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2016-02-24, 07:32 PM
Drimanai (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=555594)

Summer has turned to winter since the journal was discovered, and still there is more left to read in it though its words had consumed Drimanai's mind and soul for every waking moment since its secret was revealed. It had been discovered by a Barbarian adventurer in the east, and while the man could not read he was canny enough to recognize that there were those in the world who valued books. In the next village he visited the local chapter of the Church of Boccob recognized it as a Book of All Knowledge, but the Clerics were unable to thoroughly make use of it. In the hopes that it could be analyzed and understood it came to the established scholarly Drimanai, whose formidable intellect and capability with divine and arcane magic was put to the test.

In her process of poring through the book's infinite pages Drimanai identified a persistent spell lingering on the book, and realized that page after nonconsecutive page in a complicated pattern were under the effect of a Secret Page spell. Underneath encyclopedic notes on the reproductive cycle of Aboleths or the chain of command and transformation of common Devils is the diary and journal of the sorceress Morrígan. Once a mortal woman, then master arcanist, then immortal Lich, now, by the sound of it, dust.

The concept behind Morrígan's process would be repellent to most. Perhaps fifty thousand years ago, her sorcerous blood, innate skill with magical manipulation, and lack of interest in allying herself with major governmental powers had painted her as a threat to continental stability. Persecuted and banished, Morrígan found guidance among the dragons whose blood ran through her veins. She learned from the eldest among them that the mind of the world is subject to change, and that what is abhorred today may be accepted in time. Knowing this and eager to be accepted as part of the world, Morrígan began to specialize in learning of the future and the things that would come. She became a prophet, using Divination magic and the study of omens and portents to predict what the future would hold. But soon, too soon, she began to run out of time and age was creeping up on her. She would not live to see the future. But she would see the future nonetheless. Under the tutelage of the dragons she took her own life and siphoned her essence into a vault, then reanimated her corpse as a new body.

She admits, she did not come back quite the same as she had left. She was the same person without doubt, but now held in her heart a far greater conviction than she once had. Just waiting for the future would not suffice any more, she would create it. Why should anyone say otherwise? The magic that was hers by right, beyond the blood and down to her bones, let her shape the world. She would never be surprised or caught unaware, she would master the river of fate herself. And when the world turned, she would stand at its top.

The rest of the journal, as far as Drimanai can tell as she's been reading it, are the adventures of Morrígan the Lich. Her unlife as a Lich quickly dwarfed her life as a mortal, and Morrígan seems to have cutely described her adventures relating to any particular subject on the same page of the Book of All Knowledge that held that subject. She would describe her visit to a Githzerai monastery and the slaughter of Slaadi on the pages about Limbo, her discovery of Quintessence and the infiltration of an Illithid cult on the pages about what little is known of Thoon, her return and the subsequent fall of dozens of kingdoms on the anthropological pages of each kingdom. Morrígan had done everything.

It's difficult to find where the stories end. Not every page has writing, and it's hard in a string of infinity to find the "last" page of a series, but nothing more recent than ten thousand years is recorded in Morrígan's journal. The ready conclusion is that somehow the Lich was destroyed for good, rather than left to regenerate as normal. Morrígan is gone from the world. That's where the story sits. And where Drimanai has found it.

2016-02-25, 05:35 AM
Drimanai sits at her desk, like she has done almost every day for years now. In front of her lies the book, with a notebook by the side. Normally, she would have been copying the texts, but not with this great tome. Ever since she started working on it, she no longer copied. That was impossible with such a blessed work. Instead, she kept notes. That was what she should do at least.

Only when she found the secret, when she discovered the secret pages, did she begin to copy again, page after page. She had then taken out those pages from her own book, and tried to order them. There was some sort of sequence, but it wasn't enough. She simply couldn't make everything fit. There had to be something that was missing, something that she was missing. And that in turn meant that she wasn't as brilliant as she believed. Something that was hard to accept. She had to find all the pages, she had to read every word. Not of the world, no matter how interesting it was, but of Morrígan. She was, for the first time in her life, a subject for which she lacked the words.

Merely special, genius, wonderful and all those weren't enough. There was more. At night, Drimanai dreamed of the ancient woman, imagining her and her great achievements. But, strangely enough, in a way she couldn't understand, there was more. She dreamed of a face, of eyes staring into her own. And all she remembered afterwards was that she was happy and warm.

Normally, she would have discussed this with her sisters or superiors. But not now. This was her secret, her one secret. She alone in the whole world knew of the splendour of Morrígan, and she didn't want to share. It didn't make any sense, she should share. The purpose of knowledge was to be shared. But not this one. This was hers alone. At first, she explained it to herself by saying that telling others would mean that the great task would be taken from her, to go to a more experienced scholar. Someone with the moral experience to deal with what they called dark subjects. But they didn't know. No one knew that Morrígan was not a dark being, not evil. No, she was sweet, and kind, and good. When she burned a village to the ground, it was for good reasons. Proper reasons. Only, far too many small-minded people simply wouldn't see that.

That is her current reason for telling no one. Drimanai fears that the others are too small-minded to understand Morrígan, and would only speak ill of her. She can't stand the idea. They would say such horrible things, and Morrígan was such a good person. One of the few that was a true, permanent, loss to the world.

And then it strikes the young woman. She stops writing, she stops looking. She simply thinks. What if Morrígan isn't lost? What if there still is a fragment of her? One that can be returned? Drimanai knows her metaphysics, she knows that the soul persists after death, and a strong soul can persist for a very long time. Yes. That is it. The answer she has been looking for without knowing. The answer that brings hope to her soul. Morrígan can't have faded, she was too special for that. She must still be somewhere, locked away from the mortal world by death which finally took a hold of her.

And she knows, she knows that there are ways to force death to give up what it has taken. To entice it, to make it end. But even those, those strange and powerful magics are limited in time. Or at least, ordinary spells are. There might be other ways, secret ways, hidden in the world.

But what can she do? She is here, in the convent, with her sisters. She doesn't travel, she doesn't learn those things. She simply reads. Unless. Yes, that is it. Unless she goes looking for a way. Unless she manages to gain the knowledge required for such an impossible task. She would make the world a much better place if she succeeded, and, strange though it might seem, she too would be happier. Her heart is beating clearly now, she has the feeling that everyone can hear it, and she starts to feel warm in her belly. These strange sensations have been with her for some time now, but she hasn't had the time to look into them. She has too much still to do to worry overmuch about her own body.

Her plan starts to form. She will have to do it at night. She will have to leave, to use her magical knowledge to go there. To the place the book was found, the only place that might actually give her answers. And should that fail, she must seek out the barbarian, to question him. She will find the truth, no matter how hard it is.

