View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other 1001 Cheap Magic Items (Let's come up with some)

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2018-11-20, 08:15 AM
Cool, I did not know this one. However...
Absorptive polarizers

Certain crystals (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal), due to the effects described by crystal optics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_optics), show dichroism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dichroism), preferential absorption of light which is polarized in particular directions. They can therefore be used as linear polarizers. The best known crystal of this type is tourmaline (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourmaline). However, this crystal is seldom used as a polarizer, since the dichroic effect is strongly wavelength dependent and the crystal appears coloured. Herapathite (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herapathite) is also dichroic, and is not strongly coloured, but is difficult to grow in large crystals.So it seems that magic could do it better.

2019-01-01, 04:34 PM
286.) Duplicant Paper

This sheet of paper has the special property that when it is placed against another piece of paper and the command word is spoken it copies the other piece of paper to itself. It can copy spellbook pages but provides no special ability to decipher their contents (so if it isn't from the user's own spellbook they have to succeed on a spellcraft check to memorize from it, as usual for a borrowed or stolen spellbook). A sheet of duplicant paper is single use.

Faint Transmutation; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Amaunesis; Price 50 GP

2019-02-13, 08:11 PM
287.) Glitter Bomb- This is flask filled with magic sparkles that when thrown duplicates on a single target the effect of a Glitterdust spell cast at caster level 3. Throwing it follows same rules as throwing alchemist's fire or holy water (ranged touch attack, range increment 10 feet)
Faint Conjuration; CL3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Glitterdust; Price: ~50-75 gp (reduced from base calculation of 300gp due to smaller range and radius)

Maat Mons
2019-02-13, 09:58 PM
287.) Glitter Bomb- This is flask filled with magic sparkles that when thrown duplicates on a single target the effect of a Glitterdust spell cast at caster level 3. Throwing it follows same rules as throwing alchemist's fire or holy water (ranged touch attack, range increment 10 feet)
Faint Conjuration; CL3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Glitterdust; Price: ~50-75 gp (reduced from base calculation of 300gp due to smaller range and radius)

Hitting an invisible creature with a touch attack is easier said than done. First, you need to already know which square the invisible creature occupies. Second, there's a 50% miss chance, even if you guessed right. And then there's the attack roll itself.

Or is the actual intended use of this item to blind a foe you can already see?

Anyway, I feel this item compares unfavorable to flour pouch (Dungeonscape), glitterstone (MIC), and burning dust (DR334, p49).

2019-02-13, 10:18 PM
Hitting an invisible creature with a touch attack is easier said than done. First, you need to already know which square the invisible creature occupies. Second, there's a 50% miss chance, even if you guessed right. And then there's the attack roll itself.

Or is the actual intended use of this item to blind a foe you can already see?

Anyway, I feel this item compares unfavorable to flour pouch (Dungeonscape), glitterstone (MIC), and burning dust (DR334, p49).

You can attack the square if you know the square.

Maybe I should tweak the wording

Ok. The modified part is underlined

287.) Glitter Bomb- This is flask filled with magic sparkles that when thrown duplicates, on a single grid square, the effect of a Glitterdust spell cast at caster level 3. Throwing it follows same rules as throwing alchemist's fire or holy water (ranged touch attack, range increment 10 feet)
Faint Conjuration; CL3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Glitterdust; Price: ~25-70 gp (reduced from base calculation of 300gp due to smaller range and radius)

But yeah, if you're solely after blinding people you're probably better off filling the flask with mundane dust and broken glass as long as the creature has conventional eyes

2019-02-14, 09:38 AM
But yeah, if you're solely after blinding people you're probably better off filling the flask with mundane dust and broken glass as long as the creature has conventional eyesOr making a magic item that produces a target blast of blinding light is a square. Or a Wand of Blindness, but that would cost more.

