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2016-02-24, 01:57 PM
No wait, there it is.

Welcome to the fourth thread discussing glorious Fallout! The games, not the phenomenon. You know what I mean.

Previous threads:
Fallout 4: It's Happening! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?418670-Fallout-4-It-s-Happening!)
Fallout 4: It Happened! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?455232-Fallout-4-It-Happened!)
Fallout Thread III: Preston Garvey Demands BLOOD! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?471741-Fallout-Thread-III-Preston-Garvey-Demands-BLOOD!)

So come on in, and let's have a good time discussing the games while we wait for DLCs, GECK, and other excellent additions to hit.

2016-02-24, 02:08 PM
So after freeing Paradise Falls(including taking Clover as a companion)... Will I be able to recruit her again if I pick up another later?(also had a funny glitch-ish thing happen. Tried and failed to pickpocket Eulogy Jones with clover helping me, and she killed him when he turned hostile... Letting me take him out without provoking the rest of the slavers until I could arrange to free Rory. Sadly I could find no-way to free Frank though, who went hostile as soon as I provoked the slavers.)

From the last thread. Funny story+a question.

2016-02-24, 02:19 PM
You know that space suit from the REPCONN Testing Site where Team Rocket blasted off again? It's got like 40 rad resistance. That plus a Rad-X maxes out your rad resistance.

Yup, and it broke on the second run after some legionnaires followed me over to Camp Searchlight! :smallredface:

I suspect they spawned over near the Coyote Mines house (that's where I fast traveled to) and when I first heard gunfire, I thought it was the NCR troops in front of me attacking the ghouls at the town. Nope! Turns out they were just Stormtrooper Marksmen at hitting me in the back while I was just rolling a 1 for Perception like a boss (ED-E's warning song either didn't play or I failed to hear it). Once I noticed them, I was getting getting hurt.

I deserve points for almost catching that grenade with my face. :x

So after that mess, I had to decide whether I should just go into the irradiated town anyway and guzzle RadAway like soda or run back to Novac to repair the radiation suit. ...I don't regret my choice. Mostly (But I did learn that there is an achievement for using a ton of RadAway). XD

2016-02-24, 02:29 PM
I *hate* Point Lookout. Hatehatehatehatehate. But I'm obsessively completing it.

Jon D
2016-02-24, 03:30 PM
Point Lookout was meant to mined to hell and back.

I literally built walls made of explosives before triggering event fights.

2016-02-24, 04:19 PM
So, according to Todd Howard, we should see the Creation Kit in April. Link (http://www.polygon.com/2016/2/23/11101636/fallout-4s-creation-kit-planned-for-pc-around-april-consoles-a-month)

I have a love/hate relationship with Point Lookout. I love the idea of it, but the super damage hillbillies irritate me to no end. All the quests are relatively intricate and well thought out, but the enemies are so irritating. Then again, it added the amazing Lever-Action Rifle, which gave me something to use the several thousand 10mm rounds I had stockpiled for the pistol and stopped using once I got a better gun. (usually the .44 magnum.)

2016-02-24, 05:21 PM
*takes in new thread smell.*

Avilan the Grey
2016-02-24, 05:22 PM
*takes in new thread smell.*

Smells like Ferals. And beer.

2016-02-24, 05:22 PM
Don't forget the Nuka Cola!

Avilan the Grey
2016-02-24, 05:23 PM
Don't forget the Nuka Cola!

Cherry? Or Quantum?

2016-02-24, 05:25 PM
Quantum it has got to be Quantum.

2016-02-24, 05:35 PM
Checking in, waiting for DLC to start up new character.

2016-02-24, 06:52 PM
So... how do supply lines work, exactly? I made one between Sanctuary and Red Rocket, but their inventories still seem to be separate.

2016-02-24, 06:58 PM
They're inventories are connected for the purposes of constructing things and modding things, so if you have no wood on one end but some at the other, you can still build a fence, but you can't take any wood from the empty side.
It also allows food and water to be spread out, so you could have one big farm and have that provide food/water to several settlements.

2016-02-24, 07:07 PM
They're inventories are connected for the purposes of constructing things and modding things, so if you have no wood on one end but some at the other, you can still build a fence, but you can't take any wood from the empty side.
It also allows food and water to be spread out, so you could have one big farm and have that provide food/water to several settlements.

I see. Thanks!

2016-02-25, 12:30 AM
So the GECK comes out in two months. Nice.

2016-02-25, 01:53 AM
Apparently, there were details about Survival Mode contained in game files during a recent update, which a Redditor found and posted. Linky! (https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/47cc06/fallout_4_survival_mode_full_overview_extracted/)

2016-02-25, 04:44 AM
Apparently, there were details about Survival Mode contained in game files during a recent update, which a Redditor found and posted. Linky! (https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/47cc06/fallout_4_survival_mode_full_overview_extracted/)

Salivates coming survival

I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait

2016-02-25, 05:11 AM
Fast Travel
Fast Travel is disabled. If you wish to be somewhere, you'll have to physically travel there.

Sorry but no.

2016-02-25, 08:24 AM
Sorry but no.

I have to agree. Maybe if they had a mod where you can send your companion off to a merchant caravan and rejoin you later to turn in the caps (like from the Torchlight games) it would work out for me, but otherwise I need the fast travel to make those sales. These six suits of freshly repaired legionnaire armor don't walk themselves to the market. :smallbiggrin:

2016-02-25, 08:26 AM
I have to agree. Maybe if they had a mod where you can send your companion off to a merchant caravan and rejoin you later to turn in the caps (like from the Torchlight games) it would work out for me, but otherwise I need the fast travel to make those sales. These six suits of freshly repaired legionnaire armor don't walk themselves to the market. :smallbiggrin:

These boots are made for walking and that's what they do one of these days these boots are gonna walk over you

2016-02-25, 08:27 AM
...did they just Stalkerize Fallout?

Grim Portent
2016-02-25, 08:44 AM
No fast travel would make those vertibird grenades worth using.

In theory though it would still be possible to fast travel to and from the Institute, which could possibly serve as a relay system for anyone with access.

2016-02-25, 09:59 AM
I hope they give some more options for getting around quickly. Morrowind (the last game with no fast travel) had:

Mage Guild Guides
Silt Striders/Boats
Divine/Almsivi Intervention
Propylon Network
Boots of Blinding Speed (and other +Speed boosts)
Scrolls of Iconian Flight (and other +Skill boosts)

2016-02-25, 10:08 AM
No fast travel would make those vertibird grenades worth using.

In theory though it would still be possible to fast travel to and from the Institute, which could possibly serve as a relay system for anyone with access.

I'm guessing they'll make it so you can only travel from the institute to the CIT ruins. If they really want to be restrictive they could make you use the teleporter every time on your way in too.

2016-02-25, 10:56 AM
I hope they give some more options for getting around quickly. Morrowind (the last game with no fast travel) had:

Mage Guild Guides
Silt Striders/Boats
Divine/Almsivi Intervention
Propylon Network
Boots of Blinding Speed (and other +Speed boosts)
Scrolls of Iconian Flight (and other +Skill boosts)

I think you mean "Icarian Flight". It's difficult to see how they could implement any sort of alternative fast travel system that would work in all circumstances, though. Institute teleports only work if you haven't been kicked out of the Institute, Brotherhood of Steel vertibirds wouldn't work if you'd made them an enemy (especially if you destroyed the Prydwen), and I really can't think of anything the Railroad or Minutemen could offer for fast travel. Short of giving you a tame Deathclaw to ride around on, seems shanks' pony would be your only option.

Cristo Meyers
2016-02-25, 11:05 AM
I think you mean "Icarian Flight". It's difficult to see how they could implement any sort of alternative fast travel system that would work in all circumstances, though. Institute teleports only work if you haven't been kicked out of the Institute, Brotherhood of Steel vertibirds wouldn't work if you'd made them an enemy (especially if you destroyed the Prydwen), and I really can't think of anything the Railroad or Minutemen could offer for fast travel. Short of giving you a tame Deathclaw to ride around on, seems shanks' pony would be your only option.

Maybe the Railroad could take a page from the dude in Secret of Mana and provide a cannon-based travel service? :smalltongue:

2016-02-25, 11:08 AM
They could make it like in the original Fallout games: if you want, you can see your character travel from the map and have occasional random encounters, with a perk/skill to lower their number.

2016-02-25, 11:43 AM
Or just gorram motorcycles. They're everywhere in 3/NV, yet no one rides them. I had a working Corvega Highwayman a generation ago! Why can't you manage a bloody motorcycle!

2016-02-25, 11:45 AM
Doesn't the institute have some sort of teleporter that gets synths to their destination? Or is that just an unexplained quirk?

2016-02-25, 12:48 PM
Doesn't the institute have some sort of teleporter that gets synths to their destination? Or is that just an unexplained quirk?

They do and that's a major plot point. The issue is the other factions, other than BoS, don't.

2016-02-25, 01:13 PM
Or just gorram motorcycles. They're everywhere in 3/NV, yet no one rides them. I had a working Corvega Highwayman a generation ago! Why can't you manage a bloody motorcycle!

Yes, we can use their parts for Shishkabob, but we can't make it allow us to ride it.

I mean, with the new power armor rules, it should be possible. (after all, you drive the armor).

2016-02-25, 01:35 PM
They do and that's a major plot point. The issue is the other factions, other than BoS, don't.

So if you join the Institute or the BoS... shouldn't get access to that? Or does it only work on non-living things?

2016-02-25, 02:16 PM
Me, I'd tie into Heavy Traveler, and make it so when you can fast travel with that in normal modes, you can fast travel in survival.

Then again, I only fast travel back to Red Rocket anyway.

2016-02-25, 02:22 PM
Or just gorram motorcycles. They're everywhere in 3/NV, yet no one rides them. I had a working Corvega Highwayman a generation ago! Why can't you manage a bloody motorcycle!

I would posit the reason that you could ride a car a generation ago but not now is that a generation ago, riding the car just meant that your red dot on the overworld map moved at a quicker pace. Now we have to deal with collision meshes and all those fancy things. :smalltongue:

RE Survival Mode changes:

Manual and quicksaving are disabled. To save your game, you'll need to find a bed and sleep for at least an hour.
Gonna say that I actually dislike this method. It's not that I don't mind requiring people to sleep. It's more that this turns sleep from something you need to do on a daily basis into "I'm entering a dangerous area, better sleep." When I want to save before entering an area, that's me, as the player, hitting the quicksave button. However, if that's carried out in character, then I have to find a reason why my character finishes a fight and abruptly drops down a sleeping back and takes a nap in the gore. It's immersion breaking, and turns what should be a natural thing into gaming the system, if that makes sense.

Plus, unless they're also disabling console commands, it won't be all that effective in actually balancing the game. This will be modded out within a week of F4SE and the GECK coming out, guarantee it.

Combat is more lethal for everyone. You now deal, but also take, more damage. You can increase the damage you deal even further with "Adrenaline" (see below).
I love this. It's similar to mods that I already have on F3 and New Vegas (IE, FWE and Project Nevada, respectively). In fact, the main reason that I don't play on Survival difficulty right now is that it makes enemies feel too bullet-spongy; this ought to remedy that somewhat.

Fast Travel
Fast Travel is disabled. If you wish to be somewhere, you'll have to physically travel there.

I have mixed feelings about this. Personally, I'm one of the crowd of folks that actually doesn't fast-travel much, if at all. I enjoy walking around, getting a feel for areas, how they work, where to avoid. It allows you to actually immerse yourself in the world. You're not going to be wandering around at night in Winterhold, for example, or you'll freeze to death.

However, that's mitigated somewhat by the fact that while I choose not to fast travel, I still have the option to do so. I'm not locked into it. Somehow, the fact that I can, but don't, makes it more fun. I'm choosing to walk from Markarth to the College, or hiring a carriage, instead of being forced into it.

Now, there are methods to get around fast-travel. Vertibirds and the Institute relay come to mind. However, there should also be methods that aren't tied to factions; maybe you can hitch a ride with caravans as a guard. I don't know.

Weighted Ammo
Bullets and shells now all have a small amount of weight, which varies by caliber. Heavier items such as fusion cores, rockets, and mini-nukes can really drag you down.

YES! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBZ7AfZR9xs) Praise Todd Howard! This is something I've been waiting--weighting?--for since the game came out. See, it bothers me that ten pencils weigh me down more than 35 foot-ball sized mini-nukes. And let's not get into how grenades weigh you down, but missiles don't. Finally, I have to pick which ammo to bring, instead of just walking around like a human arsenal!

Be sure to keep your eyes peeled, as enemies will no longer appear on your compass. As well, the distance at which locations of interest will appear has been significantly shortened.

Project Nevada has trained me well for this. I approve. Although it could be improved even further by not actually telling you what locations of interest are until you actually discover them.

Survival automatically grants the Adrenaline perk, which provides a bonus to your damage output. Unlike other perks, the only way to increase your rank of the Adrenaline perk is by getting kills (hostile or otherwise). The higher your Adrenaline rank, the higher the damage bonus. Sleeping for more than an hour, however, will cause your Adrenaline rank to lower. You can check your current Adrenaline rank at any time in the Perks section on the Stat tab in your Pip-Boy.

And I think that this is actually the primary reason for their designing sleep as the primary means of saving. I kinda want to see the maths behind this before I judge it, but it feels a bit gamey at the moment; you have to decide whether saving your game or having bonus damage is more important, and that's not immersive. It feels almost like Borderlands, in a way; either you can maintain your stacks of Critical Ascensi0n, or you can switch to a fire Lyuda now that you're not in an area with loaders.

You'll find it difficult to survive without taking proper care of yourself. You must stay hydrated, fed, and rested to remain combat-ready. Going for extended periods of time without food, water, or sleep will begin to adversely affect your health, hurting your SPECIAL stats, adding to your Fatigue (see "Fatigue" below), lowering your immunity (see "Sickness" below), and eventually even dealing physical damage to you.
Fatigue works like radiation but affects your Action Points (AP) rather than your Hit Points (HP). The more Fatigue you've built up, the less AP you'll have for other actions. The amount of Fatigue you've accumulated is displayed in red on your AP bar.
A comprised immune system and a few questionable decisions can end up getting you killed. Eating uncooked meat, drinking unpurified water, taking damage from disease-ridden sources, such as ghouls and bugs, or using harmful Chems all put your body at increased risk for various ill effects. When you are afflicted with an illness, a message will appear onscreen. You can view specifics about your current illnesses by navigating to the Status section on your Pip-Boy's Data tab and pressing [RShoulder] to view your active effects.
Antibiotics, which can be crafted at Chem Stations or purchased from doctors, heal the various effects of sickness.

None of these are unexpected, except for perhaps Fatigue. Personally, I think I'll like it. We'll have to see whether there are any ill effects for downing a dozen different kinds of steak in the middle of a fight.

Bed Types
The type of bed you're sleeping in determines the length of time you are able to stay asleep. A sleeping bag will save your game and may help save your life when you're desperate, but it will never allow for a full night's rest and the benefits that come with it.

Hmm. I have no strong opinions one way or the other. No, scratch that. I'm not sure whether they're referring to the Well Rested perk you get for sleeping, or simply saying that you won't be able to sleep as long. Personally, I hope it's the former, because otherwise it's going to get really annoying to have to head towards a settlement every 40 minutes or so.

Also, anyone have a recommendation on a mod to change the timescale in-game? If it's like former games, it's probably set to somewhere around 30; I'd like to change it to be somewhere between 15-20.

Crippled Limbs
Crippled limbs will no longer auto-heal after combat and will remain crippled until healed by a Stimpak.
Carry Weight
Exceeding your carry weight reduces your Endurance and Agility stats and periodically damages your legs and health. Think of your back!

Yes, good. Crippled limbs should not be fine after a five minute rest. I'd actually prefer if they went a bit further, and added in Doctors Bags, like in New Vegas. But we can only hope, right?

Companions will no longer automatically get back up if downed during combat and will return home if abandoned without being healed.

This is a good change. I'm curious how long you have to abandon them for them to return home. Then again, this adds a somewhat humorous element to companions being down; they fake being down until they're sure you're gone, at which point they go home. "Can you believe that guy? The only way we get away is to fake our own deaths..."