The time is almost there, and Drimanai puts her book away. Into the special bag she keeps all her notebooks in. And, against all the rules, she does something else. She also takes the object of her studies. She has to take it, no one can ever read these secrets, and she could never leave it in the hands of another. The few days that she could not read it have been disastrous, and Drimanai would feel even worse, as though there was a hole in her chest, right over her heart.

But now she walks, insecure, afraid even. What if someone notices? How can she explain herself?

2016-02-25, 09:16 AM
Based on her academic studies, the principle of reviving the lost Lich is sound. The undead in general are complicated only in the combination of their simpler constituent components. All have an animating spirit, a pseudo-soul fueled by negative energy. Those which are corporeal have a body of meat and bone that the animating spirit latches onto. Those with sentience have an additional mind that holds the memories of the dead body and the motivations of the animating spirit. In the case of a Wight, Ghoul, or even sophisticated undead like a Vampire, this mind is a construction of negative energy distinct from but directly related to the animating spirit. It uses the mind of the body which created the undead, but that person who it once was is still dead and dancing on the Outer Planes. A Lich...not so much so. A Lich is more involved. The mind that fuels a Lich's motivations is the very same as the one which spurred the mortal to take their own life and be reborn into undeath. That mind and very soul is what is held in the Lich's phylactery, a flexible imprint of which is manifested upon the animating spirit. When the Lich's body is destroyed its animating spirit disperses and the mind and soul within the phylactery creates a new body and spirit with the benefit of gained experience from those that were destroyed.

It's this complex process which makes the revival of a Lich difficult. Simple undead, Zombies or Wights or even Vampires, can be brought back from destruction by the Revive Undead spell. This is well within Drimanai's strength as a divine spellcaster to harness, though the manipulation of Evil energy would be something abhorrent for her to use (though not outright forbidden by the Church of Mystra.) The low time limit of the spell of only a few days, about three weeks for some of the strongest casters imaginable, is also a hurdle. But the greatest issue of all is the reassembly of these three components of the Lich: The body, spirit, and mind. The spell is capable of providing an animating spirit, indeed that is its chief purpose. The mind is either discarded to somewhere in the Outer Planes where Morrígan rests, or somehow trapped within her original phylactery if it still exists but was for whatever reason unable to generate a new body. The body...oddly, as a Lich usually has no concern for its expendable physical form, is actually the sticking point here. If the spell Revive Undead is to work, it can draw a soul from the afterlife and create an animating spirit, but it must affix both of these to a physical body complete enough to hold the spell. Once established the Lich can always destroy itself and regenerate itself fully, but to come back at all it would need a minimum of its skull, ribcage, arms, hands, pelvis, legs, and feet. To bring the Lich Morrígan back, Drimanai will have to hunt down the pieces of the Lich's original body.

Drimanai begins her preparations, packing the things she needs, praying for spells from Mystra and memorizing more from her book. In the cover of starlight she creeps away from her quarters and steals away through the darkened halls of her monastery. Unseen, she would hope, but the sudden appearance of her shadow haloed on the wall would suggest otherwise. Turning, Drimanai sees the impossibly slender and elegant figure of Lucia, a novice acolyte of the church. An Aasimar of celestial blood, Lucia is a kind, gentle, naive soul. Her devotion to the church was not one of strict decision and dedication, but instead she began to manifest divine energy spontaneously and was thus marked as one of Mystra's rare Favored Souls. With eyes that saw light in the dark she had picked out Drimanai's form, and now glowing light pours from her fingertip to better make out the figment.
"Sister Drimanai, I did not expect to see you so late in the evening!" she exclaims quietly, keeping the resting clerics in mind. "Truthfully, I have not seen you in a great while, nor have many of us here. We were beginning to worry somewhat, though we were assured that you were merely dedicated to your work and study. That dedication to a task is inspiring. But it is a surprise to see you now, especially without that tome of Boccob that you've been sifting through. Is all well? You look...anxious?"

2016-02-26, 04:32 AM
Drimanai had prepared everything, and she knew the rules. There should be no one up in the hallways anymore. Not at this time. It was forbidden, and this was the first time she actually broke such a rule. The soon to be renegade however didn't know that there were a fair few sisters who didn't see the rules as being as important as she did. Many had nightly expeditions of some sorts. For the first part of her way, she met no one. Until, a shadow appears. Her mind is quick to determine that there must be light behind her, and she turns, covering her eyes. She had chosen the darkness as her ally, and the sudden light hurt her eyes. And then she sees. Lucia. Of course. A Favoured Soul, a kind that she hardly understood, a girl without the necessary order in her heart for true study. A rulebreaker.

"I, ehm", Drimanai started. She wasn't prepared for this. And she couldn't even use her teleportation magic to escape, the monastery was warded against such magics, for obvious reasons. Otherwise she could simply have left directly from her cell. "I was, ehm, on my way to the church. I know that it is a terrible thing to be out at night, but, ehm, I have this thought that, ehm, won't leave my head. I need to pray in a more blessed place than my cell to, ehm, put it to order."

She was obviously anxious, and failed to make any sort of eye contact. She had hoped to have a head start, to go beyond the range they could look at. She had even prepared for scrying magic, but now it would all be too late. Her whole plan collapsed before she could even start. Of course, she could go back, but the things she had already done, they went too far. She had taken books from the library. That alone would be sufficient reason for her to be banned from working there for a long time. And, they might take Her book. She couldn't allow that.

"It would be good if you would return to your bed, two rulebreakers are worse than one."

2016-02-26, 08:34 AM
Lucia shifts her weight back and forth on each foot, looking a bit anxious herself.
"Truthfully, I am glad to see you. I have been ruminating on some thoughts myself, and I hoped that Mystra's silver starlight would show me guidance, and there would be no wrong in following my faith. To meet you here, I see that I was right. And actually, who better to speak to?"
Lucia takes up a more relaxed post, leaning against a column. The light from her fingertips flickers around her as she gesticulates while she speaks.
"The other sisters here are so scholarly, they pore through texts and find hidden meaning in words and blank space. There are some in our order mistaken for Wizards, and some such as yourself who actually are! And time and time again, people voice how there is no expression of Mystra's teaching better than the consummate understanding of magic. None have ever said that of me, nor have the sisters given to me works of mystery to study as they have you. I fear that I am not taken seriously here. That my Celestial blood and natural predisposition toward divine magic is my only merit, neither of which I have earned. I feel like...a mascot, here. And it has crossed my mind that perhaps the monastery is not the place I am meant to be to grow as a person. What do you think? You see things with clearer eyes than I."