2019-03-27, 06:33 PM
288.) Mental Protection Amulet
Up to three times per day this amulet gives a +10 resistance bonus to saves against attempts to mentally control the wearer.

weak abjuration; CL 1; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Protection From Evil or equivalent; Price ~888.8-1200 gp; Weight

289.) Idol of Zagyg's Wisdom
This is a small golden statue of the demigod Zagyg (the tutelar of humor and madness) that telepathically dispenses platitudes when beseeched for advice (open and read a fortune cookie every time the idol is entreated). Up to once per day a cleric of Zagyg or Boccob can use up a 5th level spell to gain an effect similar to a Contact Other Plane spell except that only one question can be asked, but the answer may be up to five words and they receive an answer even if they fail the save.

moderate divination; CL 10; Prerequisites Sanctify Relic, Contact Other Plame, Telepathic Bond; Price ~1000 gp + cost of any extraneous decoration; Weight 8 lbs?

290.) Abyssal Timepiece
This item is non magical and simple. Used by fiends (and twisted mortals) as a crude countdown timer or hourglass, it consists of an airtight glass jar into which a small animal is sealed. The amount of time it will take the creature to suffocate can be estimated by the creature's size (sometimes there's a reference guide etched onto the jar) and the creature is allowed to suffocate to death to measure that time span

Price: between 5cp and 2gp; probably somewhere around 5sp (cost of an iron pot in the srd)

291.) Rebrick
Made by mixing clay with certain magical plants and carving symbols on it representing the power earth, water, and fire, this brick has the power to be endlessly turned from brick back to clay, and from clay back to brick again.

Once per day a command word can be spoken to soften the brick back into clay. In this form it can be molded into any form the user desires (although complex shapes may require a craft(pottery) check to get right. A second command word, also 1/day, instantly rehardens it in whatever shape it currently is sculpted into.

Weak transmutation; CL 1; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, Wall of Stone OR Stone Shape OR Create Water, Burning Hands and either Shatter or Soften Earth And Stone ; Price ~200-500gp; Weight 5lbs

292.) Rebrick, Greater
(As the rebrick, but no use per day limit)

Made by mixing clay with certain magical plants and carving symbols on it representing the power earth, water, and fire, this brick has the power to be endlessly turned from brick back to clay, and from clay back to brick again.

As often as desired a command word can be spoken to soften the brick back into clay. In this form it can be molded into any form the user desires (although complex shapes may require a craft(pottery) check to get right. A second command word, also as often as desired, instantly rehardens it in whatever shape it currently is sculpted into.

Weak transmutation; CL 4; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, Wall of Stone OR Stone Shape OR Create Water, Burning Hands and either Shatter or Soften Earth And Stone ; Price ~100-2500gp; Weight 5lbs

Maat Mons
2019-03-28, 12:19 AM
291.) Rebrick
Made by mixing clay with certain magical plants and carving symbols on it representing the power earth, water, and fire, this brick has the power to be endlessly turned from brick back to clay, and from clay back to brick again.

Once per day a command word can be spoken to soften the brick back into clay. In this form it can be molded into any form the user desires (although complex shapes may require a craft(pottery) check to get right. A second command word, also 1/day, instantly rehardens it in whatever shape it currently is sculpted into.

Weak transmutation; CL 1; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, Wall of Stone OR Stone Shape OR Create Water, Burning Hands and either Shatter or Soften Earth And Stone ; Price ~200-500gp; Weight 5lbs

292.) Rebrick, Greater
(As the rebrick, but no use per day limit)

Made by mixing clay with certain magical plants and carving symbols on it representing the power earth, water, and fire, this brick has the power to be endlessly turned from brick back to clay, and from clay back to brick again.

As often as desired a command word can be spoken to soften the brick back into clay. In this form it can be molded into any form the user desires (although complex shapes may require a craft(pottery) check to get right. A second command word, also as often as desired, instantly rehardens it in whatever shape it currently is sculpted into.

