View Full Version : Optimizing the Wilora

2016-02-24, 02:21 PM
Previous Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?475161-Glamer-(Race)-Optimization

I'm back with another seemingly OP race from Dragon Magazine!

In Dragon #307 (the same one with that Half-Elf race that loses Wisdom as it levels up), in the Monsters in the Alley article, I found the Willora. It is a tiny Shapechanger with two racial HD and two LA (given in a sidebar), and I think it might be the best race for a Paladin or Monk that I have yet seen.

First, its stat buffs. Wiloras have a racial -6 to STR, +10 to DEX, +10 to INT, +8 to WIS, and +10 to CHA. Never worry about MADness again!

"Sure, those are good stats, but my Monk or Paladin still can't do anything outside of combat!"

Well, it's a good thing that the Willora is the greatest interrogator known to man. When the Wilora locks eyes with a living creature, that creature must make a Will save vs. an intrusive telepathic link that the Wilora creates. For every round that the link remains in place (the target gets a save every round, and can break the link by being more than 30 ft. away from the Wilora), the Wilora learns the answer to one question to one question "to the best of the target's knowledge". The answer doesn't have to be yes or no, and a clever question like "What has happened so far during your life?" will let you immediately learn about everything that has happened to the target (the ability is called Memory-Snatching Gaze, by the way, so this doesn't break the fluff). Your song also hypnotizes people (as the Hypnotism spell), which means that you can force them to look into your eyes or just become your slaves. You also get a 60 ft. fly speed. Unfortunately, all of these abilities only function in your natural form.

"Your 'Natural Form'?"

And now for the best feature of the Wilora: at night, it can use Polymorph Self (large or smaller bird or bird-like forms only, and it only lasts until daybreak) at-will. In addition to avian forms, if the Wilora has successfully used its Memory-Snatching Gaze ability that night, it can use Polymorph Self to turn into the last creature that it has used its MSG on (it must be large or smaller). No longer shall your Monk or Paladin be overshadowed in melee by the party Wizard! Ok, that's a lie, but you get the point.

Side Note A: Humorously, a later article in the same issue concerning how the 3 H's and the Polymorph line shall be changed in 3.5 remarked on how OP Polymorph Self was.

Side Note B: Some of the prestige classes mentioned later in the issue have some unique requirements, like having more wealth than what WBL says that you should have.

Side Note C: Remember the Catoblepas from last time? One of the prestige classes in this issue has class abilities that specifically function against them.

Side Note D: A Wilora could probably do decent impressions of were-birds and Vampiric Raptorans (mind-control powers, ability to turn into a bat, flight, weak during the day, etc.).

Back on topic: What are the best avian Polymorph Self forms (assume that it works like a self-only Polymorph)? So far, I have winged Dragons (yeah, that's stretching it a bit, but the article let Owlbears and Gryphons qualify as bird-like, so I think they're close enough) and Raptorans as particularly good options.

2016-02-25, 04:33 PM
Bump (will I have to do this every time that I make a thread?)?

2016-02-26, 04:34 AM
I'm curious what makes you think they make good paladins/monks. The ability scores and size scream caster to me, and aside from the polymorph effect (which is useful for casters too, mind you) there isn't really anything mundanes benefit more from.

2016-02-26, 04:49 AM
Back on topic: What are the best avian Polymorph Self forms (assume that it works like a self-only Polymorph)? So far, I have winged Dragons (yeah, that's stretching it a bit, but the article let Owlbears and Gryphons qualify as bird-like, so I think they're close enough) and Raptorans as particularly good options.

Archerai and Vrock pop to mind.

Chrotontryn (FF) is pretty powerful, if you can access it's special abilities. I've seen arguments in TO discussion that spellcasting counts as an ability you can get from Polymorph (we never seem to use Polymorph in our games, so I'm not too familiar with abuses).

2016-02-27, 06:42 PM
I'm curious what makes you think they make good paladins/monks. The ability scores and size scream caster to me, and aside from the polymorph effect (which is useful for casters too, mind you) there isn't really anything mundanes benefit more from.
I figured that the 2 racial HD (and thus lost caster levels) would make them subpar casters.

From what I remember, Monks and Paladins require pretty much every stat except for INT, and they still would really like the extra skill points granted by a decent value in it. In a 32 point-buy game, by dumping all of your points into CON and STR, you can get a stat array of 12 STR, 18 DEX, 18 CON, 18 INT, 16 WIS, and 18 CHA, which gives you a high value in most of your stats.

2016-02-27, 07:05 PM
Monks and Paladins generally use Strength, though, so a -6 penalty is pretty bad for them. I don't think a melee brawler wants this race—barring maybe a CE Soulborn who can ignore the Strength penalty.

2016-02-27, 10:35 PM
Monks and Paladins generally use Strength, though, so a -6 penalty is pretty bad for them. I don't think a melee brawler wants this race—barring maybe a CE Soulborn who can ignore the Strength penalty.

They can use their Polymorph Sekf ability to boost their physical stats. They could easily turn into a Kenku or Aarakocra to wield a weapon...if you count them as "avian".

2016-02-28, 01:38 AM
They can use their Polymorph Sekf ability to boost their physical stats. They could easily turn into a Kenku or Aarakocra to wield a weapon...if you count them as "avian".
Yeah, Polymorph Self during the night makes STR penalties irrelevevant (unless you want to qualify for Power Attack, but I'm sure that there's some way around the STR restriction).

I can imagine a Wilora Monk that focuses on Full-Attacking during the night (taking advantage of FoB) and scouting during the day (taking advantage of the flight speed and high DEX bonus of the Wilora and the speed bonus of the Monk).

2016-02-28, 04:13 AM
I suppose a Wilora would make for a decent ally to a vampire, yeah.

2016-03-14, 01:23 AM
I want one as an improved familiar.

2016-03-14, 02:23 AM
Apparently there's a creature called a Wilora (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/lists/monsters&tablefilter=wilora) in City of Splendors: Waterdeep (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/25995/City-of-Splendors-Waterdeep-35?it=1) - is it the same beastie?

2016-03-14, 03:08 AM
The waterdeep wilora has a few different stats, but most notably an LA of -. Making it not supposed to be playable by PC.

2016-03-14, 04:36 AM
certainly inclined to believe so Thurbane, given the similar (if not outright copy-pasty with the absent/additional Forgotten Realms specific stuff) descriptions.

Also, reading the Dragon307, it implicitly adds an (cohort) tag to the LA+2, given its text in the sidebar that OP mentions

Lastly, Dragon307 is 3e (expemplified by the fact that its talking about Pick Pockets at some point instead of Sleight of hand), while City of Splendors: Waterdeep is 3.5e, in which case the later print supersedes