2016-02-29, 08:52 AM
The words strike something in Drimanai's heart. She is surprised by being seen as one to be spoken to, she doesn't have a way with words, and many of the sisters show far more understanding. And many of them also know more, even if all of them are blinded to what truly matters. "Lucia, there is one thing that matters above all others. The faith that we carry in our hearts. One way of following it is here, in the monastery, through the Rule and through contemplation. But there are those of us, those who have faith, who receive another calling. You have been called, in a way that I never will be. And I admire you for it, for it means that you possess that which the Goddess values above all others. Knowledge and wisdom rank high in Her esteem, and there are many paths to them. For ages I have thought that my path was in silence and study, but now I am no longer certain."

Drimanai pauses, gathering her thoughts and looking into Lucia's eyes, seeing a path: "But there are other paths than those of silence. There are the paths of searching, digging out wisdom in the world. Of spreading the word of the Goddess, to bring to the world, instead of sheltering from it. Perhaps that is your path. You have been here to learn, but not all who are here have it in their future to stay. Lucia, I have, ehm, spoken to the abbess, and there are things that must be done. Things that must be done for Her. There is knowledge hiding in the dark recesses of the world, and perhaps, perhaps you were chosen for that task. I have, ehm, not told you the whole truth. But, now that I see your eyes, the path clarifies. I was to go into the world, to investigate certain matters. And perhaps, you could come with me? It will do the both of us good to travel with another who has faith, you would be in the world, to grow, and in these travels, you might find your true calling."

2016-02-29, 09:32 AM
Lucia listens, as impressionable as ever.
"So you agree? That there can be other paths, other callings, perhaps more subtle but also truer than the one we seem designed for? I think so too. But I think it would be frightening to go into the world alone. If you're going, though...perhaps I can be brave enough to go with you. Is...is that where you are going now? Are you leaving this very night? I think I could go as well. There is little I need, and with Mystra's magic all will be provided. Let this be the first step on the truest path."

She stifles the light from her finger tips and follows your lead, her Outsider eyes finding the path even in the starlight. This region isn't violent and most know better than to raise the ire of the clergy, so there are minimal defenses to the temple and they can be bypassed from within. With Lucia in tow Drimanai reaches the exterior gate, and enters into the night.

"So...I know I just said all that back there, but I don't actually have any plan or know where to go..." Lucia admits. "You say you spoke with the abbess and have an assignment? Where is it that you are asked to investigate? How do you plan to get there?"

2016-02-29, 10:59 AM
Drimanai nods: "There are many paths, and it is likely that your stay here was only to learn what you needed for your worldly path.", she walks with Lucia, glad for some guidance, these are ways she has walked far less. It was long ago that she last left the walls of her home. Lucia must have been sent to assist her on her path, even if she can't know the truth. Not yet at least. "Tonight is the night, the assignment is a secret, but of the utmost importance. To not disturb the sisters, the departure must be at night. The way to travel is simple, as walking takes too much time. We will head to our destination carried by the wisdom of the Goddess. Please, take my hand."

She hold out her white-gloved hand to Lucia, and once it has been taken, she starts to take in her goal. The tomb she intends to visit is still too far away, and too unclear. But she has made a plan. She will use her teleportation magic, a gift from the Goddess, twice in the night to come closer, through waypoints she has viewed remotely. Hopefully, they will then be beyond pursuit, to seek out the barbarian who first found the diaries, and to question him about the tome.

2016-02-29, 11:43 AM
What spells did you use to scope out your destination? As of now Scry Location is still out of your reach. Diviantion?

2016-02-29, 12:02 PM
Darn, I thought that scrying worked on locations too. My bad. But one possible approach would be to use people she had heard of in that area as a scrying target, to take a look at it.

2016-02-29, 12:11 PM
You actually would have been able to Scry on the Barbarian himself, since you have Secondhand Knowledge of him and one of his Possessions (Morrígan's journal) to lower his save. From your Scrying you have seen him most often in a wintry village always laded with fresh powder snow, and spotted with evergreens and holly bushes. You estimate this to be in the northern reach at the habitable edge of the desolate tundra. He has had a few adventures, mostly hunting, since you first Scried on him about two months after receiving the book. He has not mentioned the book or where he found it at any point that you Scried on him.

2016-02-29, 12:22 PM
That should work, but would it be within range of a teleport? She has a range of 1200 miles with it.

2016-02-29, 01:50 PM
Yeah, definitely.

Teleporting twice, once to throw trackers off the proverbial scent and once to actually get to her destination, Drimanai and Lucia touch down in the darkness lit only by starlight reflected off of the snow. It's shockingly cold, and the air is dry. They are in the middle of the street among a row of stout log houses, very few of which have flickering candlelight in them. Thin smoke rises from most chimneys. Following the Barbarian through her Scrying sensor Drimanai has a good sense of the village, and knows which house is the Barbarian's.

2016-02-29, 02:02 PM
"I am sorry for not telling you before, but this is our destination. There is a man in this village. He knows the place we must find, the first goal on this quest. He lives in that house over there.", Drimanai said, glad that she hadn't ruined the teleportation, she had read about terrible accidents. But none of those had happened. Suddenly, there was something that she recalled. The lay people would be sleeping at this hour. "But the hour is late already, and we should find a place to rest. I believe that there is a place over there, they might still have beds for the night."

Drimanai let go of Lucia, and headed that way. She had made a stupid mistake, and she knew it.

2016-02-29, 02:17 PM
Lucia follows behind, a little dazed and quite confused. This is her first time teleporting.

Drimanai leads the way to what she knows to be the inn, a double-tall log building with thicker smoke rising. The door isn't locked but it almost feels like it is from how tightly it's shut. The warmth of the commons is a welcome relief from the cold. The innkeeper, a Dwarf with a graying beard, looks up with surprise.
"Ah, travelers and wayward souls? Wasn't expecting you, not at this time of...goodness, you're not wearing anything at all! That might be well and good for a thick-boned fellow like Terkus or m'self, but not for a pair of reeds! How did you get here, there's no way you walked from the forest or the coast?"

2016-02-29, 02:39 PM
"We are travelers from a faraway place, where we do not suffer from weather such as this. In the morning, I will ask our Goddess, Mystra, for her protection from the cold. But for now I would only ask you for a bed for the night, we might not have traveled long, carried by Her blessing, but we departed late, hoping to find rest in this place.", Drimanai replied, inwardly cursing herself for not considering the weather.