Weak transmutation; CL 4; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, Wall of Stone OR Stone Shape OR Create Water, Burning Hands and either Shatter or Soften Earth And Stone ; Price ~100-2500gp; Weight 5lbs

Two lumps of clay can be combined together into one, bigger clump. One clump of clay can be divided into two smaller lumps. I'm not sure that it makes sense to treat a quantity of clay as a discrete magic item.

I'm surprised this isn't based on Transmute Rock to Mud and Transmute Mud to Rock.

Also, isn't this kind of shapesand?

A jug filled with shapesand costs 100 gp and weighs 12 pounds. An empty jug weighs 9 pounds. So 5 pounds of shapesand costs less than 200 gp.

I'd be inclined to call it "psychomorphic stone," and have it be the inverse of shapesand. Shapesand is solid only when controlled, and amorphous otherwise. This could be amorphous only when controlled, and solid otherwise.

2019-03-28, 12:39 AM
Two lumps of clay can be combined together into one, bigger clump. One clump of clay can be divided into two smaller lumps. I'm not sure that it makes sense to treat a quantity of clay as a discrete magic item.

I'm surprised this isn't based on Transmute Rock to Mud and Transmute Mud to Rock.

Also, isn't this kind of shapesand?

A jug filled with shapesand costs 100 gp and weighs 12 pounds. An empty jug weighs 9 pounds. So 5 pounds of shapesand costs less than 200 gp.

I totally forgot about both Shapesand and Transmute Rock to Mud

2019-03-29, 08:21 PM
Also, isn't this kind of shapesand?

A jug filled with shapesand costs 100 gp and weighs 12 pounds. An empty jug weighs 9 pounds. So 5 pounds of shapesand costs less than 200 gp.

It's definitely similar to both shapesand and that one psionic metal that melts into goo if there's no psionic creatures around. This item however has the distinction of staying in the form you put it in

Hitting an invisible creature with a touch attack is easier said than done. First, you need to already know which square the invisible creature occupies. Second, there's a 50% miss chance, even if you guessed right. And then there's the attack roll itself.

Or is the actual intended use of this item to blind a foe you can already see?

Anyway, I feel this item compares unfavorable to flour pouch (Dungeonscape), glitterstone (MIC), and burning dust (DR334, p49).

I looked over the glitterstone description. It's definitely a more powerful item than my glitter bomb, but it's also massively more expensive.

Maat Mons
2019-04-04, 04:31 PM

Unlucky Charms

Price (Item Leve): 325 gp (1st)
Body Slot: Wrist
Caster Level: 1rd
Aura: Faint (DC 15) transmutation
Activation: Immediate (mental)
Weight: -

This charm bracelt has 13 tiny onyx cats dangling from it.

Unlucky charms make it harder for your foes to avoid your deadliest attacks. When you fail on a critical confirmation roll, you can immediately reroll. The result of the second roll replaces the result of the first.

Unlucky charms are created with 13 charges. Each time a charge is used, one of the cat charms crumbles to dust.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, doom.
Cost to Create: 162 gp, 5 sp, 13 xp, 1 day.

Edit: Originally, I posted this with silver-skull charms. But that seemed so... tryhard. I considered tiny broken mirrors, ladders, and footless rabbits. But onyx cats has kind of has a ring to it.

2019-04-20, 06:12 PM
294.) Watchsnake (or Chronouroboros)- These are miniscule snakes that tell time. Technically watchsnakes are creatures, closer to symbionts than to true magic items; they were originally created out of hoop snakes and chameleons by an eccentric wizard. They are the size of small garden snakes and coil onto the wearer's wrist, locking in place by biting into notches in their tail like a miniature ouroboros. On their backs is a black circle surrounding a color changing patch which displays a clock face. This keeps accurate time, althouh they drift by a half hour per day on any day in which they are unable to perceive the changing levels of sunlight as the day progresses (although observing through a window is sufficient)

Price ~30-800 gp; I've got no idea.