Enemy and Loot Repopulation
Locations you've cleared will now repopulate enemies and loot at a significantly slower rate.

THANK. YOU. This has been perhaps my biggest beef with the game; no matter what you do, no matter how many times you clear an area, the enemies still pop back up like daisies after maybe a few days, at most. You can walk from Diamond City to the Castle, slaughtering everything, walk back, and the enemies will have respawned. It's kind of disheartening, and makes me, as a character, feel like nothing I do truly matters.

2016-02-25, 02:33 PM
So if you join the Institute or the BoS... shouldn't get access to that? Or does it only work on non-living things?

You do get access to it.

Misery Esquire
2016-02-25, 02:51 PM
THANK. YOU. This has been perhaps my biggest beef with the game; no matter what you do, no matter how many times you clear an area, the enemies still pop back up like daisies after maybe a few days, at most. You can walk from Diamond City to the Castle, slaughtering everything, walk back, and the enemies will have respawned. It's kind of disheartening, and makes me, as a character, feel like nothing I do truly matters.

It would be interesting if instead of just lengthening timers, they kept track of which areas you are clearing most often ;

So, you could clear a band from Castle to Diamond City (to use your example) back and forth, and the first few times things respawn as normal, but then the more you kill your way through, the less and less spawns, until it stops entirely for a while. And instead of when that time of Cleared Area starts to desist just having all the trash raiders and super mutants reappear, instead have... Well, Old Night trailblazers. The scary things come back to this nice open buffet first. Deathclaw rampage, Behemoth incursion. And then the raiders trickle back into the newly weak area.

Bonus points, you can make the settlement Caravans "clear" lines between them for you by having them running long enough. Then, since the settlements are more valuable, have the Institute/BoS try to take things from these more advanced places. Raiders, mutants and ghouls as usual after the places you don't have defence at, and the bigger factions wanting a large cut of your pie at the places that you've built up power and technology at.

And for synth haters, you can add a Guess The Synth minigame for your settlers as the Institute/Railroad try to get synths into normal towns.

2016-02-25, 02:59 PM
Now we have to deal with collision meshes and all those fancy things. :smalltongue:

So did Gordon Freeman in Half-Life 2 and you didn't hear him complain. :smallbiggrin:
(Not that he says anything at all, but...)

"I'm entering a dangerous area, better sleep."

So when you walk in and get massacred, you can reload and say it all was a bad dream. :smallbiggrin:

If it's like former games, it's probably set to somewhere around 30; I'd like to change it to be somewhere between 15-20.

According to the Fallout wiki, the console command is:

set timescale to <scale>

Default is 20. Assuming you use the console.

Crippled limbs should not be fine after a five minute rest. I'd actually prefer if they went a bit further, and added in Doctors Bags, like in New Vegas. But we can only hope, right?

I wondered about it in New Vegas, but seeing that I have... **checks** 24 Doctor Bags in my stash and 2 in my pocket, I think I'm fine with hard core limb crippling.

You do get access to it.

Ah good. There's half the battle.

2016-02-25, 05:17 PM
Ah good. There's half the battle.

As I said earlier, that would force you to go down one particular storyline (the Institute) if you wanted to make use of their fast travel teleporter. You want to support the Railroad and destroy the Institute? Well, guess you ain't fast travelling anytime soon. It seems unlikely they would include such an obvious imbalance between the factions, so my guess is that the Institute teleport won't allow you to fast travel--it'll probably only work in the MIT ruins, or something like that.

2016-02-26, 12:05 AM
According to the Fallout wiki, the console command is:

set timescale to <scale>

Default is 20. Assuming you use the console.

Not sure if it was on the wiki or a mod description but I recall reading that if you set the timescale to anything less than 6 it may interfere with certain quest scripts. Just an FYI.

2016-02-26, 05:07 AM
Ah good. There's half the battle.

Well....you can already fast travel, so there's really no advantage to getting access to the Relay. The only real advantage that I've seen so far are the Synth Relay Grenades...the relay just sends you reinforcements.

2016-02-26, 07:18 AM
Well....you can already fast travel, so there's really no advantage to getting access to the Relay. The only real advantage that I've seen so far are the Synth Relay Grenades...the relay just sends you reinforcements.

They're talking about the new mode, where there will be no fast travel.

2016-02-26, 09:16 AM
Not sure if it was on the wiki or a mod description but I recall reading that if you set the timescale to anything less than 6 it may interfere with certain quest scripts. Just an FYI.

Yep. I believe the default timescale for FO3 and New Vegas is 30, and Skyrim I think has it to 20. In all these games I set them to 8 and everything seems to hold together (though 8 is about the lower limit of stability). It gives me a nice long day to fully complete a quest and go places without needing to stop halfway through to find my way in the dark (not that darkness is all that dark unless you're like me and have a lighting mod that makes it realistically DARK).

Also, finding myself stopping a lot in New Vegas to look at the pretty sunsets.

As I said earlier, that would force you to go down one particular storyline (the Institute) if you wanted to make use of their fast travel teleporter.

Right, as the other half of the battle is giving the Railroad something to use in place of Fast Travel. I'd be up for vehicles. Maybe even a horse? Sure they might be mutant horses, but at least Bethesda can just copy the scripts off Skyrim. Can't be hard to give Fallout something like mounts.

2016-02-26, 09:45 AM
Yep. I believe the default timescale for FO3 and New Vegas is 30, and Skyrim I think has it to 20. In all these games I set them to 8 and everything seems to hold together (though 8 is about the lower limit of stability). It gives me a nice long day to fully complete a quest and go places without needing to stop halfway through to find my way in the dark (not that darkness is all that dark unless you're like me and have a lighting mod that makes it realistically DARK).

Also, finding myself stopping a lot in New Vegas to look at the pretty sunsets.

Right, as the other half of the battle is giving the Railroad something to use in place of Fast Travel. I'd be up for vehicles. Maybe even a horse? Sure they might be mutant horses, but at least Bethesda can just copy the scripts off Skyrim. Can't be hard to give Fallout something like mounts.

I always thought we should be able to fix up the motorcycles we keep running into all over the place.

Jon D
2016-02-26, 10:36 AM
I always thought we should be able to fix up the motorcycles we keep running into all over the place.

I don't see why not. It's not like the Brotherhood or NCR walked everywhere. They had vehicles.

2016-02-26, 11:31 AM
I don't see why not. It's not like the Brotherhood or NCR walked everywhere. They had vehicles.

You could even keep most of the same code for horses from Skyrim, just cut out the bit that makes the horse fight back. Add some sfx from a Harley, give us some custom paint jobs for the bike (either the same ones we unlock for the power armor and/or some new ones just for the bike). You could even go so far as to make the bike moddable like the power armor. Now THAT's a DLC I'd pay for.

2016-02-26, 01:05 PM
You could even keep most of the same code for horses from Skyrim, just cut out the bit that makes the horse fight back. Add some sfx from a Harley, give us some custom paint jobs for the bike (either the same ones we unlock for the power armor and/or some new ones just for the bike). You could even go so far as to make the bike moddable like the power armor. Now THAT's a DLC I'd pay for.

Nah, nah, the way you do it is to do the motorcycle functionality in one DLC, and then add another DLC to give the horse armor.

2016-02-26, 01:23 PM
Nah, nah, the way you do it is to do the motorcycle functionality in one DLC, and then add another DLC to give the horse armor.

Motorcycle Armor
$2.50 USD

2016-02-26, 02:03 PM
Actually, I'd be really stoked if we got a DLC that reused horse code from Skyrim. That'd make porting over Convenient Horses (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14950/?) a bit easier. I decided to try actually walking instead of fast traveling in my latest completionist playthrough, and that mod is a must-have.

2016-02-26, 05:29 PM
You could even keep most of the same code for horses from Skyrim, just cut out the bit that makes the horse fight back.

But keep the code that normally lets horses scale steep mountains like a billy goat, right? :smallbiggrin:

Now that's an all-terrain motorbike!

Actually, I'd be really stoked if we got a DLC that reused horse code from Skyrim. That'd make porting over Convenient Horses (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14950/?) a bit easier. I decided to try actually walking instead of fast traveling in my latest completionist playthrough, and that mod is a must-have.

I will say that Convenient Horses did get me to cut back on short distance Fast-traveling. So this would be cool.

2016-02-26, 07:06 PM
No game made by Bethesda should limit the amount you can save.

Some parts of Skyrim were only bearable because you were able to save immediately beforehand, so you could reload it until the game actually ran the script properly/didn't crash.

2016-02-26, 07:54 PM
Is there any word as to the exact date that this new Hardcore mode and the first DLC will come out?

Jon D
2016-02-26, 09:55 PM
You could even keep most of the same code for horses from Skyrim, just cut out the bit that makes the horse fight back. Add some sfx from a Harley, give us some custom paint jobs for the bike (either the same ones we unlock for the power armor and/or some new ones just for the bike). You could even go so far as to make the bike moddable like the power armor. Now THAT's a DLC I'd pay for.

At which point my character will rocking the Atom Cat's outfit, a pompadour and shades.

While riding a freaking Harley!

2016-02-26, 11:33 PM
I finally have a computer that can run FO4. (I pre-ordered it, but discovered my graphics card needed and upgrade.)

Are there any mods I should pick up? I already found Easy Hacking (because I HATE hacking).

2016-02-26, 11:45 PM
I finally have a computer that can run FO4. (I pre-ordered it, but discovered my graphics card needed and upgrade.)

Are there any mods I should pick up? I already found Easy Hacking (because I HATE hacking).

I'm a big fan of Companion Infinite Ammo. Like Easy Hacking it's another convenience mod, as by the time you're a decent way through the game you have effectively infinite ammo and your companions will burn through it shooting walls, forcing you to shuffle another couple hundred rounds onto them every other encounter (I exaggerate a bit. Unless you give them an automatic.)

I'm the type who prefers to do the vanilla game once through before heavy modding, so I can't think of anything else I'd suggest for your first playthrough, but there are a lot of really good mods out. I'll be watching the replies to see if anything catches my eye.

2016-02-27, 01:54 AM
I finally have a computer that can run FO4. (I pre-ordered it, but discovered my graphics card needed and upgrade.)

Are there any mods I should pick up? I already found Easy Hacking (because I HATE hacking).

Looks like it's time for another game of "Everybody list their mods"!

Scrap scrap lets you scrap the little annoying piles of rubble, leaves and paper that has some how survived outside in the elements for 200 years. It will also scrap hedge rows (though I tend to leave those and use them as walls).

Place on red lets you...well...place on red. You can build things pretty much anywhere, with out having to worry about getting that perfect positioning to get your item to "go green".

Companion Infinite ammo, as already stated, lets you give your companion a single round of ammo, and have it last for ever. Nice when you give Mccready an instigating .50 cal sniper rifle and don't want to keep buying/scrounging ammo every two minutes.

Ultimate crafting lets you craft weapons (rather than just relying on finding them) and ammo.

Craft Legendary lets you add legendary properties to any weapon or armor piece, with out the hassle of stripping it from something else first.

Small power armor station lets you build the other type (2 piece) power armor stand.

Functional weapon rack lets you build weapon racks like you see in the garage in the opening video

Other than that I have a few mods just to improve a couple of visual elements such as:

Nude body. Not because I want to see Nora nekkid, but because I was tired of seeing everybody's bra peeking out of the bottom of the harness. Honestly, where to these girls keep getting clean, white bra's 200 years after ww3?

No shrubs, because the amount of random small shrubs around the commonwealth was starting to get annoying. Nothing like placing a shack in a location, and having a dead shrub sticking up through the floor.

I got a mod that changes Curie's looks, just for the helluvit. I think the new face looks better.

The vault proto-suit makes your vault suit look more bad ass, even though you don't wear it very long.

Retro Radio replaces the classic radio music with something a bit more contemporary, such as Desert king (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC7Yk_L0YrI)

I tried lootable power armor frames, which is suppose to let you loot frames off of dead raiders/BOS mooks, but honestly, with just the armor I found laying around the commonwealth I had more frames than I was ever using, even when I was leaving set's of T40 just laying around for settlers to use during raids.

I never bothered with master hacker or easy lock picking...I just use the console commands to accomplish that. Saves on memory usage.

2016-02-27, 08:09 AM
My list is a bit smaller:

Armorsmith Extended: Lets you put a lot more enhancements on a lot more gear, such as clothing. It also adds a couple of custom armors, and lets you wear additional armor pieces with clothing and more than just a couple of armors.

Better Weapon Mod Descriptions: Gives numerical values for what's being done to your weapon when you change between say short and long barrels.

Companion Infinite Ammo: For reasons described above and because Piper looks awesome carrying a Minigun around.

Craftable Ammo: Because I use a lot of it.

Loads of Ammo: Which restores switchable ammo types, though I haven't played with it yet.

Longer Power Lines x2: Which doubles the length you can attach power lines, because those poles get expensive after a while.

Robot Home Defense: Because being able to build robots to supplement defenses and improve happiness also improves my Happiness.

Settlement Supplies Expanded: I don't really like the Settlements per say, but I wanted something nicer looking to seal up Red Rocket into a Fortress of Solitude. Now it's wrapped with concrete walls and powered by Wind Turbines.

2016-02-27, 10:38 AM
I don't usually play with mods, usually just things like place on red and such, for convenience...

But why has nobody thought of Starlight Drive-In?!?

I can't mod, I'm horrible at it. But come on, we need a mod that lets you play real movies at starlight drive in!

All who think somebody should make this, say I!

2016-02-27, 10:46 AM
Robot Home Defense: Because being able to build robots to supplement defenses and improve happiness also improves my Happiness.

Isn't this in the next DLC?

2016-02-27, 01:17 PM
Looks like it's time for another game of "Everybody list their mods"!

Sorry. :smallredface: As I said, I JUST got FO4 running. There's 3 previous FO threads, and I didn't want to have to scroll through 200+ pages to find recommended mods.

Craft Legendary lets you add legendary properties to any weapon or armor piece, with out the hassle of stripping it from something else first.

Is the mod called "Craft Legendary"? Because I can't find it under that name.

Functional weapon rack lets you build weapon racks like you see in the garage in the opening video


Better Weapon Mod Descriptions: Gives numerical values for what's being done to your weapon when you change between say short and long barrels.

THANK YOU! I should have thought to look for something like this.

2016-02-27, 03:20 PM
That one is about building yourself a robot buddy to tag along on your adventures.

RHD can do that, but it's more about being able to add either robot defenders, or build Utility Protectrons, which can scavenge, or Miss Nannies who increase over all happiness in the settlment. You can also if you've completed Drinking Buddy, build protectron brewers that give +3 food/water to a settlement. Useful for places which don't necessarily have room for farmland, like the alley near Diamond City.

2016-02-27, 03:28 PM
I have to thank Fallout 4 for making me understand why people like Minecraft. In the end, my character abandoned his lost son to roam the wasteland looking for parts for his settlement.
Are there mods or dlcs which expand on available buildings? Those in the vanilla game are quite repulsive.

@coboldnations: a mod which allows the use of the game for streaming movies from netflix or such in the drive-in would be pretty cool.

2016-02-27, 04:38 PM
I understand that Settlement Supplies EXpanded and Homemaker both offer extensive additions to the list of buildable items. Personally, Homemaker looks like it does it in a more cohesive and coherent way, but I haven't been able to get it working on my save.

2016-02-27, 07:00 PM
It was at about the 18th plunger I grabbed that I thought to myself "Okay, either I have a looting problem, or there needs to a plunger gun."

The answer is of course, Plunger Gun. :smallbiggrin:

Well, my character Trixie is now level 16 and she's getting attacked daily by the Legion assassins. It's time to catch that midnight flick.

2016-02-27, 07:13 PM
Yeah, I mean, seriously.

I didn't find starlight drive-in at level 2 because on my first play through I always took weird paths to get places. But I had Deacon as a follower when I first found it, and when I brought him to the top of the projector tower, he mentioned something about fixing it up and getting the whole railroad to watch a flick.

I mean, if Bethesda wasn't begging for a mod, they wouldn't have put that in.