2016-02-29, 02:58 PM
"Still, you'd think you'd turn back before getting this far..." the Dwarf innkeeper mumbles. He finds a key from one of many hooks behind him, and turns it over to you. "Here, it's not the coziest but it's all we've got at the moment, second on the left down the upstairs hall. No charge, you're only staying half the night anyway. Perhaps in the morning you can explain a little further as to where you came from and how to get where you're going."

The pair ascends to the specified room, where a wide bed with a roughly woven blanket awaits with little else. Lucia sits on it.
"This wasn't entirely what I was imagining...ten minutes ago..."

2016-02-29, 03:13 PM
Drimanai nods in thanks before heading to the room. There she sits down next to Lucia: "I understand, it also is strange to me. I have never left our walls before tonight. But we are doing the work of the Goddess. In the world, things move much more rapidly than in the convent. But let us rest for now, we haven't slept all night and there is much that we must do in the morning."

The priestess prepared to take off some of her outer garments in the presence of another for the first time in years, and could strongly feel the shame. "And, ehm, I fear that we won't be able to keep all of the rules that we kept between the walls."

2016-02-29, 03:33 PM
Lucia has mostly stripped of her outer clothes, considering that she honestly had been planning to go back to bed and was wearing little more than a robe and her undergarments already. Oblivious as always, she looks back to Drimanai. She is certainly of Celestial blood.
"Hmm? In the monastery? No one was ever very forceful about rules to me...but then again, maybe it was one of those things. I was barely a sister in more than name, they probably didn't think it important to apply the rules to me so firmly. If it's the body you're concerned about, I know I've been encouraged to think of the body and soul as a single unit. To see the body is to see the soul. But that may be something that only Outsiders consider. I think it may not even be true of my kind since we can be raised from the dead. But I find the sentiment charming."

2016-03-03, 05:16 AM
"That indeed is a fine sentiment, but at the same time, the body is a source of temptation to many. And temptation distracts from the work of the Goddess. Therefore, we must keep all forms of temptation away from ourselves. Those are the reasons for the Rule.", Drimanai replies, "True Outsiders do not have a dichotomy of body and soul, but anything of the Material does. We are two parts, that interact. The outside appearance sometimes is confused for the appearance of the soul, but it is not, it is only a thin mask, and one that can do so much to deceive the world. But regarding the Rule, you, Lucia, are special. I have chosen to serve, while you have been chosen. You do not need the strictness of the Rule to find the true path, your path lies within your nature, while my nature is that of an ordinary soul, subject to a thousand and one temptations. I need the Rule to bring the necessary order to myself, while your soul already is ready to accept the truths."

She feels a slight jealousy of Lucia, but it is easily forced away by the lessons of her life. The lessons of humility, obedience and faith. She might have broken the second of them, but it is for a good cause, a cause that will do so much good to the world. Morrígan would do so much good, she was the perfect person, pure in her goodness. The only bad things she ever did was for a truly good cause, and Drimanai was the one who had been chosen to return her to the world. When she closed her eyes, she imagined the lich, herself at the wonderful being's feet, graced by her touch. Yes, the future promised great things, but she had to succeed.

2016-03-03, 08:01 AM
"If you say so. I still don't entirely understand, but I know you do, so that's alright."
Lucia says no more in the night, and the dark soon turns to dawn under the relief of a warm sheet shielded from bitter winds.

Although the pair had adventured for no more than twenty minutes or so yesterday, it looks like the emotional ordeal of leaving her home in such short notice took a toll on Lucia, and the girl sleeps in. Drimanai awakens early in time for her morning prayers, and spends two hours first requesting spells from Mystra and then memorizing from her book. As Lucia is still asleep, this is a chance to either speak with the Dwarven innkeeper about their location, or maybe seek out the Barbarian without interference from her traveling partner.

2016-03-03, 08:28 AM
When she was ready, Drimanai spent a few moments considering her options. Taking Lucia along had been a gamble, caused more by compassion than reason. But she couldn't have not done it, that would have aroused suspicions, and Lucia is a good sister, one who is devoted, despite her different nature. She quickly dresses, it is simple, every day wearing exactly the same makes for quite a bit of speed in that regard. She then writes a quick note:

Dearest Lucia,

You were still asleep, and that is good, you deserve your rest. I have woken early, and am now in the process of taking the first few steps in our mission. I must speak with someone. When I am finished, I will return to the inn, where we can break out fast together.

May Mystra's light shine on you,

Sister Drimanai

With that finished, she rises, heading out, to look for the barbarian. She has many questions for him, and hopefully, she will be able to visit the tomb this very day, there are bound to be clues there.

2016-03-03, 09:08 AM
Drimanai descends the stairway, but not having made an effort to hide herself she doesn't avoid alerting the innkeeper who, like her, is up before the sun. A few early risers (a pair of young Elves, a Spellscale, and a Kenku) are already partaking in breakfast and keeping warm by the low fire.
"Oy, lass," the innkeeper calls to Drimanai. "You're the girl from last night, madwoman out in the winds with little more than a monk's robe. And now you're going out again in the same? By the look on your friend's face you two aren't exactly seasoned travelers who can take the frost. I'm not about to turn away a soul in need, but I do like to know who's sleeping under my roof."

2016-03-03, 09:16 AM
Drimanai turns to face the innkeeper. "Good morning sir. I assure you that we both are well-prepared for the local weather conditions, we have been blessed by the divine Mystra, in whose sisterhood we study. My name is Drimanai, and my companion is still resting from the first part of the journey here. We are here at the command of our abbess, to gather information pertaining certain discoveries."

She doesn't know what to say, lying would be wrong, and even worse, she can't think of a good story, one that Lucia would follow. "I am very sorry that I cannot say more, I was sworn to silence on the matter."

2016-03-03, 09:43 AM
The innkeeper seems suspicious about your vagueness, and doesn't think you look well equipped despite what you say, but chooses not to press the matter further. He doesn't ask you any more questions, leaving you to go about your business as you will.

2016-03-03, 09:53 AM
Drimanai left, she knew that it wasn't right, she should have told another story. She should have planned all this, but she hadn't. She headed right towards the house of the barbarian, hopefully he would be there so she could properly interview him. She had used one of her spells to keep herself warm, and it should work unless it became truly cold, colder than she expected.

I'm considering switching to a first person, it might work a bit better in the solo perspective. What do you think?

2016-03-03, 10:42 AM
In my other solo game I keep swapping between third person and second person kind. I'm used to using third person when referring to one party member and then second person for the whole group, but when it's just one person that's a blurred line. Use whichever you please.