Maat Mons
2019-04-20, 07:53 PM
It feels kind of weird to write up an item that keeps less than perfectly accurate track of time.

I mean, take a 1/day item of a 0th-level spell. It costs 180 gp, and it always knows when exactly 24 hours have passed. You even have some items like Healing Belt, which have an "every day at dawn" clause, meaning it always know exactly when dawn is, even if it was created in the Underdark and has never once been anywhere near the surface.

I believe a magic timepiece should have all the following characteristics:

A hand on the main dial showing the position of the sun (straight up at noon, straight left at sunset, straight down at midnight, and straight right at sunrise)
A hand on the main dial showing the position of the moon
A small inset dial for the phase of the moon
Ability to keep accurate time forever inside a dungeon
Ability to adjust itself if taken to a different part of the planet
Ability to change how many dials of each type it has if taken to a different plane
Very low cost

2019-05-12, 05:23 PM
It feels kind of weird to write up an item that keeps less than perfectly accurate track of time.

I mean, take a 1/day item of a 0th-level spell. It costs 180 gp, and it always knows when exactly 24 hours have passed. You even have some items like Healing Belt, which have an "every day at dawn" clause, meaning it always know exactly when dawn is, even if it was created in the Underdark and has never once been anywhere near the surface.

I believe a magic timepiece should have all the following characteristics:

A hand on the main dial showing the position of the sun (straight up at noon, straight left at sunset, straight down at midnight, and straight right at sunrise)
A hand on the main dial showing the position of the moon
A small inset dial for the phase of the moon
Ability to keep accurate time forever inside a dungeon
Ability to adjust itself if taken to a different part of the planet
Ability to change how many dials of each type it has if taken to a different plane
Very low cost

I was trying to balance it against the overpriced clock and hourglass in the PHB. And the fact that it's an exotic animal. But you're right, the lowball 30gp price (or possibly slightly lower) for the snake watch is probably the one to go with.


295.) Ring of Junkfood
This ring grants a +1 resistance bonus to fortitude saves to avoid ill effects from eating spoiled, poisoned, or diseased food
Faint abjuration; CL 1; Forge Ring, Purify Food and Drink or Resistance; Price 25-250gp?

2019-06-27, 12:59 AM
296.)Lemon Grenades

When life gives you lemons, burn life's house down -Cave Johnson

These lemons have been ensorcelled to work like a slightly acidic version of the acorn grenade function of the fire seeds spell, dealing 5d6 points of fire damage plus 1d3 points of acid damage to the main target and 5 points of fire damage and 1 point of acid damage as splash damage.

Faint Evocatiom; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Fire Seeds or Fireball and Acid Splash; Price 250 gp; Weight 1/4 pound

297.) Artifake
This is an otherwise non-magical item (can be of any sort) that has been enchanted to have an overwhelming magic aura.
Overwhelming illusion; CL 1; Craft Wondrous Item, Nystul's Magic Aura; Price 1000? (~100-2000)

2020-03-09, 06:49 PM
Copying this one from the other 1001 Items thread, since the price is low enough to fit in here...

298) Sorcerer's Sharpening Stone
Nothing about this item seems to indicate that it is anything other than an ordinary whetstone.
If the owner of a sorcerer's sharpening stone spends at least five minutes using it to hone a piercing or slashing weapon, that weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 hour. This ability functions once per day.
Faint transmutation; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon; Price 800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Cost to create: 400 gp, 32 xp, 1 day

2020-03-09, 08:19 PM
299.) Painting Frame
When the user looks through this empty picture frame and says the command word a painted picture of whatever the user sees through the frame (at the time of the command word being spoken) appears inside the frame sometime in the next 1d4 rounds
Faint Conjuration; CL 3; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, Detect Thoughts OR Clairvoyance OR Scrying OR amaunesis, Plus Fabricate OR Silent Image OR any Creation spell; Price 750 gp (based on 750gp sale price of mundane video camera in Castle Greyhawk); Weight ~1lb