2016-02-27, 07:18 PM
RE: Motorcycle mods for fast travel:
Ask, and ye shall receive. (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10157/?)

Granted, it's not quite on the level of Convenient Horses. It's a settlement-only thing--which might actually give you a reason to go and set up more settlements--and the crafting recipes seem a bit light for it to be balanced, but it's a start.

2016-02-27, 10:35 PM
Safe Settlements Expanded adds the ability to build a lot of things already in the game. Homemaker, from what I have learned is more about adding new decorative and some functional touches. I like Settlments Expanded better myself, but nothing stops you from using both.

You might also look up DDProductions. He's added a lot of things that should have been in from the get go, like solar Panels, or fusion reactors. (The latter explodes.) But he's also done elevators and ramps.

Jon D
2016-02-28, 01:51 AM
I really need but one mod. It adds a specific set of dialogue.

"General, we have a settlement in need of help."

"Preston, send in the militia."

That's all I want.

2016-02-28, 09:49 AM
"General, we have a settlement in need of help."
"Preston, send in the militia."

That's all I want.

Holy sweet mother of the Wanderer! I would pay real money for that mod, and I don't even own FO4 yet! I've seen so many streams of players getting side tracked from the fun adventuring because some XYZ settlement is getting raided and they have to be there to stop it. You can already arm your settlers, so why not go one step further and get 'em trained to do the settlement protection jobs too? This is a brilliant idea.

Speaking of brilliant ideas, I got myself kicked out of the Vicki and Vance casino for winning too much. :smalltongue:
Apparently with a Luck of 10 reality just warps around you for the win. My favorite hand was when I accidentally Stayed on a 15. The dealer started with a 14, Hit, and then went bust. XD

2016-02-28, 02:18 PM
I really need but one mod. It adds a specific set of dialogue.

"General, we have a settlement in need of help."

"Preston, send in the militia."

That's all I want.

That was probably one of my greatest disappointments with Fallout 4. You join up with a people's militia (whether you want to or not, dammit!) to rebuild but for some reason, you never actually rebuild. I was looking forward to quests for recruiting, fortification of important tactical points and such, seeing the militia grow but no such thing. Basically it's just you being scammed into doing the same menial tasks over and over again, in exchange for him calling you "general".

Jon D
2016-02-28, 02:50 PM
That was probably one of my greatest disappointments with Fallout 4. You join up with a people's militia (whether you want to or not, dammit!) to rebuild but for some reason, you never actually rebuild. I was looking forward to quests for recruiting, fortification of important tactical points and such, seeing the militia grow but no such thing. Basically it's just you being scammed into doing the same menial tasks over and over again, in exchange for him calling you "general".

Thankfully, at no point does Preston rock an Essential tag.

Yuki Akuma
2016-02-28, 03:32 PM
That was probably one of my greatest disappointments with Fallout 4. You join up with a people's militia (whether you want to or not, dammit!) to rebuild but for some reason, you never actually rebuild. I was looking forward to quests for recruiting, fortification of important tactical points and such, seeing the militia grow but no such thing. Basically it's just you being scammed into doing the same menial tasks over and over again, in exchange for him calling you "general".

Hey, at least you can set up a state-wide network of artillery you can call in at any time.

Jon D
2016-02-28, 03:38 PM
Hey, at least you can set up a state-wide network of artillery you can call in at any time.

Which blows your stealth when you use it. Qnd it's almost easier to do the job yourself by the time you get to that point.

2016-02-28, 03:43 PM
Which blows your stealth when you use it. Qnd it's almost easier to do the job yourself by the time you get to that point.

In the hardest difficulty that artillery is actually very useful. Especially if you're trying to get some some bobbleheads located in the southern parts of the map ASAP.

2016-02-28, 06:48 PM
Robot Home Defense has one useful thing it can do with regards to artillery. After you first enter the Institute, you can then build Synth settlers. Those count for running artillery, and require beds, but consume neither food nor water. So you can build a few of those, and some artillery, and have an instant artillery base anywhere.

As for the grenades, I find that being very stealthy, and throwing the grenade over something, will let you start a barrage, and get away without getting murdered in the process. Thicket Excavations is a pretty fun place, since a big barrage will tend to hit the sides as well as the bottom, and thus the raiders there as well as the Mirelurks.

2016-02-28, 07:09 PM
Seriously, does anyone have the modding capability to do this?

I mean, who wouldn't want to watch a movie in a game?

Yuki Akuma
2016-02-28, 07:21 PM
Which blows your stealth when you use it. Qnd it's almost easier to do the job yourself by the time you get to that point.

Stealth is always the best in every Fallout Scrolls game. The artillery is still awesome.

2016-02-29, 08:01 AM
Started into Old world Blues. Began with a dark, creepy atmosphere.. Pristine and quiet halls. A large mystery of what secrets this facility holds.

...and then I met the think tank.

Yep, that set the mood straight. XD
I don't know how my daughter in the next room over didn't wake up from the laughter.

Jon D
2016-02-29, 10:49 AM
Started into Old world Blues. Began with a dark, creepy atmosphere.. Pristine and quiet halls. A large mystery of what secrets this facility holds.

...and then I met the think tank.

Yep, that set the mood straight. XD
I don't know how my daughter in the next room over didn't wake up from the laughter.

OWB had me laughing so hard I totally woke up my kids. And wife.

2016-02-29, 11:16 AM
If the introductory conversation with the Think Tank had taken 4 minutes rather than 40 I might have laughed at it--as it was, I was just wishing for it to end, but not wanting to just click through the conversation in case they said something important. Still think OWB is by far the weakest of the NV DLC--it was almost Bethesda-like in its dull story, forgettable characters and a large region with loads of uninteresting stuff to do. (Apart from the toaster, he's comedy gold :smallsmile:).

2016-02-29, 07:45 PM
Really. I am dumbfounded. Flabbergasted. Not really, you've said it before, but I just can't understand it. Unless you're expecting seriousness. In that case, you're right this isn't the DLC for you.

2016-02-29, 08:41 PM
If the introductory conversation with the Think Tank had taken 4 minutes rather than 40 I might have laughed at it--as it was, I was just wishing for it to end, but not wanting to just click through the conversation in case they said something important. Still think OWB is by far the weakest of the NV DLC--it was almost Bethesda-like in its dull story, forgettable characters and a large region with loads of uninteresting stuff to do. (Apart from the toaster, he's comedy gold :smallsmile:).

Really. I am dumbfounded. Flabbergasted. Not really, you've said it before, but I just can't understand it. Unless you're expecting seriousness. In that case, you're right this isn't the DLC for you.

I'm actually a little flabbergasted to hear "dull," "forgettable," and "uninteresting" in the same sentence as Old World Blues. You're taken on a wild ride where your brain--and heart, and spine, but mostly your brain--is stolen by mad scientists, and you have to run around the pulpiest of science fiction areas to get them back. The cast is made entirely of Large Ham mad scientists pulled straight out of a sci-fi radio play, and their lines are pure comedy gold. That's not even getting into your own lines, like telling Borous that the crater looks like it was tag-teamed by giant f***bots, or commanding the Biological Research Station to "open your port, and receive my seed!" You can even flirt with your own brain! And the environment is about a mile square, with something like 30-40 areas to explore, each with their own theme and each of them full of enemies all to willing to sting, liquify, and zap you into ash.

If that doesn't sound fun, then I don't know what does.

2016-02-29, 08:52 PM
If the introductory conversation with the Think Tank had taken 4 minutes rather than 40 I might have laughed at it--as it was, I was just wishing for it to end, but not wanting to just click through the conversation in case they said something important. Still think OWB is by far the weakest of the NV DLC--it was almost Bethesda-like in its dull story, forgettable characters and a large region with loads of uninteresting stuff to do. (Apart from the toaster, he's comedy gold :smallsmile:).

Weird. I think OWB is the best DLC of all time for anything.

I love the sillyness, and the scientists, and all of the referential jokes. The map is a bit large, but there's just so much fun stuff in it. I also didn't notice until afterwards how long the conversation with the Think Tank went on for. I think I started going 'ok, let's get on with it' somewhere around 35 minutes in.

2016-02-29, 09:45 PM
I'll say I enjoyed OWB a lot, but felt it dragged a bit. Not during the Think Tank intro, mind you, but I certainly stopped exploring and felt ready to get back to the Mojave long before I exhausted the potential of the DLC. I think it happened again my last time through also, even though I told myself I'd fully explore it this time.

It's my favorite DLC, but mostly due to the beginning and the end. The major characters and dialogue trees are what sold it. It had a lot of very dark environmental storytelling and maybe the RP aspect caused that to get to me. I felt trapped after a while and just wanted to get my brain and GTFO.

2016-02-29, 10:43 PM
How are you guys dragging these conversations out into 40+ minutes long? I'm through five or ten if I exhaust all outside options. Or are you counting running around chatting with them after the 5v1 initial talk?

On the other hand, some people are all about serious business and have little room for anything amusing. I couldn't find a serious monocle that I felt was properly appropriate, but this one amused me.

I Say. (http://imgfave-herokuapp-com.global.ssl.fastly.net/image_cache/1286427732815818.jpeg)

Yes, I admit, it did start to drag on after a bit. Frankly, most DLC does, if only because it's largely more of the game you've probably been playing for a while already.

2016-02-29, 11:29 PM
This is definitely if not my favorite DLC, then certainly my second most favorite DLC for F:NV. Cheezy, campy, large hams ahoy, the pulpiest science fiction to have ever pulped... it's just an amazing amount of amusing. FOR SCIENCE! (and possibly a better death ray).

Plus you've got loot for pretty much any build you want to play with. For the energy users out there, Elijah's LAER is one of the top energy weapon damage dealers, and probably THE top damage dealer affected by Laser Commander. For conventional firearm aficionados, there's Christine's BoS Sniper Rifle with one of the highest crit chance multipliers in the game (only Ratslayer has a higher crit multiplier), better damage output than either Gobi or the fully modded Sniper Rifle, weight about on par with the modded sniper rifle carbon frame, and auto-silenced. For sniping with a conventional firearm, you have to go a LONG way to beat this baby. For those who like to get up close and personal, the Superheated Saturnite Fist lets Pyro double down on your damage, making it one of the better fists in the game.

The Tri-Valience Oscillator is one of the best 'face' slot items in the game, combos quite well with Boone's Cap. +END and regen and you'd be surprised how rarely you have to resort to healing these days.

For those who aren't locked into wearing light armor, there's also a suit with a built in AI that actually talks to you, and even automatically dispenses medicine based on your current status. Fully upgraded, this may well be the last suit of armor you ever need. If you don't care for that, there's also Christine's Recon Armor which has more DT than the regular and a spiffy new skin. Makes a great pair with her rifle, and an excellent talking piece with Veronica out at the 188.

2016-02-29, 11:40 PM
Well I pulled a rookie move on my recording with Digo tonight. I hit preview rather then my record button. I feel like a moron.

2016-03-01, 03:39 AM
You're taken on a wild ride where your brain--and heart, and spine, but mostly your brain--is stolen by mad scientists, and you have to run around the pulpiest of science fiction areas to get them back.

That might well be why I have such a problem with it. Fallout generally is an essentially serious game with some leavening of humour to make it less grimdark. NV is probably the most tonally dark of the entire series--we're talking a game where, quite early on, the Legion wipe out a town and crucify most of the population; this is not Humour City here! OWB was so tonally different that it felt completely out of place. The other DLC was a far better match for the main game, IMHO.

2016-03-01, 04:09 AM
Did we even play the same game (http://tatterdemalionvulpine.tumblr.com/post/139707995881/seethedivide-swimmingferret-pyreo#permalink-notes)

2016-03-01, 05:29 AM
OWB is also home to Stealth Suit MK II. Oh Stealth Suit, I always noticed you...:smallfrown:

2016-03-01, 06:47 AM
Ah, I see your problem now. FNV is the grimdarkest of the games, but that's why Old World Blues works because it's all the leavening humor that's not in the main game, condensed and piled into one DLC.

Play them in the order of Honest Hearts, Dead Money, Lonesome Road, and then Old World Blues. From HH's no win scenario ending (someone is guaranteed to be heartily disappointed. Spoiler, it's always Daniel), to the depressing irritation of Dead Money, and Mr. Happy Go-Lucky of Lonesome Road, Old World Blues is very much needed lightening of the mood.

2016-03-01, 07:59 AM
How are you guys dragging these conversations out into 40+ minutes long? I'm through five or ten if I exhaust all outside options. Or are you counting running around chatting with them after the 5v1 initial talk?

My discussion took about 45-50 minutes because my daughter needed some things done before bed. And she kept asking about Doctor Dana, her favorite brain... which.... hell, how does she tell them apart? I guess they're color coded, but still...

I Say. (http://imgfave-herokuapp-com.global.ssl.fastly.net/image_cache/1286427732815818.jpeg)

That reminds me of The Sink's... um, "butler" unit. Slight British accent and big words. Hee hee, very cool.

Cheezy, campy, large hams ahoy, the pulpiest science fiction to have ever pulped...

I guess that's where the line is drawn between those that like OWB and those that do not. I personally like the cheese.

Well I pulled a rookie move on my recording with Digo tonight. I hit preview rather then my record button. I feel like a moron.

Well at least we spare them the details about that new raider chili recipe.

2016-03-01, 08:17 AM
Well at least we spare them the details about that new raider chili recipe.

I don't know using his skull as a bowl is pretty ingenious and the brain added a sort of elegance flavor

2016-03-01, 10:10 AM
About public transportation: I think that it is hard to implement it well. Until now, the only Bethesda game which used it "right" was Morrowind, because it created a network which allowed to show which areas actually were central, which were peripheral and which were unconnected to the main lines. Finding an Ashlander tribe was much different from travelling to Gnisis. The fact that the most important places also gave the chance to travel to many others really made them central. It was an important detail in creating a sense of feeling of which places belonged to the civilized Morrowind and which belonged to the wilderness or periphery.
Oblivion and Skyrim didn't have such a system and, as a result, it all felt flat. You could be anywhere, you could travel anywhere. The Bethesda Fallout games also have this problem, because there isn't that much difefrence between being in a city or settlement or being anywhere else. The first Fallouts, with the "travel on map and time flies" system, gave a much bigger meaning to cities.
I'm not saying that Bethesda can't make cities, it's just that, in the real word, there is a massive difference in opportunities between being out in the wild and being in an urban settlement, and Morrowind was the only game with a mechanic that gave part of this feeling through hubs and connections. With fast travel, you can simply jump to different merchants or quest givers in different places, and having cities becomes less relevant.

2016-03-01, 11:20 AM
I don't know using his skull as a bowl is pretty ingenious and the brain added a sort of elegance flavor

I think the blood made it too salty though. >.>

2016-03-01, 02:03 PM
About public transportation: I think that it is hard to implement it well. Until now, the only Bethesda game which used it "right" was Morrowind, because it created a network which allowed to show which areas actually were central, which were peripheral and which were unconnected to the main lines.

This. I think that in a game that's about a huge, mysterious, and potentially hostile world, it's worth it to inconvenience the player a little in order to maintain the realism of some places being difficult to get to. In Fallout/Skyrim etc, I find myself just fast travelling to the closest marker I already have to where I need to go, which is efficient but underwhelming.

Jon D
2016-03-01, 03:25 PM
I think the blood made it too salty though. >.>

Tryiny to find the right balance is certainly food for thought.

2016-03-01, 04:48 PM
In Fallout/Skyrim etc, I find myself just fast travelling to the closest marker I already have to where I need to go, which is efficient but underwhelming.

The same happened in Morrowind, though, it's just that the list of markers you could instantly travel to was considerably smaller than in Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout; rather than travelling to any discovered location you could only go to certain ones (Dunmer strongholds if you had the associated Propylon Index, temples with Divine/Almsivi Intervention, etc). This made some places (like the Ashlands) feel fairly inaccessible because there were so few travel locations available there.

I think the likes of Skyrim and Fallout 4 try to encourage you to not fast travel by hiding so much stuff out in the wilderness that you'd never find otherwise. There are numerous occasions where I *could* have fast travelled somewhere close to my destination and hoofed it the rest of the way, but I chose to go the long way round to see what I could find.