Drimanai reaches the door she knows belongs to the Barbarian who originally found Morrígan's tome and gives it a sharp knock. It's still the early morning but she knows this man wakes up early, as she's seen through her Scrying sensor. Sure enough, with a forceful push the door swings open, shaking snow from the rooftop. The hulking man, in bearskin and decorated with a number of claws and teeth as trophies from his various arctic kills, stands looking with mild confusion at Drimanai's minute form.
"Who are you? Good timing, was not here long. What you want from Terkus, milk-drinker? Want talk, buy fur? Offering marriage?" he looks her up and down. "Many do. Not Terkus' type though."

2016-03-03, 10:51 AM
"Good morning sir. I would wish to speak to you, about certain discoveries which you made some time ago. Specifically a book you retrieved, would you allow me to come in?", the mention of marriage is shocking, doesn't the savage know that she has taken the holiest of vows? Are these people that stupid? "Of course, I will gladly pay you for any information you can provide that assists me in my holy work."

2016-03-03, 11:37 AM
Terkus furrows his brow. "Fine, come in." He moves out of the door frame and into what passes as a common area. He starts chewing pieces of salted fish, while plucking dull red coals from his hearth and putting them in his sleeves or down his shirt. "You want Terkus' treasures? You said book...Oh, right! Leather bound, paper inside, Terkus has no use for school-scratching. Gave it to church, church has lots of those. You are with church? Not want the book?"

2016-03-03, 12:17 PM
Drimanai follows Terkus inside: "It indeed concerns that book. I have been studying it, and it has revealed some very interesting things. Not in terms of material wealth, but in the way of knowledge. It had made my superiors highly curious about its finding place, and they have given me the task of visiting and examining the location. Could you provide information about this place?"

2016-03-03, 01:19 PM
"Terkus took what was worth taking. Old barrow, dusty, spiders. Like a crypt, but no bodies nowhere. Had a few pieces of gold, dead plants, and the book. Small place, room was smaller than Terkus' house. Also cold, far far north, makes sweat freeze to ice. Spiders hid underground, smart of them. Nothing but ice monsters can live there. Not worth going to," Terkus decides with a huff.

2016-03-04, 07:21 AM
Drimanai thinks, she has to visit the place, it is the only real clue that she has. The book must have ended up there somehow, and many things could have been hidden by the ages. And she would find those things. She could create shelter for herself, and for Lucia once she was there. But she had to get there first. The tales of monsters and the like are frightening, but with the help of the Goddess, she will prevail. Something like that won't stop her. She won't allow it. "What is worth taken might not seem valuable at first sight, and I hope to examine it fully. The book is most peculiar, and to fully understand it, its origins must be traced. I hope to go there, and would be most grateful if you could provide me with directions."

2016-03-04, 07:57 AM
Terkus shrugs. "Terkus disagrees, but won't stop you. Directions are easy. Found the book in the cave, found the cave on the island. Go north from village, straight north, up to edge of water. Go across water, by boat if there. Sometimes boat is there. Island is small, maybe one mile wide? Center of island holds barrow."

2016-03-04, 08:44 AM
Drimanai memorizes it exactly. It should be quite easy to find, even with her navigation skills. She might not have any experience with the wilds, but she has read about navigational techniques, and at least knows how to find the North, most of the time that is. "Thank you, your help is greatly appreciated."

2016-03-04, 08:49 AM
Terkus nods. He doesn't seem very interested in the cave, nor anything to do with the book. It hadn't been interesting enough for him in the first place, anyway. He clearly doesn't think that you're well enough equipped to brave the harsh tundra or the ferocious beasts that lurk in the snow, but he also isn't about to stop a fool from walking into a slaughter.

You haven't been gone for too long, only about half an hour. If you leave Terkus' home now Lucia may still be asleep. You could wake her up, or you could even try to make the trek north before she notices you're gone, though you could not possibly return before she wakes.

2016-03-04, 08:54 AM
I leave the house, and the barbarian. I don't like the sort, they are far too rough, disrespectful of knowledge, and of Mystra. But that is the nature of the world, far too few see her light, or are even open to it. I return to the inn, going alone is a frightening prospect, and I believe that it would be safer to travel with Lucia. And I can't leave her in a place like this.

2016-03-04, 09:09 AM
You return to the inn with a minimum of fuss, and are met with another sidelong glance by the innkeeper. Up in your room, Lucia is still asleep.

2016-03-04, 10:05 AM
Once I am back, I take out my books, I will have to wait for Lucia to wake up, and might as well spend some time studying. Of course, I can't examine the pages that interest me the most, but there is no such thing as too much knowledge. It however is harder than usual to focus, images keep drifting in front of my eyes, I see her. The only one who matters as much as Mystra. No, not that much. No one and nothing can matter as much as the Goddess. Right?

I don't know, and the doubt makes me feel strange, this isn't normal. I shouldn't think about the hierarchy of things. Mystra is above everything, but Morrígan, she, she is so special. Almost divine.

2016-03-04, 10:16 AM
It's about an hour longer that Lucia sleeps, and the sun has risen fully. She seems groggy, and for a moment forgets where she is and is surprised not to be in the monastery. Like from a hazy dream she comes to, and turns her focus to Drimanai.
"Oh, good morning, sister. I slept well, it was good to be indoors in those winds. And thankfully the weather seems calmer. Shall we be off to...wherever it is you are going?"

2016-03-04, 10:34 AM
"We are to head north, towards a lake. And an island in this lake. But before we go, let me do a little something for you.", I stand up, turning to Lucia. "May the light shield you.", I intone, along with the usual movements. It is a simple spell, the same that I have used on myself. And it should keep Lucia warm outside, no matter the weather. "My contact however did not say how far it was, so I fear that we must be prepared for a long journey."

2016-03-04, 11:10 AM
I'd appreciate if you named the spell you're using, I know it's Endure Elements but it's good to get in the habit in case the effect is less obvious.
Lucia gratefully accepts the warding spell and dons her robes again.
"We're...walking, to this place? Across the difficult snow and winds and water? It seems a bit dangerous. Not that I question your judgment, but I wonder, why can't we teleport like we did to get here?"

2016-03-04, 11:22 AM
I'll do that, thanks for pointing it out.

"Unfortunately, teleportation requires familiarity with the location, and I have never seen it before. If I would try such a thing, we could end up anywhere, even scattered over the land. It is too dangerous. But I do have prepared to teleport to safety should we come into grave danger. But it is vital that we remain close together. II have also asked the Goddess to protect us, should we find ourselves in too great danger", I reply, even if I am not entirely certain. I have never learned to use any sort of violent magic, but hopefully some things will allow us to escape when we have to.

