View Full Version : Pathfinder How would you roleplay this set of stats correctly?

2016-02-22, 09:59 PM
LE Halfling Bones Oracle
Str 8
Dex 22
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 24

My main question is how a character with high Dex and Con could be played despite being super weak. The CHA being way higher than the other two mental stats puzzles me as well. How can one be super socially moving and above-average intelligent, but not wise?

2016-02-23, 02:45 PM
Anybody care to answer?

Toilet Cobra
2016-02-23, 03:02 PM
For the Dex and Con, it probably won't enter roleplay much. He avoids physical exertion, never offers to carry anything (in fact, probably hands his stuff off to the party Barbarian) and is the first to suggest they hire a carriage instead of walking to Mount Doom.

As for the Charisma, well, have you ever met somebody popular who would constantly say the wrong thing, but then play it off like no big deal? Your character would be like that: inobservant and missing social cues, but then so charming and likable people forgive his indiscretions without a thought. In fact, he may be so charming that people believe him when he misspeaks.

Note that your character isn't dumb with an Int 12, in fact he's fairly sharp. But he doesn't pay attention and probably speaks confidently about conversations he misheard or books he skimmed.

2016-02-23, 03:09 PM
How can one be super socially moving and above-average intelligent, but not wise?

It's important to remember that ability scores - particularly mental ones - can mean almost anything you want them to.

Don't get too wrapped up in the name of the ability itself. That's just a label that you can use or ignore at will. Instead, try looking at what mechanical effects the ability score has, think of some reasons why the character might cause them to be better or worse at whatever it is that's being affected, and then pick the one(s) that fit your concept and discard the ones that don't.

For example: your INT 12 can mean your character is of above-average intelligence, but it doesn't have to. They could just have a natural aptitude for whatever set of skills you've chosen to invest in (which is why you get more skill points). The bonus they get on INT-based skills can either be an expression of that same aptitude (for skills you've taken ranks in) or dismissed and ignored (for skills you haven't).

Likewise, your WIS 8 can - but doesn't have to - reflect a literal lack of "wisdom". The character could be just fine in the common-sense department but a little lacking in willpower (low Will save). Or they might be a little naive (penalty to Sense Motive). Or they might have slightly below-average sight and/or hearing (penalty to Spot/Listen). If one of these seems to fit the character but the others don't, you can either toss the odd skill point/feat/class feature towards evening out the penalties, or just ignore it as a minor mechanical effect that doesn't require an in-universe explanation.

This technique is something I usually use to figure out what ability scores to aim for on a character after I've already come up with the concept, but there's no reason it can't be applied in the other direction.

2016-02-23, 04:41 PM
LE Halfling Bones Oracle
Str 8
Dex 22
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 24

My main question is how a character with high Dex and Con could be played despite being super weak. The CHA being way higher than the other two mental stats puzzles me as well. How can one be super socially moving and above-average intelligent, but not wise?Why is this puzzling? A high Dex/low Str combo can simply be an effect of a small size, and the high Con can be explained as good immune system and a very high stamina. From a physics POV, at least when not in colder climates, smaller creatures actually have quite an energy efficiency advantage, which is one of the reasons why humans are a lot better than any larger land mammal when it comes to long distance running.

I also see nothing problematic with the differences between the mental stats - you can be very charismatic, charming and "the type that people follows" without being a particularly wise or intelligent leader. You'll probably find quite a few of those in RL history, actually...

Hope this helps!