2016-03-01, 07:03 PM
I think the blood made it too salty though. >.>

It just means we don't have to add salt. :smalltongue:

2016-03-02, 04:57 AM
Indeed. I've actually had more enjoyment out of Skyrim and Fallout 4 wandering around discovering things or getting lost, than I ever have from most of the quests. Heck, getting lost out in the Glowing Sea was a ton of fun.

2016-03-02, 08:39 AM
About public transportation: I think that it is hard to implement it well. Until now, the only Bethesda game which used it "right" was Morrowind, because it created a network which allowed to show which areas actually were central, which were peripheral and which were unconnected to the main lines. Finding an Ashlander tribe was much different from travelling to Gnisis. The fact that the most important places also gave the chance to travel to many others really made them central. It was an important detail in creating a sense of feeling of which places belonged to the civilized Morrowind and which belonged to the wilderness or periphery.
Oblivion and Skyrim didn't have such a system and, as a result, it all felt flat. You could be anywhere, you could travel anywhere. The Bethesda Fallout games also have this problem, because there isn't that much difefrence between being in a city or settlement or being anywhere else. The first Fallouts, with the "travel on map and time flies" system, gave a much bigger meaning to cities.
I'm not saying that Bethesda can't make cities, it's just that, in the real word, there is a massive difference in opportunities between being out in the wild and being in an urban settlement, and Morrowind was the only game with a mechanic that gave part of this feeling through hubs and connections. With fast travel, you can simply jump to different merchants or quest givers in different places, and having cities becomes less relevant.

I felt Skyrim did it best with the option of carts and fast travel. Face it, just given the gamer population, there will be a revolt if no fast travel system is included in a game like these. But, while I know it's objectively better to fast travel (since it's free and more direct), for whatever reason I found having the carts to get from when big general area to another and then walk to the specific destination just made it feel a lot better.

Of course, not sure how you'd implement such a system in FO4, outside of maybe a "travel with your caravans between settlements," just because there's so few actual hub-points.

2016-03-02, 08:53 AM
I don't know if it's intentionally scripted this way or just my awesome 10 Luck stat, but that damn Sonic Emitter nearly got me killed. Not only did it do zero damage to the Lobotomite I attempted to sneak attack at mid-range (Twice), but it alerted a bunch of cyberdogs that (who all barely took any damage from the Sonic Emitter) proceeded to use me as their chew toy. Went right to Plan C, which is pulling out the plasma pistol with optimized Energy Cells loaded. The fight ended right then and there. Sooo... yeah, I gave up on using that emitter weapon for anything other than force fields.

Plus side? There is now a smiley face outside the entrance to The Dome made in green plasma goo. :smallbiggrin:

2016-03-02, 12:55 PM
Even more than Sniper weapons, the Sonic Emitter relies heavily on critical damage. All of it's special effects trigger on criticals, and they don't always trigger. I find it best to use as a lure. Fire it and lure them over a mine field. It's more helpful when you're fighting turrets for some reason it does a lot more damage to them than anything else.

Cyberdogs are just incredibly healthy critters. I find shooting them in the head from stealth to be the best way to deal with them. A Focused, but not beam split laser rifle is my weapon of choice. They tend to bug out on death and it's easier to say it's dead for certain if it's a pile of ash. Or goo, your choice.

2016-03-02, 02:36 PM
By now you all think I'm just the crazy guy who yells at whoever' near to make a mod I want. And you are completely right.

Atom Cats Radio. Best of Rockabilly and Blues. Nuff said.

I would say something about atom cats settlement, but that's already a mod.

2016-03-02, 10:33 PM
Even more than Sniper weapons, the Sonic Emitter relies heavily on critical damage. All of it's special effects trigger on criticals, and they don't always trigger. I find it best to use as a lure. Fire it and lure them over a mine field. It's more helpful when you're fighting turrets for some reason it does a lot more damage to them than anything else.

I managed to ding a robo-scorpion today with the Emitter! Course that only made it mad and there were five more of them coming at me from both sides of the canyon. Oh and after downing the third robo-scorpion with a real weapon, a Mr Gutsy charged into the fight. For America! :smalleek: AAAAAAAAaaaaa...

Burned through ammo like body replacer mods have naked settings.

There is one downside I have on OWB, and that is all the repetitive intercom announcements when you're wandering about outside. Egads no one shuts up around here! Well, except for Doctor 8 who doesn't say anything. He's cool.

2016-03-03, 05:05 AM
I didn't realise how foggy this game is until I added a mod to remove it. Everything's so clear now, I'm actually able to use my scope to its fullest capacity. Gunned down three mirelurks and a king before they spotted me.

2016-03-03, 06:13 AM
Digo: Have you got a Plasma Rifle on you? Those are my preferred weapon type for dealing with Robo-scorpions. They don't really move around until you shoot them, so the slow projectile speed is less of an issue. My last energy weapon user went to all the effort of lugging along a Plasma Caster just to ensure she had the firepower to knock them out.

2016-03-03, 09:04 AM
Digo: Have you got a Plasma Rifle on you?

Nope, the game has yet to show me one, either as loot or from a vendor. In fact, I had probably forgotten that they exist in the game till you just brought it up. :smallredface: I do have a fully modded plasma pistol, which I use with indiscriminate determination on those robo-buggers. I just lead with a couple sneak-attack shots to cripple a leg and then I can dodge their slow, ranged weapon better. It's just in that they have a better Perception than 7 in that canyon and managed to surround me before I noticed them. Oh, and even when reduced to goo they occasionally explode. O.o

Plus side-- I'm leveling up like crazy. Geez, this game is liberal with exp. Should I take the Meltdown perk?

2016-03-03, 11:46 AM
Nope, the game has yet to show me one, either as loot or from a vendor. In fact, I had probably forgotten that they exist in the game till you just brought it up. :smallredface: I do have a fully modded plasma pistol, which I use with indiscriminate determination on those robo-buggers. I just lead with a couple sneak-attack shots to cripple a leg and then I can dodge their slow, ranged weapon better. It's just in that they have a better Perception than 7 in that canyon and managed to surround me before I noticed them. Oh, and even when reduced to goo they occasionally explode. O.o

Plus side-- I'm leveling up like crazy. Geez, this game is liberal with exp. Should I take the Meltdown perk?

Meltdown can cause friendly fire, be cautious

If you don't want to use your Hyperbreeder Alpha, I'd suggest doing the quest for all your new AI friends. You can't help finding a new toy that will replace your plasma pistol.

2016-03-03, 03:01 PM
Meltdown can cause friendly fire, be cautious

Okay, so don't melee with my guns. Understood.

Er, not that I... was using my guns in melee... intentionally...

If you don't want to use your Hyperbreeder Alpha

Oh yeah, forgot I have that. I was having so much fun sniping with my laser rifle now that ammo is plentiful, that I seldom use anything else. Snipe with the laser, use the plasma pistol if it didn't die and is closing in, and if it really comes down to melee, I just grab whatever weapon I looted from the last Lobotomite (those poor saps are LOADED with loot).

I'd suggest doing the quest for all your new AI friends. You can't help finding a new toy that will replace your plasma pistol.

It's the first quest I'm doing, since it makes me travel all over Big MT. Might as well grab some quest goods while I explore, right? So far I got the Auto-Doc (amusing when it talks in its sleep), the actual hypochondriac Sink (LOL), and the... Bio-plant lab thing, which I think is coming on to me (LOL^2).

(Hilariously, I picked the sarcastic remark to Doctor Klein about promising not to explore).

Currently in Higgs Village, looting for a couple quests.

2016-03-03, 07:41 PM
Meltdown is a bit of a trap unless you're a dual weapon character. Close to mid range ballistic, energy snipers, make Meltdown into a monster multi-killer. Hit one guy, and he wipes his buddies for you. At close range it's you that gets wiped.

Pump your Lockpicking, and when you get back to the Mojave, head for Repconn HQ. Trust me, it's worth the trip.

2016-03-03, 09:52 PM
Meltdown is a bit of a trap unless you're a dual weapon character. Close to mid range ballistic, energy snipers, make Meltdown into a monster multi-killer. Hit one guy, and he wipes his buddies for you. At close range it's you that gets wiped.

Pump your Lockpicking, and when you get back to the Mojave, head for Repconn HQ. Trust me, it's worth the trip.

Or Science for hacking...

However, by the time he gets there, he should already have the custom job energy weapon he'll stumble across in the Big MT that is even better.

2016-03-03, 11:44 PM
Or Science for hacking...

However, by the time he gets there, he should already have the custom job energy weapon he'll stumble across in the Big MT that is even better.

I maintain that the LAER and its variants are not as good as the Holorifle or even the base game unique energy weapons. That lack of meaningful crit damage means that unless you're playing a low luck character who doesn't snipe--and why wouldn't you--you're better off with something else.

2016-03-04, 01:45 AM
I maintain that the LAER and its variants are not as good as the Holorifle or even the base game unique energy weapons. That lack of meaningful crit damage means that unless you're playing a low luck character who doesn't snipe--and why wouldn't you--you're better off with something else.

Elijah's LAER has the highest damage output of any weapon affected by Laser Commander. The beam splitter increases damage, but doesn't split the beam into multiple parts, making it a pure damage boost.

Holorifle may be superior, possibly, but also requires going... there. *shudder*. Holorifle also has issues with reload times.

2016-03-04, 08:01 AM
Plasma is actually 2-4 times stronger for the initial sniper shot. (Depends on variant.) LAER is more accurate because of hitscan, but Plasma is far stronger.

Hang on, if I'm reading this right, the LAER is actually less effective with criticals than conventional hits.

Amusingly, not finding a plasma weapon means you didn't find any of the bits from Cass quest, which are guaranteed to have plasma rifles.

2016-03-04, 08:24 AM
I think I get it now... The monsters and machines in Big MT are all having little "Alcoholics Anonymous" style meetings and it's me just accidentally interrupting their support groups. This is the only explanation I have on why I never bump into just one enemy at a time. They all come in droves. Angry Droves. I'm heading south to... someplace, I guess it no longer matters where I go, they all have support groups. This one was a winner though, because not only did I anger three Lobotomites having their meeting, but I upset another Lobotomite on coffee break and he brought his two friends, Lefty and Knuckles.

Lefty and Knuckles being two Y-17 trauma override harnesses wielding plasma weapons. Oh, and it started to storm. Not like, a rain shower kind of storm, but an angry god of thunder Zeus-is-gonna-choke-a-Wanderer kind of heavy downpour to the point my viability was reduced to 'NA'. :smalleek:

I dumped several landmines and ran for the nearest static-looking object to hide behind and fight back. Though fighting back was just taking shots in the direction the plasma and shotgun shells were coming from (these Lobotomites had shotguns). The Meltdown perk saved my sorry butt. One of the Y-17s detonated and took out two of the Lobotomits. Which also Detonated. And then there was a significant lack of anything shooting at me. Egads I see now why I shouldn't be in melee when that goes off. O.o

However, now I have a Multiplas rifle from one of the Y-17s. so... yay?

2016-03-04, 08:37 AM
The multiplas is a lot of fun. Tough to keep repaired unless you have jury rigging, and even then the list of stuff you can use on it is fairly small, but the same is true of the regular plasma rifles, though they're a little more common.

2016-03-04, 10:46 AM
The multiplas is a lot of fun. Tough to keep repaired unless you have jury rigging, and even then the list of stuff you can use on it is fairly small, but the same is true of the regular plasma rifles, though they're a little more common.

Thankfully, the Sink's "butler" computer can repair stuff really well. It costs a fair bit, but there is sooo much junk, armor, and weapons around Big MT I don't use to pay for it. I'm still making money after each foray outside.

Amusing side note, I wonder what the addiction rate of Mentats is? I'm two skill points short of what's needed to craft weapon repair kits, so I keep popping mentats to make them and haven't gotten addicted yet. Soon as I touch one beer? Addiction! :smalltongue: Damn it is funny how often the RNG screws with me.

2016-03-04, 11:01 AM
Well, I finally made it to Goodneighbor without dying. Guess I'm gonna start the Silver Shroud quest now.

Jon D
2016-03-04, 01:57 PM
Well, I finally made it to Goodneighbor without dying. Guess I'm gonna start the Silver Shroud quest now.

Do the heist job for the ghoul behind the security door in the alley first. Then take Hancock with you and never break character.

It's hilarious.

2016-03-04, 02:42 PM
Best part of the Sink CIU is that it's a 100% repair merchant. Everything comes out pristine. It's insanely useful for things like the Holorifle or YCS which either have no other repairables, or are so insanely rare as to be nearly non-existant.

2016-03-04, 08:39 PM
Thankfully, the Sink's "butler" computer can repair stuff really well. It costs a fair bit, but there is sooo much junk, armor, and weapons around Big MT I don't use to pay for it. I'm still making money after each foray outside.

Amusing side note, I wonder what the addiction rate of Mentats is? I'm two skill points short of what's needed to craft weapon repair kits, so I keep popping mentats to make them and haven't gotten addicted yet. Soon as I touch one beer? Addiction! :smalltongue: Damn it is funny how often the RNG screws with me.

It's fairly low, I think. Not that it matters, since the sink's autodoc can cure addictions.

2016-03-05, 04:44 AM
Wiki says only a 5% addiction change for mentats. Wiki page on Fallout Addictions (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Addiction)

2016-03-05, 09:56 AM
Welp. The honeymoon is over.

Last night was my first time actually getting frustrated at Old World Blues. Solely because the game went from "Wacky 50s Mad Science Humor" to "Hardcore Gauntlet Tomb of Horrors Firefight". :smalleek: Egads the Final Fantasy series didn't have encounter rates this heavy.

I had a heavy fight against 7 roboscorpions at the Big MT North Tunnel, but I was able to handle it by jumping on top of a train car and using it for cover. The Meltdown perk pays off big here. However, it was when I left the tunnel and went southwest to grab Muggy's backup personality that it hit the fan...

I'm approaching a building and there's a Lobotomite on top just pacing. Great, I'll snip him from behind this wrecked train car for an easy kill. After taking some time to lineup my shot, he suddenly spots me and comes running down. And then three more from who knows where showed up. So now I'm trying to not get killed because they're all wielding axes and shotguns. THEN three securitron bots show up and they fire missiles indiscriminately at Everything! Three of my five Auto-stimpacks trigger and I'm reaching for my doctor's bag thanks to having two crippled legs and a crippled head.

I didn't think my head could be crippled, being brainless and all, but... yeah. Oh and immediately after that I got my right arm crippled from missile splash damage. Thankfully I had some EMP grenades, which did wonders to kill the Securitrons. I grab the Muggy personality and return to The Sink to get myself patched up (and to reload on auto-stimpacks).

I now head northwest and get chased by three lobotomites and a Y-17 Trauma harness, all of which ignored that I was in Stealth mode. I climbed up a hill to get higher ground and kill all my opponents. But before the fight even finishes, three Mr Gutsys show up and start shooting plasma at me, then two more lobotomites, and before I could finish the lobotomites a pack of three Nightstalkers show up. UGH. Well the hill I'm on happens to be next to a radio tower building and on the roof I found Elija's Advanced LAER. Thank. Wanderer.

I take care of the nightstalkers first since they're on the roof with me (burned another three auto-stimpacks) and then took down the Woodstock Event down below shooting at me from all three side of the building. Damn, what's with the encounter rate at this place? Remember when I said it's like all the enemies gather together for meetings? I think my joke was more spot-on than I realized. These two battles alone burned through nearly 30 stimpacks, 20 or so major food items for healing (Red paste, caravan lunches, Sarsaparilla, etc.) and more ammo that I care to think about.

The worst thing is that enemies seem to respawn every 24 hours. So If I don't grab everything I want in the first visit, I can be sure as toast most of them will be back and waiting for me if I don't return before the next day.

Phew... I need a break from this game. It's trying to kill me.
Still don't know why my 100 Stealth just doesn't seem to do anything to protect me. Enemies see me coming a mile away even if I'm behind objects.

Best part of the Sink CIU is that it's a 100% repair merchant.