2016-03-04, 11:26 AM
Lucia doesn't seem fully placated, but she's willing to let you lead the way. She has no more to say, so it's up to you to set off unless there are other preparations you wish to make in the village.

2016-03-07, 05:38 AM
"Many things in the world are hard to do, hard to achieve. But, if it would make you feel better, we could purchase weaponry, to defend ourselves with more means than those given to us by Mystra.", I say to Lucia, I want her to feel secure, even if her belief isn't as strong as mine. And on second thought, weapons might actually do us some good.

2016-03-07, 07:46 AM
Even if you hadn't been scrying on this village in the past, it wouldn't have been difficult to locate the blacksmith's. The rising column of smoke from the burning forge rises above the rooftops, and as you near it there's the clattering of steel on steel. The blacksmith is a Dwarf, tough and burly with streaks of white in his hair and beard despite being in the prime of life. He plunges a red-hot iron rod into a barrel of water and through the steam picks you out as you approach.
"Ho! What ails you? Lookin' for some of the finest edges this side of the mountains?" he calls out.

2016-03-07, 08:04 AM
"Good morning, master smith. My companion and I desire to venture into the wilderness, but we lack weaponry, and hope that you would have some for sale.", I say, having never bought anything. I hope that this is the correct way to do it.

2016-03-07, 08:13 AM
The Dwarf gives a brief pause.
"Aye, I do. What...did you want? You don't look much like ones for swinging greatswords or glaives."

2016-03-07, 11:59 AM
I have to take a little break. My girlfriend just broke up with me and all I feel like doing now is eating ice cream and chocolate in bed.

2016-03-07, 12:05 PM
Hm, sorry to hear that. Get some rest, you do you. Feel free to PM me if you want to start this back up.

2016-03-11, 06:50 AM
"You are correct in that. I was thinking about a weapon that is a little simpler to use. Perhaps weapons that are a bit easier to carry and use, neither of us has been trained like a warrior would be. And perhaps, you would also have light armour for sale, I know the way to protect myself, but my companion might have a use for that."

I feel a bit better now, and don't want to hold things up too much.

2016-03-29, 01:39 PM
"I have a manner of lighter weapons, though few prefer those to something with more clout. Daggers good for flesh, wood, or ice alike, a sling for those who want to stay far, or even a crossbow if you haven't the strength to throw a stone. I do have a few rapiers and kukris, but you don't seem the type to sink steel deep the way you need to with these. No offense meant. As for armor, the lightest I have is leather and the sturdiest of the light is chain. Fewer options on that front, not as much to work with."

"Er, sister Drimanai?" Lucia whispers to Drimanai to the side. "I do not actually have any money. I had very meager savings in the monastery, and I left it behind as I hadn't anticipated leaving. What are we to do, here?"

2016-03-30, 03:56 AM
"I have travel funds, there is no need to worry over such things, sister.", Drimanai replies before she turns back to the Dwarf: "For my companion, I would believe chain to be the most suitable, we are venturing on our own, and I would not want to see harm come to her. As for weapons, I would personally like a dagger, as the Goddess' wrath will defend me at a distance. And one for Sister Lucia as well."

She turns back to Lucia: "Do you know how to use a crossbow?"

2016-03-30, 11:04 AM
Lucia looks a little pale.
"I have never fired one, but I think I could manage? In principle it is not greatly different than releasing the energy of a Nimbus of Light."
The Dwarf rummages around and returns with a pair of simply made daggers, a chain shirt, and a light crossbow.
"That'll be 139 gold pieces, ladies, unless you're looking to drop a little extra for the best craft we've got in the shop. Considering how uncertain you were though, I didn't think it. I have to say, if this is all you plan to protect yourself with out there, I don't know how long you'll last. You seem nice, I recommend...not doing what you plan to do."

2016-03-31, 03:45 AM
"We have the protection of the Goddess with us, and the magic that she grants. We will survive, and we will succeed.", Drimanai says, as she digs out the coins to pay for all of it. "And should the need arise, there are ways to escape that do not involve having to fight."

2016-03-31, 03:51 AM
Lucia is trusting, but she seems a little unsure. The Dwarf is willing to let you walk to your deaths, and gladly takes your coin in exchange for the equipment before turning you back out into the cold and the fresh snow.

It is still early morning, with the snow from last night bright on the streets. You have the direction, and an amount of equipment.

2016-03-31, 05:16 AM
"The mail should go over your clothes, I think.", I say, "But other than that, I think that we are ready. Are you prepared to venture to the north?"

2016-03-31, 05:25 AM
Okay, I have to say something here. You're really not giving me much to go with in these replies. This is a solo game in which the world revolves around you, you have to be the one to take initiative and act. If you're going north, you have to be the one to declare that you're going north, and the NPCs will act around you as you do so. My response to this most recent reply would be "Yes, I guess so." And then waiting on you again. There needs to be a back and forth in which we're reacting to the most recent prompt put forth by the other player and then providing one of our own, and I'm really not getting anything from you.

2016-03-31, 06:09 AM
Okay, I have to say something here. You're really not giving me much to go with in these replies. This is a solo game in which the world revolves around you, you have to be the one to take initiative and act. If you're going north, you have to be the one to declare that you're going north, and the NPCs will act around you as you do so. My response to this most recent reply would be "Yes, I guess so." And then waiting on you again. There needs to be a back and forth in which we're reacting to the most recent prompt put forth by the other player and then providing one of our own, and I'm really not getting anything from you.

I'm sorry, I will try to write a bit more.

"The mail should go over your clothes, I think.", I say, "But other than that, I think that we are ready. Let us depart then"

And with that, I take my first steps. I try not to think too much about the dangers, everyone seems to warn us about them. I have to trust in the Goddess, I have to be strong. And not even just for me. For Lucia too, she has been placed on my path for a reason, and of course, that which truly matters. Morrígan. I have to do this, I have to succeed, to make the whole world a better place. I have seen her in my dreams, even though I do not know what I look like, and I cannot fail. No matter what the others might think.

2016-04-01, 05:34 AM
The pair ventures north into the frozen tundra. Bringing with them no maps nor compass and having no formal training in wilderness expedition, the pair becomes lost only a few hours into the trek. They can keep reorienting north by putting the morning sun to their right, but once they lose the sight of the village it is impossible to gauge distance traveled. Drimanai realizes that being as far north as they are, the sun won't be getting much higher, and without an accurate timepiece it will become ambiguous as to whether it's rising or setting.

Although they are supernaturally shielded from the cold, there are other perils to be found among the ice and snow. After a few hours of travel, Lucia begins drifting from your path. She seems panicked.
"I can't see! Sister Drimanai, it's the snow! I've been staring at the bright snow for so long that I'm blinded!"
Indeed, her eyes are red and swollen, the intense light reflecting from the smooth snow being oppressive. It's bright for Drimanai too, and she may go the same direction before too long.

