. The Bardic Taunting "Your mother was a hamster...." so on:

Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 10:02 AM
Way to go, bully! You hurt her feelings... a lot!

Aurora up!

Below on the path, for anyone looking:

The Big Man stands up and says, "Well Bob, seems you won our wager." The man takes a small coin purse out of his pack, and withdraws a gold from it. The Big Man offers it to Bob, who holds it in his teeth. The man takes a larger coin purse out, opens it before Bob, who then drops the coin into it. Bob's coin purse is obviously fuller than the*man's.

The Big Man begins to collect his items and square away his gear for leaving.

2016-04-12, 12:53 PM
If we are close to ending this fight you might want to just have Aurora delay. Say she's catching her breath or something?

Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 01:17 PM
I may NPC her by tonight.

2016-04-12, 02:36 PM
Didn't she cast sleep this round?

Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 03:43 PM
Yes! All the excitement caused me to forget. Bax and Orrick up!

Bax will move toward the foe this round... hoping to draw some fire. He will dash as fast as he can to her left side. She is 40' away, he is in melee with her for the next round.

Orrick up!

2016-04-12, 04:01 PM
Orrick charges forward, not realizing the distance was as great as it was. He decides to start chanting, weaving in magic into his inspiring music.

Move 25ft closer to the giant, cast Enhance Ability on Bax, choosing Strength. And finish up with another Inspiration die for the good Dwarf!

Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 08:53 PM
Sweet move, Flip :)

Bax gives a growl, "C'mon lass! Let's see what yer got!" He waves his hammer and shield like a true clansman.

Big Girl responds with a bare handed attack. She tries to grab Bax!



Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 08:57 PM
Opposed Strength Check:
[roll1] bardic inspiration to help

Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 09:03 PM
She goes for Bax again... her hamd reaches out for the dwarf's throat!

Attack to grab:


Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 09:05 PM
Can Bax beat a 12... jeez I hope so!

Str check:


Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 09:06 PM
Advantage re-roll...

Sol Mazer
2016-04-12, 09:13 PM
You got to give him credit, Bax will not be had so easily! He's a tough little bastard... as the big hands came down on him, he pushed them aside. He used his shield to bat them away!

"Oo, lass! You're fixin' ta dance, are ye? Perhaps I can save one last one for ye! Luckily there are a couple bards to sing us sweet nothings while we try to kill each other!"

"BOL-ACK!" she replies, "BOL-ACK!!"

Torrin up! Bax is moving around quite a bit occupying the Big Girl... but the dwarf is in no way interfering with your line of sight for a good shot.

2016-04-13, 06:17 AM
Torrin watches the dwarf work, that crooked smile crossing his face despite the pain.




2016-04-13, 06:55 AM
Inspiration die to the first attack in hopes it hits her.



Sol Mazer
2016-04-13, 07:01 AM
Despite your fear of a miss, she takes all that damge. Being naked, big, and low Dex ain't helping her.

Caleb up! I think!