It really is convenient, because I've been burning through Optimized cells like candy lately and they're putting my weapons through a workout. I can't leave the sink without at least two weapon repair kits. That's how crazy it's gotten out there.

It's fairly low, I think. Not that it matters, since the sink's autodoc can cure addictions.

Wiki says only a 5% addiction change for mentats. Wiki page on Fallout Addictions (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Addiction)

Just 5? Huh, I would have guessed higher. Ah well, it's alright. I put points into Repair on my latest level up (fifth level since starting OWB) so Mentats can all go wayside for a while.

2016-03-05, 07:24 PM
A secret no one mentions about OWB is bring lots of grenades. I forget to mention it, but I always stock up on high explosives before going anywhere near the place. Frag, Pulse, and Plasma. You've also clearly not been into the Securitron Deconstruction plant yet. That place is a lot of 'fun'.

The missiles from the Securitrons is a curious thing. The MK2's always had them, but until the launch animation changed with OWB, they would almost never use them, because of the time it took to stop, straighten and retract arms and lower the concealing panel.

Now that happens instantly, and they're far more trigger happy with them. (They also have no concept of outdoor toys.) And since it's a barrage, it's several times worse than those from a Sentry Bot. I do believe that the individual missiles are less powerful than those of a Sentry Bot.

DLC foes are stupidly perceptive. Have you got silent running?

2016-03-05, 08:17 PM
Part of why I loved OWB is because it's the only part of the modern Fallouts wacky enough to make it feel like the original games. I'm told I missed out on a ton since I've never played through it with Wild Wasteland on, though.

Weird how a bunch of appliances ended up having my favorite personalities in a long time. Their writing was so entertaining I couldn't resist showing it all to my girlfriend and her friends when they happened to arrive while I was playing. Consensus from them was "Muggy needs a hug.... I think the toaster needs a hug, too, but no way I'm touching it."

Also, it had the most surprising enemy I'd faced in that whole game. See, when you get charged by a skeleton swinging an axe in Elder Scrolls, you don't think twice. When it happens for the first time in Fallout you're going, "WTF!!!"

2016-03-05, 10:18 PM
Yeah, the Toaster is the most delightful ball of crazy.

The axe thing was more amusing than startling. Me, I pulled an Indiana Jones, pistol, one shot. Not quite the same gun, but it still felt cool. Such a pity I didn't see the Cazadore behind me.

2016-03-05, 11:59 PM
A secret no one mentions about OWB is bring lots of grenades.

I didn't bring any when I went into the dlc, but I've been finding a few here and there. I had a fun time locking myself in Little Yangtze and pitching a few pulse grenades at the Sentry bouts outside who couldn't get at me. That was therapeutic. Bonus LOL when the ghouls there came at me and I simply stepped outside the fence. Heh.

DLC foes are stupidly perceptive. Have you got silent running?

Yes, Silent Running is a must-have. :3

"Muggy needs a hug.... I think the toaster needs a hug, too, but no way I'm touching it."

Yeah, the Toaster is the most delightful ball of crazy.

The toaster takes the cake, but I do like when Muggy starts singing and then goes "WTF am I doing?!"
Poor Muggy. I don't know why I feel bad for a robot that isn't even a real AI (well, according to the Sink Central Unit, but I wonder if he secretly doesn't like his neighbors). The two light-switches feuding is pretty amusing as well. I was surprised when I walked in and heard them insulting each other. All my friends are neurotic appliances.

Also, it had the most surprising enemy I'd faced in that whole game. See, when you get charged by a skeleton swinging an axe in Elder Scrolls, you don't think twice. When it happens for the first time in Fallout you're going, "WTF!!!"

The Trauma harnesses were pretty unnerving the first time I saw them. It's like that scene in the new Doctor Who series... the library episode... Silence in the Library?

2016-03-06, 03:43 AM
Just remember, while your brain is elsewhere, you are immune to addiction. So go ahead and pop those Mentats as much as you like.

The Big MT is... well... it isn't empty. And things have a stupidly good Perception skill, apparently. If you haven't gotten into the habit, I'd strongly suggest going anywhere by crouching in stealth mode. Everywhere. Because things like that happen.

If you don't end up with a plasma rifle by the end of your trek through the Big MT, I'll be very much surprised. However, there's things better than a plasma rifle to be found. Have you found the Sink's little upgrades yet?

If you set off the test fire at the test firing site, then go back to boomtown... you might find something very interesting in the ensuing crater. Be worth checking out. It'll help significantly with your survival.

2016-03-06, 07:43 AM
Oh yeah, that's a good piece of kit. There's a second one, but it's much harder to put your hands on. Sniff around the site though, there's a wooden cask with some good stuff in it.

2016-03-06, 08:12 AM
The Trauma harnesses were pretty unnerving the first time I saw them. It's like that scene in the new Doctor Who series... the library episode... Silence in the Library?

If you have Wild Wasteland turned on, one of their idle quotes is "Hey, who turned out the lights?"

2016-03-06, 08:42 AM
Best part of the Sink CIU is that it's a 100% repair merchant. Everything comes out pristine. It's insanely useful for things like the Holorifle or YCS which either have no other repairables, or are so insanely rare as to be nearly non-existant.

Once you've completed Dead Money you can get infinite repair kits though because they cost a trivial number of sierra madre chips.

A 100 repair merchant is still good for armour, but y'know, Jury Rigging.

2016-03-06, 10:31 AM
Just remember, while your brain is elsewhere, you are immune to addiction. So go ahead and pop those Mentats as much as you like.

Really? Huh, that's good to know. Guess I'll be popping more pills to keep my Perception buffed. And yes, I do sneak EVERYWHERE. That's my SOP. :smallbiggrin:

If you set off the test fire at the test firing site, then go back to boomtown... you might find something very interesting in the ensuing crater. Be worth checking out. It'll help significantly with your survival.

Oh yeah, that's a good piece of kit. There's a second one, but it's much harder to put your hands on. Sniff around the site though, there's a wooden cask with some good stuff in it.

I think I saw giant cannons in the distance after my major fight near the Cukoo's Nest. I know I passed Boom Town on my way to X-8 (where I left off). X-8 is... well, Doctor Borous has issues. :\

If you have Wild Wasteland turned on, one of their idle quotes is "Hey, who turned out the lights?"

Oh that will creep me out horribly O.o

Once you've completed Dead Money you can get infinite repair kits though because they cost a trivial number of sierra madre chips.
A 100 repair merchant is still good for armour, but y'know, Jury Rigging.

Yeah, but caps are easy to come buy and the caps spent on repairs goes into the Sink's merchant amount so getting it back is easy by selling it junk. :3 Either way I think I'm pretty much set for repair tools. I can make repair kits if I need to (I've made about 20 so far thanks to all the junk in Big MT).

2016-03-06, 01:06 PM
The trouble of course with Jury Rigging is that you can't at all with the Holorifle, and that the weapons you can repair the YCS with are too useful (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Jury_Rigging#Energy_rifles_.28other.29) to waste repairing it. Though if you haven't been through Dead Money, you don't have those infinite repair kits.

2016-03-06, 01:37 PM
Oh that will creep me out horribly O.o[quote]

If you have wild wasteland enabled, you should definitely go check out the doghouse in Higg's Village. :smallwink:

[quote]Yeah, but caps are easy to come buy and the caps spent on repairs goes into the Sink's merchant amount so getting it back is easy by selling it junk. :3 Either way I think I'm pretty much set for repair tools. I can make repair kits if I need to (I've made about 20 so far thanks to all the junk in Big MT).

It only gets easier to make repair kits once you get all the modules for your electronic friends, because the Book Chute breaks down clipboards and pencils into lead, scrap metal, and duct tape, while Muggy can just flat-out give you five scrap electronics once per day. Eventually, you'll have hundreds of everything you need to make repair kits except for wrenches.

Also, after watching Gopher's most recent Let's Play, I kinda want to see a new mod: "Retake Quincy." It's probably be pretty involved; you know, go to the Gunner Plaza and murder their commander, and then go to Quincy and wipe out the gunners there. And I realize that it goes completely against what I said earlier about having fewer settlements, but I still want the ability to give the Gunners and their materialism a symbolic "Screw You." Money and mercantilism are not as strong as people working together.

2016-03-06, 04:08 PM
Correction: Brainless just gives a bonus to chem addiction resistance, it isn't immunity. It is, however, immunity to head being crippled.

Heartless is immunity to being poisoned, which makes Cazadores a LOT less intimidating, and spineless gives a +1 to Str and DT and immunity to torso crippling.

Once you get the option to replace your organs, it'll change the perk from <part>less to Big <part>ed

Big Brained is kind of mandatory. It has a lower chem resistance bonus, but a higher DT bonus, so score.
Big Hearted trades off immunity to poison for a hefty resistance, but healing items become 50% more effective
Big Spined is a straight-up upgrade of +2 str and DT.

Personally, I tend to stay heartless. Immunity to poison is an immunity. That's pretty hard to pass up. Other than that, replacing your spine is a pure upgrade and you don't have a choice about your brain.

2016-03-06, 06:11 PM
If you have wild wasteland enabled, you should definitely go check out the doghouse in Higg's Village. :smallwink:


*Goes to the AutoDoc to get the Wild Wasteland trait* - *Checks doghouse in Higgs Village* - *Is Eviscerated*

... O.o`

*Reloads his save to before the AutoDoc* I have no words for what just murdered me.

Eventually, you'll have hundreds of everything you need to make repair kits except for wrenches.

I've got about 90+ wrenches between Big MT and Novac. I can't imagine I'll run out.

Correction: Brainless just gives a bonus to chem addiction resistance, it isn't immunity. It is, however, immunity to head being crippled.

Hmmm, then that was a fun little glitch earlier when I got rocket-tagged by the Protectrons.

2016-03-06, 09:05 PM
How do Rockets fair in Big MT? I know I kinda love Rockets over Missiles, since they're lighter...

2016-03-06, 09:10 PM
They work pretty well. You do lose some of the punch of missiles because of the smaller damage radius, but they're still reasonably potent. You'll want HE if you can, for the larger explosive radius. But standard panicked spam fire works well enough.

2016-03-06, 10:11 PM

*Goes to the AutoDoc to get the Wild Wasteland trait* - *Checks doghouse in Higgs Village* - *Is Eviscerated*

... O.o`

*Reloads his save to before the AutoDoc* I have no words for what just murdered me.

That would be Stripe the deathclaw. He doesn't have quite as much HP as the legendary deathclaw, but has more than the Alpha Male. :smalltongue: See, now you've learned two things: how to get eviscerated, and to take my advice with a grain of salt because I'm a sadist.

I've got about 90+ wrenches between Big MT and Novac. I can't imagine I'll run out.

See, usually I just craft them up into repair kits as soon as I have the ingredients. It tidies things up a bit, saves weight, and lets me get on to the truly important things in New Vegas. I refer, of course, to abusing repair kits and Jury Rigging to systematically bankrupt every vendor in the Mojave.

Do you know, I've never actually used the Red Glare? I grabbed it, bought all the upgrades, shot it once, and then shelved it forever after it failed to kill a Marked Man in one shot where my sniper rifle did.

2016-03-06, 10:24 PM
See, now you've learned two things: how to get eviscerated, and to take my advice with a grain of salt because I'm a sadist.

...you can't see it, but I'm shaking my fist at you. :smalltongue:

See, usually I just craft them up into repair kits as soon as I have the ingredients.

I'm lacking in duct tape for weapon kits. Usually the hardest item for me to find. X-12 had some... and nightstalkers. Invisible nightstalkers. X.x

2016-03-07, 01:18 AM

Did anyone here know you could get pies from the pie machines scattered around in Fallout 4?
Cause it turns out you can.

2016-03-07, 03:28 AM
and you don't have a choice about your brain.

I'm pretty sure you do--if you pick the wrong conversation options when talking to it it's entirely possible to stay Brainless for the rest of the game.

2016-03-07, 06:23 AM

Did anyone here know you could get pies from the pie machines scattered around in Fallout 4?
Cause it turns out you can.

I don't think I've seen a pie machine. What do they look like?

2016-03-07, 07:25 AM
He's a mean little bugger alright, but you can get to the roof and he cannot.

Red Glare is not a single shot weapon. It's a spam cannon. Point at the enemy, or more appropriately the ground near the enemy, and then spam the fire button. 13 rounds should deal with anything short of a deathclaw. Naturally it's more effective against groups since splash damage. But it's not a weapon for anyone looking to conserve ammo.

F4 pie machine is the big one that has the glass dome on it. If you activate it and it's working, the dome will raise so you can get some of the food. I think that's the one though.

2016-03-07, 08:49 AM
I'm pretty sure you do--if you pick the wrong conversation options when talking to it it's entirely possible to stay Brainless for the rest of the game.

You cannot bypass the pacification field while Brainless and thus trigger the end event.

2016-03-07, 09:17 AM

Did anyone here know you could get pies from the pie machines scattered around in Fallout 4?
Cause it turns out you can.

If you're talking about the port-a-diners, no. I tried one a few times then gave up assuming it was just an animation and would never actually work.

Grim Portent
2016-03-07, 09:28 AM
If you're talking about the port-a-diners, no. I tried one a few times then gave up assuming it was just an animation and would never actually work.

They have a very small chance of giving you the pie, modified by your luck stat. It's kind of pointless really since the pie is nothing special as food items go.

2016-03-07, 09:30 AM
You cannot bypass the pacification field while Brainless and thus trigger the end event.

Speaking of fields, I've started up the hobby of walking along the barrier fence after finishing up a lab that's near the edge of Big MT before returning to The Sink. Been finding lots of hidden camps with useful energy ammo loot (and the skeletons of the previous owner) so my ammo count is way back up in the black again. Also, apparently there is an achievement for walking past the barrier twice. Whoops. XD

Speaking of accidental achievements, after one of my forays out of bounds and getting teleported to The Sink balcony, I noticed it had a force field around it. Dunno why this thought came into my head, but I decided to disable the field with the upgraded Emitter gun and jump down off the balcony to see if I really was "outside" or not. Turns out not only was I indeed outside, but I found a dead body up there loaded with energy weapon loot. Huh, did not see that one coming. O.o

Speaking of not seeing this coming, I got a bit tired that a bunch of places have enemies spawning incessantly often (24 hours or less) so I started a landmine farm in those areas. My explosive skill isn't enough to outright kill them, but as soon as I get to the 'cell' I hear some explosions go off and everyone is limping around with broken legs. Now I just ignore them because they got melee weapons and no chance to catch up to me. :smallbiggrin:

2016-03-07, 02:53 PM
Rolling towards quincy today, just outside the atomic toys factory, I see a vertibird with a few people around it. No problem, must be a few brotherhood, they'll make some snarky comments because they weren't invited to the synth shoot and fireworks, whatever.

Nope, gunners. Why are gunners hanging out with a vertibird? Well w/e, they'll just start shooting at me, right? Hey, why's that one climbing in, is he going to open up with the minigun? Huh, never seen the ai do this before. Nope, it's taking off and straffing me with a legendary gunner flying it. Bwah?

This is.....new?

2016-03-07, 03:11 PM
If you're talking about the port-a-diners, no. I tried one a few times then gave up assuming it was just an animation and would never actually work.


2016-03-07, 03:32 PM
Rolling towards quincy today, just outside the atomic toys factory, I see a vertibird with a few people around it. No problem, must be a few brotherhood, they'll make some snarky comments because they weren't invited to the synth shoot and fireworks, whatever.

Nope, gunners. Why are gunners hanging out with a vertibird? Well w/e, they'll just start shooting at me, right? Hey, why's that one climbing in, is he going to open up with the minigun? Huh, never seen the ai do this before. Nope, it's taking off and straffing me with a legendary gunner flying it. Bwah?

This is.....new?

Yes, at later levels they get Vertibirds.
Killing the 'bird kills all of them though, making for easy XP unless you installed a mod to make vertirds tougher... Looting can be hard though.

Jon D
2016-03-07, 04:04 PM
Yes, at later levels they get Vertibirds.
Killing the 'bird kills all of them though, making for easy XP unless you installed a mod to make vertirds tougher... Looting can be hard though.

A Legendary in a vertibird is basically a free item.