2016-04-01, 07:16 AM
Drimanai had never read about anything like it, but now that she thinks about it, it does make sense. Her skin also starts to hurt, she needs to do something. Anything to stop both of them from going blind. She should have learned magic against it, magic that would allow the both of them to cover their eyes, or, at the very least, magic to let Lucia recover. There are ideas, of course, she always has them. She has to limit the amount of light that reaches her eyes, without seeing nothing. She decides to pull her hood around her face, but when she does that, she sees absolutely nothing. No, she needs another approach.

But first, Lucia. She does not know if it would work, but still, she can always pray: "Blessed Goddess, grant your servant reprieve from her suffering.", Drimanai touches Lucia's face, "I am sorry, I should have been prepared for this."

Drimanai trades in a first-level cleric spell to spontaneously cast cure light wounds, hoping that it would work. Once that is done, she makes two small holes in her hood, and pulls it over her face, to form a primitive snow goggle.

2016-04-01, 07:35 AM
Although the positive energy of the spell is soothing, it does not remove the blindness caused by the bright snow. Drimanai's face now feels sheltered enough that she is not at risk at least for now. Lucia is still struggling to see though, and there is very little reprieve in the nearby area. There are some snowy hills and valleys that offer a little shade, but not much. There are no mountains or caves to take shelter in.

2016-04-01, 07:47 AM
Drimanai realizes that she will need to use other magic to return Lucia's sight, but that can't be done until tomorrow. For now, she simply pulls the blessed girl's hood over her face: "Keep it down with you hand, to prevent more sunlight from reaching it. I will make small holes, through which a little will come through, letting you find your way. Tomorrow, I shall ask the Goddess to heal you completely. But now, now we must continue, it is the only way, forwards, to complete the mission."

2016-04-01, 08:09 AM
The pair continues onward, one blind and one with a very narrow field of vision thanks to the low periphery of her hood. They have been marching through the snow for several hours now, and Lucia is showing signs of fatigue. It's likely after noon now, even though the sun's position hasn't changed greatly as it rolls over the horizon. Drimanai has her Ring of Sustenance to sustain her, but Lucia is now feeling the pangs of hunger. This trip has not been merciful on the ill-prepared. They are lost in the snow, and the threat of the night looms.

2016-04-04, 06:34 AM
Drimanai wishes that she would have approached this all differently, she should have done more planning, she should have read more, and not merely scholarly texts. She should have studied travel journals, that sort of thing. To learn the details of travel, and not just which plants occur in certain regions. But going back is impossible. At the convent, they would put her away, this all was forbidden. At the village, they would laugh at her, and Lucia might abandon her, returning to say where she went. And that too was impossible.

She should also have been more careful with her magical studies, she needs spells that can shield her in the night, this trek is taking time, time that she hardly has. Her mind works, of course, but she feels terrible. She has never been walking this much, it is terrible, she feels it on her feet and legs. No, she has to keep going, fowards is the only real direction. There is no way back, but her conscience gnaws at her, she dragged Lucia into all this.

She finally stops in a place that looks at least a little sheltered. There, she uses her magic to create a meal for Lucia: "Eat this, you can sleep safely, I will keep watch during the night."

2016-04-08, 08:19 AM
Again, please name the spell you're using. And don't forget to mark it off of your sheet.

There is not much shelter to be found on the flat tundra, and the best the pair can do is to hide in the shadows of a transient snow mound built up by the wind. Shielding from the wind but knowing it won't last until nightfall, the pair recovers from their trek so far. This is not easy going, but if not for the elemental shielding they could already be dead. Thanks to Endure Elements even this icy cold doesn't pierce them, and they feel outright warm. In fact, they feel unusually warm.

It's not just them, the snow mound behind them is melting, and steam is rising as the water begins to bubble. There is an explosion, where fresh powder bursts from the snow mound followed by wet slush. Perhaps lured by your food or simply by your presence, an enormous white-blue centipede emerges from the snow around you. At its core though, a red glow signifies extreme and dangerous warmth. Its razor mandibles snap together like a guillotine at Drimanai, but her many abjurations stop the jaws from closing around her fully. She feels a frightening heat radiating from the monster's body though, and sees it glowing in the depth of its gullet. Lucia had been thrown to a prone position a few feet away, still struggling with her blindness.

2016-04-08, 09:41 AM
Drimanai sits down in what looks like a slightly more secure place, and is happy to see Lucia eat a little. But then, suddenly, for the very first time in her life. Danger. She shouts in shock, trying to figure out what to do. The first priority is protecting Lucia and herself. Lucia is there, on the ground. Vulnerable. But what can she do? Then she knows. With all her authority, the priestess speaks: "Blessed Mystra, grant us the strength of your protectors."

Close to her, a lion appears, crowned with light. It immediately moves to attack the centipede, hopefully drawing it away from the priestesses.

Sorry for forgetting. It was Create Food and Water. This round, she uses Summon Monster IV to bring in a celestial lion (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Celestial_Lion_%283.5e_Creature%29).

And a knowledge: Nature to properly identify the monster: [roll0]

And concentration: [roll1]

Lion attacks:
Claw 1: [roll2], damage [roll3]
Claw 2: [roll4], damage [roll5]
Rake 1: [roll6], damage [roll7]
Rake 2: [roll8], damage [roll9]
Bite: [roll10], damage [roll11], improved grab grapple check: [roll12]

My original plan was to use Greater Command to get us some time, but then I remembered that is is language dependent.

2016-04-08, 09:59 AM
Don't get hasty: Summon Monster is a one round casting time, not a full round action. You start this round and finish summoning next round. I'll actually do the next two rounds here because of that.

Also Raking damage is only dealt during a grapple, it's not part of a normal full attack.

Drimanai has read about this creature: It is a Remorhaz, a relentless hunter in the frozen wastes. It waits until prey comes near and bursts from the ground, hearing their footsteps and feeling their heartbeats. It is known to rage uncontrollably and radiate fierce heat that scorches skin and melts weapons. Most fearsome is their tendency to grab and swallow whole any soul unfortunate enough to be caught in those mandibles, grinding them and burning them to bits in its gullet.

It snaps at Drimanai again, but fortunately catches again on her magic defensive field. She is able to finish her spell, calling the Lion into existence, and it immediately rushes at the Remorhaz. Despite its fury and vigor it only manages to catch the monster with one claw and its teeth. It immediately wishes it hadn't. It has no defense against intense heat, unlike its defense against acid, cold, or electricity, and its mane catches on fire when its paw so much as scrapes the beast. When it sinks its teeth into the monster the Remorhaz's burning blood sprays over the lion's face, and the heavenly creature vanishes in the same light it arrived in. The Remorhaz is wounded, but only barely.

The Remorhaz tries one more time to bite Drimanai, and once again fails to pierce her defenses. It's fortunate for her that it's too instinctive to try a different tactic, but it's only a matter of time before it gets a lucky shot in.

2016-04-11, 05:04 AM
Drimanai looks at the creature, feeling the heat emanating from it. She sees her lion, her valiant and blessed lion, burning. Her mind races, she had not prepared to be faced with something like this. Quickly she goes through the magic that she has prepared, some of the greatest spells she knows could be used for combat, but not against a beast like this. Not against something that cannot even speak. She can feel her heart beating, louder and harder than it ever has before. She failed.

She failed herself, she should have prepared for this. She failed Lucia, who was brought into this peril by her, because she was careless. And most importantly, she failed Morrígan. She wants to run, to just escape, but that would be too dangerous. No, she needs another approach. She has to think.

An idea comes, it seems slowly, even though only a few moments have passed. She knows that doing this will expose herself, but it might just work. She circles around the monster, making her way to Lucia. Once she is there, or rather, close enough to her, she releases her magic again.

Oops, I forgot about the casting time. I thought that the raking damage also worked on the charge, because of the description of the lion's attack. Not that it would have made a lot of difference of course.

I'm not really certain about the rules, so I left it a bit vague in the IC part which spell Drimanai uses now. But whatever happens, her basic plan is to get close to Lucia (provoking an AoO of course), and then she casts her spell. My preferred option is to use a Resilient Sphere around the two of them, but I don't know if it can actually envelop two creatures. If that isn't possible, she casts teleport immediately, to return to the village.

Concentration for whichever spell: [roll0]
Teleportation d100: [roll1]

2016-04-11, 08:41 AM
I'm pretty sure Resilient Sphere can be brought up around multiple people, just so long as they're within its radius when it comes into being.

The Remorhaz snaps out at Drimanai as she dashes past, but its jaws catch nothing again. Drimanai reaches Lucia and brings up the globe of force around the pair of them. The Remorhaz snaps at it and crashes its head into the sphere, then tries to coil around it, although its body isn't quite long enough. Its warmth does not permeate the globe, and you have time to collect yourself.

2016-04-11, 09:58 AM
Drimanai feels horrible, she messed up. She should have prepared. But for now, they have some time to escape this monster. She knows that there is little she can do. She hates the very idea, of retreating, fleeing. But she has to. She needs a better plan, and she needs to think. And so, she intones another spell, one that will return them to the village.

Ok, thanks. I was a little confused by the text which mentions a creature as the target. But this way, the rest of the plan works without potentially ruining the teleportation spell Drimanai has prepared. Because there is no way she can win this fight without changing her spell selection to a more combative one.

She casts Teleportation.

For Teleportation to the village: [roll0]

2016-04-11, 11:31 AM
Drimanai and Lucia disappear in the brink of an eye. The Remorhaz continues skulking around the Resilient Sphere, and eventually buries underground because it can no longer sense its prey.

The pair pop back into existence in the center of town, panting with their strange veils. A few townsfolk give nervous glances and quickly move away from the pair.

2016-04-12, 09:42 AM
Drimanai looks up, glad to find herself in a safe location, even if it was in failure. Abject failure. She never failed, until now. Now it truly mattered. She feels tears in her eyes, and blinks repeatedly, trying to force them away. It took her some time however, until, at last, she understands that nothing is permanent. She can regroup, recuperate, and do it again. With better planning.

Something tells her that Lucia is a burden, on her own, she could have flown, she could have escaped almost anything. But she can't leave her, she would tell everyone. And then the Sisters would find her, and they would lock her away. No, she has to be careful. Perhaps, yes. That might be the best approach. To go on her own, leave Lucia to recuperate in safety while she heads to the tomb, and hopefully find something to help her achieve her goals. She whispers: "Sister, we are in safety. We will find a place to rest, and for you to heal of your wounds. Please, stand up with me, I will guide you there."

When Lucia stands up, Drimanai walks to the inn, she is willing to spend money, but Lucia needs safety for now.

2016-04-12, 09:46 AM
Lucia clambers to her feet and is escorted by Drimanai into the tavern they had left little less than a day ago. The Dwarf bartender eyes them both suspiciously, as he had when they had first left and Drimanai had been so cagey toward him.
"Good evening again, misses. How were those weather preparations that you'd been so sure of?" he asks pointedly.

2016-04-15, 09:17 AM
The words hurt, more than any sort of pain. But still, there is a certain fire in Drimanai. "They work perfectly, as you might notice. We are not frozen.", she says, with a bit more venom than there should be in the soothing voice of a priestess. "But unfortunately, fortune was not with us on this day. We were assailed, and decided to withdraw."

2016-04-15, 06:30 PM
The Dwarf looks unimpressed.
"If you're looking to spend the night then I'll need payment, no freebies like before in the storm. If not, then I have nothing more to say to you."

2016-04-19, 08:55 AM
"Naturally we will pay for that.", Drimanai says, finding the man rather distasteful. How can he seek profit from good people in need like that? It is clear enough, he is one of the many who are evil in this world, those who opposed the only one who ever really saw. "How much would that be?"

2016-04-19, 09:11 AM
The Dwarf sighs, pulling out a small ledger.
"For just the night? For the two of you in one room it'll be eight silver pieces. If you pay up front for a full week I can cut you a deal for five gold coins. Neither of those is including food though, only the room and bed."

2016-04-20, 09:15 AM
"The whole week would have my preference. My sister needs to rest.", Drimanai says, planning on departing again on the next day, her spells reworked while Lucia rests and recovers. She has concluded that it would be better if she travels and investigates on her own.

2016-04-20, 09:31 AM
The Dwarf takes the five gold and gives you back the room key you had previously had.

Okay seriously, this is what I was saying before, you need to give me more. Give and take, back and forth. I can't give you something to react to if you don't take an action to set something in motion. You could say "Once the room is paid for, Drimanai will take Lucia to the room and make sure she's comfortable before immediately heading out on her own" or "Deciding that she needs to better prepare her spells, Drimanai will take the day easy and try again tomorrow. With time to spare, she goes to seek out 'person in town' to get specialized equipment/survival advice/contact to the monastery/something like that." Just posting something as simple as "She pays" isn't helpful to me; I can't run the game that way.