2016-03-07, 05:36 PM
You cannot bypass the pacification field while Brainless and thus trigger the end event.

Not actually accurate. The brain needs to be inside the field with you, but doesn't need to be installed in your head - leaving it in its tank in the Sink is good enough to fulfill the requirements.

2016-03-07, 09:21 PM
So I am going to do a You only live once Challenge for Fallout 4. I am looking for rules. Here is what I have so far.

Hardest difficult not allowed to lower it. Survival.
Can not use Any health items food or medicine.
I can not heal Radiation damage or stunt it with meds
I can only heal from level ups and perks if I can get to that level
Level up does not heal Radiation can only heal radiation from the Solar Powered perk

Should i put any more restrictions on?

Jon D
2016-03-07, 09:42 PM
So I am going to do a You only live once Challenge for Fallout 4. I am looking for rules. Here is what I have so far.

Hardest difficult not allowed to lower it. Survival.
Can not use Any health items food or medicine.
I can not heal Radiation damage or stunt it with meds
I can only heal from level ups and perks if I can get to that level
Level up does not heal Radiation can only heal radiation from the Solar Powered perk

Should i put any more restrictions on?

No. Fairly sure you have enough to insure you don't get far without running a ninja.

2016-03-07, 09:48 PM
ALright well here is my build so far.

STR: 1
PER: 4
END: 10
CHA: 1
INT: 4
AGI: 7

first 4 perks:
Life Giver
Solar Powered

2016-03-07, 10:00 PM
So I am going to do a You only live once Challenge for Fallout 4. I am looking for rules. Here is what I have so far.

Hardest difficult not allowed to lower it. Survival.
Can not use Any health items food or medicine.
I can not heal Radiation damage or stunt it with meds
I can only heal from level ups and perks if I can get to that level
Level up does not heal Radiation can only heal radiation from the Solar Powered perk

Should i put any more restrictions on?

I would suggest changing from Survival to Very Hard, as the upcoming changes to Survival Mode mean that you will die of starvation long before you die of wounds.

I would argue for allowing you to blunt radiation damage with chems like Rad-X. No taking rads off with Radaway, but it only makes sense that you be allowed to keep as many HP as you can.

2016-03-07, 10:05 PM
I also did not take into account Limb damage.

2016-03-07, 10:08 PM
Also A Challenge for the new Survival mode would be fun to create as well.

2016-03-08, 01:21 AM
Question: Are you allowing yourself to take Life Giver? After all, the third rank gives you slow health regen, which is powerful under this ruleset, even if it is strictly speaking not really in the spirit of no healing.

Plus, it requires you to survive to level 20, which let's be honest, doesn't seem likely.

2016-03-08, 01:46 AM
It is either that or get to level three solar power which does the same but only from 6 am to 6 pm. I was thinking of giving myself Lifegiver to level three yes. I actually already started playing so far, I am only level 3 at the moment then the division came out.

2016-03-08, 06:07 AM
No healing, means no healing I think. But then again, the massively insane damage F4 gives and the way rad damage works, it's probably impossible to avoid damage.

2016-03-08, 05:17 PM
Can people take things from your workbenches? I had half my Fusion Cores disappear today after an attack, and it turned out Cait had them.

2016-03-08, 05:39 PM
Can people take things from your workbenches? I had half my Fusion Cores disappear today after an attack, and it turned out Cait had them.

Not to my knowledge, no. They can take from any other container you place, though, which still annoys me.

2016-03-08, 06:17 PM
Can people take things from your workbenches? I had half my Fusion Cores disappear today after an attack, and it turned out Cait had them.

Why would you put a weightless item down?

2016-03-08, 06:22 PM
No healing, means no healing I think. But then again, the massively insane damage F4 gives and the way rad damage works, it's probably impossible to avoid damage.

Well You Only Live Once is a challenge designed by other Fallout Players, Only one has not yet been done by Fallout 4 standards. It is extremely hard since you have to delete your save once you die.

2016-03-08, 06:36 PM
Not to my knowledge, no. They can take from any other container you place, though, which still annoys me.

Yeah, we need a patch for that. I have no problem with them taking my power armor when raiders come, because they usually get out after the attack, but I have a "Display Desks" area where I shove things that I never use but are cool on top of desks at Spectacle Island. I have like 30 settlers there, and I have to go through every one of them to find out who took my Shiskebob.

2016-03-08, 06:42 PM
Why would you put a weightless item down?

So I don't use them up when I move my armor around.

2016-03-08, 06:57 PM
Yeah, we need a patch for that. I have no problem with them taking my power armor when raiders come, because they usually get out after the attack, but I have a "Display Desks" area where I shove things that I never use but are cool on top of desks at Spectacle Island. I have like 30 settlers there, and I have to go through every one of them to find out who took my Shiskebob.

Only safe way is to build a house with two floors, and then remove the sairs :smallamused: But seeing how Brahmins tend to spawn in the roofs I'm not sure even that's secure enough.

2016-03-08, 07:35 PM
Which is why I only display things at Red Rocket, because Dogmeat never steals my stuff.

I'm aware of the Yolo rules. I'm still watching Many A True Nerd chew his way through a Fallout 3 Yolo. He's in the midst of The Pitt and down to a mere 73 HP. He's not expecting to survive the Arena. I have slightly more faith in him. I think he's going to go down on the way to Addams AFB.

2016-03-08, 07:37 PM
Only safe way is to build a house with two floors, and then remove the sairs :smallamused: But seeing how Brahmins tend to spawn in the roofs I'm not sure even that's secure enough.

"Crap, where's my legendary Fat Boy?" -MOOO- "Damn cow burglars..."

I don't even bother with settlements because of that. Never satisfied, constant drain on resources, getting pulled out of whatever I'm doing by the warning that the settlement's about to fall when I never got the quest in the first place... Just gets old.

2016-03-08, 07:48 PM
Okay, I finished the game with the railroad but apparently piper's quest in diamond city won't trigger. Is this a glitch?

2016-03-08, 09:15 PM
"Crap, where's my legendary Fat Boy?" -MOOO- "Damn cow burglars..."

I don't even bother with settlements because of that. Never satisfied, constant drain on resources, getting pulled out of whatever I'm doing by the warning that the settlement's about to fall when I never got the quest in the first place... Just gets old.

I have two settlement that actually have settlers, Starlight Drive In and Spectacle Island. I have Starlight Drive in set up for an Arena whenever Wastland Workshop comes(on my main character, on second I keep blank in wait for mod), and spectacle island for just making cool structures and showcasing my collection of stuff. I have a table with tons of Nuka Cola Quantum, an entire floor of legendary weapons, half a floor of power armor, half a floor of legendary normal armor, a floor full of beds and settlers along with trading shops and such, a single floor with that serves as a fortress of solitude(because it is only accessible with a power armor jetpack),and three floors of a wall with a Space Invaders alien from the lightbox pixels.

Yeah, that takes up half the island. The other half is essentially Completely Farmland and such.

Spectacle island is amazing.

2016-03-08, 10:01 PM
Okay, I finished the game with the railroad but apparently piper's quest in diamond city won't trigger. Is this a glitch?

Possibly. Companions can bug if you're in mid conversation (or supposed to be) but you map out. This can happen more often post ending if you don't completely talk to them right after setting off the thing from the top of the building. Was piper with you during the end? If this is the case there a npc faction reset that can fix it w/ console commands, if your on a pc.

I could be misdiagnosing this but it sounds like the culprit. Will piper talk to you in general?

2016-03-08, 11:51 PM
Possibly. Companions can bug if you're in mid conversation (or supposed to be) but you map out. This can happen more often post ending if you don't completely talk to them right after setting off the thing from the top of the building. Was piper with you during the end? If this is the case there a npc faction reset that can fix it w/ console commands, if your on a pc.

I could be misdiagnosing this but it sounds like the culprit. Will piper talk to you in general?

She will still talk to me in general it's just she won't ever leave and head to diamond city. Also she was not with me at the end if I remember right. I haven't completed the post campaign missions involving that gang so could that make it so I haven't technicaly completed the campaign?

2016-03-09, 06:51 AM
She will still talk to me in general it's just she won't ever leave and head to diamond city. Also she was not with me at the end if I remember right. I haven't completed the post campaign missions involving that gang so could that make it so I haven't technicaly completed the campaign?

So are you not getting the option to dismiss her when talking to her? I'd suggest the remove from faction solution discussed in this (https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/496881136906646812/#p1) thread and see if it works.

did you hit the button and set off the nuke?

2016-03-09, 12:34 PM
Yeah, we need a patch for that. I have no problem with them taking my power armor when raiders come, because they usually get out after the attack, but I have a "Display Desks" area where I shove things that I never use but are cool on top of desks at Spectacle Island. I have like 30 settlers there, and I have to go through every one of them to find out who took my Shiskebob.

What I've done in the past is put my storage areas on upper floors of buildings, placed the fast travel mat up there, and then removed the stairs. That way only myself and my companions can enter it.

2016-03-09, 01:57 PM
So, playing TTW... does anyone actually blow up Megaton? I simply can't imagine doing it.

2016-03-09, 02:43 PM
So, playing TTW... does anyone actually blow up Megaton? I simply can't imagine doing it.

I didn't on either time I did the quest. There is nothing that town did that makes me think to breakout the spf 6-million suntan lotion. Perhaps if they made the town out like Nipton supposedly was, all Sodom and Gomorrah-y... perhaps then, but...

Grim Portent
2016-03-09, 03:18 PM
So, playing TTW... does anyone actually blow up Megaton? I simply can't imagine doing it.

I've done it a few times, always after doing every quest I could from it so as to avoid wasting potential resources.

I dislike doing so though, as I always felt Megaton was much more convenient to shop and store items in than Tenpenny Tower was, so my fondness for exploding people usually got sidelined by the temptation of a few moments of convenience each time I wanted to go to my house.

2016-03-09, 03:34 PM
So, playing TTW... does anyone actually blow up Megaton? I simply can't imagine doing it.

Once for the sake of saying I'd done it. And there is my sole payout, I have now said I've done it. In retrospect, meh.

2016-03-09, 03:46 PM
So, playing TTW... does anyone actually blow up Megaton? I simply can't imagine doing it.

I simply do not comprehend the mindset that says, "Here is the first town I've come across. It is full of well-meaning, if a bit stupid folk, who open their arms to this little wanderer with no misgivings. I'm going to blow this town up so that a selfish geezer can have a bit of a better view out his porch."

totally not because I don't fast travel and don't want to walk to Tenpenny Tower every time I want to restock

2016-03-09, 05:42 PM
So, playing TTW... does anyone actually blow up Megaton? I simply can't imagine doing it.

Everyone does once or twice, just to watch it happen (do it at night for best results, get a proper artificial sunrise).

Then they reload the save and have the infinitely more convenient player house.

totally not because I don't fast travel and don't want to walk to Tenpenny Tower every time I want to restock

Even if you do fast travel, Megaton is one fast travel and one loading screen into the house. Tenpenny is Fast Travel > Intercom conversation > Loading screen > Loading screen. (There might even be a third load in there as well).

And you have to do at least two of the loading screens to get out as well.

Tenpenny Tower is almost as inconvenient a player base as the Lucky 38.

2016-03-10, 06:53 AM
I did it once as the coup de grace to my evil character. It was even more satisfying than blowing up the brotherhood. Especially since I was watching it with the eviscerated corpse of Tenpenny.

2016-03-10, 07:08 AM
Am I the only one who sees a spam thread titled "Do you want to smooth skin?" and immediately imagine it said in a ghoul's voice? :smallsmile:

Next time there's a sale on I must get Fallout 3--I never completed it first time around, and it will give me something to do while I wait for the Fallout 4 DLC to drop.

2016-03-10, 07:44 AM
It'll probably go on sale to celebrate the launch of the first F4 DLC.

2016-03-10, 08:13 AM
Am I the only one who sees a spam thread titled "Do you want to smooth skin?" and immediately imagine it said in a ghoul's voice? :smallsmile:

I assure you, it's not just you. I had a similar experience. :smallbiggrin:

It's now a common occurrence that when I leave The Sink, I hear something in the distance explode. Farming landmines all over the enemy spawn sites was worth it. XD

Geez, I'm still collecting all these upgrades for the sink appliances. When does it end? Nevermind, maybe I'll just go do the Stealth Suit quest since I've been there twice already and I think the place stopped spam-spawning night stalkers.

2016-03-10, 08:16 AM
Am I the only one who sees a spam thread titled "Do you want to smooth skin?" and immediately imagine it said in a ghoul's voice? :smallsmile:

You're not, I actually made a thread about just that in message board games section :p (experiment doomed to fail propably..)

2016-03-10, 10:31 AM
I assure you, it's not just you. I had a similar experience. :smallbiggrin:

It's now a common occurrence that when I leave The Sink, I hear something in the distance explode. Farming landmines all over the enemy spawn sites was worth it. XD

Geez, I'm still collecting all these upgrades for the sink appliances. When does it end? Nevermind, maybe I'll just go do the Stealth Suit quest since I've been there twice already and I think the place stopped spam-spawning night stalkers.

If you got the Sink upgrades, you should have Elijah's LAER since it's sitting next to one of the LAER upgrade modules. Have you had a chance to play with it?

Also, I never thought about landmine farms. I'll have to try that next time I'm in the Big MT.

2016-03-10, 01:09 PM
If you got the Sink upgrades, you should have Elijah's LAER since it's sitting next to one of the LAER upgrade modules. Have you had a chance to play with it?

Yes, I do have it! Plus I found two tapes that The sink central computer turned into upgrades I bought for it.

I think this gif (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-X5KuVhoBICA/VKw1xD5om3I/AAAAAAAAWUg/Jac1SwDGqf4/s1600/tumblr_nbgu6fC7GY1tim32go1_500.gif) accurately sums up my experience with Elijah's LAER when I first tried it out. :smallbiggrin:

Also, I never thought about landmine farms. I'll have to try that next time I'm in the Big MT.

I've been traveling on top of all those pipes around Big MT because of the inherent height advantage versus melee enemies, and collecting the landmines I find on the way. Sure, I'll run out of landmines eventually, but its hilarious to watch a Lobotomite with two crippled legs charge at me. Things are so dumb, it's like their brainless--


2016-03-10, 02:28 PM
Also check the train tracks, there's a few up there as well.

2016-03-10, 02:51 PM
So are you not getting the option to dismiss her when talking to her? I'd suggest the remove from faction solution discussed in thread and see if it works.

did you hit the button and set off the nuke?

I can dismiss her but for some reason she will just stay where I send her rather than going to diamond city at some point which is how I thought the quest triggered. Also if it helps this is on the xbox 1

2016-03-11, 09:16 PM
I can dismiss her but for some reason she will just stay where I send her rather than going to diamond city at some point which is how I thought the quest triggered. Also if it helps this is on the xbox 1

I'm guessing it's related to the same issue I mentioned about an incomplete dialogue somewhere. If you can find the location where the incomplete dialogue occurred then you supposedly can finish it and her behavior will return to normal. I'm unaware of another solution though, especially for a console. Sorry, wish I had further advise for you.

2016-03-11, 09:20 PM
I can dismiss her but for some reason she will just stay where I send her rather than going to diamond city at some point which is how I thought the quest triggered. Also if it helps this is on the xbox 1

This is the primary reason Bethesda games on PC rather than console are my preference. Mods are nice, but mostly it's the quest glitches that sway my vote. How many saves back did you notice this? Is it even reasonable to revert to an earlier save? You could use it for testing if nothing else...

2016-03-12, 12:18 AM
I acquired the Mark II Stealth suit. ...so, how do I make it shut up? :smalltongue:

Seems useless with a maxed stealth skill, as the [Caution] light gets triggered pretty much all the time around the Big MT. Which in turn triggers the suit to start commenting about it. Well, I haven't done any of the "upgrade" tests yet, so maybe working on those will do something.

2016-03-12, 04:53 AM
Upgrades net it a few nice powers. You'll trigger caution alot by virtue of the sheer number of enemies. I usually stand still and look around for who dunit, and then make them completely unaware by evacuating their crainial cavity. Or vaporizing them.

The suit never shuts up though. It can however, administer stimpacks, and that can be useful.

2016-03-12, 07:47 AM
The worst thing is that it also administers Med-X, which is addictive. I stopped carrying the stuff around just so the blasted suit would stop giving it to me.

2016-03-12, 12:21 PM
I acquired the Mark II Stealth suit. ...so, how do I make it shut up? :smalltongue:

Unequip it. :smalltongue:

In all seriousness, the stealth suit kinda sucks. All the upgrades don't really make up for the fact that it's medium armor with only 14 DT which nags you to turn off your light, and then uses up your med-x because a rabbit a thousand feet away twitched its nose. Plus, it's medium armor, so it doesn't get the benefits of Tunnel Runner, or Travel Light. And implant M-5 is much less valuable. I'd be able to put up with it if it were light armor--ie, on par with Joshua Graham's or Ullysses' duster.

2016-03-12, 12:52 PM
You'll trigger caution alot by virtue of the sheer number of enemies. I usually stand still and look around for who dunit, and then make them completely unaware by evacuating their crainial cavity. Or vaporizing them.

My trouble is that the enemies that trigger [Caution] seem to have better than Perception 8, because they see me before I see them. It's annoying to keep popping Mentats just to find some of them first. Even then...

The worst thing is that it also administers Med-X, which is addictive. I stopped carrying the stuff around just so the blasted suit would stop giving it to me.

The addiction can be cured easily enough at the auto-doc, but I can see the annoyance that it hits you with a shot when IT thinks you need it, not when you do.

In all seriousness, the stealth suit kinda sucks

Kinda? It could suck-start a Buick through the tail-pipe. :smalltongue:

I'm going to mod it on my second play through. this is... just dumb and useless. It does remind me I need to find myself some better armor in general. Seems like the only good light armor is Still what I started the game with...

2016-03-12, 01:05 PM
Upgrade the stealth suit Mk II four times, and it gives bonuses to Perception and Agility, and a few other things as well. Plus there's an amusing cutscene if you do and then take the suit with you.

Have you set off the test-fire and checked out the box in the resulting crater in Boomtown? Because the result can be worn with Boone's Cap and is probably one of the best defensive items in the entire game.

Once you do that, you've pretty much gotten everything you absolutely need here. You get a way to come back, though, and the Sink can be used as a more permanent base of operations.

There's only ONE energy weapon I would potentially call superior to Elijah's LAER. However, to get it, you will need to check out that abandoned BOS bunker. And all that ensues after. I'd also keep the Hyperbreeder Alpha handy for... reasons.

2016-03-12, 04:36 PM
Upgrade the stealth suit Mk II four times, and it gives bonuses to Perception and Agility, and a few other things as well. Plus there's an amusing cutscene if you do and then take the suit with you.

Bonus to Perception would be a nice alternate to popping pills.

Have you set off the test-fire and checked out the box in the resulting crater in Boomtown?

Yes. Got the Gun skill recipe and a... Atomic Valence Tri... thingy. The regen hat with three loops.

Because the result can be worn with Boone's Cap

*Tire screech to a halt* Wait, I can wear BOTH?! O.O

*Runs back to The Sink, all Nightstalkers be damned*

I'd also keep the Hyperbreeder Alpha handy for... reasons.

Okay, will do.

Is it just me or are the skill recipes useless? You only get one and all it does is add extra steps to get a skill book.

2016-03-12, 06:48 PM
Technically speaking, each one is another Skill Book the game didn't have to begin with. On the other hand, chances are, you've maxed the skills you'll really want by the time you reach OWB.

2016-03-12, 08:50 PM
Technically speaking, each one is another Skill Book the game didn't have to begin with. On the other hand, chances are, you've maxed the skills you'll really want by the time you reach OWB.

Yeah, but I feel like the extra steps are necessary. As for maxing skills, only Sneak was maxed by the time I got that recipe book. So not bad, only one "Wasted".

2016-03-12, 09:00 PM
True, and you can of course always sell any that you can't use.

2016-03-12, 09:23 PM
*Tire screech to a halt* Wait, I can wear BOTH?! O.O

*Runs back to The Sink, all Nightstalkers be damned*

Yea, the tri-thingie counts as GLASSES, not as a hat. So anything without a 'face' to it can be worn with it. So yes, it can be worn with Boone's Hat.

Never, ever possess Med-X while wearing your Stealth Suit Mk. II. Ever. However, every stimpack is now an auto-stimpack. Enjoy.

2016-03-13, 01:42 AM
Name of character: Nate
Build: Sniper
S: 1
P: 4
E: 10
C: 2 (1 from special book)
I: 4
A: 7
L: 1

Nate after leaving the Vault 111 goes to check on his home. surprised to see his robotic butler there he goes to talk to the only being from what use to be his home. After talking to Codsworth Nate learns that he has been frozen for over 200 years give or take a decade. Codsworth programming just can not compute that Natalie or his son Shaun can be dead and missing, respectively. Instead to cope with this Codsworth suggests exploring Sanctuary in a hopes to find them. Nate having nothing better to do or think of in finding his son agrees.

Before Nate joins Codsworth he wonders through his old home picking up a few memories with him. He collected his Grognak the Barbarian "Jungle of the Bat-Babies" comic. He then enters Shaun's room, taking the "Your Special" book as well. He then hears fighting off in the distance as Codsworth had gone on without Nate. He runs to the scene seeing Codsworth having just killed two mutated fly like creatures. They were grotesque things that seemed to have blown apart all over the walls and floor of the neighboring house.

Codsworth was no where to be seen as he was already ahead of Nate still in the next building. However this time he hears the sounds of fire. Yah that can't be good so he dashes toward the sound. Codsworth once again having destroyed the mutant flies was in distress claiming he could not find Shaun. Nate was thinking clearly you dumb robot, but kept his mouth shut. However when Codsworth mentioned people having chased him off in from Concord, he could not help but make a snide comment. With that Nate explores the town for any provisions before heading off toward Concord.

Nate had found a pipe pistol, but was able to modify it into a medium range rifle with a small scope. With a rifle in hand he was ready to tackle a familiar place like Concord. While exploring however he came across a couple of radroaches. They nipped at his feet before he could shot both in the thorax. They died instantly allowing Nate to leave Sanctuary. Along the road down to Concord he come across a stray dog that was not attacking him. Oddly enough it was also trained. Nate took the dog as his own from then on, and the two wondered down to the township of Concord.

2016-03-13, 01:52 AM
I'm guessing it's related to the same issue I mentioned about an incomplete dialogue somewhere. If you can find the location where the incomplete dialogue occurred then you supposedly can finish it and her behavior will return to normal. I'm unaware of another solution though, especially for a console. Sorry, wish I had further advise for you.
I'll try to see id re doing the ending does anything and if that doesn't work maybe a patch will update it but thanks for trying to help

2016-03-13, 04:05 AM
Name of character: Nate
Build: Sniper
S: 1
P: 4
E: 10
C: 2 (1 from special book)
I: 4
A: 7
L: 1

A sniper with 4 perception? Shome mishtake, surely?

2016-03-13, 07:45 AM
Especially after wasting a point of Charisma. Seriously, unless you're going into settlement building, it's a complete dump stat. And with this ruleset, seeing enemies is going to be far more important than failing to be charming.

2016-03-13, 08:10 AM
There is a method to my madness.

2016-03-13, 09:20 AM
For all that I complained about stealth being pretty useless in OWB, I found it hilarious that it was the complete opposite situation in the X13 Stealth test chamber. I think I finished all 4 tests in about... 15 minutes total? At least twice I ran out in front of a robot and it didn't notice me. One time I even opened fire to see if it react. Nope. I think the dlc has the concept of Stealth test backwards. Even when the roboscorpions spawned they were about as perceptive as bricks. Five scorpions, five shots from the advanced LAER. Done. XD

Oh, and whoever said that I was going to have a "fun time" in the Securitron Deconstruction Plant, you're a liar and a scoundrel. :smalltongue:

I opened the door to find a missile 2 feet from my face. Yeah, 010011110110111001100101 preemptively fired at me. In the face. Repeatedly.

[YOLO playthrough (spoilers)]

I want a battle butler.

2016-03-13, 10:00 AM
The problem I always had was robot deactivation. The first three were simple. Unlock the exit, go up stairs, and drop into the last room after blasting the forcefield with the Sonic Emitter.

Yeah, FUN!! Favorite robot fighting area.

2016-03-13, 03:13 PM
Oh, and whoever said that I was going to have a "fun time" in the Securitron Deconstruction Plant, you're a liar and a scoundrel. :smalltongue:

I opened the door to find a missile 2 feet from my face. Yeah, 010011110110111001100101 preemptively fired at me. In the face. Repeatedly.


Oh, if you want to have some real !FUN!, check out that little cave over by the northern 'exit' you visited to find one of your new virtual friends. You know, the one at the bottom of the cliff from Elijah's campsite that isn't marked on the map behind the Securitron Deconstruction Plant.

There's a Bloatfly in there to play with. Fair warning, it's called 'Legendary Bloatfly'. But don't worry, how dangerous can a bloatfly be? I mean, it's not like it is a Cazadore or a Deathclaw or anything...

2016-03-13, 07:09 PM
There's a Bloatfly in there to play with. Fair warning, it's called 'Legendary Bloatfly'. But don't worry, how dangerous can a bloatfly be? I mean, it's not like it is a Cazadore or a Deathclaw or anything...

Ah yeah, the 'Legendary' Bloatfly. The battle was over in like 5 seconds, just pathetic.

Technically, nothing I said was untrue.

2016-03-13, 07:35 PM
The first three were simple. Unlock the exit, go up stairs, and drop into the last room after blasting the forcefield with the Sonic Emitter.

Huh, did not know that. Gonna replay a test and try it...


...Ha! Okay, that's a pretty funny work around.

Fair warning, it's called 'Legendary Bloatfly'.

Ah yeah, the 'Legendary' Bloatfly. The battle was over in like 5 seconds, just pathetic.

You can't see it, but I'm glaring at you all. :smalltongue:

Okay, it wasn't life or limb in the fight... no wait, it was limb, because it crippled my left arm. I lived through it at least... though the reward wasn't worth it. A lot of hiding and Optimal cells were used this day.

2016-03-13, 09:53 PM
You can't see it, but I'm glaring at you all. :smalltongue:

Okay, it wasn't life or limb in the fight... no wait, it was limb, because it crippled my left arm. I lived through it at least... though the reward wasn't worth it. A lot of hiding and Optimal cells were used this day.

You're welcome ^.^

2016-03-13, 10:10 PM
Don't feel bad. Last time I walked in, knew what was there, stepped around the corner and got instantly killed by a shot that phased through the normally safe pillar. Second time around, I showed mercy and used plasma grenades. I love mods.

2016-03-14, 12:42 AM
You can't see it, but I'm glaring at you all. :smalltongue:

Okay, it wasn't life or limb in the fight... no wait, it was limb, because it crippled my left arm. I lived through it at least... though the reward wasn't worth it. A lot of hiding and Optimal cells were used this day.

Hey, I never said that I WON the fight in five seconds... :smalltongue:

Once you know what it's capable of, it's not bad. Massive bullet sponge, but its attack patterns aren't too complex.

2016-03-14, 09:07 AM
You're welcome ^.^

Pfft, funny. ^^; But hey, honestly I'm still having fun. I just finished collecting all the skill book recipes, I've explored all the locations (except the Forbidden Zone) and collected all the upgrades for The Sink bots (Except for one in the Forbidden Zone). I got the Jury-rigged tesla gun thing, though no ammo for it as I've pretty much converted all my energy ammo (except about 1800 Energy Cells) into optimized Microfuson cells. Beautiful. So... you know what this means!

Forbidden Zone? Darn tootin'!

Two things of hilarity:
1. For most of the time I've been playing the OWB dlc, my pip-boy radio has been running on "Strange Transmission" (which plays groovy 50s swing). I wondered why the music in the dlc was always weirdly happy-juxtaposed compared to the freaky dark places I explored. Luckily the radio never affected stealth (after turning it off, the enemy seem no less perceptive of me, so no harm no foul there). Sadly, now everything feels eerily quiet. :|

2. I started OWB at level 16. Now that I'm starting the final quest, I just hit level 26. Suddenly, a LOT of enemies are running scared from me. I'll shoot a lobotomite in the back and he'll run off and never return. I've had roboscorpions run and hide and just stay hidden from me. Dunno what changed, but I like it! Night stalkers still charge blindly at me though, but the Advanced LAER makes paste out of them in 2-3 shots max without crits.

Don't feel bad. Last time I walked in, knew what was there, stepped around the corner and got instantly killed by a shot that phased through the normally safe pillar. Second time around, I showed mercy and used plasma grenades. I love mods.

I like your style on how plasma grenades are a form of "mercy". :D
I haven't died yet in this play through, but I've come close a lot of times. Have to give props to auto-stimpacks. Without those I would of had at least two deaths.

Once you know what it's capable of, it's not bad. Massive bullet sponge, but its attack patterns aren't too complex.

Yeah, enemy AI is pretty easy to figure out and predict. Most enemies charge you in a straight line to start. Occasionally the human enemies will run for cover if they come under fire, but they don't keep down long and eventually stick their head out in the path of your bullets.

2016-03-14, 09:52 AM
Automatron trailer just showed up and it's coming out 22th day. Based on the trailer and the achievements there even seems to be some story in the DLC, which is groovy.

2016-03-14, 10:54 AM
Automatron trailer just showed up and it's coming out 22th day. Based on the trailer and the achievements there even seems to be some story in the DLC, which is groovy.

You can't do stuff like that and then not post a Link. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMY0IETkDrU)

Noteworthy stuffs:
0:11: Door opening sequence harkens back to the Mechanist's door in Fallout 3, suggesting that either it is the same person, or that both Mechanists base their complex door off the same source material (eg: the Mechanist comics)
0:26: You can have robots with teddy bear faces. That alone will make this DLC awesome.
0:33: Don't even try to tell me that isn't Deathtrap. Time to make a new character and name her Gaige.
0:40: New kind of chainsaw axe? Let's put Krieg on the list of characters to play.
0:41: New energy weapon! And a return of the eyebot helmet!
0:49: I could be wrong, but that looks like a new weapon as well. Maybe a variation on the Gauss Rifle? Almost looks like a centrifuge/slingshot. Next few seconds shows it probably shoots lightning of some kind. The Description of the video lists it as the Chain Lightning Gun
0:57: If it's not the actual Mechanist from F3, then both he and the new Mechanist are very good cosplayers.

Also, I'm buying this DLC just so I can make ED-E again.

2016-03-14, 11:17 AM
Does the robot companion from this DLC replace your human/canine one, or can you have both together? Has that actually been answered yet?

2016-03-14, 04:33 PM
I'm really really glad I got the Season Pass now. Also liking how the robots are mix and match in a manner similar to power armor.

2016-03-14, 06:44 PM
I can't wait though now all I can think of is a robot fight club.

2016-03-14, 08:37 PM
Pfft, funny. ^^; But hey, honestly I'm still having fun. I just finished collecting all the skill book recipes, I've explored all the locations (except the Forbidden Zone) and collected all the upgrades for The Sink bots (Except for one in the Forbidden Zone). I got the Jury-rigged tesla gun thing, though no ammo for it as I've pretty much converted all my energy ammo (except about 1800 Energy Cells) into optimized Microfuson cells. Beautiful. So... you know what this means!

Forbidden Zone? Darn tootin'!

Two things of hilarity:
1. For most of the time I've been playing the OWB dlc, my pip-boy radio has been running on "Strange Transmission" (which plays groovy 50s swing). I wondered why the music in the dlc was always weirdly happy-juxtaposed compared to the freaky dark places I explored. Luckily the radio never affected stealth (after turning it off, the enemy seem no less perceptive of me, so no harm no foul there). Sadly, now everything feels eerily quiet. :|

2. I started OWB at level 16. Now that I'm starting the final quest, I just hit level 26. Suddenly, a LOT of enemies are running scared from me. I'll shoot a lobotomite in the back and he'll run off and never return. I've had roboscorpions run and hide and just stay hidden from me. Dunno what changed, but I like it! Night stalkers still charge blindly at me though, but the Advanced LAER makes paste out of them in 2-3 shots max without crits.

Did you get all the seed packets? The quest for the seed packets doesn't actually kick off until after you collect all of Blind Diode's muzak, including one IN the Forbidden Zone itself.

Oh, there's another toy to be found here, however it's really more of a collector's piece for you since you aren't doing the conventional firearms thing. Christine's BoS Sniper Rifle is in the run-down building just outside Little Yanghtzee before you get to the construction site, on the second floor of the ruins. It's pretty much the end-all-be-all for sniper rifles, but it runs on Guns rather than Energy Weapons. But if you ever decide on doing a gun runner, this toy will give you pretty much the same reaction that Elijah's LAER gave you this run-through.

Now, if you ever want to go somewhere that all those levels just plain don't matter? Check out that abandoned BoS bunker. Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you are level sixteen or sixty (with a level cap of 50, no less!), it's always just as annoying. Levels have practically zero impact on the difficulty rating.

2016-03-14, 09:16 PM
That has got to be the Mechanist from FO3. At least I hope. Maybe it is at least the same costume?

2016-03-14, 09:55 PM
That has got to be the Mechanist from FO3. At least I hope. Maybe it is at least the same costume?

Surprise! It's the Lone Wanderer who, having murdered his way to success in the Capital Wasteland, now has installed Robco Certified and wants a new playground!

2016-03-14, 09:56 PM
I'd love to see it turn out to be Moira. The Wanderer passed her the suit when he/she was done with it and Moira went a little crazier with the power of a secret identity.

2016-03-14, 11:08 PM

My YOLO character just died because he clipped through the ground and fell to death. Should I count or reload save?

2016-03-15, 01:06 AM
I don't think glitches should count.

2016-03-15, 01:09 AM
"It just isn't a Bethesda game if it isn't corrupting my save file".

Anyhow, I agree with the above. Glitches shouldn't count.

2016-03-15, 01:11 AM
Alright well then for fun I will add it for my next write up, maybe as a humorist side note.

Nate along the way to Concord came across even more mutated insects. How can a mosquito even get that big. Yet after a small bet of weaving and firing my pistol, he was able to kill the bugs without any harm to Nate. Thank goodness to Nate thought for those things must be carrying some nasty diseases. Venturing further into Concord a home was blasted open. searching through it I found a set of goggles and bandanna that would fit Dogmeat perfectly. He looked so charming with them on.

Before to long however they heard gun fire. Raiders were attacking the Museum of Freedom. Nate crawled along buildings taking head shot after head shot with his newly made sniper rifle. Once the Raiders were finished now the wised I picked them all clean of supplies, as well as a, what looked like a normal waster with a laser musket. After I picked up the gun a man on the balcony of Freedom who was helping me during the fight was asking for help. He was not attacking Nate, along with the idea that more could be in danger Nate entered the Museum.

There were not many raiders left inside the building. They also were thankfully distracted by this guy asking for help. Climbing my way up the museum, I took out the remaining raiders and talked to the group of survivors. Their leader Preston Garvey told Nate that more raiders were along the way. They told him of a way to even the odds, a suit of T-45a power armor along with a fully loaded Minigun! Now we are talking it has been so long since Nate had entered a suit of power armor, at least since the great war, which was 200 years ago. Yah lets get this sucker. Despite it was yet to be modded it acted as great protection from my snipers perch on top of the museum.

After I shot the last of the Raiders about to head back into the museum Nate heard banging and metal bending. Turning around was this massive, I mean massive lizard. However Nate knew what it was, he heard rumors back in the old days of the military preforming experiments on animals to make them into killing machines. This was one of them a Deathclaw, made from the horned chameleons before the radiation. It was truly a terrifying sight. Thankfully Nate was on a snipers perch.

It took many shots, but after nearly spending all my ammo it was down! Yah Nate was glad to not have gone down with it on an even level. Power armor or not that thing would have killed him. Climbing back down to the entrance of the museum, Nate met with Preston and the group. After a brief conversation Mama Murphy a member of the group told him, through mystic vision ( yah seems legit), that Shaun was alive. The best place to look was Diamond City! After escorting them to Sanctuary Nate set out to Diamond City. On his way out Preston stopped him and explained what he was and how he needed more help. The Minutemen were an organization needing help, needing a fresh start.

Nate torn between helping more people and finding Shaun was at a lost. However Nate realized the resources of the Minutemen could help him in regaining his son. Nate now was set to rebuild the Minutemen.

2016-03-15, 06:19 AM
I once did a Dead-is-Drunk run of X3:Terran Conflict. It was a prequel so we knew he was going to survive, and he's a notorious alcoholic, so his 'deaths' being alcohol induced illusions worked out fantastically well. I did die once or twice, but I also explained glitches that way.

2016-03-15, 07:39 AM
Did you get all the seed packets?

I believe I did. There are... three packets? I think I got three, and the garden room in The Sink seems to have every pot filled with plants. Mmm, tasty saylent green. :q
Incidentally, I should remember where the faucet sink's upgrade is, because now that I can refill empty bottles of water, I have a near-infinite supply of H2O for the Hardcore run.

...except that I think I get the Vault 13 canteen at the beginning, which makes collecting water unnecessary. :smalltongue:
Might ditch it though, just for the experience of "hardcore".

Oh, there's another toy to be found here, however it's really more of a collector's piece for you since you aren't doing the conventional firearms thing. Christine's BoS Sniper Rifle is in the run-down building just outside Little Yanghtzee before you get to the construction site, on the second floor of the ruins.

Yeah? I'll have to go back. I don't think I climbed up all the way to the roof of that building.

I did just finish the dlc.
That giant roboscorpion was... it was fun, but not too hard really. Just a matter of hiding as soon as I fire a weapon and using the turrets and robots to distract it. And then Trixie meets Dr. Mobius. ...I don't know what I was expecting, but I didn't expect That. A mentat-addled old brain who can't remember half his plan on why he did any of this. Yeah. That seems strangely legit for OWB. I let him live. XD

Talked to my brain. Gee it's sassy! But I like sassy, so that was fun. Also fun: flirting with it. I laughed so hard. :smallbiggrin:

I let the Think Tank live too. Considering everyone sided with me versus Dr. Kline, I think they'll be alright there in The Sink. I like the little explanation on their names. Didn't think of that (though Dr. Dala? Doesn't seem to fit). Ah well. Fun ending too, felt hopeful for the future. Muggy had a fun ending, but the Toaster still takes the win.

"They will rue the day when they have bread, and no means to toast it!" XD

Overall, a fun dlc. 9/10, would play again.

Now, if you ever want to go somewhere that all those levels just plain don't matter? Check out that abandoned BoS bunker. Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you are level sixteen or sixty (with a level cap of 50, no less!), it's always just as annoying. Levels have practically zero impact on the difficulty rating.

I guess after I take a break from the game i'll set my sights in that direction. :3

I'd love to see it turn out to be Moira. The Wanderer passed her the suit when he/she was done with it and Moira went a little crazier with the power of a secret identity.

Hee hee, I dunno if she'd be the kind of person to do that, but it would be funny to hear her shout all the cheesy super hero lines.
Moira was one of my fav characters.

"It just isn't a Bethesda game if it isn't corrupting my save file".

That is why I have three save files. :3
But I agree to not count the glitch death.

Alright well then for fun I will add it for my next write up, maybe as a humorist side note.
After I shot the last of the Raiders about to head back into the museum Nate heard banging and metal bending. Turning around was this massive, I mean massive lizard. However Nate knew what it was, he heard rumors back in the old days of the military preforming experiments on animals to make them into killing machines. This was one of them a Deathclaw, made from the horned chameleons before the radiation. It was truly a terrifying sight.

"It was big. Really, really big. No, bigger than that. Even bigger. Keep going. More. No, more. Look, we're talking krakens and dreadnoughts for jewelry. It was big!"

2016-03-15, 09:56 AM

My YOLO character just died because he clipped through the ground and fell to death. Should I count or reload save?

I would say your character had a horrible dream in which they fell through the ground, falling and falling into a grey void, then woke up.

2016-03-15, 12:59 PM
(though Dr. Dala? Doesn't seem to fit)

I didn't get it at first either. It's meant to call back to a Mandala.

2016-03-15, 03:20 PM
Essentially they're all infinite loops. O is a continuous circle, 8 is infinity. Kline refers to a Klein bottle which has no opening. And Borous is Oroborous the serpent eating it's own tail. Dala is a reference to a Mandala, which is a circular pattern without a specific beginning or end. And Mobius refers to a Mobius strip, which is a ribbon structure with only one edge. So all infinite, self-feeding loops.

The rifle isn't worth it. If I want to shoot something and do a lot of damage, I use an AMR. If I want to be quiet, I throw a knife at it.

2016-03-15, 09:00 PM

Happy Ides of March.

2016-03-15, 09:54 PM
Essentially they're all infinite loops. O is a continuous circle, 8 is infinity. Kline refers to a Klein bottle which has no opening. And Borous is Oroborous the serpent eating it's own tail. Dala is a reference to a Mandala, which is a circular pattern without a specific beginning or end. And Mobius refers to a Mobius strip, which is a ribbon structure with only one edge. So all infinite, self-feeding loops.

The rifle isn't worth it. If I want to shoot something and do a lot of damage, I use an AMR. If I want to be quiet, I throw a knife at it.

Christine's Sniper Rifle easily out-damages AMR, and *VASTLY* easier to make ammo for. The sniper rifle has a crit multiplier of 2.5x. So even when not sneaking, you crit most of the time. It also reloads faster and has a small clip, so even if you miss, you have another shot. Or if you have more than one opponent charging you.

I tried the AMR, even got my skill up high enough to make Match rounds for it. JSP in Christine's just flat-out does better.

2016-03-15, 11:54 PM
I very rarely miss. I'm also using CASE 2 ammo, usually High Explosive(Damage Boost, Armor Piercing) for things like Deathclaws or Sentry Bots, or Semi-Wad Cutter +P (Lower Damage Boost, Lower AP) for squishier targets. They're also available in .308. But I like the AMR's look.

On the other hand, CASE also tweaked the boxes of ammo components you can buy. They cost 5x, but also give you 5x the amount. So 250 primers instead of 50.

2016-03-16, 08:05 AM
I didn't get it at first either. It's meant to call back to a Mandala.

Ahhhh, that makes sense now.

Happy Ides of March.

*Snerk* Nice.

I discovered two little challenges accidentally when I was goofing around with inventory. On a whim I put on Dr. Klein's glasses, gloves, and coat. Got the Klein Destine award. So, naturally I put on Dr. Mobius' stuff and got the other one (Mobius Strip). Haha, sometimes it pays off to goof around with things.

2016-03-16, 08:33 AM
I very rarely miss. I'm also using CASE 2 ammo, usually High Explosive(Damage Boost, Armor Piercing) for things like Deathclaws or Sentry Bots, or Semi-Wad Cutter +P (Lower Damage Boost, Lower AP) for squishier targets. They're also available in .308. But I like the AMR's look.

On the other hand, CASE also tweaked the boxes of ammo components you can buy. They cost 5x, but also give you 5x the amount. So 250 primers instead of 50.

Ahh, I don't have CASE 2 installed, that might explain the difference. Match is about the only custom round and it doesn't really do much, whereas JSP is... well, it's JSP. Even without that, Christine's will tend to out damage the AMR due to rate of fire against groups. Against individual targets? They're about on par. But if you have a squad of super-mutants, or if you are in a target-rich environment (like the Big MT in general)... the sniper rifle rules all.

2016-03-16, 08:47 AM
My brother and I were talking about Automatron and we realized one thing: what would make this DLC 1000x better is if they let you roleplay the minor story segment as the Silver Shroud for it. Seriously, what could be better than two colossal hams trying to overact each other in a comic book grudge match? Maybe add in Grognak as well (Cait?) to amp it up just that much further.

2016-03-16, 09:59 AM
Match is superior for long distance shooting because of the reduction in spread. But if you've already compensated for it, it doesn't help much.

CASE FMJ does 0.90 damage, but -10 DT, instead of AP's 0.70 damage and -15 DT. The numbers are the same regardless of caliber, except for 5mm, because of it's built in -DT. On the other hand, CASE requires Steel from craft pack/master for making FMJ, and AP. But the other numbers are reduced slightly in compensation.

@Calemyr: I completely agree.

2016-03-17, 03:35 AM
My brother and I were talking about Automatron and we realized one thing: what would make this DLC 1000x better is if they let you roleplay the minor story segment as the Silver Shroud for it. Seriously, what could be better than two colossal hams trying to overact each other in a comic book grudge match? Maybe add in Grognak as well (Cait?) to amp it up just that much further.

This much ham would probably kill me. XD.

Alex Knight
2016-03-17, 12:32 PM
This much ham would probably kill me. XD.

We might be approaching BRIAN BLESSED! levels of ham if that happened.

2016-03-18, 07:13 AM
Think we discussed it at one point but forget, anyone tried World of Pain mod for fallout new vegas?

2016-03-18, 01:55 PM
Think we discussed it at one point but forget, anyone tried World of Pain mod for fallout new vegas?

A World of Pain is an interesting mod, that's for sure. It adds a ton of new areas, full of enemies that are tougher than you'd expect to find in the vanilla game. But you could probably just garner that from reading the mod description, eh?

Lessee... As far as content goes...

Weapons added by AWOP are fairly run of the mill, if I'm honest. You get things like a recharging plasma defender--which, as the name implies, is a plasma defender that is stealing the recharger pistol's schtick--and a variety of M weapons. M weapons are just regular versions of the weapon with boosted stats, especially damage. Personally, I don't like the weapons added by AWOP; they feel unoriginal, and are all-around bland.

Areas are where the mod starts to shine. The mod adds a metric crapton of areas, each of which is linked, usually, to others. You might enter the manhole cover near Nipton and work your way through a dark sewer to an abandoned weapons facility that is just teeming with robots eager to kill you, before coming out near Primm. Or you might walk down the road to the rest stop, go down into the basement, and, depending on which way you head, wind up fighting a nest of wild ants, raiders, or a pack of super mutants. "It adds a lot of areas to explore" is kind of an understatement.

Now, how lore-friendly those areas are is kind of debatable. The basic story behind all these underground areas is that a bunch of rich investors, not able to get into the Vaults of the area, decided to build their own interconnecting 'vault' under Vegas and the surrounding areas. For some reason, House doesn't know about them and has never found out after 200 years.

Personally, I feel like the mod falls into the trap that a lot of mods find themselves in, which is convincing themselves that darkness is somehow equivalent to challenging. There are many areas where even with Cateye and your pipboy light, you'll be barely able to penetrate the darkness for more than twenty feet or so. That's not challenging; that's just adding a layer of annoyingness to your mod. Luckily, Project Nevada and its many modes of Night Vision alleviate it somewhat.

RE: Balance: In a mod like this, balance kind of goes out the window. This isn't helped by the mod creating a gunstore on the road out of Goodsprings, so that you can go break the casino in Primm, and backtrack about five minutes to get a sniper rifle or machine gun of choice. Ditto for the enemies you're fighting; unless you enable the option to destroy the loot of the people you fight, you'll quickly have more loot than you know what to do with.

If you like exploring and looting, it's a good mod. Likewise, if you think that the combat in the vanilla game is a bit lackluster and there aren't enough fights that pit you against large groups of enemies.

However, I note that this extra content comes at a cost. AWOP is a huge mod, and both times I've installed it, I've considered uninstalling because of the performance hit I took. The first time was on a laptop, so the slowdown was understandable, but when you have one mod that's actually causing stability issues on a high-end desktop, it's kinda iffy whether it's worth it. Personally, I'll probably keep it for this playthrough, but that's because I've explored everything in the vanilla game three times over, and some new content is desirable.

2016-03-18, 06:20 PM
Boy, Old Faithful is *stupidly* powerful. My level 18 gunslinger just took down the level 30 Sully Mathis in one shot--albeit a VATS critical to the head, but even so! Adding a scope has reduced the number of shots I get to only 2 in VATS, but frankly, if the first shot misses or somehow fails to kill the target I'd probably switch to my backup Deliverer anyway...